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05x06 - Clear Eyes, Fae Hearts

Posted: 01/12/15 04:16
by bunniefuu
Narrator: Previously on Lost Girl.

Cassie, it's Bo. If you're there pick up.

What's this about Cassie?

She's been missing for 12 hours.

I think something bad has happened to her.

This ledger contains all the names of the Fae who have passed through our colony.

Dyson: And Trick's ledger is missing.

Do you happen to know anything about that?

Don't look at me, mate.


What do you remember?

Come on, Cassie, who did this to you?

We did it to ourselves.

Bo: My dad is Hades. He's trying to use me for something. Something terrible.

♪ ♪


(Sighing )


Bo: Hey.

(Yawning )

I had the weirdest dream.

I was driving in my truck... and you were there... wait... were you there?

Yeah, you were very much there.

I just really wanted a burger, you know?

But nothing was open.

Everything was closed forever.

The drive-thrus were closed... forever.

Sounds terrifying.

It was.

I'm hungry.

Well, why don't I make us some breakfast, huh?

Half Cap'n Crunch, half Lucky Charms.

I love that you know how I like it.

Well, that's what roomies are for.

(Giggling )

(Whistle blowing )

(Chattering )

So, think Clay Jonas will be here?

I thought I told you to stay in the car.

Twenty bucks says he'll go #1 in the Draft.

This is a crime scene, Mark.

It's not really the place to ask for an autograph.

Is that... Jake Marshall?

1200 receiving yards this season.

12 touchdowns.

This guy was a machine.

I can't believe he's really dead.

What is that?

It's a Tiskele.

A triple spiral.

I thought you said we weren't supposed to touch anything.

I said you're not supposed to touch anything.

He was k*lled last night, beaten to death.

I think this Fae cult that I've been tracking is involved.

Why would a Fae cult want to knock off a human football player?

He's a pretty high profile target.

You know him?

Yeah! Jake Marshall?

Wide Receiver for the Thunder, he's gonna go #1 in the Draft next week.

Or, was.

I didn't know you were such a sports fan.

I'm not, but he's hot.

I mean, not 'you' hot, but hot.

The three original victims were all in the correctional system.

This kid's an athlete.

What's the connection?

I found this symbol on all of their bodies.

What is it?

It's a symbol of death and reincarnation.

It's used by End of Days cults.

Look at this.

There's something larger at play here.

I want to get close to this football team.

See what we can find out.

You don't think we'll look a tad suspicious standing on the sidelines of a football practice?

Not if we're cheerleaders.

You're right.

Cheerleaders get recruited for pro teams, too.

They do?

Yeah. Laker Girls, Buffalo Jills, New Orleans Saintsations.

Who dat!

I have a novelty calendar subscription.

Well, then bust out your pom-poms, Tam-tam.

'Cause it is time to flirt some intel out of a bunch of horny linebackers.


Wait. Tamsin?

A cheerleader?

You don't think I can dupe a bunch of girls who think clapping is a sport.

Well, you don't exactly scream perky.

(Chuckling )

I, uh, (clears throat ) concur.



Well, do you know what I think?

♪ Gimme a D, gimme a Y ♪
♪ Gimme a ♪ suck my balls. ♪
♪ This is what it's all about ♪
♪ Now clap your hands and scream and shout ♪
♪ This is what it's all about ♪
♪ Now clap your hands and scream and shout ♪
♪ This is what it's all about ♪
♪ Now clap your hands and scream and shout ♪
♪ This is what it's all about ♪

Are you okay?


I'm fine.


♪ Who's hot, who's not? ♪

Ugh, I can smell their insecurity from here.

I think it's Eau de Taylor Swift.

I used to beat up girls like this in high school.

Yeah? Well, now you're one of them, so big smile!

Hi, ladies!

And gentleman.

As some of you may know, I'm Bo from the Vancity Valkyries and I'm here to recruit one very special cheerleader.

You'll be competing with the top from across the country, so who's ready to show me what you got?

(Applauding ) Yeah.

(Clapping )

Excuse me, hi. Miss?

I'm Brinkley White, I'm the captain of the team.

And she doesn't go here.

This is Tamsin.

