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20x02 - Episode 2

Posted: 05/05/24 12:54
by bunniefuu
Announcer: Previously on
Big Brother.

for a half million dollars.

Among them the flight attendant,
the cybersecurity specialist,

the welder, the lifeguard, the
pagan witch and the tin's


Julie promised a tech-tastic


Julie: Prep yourself for
high-tech twists.

Upgraded powers and punishments,
and the most tech-tacula

competitions ever.

Oh wow.

Announcer: And the first
twist was unleashed in the BB


Julie: The winner will have
the ability to keep eight

houseguests safe including
themselves while putting eight

houseguests and their game in

Announcer: But a system
crash sent eight houseguests to

the trash.

, while the others were sent to
the security folder.

Both groups competed for a
chance to return to the


This is a mution-win.

Have I to have the control in my

Announcer: And Angela and
Swaggy C earned the right to

fight for the special power.

You see who wins!

Swaggy C, I'm here.

I'm the greatest-- greatest.

Announcer: While Kaycee
and Sam came in last earning

them pun shallments.

I just hope they don't send
me home.

Announcer: Before the
final competition Bayleigh got

on Swaggy's bad side.

Don't put a target on your

I'm not trying to.

Announcer: While Angela
got on his bad side.

The only way to keep our
hands clean at this point is to

put out the people that weren't
on your platform.

I'm the person she's
competing against and she's

telling me she is not keeping me
safe, essentially?

Announcer: It was surf's
up as Angela battled Swaggy on

the BB web.

And Swaggy C got the Swaggy w.

You pushed me in the face.

Announcer: Giving him pot
we are to keep eight safe.

All pot we are is if Swaggy's
hands and I get to decide

everybody's fate.

And it's marvelous.

Announcer: Before Swaggy's
decision kayce returned with the

pinwheel of doom punishment
while Sam was rebooted as a


Oh my god, what?

Rit there.

Oh my god.

So now can I only hope that
Swaggy C chooses to keep my

group safe because I don't want
to have to fight for my life

when I don't even have a life,
have I a bat real-- battery.

Announcer: When it was
time for Swaggy to make his big


Have I to save the eight
people I walked in the house


Announcer: Half the house
was left in danger of being the

first evicted.

Tonight the game gets upgraded
when the firs Head Of Household

is crowned.

Plus with nominations looming,
robot Sam short circuits.

I have never been an outcast
like that's how I feel.

I feel like I'm being shunned
and that's never happened to me

in my life ever.

You're not an outcast.

Are you not being shunned.

Announcer: All this and
more right now on the 20th

season of "Big Brother."


For subtitling services, contatct:

Julie: Gad night, houseguests.

Good night, Julie.

This got real.

The game has officially

Swaggy C had to make a big move,
a power move and I'm sorry.

Saving Angela was not in my best
interest and it just so happens

that I made a great connection
with the moving group who moved

in with me.

It is what St.
I'm ready for bed.

Wow, Swaggy, tell a girl
she's safe and then just flip,

that's messed up.

It's a competition.

You're lucky are you safe
this week, Swaggy because if I

won HOH I know who my target
would be.

Damn, oh my gosh, Swaggy
picked me, I'm safe week one,

everything is going to be all

I thought it was put in the
ground a little more than that.


Now go forward.

Oh my god, I don't.

So now that I've earned a
punishment of becoming a robot,

I'm not safe.

And going around meeting people
and making connections is harder

as a robot.

Okay there we go.

I guess it is just time to
switch on Terminator mode and

get out there and kick some

Take me to your HOH.

Thank you.

I'm literally-- he didn't put
a target on your back.

I literal Leigh just said,
he's such an idiot, like--.

They made the wrong decision
for his game, like I didn't even

think I would be like this,
like, infuriated with anything,

but it's like you actually just
like-- yourself over.



Swaggy C, watch your ass.

I just heard their whole
conversation, they're idiots.

These walls are paper thin,
can I hear everything.

You know Swaggy C is out here
creeping aroundment like why

would you talk about me behind
my back.

Now it's over.

I hope one of us get HOH.

