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12x13 - Episode 13

Posted: 05/05/24 12:47
by bunniefuu
julie: Haden and kristen--

They tried to keep their

Shomance a secret, but all theab


Tonight one of them will pay

Dearly for it.

Welcome to "big brother."

[ cheers and applause ]

previously on "big brother":

Moments before his eviction,

Andrew exposed a hidden


there's someone else in this

House that has a stronger

Relationship, it's a romantic


It's kristen and hayden.

announcer: Forcing the

Brigade to reaffirm their


julie: Rachel, you are the

New head of household.

announcer: With the house

Against her rachel went on the


why don't you float on off

Because you're in dangerous

Waters, kristen.


announcer: And the secret

Couple became her public target.

I have nominated you,

Kristen, and you, hayden.

Bring it on.

announcer: At the veto

Competition, britney conjured

Up a victory.

congratulations, brit neerk

You have won the power of veto.

announcer: While kristen

Was cursed with the hippie-tard.

that's hilarious!

announcer: Desperate to

Keep his showmance arrive,

Hayden formulated a master plan.

if you make the move and

Kathy goes up, you have kristen

And I having your back until the


you guys need somebody to

Help you.

I know we do.

all we need out of you guys

Is to put up a replacement



that's definitely going to be

The strongest move.

announcer: But when rachel

Threatened to put up britney's


what I put up lane.

announcer: The mission was


I decided not to put up the

Power of veto.

announcer: Who will be

Evict from the "big brother"

House, kristen or hayden?

And, america, who did you choose

To become the new saboteur.

Plus, tonight, the most powerful

Head of household of the summer

Is up for grabs.

It all happens right now on "big


you gotta let the animal out.

[ cheers and applause ]

julie: Good evening.

I'm julie chep.

Welcome to "big brother."

It's day 34 inside the bruk

House, and rachel has once again

Taken control of the game by

Winning her second head of

Household, competition, she

Ensured safety forever herself

And her showmantic partner,


But last week, a new

Relationship was discovered, and

When hayden and kristen were

Added to the others, their

Secret showmance rockedly the

House, prompting rachel to put

Them both on the chopping block.

Tonight, hayden and kristen's

Relationship inside the "big

Brother" house will come to an


But first, torn between her

Feelings for haden and her

Desire to stay in the game,

Kristen must choose fight or go


in this game, things change

Minute by minute.

And all that being said, I have

Decided not to use the power of


This veto meeting is adjourned.

I'm so sorry.

what just happened?

Myself, kristen, rachel, and

Brendon had a deal struck last


We were going to be a

Four-person alliance.

Britney was supposed to pull me

Off the block and kathy was

Going to go up in my place.

Something went wrong.

Somebody got to britney.

And she absolutely screwed us.

I can tell that hayden and

Kristen are sort of pissed off

Because I didn't use the veto.

Right before the veto ceremony,

Rachel let me know that she

Might put up lane, and that was

Too big of a risk for me to



I told britney that I would put

Up lane because I didn't want

Her to use the veto.

I don't want to be in a super

Alliance with hayden and


I want kristen out of here.


oh, my god.

she's playing with the devil.

I know.

I'm devastate the right now

Because there's absolutely no

Chance that both of us can stay

In this house.

It's not just the separation in

This game but it's a separation

With somebody that I've created

A bond with, and the whole

Situation just really sucks.

this is stupid.

this is great for us,



we break up another strong


I just want to let you guys

Know, like, there's no animosity

Or hard feelings from me.


regardless of your vote this

Week, I think I would stay


I think so so.

you're here for sure.

Brendon is going to vote to keep

You anyway.

when brendon and rachel told

Me I was safe I felt way better.

I know I have the brigades'

Votes and if I have brendon's

Votes I don't even have to


I can sit tight and keep my

Mouth shut.

I want to be around for a while.

yeah, absolutely.

I went up there right before

The p.O.V. Ceremony and I said

What are you going to do if I

Pull off hayden?

And she said I'm going to put up



When britney told me that rachel

Might put up lane, I was pissed.

First she put up hayden, and now

She's thinking about lane.

Brendon and rachel better grow

Eyes in the back of their heads

Because the brigade is coming

After them.

She better watch her ass.

Just for her saying, that I'm

Gunning for them if I win h.O.H.

that's all we can do.

We actually gave it a good try.

I know.

I'm going to go outside and

Smoke and let them talk.


You guys all right?


don't feel bad.