Her school doesn't have a cheerleading team, so she's auditioning with you guys.

Aren't you a little tall to be a cheerleader?

What, you didn't make the football team?

I prefer rugby.

Less padding.

Okay, one second.

Just stretch amongst yourselves.

Um, the goal is to infiltrate the team, not alienate them.

She started it.

Please let me kick her bony little ass.

No, and simmer down, okay?

The point of going undercover is staying undercover.


But I could snap her little neck and feel no remorse.

Yes, I have no doubt.


Who's up first?

I'll go.

Oh good, a volunteer.

Are you sure you want to go first?




Um, well why don't we start with something simple like...

Round-off double back handspring back tuck?

Or maybe a...

Round-off double back handspring back tuck.




♪ This is what it's all about ♪
♪ Now clap your hands and scream and shout ♪
♪ This is what it's all about ♪
♪ Now clap your hands and scream and shout ♪
♪ This is what it's all about ♪
♪ Now clap your hands and scream and shout ♪
♪ This is what it's all about ♪

(Applauding )

♪ Who's hot, who's not ♪

(Applauding )

♪ Who's hot, who's not ♪

You're up, Brink-truck.

Don't touch me.


You wanna see how it's really done?

Front flip, round-off, triple twist.

Do you really think you can stick that triple twist?

That's great.

(Cheering )

Hi there.


What's your name?

Derek Finley, I'm the token guy.

Lucky guy to be surrounded by all these ladies.

Not when their cycles are aligned I'm not.

Good point.

Must be hard to focus during such a tough time.

I heard about the m*rder.

Can you imagine?

Who would do such a thing?

I mean, I can hazard a guess.

Brinkley may look nice, but you steal one of her Biore nose strips, you're basically dead.

Did you know Jake Marshall?

I kept my distance.

He was a bit of a bully.

Especially to Clay.

The Quarterback?

Hut! Hut! Hut! Hut!

Bo: Is that why he's not wearing an arm band?

They weren't exactly BFFs.

Clay's been getting a lot of attention with the Draft coming up and all, and Jake was pretty harsh towards him.

If you ask me, I think Jake was purposefully not running Clay's routes.

You think Clay k*lled Jake?


I mean, they were competitive, but Jake had a lot of enemies.

Doesn't sound like you were much of a fan either.

Not exactly.

He broke my nose last year.

That is terrible.

Took two surgeries to get it to look this good.

So where were you on the night that Jake was k*lled?

Is this part of the interview?

No, no, I was just wondering.

Hut! Hut! Hut!

(Grunting )

(Whistle blowing )

Oh my god!

Is he okay?

Did you see that?


Ouch, I don't think he's getting up.

This team is not having a good week.

(Clapping )

There's no way a human could do that.

I'm starting to think he's not so human.

Fae cult member?

Only one way to find out.

What do you say I talk to some of the players, and you get up close and personal with QB1?

Bring it on.

You're a tall glass of water, aren't ya?

I could just drink you right up.

Try Gatorade, assh*le.


You're Clay, right?

Yeah, well you're not supposed to be in here.

That looked like a bad fall, are you okay?

Look, I'm serious. You know the rules.

I'd like to keep my scholarship.

You're not wearing an arm band?

Aren't you so sad about Jake Marshall's death?

Look, with all due respect, sweetheart, I need to stay focused.

Right, the big game.

How do you remember all those plays?

I would get so confused.

By making sure I don't have any distractions.

Rumour has it you're gonna go #1 in the Draft.

Yeah, well there's a lot of great players out there.

One less now that Jake's dead.

That must be good for you.

What, you think I did it?

You and Jake weren't exactly buds.

So what if I hated the guy, okay?

He was my best receiver.

Why would I screw over my team or my future?

I guess under pressure everyone has a breaking point.

How'd you even get in here?

Don't worry about it.

I was just leaving.

(Wincing )


Cassie, can you hear me?


More rain.


A storm.

It's coming.


No change.

She's still re-capping the Apocalypse.

I'll run a tox screen.

Lauren: And get me a CBC.


Well, Clay's not talking but he's definitely hiding something.

Well, if he's Fae we need to prove it.

I'll call Lauren.