Namaste, baby, namaste.

Appreciate the insight,

I'm going to win HOH.

I like your confidence.

I manifest it, thoughts
become things, guys.

And like that's why I fleed to
like step aside like I was fired

up before.

You was fired up.

I was fired up.

I didn't know.

It was a thing, I was kind
of-- I was like-- look, this is

getting brutal.


I was pissed at Swaggy when
he made that move but after

taking a few minutes to think
about it and kind of meditate on

it, I realized this is a game
and he made the best decision

for his game and it's
unfortunately not all about me.

No matter what happens, like
you made your decision for the

highest good of yourself.


So all can I do is like stay
in my truth.

Earlier I heard Kaitlyn
talking dirty about my name

behind my back but now she's
kind of coming clean about t I

honestly proornt it, like maybe
we can use thises alike a

building block of trust moving

I wouldn't upset anybody.

I mean it's a-- namaste.

Jeedz, I smell.

I'm sorry.

Me too.

You don't smell.

In the Big Brother house life
is pretty good.

Who has a rapture?

I get to hang out with my

Dude, can I troll you?

Chill by the pal.

Work on my tan.

Flirt with the boys.

Bro, bro, yeah.

They pump iron, we look at


Talk about how we would look
in front of babes as we're

pumping iron.

Just talking bro all day, 100

Yeah, bigger bigg life-- "big
brother" life is the good life.


Focus on up and in, focusing
on your third eye, allowing to

you be present and here in this

I want to you kind of take a big
deep breathe in.

Release and audible exhale out.

I am so feeling this.

I am not even here right now.

I want you to envision a
white light coming from the top

of your head on floo the top of
this sky and then through your

heart on to someone else'sment
picture these radiant white

lighteds connecting you to me,
from me to you.

Open and receive the energy that
is in your life today.

Never in a million years did I
think Swaggy C will ever be a

part of the "Big Brother" hippie
come un but hey, hanging out

with people turns into liking

And liking them turns into
aligning with them.

This is like mesmerizing.

Oh my gosh.

Robots off line.

Follow me, I think we go to
the storage unit.

Hold my hand.

Okay, okay, okay.

Being a robot is rough.

But every time I hear robot
offlane I get to go back into

the house.


[cheers and applause]

I'm excited to see Sam but
have I to admit that robot is so

sexy, at the same time, all that
masculinity, oh god that robot.

I'm glad are you back.

Me too.

I am forever in your debt.


What do you mean why?

Swaggy kept me safe this week
and I was really vibing with him

when we had meditation timement
I'm starting to really put a lot

of trust in this person.

What are you thinking?

Who do you feel-- with.

I really like Kaitlyn.

I love Kaitlyn now.

I love-- are you may favorite
when I sea walking into the ram.

Cool, I was looking for you.

Who do we have no questions


I know you and Kaitlyn, just

We were just talking about

Who was talking about the
people we know are solid.

The people who are solid because
are you one of them.

S four and fes, that is the five
that we know are like-- solid.

I'm really loving this group

But I'm looking around at my new
alliance and I realize, I am the

only ones that's not safe this

So it is pretty important that I
win this HOH and make sure that

I am good and my alliance is

Solid five wrng hey,
everybody, it's time for the

First Head Of Household
competition of the summer!

The Head Of Household is the
most powerful position in the


Not only are they safe from
eviction, they will enjoy the

perks and privileges of the
Head Of Household bedroom but with

this power also comes
responsibility because the HOH

must not name two houseguests
for eviction.

Because I won pot we are to
reprogram the game, only eight

of you are at risk of being
evicted this we can but here's

the gad news.

You are also the only eight
houseguests competing in

tonight's Head Of Household

That means Scottie, Fessy,
Hailey, Rockstar, Rachel,

and-- will not be competing
tonight, everyone else, get into

your gear and head to the

I walk outside and I see
these beautiful runways, it is

absolutely fabulous dark yet
brait intergalactic futuristic

runway show and of course you
know that I'm at home.

Let's go.

This HOH comp is do or die t
is simple path mattics.

