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13x02 - Episode 2

Posted: 05/05/24 12:48
by bunniefuu
Previously on Big Brother.

Eight strangers began the battle
for a half million dollars.

Among them the metal head,
the model, the Deacon,

the mama's boy, the VIP cocktail
waitress and the facialista.

Suspicious that more house
guests were coming took no

time for the eight to band together.

This is a big alliance right here.

The first twist of the summer
changed how the game would be played.

You will be partnering
and playing the game

with someone in this room.


And a second surprise twist

brought three former
duos back into the house.

Are you all ready for double trouble?

We're engaged!

My favorite ever.

This is an honor.

Evil d*ck.

Are you guys all good now, Daniele.

We haven't spoken in three years.

At the head of household competition,

it was a must-win situation for
both the newbies and returners.

Past season house guests
versus the new cast.

The original eight
need to stick together

or we have no fighting chance.

But the new house guests
quickly learned that they

were competing with all-stars.

Only Rachel representing for her and

Brendon and d*ck and Daniele hanging on.

And Rachel proved that she
was back with a vengeance.

Congratulations, Rachel.

You are the first HOH of the summer.

But before the dust settles,

Julie made another
shocking announcement.

It's called the Big Brother golden key.

Anyone who survives eviction
in the first four weeks of

the game cannot be nominated until
only ten of you remain in the house.

Which two will Rachel
nominate for eviction

and how will the golden
key affect her decision.

Find out tonight on Big Brother.

This is insane!

It's called the Big Brother golden key.

Anyone who survives eviction
in the first four weeks of

the game cannot be nominated until
only ten of you remain in the house.

- Man.
- What?

The gold key brings a totally new
aspect to the Big Brother game.

Not only are you thinking

about who you are going
to evict this week,

but you have to think about
who you are going to keep,

and who is going to get to
float not middle of the game.

No slop, no competitions,
no blood on their hands.

They're getting a free ticket
in the Big Brother house.

How many HOHs do they skip then?

The first four.

I want that golden key.

I'm going to do
whatever I can to get it.

Dom, I'm sorry, bro, I
can't fight for both of us.

I need to fight for myself.
I need that golden key!

That's crazy.

That's quite a deal, man.

The golden key, I felt like Charlie
in the Willie Wonka Chocolate Factory.

I love it, man this is so good.

This is a whole new game.

That's crazy because that
seriously changes the game.

Changes the game completely.

It's going to be like three
people just hanging out.

It's weird.

The twist is definitely
designed for floaters.

If are you in the first four
weeks and partner is evicted,

you get guaranteed top ten spot.

So floaters are given a free pass.

It's maybe a different
season but Rachel and I

still have the same view on floaters.

We don't like them.

Better grab life vests.

Golden ticket-holders.

It's going to be an interesting deal.

It's a good rule.

It spins everything you
can't just... wipe people out.

As soon as we go to
individuals, wipe them all out.

Returning house guests
immediately were like we

have to band together.

And the new house guests,

these guys are all going
down like they're sitting in

the sh**ting range, just
one, two, one after the other.

You can't win everything.

We're going to lose one of them.

We need to bring two
of them to our side.

We have to seriously be careful.

Coming in here I knew it
would be really awkward

spending time with my
dad but when it comes to

Big Brother, we kind of just
know how to do it this time

around it has nothing to
do with our personal lives.

I'm here to play the game
and as of right now I have

no other option except
to work with my dad.

Just be careful about making
like deals or anything.

Be really careful.

Don't worry.

Coming back into the big
brother house with Daniele,

it's like a redo of season 8

where she hadn't talked
to me in two years then,

we haven't spoken in three
years now but we know what

we're here for.

We know what to do and we
know how to do it if we were

playing in Big Brother
in real life all the time

we'd have a fine relationship.

Okay, Rachel.

That girl won every HOH she competed in.

When she couldn't compete in
HOHs he was winning the POVs.

So what do you think.

We get on the good side.

They already know each other.

They already like cool with each other.

They are already we've got
this we will knock these a

punks out and get to
the top no big deal.

But us, our best manage will
be hanging out with them and

being on their side, so
it's more like eight people,

like eight veterans,
you know, like with us.

Porsche, what are you thinking?

We cannot team with these all-stars.

It's way too early.