Why don't you call Dyson? He can smell it out.

No, I'd rather leave the testing to a medical expert.

Medical expert.

That's why you wanna call Lauren, huh?



Lauren: How goes the cheerleading?

Would you be able to run some tests on the players to figure out if our Quarterback is a Fae?

Oh what, Tamsin can't run some tests?

Lauren, I need your help.

Lauren: You mean you need a doctor.

No, I need you.

Okay, I'll see what I can do.

Text me if there's any change, I'm going for lunch.

It's only 10:00.

Yeah, I'm the boss.

You need her, huh?

Why don't you just stick to flirting with the football players?


I have no idea what you're talking about.

What can I get you?

Hmm, it's been a while.

How about a Coquetel?

A Coquetel.

I haven't made one of those in, well, it must be a thousand years at least.

You're making me sound so old.

No, I'm just excited.

I don't even know if I have all the ingredients.

Ambrosia spirits, if I recall.

And bark from the Chuchuhuasi tree soaked in rum...

And what am I forgetting?

A boiled egg.

That's it.

They say the Ancients called this drink: the drink of prophesy.

The original cocktail.

A classic.

What can I say?

I'm a classic girl.

You must be new to our colony.

I haven't seen you around here before.

Just passing through.

Maybe I'll stay awhile.

Well, if that's the case then I'll have you sign my ledger.

If I knew where it was.

I've had it for centuries, but this is the first time I've misplaced it.

I'm sure you'll find it.

Ancient things have a way of... turning up.

I hope so.

Well, cheers.

Okay, boys.

Time to pee in a cup.

What are you talking about?

There's no drug test scheduled.

No, that's why they call them surprise drug tests.


Look, I ain't doin' no drug test.

Okay, well you have a choice.

You can either pee in a cup or I can draw blood.

But if you pee in a cup, I have to watch.

No way some tiny lady doctor's gonna watch me piss in a cup.

Blood test it is.

You like to watch, huh?

Okay, then.

Come with me.

You really hit the wrong girl.

You're next, QB1.

Hey, you wanna spar?

Yeah, just let me finish this.

Murders, right.

You think it's that cult you've been tracking?

Could be.

A bunch of Fae chanting in bathrobes...

How bad could it really be, right?

This kind of cult comes with a body count.

Heaven's Gate had mass suicides.

The doomsday cult in California?

Was Fae.

Controlling humans.

No wonder you're single.

Alright, smart guy, show me what you got.

Give me a jab, jab, straight.


Keep your elbows in.

Jab, jab, straight, hook.

So, are you seeing anyone?

Is this boxing or brunch?

I'll take that as a no.

You know what happens to nosy people?

Alicia: Hello?

Detective Dyson?



I'm sorry to bother you, it's just you haven't returned any of my calls.

Who told you you could find me here?




I just didn't know where else I could go.

What can I help you with?

It's my husband.

He died a few weeks ago.

I'm sorry to hear that.

But I saw him... on the street.

I know how this sounds.


I arranged his funeral.

I held his ashes.

But I saw him.

And he looked right at me like he didn't know me at all.

Your Sergeant thinks I'm crazy.

But he told me that you were the working officer on this case.

The loss of a spouse is a terrible thing.

And grief can sometimes manifest itself in strange ways.

I took a photo.

I'll look into it.

I needed someone to believe me.


Please call me if anything comes up.

I will.

Thank you.

She's hot.

Her husband just died.

So? She's still hot.

And she's human.

Come on, man.

That's an old bullshit rule that doesn't even make any sense.

No, it's not, and it does.

It's just not the way of the Fae.

Alright, whatever, Detective Buzzkill.

At least you know she's single.

How's Cassie doing, any change?

No, nothing.

You've got to see this.

Wow, you look... wow.

So, what is it that I've got to see?

Right, um.

These are urine samples from the football players.

They're fascinating.

Urine samples are fascinating?

Urine samples can reveal all kinds of secrets about the human body.

It's a fountain, poor choice of words, of information.

Gives new meaning to golden shower.

Watch what happens when I add a toxic solution.

And now this.

Bo: Nothing happened.

I've never seen anything like it.

And drumroll, it's human.


