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14x16 - Episode 16

Posted: 05/05/24 14:14
by bunniefuu
Julie: we're halfway

Through a summer that has

Delivered unexpected twists and

Unpredictable turns.

Last week's landslide eviction

Of janelle has made one thing

Perfectly clear-- this season,

No one is safe.

Welcome to "big brother."

( Cheers and applause )

Previously on "big brother":

Shane, britney, dan, and daniele

Formed two different arb liance,

One with frank and boogie--

The silent six.


And another with ian.

Quack pack.

Oh, that's it!

That's it!

The freaking quack pack.

Request frank in control of

The house --

Congratulations, frank, you

Are the new head of household.

...joe was the easy target.

I just don't see joe not

Going home next.

But when frank and boogie got

Suspicious of wil--

He says I know a large

Group's working together and he


There's no doubt he's putting us


He became public enemy number


Nominated you, joe, and you,

Wil, for eviction.

Wil's attitude has changed the

Target over to him.

At the veto competition,

Frank claimed even more power.

Frank, you have won the power

Of veto.

And some of the silent six

Were worried he would betray the


Worst-case situation right

Now, and I could be backdoored

At this point.

I'm concerned the nominee is

Going to come down and I could

Possibly get back-doored by

Frank this week.

Wil and ashley tried to

Convince frank to back-door dan.

We're always saying how dan

Was a dangerous player, blah,

Blah, blah.

Don't know if that's who you're


I'm just talking.

He kept tell us he was work

For us but the whole time he was

Working us.

I feel my best chance of getting

To the end is getting rid of dan

Sooner or later.

In the end, frank chose to

Play it safe.

I have decide not to use the

Power of veto.

Tonight, either wil or joe

Will walk out the front door.

Plus, former houseguest jeff


It all happens right now, live

On "big brother."

captioning funded by


( Cheers and applause )

Julie: good evening.

I'm julie chen.

Welcome to "big brother."

It's day inside the "big

Brother" house, and frank has

Spent more than half of that

Time on the chopping block.

Having stood on the brink of

Eviction for the third time this

Summer, the unemployed super fan

Once again survived and rose to


As the new head of household,

Frank stayed true to his

Alliance, the silent six, and

Put joe and wil on the chopping


But when frank won the power of

Veto, he was tempted with the

Idea of back-dooring dan,

Causing cracks in the silent six

Alliance, and threatening to

Damage his relationship with


Ultimately, he did not use the

Veto, and he kept his

Nominations intact.

So wil or joe?

Which of janelle's former

Players will follow her out of

Front door?

It's a question that's on

Everyone's mind, including "big

Brother" fan favorite jeff, who

Will join me live in just a few

Moments to give us his thoughts

On tonight's eviction and on the


But first, frank chose not to

Make a big move with the veto,

But there's more than one way to

Make a big move in this game.

I have decided not to use the

Power of veto.

This veto meeting is adjourned.

I'm completely relieved that

I'm not getting back-doored this


However, at any point, someone

Could plant that seed, like,

"Hey, dan won this game before,

He's dangerous.

Let's back-door him.

This is something I feel I'm

Goings to have to continue to

Fight the rest of the season.

I didn't use the power of

Veto today because I was just a

Little worried that it might

Rock the boat too much.

Tough decision.

Yeah, yeah.

The decision it not back-door

Dan could be a make-or-break

Decision going down the road.

Are you kidding me!


Frank had a golden opportunity

To get rid of a huge player in

This house, and he chickened


My plan in the next few days is

To just play it cool.

Joe sometimes digs his own


Maybe he'll do all the work for


Do you guys want this bread?

I made it last night?

I may be on my knees this week,

But I'm going to give everything

I got for wil to be exiting this

House and the chef be on top

Still cooking.

We can win.

The odds are definitely

Against us.

Things change all the time.


You know, I was nervous.

I was, too.

At this point... We've got to

Get that h.o.h. Next week.

I don't think we're going to get

That lucky again.

It shouldn't have even been a


I know.

It's been one week since we

Made an agreement.

Frank ultimately did not put dan

Up on the block.

However, the fact that it was

Even up for consideration really

Bothers me, and I think that the

Silent six is definitely


You were close.

