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14x05 - Episode 5

Posted: 05/05/24 14:11
by bunniefuu
Announcer: previously on "big

Brother". . . Willie targeted

Dan and boogie's strongest


I nominated kara and frank for


But he assured frank he would

Keep him in the game.

You're still good to stay in

This house.

I'm telling you I'm going to get

You your vote this week.

And he went to woand he went to<br />rk on his


The difference between frank

And kara, kara is definitely

Putting some of us up next week

Because dan is going to make


When paranoia got the best of

Britney --

I noticed my picture has a

Keyhole next to it as do the

Other coaches and I started to

Think maybe the coaches will be

Entering the game as players?

She told willie her theory.

I think we're going to evict

Somebody and julie will say,

Well, everybody, surprise, the

Coaches are going into the game.

Worried the houseguests were

Being used as pawns --

If the coaches come back in

The game they will not be

Looking out for our best


Willie tried to united the

Players against the coaches.

There's the possibility that

The coaches are going to come

Back in here and play the game.

I'm lettingule know that.

That's a strong possibility.

And frank worried that willie

May have hurt his chances to

Stay in the house.

Nothing has changed.

We have to stay ledge it with

Each other.

He decided to cut ties with


At this point I don't think I

Can trust him and he's not

Somebody I want to work with.

And all hell broke loose.

I told you, we will work from

Week to week and then you are

Going to come and throw me in

The dirt?

Announcer: at the first live

Eviction --

Kara, you are evicted from

The "big brother" house.

Announcer: frank lived to

Fight another day.

Congratulations, frank.

You are the new head of


Announcer: but before the

Night was through, another twist

Shocked the coaches.

The coach that wins this

Week's coaches competition can

Either keep one of their players

Safe or trade one of their

Players for another coach's


Tonight, the house reaches

Its boiling point, and one

Player completely loses control.

What did you say?

What did you say?

What did you say?

Announcer: it all happens

Right now on "big brother"!

Right now on "big brother"!

[<Br />theme song playing<br />]

[<Br />theme song playing<br />]


Julie: by a vote of

-, Kara, you are evicted from

The "big brother" house.

Don't ask me how, but somehow

I managed to stay there this

House this week.

I'm definitely counting my

Blessings right now.

Because if it would have been a

Tiebreaker willie would have

Sent me packing out the door.

Frank staying in is

Definitely not good for me.

I made some mistakes in the game

And I'm just going to have to

Deal with them.

Originally, my players wanted

Frank out but after willie's big

Below up, I got to thinking it's

Better to keep frank because I

Know him and willie will go

After each other and that keeps

My players safe for a little bit


I voted to evict kara because

Kara would have just kind of

Slid under the radar for the

Rest of the game and that's kind

Of the role I want to play so I

Did it for my game.

I'm not going to let you

Down, all right?

As a coach I'm down to one

Player in danielle and that's


If she goes up and gets voted

Out, I'm out of here.

But the thing is, been is a lot

Like poker.

As long as you just have one

Chip you have a chance to bin

The whole thing so I'm still ok

In this game.

We have to refocus right now.

We're all weave got.

I know.


The vote tonight wasn't so

Much about kara versus frank.

It basically turned into the

House versus willie.

The house decided that the best

Chances of getting willie out

Here this week is to keep frank

In the game.

Kara probably wasn't going to

Dare to go after him.

But you know who will?


And do you know who will be

Right beside him?


Now let's go out and get hoh.

Let's go out and get it!

Julie: the correct answer is


Congratulations, frank.

You are the new head of


Hey, frank, I'm kind of


It seemed like you were pretty

Much out the door and you had a

Big fight.

I don't remember what happened

The rest of the week.

It was so crazy in here.

I think we got all of

Janelle's players to vote to

Keep me and then I went outside

And I won hoh.


At this moment, I really

Don't want to talk to anybody.

It's just like the worst person

That could have won.

It changes week to week out here

So I'm going to stay fighting

And I'm not going to give up.

Hopefully I can win the pov and

Hoh next week and everything

Changes again.

Being teammates with willie,

While he was an hoh was a great


He had the power, I had had the

Power of veto: but I'm thinking

Of whether to break my alliance.

He is such a hothead and he

Doesn't treat people with


I'm like, willie, that's --

I understand.

He needs to go.

I had an alliance with

Britney but you know what?

He can't control her players.