We should call Trick.

I actually have him on speaker phone.

Trick, are you still there?

Trick: I'm here.

Based on your description,
the sample appears to be from a Heraclid.

Oh, don't tell me it's Fae.

Trick: No, Heraclids are humans, but with exceptional genes.

They're strong, fast, and incredibly resilient.

What would cause that kind of mutation?

Heraclids are descendants of Hercules.

Lauren: As in Hercules, Hercules?

The one and only.

What does this mean?

I told you I don't know.

The sooner you cooperate with the police, the sooner this will all be over.

How many of you are there?

What are you talking about?

And don't you need some kind of warrant?

I can hold you for 24 hours.

Wouldn't that to get in the way of the big game.

Look, I had nothing to do with Jake's m*rder.

If you have evidence, then arrest me.

If not, I have an interview to get to.

You're right, I don't have evidence.

But I do know your secret.

What secret?

I know you're a Heraclid.

A what?

What is that?

Just means you've got good genes, kid.

He doesn't know.



Well, sometimes ignorance is bliss.

I know I'd be better off not knowing who my father is.

You know who your father is?

No, I mean know he's bad.

But no, I don't know exactly who he is.

No, I mean, I was just saying.

Mark spent his whole life not knowing who his father is.

Hey, Mark is lucky that he found you.

Well, if Clay doesn't know he's a Heraclid, I doubt he's in a Fae cult.

Let's not rule him out just yet, but, yes, we do need a new suspect.

Any names come up on your end?

No, but I do know someone who likes to gossip.

Getting ready for the big game?

I think Brinkley stole my lucky hairbrush.


Who's he?

This is Detective Dyson.

He's working on the investigation.

Like a real detective?

I heard you might have some theories about who k*lled Jake Marshall.

Is there going to be a trial?

Would I have to testify?

If you guys are looking for suspects, I will... I will show you some suspects.

Open this.

My locker?


This is the same blood from the crime scene.


What are you doing with Jake Marshall's jersey?

I have no idea how that got there.

I'm taking him down to the station.

Come with me.

What... Wait...


What are you doing?


For what?

For a real fight.

You see, the key is offence.

You always want to keep your opponent off balance.

I thought you're supposed to subdue your enemy without fighting.

All warfare is based on deception.

Where'd you hear that?

My parents.

They said something is going to happen at the football game.

What do you mean?

You're so sweaty.

I like it.

Where did you see that?

Iris, what did your parents say, exactly?

They said everything is going to go... boom.

If you think we're going to let you cheer with us at the game, you're delusional.

I'm delusional?

You're the one who thinks she's going to marry an NFL player.


A career in professional cheerleading is five years tops.

Which gives me five years to re-brand myself as a Life Coach.

And if I'm going to have a lifestyle empire by the time I'm 30, I don't really have time to get married.

Wow, you're so motivated.


I would k*ll to get recruited.

But Clay said he's gonna put in a good word when he goes pro.

So it would be good for you if Clay went #1 in the Draft.


Good to see you, Clay.

Good to see you, too.


Hey, I think we have a new suspect.

Where's Dyson?

He took Derek in for questioning.

What? Cheer-boy?


This is a big game for the Thunder.

How are you and the team dealing with the loss of Jake Marshall?

First off, I want to say Jake Marshall was a great player and a key member of our team.

But I have faith that we're going to pull together and play a great game of football today.

How do you feel about the recent arrest of Derek Finley in conjunction with Jake Marshall's m*rder?

Um, what?

Well, do you feel you could've been a target too or?


He... he didn't.

Well, police found evidence in Derek's locker.

Did you ever feel threatened? Did you...

Clay: No, no, no.

Derek Finley is innocent.

I mean, you guys can...

Look, he wasn't there, you can check the security tapes at the dorm...

Derek was at home with me the night of the m*rder.

In bed.

Derek is my boyfriend.

(Crowd reacting in shock )

Talk about coming out with a bang.

Yeah, I guess they're not our perps after all.

Reporters are everywhere, I had to use the back door to get in.

It's like we're on TMZ.

Well, I'm glad you texted me.

I didn't know what else to do.

I can't even deal with all this.

You want a chip?