There are only eight people
playing in this HOH.

One person will win HOH.

One person is going to go home.

I can't go home, I already told
work I needed the entire summer


Welcome to the first head of
household competition of the

summer the circuit board has
become overloaded with


To win HOH you have to delete
your competition and be the last

player standing.

Here's how it works.

At the sound of the air horn,
race across your balance beam,

grab a delesion dot and then
bring it to the start platform.

Once there, place the delesion
dot into one of the other

players, when a player has ten
delesion dots in their tube,

they are eliminated from the

Be careful, because if you fall
off the, you must return to the

start platform to try again.

The last houseguest remaining
will become the first head of


Who is ready to play microchip

I was so close to beating
Swaggy in the last competition.

This one I'm out for blood.

I want to win this one.

I'm ready to do some

Not only are we gunning for
this HOH for safety but we're

also sabotaging other people's

To help ourselves, we need to
hurt others and this is a

terrifying moral black hole for
me and I'm having a hard time.

The only thing guaranteed
about this HOH competition is

that someone is going home this

So your girl just has to make
sure that it is not her.

I have to win HOH to guarantee
my safety in this house, point

blank period

Get it, guys.

Let's go, guys.


Oh my god, it's slippery.

Oh, it is.

So the object of this game is
to get-- in the other players

team to eliminate them from the
game, the last houseguest

remaining will become the new
Head Of Household.

I'm ready to do some delete,
delete, delete.

You got it, guys.


JC is making his way back
with a delusion dot.

Delesion dot.

Slow and steady wins the

I'm going after Sam first for
deletion because one she is

right next to me, two, she
didn't do well in the other

competition and three we haven't
really spent much time together.

I start to think to myself
who is the biggest-- comp that

has shown themselves.

Making the way across with
his deletion dot.

He can't balance on this beam
to save his life, man.

Literally his life in this game.

This is the first person in my
lifeguarding career that I don't

want to save, sorry bro, are you
making this competition way too

easy for me.

JC's making his way back with
a deletion dot.

Tyler started putting dots in
Steve's tube immediately.

I looked at him, he looked at me
and it's like, let's work


Let's knock these people out
starting with Steve.

Good job, Steve.

My strategy now is scurring
right along like a little

squirrel up on a telephone wire,
take it slow and steady, scurry

scurry n and out.

You are kind of close to me.

I'm going after Sam and then
I noticed that as soon as itar

getted Sam, angel is following

You get so much further in
this competition if you work

with a partner, you get two
balls for the price of one.

At this point in the game we're
working together.

Within serve putting them in

Winston and Angela are now
both putting dots in my tube to

get may out.

And when I see him taking the
deletion dots and putting them

in my tube instead of the tube
that is right next to him, I

feel like I've been made a

This thing is so slippery.

Oh my gosh.

Sam has been deleted.

Nobody wants to be the first
person out in the very first

Head Of Household competition.

I've lost my only opportunity at
being saved.

This is absolutely not my

Within Steve has not got a
single deleti, n dot in, it is

like watching a baby giraffe try
ballet for the first time.

Go Steve.

Steve has been eliminatedded.

One person is going to win

One out of these eight are going

And I just lost my safety.

So now I've got to start working
deals, now it's time to put the

work boots on and leave the
tanning to the kids.

It's time to go to work.

Kaitlyn is a weak exeter in
this game, sorry Kaitlyn, it's

not person, but audios.

That is ten for Kaitlyn,
she's out.

I'm so bummed that I'm out so
early in this game.

I wanted to win this for my
alliancement I wanted to show

them that I'm a great competitor
I don't want to lose this

competition but I also don't
want to win it.

Week one hohf I start nominating
people, there's going to be a

huge target on me am but no one
is putting dots on my tube what

am I going to do to catch their

Look at me, hello, right
here, my tube, dots.

Hey, hey, hey.

JC's got five deletion dots.

Look at this.

We when for the easy targets

So now we're going for bayly an
Tyler, it's like w*r, everybody

is sh**ting each other, trying
to stay alive.


So Tyler an have I teamed up
and I see them coming for us w

their deletion dots.

