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14x14 - Episode 14

Posted: 05/05/24 12:52
by bunniefuu
Previousln "big brother,"
with Frank on the block...

I have nominated you,
Frank, and you, wil.

Frank's got to go.

Boogie went to
work to save his ally.

What about taking the really
dangerous player out of this game?



Dan tried one last attempt
to get the coaches to work together.

Is there anything that takes
Frank off the table, because

clearly just sitting back there's
some discord between you and janelle.

Joe is the biggest
troublemaker in here.

What about him
going up tomorrow?

But when janelle was
unwilling to sacrifice a newbie.

That clearly is never
going to work.

Are you ready to sack town her?

I'm in the squad.

Let's do it.

Let's do it.

A new
alliance was formed.

The silent six.

At the veto meeting,
janelle was blind sided.

I'm so sorry, but I have
to nominate you, janelle.

As everyone told
janelle what she wanted to hear.

You will probably stay
over Frank anyway.

Are you going to vote for me?

Yeah, I'm definitely
thinking a lot about it.

You're for sure still
voting me me, right?

Yeah, of course.

But in the end, Joe
was her only vote.

I vote to evict Frank.

And janelle walked
out of the "big brother"

house for the third time.

You are evicted from
the "big brother" house.

At the end of
household competition, Frank

went from on the block
to on top once again.

Congratulation, Frank.

You are the new
head of household.

Who will Frank
nominate for eviction?

And tonight, it's the return
of the have-not competition.

All this right now
on "big brother."

Wait for it.


Captioning funded by CBS

By a vote of 8-1, janelle, you are
evicted from the "big brother" house.

I've spent the majority of my time
here this summer on the block.

Three times I faced eviction
on Thursday, and three times I

managed to walk out
of it unscathed.

Don't ask me how, but right now I
feel a little bit like superman.

An 8-1 vote.

What is wrong with this house?

I have been completely
blind sided.

Now I'm on an island all by
lobesome -- lonesome self.

Thanks a lot.

I was pretty confident that everyone
was going to evict janelle.

If you can't beat 'em, join
'em and avoid making myself a

target, and to be honest, I
didn't trust janelle anymore.

Ding dong, the evil
witch is dead.

Was it deja vu in the
"big brother" house?

During "big brother" all-stars
it was a little more direct.

This one took a little more
work, but yet again the result

was the same and I'm still
here and janelle's not.

Ocho uno.

Safe to say I'm feeling on top
of the world, or as I like

to say, "on top of the house."

I felt horrible what we
did to janelle this week.

I felt absolutely horrible.

She was a friend to me in the
house as well as an ally.

I don't think she was coming
after me any time soon.

For some reason my alliance
decided she was the better

option to leave and definitely
didn't want to stand out by

casting a vote to
keep her this week.

So definitely sad
to see janelle go.

I'm sorry.

Frank, you are correct.

Congratulations, Frank.

You are the new
head of household.

The comeback kid is in
full effect at this point.

I mean, this is twice this
summer I went from being on the

block and being a target to coming off
the block and winning hoh that night.

Our mission to get janelle out
of the houseworked, and now

that Frank is hoh, he
better keep me safe, too.

Frank is the hoh this week, and
I am literally the only soul

in the house to
vote the man out.

What do you think I
stand with the man?

At this point the alliance we
formed with boogie and Frank is

going to be put to
the ultimate test.

Now with Frank in power, we're
going to find out whether or not

they're going to s*ab us in the
back first chance they get.

There's some despicable human
filth inside this house.

I'm trying really hard to celt celt --
settle myself down, lower my heartrate.

I have to take my time instead
of doing something stupid.

It's tough as nails in
here, let me tell you.

It's not easy.

It's not for the weak at heart.

Hey, Joe.

Can we just heat them up on the
stove or something like that?

Do whatever you all want.

But what would you suggest,
like throw them on the stove.

Just throw them on the stove?

Throw them on the stove and pull them
out of the sauce once they're hot.


I just want to let you know...

I'm sorry, Britney,
gu guess what?

You're that much
closer to the money.

You know you're not going out.

We don't think we're going up.

Frank's going to win this game.

You think somebody who
survived on the block three

times in four weeks, and
he's in the final three.

I just have a feeling, and my feeling
says he's going to win this game.

Because we let him go.

I've beat him twice.

We can do it again.

I just don't know if we
did the right thing.