And willie's antics made it

Impossible to keep that alliance


If he wouldn't have acted

That way --

He really messed up.

Like it was just one thing after


He's a bully.

This whole house wanted him


I know.

And I can't blame them.

Willie has went on a terror

Spree in the house.

Everyone here hates him.

It's embarrassing.

I wholeheartedly regret choosing

Him and now I'm going to pay the

Ultimate price for his bad

Attitude and poor behavior.

It's a disaster.

I don't even want to speak to


This week, you have to get

Close to janelle's team.

That's our safest place.

Most coaches might be

Panicked being down to just one

Player but I'm a positive


There's always a way out of

Every situation as long as you

Believe you can get out.

I feel extremely confident that

Danielle has one more week of


They will start going to w*r

To they need you and you will

Have to think of making ground

With janelle's team.

Dan is right.

As long as I can float until I

Can vote or have to win, I'm

Doing really well for myself.

I just want you to know real

Quick, like I'm just a loyal


It's nothing personal against


I just want you to know that.

We really wanted that little

Alliance going.

I want to stay loyal to willy

But I have to look out for

Number one ask that's me.

I know willie is a lot of

Things and I'm sorry for that.

He is putting us in a bad

Situation because of his antics.

He played too hard too fast and

That's the name of the game.

Don't worry about it.

I can work my magic with

Frank and I think I can convince

Him just to stay away from me in

A good way.


Thank you.

No worry's jojo.

I hold no personal grudges

Against anybody.

I know.


Who wants to see my hoh room?

Seeing the hoh room is the

Last thing I want to do.

I'm not a fake person so it's

Hard for me to do this.

Oh, boy.


There's a mullet action right


Frank pulls off a mullet

Pretty well.

He has great bone structure for


Having my own hoh room is

Definitely a surreal moment.

The main reason I'm so happy

Right now is that I have been on

The block for a while and I made

It work.

I pulled it off.

Wow, you made out, too.

Balance bars, they know who I


This season as a coach if one

Of your players wins head of

Household, you also get to move

Into the head of household<br />suite.

Oh, pictures!

Seeing the picture of my

-Month-old son brady meant the

World to you.

Is that you?

No, it's my baby.

He is so cute.

In here, you're deprived of

Everything in your daily life.

And to see my son, it kind of

Put my mind outside of this

Super intense game and I look

Forward to seeing him soon --

But not too soon.


Willie was feasting on a

Plate of crow served cold.

A little fantasy action --

You could cut the awkwardness

With a knife.

I'm not going to miss hoh


I'm not in this house to be


I'm in the house to win a half

Million dollars.

As long as I'm in the game I'm

Happy no matter where I'm at.

I'm going down.

All right.

Whas'sup, baby?

What's going on?

Nothing good.

It ain't no big thing.

Why are you so egotistical?

All I want is for you to see

What you have done.


I made myself look bad going

Around saying he is a nice guy,

He is trustworthy, you guys, he

Is, he just let it go get the

Best of him.

Now who looks like the fool?


I tried to defend you for days.

I made myself look bad going

Around --

Would you be quiet please?

As much as I try to control

Him, unfortunately for me he's a

Raging lunatic in this house.

Nobody wants to be attached to a

Sinking ship and that's the best

Way to describe willie there

This game right now.

Because your whole problem,

You only think about yourself.

This is my game.

It's going to cost shane and


Listen, I came in this game

To play this game by myself.

I didn't come in here to play

With a coach.

If I stay in the game I'm

Going to do what I want to do.

I'm not going to listen to


I think that we will have a

Relationship in here but it will

Probably be a distant one from

Now on.

You're dogging me out,

Treating me like a piece of --

The problem is we both know


You can't forgive me for

Something as simple as saying


It's been hours.

It's been a day.

I'm the one going home.

Because you can't keep your

Mouth shut to save your life,

Literally your "big brother"


Do what you want to do.

If you think the problem is me

Get rid of me.

Can you look me in the face

And say you don't think you're

The problem.

I know I'm the problem.

I don't want to argue with


You're telling me it's an

Individual game.

Go play it.

I'm here to tell you you're

Doing a terrible job.

I'm a big boy.

I think I can take care of


Our team is screwed.

Do you know what a wenis is?

It's part of your elbow.

I was like, what?

Does this hurt or tickle?

Yeah, that hurts.

Or does it tickle?

Are you serious.

Here let me do it to you.