You were real close.

He thinks we're joking.

Dan, I'll being dead serious.

We're being serious.

You're going to win h.o.h.?

It's not in the foreseeable




I'm always trying to win.


What's up, girl?

He didn't want to use it, I


He's not going to rock the


I know, it sucks.

They're going to pick us off

One at a time.

How are you going to do your


I don't know.

It is so tough.

You know, I'm talking to

Ashley, because you go to your

Family members first.

I went looking for a yes, got a

Maybe, and a maybe means no way


So I gotta get my buttocks to


Tough week.

It sucks.


Discare you?


No one else is up here,


We don't have a long time to

Talk, but I know it's probably a

Little difficult to trust me,

But, like, what you did today, I

Really appreciate that, because,

I mean, if you wanted to, you

Probably could have teed off on

Me, you know.

I won't say it didn't cross

My mind.

I'm honest.

Obviously, since I was thinking

About back-dooring dan, there's

A chance he could have known.

I wanted him to hear it from me

Because I wanted him to know I

Had that opportunity but that I

Trusted him and he need to trust

Me going forward.

I've got yours and my back

Together you know, and I feel

Like it's the same way.

Yeah, for sure, man.

Frank telling me that he

Considered back-dooring me tells

Me I can't trust him.

If you're going to entertain the

Thought to back-door me right

Now you're definitely going to

Do it later in the game.

If I get the opportunity to

Shierchg frank in the game I'm

Going to do it.

How are you leaning this week?

I still think wil is probably

The best bet just because with

Wil gone, ashley cannot be by


Her and joe aren't going to meld

Together, work well together.

Joe will be out there easy to

Send home the next week if we

Want to do that.

These next couple of weeks

Are huge.

It's so hard to get enough

Pepper out of that grinder.

It takes forever to do it.

Hey, frank, you want to have

An ice cream date to do that?

Yeah, we can do that.

Asking other men out on date,


I definitely want ice cream,

But I also want to see if I

Could get some information about

Wil, maybe seeing where the

House was going, if they're

Going to vote for wil to stay,

And I kind of wanted to go on a

Date with frank, too.

Ashley, I respect you making

A move.

I like that.

You're not waiting around for a

Guy to come to you.

That's right.

He hasn't asked you out since

The slop date.

I was going to make her


No, you weren't.

Yeah, I was.

( Laughs )

Ashley asked frank on an ice

Cream date.

That's spoaded-- supposed to be

My flirt-mance.

Thanks for going on a date

With me.

With with well, thanks for

Asking me!

You're welcome.

We're having cocktails instead

Of ice cream.

I hope that's all right.

There's no ice cream around.

I guess it goes from a g-rated

Date to pg, or pg--rated date.




It sucks because I feel like

Wil had it really great, but now

He's just-- he's not looking


This game is--

It's tough.

So I'm trying to support him.

Wil's problem is he wears his

Emotions on his sleeve.

Yeah, and he get so paranoid.

I'm kind of just, like, a lone

Soldier at this point.

I don't know what's going to


Sometimes it does get lonely.

You have boogs.

I have wil.

I needed some manly testosterone

In my life.

When we finish this.

We can make out on the couch.

Okay, perfect.

No I didn't want anyone to think

I was doing this for game-type



It's just-- it's a nice


Well, you're dumped.

Not good, not good.

What do you feel right now?


She shouldn't be going on dates

With ( bleep ) frank.


Do you want to make out on

The couch for a little bit?

All right, let's do it.

All right.

Are you serious?


One of my favorite moves to pull

Out of bag is, flat out, hey,

You want to make out on the


Truth is, it works out most of

The time.

Oh, my god.

You're for real.


Frank is very channing


He has a great body, just like


He's very manly, and he has nice

Lips and a very soft tongue.

I have to stop.

I can't believe you just did



Oh, my god.

That was nice.

I liked that.

Do you think she's going to

Make out with frank tonight?

Uh, I really hope not.

I would actually be kind of


I thought we were exclusive.

This is exactly what I




A little make-out session.


I feel really bad about ian.

You know he's faking it.

He's not really that upset.

Oh, he's upset.