My alliance put our trust in
Frank and boogie last week and

got janelle out of the house.

Frank has all the
power this week.

If we put our trust in the wrong hands,
this could really come back to bite us.

We have to go out
there and be happy.

Or we're going to look
like we're sulking.

You know what I was thinking,
obviously we'll have tons of

time the talk, but you know we
can get tons of mileage this.

All we do is set ourselves up for next
week and next week and next week.

We have to really work wil,
nominate him with Joe.

I'm in the afraid to.

I think we should bring
it up for discussion.

Dan's going the freak out.

I know Dan and I are in an
alliance, but at the same time I

can't remember that he was going
to blind side me last week.

It might be time for Dan the
feel like what it's like to be

in the hot seat, even
if it is as a pawn.

If I do that, does it rock the
trust of the foundation of

the group, because if one of
us ends up on the block, we're

going to need Dan and
Danielle's votes.

Who wants to see my h.O.H.


I'm going to grab my pompoms
on the way up too,.

I just now have barely made it out
of my room out of a dark depression.

I ain't even looked one of these
mugs in the face yet and I have

to put on another happy face and
take a look at Frank's room.

Here we go.

All right.

Oh, Memphis tigers.

Is that Nana?

That's Nana right there.

Dude, Jean shorts, Frank?

Cut-off Jean shorts.

Oh, my God.

That's amazing.

Look at you with that
blonde hair, Frank.

Old days.

Old day, bring 'em back.

Apparently a few years ago
Frank had long flowing blonde

locks and face that could
rival that of Dennis quaid.

NASA hat.

NASA hat.

I thought Frank was
really cool before.

Now he has a NASA hat.

It doesn't matter that
he's wearing the unitard.

You put the NASA hat on, you're
like the coolest-best-dressed

person in the whole world.

It's from Nana.

"We are all so
very proud of you.

Know that win or lose you
have done an admirable job.

I missed you so much.

I didn't know I would
miss those 7 A.M. calls.

I'm going for now, sweetie.

Remember to mind your manners.

I love and miss you much."

My Nana is a very important
person in my life.

I moved in with my Nana
when my papa passed away.

It's good to hear from her and
know she's watching at home.

Nanner banner.

That was sweet.

That was mice.

Thank God we did
get out janelle.

She is like one couch down.

The only thing I'm afraid that we did
do is we did get rid of a number.

Everybody has somebody
playing with them.

Except for us.

It seemed like everyone was
voting to evict janelle, so I

decided to evict her, as well,
but I'm getting a little worried

because I voted out a person
that was on my side and now it's

just me and wil playing
this game alone.

My biggest fear is like I am
happy we got out janelle, but

then again, it's like are they
just going to pick us off.

Are we just the chitlin's
that are easily targeted?

I could see that.

Go to sleep at all?


Did you sleep at all?


Just laid there.

After the votes this week.

I have got to sit down with wil
and Ashley and find out why they

abandoned ship and somehow
forgot to tell me about it.

We used to be on the
same team, guys.

We don't know what kind of
deals they made for that 8-1


There wasn't a deal
with the two of us.

You knew your vote?

Yeah, I did.

I mean, that's what hurt me is
that you all didn't tell me.

Well, I didn't know... I
literally went into thing

going, oh, all right, she's got
a possibility of winning here.

I didn't tell Joe I was voting
out janelle for two reasons.

Number one, Joe has the biggest
mouth in the house and he would

have gone back to
janelle and told her.

And number two, if Joe's the
only one that votes to evict ja

Neal, that puts a huge
target on his back.

I got to made look like a fool.

She was playing a dirty game.

Is that why you voteed?


I just knew I couldn't
trust janelle.

I feel like I have
been lambasted.

I have got to figure out how
this old man can work this out

by myself because there's in way I
can trust Ashley and will anymore.

If I had to be a guessing
man, it's me and you.

Unless they put up you and
Ashley and try to back door me

or put up, you know, some...
Seems to be us three are the

only possible candidates.

I've dreamed like every night
about one of you all, like every

single night
something different.

Speaking of dreams, I had a pretty
steamy dream about jojo last night.


I'm leaving on that note.

I'm leaving.


More power to you, Frank.

It was kind of a surprise.

I'm like, when I woke up, I was
like, I can't believe that's who

I'm dreaming about.

She was cute to look at, but when she
opened her mouth... in your face.