I'm smiling in your face
right now because in the

back of my head I'm like not so good.

Golden key, like no golden key,

who really cares, I'm here to compete.

We just play hard and stay quiet.

And be like, let everybody
else like hang themselves.


Like we're in here by ourselves.

Are you on the same mind frame as us?

- Yeah, like all six of us.
- All six of us together.


There's eight newbies
and only six veterans

so we could totally
be x-raying together.

We're the strongest players
and proven competitors.

This makes so much sense.

Do you think that's the
best move, like just to try

to knock them all out?

We have to be really
careful like when we knock

them out and who we keep in the game.

Because the person we leave
in this game for four weeks,

they're going to be so
dangerous because they're

not playing in any competitions.

So we were not going to
know how they compete and

they will probably be a jury vote.

And they're going to be the person
that knows everything in the house.

This is crazy.

I never thought I would be
back on Big Brother for one.

Two, I never thought I would
be playing with Evil d*ck,

Daniele and Brendon and Rachel,

and about be in an alliance with them.

We're on the same page.

I talked to Rachel.

She said we're on the same page.

That was a good one.

Here we go.

We're like three years old.

All right.

I got something baking in the oven.

You do?

Don't make it loud.

No, I said I got something baking...

Oh, man.

I said I got something baking
in the oven so when you lifted...

Oh, get out of here.

All right, get serious.

I am serious.

Yeah, man.

We keep it real.

So I share the library
room with Keith and Lawon

and honestly I feel like I can
trust them right off the bat.

And I feel like we can go
far together in this game.

Let's say if any of us go
up for the first four weeks

we at least got each other.

Should we get one more.

- Who.
- I was thinking Cassi.

She will work.

You know, get Cassi and
just say if it comes up...

Then are you talking three
votes, right off the bat.

We could.

Who wants to see my HOH room!


Any time anyone comes out
of the dining room want to

see my HOH.

I don't care if it's
Rachel or Jesus Christ,

I could really give a...

- Whoo!
- Oh my gosh.

This is so cool.

Look at that bed, it's like a round bed.

Look at the big old couch.

I like the room, I love the fish t*nk.

I'm looking at the rose.

I am like why aren't you
walking around with the robe on.

You have got to rock it, you HOH.

Apparently they didn't
want to give you Tequila.

That's me?

Yeah, look at the little face.

They're all like baby pictures.

Rachel, you look exactly the same.

- Congrats.
- Thank you.

Great job you were awesome.

I had to do my first bit of dirty
work in the Big Brother house.

Got to go in there, kiss a little butt,

got to listen to that laugh,
pretend it doesn't bother me.

She just needs to think I like her.

- Thanks.
- For real, right.

I'm definitely getting
the vibe that there is a

little bit of HOH butt kissing going on.

But in the end, the newbies
are definitely going home.

Thanks for making us look bad.

Every week one of the
six of us have to get...

There's no question.

The house is already split.

We need to get one of
them over on our side

or we're short on numbers
like right off the bat.

I think that gives people

a week or whatever and
people are going to start

fighting and not liking their partner

and we're going to be able to find out

and let that person go home.

I think that will happen.

Just pit them against each other.

Wow!, that's a really good idea.

Thanks for coming to the show, finally.

Brendon and Rachel weren't
exactly the greatest

strategists in their season.

They were very good
at alienating everyone

in the house, and leaving
themselves on an island.

Brendon and Rachel leave the
strategy to me and Daniele,

we've been there.

We can lead you the promise land.

If we can work a deal and
you put one of these people

up and you say listen, pull
the other one aside and say

listen this is the way it's going down.

We're going to give you a free pass.

That's what I'm saying.

We want your vote, all
four of those weeks.

Every time there are going to be people

on the block, I want deals.

I want something out of it.

If you are staying in the house,

you're doing me a favor.

If you don't want to
agree, you can take a hike.

What we're offering somebody
is the deal of a lifetime.

Watch out, newbies, s
the veterans are here,

we're here to stay.

Baby, I need to do my makeup over.

You look beautiful,

you don't need to wear any makeup.

- Really?
- Yeah.

- How do my teeth look.
- Perfect.

God knows you paid enough for them.

These are real, 100 percent mine.

They make me more confident.

You shouldn't need to alter
your body to be more confident.

Do you think Cassi has a nose job?

I don't.