Frank and ashley have been up

There a while.

Don't worry about it.

Hey, stop it!

Stay focused.

I'm thinking they're probably

Doing something.

I don't want to know what.

Maybe this could be good.

I wanted to get closer, so we

Got closer.

So my plan worked.

This was a nice little date.

I just wanted some ice cream.

I got a lot more than I

Bargained for.


Are you guys still

Contemplating and pondering

About thursday?




I mean, I don't want to pressure

Anybody or annoy anybody.

I just know that if I stay, it's

A guarantee that ashley's going

To work with me.


But in this house, a word is

Worth nothing.

You know, for all I know, there

Could be one big group that's

Just picking off joe, ashley,

And i.

I know-- you know, you have

Until thursday so I know you're

Trying to do what you can do.


That was super awkward.

There are five members of the

Quack pack, which means five

Votes this week.

That means that we completely

Control this week's vote.

The only problem is that we all

Need to get on the same page and

Since we constitute about half

Of the house right now, it's

Really difficult for us to all

Get together without arousing

Any suspicion among the other


I'm just trying to get the

Word out.

I'm not doing anything against


I'm just stating my case, and

Why I want to be here.

I mean, I guess all I would

Want to know from you is, if we

Would keep you this week you

Wouldn't go after myself or


You know I owe you


Right, right, I know.


But I'm just saying, I still

Desperately need a home.


Because I'm a person that can

Be extremely loyal.

I've always been


You know, and I cook a lot now.

That's true.

That's true.

Very good reason to keep you.

Which is another good reason.

That's pretty much my game.

Joe and wil came and talked

To us, and bottom line is, the

Quack pack has the numbers.

We decide who goes home this


It's good to be the king.

Julie: coming up, either

Wil or joe will leave the "big

Brother" house.

Their fate lies in the

Handsst houseguests, and

Tonight, you, america, will have

The chance to influence the

Game, too.

Tonight's head of household

Competition will be a battle of

Endurance, and you can add a

Temptation to this all-important


You can choose to tempt the

Houseguest with either $,

Or a have not pass, meaning they

Cannot be a have not for the

Rest of the season.

Vote by sending your tweets to

Either hash tag bbcash prize, or

Hash tag bbhave not.

We'll find out how you impacted

The game right before we begin

Tonight's battle for head of


Stay with us.

Julie: welcome back to

"Big brother."

Joe has kept the houseguests'

Stomachs full and given everyone

An ear full.

So what do his kids think about

A dad who seems to be rubbing

Some of his housemates the wrong


Joe, is your wife's face,

Like, hazy in your head right

Now because you haven't seen her

In so long?

I don't think so.

We've been together eight years.

I picture her-- I picture my

Kids almost every day.

Wait till I get h.o.h.

I'll get to see them all.


I can't wait for joe to come


I need some crab cakes.

The only good thing you

Cooked was the chicken wrapped

In bacon.

The only good thing?

I'll remember that when you want

To eat dinner later.

I'm sarah, joe's wife.

I mean, I'm sarah!

I'm joe's wife!

Not long after I had met joe we

Realized we would be together

For the rest of our lives.

It was quite the love story.

How did you meet sarah?

We met on

I was actually dating her mom


It's a joke.

Her mother put her thing up on


She didn't do it.

Her mother was trying to feel

You out.

Her mother was trying to get

The relationship, the first two

Months we talked through e-mail,

I was talking to her mom.

We have a -year-old girl,

-Year-old boy, and two

-Year-old kid.

I'm alex alevi, lexa, morgan.

We're joe's kids!

It's the veto competition.

He's so hot.

( Laughter ).

Here's the scoop!

I like him being a host.

He's good at it, right?

Joe's a great dad, and he's

Very funny and he has so many

Cool things about him.

I miss his cooking.


Tonight is turkey burger


What's for supper?

Seafood fettucine.

Joe's ultimately wanted to

Cook his way through the show.

He thought at the end of the day

They'll remember, "hey, that guy

Cooked for us and it's



Joe is the biggest troubled

Maker up here.

What about him going up


He's got to go.

My kid are not happy with

Mike boogie.

My whole house is not happy with

Mike boogie.