No, I'm good.

Take them away from me.

Please, I carbo-load when I'm stressed.

Who's she?

This is Bo.

She works for the Pro Cheerleading Teams.

She handles media all the time.

I just wanted to tell you that I know what it's like to live with a secret, and I think it's really great what you did.

I love Derek, and I've been wanting to come out about our relationship for a long time.

It's been exhausting living a lie.

Capital Sports, they're the ones who said I couldn't say anything.

Capital Sports?

My PR reps.

Well, they work for you.

There's this new guy who took over the firm.

And he told me I couldn't tell anybody about Derek.

How supportive.


He said they're gonna be watching the game from the Booster's Box.

If we don't win this game... my life's over.

Hey, don't worry about your PR reps.

Your team needs you.

Since Clay and Derek have alibied each other out, we need to cast a wider net.

My money's on cheer bitch Brinkley.

How's Clay doing?

Well, it turns out, his PR firm Capital Sports was pressuring him to keep his relationship a secret.

Capital Sports Public Relations?

Bo: Yeah, why?

That's Kevin Brown, he's one of the victims from the elevator crash.

AKA Heratio55 from Cassie's date.

Wait, this guy is Clay's PR rep?

What the hell is going on here?

Well, whatever it is, it looks like Clay is their #1 client.


Something's gonna go down at the game.

What do you mean?

I met this girl, I think she might be in the cult.

They could be targeting other players.

Clay did say that his PR rep would k*ll him if he didn't win the game.

I'm starting to think it's more than just a figure of speech.

Yeah, but it's too late to call it off.

We need to get down there, look for anything suspicious.

Would be great if we could get someone on the field.

Tamsin: I'll suit up.

You're gonna play football?

Yeah, who better than a Valkyrie to protect the players on the field?

You don't think the guys are gonna notice a girl in the huddle?

A little doubt goes a long way.

Plus I'm not really a sidelines kinda girl.

Bo: Let's go.

♪ You can't mess with me ♪
♪ I got the best of me ♪
♪ I got my intellect ♪
♪ It is my masterpiece ♪
♪ I got my own walk ♪
♪ I got my own moves ♪
♪ I got my own moves ♪
♪ So get out of my way ♪

(Yelling )

(Cheering )

Announcer: It's game day, people.

And it's a packed crowd here at the Thunder Stadium.

All eyes are on QB Clay Jonas, who's expected to go #1 in the Draft next week.

But this isn't just about a game.

This is about a team pulling together after a loss of one of their own.

Let the game begin.

(Cheering )

I need to talk to Clay's PR rep.

We're very busy.

Private party.

Hello again.

Well, you just keep popping up, don't you?

You know her?

We've met.

Fae or foe?

In your case, both.

Wow, you are really pretty.

Iris, she's a Succubus, so no touching.

Learned that the hard way.

Still online creep-dating single oracles?

Still pretending to be one?

You took over an entire PR firm to promote one client.


Let's just say that Clay's like family.

He's famous now, his face is going to be on a protein bar.

Peanut Chocolate Fudge.

I picked the flavour.

And the bigger Clay's fan base grows, the better for the family.

Family, huh?

If you care about Clay so much why did you put a bloody jersey in his boyfriend's locker?

I don't know what you're talking about.

You framed Derek for Jake Marshall's m*rder.


Such an ugly word.

We prefer "risk management."

Nice spin.

Well done.

I wouldn't have to spin it if you did your job right.

Things got a little out of hand.

A little?

The guy was beaten to death.

It was a bit excessive.

When Jake Marshall found out about Clay's relationship we thought there would be an issue.

We had to do something.

So you k*lled Jake Marshall?

And then you made Clay keep quiet about his relationship with Derek?

That's real classy.

Do you think we care who Clay spends his time with?

We are so above that.

It's these unevolved humans who seem to care so much.

But we had no idea that Clay's little announcement would make his fans love him even more.

Oh, humans.

I guess we underestimated them.

Isn't it sweet?

Now, if you don't mind, we'd like to get back to the game.

If you think we're done here, you underestimate me.

Get rid of her.

You don't know who you're dealing with.

No, you don't know who you're dealing with.