I can't tell, like she
either has Botox or nose job,

I can't tell by one.

She is only like what, 24.

- 26.
- 26.

So this might come as a
shock to you but if at the

age of 26 you really don't need Botox.

- What about 27.
- No.

- 30.
- Nope.

I don't want to fight you
on getting work done when

we are married, especially.

I wish that the love of
my life, would understand

that I believe that she is
the most beautiful person

on this planet. Inside and out.

I don't want you doing Botox,

I don't want you getting lip
injections or any of that.


Because it is always
going to make me think that

you don't think are you pretty enough

or are you good enough.

Brendon hates Botox, lip injections,

anything that is plastic surgery.

But he never complains about these.

Brendon, those are... Both
of those things are stupid.

I personally enjoy the look of Botox.

Well, I liked how I
would like with four arms.


Do you think I should get

a surgery so I could add two arms to me.

Yeah, more arms to pleasure me with.

Of course.

- Is anyone else in here.
- What'that?

- Is anyone else in here.
- Nope.

So who do you think
they're going to put up.

Well, the way I'm
thinking is they're not

going to put up... it going
to be one of the new kids.

And out of the four groups,

my group is only the one with
two dudes so we're a target.

Keith's group, Porsche...
Keith is already Mr. Boflex

so he is a big target.

If you take one from each
group of the new kids, you,

me, Keith, Lawon that is one
of each four and just say if

any of us four get put up,
we'll have each ether's back.

Because you have to
figure one of the new kids

are going to go up.

So and then if you
are's safe you are safe,

are you in for four weeks so it's...

I want to get like me, you,
Keith and Lawon together at

some point and just solidify and
be like we got each other's back.

I need a fourth, Cassi
seems smart, loyal.

Not to mention the fact
that she's hot and we can use

that to our advantage to
go recruit other people.

But we can't tell our partners.

It makes sense to have
one person from each of the

duos get together in this
little group so then no

matter who goes up we have
the protection of knowing

that we've got the numbers on our side.

It would be cool because
no one would even know.

Like we just kept that four
on the low and just road it, .

Until the end.

Yoyo! Come over here, man.

I think one of us
four pairs is going up.

So the four of us are staying.

If it is my couple I
throw Porsche out f it is

your couple, throw your girl out.

Of course.

We need to get along.

I'm telling you all, we
can do that, like I say

right now look at me in

the... eye, this is where
we started this is what I

wanted and regardless of
what you may hear are you

saying what someone tells you
she said to me or whatever,

- just know that...
- Okay.

But this alliance stays,

what do we call it
what is the epic moment.

This is so sick.

The regulators have formed.

My brainchild has come to life.

We will regulate the house.

Regulators. We're going.

We're into the final four.

Final four. Everybody.

We're all...

We know we need to pull
some people over to bounce

off the numbers here and
Porsche is the prime candidate.

She's a tough competitor.

She was on the big banana,

you know, almost as long as we were.

And she's going to be
someone that will be an

asset with her boats and be
easy to manipulate down the line.

So the house is divided, yeah.

Yeah without a doubt. You have eight.

Physically and mentally
though I don't feel like

this group of newbies is
comparable to you guys.

We have the strategies,

you know, we have the
powerhouse competitors on

our side already.

It's crazy.

I want you on board with us.

I want you part of
the winning team here.


I think d*ck picked me
to be part of the veteran

alliance because I proved
myself that I'm here to expect.

It's definitely my best interest because

they're going to go the
further nest this house.

No matter what you hear,

it's all... because what
I'm telling you is real.

Anybody that watched pie
game knows I'm not a liar,

backs up what I am saying.

I am going it to s*ab you in
the front, not in the back.

Put you on board in exchange
for your votes and stuff.

Yeah, of course.

If we do and you end up winning HOH,

are you going to be
expected to put these... up.

I have no problem if I get
HOH to put up, you know,

a newbie.

Let me talk to these guys

and we'll talk about
exactly what we want to do.

Let me know how you want
to go about it, obviously.

I think they'll keep us.

They need to make sure

that whoever they do send home,

the other person will
keep voting on their side.


- They're the type... - Yeah.

Got six votes. For
us two, that is eight.

Let them know that we...

Let's both get through
this next few weeks.

- We're good.
- Yeah.