My friend and family are not

Happy with mike boogie because

Mike boogie is ( bleep ).


Go home!

I'm not a big fan of boogie

And I want him gone.

Boogie is really full of


He's the worst threat in the


It's time for the nomination


This should be predictable,

Considering he does exactly what

Boogie tells him to do.

I nominated you, joe, and

You, wil, for eviction.

Hopefully he doesn't get

Voted off.

He needs to lie and stuff

Instead of just, like, express

His feelings like he's been


And, america, if there's any way

You can get joe to shave that

White thing off his face, let me


This chef is not done cooking


Revenge is a dish best served


Ficould talk to joe, what my

Advice would be is to trust your

Gut, and stop yelling in the

Diary room.

Swallowing my pride!


Turn down the volume!

I'm having a bad day!

Julie: joe's game may come

To an end tonight, and it's a

Familiar feeling to one of the

Most popular houseguests to ever

Play the game.

And while jeff never won the

Half million dollars, he didn't

Walk away empty-handed.

Let's knuckle up like rocky.

Draw the line and let's go to


I can't imagine the house

Without jordan.

Jordan could not look cuter in

That humilitard.

Cute as a stupid little button.

Come ojeff!

You are the new head of


<Span tts:fontstyle="italic">( applause )

Clown shoe, clown sure, clown


It's rk.

Julie: please welcome back


( Cheers and applause )

Thank you, guys!

Thank you, julie.

Julie: thank you, jeff.

The crowd loves you.

Now, you've played this game


You didn't win.


Julie: are you itching to

Go back into the house right now

And play the game?

I don't know.

It's nice to be out here not so

Fired up.

I remember last time-- any way--

I'll get back in there if you

Guys want me to go now.

But I need to get some more


I don't know.

Julie: we say expect the


Am I supposed to go in there?

Julie: no, I'm just


You looked a little scared.

I don't know what's going on

Ever over here.

Julie: everyone wants an


What's going on with you and


Well, we just moved to santa


We moved to california, so we

Live out here now.

And things --


Things are going great.

And when are you going to put a

Ring on?

Was that the next question.

Julie: yes, and?

I get that every day.

Julie: there's a plan.

There are plans.

Things are rolling.

Things are role very nicely.

We have been out here for two

Months but I have a deadline

From jordan though.

I have some breathing room but

It's a deadline.

Julie: what's the


My birthday.

Julie: when is that stha?

June .

Julie: let's talk about

The game, so far you've been

Watching intensely.

What has surprise you the most?

Well, I think the biggest

Move-- I mean, the thing that

Surprised me most was janelle


I think that was the biggest

Shocker, and boogie kind of

Running that house and getting

Janelle out.

You know, it seemed like frank

Was going and he totally flipped

It to janelle and I think that's

The biggest shocker so far for

Of the season.

Julie: what does that tell

You about the game or the people

Playing it?

For me, don't go back on a

Third time.

Look what happened to janelle.

I mean, for anybody, anybody

Could win this game.

People have their favorites and

People like who they like.

It's up for grabs.

Anybody could win this game.

Julie: so you don't have a


You don't have a favorite you

Think will take it to the end?

I mean, the strong players

Seem to go.

Un, you play strong for a little

Bit, you know, and you get it in

The back at the end.

I gotta say I'm pulling for ian.

That's who my pick is.

( Applause ).

Julie: all right, super

Fan pup have certainly been

Interviewed before but this

Summer you have been doing the

Interviewing of evicted

Houseguests for

So do you mind fitest out your

Interviewing skills.


Julie: you can ask me

Whatever you want.

I hear you're quite good at



My one question I would ask is

What kind of player would you

Be-- I know you've got a sweet

Gig here so you wouldn't go in

There-- but if you did, what

Kind of player would you be in

The house giwould probably be a

Combination of janelle and

Boogie, constantly playing


So no floater for you.



What's the point of going?

"Be smooth julie.

Julie: I would have

T-shirts and everything.

So jude go for it.

You got to.

If you go, you have to go big.

That's why I'm sitting here.

Julie: jeff, it's always a

Pleasure to see you.

Thank you for having me back.

Julie: thank you so much.