(Cheering )

You're feeding off the crowd.

Every time they score you...

We need to throw the game.

I don't think so.

Now, where were we?

Four seconds remain in the 4th quarter.

The Thunder are at the 40 yard line, down by 5.

It's fourth down and ten.

(Cheering )

Okay, we need to win this game.

I think we should go for a Hail Mary.

That's 40 yards.

You think you can make it?

Trust me.

Alright, guys.

We're going for a Hail Mary.

One, two, three.

All: Break!

Left side, left side!

Strong side, right!

(Yelling )

(Cheering )

Announcer: Jonas needs a touchdown to win the game.

You can feel the electricity in the air, folks.

Hut 22!

Hut 22!

Hut hut hut!

Announcer: Phenomenal pass!

Thunder win!

Thunder win!

(Cheering )


(Cheering )

(Cheering )

Nice catch.

We won!

You did it!



You were amazing out there.

I just took your advice.

We won.

You're hurt.

What happened?

We just lost...

Big time.

Alician: Thanks for calling me back, Detective.

Dyson: Just 'Dyson', please.


So, anything?

Do you have any family that lives out of town that maybe you can stay with for a while?

I think a change of scenery is what you need right now.

I thought you would take me seriously.

But I guess I was wrong.

I know he's out there.

And I don't care if I sound crazy.

You loved your husband very much.

I'm not going to stop looking.

I know.

If you need me, I'll be here.

What the hell were those Fae?

I have no idea, but they k*lled Jake Marshall.

And they did something to me.

Let me see.

What is that?

I don't know, but I've never felt anything like it.

I can still feel it...

She struck me with lightning.

Come here.


Oh shit.

What the hell?

You must've left it all on the field.

Let me try again.

No, no, I feel fine, it's just...

Why won't it go away?

Those Fae are strong.

Crazy strong.

Yeah, we need to talk to Trick.

Let me run you a bath.

Let's look after you first.

Okay, thanks.

What are girlfriends for?


Three humans.

All k*lled in the elevator crash.

And then possessed by some kind of Fae.

Yeah, who woke up in my clinic and k*lled Lisa.

This one was here...


What did she want?

A drink.

A very old one...

Well, I went on a date with this one.

Ugh, creepfest.

He's the one who's targeting the oracles.

And showed them something so awful they removed their own eyes.

Trick: Perhaps so they couldn't forsee what was coming.

But why did they choose these three bodies?

More importantly, who the hell are they?

They said Clay was "like family."

She was feeding off the crowd.


Feeding how?

Every time Clay scored the crowd would cheer and she... glowed.

Like a Fae stage mom?

Like a proud parent.

When I was a boy, I heard stories of an ancient order that channeled their children's energy to gain power.

Is it possible that the Fae who att*cked Bo are somehow connected to Clay?

Clay is a Heraclid, a descendent of Hercules.

Wasn't the father of Hercules Zeus, the Greek god?

Humans have many names for the Ancients.

But they haven't existed for thousands of years.

What if they're back?

If the legends are true, the Ancients are the most powerful Fae family that ever lived.

And they just fed off of hundreds of people.

(Throat clearing )

Bo Dennis.

So, she's the one.

And only.

She found us a lot sooner than I'd hoped.

Thanks to you.

(Exhaling )

Iris, strop breathing on the glass!

Iris, are you deaf?

Why did she have to take the body of a teenager?

I don't know.

She listens to you.

Iris, just listen to your mother, please.

Yes, Daddy.

Thank you.

So the succubus finding us; how is that my fault exactly?

The whole point of my plan was discretion.

I wish you would stop referring to it as "your" plan.

Can you guys stop fighting?

No, we're not fighting, Iris, we're just talking.

Your father just made a mistake that's all.

Actions have consequences.

We need to move fast.

I don't think it's a good idea.

We talked about this.

I'm over talking.

It's too soon.

Zee: That's not my fault, is it?

Well, what about discretion?

Are you over that, too?

Yes, I am.

Okay, let's not be rash.

Why don't we go out for a nice dinner and talk about this?

Can we go to that little Italian place?

I'm thinking take-out.

Looks like it's going to storm.

(Thunder crashing )