Porsche, you fool,

you just told me you
working with the other team.

You made a big mistake.

She already told d*ck

that her and I will
vote whatever they want.

- So.
- Wow!

And she doesn't really think that is...

No one does.

She told him that it's...
With them and with us too,

it will be eight so
they have the numbers.

And she's so dumb, they're
playing with her head.

They going to try to get her against us.

But I... a long time
ago. Be nice to her still.

Don't get messy.

Keep your cool...

When I see Rachel come
out with this psychedelic

cow outfit, I'm like moo,

turn off the lights and
let's see them spots glow.

Holy cow it's time for
our first have or have not

competition of the summer.

Losers of tonight's
competition will be the

somewhere nots for the week.

That means you will be
sleeping in one of the most

uncomfortable rooms
in Big Brother history.

Taking nothing but cold showers
and eating only Big Brother slop.

- No bacon.
- No bacon!

I do not want to be a have not.

I need my bacon.

Since I'm the HOH and
Brendon is my partner,

we are automatically haves for the week

and we will not be playing.


As for the rest of you,
pair up with another duo,

get your gear on and mooove
it on into the backyard.


I'm on the green time with
Adam, Dominic and Porsche.

We plan to win this competition.

We need to show that
he with can compete.

I in on the orange team
with Shelly, Cassi and Lawon

so basically I am on
the team full of girls.

Yeah, get in their group.

I'm on the blue team and
it's myself, my dad, Jeff

and Jordan.

So if we are the only team

that loses to all the new players,

we should just leave the house right now

because we don't deserve to win.

Let's have some fun.

Oh my gosh this is crazy.


We walk out not backyard

this place is crazy.

There is smoke coming
out-of-the craters,

there is a gigantic
whitewater full with a big pool

and then you see the
milk bottles stacked up,

six of them on each
side. It was very cool.

What is this space milk Mountain?

Within welcome to the
moo. Our cow's journey

is about to begin and the
spacecraft needs refueling.

On go each team he are rd

them avenues over to
the galactic milkyway,

dive in and soak up as
much milk as possible,

then head to the lunar lander
where the milk partner will help

squeeze out all the valuable milk.

The first two teams to fill
up all their jugs will be

the haves for the week,

leaving one udder failure
of a team, the have nots.


This is one small step for
cows and one giant sleep

for milk kind.

There is no such thing as space cows.

If I was a cow I would definitely
not want to be on the moon.

I would rather be on a farm
with all the other cows.

Cows, take your positions.

I'm determined to win this

because I deserve a hot shower,
food and my queen bed, period.

The last time I was in
this house and got on slop

I got down to 99bds.

I don't want slop, and I
don't want to starve to death.

T minus five, four, three, two, one, go!

And the cows are in the milk.

The green team jumping first,

here comes the blue
team and the orange team.

Basically as a cow you
have to get as much milling

from the pond into your
padded cow costume and then

bolt back up to your pod
and get as much of the milk

squished out into your milk jug.

Our objective as a team collectively,

to get the mill income those
jugs as fast as possible,

we'll be eating for a week if we do.

In the green time
filled up the first jug.

The blue team is filled their first jug.

And the orange team is
almost filled up one jug.

Going into the pool of
milk you have your cow

costume, every time you are
carrying 60 to 70 pounds of

milk and your body is
just not used to that.

Our team strategy was to
go single file with optimum

speed, one person down, ask
squish them off, next, next,

next, just always have
another one getting out of

the water and going to the top.

Lawon is literally choking me.

I tell him to grab and ring
my hair and he rings my neck.

I know from prior
experience you do not want

to be a have not.

So I just step up my game a
little bit, be a little bit

more aggressive in
squeezing out that milk.

d*ck was making these weird noises.

He's like a shot beer
in the wood, groaning.

I am a sexy milkman.

I'm turning, I'm turning, I'm turning.

Turn over.

She doesn't squeeze
all the milk out of me.

Next thing you know I'm
looking up into the big

black ice and I'm like Keith,
I love you but... I love you

like a friend.

This is cow: Bunga, the
blue team has completed

their fourth jug.

The orange team is still
on jug number three but they

are mooving on up.

These women are powering
up on me as they are

drenched with milk.

I'm like I'm in a milky beautiful.

The orange team
finished their third jug.

Let's go.