I was 100% going to use the


And I went upstairs to talk to

Rachel, and she told me she

Would put up lane.

I understand.

It just made me want to go find

Rachel and rip her head off,

Quite frankly.

We had the perfect plan to put

Kathy up in hayden's place, and

Rachel purposely derailed it

Because she wants me out of this


that's okay.

Don't worry about it.

I want you guys to have some

Time to talk.

later, brit.

We tried.

I know.

I just feel like I really don't

Diseb to go home.

you don't.

[ sighs ].

this sucks because no matter

What happens, if I go home, you

Go home, it's at least two

Months before I can see you


I know.

We don't have much time to spend

With each other.

it's all right.

I haven't regretted anything

That I've done here.

But if I left, and I didn't-- if

I didn't fight, I would regret


Looking at hayden just is really

Hard because I know that I have

The option of fighting for

Myself, which I want to do

Because I don't want to go home.

And having to be against him is

Just really, really hard.

But it's something that I know

That I would be mad at myself if

I didn't do.


It's okay.

You can campaign if that's what

You want and I won't be mad at


it sucks.

I have to wear this... Thing.

Oh, my god.

What do I do to deserve this?

I think we would have been a

Cute couple.


For sure.

will you give me an extension

Or two?

yeah, just two?

brendon and rachel are the in

Backyard so we decided to hang

Out in rachel's h.O.H. Room.

it can't be that hard if she

Can figure it out.

will you go downstairs.

of course you can't hang out

In rachel's h.O.H. Room without

Making fun of her.


Who wanted to see my h.O.H.


Is everybody here?

Where's the tequila?


This could be pretty bad.

I mean, she's h.O.H., and I

Definitely don't want to be on

Her bad side.

oh... My... God.

we were coming downstairs to

Show you.

when I walked into the h.O.H.

And saw britney and matt, I was

Like hilarious!

grab a life vest.


I can't believe that rachel is

So clueless that she doesn't

Even understand that all we were

Doing was making fun of her.

I heard you making out!

I heard it!

did I say that, huh?

I'm totally a good sport about

That kind of stuff.

After all, the highest form of

Flatley is totally making fun of


you stay over there,


I don't want to act like I'm

In an alliance with you guys,

You know what I mean.

People see they-- we're still in

Good shape.

of course, I'm not worried at


we're still in good shape.

earlier today hayden told me

That he was completely fine with

Having me campaign against him,

And that raised a red flag for

Me because the only way that I

Can think of that he knows that

He has these votes is if he was

In some kind of appliance that I

Don't know about.

I've been doing a lot of



a lot.

I know that in order to stay

In this house, I need four


I'm pretty sure that I have

Kathy's vote.

So that's one.

And then I need another three.

I think it's really strange how

He's not campaigning at all.


at all.


matt, lane, enzo, and hayden

Work out together all the time.

And I'm thinking that something

Has already formed.

I am trying to convince ragan

That he needs to keep me here

Because he's going to be left in

A house with all of these

Alpha males, and I'm an

Alpha woman and I could help

Protect him.

Do you see where I'm going with


I do, and it's something that

I considered myself.

I think that they are friends.

I think that they do stuff

Together, and that's why hayden

Is in the position that he's in.

Hayden may very well be part of

A budding friendship, possible

Alliance of men who are picking

Off weaker players.

And if that's the case, then my

Shelf life in this house may be

Very limited.

Like, you have your angle.

Go have conversations.

I just wanted to see where

Your head was at, and, like, if

You have thought about it at


I have, and I'm still, like,

Open minded.

your vote is really, really,

Really, really important.


but if you're, like, the

Difference for you between me

And hayden is that he's going to

End up eventually aligning

Himself with other strong guys.

I know.

That's something I've been

Thinking about a lot, too.

if there's something that's

Already forming, you're screwed.

If I go, kathy and rachel are

Going to go, and then you're

Going to be left here with all


When you are the last one,


that makes you so disposable.

you're so disposable.

That's what you need to consid


Clearly, rachel does not want me

In this house, but if I want to

Stay here I have to convince

Brendon that will pose less of a

Threat than hayden will.

I know you guys don't

Necessarily like me that much

And you don't trust me that


no, no.

but, whatever your mindset is

Right now, it's, like, if hayden

Stays in this house, you know

That he's going to form an align

With probably lane and enzo.

So what's more important?

Keeping them together or keeping

The weaker people in the house?


your vote is really important

This time.

It looks like right now I have

Three votes.

