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14x15 - Episode 15

Posted: 05/05/24 14:13
by bunniefuu
Previously on "big brother":

A powerhouse alliance of boogie,

Frank, shane, britney, dan, and daniele was formed.

The silent six.


And they took out one of the

Biggest players to ever play the



Julie: janelle, you are

Evicted from the "big brother"


I felt horrible what I did to

Janelle this week.

I felt absolutely horrible.

At the head of household


Julie: congratulations,

Frank, you are the new head of


Frank kept the silent six in



But not everyone in the

Alliance was excited about the


I just don't know if we did

The right thing.

Frank has all the power this


If we put our trust in the wrong

Hands, this can really come back

To bite us.

With now ally in the house.

It's tough as nails in here.

Let me tell you.

It's not easy.

It's not for the weak at heart.

Of the easy target.

Just don't see joe not going

Home next.

But when wil went to talk to

Boogie and frank i.

Who do you want out of this

House after joe is gone?

I'm not going to answer that

Question right now.

His attitude rubbed him the

Wrong way.

That's it.


Later tatters.

And boogie wanted to make wil

Public enemy number one.

I'm starting to lean maybe on

Getting wil out.

There's no doubt he's putting us


But frank had a bigger fish

In mind.

I'd like to send dan home if


I do think it's early.

At the nomination ceremony

Frank listened to boogie's


I nominated you, joe, and you

Wil, for eviction.

Tonight the power of veto is

Up for grabs.

Plus it's the return of the


All this right now on "big


Yo-yo-yo-- in your face.

Mike boogie.

You're safe.

I've nominated you, joe, and

You, wil, for eviction.

Joe, upper the only vote

Yesterday to evict me.

And last week, wil, you told me

A big old fib.

This nomination ceremony is


Oh, I don't care.

Well, surprise, surprise.

I'm on the block.

Thanks a lot, frank.

At this point in the game, I've

Been trying not to take things

Personal, but as weeks go by,

It's hard not to take it.

And you know what?

I'm coming for revenge.

Watch your back, frank.

The nominations are set, and

Joe and wil are up on the block.

And while joe might have been

The target at first, wil's

Attitude has now changed the

Target over to him and I think

He might be the best choice to

Go home on thursday.

Once again I'm on the block,

Alone in this world.

I promise you, I will not be

Going down without a fight this


Pack your lunch, america because

We're going to work.

Hey, well they weren't lying.

What's that.

They weren't lying.

Not yet.

You just have to be on your


Am I relieved that I'm not

Nominated this week?

Yes, but do I trust mike boogie

And frank?


Me getting backdoored this week

On a fluke is not out of the

Realm of possibility especially

With those two in control.


I mean, we're really in a

Good position right now.

But we've got to get rid of wil.

And wil is just a liar and he's

Clearly coming after us.

He's got to go yeah, I agree.

Prior to nominations we

Wanted to just have a general,

Friendly conversation with wil.

All this guy had to do was sit

Back, say okay, but he copped an

Attitude with us.

Now he's kind of become the


You know what's good, if we are

Going to work with joe a little

Bit, unlike every other person

In this house, nobody is

Fighting to be his friend.

Maybe if we buddy up, he'll be

Like our loyal pet.

We just have to make sure she

Knows don't stir the pot.

We have to make that super,

Super, clear.

He can't be going around making


Low, low.

Putting you up was an easy

Choice because it's what people

In the house want.

It's it doesn't mean we want you

To go home.

I followed big frank into the

Storage room, and he's saying,

Joe, you are not the target.

Makes a brother kind of feel


I don't know.

You can't trust of trust nothing

In this house, though.

We just need you to keep your

Cool, keep this complietly on

The down-low.


Let's try not to stirt pot

Too much this week.

I won't, stay low.

We'll do our best to get one

Week closer to jury.

Joe is like a drunk girl at


She's going to make a mess.

You just have to make sure she

Doesn't throw up on your shoes.

All right, I owe you big time

If you do.

You got it.

Let's grab a couple of


What's going on?

I just wanted to clear the

Air about something that I

Thought might have been

Bothering you.

One of my favorite pastimes in

The "big brother" house is

Telling people they're %

Completely safe and then just do

The opposite.

I want to have a good

Relationship with you.

Yeah, likewise.

And, you know, obviously

There's many more conversations

To be had.


It was just a case of--

Bad timing.

I mean, someone has to sit

Next to joe this week.

Yeah, yeah.