Not going to happen.

We're going to come for yours
and get you out first because

it's not going down on this

Winston has been deleted.

JC, the little muscle dude
just happened to hop across that

beam and knock me out of this

It is way too early in the game
to be out, this sucks.

So I am going to root for Angela
or Tyler because I don't think

either of them will target me
this week.

Good job, man.

Bayleigh and I need to focus
on getting Angela deleted

because she is a huge beast.

Love you.

Angela has been deleted.

That leaves JC, Tyler and

Come on guys, come on, go.

Sorry, I don't have anything.


Tyler, come on dude.

Are you the closest one, I
don't have anyone else.

Yes, you do.

Change your strategy, dude.

I don't have one.

You're being petty, stop it,
why would we not finish



Stop fighting, delete me

Let's do it, so it can
be-- that's fain.

All right.

Tyler puts a deletion dotted
in my tube before JC is even

out, immediately my feelings
change, like dude, what are you


Let's go, guys.

I see JC only has one dot
remaining until he's deleted and

I decide I'm not going to knock
him out right away even though I

easily could.

Have I four more to go an
Bayleigh has about the same.

Only one of us can win this.

And it needs to be me so I have
to start going after Bayleigh

right now.

Bayleigh's got six deletion

JC is fin ito, gone, he is

It is down to Bayleigh and Tyler
all right, Tyler, you want

one-on-one, you got t let's go.

Don't come after bey, I am not
the one.

It's time for Tyler to press
control all deletion dot.

Come on, Bayleigh, finish
strong, finish strong, finish


Can I do it.

Congratulations, Tyler, are
you the first HOH of the summer!


So I'm the first HOH of the
summer and I am just so stroked

right now.

I got a lot of thinking to do.

A lot of people to listen to.

I just got to make sure I come
out of this week clean with no

blood on my hands.

I am pissed, I losted.

But I'm not going to let Tyler
know that because of course he's

the new ho-h and he's the only
thing keeping me safe.


Tyler is the head of

And at this point you only have
seven people to choose from.

I feel like for Tyler the
easiest thing for him to do is

to nominate the robot.

This is a nightmare.

Who wants some cake?

Good job, dude.


I'm the first HOH of the
summer and dude, I did not want

this power at all.

I just didn't want to be the
first one going home.

God this is going to be tricky.

It is what St.
booed work, you kept getting

back up thark is all you can do.

I'm fine, man.

Worst performance ever in big
brother history.

An absolutely dismats-- dismall
grade f performance.


Within just chill, it's all

Angela and Winston, back and

Angela has got to get out,
sorry, she's got to go home.

Angela has already proven she
is very good at physical

competition, she just can't be
here any more, she is a physical

threat to my game.

Angela has got to go home.

This is weird.

Especially after everybody tried
to get rid of me all at one


I was like what is the point in

I know.

It made me feel really bad.

I know, I know.

People say what they mean.

And I trust everybody.

Yeah, I know.

I'm so sorry.

In my profession, I stood on
my own plenty but I've never

been like shunned.

Don't count yourself out
right now, you're still here.

Are you still here, you're still
able to fight.

Tbary your thoughts, what you
want to say and talk to Tyler.

There's no reason for.

There was literally no.

You got so mad.

I wasn't actually being mad,
I just didn't want it be out.

I know.

I don't think anybody should
take it personal.

No, yeah.

Bayleigh really snapped on me
during that competition and now

I can totally tell she's just
trying to cover her tracks.

But guess what, Bayleigh, I see
right through you, I got my eye

on you.

I freaking lost HOH
competition, I haven't won in a

one in seven chance of going
home t is put up or shut up

time, time to start making some


We're going to talk.

We're going to have a talk,
let's sit down.

We're all on the same page.

Us four haven't been in the
room together.

Have I a handful of people
that I'm vibing with.

I am just hoping to get a group
together and solidify with, if

anyone nose in Big Brother
numbers is a huge part of this


I feel good about Tyler too.


I will talk to Kaycee.

We-- what has it been?

Me and you.