And keep up the good work with

The interviews.

Thank you.

I'm taking pointers with you.

Julie: you can see jeff's

Live interview with joe or wil

At tomorrow at :

P.m. Eastern time.

Coming up, it's the live vote

And eviction.

Wil or joe.

Who will leave the house


And which temptation do you want

To add to tonight's head of

Household competition is there

The "big brother" twitter polls

Are still open, and currently in

The lead is the $, cash


But you still have time to vote.

So keep your tweets coming.

Stay with us.

( Cheers and applause )

Julie: welcome back to

"Big brother."

Let's go to the living room and

Talk with the houseguests.

Hello, houseguests.


Julie: now, in just a few

Moments we will begin the live

Vote and eviction, but before we

Do, I want everyone to know that

We have passed the halfway point

Of the summer.

( Cheers and applause )

Now, a lot has happened in the

Outside world since you all

Entered the "big brother" house.

So we're going to play a little

Game tonight.

I'm going to give you a current

Event pop quiz, and the

Questions go out to the entire


So go ahead and just scream an

Answer at me, okay?

Anyone and everyone should


Here we go.

First question: there was a big

Celebrity engagement announced

This week.

Who do you think is getting


Ian and ashley.

( Laughter ).

Julie: I'm going to give

You choices.

( Laughter ).

So just settle down.

But I like the enthusiasm.

Who do you think is getting


Jennifer aniston or jennifer


Jennifer lopez!




Julie: it sounds like it's


Jennifer aniston had gotten


Next question, now the olympics

Just ended in london.

Which country do you, won the

Most gold medals, china or the


United states!




Julie: sorry, boogie.

U.s.a. Won gold medals,

China .

Next question for sports fans.

There was a big trade in the

N.b.a. This week, dwight howard

Has a new home.



Julie: which team was he

Traded to, the new york knicks,

The dallas mavericks, or l.a.



The mavericks!



Julie: l.a. Lakers.

Here's your final current events


Which of these current events

Are true.

For the first time in history, a

Woman refereed an nfl game.

Nasa successfully landed the

Rover "curiosity" on mars.

Or "twilight" darlings kristen

Stewart and robert patterson

Have split.


Number one!

Julie: all three are true.


Julie: discuss later among


There's more to that story which

I'm sure you'll be hearing about

When you come out.

Let's get back to the game.

Wil and joe, in just a few

Moments your housemates will

Cast their votes to evict live.

Before they do, you each have

One last chance to plead your


Wil, you're up first tonight.

Thank you, julie.

You're all snoops, liars--

No I'm just kidding.

I want to keep it real this


This is a win-win situation for


If I stay, obviously, it's a


I get another week with some of

The most incredible awesome

Individuals I have had the

Privilege of spending my summer


If I go home, I go home to the

Most amazing parents, brothers

And friend that I've missed

Every day I've been in here.

That being said, fiwalk out, I

Know I played this game for

Myself, made every decision I

Wanted to make, not anybody


So I leave you with when you

Walk in that door and cast your

Vote, make your decision per you

For you.

I have been loyal to a lot of

You and make a great team player

With you so take that into

Consider expaigz I love you and

Adore all of you.

Julie: thank you, wil.

Joe, your turn.

Well, this week, I heard out

Of wil's campaign, it's been

Going around the house.

Somebody said I was loud.

( Laughter ).

Julie: well.

I got news for you.

I got news for you, wil.

I'm taking classes at night

Right now called human


And I'm getting better.

I'm getting much better.

I've also heard that you've been

Spreading that I have a sharon

Osbourne game going on in here.

A sharon osbourne?

You're sharon osbourne.

I'm sharon ozbetter than.

Somebody said that wil

Possibly could be my son.

I'm not your daddy.

I'm not your son.

It's fabio and sharon


Julie: gee, now not only

Are you loud but you're long


I need you to cut it down.

It's a live show.

Keep it real and I'll keep

Feeding people.

Julie: it's time for the

Live voting to begin.

As always the two nominees are

Not allowed to vote.

Frank, as current head of

Household you will only vote if

There is a tie.

The rest of you, you will

Entertain the diary room one at

A time and cast your vote to


Ashley, you are first.