Definitely if I was going to

Be nominated and I was in your

Shoes, it's a great week to be


But joe could pull it out and

Get that p.o.v..

I mean, I dont see that

Happening but, you know, you get

Houseguest choice and I want to

Pull my name.

Sorry, boogie, I'm not buying


And I'm just sit here and nod,

"Oh, you want me to pick you to

Play with me in the p.o.v.?

Not a chance."

I appreciate it.


Where's daniele?

What's the sitch on you two?

I just feel like she has

Stronger feelings for me than I

Do her.


It's definitely an awkward

Situation for me.

Like, I feel like I can't even

Talk to any other girl.

Like, she gets jealous.

It sucks.

The situation with daniele is

Very uncomfortable, and there

Are already too many

Uncertainties in the house.

I do like her, and I do value

Her friendship, but as far as

The showmance, you know how that

Is-- two targets on your head.

What do you think about this


I could still get backdoored.

That's I've got to win p.o.v.,

Or one of us do, to keep the

Nominations the same.

We just need to get through

This week.

Shane and I might be a part of

The silent six alliance, but I

Don't trust frank and boogie for

One minute.

There's definitely the

Possibility out there that frank

Could backdoor shane this week.

We need to win that veto.

Uh-huh, just to secure it.


Just be careful.


Once they have a chance, they'll

Use it.

Exactly. ♪ ♪

Let's shun this unitarred!

Frank had to wear the

Spirit-tard, because he had lost

The veto last week.

The final run of the


[ Cheers and applause ]

I think he's taking it like a


♪ Bye-bye-spirit-tard

Life with you is ready.

I won't be sorry to see you go

Frank had a good cheer.

He did pretty well with it.

Great job on his part.

[ Cheers and applause ]

You rocked it well, frank.

What's going on through your


I just want to wake up and

Feel myself so I can fight for

Us, and get back in the high


I really want to help wil, but I

Hurt my back, and I'm not in the

Most physical shape, but I

Really want to be there for him.

I feel like I can't even be

There for you because I'm like--

It's okay.

Don't feel that way.

You know, nobody is going to

Play the p.o.v., And use it to

Take me off.

Either I have to do it myself

Or-- joe can't do it.

Or me.


Or me.

But I don't want to-- if

You're feeling rough I don't

Want to put you through that.

Ashley is my only ally in the

House right now, and it would be

Great if she could play in the

Power of veto and help me out

But I can't put the girl through

Any more pain and risk hurting

Her furtherrure.

Thank you, though.

It sucks.

Things will turn around.

It's about time I won one of

These p.o.v.s.

It would be awesome.

Thanks, love.

You're welcome.

Even though mike has assured me

That I'm not a target this week,

I'm not buying it.

So if I can talk to daniele and

Kind of get her on my side, it's

Not going to hurt.

Do you want to know a big



It's embarrassing.

It start the out I was a teeny

Bop star-- not a star or


But I got my first development

Deal when I was .

When I was I got my first

Record deal and went on tour

With a bunch of artists, so from

To I toured constantly.

In this house I've kind of shied

Away with getting too personal,

And it's very nice to talk with

Daniele and open up with her.

I went to an all-boys' catholic

School and it was my version of


I hadn't even gone through

Puberty yet and people were

Saying I was gay.

That year of freshman high

School I I ate lunch in the

Bathroom stall.

At night I would come home and


I was trapped.

It was just pure hell.

Like, if I believe in hell, that

Is my idea of hell.

I didn't stop for one second and

Think, you know, I'm going to

End it or whatever.

I was like how am I going to get

The hell out of this situation?

And that's what really pushed me

Into music.

I think it's bad-ass.

Well, thanks.

That's my little speil.

I am completely touched

That wil opened up to me and

Trusted me with this


I feel bad because frank put him

On the block and I don't feel

Like he deserves to be there.

Hey, everyone.

It's time to pick players for

The veto competition!

Seven people will participate in

This week's veto competition.

The head of household, the two

Nominees, and three other

Players selected by random draw.

Shane, since you won the veto

Ticket in the last veto

Competition, you will be playing

As well.

Would you ald please join me up


No matter how the chips come

Out of the bag I just want to

Make sure I win the veto so all

The power rests solely in my


As h.o.h., I will pick first.

I really want the chance to

Play in this week's veto

Competition so I can save myself

From possibly getting



Houseguest choice.

I looked around the room and

I'm going hmmm... I am alone in

This house.