The blue team has
filled their fifth jug.

I'm trying everything.

I'm just grinding, doing

everything to try to
squeeze all this milk out.

We need to win this competition.

I'm not going to be a have not.

I'll do whatever it takes for us to win.


I'm thinking to myself we
have to win this and I don't

want to hear it from d*ck
because I know d*ck will put

the blame on me.

We've done it.

The blue team has
filled their sixth jug.

The blue cows are haves for the week.

This is my first very have not
competition that I have won.

And it feels amazing.

I'm like besides myself excited.

So it's kind of a big deal.

It is still between the
orange team and the green team.

I love milk in a glass.
I love milk over cereal.

I love mill income my
oatmeal but I certainly

don't want to swim in a pool

of milk ever again in my life.

The green team has filled five jugs.

I felt like I was in
a women's prison fight,

instead of dripping
blood I was dripping milk.

Blue team finally finishes.

Now we have to take
out this orange team.

Come on guy, come on.

Congratulations blue team,
congratulations green team,

are you the haves for the week.

Are you going to be

udderly disappoint because
you are the have nots.

Unfortunately the
handsomest milk man I lost

but guess what, lawon still has it.

Our side is a win, win, win.

The more the newbies are
demoralized, demoralized.

Let's go see the bedroom.

Oh, no.

You guys, it is a padded room.

The have not room I walked
into that and litterally.

I thought I'd been
placed in the loony bin.

I probably belong in the
loony bin because I just saw

cows on the moon and that's

something I have never seen before.

Big brother is already starting
to make me a little bit loco.

The lights in the room
cannot be turned off ever.

- Ever.
- Ever.

- Ever.
- Ever.

Welcome to the crazy house.

The have not room is certainly
not designed to be comfortable.

The bed's hard.

The lights are fluorescent
bright on all night.

It's so bright in here.

The last place you kind
of want to take a nap is a

starch white room with like

the brightest lights
in all of north America.

It's not a bed made for a
queen but the true mark of a

princess or a queen is that
you can deal with anything.

What up with.

Right now they don't know
game play at all and they

are just like the three
stooges bouncing around.

Even the people that think
that they know the game.

I still don't trust for to
us not win the HOH next week.

We have to win it like all the time.

We do.

We have to like win one every
week for the next four weeks.

We offer... the same
deal we offered Porsche.

I think I can trust Adam.

I don't expect Adam to
pull any crazy stuff.

He is a guy I could get on my side.

If we put him on the block

and let him stay we don't
need to trust him to do

anything except for give us his votes.

So we have like two of
them in our back pocket.


We're trying to get
numbers on our side so d*ck

is thinking can get Adam
to come on our side so we

really have the majority of the votes.

And as long as d*ck is doing

the dirty work it's all
good for us and for me.

d*ck coming to me and
telling me hey, we like you.

Of course I'm going to be
wary because when something

seems too good to be
true it probably is.

- Come in.
- How are you.

Sit down.

What's happening?

Basically depending
on how things work out,

you know, if you end up going
up, don't freak out because

you're getting the Willie
Wonka golden key can.

But we need some stuff for you
in return this is a big deal.

I appreciate the offer.

So what we want is we
want like your votes.

Are you with us, period.
With the all-stars.

But what we need is like
if we need to throw your POV

if your partner POV you you
you get HOH you don't put us up,

you have to put the other people up.

This is a fair deal and

we'll promise that
you'll be taken care of.

This is an offer you can't refuse.

I think d*ck is a bit
of a puppet master so him

making me these offers
giving me an ultimatum I

will smile and say thank
you, sir, yes, feed me more.

But watch out, d*ck,
I'm coming after you.

Thank you again. See you guys later.

I have not hunted now in
well my daughter is what,

eight, so probably five, six years.

Because now when I get free time

I just want to be with them.

I want to be doing mommy stuff with her.

Because I was gone a lot.

My husband was a stay at home
dad for the first tiff year...

Five years.

He's amazing.

He got out of the marines.

He was a captain in the march evens.

I'm so proud of him because

he gave up everything so
that we could raise our

little girl in not a day care can.

And for a guy to do that, I
was like I got the right one.

I got the man.

- Where did you all meet.
- In my brother's wedding.

He was the best man.

And I never was one of
those people that would be,

you know, all love at
first sight or whatever.