Please go to the diary room.

With wil the whole summer, but

Did her date with frank change

Her vote?

Hello, ashley.

Hi, julie.

Julie: please cast your

Vote to evict.

I vote to evict joe.

Julie: thank you.

You're welcome.

Thank you.

Julie: boogie had wanted

To work with wil, but has had a

Hard time trusting him so far.

Hi, boogie.

Jc, what up?

Julie: please cast your

Vote to evict.

I vote to evict wil.

Hi, brady!

Julie: the vote is one to

Evict wil, and one to evict joe.

When we return the quack pack


Who will they send home tonight?

Stay with us.

( Cheers and applause )

( Cheers and applause )

Julie: welcome back to

"Big brother."

The houseguests are voting live

To evict either wil or joe.

With one vote each, it's

Currently a tie.

Let's continue with the live


Daniele has voiced her dislike

Of joe on many occasions.

Will she take this opportunity

To send him home?

Hi, daniele.

Hi, julie.

Julie: please cast your

Vote to evict.

I sadly vote to evict wil.

Julie: thank you.


Julie: with no ties to

Anyone in the house, who does

Jenn feel will get her farther

In the game?

Hi, jenn.

Hi, julie.

Julie: please cast your

Vote to evict.

I vote to evict chef joe.

Julie: thank you.

Thank you.

Julie: dan's trust has

Been shaken this week.

Will he follow frank's plan to

Vote out wil?

Hi, dan.

Hey, julie.

For as many times as we've done

This, have I ever told you

You're the most beautiful and

Best host on television today?

( Laughter ).

Julie: yes, and thank you

Every time.

You're welcome.

( Laughter ).

Julie: now, please cast

Your vote to evict.

I vote to evict wil.

Julie: thank you.

As a key member of the quack

Pack, britney should follow suit

And vote out wil.

Hi, britney.

Hey, julie.

Julie: please cast your

Vote to evict.

I vote to evict wil.

Julie: thank you.


Julie: shane and britney

Have been close all summer.

His vote should follow hers.

Hi, shane.

Huh, julie.

Julie: please cast your

Vote to evict.

I'd like to say you look very

Beautiful tonight first, but I

Vote to evict will.

Julie: thank you.

Thank you.

Julie: it's official, with

Five votes to evict wil, wil

Will leave the house tonight.

But let's see how ian votes.

Hello, ian.

Hi, julie.

Julie: please cast your

Vote to evict.

I vote to evict wil.

Julie: thank you

Let's give the news to the


Houseguests, the votes are in.

When I reveal the vote, the

Evict the houseguest will have

Just a few moments to say

Good-bye, gather his belongings,

And walk out that front door.

By a vote of to , wil, you

Are evicted from the "big

Brother" house.

Like I say.

Always look good.

Thank you.

Bye, guys.


Bye, babe.

You're going to do great.

Hang in there.

Bye, thank you.


Good-bye, joe.

Bye, jenn.

Hang in there and kick butt,


All right, y'all, anchors



( Applause )


Your shoes!

Leave those shoes.

( Applause )

( Cheers and applause )

Julie: hi, wil.

Work it.

Have a seat.

You all right, girls?


You all right, ashley?

Oh, joe.

It's okay.

Still looks okay.

Julie: last week, joe went

Against the entire house with

His vote, and yet here you sit.

Why do you think they chose to

Evict and you not him.

I think it comes down to, you

Know, bigger threats.

Not to say that I'm the big

Threat in the house, but I think

That know--

Julie: bigger than joe?


I perform better.

I haven't won anything, but I

Think when it comes down to it,

I think everyone thought I was

More likely to win than him.

Julie: before the

Nominations, you had a meeting

In the h.o.h. With frank and

Boogie, and you were very aloof.

And you alluded to the fact that

You think there's a large group

Of people working together.

You knew they were in power.

Why did you take that approach?

Well, when I came into this

Game I didn't want to-- the word

I want to say I can't say-- but

I wanted to be real and genuine.

And I didn't want to throw

Anyone under the bus, risking

The fact that they were working

With somebody else, and then

That would put another target on

My back or something like that.