Jojo had a nice little body
on her, I will give her that.

Very nice.

How Kara?


Kara, oh.

I think Kara just wasn't around long
enough for me to have dreams about.


I dream of Kara.

Please come back, Kara.


I've been having a lot of very lucid
dreams that involve members of the house.

I had a crazy dream the other day where
my teeth fell out and Willie was there.

How long does it take for you
to fool around with somebody?

Sometimes you want
to put the wall up.

I do.

I told you that I do.

That's my worst trait,
that and my stubbornness.

Shane's kissed me twice in
front of the whole house, in

front of everybody, but yet when we're
alone, he's too afraid to make a move.

You're so terrified.

It's cute how scared you are.

Scared of relationships, I am.

Nobody said anything
about a relationship.

You're scared to commit, too.

That's why I getting a secretary
of stated every time you say it.

You just want a little bit
of the Shane-o-matic.

You ain't getting it.

Oh, you know what?


Boy, you think I would just so easily just...
New York I don't.

I know you wouldn't do anything
outside of a relationship.

Neither would I.



No kissing in public then.

A lot of guys play hard to get.

I already know this.

Shane I can see right
through your act.

And hey, mister, if you don't
shape up and get yourself

together, I'm a catch and you're
definitely going the lose me.

Also when we talk about this,
you're afraid to look at me.

Not true.

I looked at you last night.


I just didn't look
into your pupil lings.

I was looking at your boobies.

That's fine.

You can look at them, too.

What's beautiful is the last
three evictions or exits

anyways, three people
I didn't care for.

It's great like that.

I just don't see Joe
and I going home next.

You can go him and will.

You can still go with you or janelle's
players and just go with two of them.

If we put up will and will weeks, it
puts me and Mike in danger next week.

How much do we want to
disguise our situation.

As the only vote to evict Frank,
Joe is the obvious target

this week, but that second
nomination is a little tricky.

We might want to put up a member
of our silent six alliance so

the house doesn't know we're
all working together.

If we could put one of
us up, it would be nice.

Like Joe and then a pawn, right.

Maybe Shane if he
would volunteer.

Maybe if we get all of the six
in here, bring up the idea

that one of us needs to go up a and
just see if Shane might volunteer.

He might.

As long as I'm not the one
wearing the mask, I don't care.

I know you don't want to, I
know you don't want to, but I'm

just saying, we got to
at least talk about it.

Dan, how about we put Dan up.

I didn't think of that.

In no way, shape or form am I
comfortable with being a pawn.

I'm such a threat in this house,
I know if I'm on the block,

there's a high chance
I'm going home.

I'm not the one who wants the
wear a mask of the pawn.

Keep me off the block Frank.

I would humbly request not.

You don't trust
your alliance, huh?

Wil, ply room.

Danielle loves a good
morning diary room.

Oh, Danielle loves a
good morning anything.

I have never seen such
a non-morning person.

She hates it.

I mean really just it's
like painful for her.

She has to probably get up really
early too in her daily life.

I'm Danielle, I'm 23 and I'm
a kindergarten teacher.


I decided not to tell
people I was a nurse.

I want them to think I'm this
naive, Southern country girl.

School starts at 8:00, so you got to
figure they got to be there by 7:00.

I don't think she's
a schoolteacher.

You don't?

I think she's one of two things.

I think she's either a medical
student, which is not my first

choice, or a nurse.

I caught her in two or three
conversations where she knows a

lot about medical things.

I know what you mean.

And then she back
pedals greatly.

I had to take a class and she'll
tell you five times, I had to

take a class at school.

Well, the average person doesn't
called a ville naproxen.


And she knows a lot
about medicines.


You don't remember that stuff
unless you have a reason to.

I like to play a lot of poker in
my private life, and one thing

you always look for is a tell.

The way Danielle tawcts about
medicine makes me believe she's

something in the
medical profession.

Maybe she thinks kindergarten
teacher doesn't sound as smarts.

I don't see where anybody would get
off lying about being a nurse.

I don't either, but maybe she
works nights or something and

that's why she likes
to sleep all morning.

You heard it here first.

I think that girl's a nurse.

I don't know why I'm
so bad like this.

I don't know why.

I woke up this morning and I
have these awful back spasms.

I can barely move.

I'm in so much pain.

I pretty much have to just ride
this one out and deal with it

until they go away.