But there was just a connection from the

rehearsal dinner and we
were never apart after that.

I was like totally smitten with him.

He's awesome.

He's gorgeous.

Jeff and Jordan remind me
a lot of me and my husband,

just the kindness they
share to one another.

They are just so begin sear
and so wonderful and I hope

their love story can end in
the way that my love story

has gone for almost ten years.

He had me at hello. I
hope you get to meet him.

What dow guys thinking,
like you and Jeff.

I don't know.

We're playing not necessarily who we are

getting rid of but who we are keeping.

I feel like this week we
have to make a deal because

we need numbers and we need votes.

I'm feeling really good
about my alliance but I

really need to figure out

what I am going to do
about my nomination.

Well, Adam like loves Evil d*ck.

- I know.
- He loves us all.

So he would easily come over.

That's what I think too.

Like keeping Adam I think

he's the type of guy that

like is such a fan and he's
a huge fan of Evil d*ck,

he's a fan of mine, of you and Jeff.

I feel like we can talk him

into voting the way we want him too.

That's smart way of thinking about it.

But it makes me so
nervous because I feel like

Keith is very dangerous.

What is your gut telling you.

That is the way I go.

My gut tells me to get
rid of Keith but I'm really

scared about giving Porsche
a three-week golden key.

- Hey.
- What's up?

Oh good, I get to talk to
both of you at the same time.

Porsche, she is so down
to do anything we want.


You think we can trust her.

I know we can can.

There's no doubt in my
mind. Porsche is on our side.

She will give a vote even
if she is still with Keith.

Porsche will do anything
we want her to do.

This I promise and guarantee you.

I'm debating between

Keith and Porsche or Adam and Dominic.

Should I put someone else

because I'm threatened by
them or do I want to put

someone up that I can play

with and help give them the golden key.

I am so confused about what to do.

It's insane.

One of my duties as head
of household is to nominate

one duo for eviction.

I feel pretty safe, I
feel like I can trust the

veterans and I think
that they have my back.

Porsche, if we end up on
the block it is because of

you, I don't care to be
nominated but if I Mr.,

regulators, I know you got my back.

d*ck telling me that I
was safe, until nominations

come out I can't
really believe anything.

I would love to believe him

but I know he is evil
d*ck for a reason are.

He's not nice d*ck.

I'm not feeling safe.

I feel like Rachel can really
put up anyone right now.

I definitely do not
want to be nominated here

but if I am nominated it's game on.

It's go time.

The first nominations are

definitely going set the
tone for the whole game.

I cannot make the same
mistakes I made last year

and be an emotional nominater.

This year it has to be gameko2sy play.

Hey, everybody, it's time
for the nomination ceremony.

within this is the nomination ceremony.

One of my duties as head of household

is to nominate one duo for eviction.

Brendon, because are you
my partner, are you safe.

Thank you, fiancée.

I'm going to pull the first
set-of-keys can, that duo is safe.

They will be pulling the next set
of keys and so on and so forth.

Daniele and d*ck you are safe this week.



Jeff, you are safe this week.

Thank you, Rachel.

Lawon, Kalia, you are safe this week.

Thank you, Rachel.

Shelly, Cassi, you are safe this week.

Adam, Dominic, you are safe this week.

I have nominated the
duo of Keith and Porsche.

Porsche for eviction this week.

It is a tough decision,
purely strategic game play.

Welcome to Big Brother, guys.

The nomination ceremony is adjourned.

I was pretty shocked that

we were put up the first week.

I thought that the all-stars
understood that we would

vote together and that would
be two votes for whatever

they wanted to do.

Maybe I'm the target, you never know.

I didn't expect to be
fighting this soon in the game.

I'm definitely not giving up.

Regulators, you guys got my back.

Time to go to work, Porsche, bye-bye.

I put Keith and Porsche up
because Keith needs to go

home and I want to give
Porsche the golden key so

that she will play with us in this game.

I feel amazing that I'm not nominated.

It is exactly who I wanted to go up.

Pore/not on our side any more.

She has gone and kissed everyone's butt.

She's playing both sides.

The regulators are here to stay.

Who will win the power of veto.

And will it be used to take

Keith and Porsche off
the chopping block?

And when one house guest
unexpectedly leaves the game,

it threatens to change everything.

It all happens Wednesday at