Julie: in the event you

Were the one voted out tonight,

Jur housemates taped some

Good-bye messages.



Hey, brother, I know you're

From kentucky.

You're from the heartland, and I

Loved you for that.

But going against janelle.

Going against your whole team

Broke my heart.

See ya, jack!

You're out of here.

Wil, sorry you have to see

This, man.

Believe it or not, I actually

Wanted to work with you in this


I wanted to keep you in this

Game because I felt you would go

After frank and mike boogie.

I think you're a good player.

I just think your emotions kind

Of got the best of you in this


I'm just sorry things didn't

Work out better for us.

Hey, wil.

I am going to miss you so much.

You're my best friend in this


I think sometimes you don't like

To kiss butt.

It's the name of the game.

Sometimes you gotta do it.

That's probably why you're

Sitting outside right now.

Yo, wil!

Of all the rookies, you were one

I really wish I could have


All you had to do was be the

Funny guy and you would have

Coasted to the final five.

You got a little antsy, you

Tried to make some moves and

Unfortunately you're sitting


I wish you the best.

Julie: for the record,

There is a large alliance

Working together called the

Silent six.

Silent six.


Couldn't they think of anything

Better than that.

Julie: wil, I wish you the

Best of luck.

Thank you so much, julie.

Julie: thank you.

Let your voice be heard on


Up nthe path to power can be a

Slippery slope.

Perhaps nowhere is that more

True than in tonight's head of

Household competition.

It all begins live when we


Stay with us.

( Cheers and applause )

( Cheers and applause )

Julie: welcome back to

"Big brother."

It's now time to crown a new

Head of household.

But before we begin, we need to

Reveal which temptation you

Chose to add to the h.o.h.


Let's head to the backyard and

Reveal your vote to the


Houseguests, there's a vacancy

In the head of household

Bedroom, and that can meanwhile

Only one thing-- the power is

Back up for grabs.

Frank, as outgoing head of

Household you are not eligible

To compete.

This competition is called

"Swamped, "and here's how it


On my "go," you'll fill up your

Cup with as much liquid as you

Can and transfer it across the

Yard to your jug.

As your jug fills, the cork will


The first houseguest to fill

Their jug to the point where you

Can remove your cork will be the

New h.o.h.

But, there is more at stake in

This competition than head of

Household because there are two

Smaller jugs that may temp you

Away from h.o.h.

The first temptation is safety.

Be the first to fill this jug

And remove the cork, and

Couldn't be nominated or evicted

This coming week.

The second temptation was

Determined during tonight's live

Broadcast, and america voted to

Tempt you with a $, cash


You should know that if you win

Either temptation, then you're

Out of the running for head of


And once the h.o.h. Has been

Crowned, the game is over, and

The temptations are no longer in


So, houseguests, you have an

Interesting choice to make


Everyone ready?

Everyone ready?


Julie: thank you.

On your mark, get set, go!

Julie: daniele, everyone,

You cannot use the rope to

Assist you in this game.

Okay, sorry, julie.

Julie: thank you.

Nice try, though.

( Laughter )

Julie: coming up, which

Houseguest will slide into


Stay with us.

( Cheers and applause )

( Cheers and applause )

Julie: welcome back to

"Big brother."

The race for h.o.h. Is on.

Who will become the new head of

Household and who will be

Nominated for eviction?

Find out sunday at :, :


Then wednesday at :, will the

Power of veto save one of the


And one week from tonight at

:, Join us for a special live

Double eviction.

It's a whole week of "big

Brother" in one night as two

Houseguests are sent packing.

To follow all the drama in the

"Big brother" house, subscribe

To the live -hour internet

Feed, and check out "big brother

After dark" live each night on

"Showtime ".

For now, let's return to the

Head of household competition,

And see how everyone's doing.

Hello, houseguests.

Hello, hello.

Hi, julie.

Julie: right now, there's

Only one of you going for the

Cash prize of grand, and

That's boogie.


( Laughter )


Julie: four of you are

Going for h.o.h.

And four of you are going for


Good luck and good night,


See you, julie.

Good night, julie.

You got a sister?

( Laughter )

You all right, daniele?

I'm fine.

What are you saying about