I just like have had to
pee since like 6:00 A.M.

I am very lucky I have two
muscular men crutches.

They help me around the house.

And with the help of them, I will be
getting better sooner than later.



I feel very blessed to have
everyone so kind to me.


That was incredible.

Did that hurt?


We'll just wait right here.

Ex-squeeze me, everybody.

It's time for the first have-not
competition of the summer.

Ashley, because you're injured, you
have an important decision to make.

You can take your fate into your
own hands and play today and be

a have or a have not, or I can
play for you, and you'll have to

take whatever I can get you?

Damn, I'll just take
whatever you can give me.

All right.

Divide yourself into two teams
of five by grabbing a colored

ban that that or a colored hat.

When Frank hands out the bandannas,
I grabbed them immediately.

Chaos ensues completely.

Well worth it if you ask me to
really be aggressive with that

stack of bandannas because I got on
the green team with all the guys.

Oh, my God.


This is awesome.

I walk in the backyard and it's
like a lemon lime magical garden

and it smells so good.

Everyone looks so cute.

They were just like
little weeble wobbles.

I'm on the green time liming it
up with wil, Ian and Dan, and

anchoring the farm is farmer Frank
playing in place of Ashley.

Lemons rule.

On my team you have the four
women, myself, Shane, Britney

and Joe, and then you have
Jim dressed as a farmer.

When in your life can you
say that you were a lemon?

Welcome to the "big brother"

orchard where the citrus is
ripe and ready to be squeezed.


On go, each team will race over
to the citrus oasis, Dave in and

soak up as much
juice as possible.

Then head over to your juicing
station where your farmer will

help squeeze out the juice into the
lemonade and limeade containers.

Your team's job is to fill up
the jug of the players on the

opposing team that you want to
make have nottings for the week.

The first team to fill up the
jugs of four players on the

opposing team will win this competition
and be living it up for this week.

But those four players who have their
jugs filled will become have-nots.

Are you ready the
play exsqueeze me?


I don't want to be a have not.

There is nothing appealing
about it to me.

I like my food.

I like my showers hot.

And I like my bed cozy.

There's absolutely no
perk to being a have not.

If your mouth, too, and
spit it into the thing.

I've already been
a have-not once.

I really don't want
to do it again.

This cannot happen again.

The governor weld of this game
is to fill your citrus suit

up with as much juice as
possible and run over to the

juicer and geez the heck out of
it to fill up your jugs below.

First team to fill up the jugs
of four opposing players will

win the competition.

Those four players will be
the have-nots for the week.

Lay down, lay down, will.

We just wanted to get as much juice
up to the grid as humanly possible.

There was no rule against putting
that lemonade in your mouth.

So we did.

Now that we have Joe's jug
filled, it's on the britsny.

As a farmer, my main jobs are
to make sure those jugs are

filled to the top and to squeeze
my fruity little teammates.

I never had a lesbian on me
period, much let's bounce on me.

So I was just thinking, don't
want to be a have not, don't

want to be a have not.

We have Ian's jug
filled to the top.

On to Dan.

Team lime is squeezing and
breezing through this course.

The last time I saw this many
limes squeezed there wasn't a

drop of Tequila left at the bar.

I might be dressed up as a fruit,
but man, this competition is hard.

I'm a pretty physical guy, and
I'm struggling right now.

I think I just
popped a testicle.

You guys have to
go two at a time.

I know everyone thinks that
Mike and I have this bro mance

going on, but I think this competition
took it to a whole new level.

I gotcha, baby.

I only have one shoe.

It's okay.

It feels like I'm trying
the carry two of me.

I'm a total fricken liability.

I weigh 97 pounds.

I'm not very physically active.

Strap me up into a giant lemon
sponge, make it weigh 100 pounds

and tell me to go?

We're not going to get
very far, people.

I would have never believed that
juice could weigh that much.

It felt like I had a 75-pound
sack of potatoes on my back.

My lungs are at capacity.

I got a little burning
going on in my chest.

Joe, I really just wanted to jump in
that bowl and drop an elbow on him.

Like, move your ass.

You sat in the pool
the entire time.

We're fricken lemons
in yellow jumpsuits.

Life isn't that bad.

Go, go, go.

Frank is a really
strong competitor.

We could have had Ashley on our
team and it would have been a

lot nicer to have had her
laying on top of me than Frank.

