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14x22 - Episode 22

Posted: 05/05/24 14:21
by bunniefuu
Julie: "the new york post"

Is calling dan the best big

Brother player of all times.

Entertain many weekly is like

Thing his ethic, hail mary to

Watching paul newman or george

Clooney in ocean's .

Well the raves are in and the

Fallout is about to begin.

Welcome to big brother.

[Crowd cheering]

At the double eviction, ian

Stabs frank in the back by

Taking out his two closest


Julie: you were evicted

From the big brother house.

Ashley, you are evicted from the

Big brother house.

But frank believed dan was a

Master mind when ian's actions.

I know they got to you.

I know you probably didn't want

To do that.

I hope you still got my back.

You got my back I got your back.

So he put up his number one


You danielle.

If dan doesn't come home it

Might come back to bite me.

I don't want to take a shot.

At the competition it was do

Or die for dan.

There's no way I'm throwing

This competition to anyone.

I'm going to go on and try to

Win this thing for myself.

When gen got her first win of

The summer.

Ca congratulations jen.

Dan was crushed and force

Into hours of solitary


Oh my.

When he emerged, he surprised

The house by hosting his own


It was for a reason.

Stop crying.

But it was danielle who got


You know what you did in this


Step one, invite owl the

House guests to dan's funeral.

Step two, go talk to frank and

Blow it up.

Dan's next move was throwing

Ian and brittany under the bus.

Now there's four people.

Five people.

This is the player.

After frank considered dan's


If I went to jen and said I

Want you to do the veto on dan.

We do work together.

Two arch enemies who declare

Their allegiance to one another.

Dan revealed his master plan to


While frank convinced jen to

Work in a new alliance.

At the veto meeting, the

Unthinkable happened.

I've decided to use the power

Of veto on dan.

And frank dropped a b*mb on

Brittany and ian.

Not so wise young man.


Who will be evicted.

Danielle or brittany.

Plus ian and frank go to battle

In a w*r of words.

Let those words come on out,

Ian, let them come out.


It all happens right now,

Live on big brother.

Shane's walking living proof

There actually is a cast in


Captioning funded by


Julie: good evening, I'm

Julie chen.

Welcome to big brother.

It's day inside the big

Brother house, and dan proved

Why he is one of the best to

Ever play this game.

Flawlessly executing an

Elaborate plan, he turned the

Table on the house by teeming up

With frank, exposing his own

Alliance, getting jen to use the

Veto to remove her from the

Block and getting brittany put

Up in his place.

So, will another big brother

Great be going or

Danielle's game end.

We'll find out but first dan is

Safe, brittany is on the block

And the entire house is what's

Done in the wake of the biggest

Come back in the history of the


I have decided to use the

Power of veto.

On dan.

It's not so wise young man.

Brittany's off the squad.

This veto meeting is


I'm just shocked.

I thought I was at dan's funeral

Last night and a giant carrot

Put me on the block next to my

Best friend in the house.

So interesting to say the least.

What just happened?

I have a strong suspicion

That frank knows I've been

Playing both sides since the


This is bad.

I have no idea.

I have to act like dan and I

Are on the outs.

I have to pretend I didn't know

That brittany could potentially

Go up.

People know I'm still working

For dan they're going to vote to

Evict me because nobody wants

Dan in the house now.

It's so good.

She just used the veto on me.

Do you understand what just


I'm in this house to stay.

People thought I was dead.

Guess what, I'm back stronger

Than ever and you can't stop me.


Guys, how is it going.

How are you doing.

Not too pleased.

There was an one side action

This morning.

I don't know what you're

Doing, bud.

You thought you were covered

By all bases.

You told me that the other day.

I want to send brittany home and

You will not be covered on all

Bases, you'll be by yourself.

You should never have went

Against me ian.

I was working with me.

I did not use the veto.

You weren't going to use the

Very though because you thought

Brittany was going up.

Don't raise your voice.


Thanks, I will.

All right.

It's okay, it's fine.

So dan is at it again.

I'm assuming it.

We have to talk.

Dan, come on.

Just don't you always want to be


I've been nothing but good to


All right.

Very well.

You're being so cold.

I have the place.

And it's just a game and dan

It's important to me how you

Treat people.

It's important to me as a member

How you treat people.

I'm not going to treat you

Any different.

Well, that's that.

I will avenge it for sure.

We have dan in the house for

Another week.

You can stay.

It's for real.

I'm going to have a nervous


I'm in the worse case


I have to go with who has been

With me suns day one or I have

To go with my best friend.

My god.

Do you mind?

It is what it is.

It's a game, I understand.

I'm sorry.

I really wanted to keep a bigger

Target in the house for my

Personal gain.

If I can get you out, he

Won't be covered, he will be by


He was a lot closer to ashley

Than he was to me.