Hurt or tickle?

I wasn't doing it like that.

I think it's adorable.

With all of the craziness in the

House to see a little love


Like that, when you go soft

It tickles, when you dig in.

I didn't dig in.

There's definitely

Flirtatious between shane and i.

Shane is very attractive.

His personality is definitely my

Type, his body is definitely my


He's definitely the one chasing

Me but I don't mind getting



Daniel is a sweetheart.

She has the southern bell, the

Charm and sweetness, long red

Hair and a southern accent, gets

Me every time.

If something happens, it will

Be because it's real.

If things keep going the way

They're going, it's possible.

Oh, I can't believe I'm saying


You win.

Hey, britney.

What's going on?

Everybody is playing games in

The back yard.

Rehashing everything.

Such a bummer, the coach's

Challenge thing.

Are you worried?

Well, there are lots of

Different scenarios.

I don't think any coach would

Be willing to trade except me

Though, do you?

At the end of the live

Eviction show, julie chen comes

With some bombshell information.

For the coach's competition this

Week the winner can choose to

Keep one of their players safe

Or swap out one of their own

Players with another coach's


Who would you want?

I don't know.

That's a hard question.

I've been trying to think about

What makes sense.

I think I speak for dan, too.

We're not obvious players.

As much as it's rah, rah, rah

Against you know who, would you

Consider it being ok for your

Game to maybe not do the trade,

Cut your losses with willie, or

The attention can shift quickly

To shane.

My fear is that if britney

Wins the coach's competition

She's going to saddle one of us

With willie.

If I can convince britney that

If she trades willie, shane can

Become the new target, maybe if

She wins, she wouldn't make any

Trade at all.

Unfortunately for you, you

Have the jerk but you also have

A big physical threat.

You're basically suggesting

That I shouldn't trade and just

Take -- and just know that one

Of my players is going home and

Do nothing about it?

That's ridiculous.

It's very clear that boggy is

Trying to thr*aten me.

I'm not an idiot.

I'm tired of boogie treating me

Like I am one.

We have the opportunity to trade

A player and if I feel the need

To and if I feel like it will

Benefit me in the game, I'm

Going to do it.

I don't want to just sit back

And say oh, yeah, I will take a


I bet you're an awesome mom.

You miss your husband?


It's tough.

Last time you were here, you

Weren't married.

No, I just had a boyfriend

Ask we weren't that serious.

It's so hard now because,


I used to see people that

Were married and I would be like

Just shut up and play the game.

It's different when you're

Or whatever and single and like

Why are these people complaining

About seeing their kids and


Playing "big brother" this

Time is different because I have

A family at home and I have a

New baby.

Sometimes the talking and the

Strategy with people and

Sometimes I kind of have, you

Know, a little thought about my

Daughter like oh, my gosh, I

Wonder if she's thinking about

Me right now.

It's really hard.

I can't think about it.

I start to get like -- I'm not

An emotion al guy at all but

It's different.

Even though I haven't been gone

That long, I just want to be a

Better husband to her.

Like what if this is my life,

Like not this but if I didn't

Have her, I would be like -- I

Would be done.

Thinking about my wife

Chelsey there this house is a

Total catch .

When I start thinking about her

I get a little emotion al.

My wife at home wants me to play

This game laser focused.

It's very difficult.

No tears for dan.

She wouldn't want to see me cry

In here so I can't let her down.

It's crazy how things change.

I know.

All eyes are on you.

I know.

And the way you act right now

Is huge in how they're going to

View you for the future.

If you're the chill, funny I

Can't know, I have a flop date

With ashley perhaps, something

Like that -- you know, something

Fun -- ian first came to me and

Said he wanted to go out on a

Date with ashley here in the

"Big brother" house.

He doesn't have a chance with

That girl.

Don't force anything.

I know.

I had a talk with her like

Today and we talked about pizza

The other day --

Then I started giving it more

Thought, perhaps a date with

Ashley do make him feel a little

More relaxed in here and

Comfortable not only around

Girls but around the whole


I think this slop dated has


I think she would say yes.

I think it would be out of


I'm just going to go ask her

Right now.


I'm looking for ashley.


Someone might want to ask you

Something outside.


This is ridiculous!

I'm not even here.

They've been egging me on

About asking you on a slop date.

Oh, really?

Would you be interested in

That tonight?



Sounds good.