Only one person's going to win

This game, and at some point you

Guys are going to be split up

Just like me and hayden.

yeah, we both have thought

About that a lot.

so what's more important for

You having three or four strong

Guys who is it going to come

After you or one girl who is

Probably going to try to protect

The weaker links in this game?


Longevity is the game, and I'm

Definitely one who sees longer


I have to figure out who's going

To help me more in this game and

Who is gunning for me less--

Kristen or hayden?

Ultimately, it boils down to

Trust, and what I'm going to

Have to ask myself before I cast

My vote is do I trust kristen?

julie: Coming up, hayden

Or kristen?

Who will be walking out of the

House tonight.

Plus, we'll crown the most

Powerful head of household ever.

Stay with us.

[ cheers and applause ]

julie: Welcome back to

"big brother."

Let's go to the living room and

Talk with the houseguests.

Houseguests, hello, everyone.

hey, julie!

julie: Kristen, all I can

Say is looking groovy.

thank you!

julie: But my first

Question goes to hayden tonight.

Hayden, you ended up in solitary

Confinement this week, hindsight

Being 20/20 are you sorry you

Didn't keep that hippie-tard?

no, but I'm sorry I didn't

Trade it for five grand.

julie: How do you think

Kristen look likes in the


hot, a lot better than I

Would look.

julie: I have to give you


Kristen, ragan, kathy, I know

The three of you really wanted

To win that luxury competition.

Unfortunately for you guys, you

Didn't quite have the passion

That the winning team had.

Let's take a look.

go, go, go!

[ laughter ]

we k*lled it!

What time is the movie!

julie: Enzo, hayden,

Brendon, gentlemen, well done.

But, enzo, what was going on


I mean, it looked to be a little

Too close for comfort.

I was amped up.

I get very emotional julie, very


I knew we won it, and I said the

Other team is going to be making

Popcorn right now.

I knew we won.

julie: Again,


I hope you guys liked the movie

You saw.

definitely, great movie.

so good!

julie: Britney, let me

Turn to you.

You have all been in the house

Now for 34 days.

Who is the most difficult

Housemate to live with?

that's a tough question.

I would say probably ragan.

Because of his flatulence.

He's really gassy, and it smells

Really, really bad.

We love having him around.

He's hysterical, but the smell

Is just k*ller.

julie: Ragan what, do you

Have to say for yourself?

I would say that every fart

Has come from britney's legs.

[ laughter ].

julie: I think I'm going

To shut this down right now.

I was not expecting any of this.

But thank you, houseguests.

I'll be back again a little

Later to speak with all of you.

For hayden and kristen,

Tonight's eviction will cause a

Heartbreaking split, but outside

The "big brother" house, someone

Else's heart has already been


that birth mark right there?


look at this one.

he's nervous because his

Mom's watching.

He's like, "oh, my gosh."

I'm hayden's mom, and he's the

Love of my life.

He is always everybody's


He has the charm and all the

Girls want to talk to him.

what else about you should I


I'm a complicated person.

I know that much.

hayden having the showmance

Has really shocked me.

I don't think kristen is

Genuinely into him.

She's crazy.

I have nominated you,

Kristen, and you, hayden, for


this showmance has derailed

Hayden's game.

Hopefully she'll be the one

Going home this week.

If I could actually talk to

Hayden right now I would tell

Him to think about the head

That's on your shoulders and

Keep focused on the game that

You're there to play.

this is like the start of it.

I would do whatever it takes

To keep me and you safe.

oh, my gosh, kristen.

I feel the exact same way.

oh, my gosh!

Kristen likes good-looking guys,


I mean, hayden's gorgeous.

But for kristen to be making out

With hayden is so shocking to me

Because kristen does have a

Boyfriend at home here in


you are so hot.

oh, really?

Okay, all right.

That's unbelievable.

I know.

I am-- were-- was-- depending

On how we look at it, kristen's


Kristen and I were together for

A little over two months.

And before she left I said do

You want to be a single person

On the show?

She said no.

And I said okay, then that's how

We're going to move forward.

you're weird.

I don't think much of hayden.

He is a 24-year-old kid.

I mean, I'm a 31-year-old man.


I feel betrayed.

I feel lied to.

I mean, I'm disgusted.

I just don't know what I'm

Going to do about, like, my

Other situation with the guy.

I don't want to hurt him, you



I couldn't imagine him me

Watching something unfold on tv.