There ain't a soul that I can



Miss ashley, I gotta pick you

Because maybe, just maybe with

Your sore but obz, that you may

Not be able to win the game so

It makes me odds just a little

Bit better than throwing boogie

Up here with me.

I definitely think that joe

Picking ashley to play is-- is a

Little bit selfish.

Do you not see the girl her eyes

Rolling in the back of her head

In pain?


Of course, the chip they pulled

Out for the veto competition is

The last person I want playing,


Just for once, I'd like

Something to go my way this

Week, just once.

I have to choose a host for

The veto competition, and I

Choose dr. Ian terri.


[ Applause ]

"Big brother" will inform us

When the competition is to


Good luck.

I'm very disappointed I

Didn't get picked to play in

This veto competition.

I only person I know wouldn't

Use the veto is shane.

Whons what the heck boogie or

Frank would do if they win the


I could possibly get


I'm baaaack!

Zingbot is my old friend from

"Big brother" .

I'm definitely excited to hear

What the zingbot has to say

About all of my new housemates.


Your smile lights up the room.

Too bad it's the only thing

About you that's bright.




That was a good one.

Excuse me, zingbot, but do you

Know how bright you have to be,

To be a spray tanner?

A lot!

Jenn, my five-year-old niece


She wants her pink t*nk top




Oh, that's-- that's personal.

Real men wear pink.

I'm comfortable with my


It goes good with my nice tan, I

Think I rock it well.

Britney, I have a half

Million dollars to donate.

Please tell me more about the

Charity you gave yours to.

I think it was called "the


The brigade jokes.

Come on, zingbot.

It's been two years.

I'm over it.

I'm not bitter.

Joe, how does it feel to be

The old man of the house?

Oh, sorry, boogie.

I didn't see you there.

[ Laughter ].



Ian, for a chemical engineering

Student, it's amazing how little

Chemistry you have with...

The ladies.

É [ applause ]



Jenn, you have a lot in common

With a gossip magazine.

You're both covered in...

Bad ink!




I'll zing you in your spot.

Frank, little orphan annie

Would appreciate if you would

Stop stealing her hairdo.


I don't know who little

Orphan annie is.

I'm not as old as boogie.


Daniele, I hear shane's going

To give you a special gift after

The season, a restraining order.



Everybody got zinged, but


Daniele's was the worst.

I mean, whooo!

The zingbot really got her good,

Really good.




Oh, my gosh.

I hate the zingbot.

It's time for the veto


Get on your gear and meet me in

The backyard.



I walk into the backyard and I

See a bunch of stations with,

Like, pipes, and it looks like

Where you would go to do

Inspector gadget's plumbing.

Good luck, ladies.

Thank you, thank you, guys.

This is insane.

Ian, read this.

Thank you, zingbot.

"Last year, the houseguests

Helped zingbot find his bride.

Now our job is to bring baby

Zingbot to life.

Baby zingbot is in the zingue

Bator but needs zingtoneium


Your pipeline must go through

All six gateways.

Once you've completed your

Pipeline, use the special tube

To guide a zing toneium into the

Pipeline and into the


The houseguest who finishes the

Transfer first will bring baby

Zingbot to life and win the

Golder power of veto!

Who is ready to play "birth of

Zingbot "?

Frank told me I am not the

Target this week, but I'm still

Thinking, dude, you never want

To give up a veto, just because

You ain't the target doesn't

Mean you aren't going home.

I have got to win this veto

Competition because I have this

Feeling in the pit of my stomach

That joe isn't the target and I

Have to ensure my safety.

I want to win this veto

Competition for two different


One, I'd like the ability to

Change the nominations if I


And, two, everybody has been

Calling me a target all summer


It's time to prove them right.

You gotta think of how the

Ball will go.

I'm in an alliance with frank

And boogie but I don't know if I

Can trust them right now.

I need to win this veto.

I need to make sure I'm safe

This week.

Are you kidding me.

Rotate that piece.

Just rotate it.

That's not going to work.

My strategy is this-- I'm

More of a visual learner, so I

Take the pipes out and lay them

On the ground so I can get a

Good look at the lengths of the

Pipes and then start going to



The most confusing part of the

Competition was just finding the

Right pieces to make the pipe

Flow properly.

I don't really do that many

Puzzles on a regular basis.

The last time I did a puzzle was

Probably a kitty cat puzzle.

Ian, I need help.

I'm looking.

No, bad, bad.

Connect it with that one, using

The bend.

One of these?

Yeah, that's perfect.