This comes out of left field

But I have a soft spot for the

Cute little nerdy guy so I'm

Going to give ian a chance.

Your lady awaits.

You have to pick her up.

Oh, what?

Oh, you look beautiful.

Thank you.

Let's go.


Man, she is freaking


I mean, holy -- yeah, definitely

The hottest girl I have ever

Taken on a date.

Good evening.

We will be back in soon with

A couple of drinks.


Thank you.

I try to go on dates whenever


Please close the door.

They tend to be few and far

Between because I'm pretty busy

In my regular life --

Hey, you look great.

Thank you very much.

I did bring something for you.

Oh, it's perfect.

It matches my outfit.

I love it.

Sometimes when I get nervous

I get a watering eye.

Are you nervous right now.

I was a little nervous, yeah.

What's your favorite course

In school.

I really like inorganic


Can you please explain to me

The difference in organic and


Because I always think when I go

To the farmers market or store,

Organic --

Organic means carbon, carbon

Is organic and inorganic is

Anything where carbon is not


What again?

The date is going pretty


I am definitelying a good time.

What do you want to make a

Toast to?

A toast to "big brother ",

Hopefully a long summer and both

Of us.



Cheers to that.

I definitely think a

Showmance can help my game and I

Think if ashley and I play this

Out right, we could go the

Distance -- in the game.

Tell me what you guys have

Been thinking.

We need to separate from


To move from him and hold on

Us to or have him here and we're

All three targets.

I like willie as a person but

He definitely has had a hothead.

It's tough.

I realize now it's imperative to

Me that I have to work alone.

Right now he's trying to be

Nice and play the game but he

Will lose his temper again.

If there's a way I can try to

Keep both of you in the game

This week, that's what I'm going

To do.

Because I don't think it's fair

What happened, I don't think

It's fair to you guys but

Willie's actions are going to

Come back to bite you.

I can't let him dictate my


If I were you, I would just

Separate myself.

It's time for the coach's


Everybody gather around!

Oh, my gosh!

Oh, my god.

It's time to battle.

Put on your fresh gear and meet

Us in the yard.

It's competition time!

Oh, game.

I walk out into the yard and

I see this awesome urban set up.

You have got graffiti on the


The s hip-hop reference is

Kind of lost on me.

I was like at the time so I

Know very little about ''s


Please, welcome to the yard,

Zigiddy yard dan, jammin'

Janelle, bi beat boy boogie and

Beat-master britney.

I walk into the back yard in

This ridiculous outfit.

I don't understand these pants

Or vest.

I don't know if I'm supposed to

Be a genie or a waiter.

Whoever wins this competition

Will have the power to keep one

Of their players safe or trade

One of their players for another


The winning coach will also

Choose the four have-nots for

The week.

Here is the -- you need to

Transfer all of your cash from

One side of the balance beam to

The top of the pedestal on the

Other side.

But listen to this, yo, you can

Only take one brick of cash at

That time a time.

Be careful, if your cash hits

The ground, you're out of the


If you touch the ground, you're

Also out of the game.

The first coach who transfers

All of their cash from one side

Of the beam to the top of the

Pedestal then slides back and

Hits their button wins.

Are you ready to play phat-back?

Coaches, get in position.

The stakes are high for

Today's coach's competition.

Willie has been rubbing everyone

In the house the wrong way.

Everyone wants him gone.

I don't know what my very best

Move would be but I know I need

To win this competition so I

Even have the option to make a


I don't know where britney's

Head is but she's in a bad spot.

I don't know if she would want

To get rid of me or save me.

I need dan to win this.

I'm a huge target.

If dan wins I'm safe for a week.

Even though I have one player

Left in the game I still have to

Throw the competition because

Daniel and I have a weak persona

And we have to keep that up.

On your mark, get set, stack!

Come on, dan.

All these rapper pants

Look comfortable and stylish,d

Their' anything but.

These rapper pants are

Constructed in a way that you

Can only move side to side in


The stakes are huge.

I could be losing one of my best

Players and be given willie if

It went bad enough.

Britney, you might want to do

Them vertically.

See how britney is doing them?

As the competition starts,

M.c. Boogie didn't have his game


I see staying low to the ground

So important.

Now brittany, staying low is

Something she can do better

Since she's about inches


There in the middle.

Who is in the lead?

Britney by far.

Got to pick it up.

How many?

She's way ahead.

She has at least .

I'm just really in the zone.