I need you to lay flat and put
your elbows up next time.

Move, move, move.

Shane definitely grabbed my
suit a couple times and was

squeezing me super hard.

That's the most action
I got off Shane ever.

This is about being a have
or a have not this week.

Save it.

Get a room.

Really no sense in twisting.

Go, go go,.

I look over and I'm like,
hey, we're catching up.

Look at that.

Turns outs there's a
kink in their hose.

We got a shot here in this game.

Things get hectic in
these competitions.

People are running
around and screaming.

The lemons are gaining
ground on us.

I'm getting a little afraid
because I want no part of slop

or hard bed this week.

Go go,, go go, go,.

Joe, you're doing great.

I get down there to move the
hose over, and I immediately go,

oh, crap, this hose
has a kink in it.

I unkink it as quick as
possible, but at this point the

damage is done and
they've caught up.

It's crunch time.

We have to finish strong.

Next person, go, go, go.

Go, go, go.

Come on.

Why are we slacking.

Let's go!

You guys got to move.

Come on.

In the pool.

In the pool.

Get in the pool.

Lord, why?

I cannot go a week with no food.

Please don't let this be true.

I have a message for team
lemon, when life gives you

lemon, you should have
made more lemonade.

Congratulation, lime team.

You're the haves for the week.

I'm sorry, Shane, Danielle,
Britney and Joe, but you're the

have-nots for the week.

Oh, my old buddy slop.

I definitely don't enjoy cold
showers and the guys look like

they're going to suck.

It's awful.

Candy canes?

You're favorite.

I love COD.


America has voted for a treat
that you can enjoy at any time

in addition to slop.

Have-nots, these candy canes
and COD are just for you.

Thank you, America.

You don't like fish.

I hate fish.

It stinks.

It smells.

It's slippery going
down your throat.

Uh, uh, uh.

It could be worse.

It could be meat.

It's a meal.

You like fish?

It's not any favorite
but it could be worse.

America's food, I'm
kind of excited.

Candy canes, I like.

COD fish, I don't know.

The jury is still out, but
it's definitely filling.

I could have fun
with candy canes.

It smells terrible.

I just wanted to give you my
take on all this real quick.

Yeah, absolutely.

sh**t, bubba.

I thought about it
most of the night.

I'm in a hole and I got to speak to Mr.
Frank the t*nk.

I need him to know that, dude,
even though you got the 8-1 vote

and you know it was me, there's bigger
fish to fry right now in this house.

As you're considering
nominations, I just wanted you

to think about a few things.


I am alone in this game.


Which could be in your
favor if need be.


Two, I would really hope that you would
at least acknowledge loyalty this week.


And that some of my teammates
have flopped five weeks in a row.

I know what you're
talking about.


And third is wil.

There's not a soul in here
that he hasn't lied to deeply.

I believe it.

What's that tell you?

It means he's playing
his game pretty dirty.

Joe's throwing wil under the
bus with both hands right now.

I know wil is untrustworthy, but
Joe is definitely the only vote

in the house that went against
me just a day ago, so he's still

my number-one target.

If it's within my power before I leave
here, I will try to get him out first.



Tee ball, tee ball,
tee ball, tee ball.

Dunk it!

I'm coming with the
belly flop dunk.

Run, Danielle, run.

Give me the ball.

Get out of the way.

They call me 10-cent boogie on
the pick-up basketball court

in the Concord-New Hampshire basketball
court where I grew up, you know why?

Because I'm always
dropping dimes.

No look, around the back.

However, in pool basketball, my
forte is the Michael Jordan fly

through the sky
straight dunking, baby.


Oh, my God.

Is it broken?

Is it broken?

"Big brother" finally gives us a basketball
rim and basketball for the pool.

Within five minutes of getting
it, Mike boogie breaks it

because he can't control his 4

-year-old rims.

We had it honestly for
like four seconds.

Come on in.

I just wanted to grab you and
you for just a hot second.

Last week with Danielle, if you want
to put me up, no hard feelings at all.

So I don't expect, you know,
a grace period or anything.

I wanted to talk to Frank, which means
you have to talk to boogie, as well.

I have an instinct that I'm
going to go up on the block, so

I want to let them know that's
all right, no hard feelings.

Maybe by being honest, you know,
they might not put me up.

Here's the thing, like
personally, we like you and

everything, and we do realize that there
are other powerful duos in the house.