Without wants some coffee.


So everyone loves you.

Yeah, I feel like we can get
a good.

I'm in I'm in.

There's a lot going on.

Kaycee, Tyler, it will be great,
are you in within yeah within

this group has brains, brawn and
by kinis.

Now we just need us a little
side kick.

If we can get Tyler on board
then we can be running its

entire house this week.

Dude, thank you so much for,
that I needed a moment of


I know, man.

It is hard to-- everybody
congregates down there by the


That is what is nice about
having this spot.

What are you thinkingk man?

First of all congrats, first
HOH, that's huge.

Let me get this off my chest.

You obviously know this game
very well.

I don't though.

You do.

You do like I'm going with
the flow.

We've got a proposition of a
good group of people, I will run

this by you and see what you

Me, Brett, Angela, Rachel,

I Kaitlyn.

Like that group.

Just six.

I like that.

We will be a power alliance
if you are into it.

I like that a lot.

Like I needed somebody.

You just never had a moment.

I had a feeling you would be
on the same.

Whoa, so this sounds sweet.

There are already eight people
in this house that are safe and

now I have this alliance and
they're going to be safe as well

so that doesn't leave me with a
lot of options on who to

nominate this week.

Like honestly, not that I'm
set, set but I'm really

thinking, like, it's going to
have to be like Sam and Steve

up, and then if one of them
comes down, bairly is going to

have to go up.

There is nothing to base it
off of.

I know, first HOH, since
there was just eight of us,

everybody has got to understand.

This is what would get me the
least blood.


Do you think anyone is eating
any more of this?


Robot online.


That's awesome am but she was
cutting melon.

Hi love bug.

Hi Angie.

I didn't really plan on
having a conversation with Tyler

as a robot so I guess I will
just have to be the most

convincing robot I can be.

Do I look okay?

Do I look charming hi Tyler.

Hi Sam.

Do you want to go talk.

Yeah, let's do it.

Wish me luck.

We're going to hold hands,
we're going to go.


Come on.


So how are you feeling.

This is just really weird.

This is not what I
expected-- well, they tell you

not to expect anything.

I know, an that's not fair.

I mean I've stood on my own
lots of times, I'm very

independent, but that's not how
this houseworks.

And I'm all alonement I don't
have a teammate, not even one.

Nobody wants anything to do with

Even as a person, like I finally
got to go back and I still felt

like I was alone.

I've never been an outcast like
that is how I feel, I feel like

I'm being shunned and that's
never happened to me in my life


You're not an outcast.

You are not being shunned.

I don't know what to do

I'm a good person.

I don't-- it is weird.

I'm not going to try to
convince you.

That is not part of my

Oom's not going to beg somebody
or go talk bad about other



So I am just saying, you do
whatever you think is best.

Yes, and just what I don't
want is for you to be freaking

out and think that you are the
target, okay.

Are you not.

I'm not stupid.

It's the most obvious thing to
do I get it.

I mean I was in tears like?

In the bathroom.

I never thought I would be on
the verge of tears talking to a


My heart is hurting at the
moment and I'm starting to

realize that like I don't know
if I can put a robot on the


Everyone knows you are real,
are you a genuine, beautiful

just perfect human.

And there's no reason I want to
you leave at all this week.

I'm looking you right in the eye
right now, I dob know if you can

see that.

I can see-- I can see you
just fine.


I think we're good.

Let's go.

I'm hugging you.


That's weird.

Come in.

Oh yo.

What are you thinking, man.

I really just want to hear
these pitches come in at me so

it's superinteresting to think
about what these people are

going to say to me.

First of all, can we talk?

Thank you.

That's just how we roll.

Like what is your input.

I know you dnt want to
get-- but it is a game so

eventually there is going to be
hard decisions you have to make.

Within come in.

Was' up.

We're talking game.

So what are you thinking?

I'm just trying like not to

I tell you what I think the
worst would be, putting up Sam

or putting up Steve.

The worse, you think that is
the worst.

I think that is the worst
busker in's not threatening.

With Angela or Winston, it is
almost like they dug their own

grave, they made it so obvious
that they were working to during

this competition and I think
even more Angela.