The hardest thing about the

Competition was stabilizing your


Because it was up in the air and

You didn't have any way to rest

It on something, it would move

And fall and then the pieces

Would break apart.

Yeah, I don't think there's

Anything shorter.


Well, there has to be because

Nothing else will fit.

Listen to mike and ian going

Back and forth was very

Frustrating, very confusing.

It was breaking my focus and I

Really didn't appreciate it.

No pipe through.

Use the hole for support.

I don't understand why the

Guy needs ian's help.

Can't he see the pieces.

After all his eyebrows are

Always pointed up to the ceiling

Due to his botox.


There you go.



Take-- it-- take it off.

This one?

Yeah, take it off.

No, not that-- yeah, just the

End part.

Shane is having a lot of

Trouble during the veto

Competition laying all of his

Pipes out so I guess I'm going

To have to restrain myself from

Helping him out.

Actually, zingbot, I'm trying to

Restrain myself from kicking you

In the face.

The ball is not going to


Twist it towards you.

Shane taking puzzle building

Advice from britney is like

Taking dating advice from ian.



I'm pouring sweat.

I need a victory, a big "v."

You gotta get a taste of


In order to keep getting

Victory, you gotta get your

First taste, and I needed a


Is there a little bit shorter

Piece that you could have used

In the end?

I'm hoping shane wins this

Veto competition, because if he

Wins it, he's not going to use

It to back-door me like frank

And mike boogie possibly could.

This pipeline puzzle is

Driving me nuts.

It's falling apart.

My plan isn't working.

I'm totally getting distracted.

Things aren't look good.

Dude, I'm going to freaking


Frank's almost got this


Right now my strategy of

Getting the connectors into the

Holes is working pretty well.

I just have to make sure I'm

Making as straight a line as

Possible so I can win this game.

Got it!

Double check your connection,


Good job, shane.


It's frustrating.

Now try to connect that




A baby zingbot.

Zingbot ,.

It's a bot!

It's a bot!

He's so cute.

Oh, my gosh.

It's a baby zingbot.

I love babies, and I love


Frank, congratulations.

You have won the power of veto.

Your boy blinged out this

Week, got the h.o.h. Key and

Power of veto resting tightly

Around my neck.

What a great week.

Frank goes out and wins the

H.o.h., And then he tops it off

By winning the veto.

It's a nice easy week.

I'm just going to be hanging

Poolside and chill town baby.

Frank wins the competition

And worst-case he has a chance

To change nominations and I

Could be back-door at this


Normally when h.o.h. Wins a

P.o.v. They don't pull one down.

That's not case this season.

I could possibly get back-doored

By frank this week.

Let's do some schematics.


This week.

With the ceremony tomorrow.

Dan should be nervous this


He can definitely get


They have the votes they need.

They have all the power.

We joined this alliance a week

Ago and we're already starting

To doubt each other.

We're one week removed from the

Agreement, and we're worried

That they're going to use the


We can't trust them.

Frank is both the h.o.h. And

Veto holder this week so he can

Pretty much do whatever he


If he wants to do a big power

Move and make a statement, what

Better move than to back-door me

And get one of the winners out of the house.

I'm trying to think logically,

If they did that, it wouldn't



They would have to go around

And get the vote.

They do have the votes.

Ian, jenn, ashley, boogie.

So they have five.

But they don't really have


So it comes down to ian.

In the event that that

Happens, we're just going to

Have to put a fire under ian.

We just have to hope they don't

Do that.

I just can't believe that

Frank has the opportunity to

Make a huge move in this game.

Your two biggest targets didn't

Win p.o.v..

And you're going to waste it

On joe?

Frank has all the power in

The house right now.

Clearly, there are bigger fish

To fry than joe and i.

So now is his time to make a big


He knows he has a huge

Opportunity to make a huge move.

Either it's shane or dan.

If he doesn't foolishness,

Foolish, then there's something

Else going on that we've got to

Figure out.

If something like that doesn't

Happen, every time-- every

P.o.v. [ Bleep ] has changed,


Yeah, yeah, so why not do it


What does he have to lose?


Well, listen, should we act

Then and do something?

Should we-- should we promise

That if he makes a-- if a big

Move is made--

You have to make--

We'll say if you make a big

Move, you will have votes behind

You the next week.

He knows he has mine.

If boogie puts you up and

Targets you, you will have votes

Behind you.

We need to go together because

That shows a united front.

I'll talk and you--

You got this.

You guys got this.

I am ready to roll.