I know my life is riding on this

In the house and I know what I

Need to win.

Here I am playing against these

Big competitors and I thought --

Who thought I could never win

Anything and here is my chance.

Britney jumps out to a lead.

Like a freakin' flying


Like a jack ran sit on that

Balance beam, back and forth.

She was doing really well.

Take your time, you're still

In the lead.

You have about eight times

Ahead of you.

Britney is k*lling it.

I'm trying to keep my composure

On the bench but on my inside

I'm like this is it, I'm safe,

I'm not going to be nominated.

This is the best thing that can


Dan, you have to go a little


Slow down --

Britney is out.

Britney was in the lead but

She dropped a stack of cash and

Now she's out of the game.

I got a little too eager and

I won't to grab a block of money

And they fell to the ground.

It's like, you know when you

See it fall in slow emotion,

Like oh, no.

Like oh, my god, the worst

Luck ever!

Ian, you're getting more and

More of a leaning tower so move

The center mass to the fat stack


If you want something to balance

The center of that mass has to

Be above that stack offer it

Will fall over.

Y'all are, like, tied.

I kind of did expect it to be

Down to me and boogie.

I knew that I was closing in on

His lead ask I was nervous.

I wanted to win it.

Janelle has four bricks left

And boogie is down to two.

I loved seeing janelle

Head-to-head with boogie.

I don't want her to beat boogie

So bad because I want it to be


My last brick.

Keeping the button, mike.

This is all you.

Looking like catch money on

These bills.

You jumped off before you hit

The button.

Hold on, you might -- you hit

The ground.

What a perfect scenario to

Play out.

As he is saying one of his

Stupid ego activity tickle

Lines, turns out he wasn't

Listening when they were

Explaining the rules of the


Boogie, you're out.

What an idiot.

Unfortunately, I tried to put

A little mustard on my hot dog

And even though I had my entire

Phat stack filled I went to hit

The buzzer and I put my foot on

The ground.

This is the final brick for


Janelle wins!

Once again, boogie's ego gets

In his way of a win.

The comp queen is back in the


I did good.

Janelle, you have earned the

Light to save one of your

Players from eviction or trade

One of your players for another


Well I'm definitely not

Trading because I love all my

Players so much -- and this

Week, because she was so

Amazing, ashley I'm going to

Save you.

I'm going to need ashley in

This game.

I wanted her to focus and bring

Her a little closer to me so I

Kept her safe this week.

You're welcome.

Decision time janelle.

Which four players will be

Have-nots for the week.

I'm definitely picking

Willie, jojo, shane, and I'm

Sorry ian, you got to take iten.

I love it.

It's all right.

Janelle made all of britney's

Players have-nots which I wasn't

Surprised when she picked me and

Willie to be have-nots but like

That's really messed up that you

Put shane again on a have not --

Like seriously?

You're just a mean bitch: you

Really are.

Two fords pour have not, I'm

Feeling the heat off the guy to

My right.

He was not pleased to hear his


Holy smoke.

Sorry, that means willie,

Shane, jojo and ian, you're

Have-nots for the week.

It looks like pork rinds.

Oh, yes.

I've been wanting rice


Oh, nice.

America has voted for a treat

That you can enjoy any time, in

Addition to slop.

Have-nots, these pork reminds

And puddings are just for you.

This is good!

Oh, no.

Pork reminds are nasty.

They do have pork reminds in

New york at the deli, when you

Get your cigarettes and your

Coffee but they're gross.

Nobody eats them.

That sounds good to me.

Pudding has to be one of the

Best have not food choices in

The history of "big brother."

I eat it, my grandma eats it, my

Long lost cousin probably eeth


Pudding is a great food.

Thank you very much, america.

You're the coolest!

I'm good for a little bit.


Jojo, no.

Come here.

Willie is trying to rally up

The whole team together, the

Good old bunch.

Absolutely not.

Please stay away from us.

You're embarrassing.

As far as we're concerned,

You're dead to us.

He is -- when he calls you

Somewhere, don't go.

I'm sorry but I don't deserve


When he is there, don't go


I know.

I am.

I know.

I was thinking the same thing.

All right.

You know.

I knew, like it was not going

To be good to associate myself

With willie.

All of his little antics that he

Is going around doing.

Jojo I'm getting the heat off

Of y'all, man.

It don't matter.

What are you doing?