Angela an Winston were up on the
box together, I would vote for

ang labs, she proved how strong

Is you need to get rid of one of

Come in.

I got the wol scoop.

The power play, you put up
Sam and Steve in my opinion, one

of them will go home which will
suck because that will be just

like a nobody went home on your

You put up Angela and swin ton,
offer the gate, it say power

play, you make it smart for the

Oh, okay, I see what is going
on here, Swaggy sent his minions

into this HOH room to try to
drove home his ideas with me

blfer before the king entered.

I'm catching on.

Swaggy wins a couple comps and
now is he walking around like he

won everyone.

Swaggy is not low key, he
literally calls himself Swaggy.

All right.

You tell me.

What do you like feeling whack
are you thinking.

What I am thinking is just
like oh, man, like why are you

getting mad I'm sorry.

Are you being petty, stop it,
stop because I almost cried out.

I really was like oh my god,
honestly, it's like here is the

thing, I love you t is genuine,
like hey, like i-- like are you

the sweetest person alive.

To me it is like anything you
do I just want to make sure are

you genuinely okay.

I'm good.

I yelled at Tyler for putting
balls in my tube which clarily

means I could be in danger.

I need to make sure we are cool
so he doesn't put me on the


Do you have a preference on
who I should put up.

Here is the thing, this is
your first HOH.

I would do something that et
goes the least blood on your

hands thrk is just me being
honest, is put the two people

that were out first.

Is there anybody that you
feel like really good with?

Swaggy said you and him are the
best friend in the house.

I love him, I don't even
know, we are clicking.

We are basically family.

Okay, thanks, Bayleigh, that
is all the confirmation I


Swaggy is clearly your boy and
are you obviously on his side of

the house.

So now I got to decide do I want
to go the easy move and number

nature Sam and Steve or do I
draw a line in the sand and take

a shot at Swaggy side and
putting up Bayleigh, dude, I

don't know.

What do you say, this is I

This is a game.

You got to come to play.

One of my responsibilitieses
ahead of household is nominate

two people for eviction.

Everyone time for the nomination

All right.

Let's do it.

Oh no, are you serious?

Oh, cool, I will stay out

This punishment sucks,
whenever my pinwheel starts

spinning, I'm stuck in whatever
room that I'm in.

At least it's peaceful.

Angela, tell me when to stop.


Stop, perfect.

This is the nomination

It is my responsibilities ahead
of household to nominate two

houseguests for eviction.

In my nomination block are the
keys of the houseguests I'm

nominating for eviction.

I would send two keys to lock in
the nominations and their faces

will appear on the memory wall.

The first houseguest I've
nominated is.

The next houseguest I have
nominated is.

Have I nominated you Sam and
you Steve, just coming to this

house, it being the first week,
there is no real rhyme or reason

why anybody should go up on the
block, it seems the most fair

thing to do to just put the two
people that fell from the

competition first.

And Sam, that was you number
one, an Steve that was you

number two.

That's all there is to it.

I'm sorry, guys.

This nomination ceremony is

You put me on the block,
that's great.

I will make my deals.

I'll get off this block.

One way or another I'm not going

So do what you want to do, but
there is blood in the water.

I got my feelings hurt.

Because I thought that Tyler
really liked me.

And now that I have been
nominated, maybe I was wrong.

The only thing I can do is take
myself pick myself up and try

even harder.

This choice was tricky.

And at the end of the day, I had
to look out for myself and my

game going foorld so I had to
pick the safe move, I guess time

will tell if I made the right

Tyler made a weak move,
Swaggy C is just getting


There is a veto to be played and
hopefully one of your little

weak targets will come down and
Swaggy C's two targets will go

on the block.

Announcer: Tune in Sunday
at 8, 7 central to find out

which houseguest will earn a
power in the BB app store and

which one will receive a

And head to CBS.Com/bb20 right
now to subscribe to CBS all

access to get the live feeds and

Plus Big Brother after dark wins
tonight on top TV at 1 A.M. 12


All this and more on "big