There's going to be this feeling

Of guilt for me.

as far as I'm concerned,

She's not honoring this

Relationship and, you know, in

My opinion, it's over.


It wasn't you that did it.

I feel like I can only blame


[ sighs ].

she's got quite a mess to

Clean up when she comes back.

I hope she brings a mop and

Bucket back with her.

julie: Coming up, when

Andrew left the house last week,

He went out way bang.

What drama will this week's

Eviction hold?

Plus who did you choose to be

The new saboteur?

Stay with us.

julie: Welcome back to

"big brother."

It is the last hour of rachel's

Rein as head of household.

Let's talk to her privately in

The h.O.H. Bedroom.

Hi there, rachel.

hey, girl!

julie: As you know, your

Housemates are all downstairs in

The living room.

They can't hear you, so speak

Your mind.


julie: You and brendon

Continue to play alone.


julie: And so far you've


thank goodness!

julie: Right.

You've won two h.O.H.S.

Brendon has won two vetoes.

But do you have any plans to

Pull another houseguest into

Your alliance?

we do have plans.

We're hoping to pull britney

Into our alliance, and hopefully

It will all work out and we'll

Have a third alliance member and

We'll be safe.

It's a really hard struggle,

Like, an uphill battle, but

We're both fighters.

We're competitors.

So pulling britney in would be

An extra competitor for us.

julie: Well, during your

First rein as h.O.H., you

Targeted monet and sent her


This week you targeted kristen.


julie: Was targeting the

Women a strategy?

, you know, it was not a

Strategy at all, julie, but the

Thing is kristen, like, came at


So I don't know if the girls are

Targeting me, but I feel

Threatened by them, so,

Obviously, I'm going to put them


If kristen att*cked me in the

Competition I had to put her up.

I had no other options.

julie: So who is next on

Your hit list?

oh, gosh.

I don't know.

I guess we have to see how these

Weeks go by and I have a few

People but...

julie: Well, if s anyone

Kind of on the top of the list

Right now?

If you had to nominate someone,

Who would that be?

Who is it?

I still have to say the top

Of my list right now is matt

Just because what he did to me

When I was h.O.H. The first


Anyone that says they're coming

After brendon and I is at the

Top of my list.

Like them or not personally,

It's a game.

And if you're coming after me

And brendon, then I have to send

You packing.

julie: All right, let's


Your relationship in the house

With brendon.

Who weeks ago when we spoke you

Said, "brendon is just so


He's once in a lifetime."

That's what you told me.

Since that interview, two of you

Have butted heads quite a bit.

oh, gosh I know.

julie: Is the honeymoon


the honeymoon might be over

But we're still eye think we

Still keep getting closer.

In a real relationship people

Butt heads and go at it and have

Disagreements and arguments.

I think it proves we are a real

Relationship and it is true


julie: Thank you, rachel.

thank you.

julie: You can go back

Downstairs and rejoin your


thank you, julie.

julie: It is time to find

Out who will be walking out of

The house tonight.

Will it be hayden or kristen?

This is a pivotal moment for the

Brigade alliance.

If they lose hayden, it will

Suffer a major blow.

Lease return to the living room

To talk to the two nominees.

Hayden, kristen, in just a

Moments, your housemates will

Cast their votes to evict live,

But before they do, you each

Have one last chance to plead

Your case, and, hayden, you're

Up first.

from my position on the

Block, the last thing I would

Ever do is throw somebody under

The bus.

I have way more class than that.

Unfortunately for kristen and I,

Some people don't have any class

At all.

I want to say thank you to

Everybody here.

These past few weeks have been

Absolutely amazing.

Tonight as you cast your vote,

All I is sc is that you vote to

Keep the person you truly think

Will benefit your game at most.

Last but not least, I want to

Say hey to my friends and family

Back home.

I miss you and love you and god


julie: Thank you, hayden.

Kristen, it's your turn.

well, andrew called me the

Tin man and said they have no


And I've done nothing but play

With my heart since I've been


I've been loyal, honest, and

Strong willed throughout the

Whole entire time.

And even though there might be a

Chance that I may not be able to

Prove myself and stay as long as

I would like, I know that some

People are cowards and some

People don't play the same way

That I do.

And I just want everybody to

Know that I've tried my very

Best, and that I think I'm a

Stand-up person.

julie: Thank you, kristen.

Thank you, both.

It is time for the live voting

To begin.

Rachel, as current head of

Household, you are not allowed

To vote.

Neither are the two nominees.

One at a time, the rest of you

Will enter the diary room and

Cast your vote to evict.