You're putting other people

In jeopardy and I appreciate it

If you stop.

Just stop.

I'm getting it off to them.

It's my fault anyway.

What is today?



So why don't you just relax for

A few days.

How about, well I'm

Definitely picking willie for


Shane and jojo and ian raised

His hand.

What a good little team member.

Ashley, do you want a necklace?

Do you want everybody to go

Down with you.

That's what is annoying.

Quit dragging us further.

If you want to go like that, go

Upstairs and act like that but

Leave us alone!

You think I'm scared of her?

This is so stupid.

The target is bigger on your

Back because now it looks like

You're together.

I'm ignoring him.

I'm not doing this.

Here is willie right here.

Oh, no.

Britney, my point is, they're

Blaming them for something I


It makes no sense and I'm about

To square that up right now.

He is yelling.

Lock the door.


Hey, man, listen -- I -- last

Week, y'all ain't going got to<br />blame


They chose to stay with you,


My whole point is, I'm going

To get evicted this week before

I go out that door.

Just letting y'all know.

He's had a rough couple days.

I just can't -- I'm not

Trying to be a bitch but I'm

Knot going down with willie.

He is the one who had the power,

He was the one who said this is

What we have got to do.

You know what I mean?


Why should me and shane have

To go down because of him,


You know?

Willie, I'm sorry, but I

Can't be associated with you.

In a way you made your bed.

I told you, I said frank was

Going to get hoh.

I said he would.

He was going to win it.

Just too late.

I'm going to go have some


Go eat your puddin'.

I felt bad for him because I

Know if I was in that situation

I wouldn't want somebody to just

Drop me.

But at the same time I'm not

Letting him take he down with



All I know is I'm going to

Lose another pounds.

That's how I'm going to do it,


That's all I know.

Cheers to another week.

I ain't never seen a bigger

Group of [bleep] in my life.

Just leave everything e.

Everyone alone.

I'm not going out like that.

Out like what?

With class?

No, I'm not going to go out

With class.

Well, I don't know why you

Have to put on this act.

It ain't an act.

I'm pissed.

You can't act this way in

Your real life.

I do.

You seen janelle around.

Janelle is upstairs.

A bunch of [bleep] in this


You [bleep]

What did you say?

What did you say?

Hit me!

Hit me!


What's that?

What did you say?

What did you say?

What did you say?

Hit me.

Hit me!

Hit me!

Hey, hit me!

Hey, hit me!

They're actually fighting.

What did you say?

Announcer: willie, go to the

Back bedroom.

What are y'all coming down

Here for.

So we can come down here too.

You don't own this place.

Willie, you're a jerk.

Do not follow him.

What a punk.

He head-butted me.

It's ok.

It's ok.

I can't believe he just did


He charged me.

I'm done.

I'm not talking to him anymore.

Don't leave here until --

Willie come to the d.r. Now.

Willie come to the d.r. Now.

Can I get you something?

I'm ok, thank you.

I'm just like --

I'm so sorry.

This is beyond the game, now.

Listen, do you want a pillow?

No, it's ok.

I might go lay down in the bed

Or something.

Thank you though.

We're going to go down for


Probably but there's going to

Be nine of us at the end of week


There will be nine of us at the

End of week three.


No worries.

What do you think they're

Going to do, britney?

I know you don't care right now.

Houseguests, if you could

Gather in the living room.

As you all know, v*olence is not

Tolerated in the "big brother"


So willie has been removed from

The game.

When I heard the announcement

That willie was gone, I was

Immediately relieved.

He has been nothing but a

Liability to me and my team.

But from a game perspective this

Is the worst thing that could

Happen to me as a coach.

It just sucks.

Willie is expelled from the


I think to myself, he did it to


He deserved it and he will go

Down for the rest of his life as

The least dignified exit in "big

Brother" history.

Willie's walking out of the

Game was the worst thing that

Could have happened to both jojo

And I and a real man would have

Stuck it out.

Right now it's the worst feeling


I feel sorry for him because

He had a in shot at winning

A half million dollars and

Changing not only his life but

His family and friends lives and

He chose to throw that away

Because of a bad temper.

Announcer: the game continues


I have such mixed emotions.

I'm still thinking about my


Willie, man, if you're outdoor

There, I pray you find peace.

You had a lot of things hit you

Downward at once, but please

Find peace, brother.

Announcer: which houseguest

Will frank nominate for


And who will win the power of