I have an idea.

I'm going to head upstairs and

See if we can't make a deal with


We just wanted to talk to you

Real quick.

We thought we'd snatch you

Before the night.


And we've talked and we all

Have targets in this house, and

It is kind of, like, if there's

A chance that you aren't working

With one of these big players

And you do want to make that

Move, rest assured--

We want to be behind you.


The only thing holding me back

From doing is, I'm border taking

A swing and missing it this week

That will come back to bite me

Big time.

You know it takes five vote.

She will be confirmed, jenn will

Be confirmed.

I think ian would be afraid

To go against you guys.

If it would be -, you make

The decision.

This gives me a little more

Confidence it won't be a swing

And a miss, so, you know--

We're always saying how dan

Was a dangerous player, blah,

Blah, blah.

I don't even know if that's who

You're targeting.

I'm just talking.

I think I said too much.

You didn't.

Don't worry about it.

Wil and ashley want to have a

Little talk with me, and the

Plan that they proposed to me is

The same plan I've already been

Thinking about the last few

Days, and that plan is possibly

Trying to get dan out of the

House this week.

Well, I mean, if you're

Willing to take that risk, I'm

Willing to take it with you.

Yeah, absolutely.

I just feel like the past

History of this season, the veto

Has been used a lot.


Trust me, I'm thinking about


I mean, my mind has not been

Made up whether I'm going to use

It yet.

And, obviously, if it goes

Through, it means y'all have got

To have my back going forward if

This happens.

Well, you have big decisions.

I don't think I'd want to be in

Your shoes.

I know.

You wouldn't want to be in

Mine, either.

I know.

I agree.

Wil was just upstairs with


Yeah, I know, this is not


Run upstairs and do some

Detective work.

I'm currently part of an

Alliance called the quack pack

With dan, daniele, britney, and


One, two, three, quack pack!

So I just went upstairs to

Make sure everything was all

Clear for us.

Hi, guys.



He's asleep, man

[ Snoring ]

Ready for tomorrow morning?

You did it.

The plan still the going?



You never know.

Oh, geez.

You know I don't like surprises.

We do have a chance to take a

Shot at some big targets if we

Really wanted to.

I mean, because there are people

In this house who have been

Trying to get me out of the

House the last couple of weeks.

My main worry is dan.

It's going to open up a huge

Can of [ bleep ] worms.

I've been in the line of fire

For four [ bleep ] weeks.

I know.

That-- oooh.


Would you vote-- you'd vote

How I wanted you to, though,

Right, no matter who it was?

Yeah, sadly.


Dan is part of the quack


I don't want him going home.

My goal right now is to get

Quack pack members to the jury.

I don't know.

It's messy.

Let's say dan went up and

Went home.

Daniele is now by herself.

We rope in shane and britney.

We've got five strong players,


I don't know, man, I don't know.

Dan was gunning for me these

Last two weeks, ian.

And who am I more frightened by,

Wil or dan?

You've got to think of it like


I just feel like wil's word

Is dirt.

To me, dan's word is dirt.

It's gonna happen eventually.

Yeah, but so early?

My honest advice is don't rock

The boat.

Keep this week calm waters.

We're looking at bloodbath ahead

If we freaking shake things up.

Hey ian.

Do you think.

Stay up a little later.


What happened?

Just, I got in frank's ear,

And I said, "dude, I think the

Name of the game this week is

Don't rock the boat."

I am extremely concerned about--

About the veto being used at

This point.

I am freaking out.

We can go into panic mode later.

Who is he thinking of

Replacing, shane?







I think we're okay.

Though we're not going to be

Sure, and nothing any of us say

Is going to change it, so we

Need to just keep our fingers


He's just scared of dan, that's


Since when?

Since he tried to vote him

Out pre-reset.

I'm glad ian has come to us

With this information.

Obviously he's still, like,

Whatever a quack packer-- I'm so

Embarrassed gijust said that.

You cannot trust frank.

On one hand he works with mike

Boogie, he has no shame.

And you can't believe anything

That comes out of his mouth.

Daniele, you understand you

Can't tell dan.

I won't tell dan.

Dan will go into panic mode

And tell on me.

Don't worry, ian, I'm not

Breaking my word.

Then the quack pack is known

Because then they know there's

Some inner working between us

And then we are [ bleep ].

Oh, fudge.

This is a crazy game.

Everything cool?

Yeah, yeah.


You seemed a little

Correspond your face.