Enzo, you're first.

Please go to the diary room.

Enzo has worried about hayden's

Relationship with kristen.

It would be a shock if he didn't

Take this opportunity to remove

His friend's distraction.

Hi there, enzo.

hey, julie.

julie: Please cast your

Vote to evict.

I vote to evict kristen.

julie: Thank you, enzo.

thank you.

julie: Kathy has been

Kristen's shoulder to cry on.

Will she support her with her

Vote tonight?

Hi there, kathy.

hi, julie.

julie: Please cast your

Vote to evict.

I sadly vote to evict hayden.

julie: Thank you, kathy.

Though a staunch member of the

Brigade alliance, matt seems to

Be playing his own game.

What move will best serve his


Hi there, matt.

what's up, julie.

julie: Please cast your

Vote to evict.

I vote to evict kristen.

julie: Thank you, matt.

thank you.

julie: The vote is one

Vote to evict hayden, two votes

To evict kristen.

The rest of the houseguest vote

Live when we return.

Stay with us.

julie: Back back to "big


The houseguests are voting live

To evict either hayden or


So far, it's two votes to one in

Favor the evicting cristep.

Let's continue with the live


Lane has voted with his alliance

In each and every eviction so


Tonight should be no different.

Hello, lane.

hi, julie.

julie: Please cast your

Vote to evict.

vote to evict kristen.

julie: Thank you, lane.

thank you.

Ragan suspect said that hayden

Could be part of a dominant male

Alliance in the house.

How will that affect his vote?

Hi there, ragan.

hi, julie.

please cast your vote to


I unfortunately vote to evict

The kindest and hands down the

Most compassionate person in

This house, kristen.

julie: Thank you, ragan.

thank you.

julie: It's official.

With four votes to evict

Kristen, kristen will be going

Home tonight.

Let's see how the other votes


Hi there, brendon.

hey, julie.

please vote to evict.

for andrew, I gladly vote to

Evict kristen.

julie: Thank you.

Britney had the chance to save

Either nominee with the veto.

Who will she give her vote to


Hi there, britney.

hey, julie.

julie: Please cast your

Vote to evict.

I vote to evict kristen.

julie: Thank you, britney.


julie: All of the votes

Are in.

Let's give the news to the


Houseguests, just a reminder--

When I reveal the vote, the

Evicted houseguest will have

Just a moments to say good-bye,

Gather his or her belongings,

And walk out the front door.

By a vote of 6-1, kristen, you

Are evicted from the "big

Brother" house.


by, kristen.


have fun.


[ cheers and applause ]

julie: Hi, kristen.


julie: You can put that

Big bag down.



that's okay.


not even a half a second--


julie: Kristen, you spent

This past week up on the block

Against someone you've said you

Care a great deal for.


julie: How hard was it

Playing this game knowing if you

Stayed hayden would be going


it was really hard because I

Had to defend myself, and I had

To tell everybody why they

Should keep me without saying

One bad word about that person.

And knowing that if I stayed in

The house without him, I knew

That that was just going to be

Really hard.

julie: But you managed to

Do a great job.

You were out there campaigning.


julie: Keeping it clean,

Doing it with dignity.

At one point you thought you had

The votes to stay, yet it was

What do you think happened?

I think there were one or two

People that really wanted to

Vote for me, and that would have

Been a 3-4 vote, and I think

That people were just really

Apprehensive of, you know, if

Hayden were to stay and I were

To go what the payback would end

Up being.

And, really, it didn't matter

Who ended up staying, whether it

Would have been me or him, we

Would have understood.

So I think that the house

Continues to do what the

Majority wants rather than

What's best for them


julie: Well, I'll tell you

What, why don't we throch your

Good-bye tape because I think it

Might help clear things up.


kristen, you fell victim to

The curse of the "big brother"

Unitarred, the hippie-tarred in

Your case-- lydia, john, even

Case net banana suit.

When you're up there in a

Costume, you're as good as gone,


kristen, you are the

Definition of the word "bitch."

Who do you think you are trying

To talk to brendon behind my


Don't ever, ever try to get

Between me and my man.

My man doesn't get manipulated

By trifle in hose like you.

you have been evicted because

Of rachel's insecurities.

Take it as a compliment.

It's a testament to how

Beautiful, wonderful, and

Integrity you are.

it's going to be so hard

Waking up every morning and

Knowing that you're not here.

I'm going to miss you terribly.