When we want to make a run at those duos,
you know it has to be the right time.

If he were to put you up, there
will be people who will give

consideration to
sending you home.

We don't want that to happen
because we feel like we could

work with you a little bit.

Joe goes home.


Who do you want out of this
house after Joe's gone?

That's a dangerous
question I think.

I do have a gut feeling that there's a
large group of people working together.

And... how large?

I can tell you that I'm not
targeting either of you, but I'm

not going to answer that
question right now.

Well, good to be in the know.

That's it?


All right.


Later, taters.


I don't like that attitude
at I don't like it either.

He's in that position and
he's acting big Willie style?


The idea was that will was going
to go up as a pawn next to

Joe and Joe would most likely go
home, but after his cocky brash

behavior in the h.O.H. Suite,
I'm starting to think he may be

public enemy number one.

I'm starting to lean
towards putting will out.

The cat's out of the bag.

Will knows.

He says, I know a large group is
working together and he smirked.


I'm not going to lie to you, I'd
like to send Dan home if possible.

If the opportunity
arises, I would like to.


I don't trust that... he was
wanting me out two weeks in a row.

We're not trustworthy at
all to anybody ever again.

I agree, but at the same time,
how are they trustworthy to me?

I was in the same position.

If you went home... I agree.

I'm not just saying.

I understand, but it's like,
it's like we built something

now, I do think it's a little early.
He's good.

When you make a run at somebody like
that, it has to be I brought the idea of

nominating Dan, but boogie says
it's probably not the best idea

now. At the end of the day, it's
still my decision, and I have to

do what's best for me in this
I certainly don't want to be

with him in the
final four or five.

We Ken want to be with
him in the final two.

Oh, definitely not, no.

Neither of us would
be able to beat him.

One of my duty's as head of household
is to nominate two people for eviction.

After being blind side this
week, I'm playing this game

alone, so I know it's my time,
but I just hope I've convinced

Frank somewhere in his head maybe
Joe doesn't need to be the

target. It's a scary feeling
trusting Mike boogie and Frank.

There's been a lot of talk about
putting up Joe against a pawn to

try to disguise our silent six alliance.
If that doesn't happen or

something strange happens like
Danielle going up or me going

up, I think I'm in
for a world of hurt.

Frank and Mike are little half wits
and macho guys working together.

I haven't been told I'm safe, but I
have never targeted Frank, so whatever.

After Frank won the head of
household, there was a clear

target in the house, but there's
been some developments and a new

potential target has emerged.

However, I don't really like the
way Frank keeps bringing Dan's

name up, and I'm just hoping he
doesn't pull fast one with those

keys and that nomination box.

The biggest downfall to nominating two
people for eviction, one of those people

aren't going home, which means
they might be gunning for you

next week, so I have to take a lot of
different things into consideration.

I just really hope my decision
doesn't come back the bite me.

Hey, everyone.

Time for the
nomination ceremony.

This is the nomination ceremony.

One of my duties as head of household is
to nominate two people for household.

Ly pull first key.

That person is safe.

They will pull the next key
and so on and so forth.

Britney, you are safe.


Danielle, you are safe.

Thanks, Frank.

Shane, you are safe.

Ashley, you are safe.

Jenn, you are safe.

Thank you, Frank the t*nk.

Ian, you are safe.

Dan, you are safe.

Mike boogie, you are safe.

I nominated you Joe and
you, wil, for eviction.

Joe, you were the only vote to
eliminate me, and last week you

told me a big old fib and
then was going to evict me.

This nomination
ceremony is adjourned.

For some reason Frank can't
get over bearing a grudge.

Yes, I lied to him,
but he's lied.

Everyone in this house has lied.

So having that thrown back in my
face, that's not cool, and in

his own words, "not classy."


Joe, you started off as my
target, but your old partner wil

might have just put his foot in
his mouth a little too much.

Will, you can take that
community theater routine all

the way back to Kentucky because
you're going home Thursday if

you don't win veto.

To be honest I'm surprised
I'm not nominated.

You cannot trust a guy who calls
himself boogie, bottom line.

He's done a lot of diabolical
things in this game.

I'd be foolish if I said
I had 100% trust in him.

This chef is not
done cooking yet.

Revenge is a dish
best served cold.

Who will win the power of veto
and will it be used to take

either will or Joe off
the chopping block?

Find out Wednesday at 8:00, 7:00