I'm a little-- not concerned,

But-- I just would like to

Revisit the dan situation.

[ Laughs ]

I just feel like if we want to

Do it, we have the votes.

I just think it's too early,


I mean, he's working with us,

And he's, you know, a good


Frank, we just formed a silent

Six alliance.

Dan is the lynchpin of that

Alliance, and we need to work

With him.

I definitely have no interest in


I don't think dan is as

Threatened by you, as you think.

You talked to him a lot that

Week daniele was the swing vote.

He said he was work with us, and

The whole time he was work

Against us.

Fair enough.

I'm just saying--

Fair enough.

I have to think about that a

Little bit.

It's not just going to be--

We'll get more opportunities.

We're going to have plenty of

More opportunities with less

Variables, you know what I mean?

I think you're feeling now I

Can't play a choice next week.

But we have lots of friends.

We have lots of allies.

Right now, where we have no

Enemies, I don't think it's wise

To go-- I mean--

Well, I think do.

Is the thing.

I'm just a little worried--

Like, let's say did you that

And you put up dan, you'd

Completely destroy the alliance,

As opposed to we leave it alone,

Which is no sweat off our backs

Whatsoever, and then we

Completely affirm our alliance.

I've thought about that, too.

I feel like mike is my closest

Ally, so I want to make mike

Happy and I want us to have a

Fluid relationship, but at the

Same time, I've got to look out

For my own back, and if he can't

See that, then it makes me a

Little bit worried that maybe he

Might have other intentions.

I know to you, dan is not much

Of a threat, because you know he

Wants to work with you.

But to me, dan's a threat

Because he's been wanting me out

For two weeks and I know he

Wanteds to work with you and not

Have me there.

Dan's first instinct was two's

Company, three's a crowd.

And that worries me going down

The road a little bit just

Because I'm the ones that's

Going to go home out of the two

Of us when he decides to make a


I do recognize and agree with

That point, but it's super risky

For him, and even if he net you

Out, he still has me on a

Vengeance tip.

And it wouldn't be a hard sell

To people to go at him.

But I'm out the door and I

Can't win the game.

Mike can feel as comfortable

As he [ bleep ] wants to with

Dan because he knows dan wants

To work with him, but I know dan

Doesn't want to work with me.

He wants me out of the way so he

Can work with mike.

I feel like my best chance of

Getting to the end of this game

And winning might be getting rid

Of dan sooner rather than later.

It's rig eddie-rap city if

This goes on.

It's eight heads after us.

It's game over.

I won the power of veto, so I

Have the ability to change the


I don't really trust dan right

Now, so I could try to get him

Out of door.

I have to figure out what's

Better for me.

Heading into this veto

Meeting, frank has all the


I'm definitely concerned that

Frank could back-door me.

If I was frank, I would do

Everything in my power to try to

Back-door me and get me out, so

I can't blame him if he does it.

Ashley and I went up to get

Through to frank.

If he wanted to make a big move,

He's going to have our support.

I'm hoping that, that

Reassurance pokes him along to

Make an aggressive move.

If frank doesn't heed my

Advice and puts dan on the

Chopping block, I don't know

What I'm going to do.

He's a rookie.

He really needs to listen to me

Here and not rock the boat.

Hey, everyone.

It's time for the veto meeting

It's time for the veto meeting

This is the veto meeting.

Wil and joe have been nominated

For eviction.

But I have the power to veto

One of the nominations.

I have decided...

Not to use the power of veto.

I've been in some tough spots

Already, and I don't need to

Rock the boat or get any more

Blood on my hands at this point.

Sorry, guys.

This veto meeting is adjourned.

That was definitely a viable

Option, but you know what, I've

Got to pick my battles.

It's just not time for me to

Send dan home.

So right now, I want wil out the


Frank closes the veto box.

I'm not nominated.

And life is good.

I won this game last time by

Dodging b*ll*ts and I just

Dodged another one.

Missed b*ll*ts, .

Dan, .

What a fool, frank.

You had the opportunity to make

A big move in this game, and you

Blew it.

The only thing you're good for

Is making tacky slogans.

Watch your back.

No veto was used so now I

Gotta fight with everything

Inside me to get the votes to go

My way this week.

Joe is not going home.

Thank god frank doesn't use

The veto, quauk pack lives

Another week, one more step

Closer to the goal.

Mission accomplished.

Who will be evicted from the

"Big brother" house, wil or joe?

And fan favorite jeff schroeder


It all happens live thursday at

:, : Central on "big