I mean, for you to make up

That hayden is in an alliance

And is not so forthcoming, how

Could anyone expect to trust

You? You made a mistake and now

You're going to have to live

With it.

I want you to know and hear

It from me that matt, enzo,

Lane, and myself are in an

Alliance called the brigade, but

I want you to know if I would

Have had to choose between and

You the brigade, I would have

Chosen you.

I'm going to miss you a lot.


julie: You sat there stone


Isn't this surprising to you

About this brigade alliance?

it is and it isn't.

I mean I knew that there was

Something going on, and the way

That things were working out,

And the fact that the women were

Just being, you know, cult out

Of the game like this and like


I told-- I told britney.

I said if you don't keep me in

This house, you are not going to

Last, and that's exactly what's

Going to happen.

So I'm-- I'm shocked and not

Shocked at the same time.

I mean, I knew that there was

Something going on that I didn't

Know about.

julie: You started to

Suspect those guys.

this week I suspected

Something, yeah.

julie: So now what do you

Feel about hayden knowing he was

In a showmance with you and kept

This alliance from you?

I don't hold it against him.

I really don't.

, you know, this is a game.

And we all came in to it

Thinking we have to do whatever

We have to do.

And I came into this game and I

Said, "I'm going to be the same

Way I am outside as I am in this

House, nothing is going to


That's how I played the game,

And I'm true to myself.

And that's who I am.

julie: You also entered

The house with a boyfriend back



julie: Then you met



julie: What happens now?

Do you want to go back to your

Boyfriend back home or do you

Hope to continue a relationship

With hayden outside the house?

I just have to take time for

Myself and decide what's best

For me.

I think that I just need time

Alone and time to just think

About this whole experience.

julie: You played it with


thank you.

julie: Thank you, kristen.

thanks so much.

julie: You're welcome.

And I'll talk more with kristen

Tomorrow morning on the "early

Show" on cbs.

Coming up, this could be the

Most powerful head of household


The houseguests don't know it,

But this h.O.H. Will have the

Opportunity to change the course

Of the game.

Stay with us.

julie: Welcome back to

"big brother."

It's time for the most important

Head of household competition of

The summer.

Whoever wins this competition

Will be tempted by pandora's


Inside awaits a game-changing


If he or she accepts this power,

They will unknowingly unleash

The new saboteur.

All week long, you've been

Voting for who you'd like to be

The new saboteur, and the

Houseguest with the most votes

Were enzo and ragan.

But by a narrow margin, you

Choose ragan.

So will ragan become the

Houseguestss worst nightmare?

That depend on the new h.O.H h..

Let's get things started.

Rachel, as outgoing head of

Household are you not eligible

To compete.

After 34 days the house is in

Need of a fresh coat of paint.

This h.O.H. Competition is

Called "true colors," and the

Goal is simple: The last

Houseguest standing on the ledge

Of the giant paint can will

Become the new head of


Does everyone understand?




julie: Good, it's time to

Get things started so let's mix

Things up.

oh, wow.

Oh, wow.

we've people in the trees.

We've got a huge--

julie: Looking good,

Houseguests, looking good.

But I have some news for you.

The first person to fall off the

Paint can will be the one and

Only have-not for the week.

For now, it looks like you're in

Need of a little touch-up.

there we go.

oh, that's paint.

"big brother"...

julie: I'll check back

With you in a little while.

The battle to control the house

Has begun and the stakes are


Who will become the most

Powerful h.O.H. Of the summer?

Stay with us.

it's probably harder than the

Other one.


julie: Welcome back.

The head of household

Competition is under way, and

We'll return to the backyard in

Just a moment.

Whoever wins this competition

Will become the most powerful

Head of household of the summer.

Whom will they nominate for


Find out Sunday at 8:00, 7:00


Also Sunday, find out if the new

Saboteur will be unleashed on

The house.

Then Wednesday, at 8:00, 7:00

Central, another showmance

Surprises the house when jeff

And jordan from last summer

Return to visit with the


And I'll be back one week from

Tonight for the next live


You can continue to follow

Tonight's h.O.H. Competition by

Logging on to cbs.Com.

And tune in to ""big brother

After dark" on showtime, too.

Let's check back with the

Houseguests and see how they're

Holding up.

Hi, everybody, how is everything


You're looking good.

You all seem to be doing well.

But hold on tight, houseguests.

I wouldn't went you to get

Brushed off.

oh, no, right on me, right?


okay, I see how it is.


All right.


[ laughter ]