Not close enough to put you


He put me and ashley up.

I hate to think you had

Something to do with that.

Of course.

I had doing with everybody.

I was responsible for ian's


I guess you're getting out the

Big bad wolf.

I'm not saying you're the

Sole person responsible for what


I've got to get people separated

The best I can at this point.

I had the feeling this was

Going to happen.

I knew it inside.

You are very good at this game


You're really good at this

Game too brittany.

I'm just going to lay down

And die.

No, I don't expect you to.

I do want to be here.

I know you want to be here.

You guys are looking for

Somebody to protect me next


I can do that for both of you.

Especially now my back is

Against the wall.

It's that much better.

I'll help you if you keep me.

All right, frank, it's a

Tough position.


I think so shane.


Tough decision.

You had several days to think


You had several days and you

Were going to vote mike out.

How much time did you have to

Vote mike out.

Keep running your mouth.

Everybody's looking at what

You're really like right now.

Let those words come on out,

Ian, let them come out.

Frank, I thought they were

Taking advantage of you because

You were a kid but it turns out

You're trying to be sneaky.

That's not true, I'm not

Sneaky at all.

It's really easy for you to

Vote against mike.

It was really easy for me to

Vote against mike because I

Cried all day.

You told him to get to seven.


You expected it to happen

Like that.

You were crying all day and

You're coming to me saying you

Felt bad because you felt mike

Was going home and you felt

Guilty because you're voting

Against him.

I have no sympathy for you, no


Okay, good.

Why do you get so loud about

It son.

That's how it was done.

That's a different scenario.

It was a different scenario.

You voted against mike --

$, I passed up on.

This money is for you.

And any two players you choose

To share it with.

Give it to them.

Are you sure.


I'm going to give ian the


What do you do?

You were telling about putting

Me on the block and voting mike


Well ...

You put me up on the block

When you thought you could get

Me out.

Anybody in this house takes

It to the end, they're a fool.

You sit next to him in the final

Too, he wins -.

Everybody knows that.

Everybody knows that.

If you say --

I've come to everybody in

This house and say nobody will

Probably take me to the final


That's exactly right.

That's exactly right.

Yes, so you're not telling

Anybody anything they don't


I got a costume on.

I'm sitting here having a

Freaking toe to toe.

Julie: coming up, it's the

Live vote and eviction.

Danielle and brittany.

One stays at the big brother

House and the other moves to the

Jury house.

Plus you can once again

Influence the game america by

Getting in on tonight's live big

Brother twitter poll.

The upcoming head of household

Competition will be a live

Battle as the first person to be

Eliminated will receive

Something special.

By tweeting us, you can choose

To either reward or punish the

First eliminated house guest.

Vote by sending your tweets to

Either hash tag bb reward or

Hash tag bb punish.

Your choice right before the

Competition begins, stay with


[Cheers and applause]

Welcome back to big brother.

Dan may have talked his way off

The block with her game on the

Line it's brittany who is

Determined to have the last


I'm not even mad at you


If anybody shows they were only

Out for number one in this game,

It was the guy who elbowed me in

The face at the coke machine.

I don't know of anybody in this

House to be under the

Misinterpretation that dan is

Willing to do anything for

Anybody if it's not the best

Thing for them.

Oh, this is me crying.


I was passing out tissues for

The funeral.

I only wish it has been his

Funeral friend.

Dab dab, dab dab, poor dan.

I am the biggest idiot.

No, you're not.

Don't say that about yourself.

Ian, I was crying at the go

Ups tube -- at the guy's


Don't forget this guy's already

Won half a million dollars but

He's willing to slit people's

Throats to win it again.

I have to give him some


He came back from the dead.

The great thing with this

Whole situation as far as

Brittany going up on the block

In dan's place is it's actually

Not on me it's sort of focused

More on dan.

The target on his back is


Hey you guys, let's be a


Let's form an alliance.

Debt for dishonor.

Death for you, not us.

Here have an apple pie.

Made of arsenic.

Hey danielle, the moment I

Saw you that first night I knew

You wanted to be on my team, we

Would be friends forever.

You're dead denise.

Dan is just like the worst

Person in the entire world.

I know in the rational part of

My brain that dan is really good

At this fame but the fact --

Game but the fact of the matter

Is --

Sweet dreams brittany, sweet

Dreams dan.

Tomorrow your game is over.

There he is, the man of the


You have nothing to say.

I don't know exactly what to

Say to you.

You can't even say sorry.

I don't know.

I guess I'm thinking how

Could I ever believe in you.

I don't know.


I don't know what to believe


You're the only person I

Trust right now.

Get rid of my closest friend.

You're going to have to make

That call.

I know.

Last week I pled to shane

That I will stick with him.

This is over.

I will, in front of a bus, for

You, all right.

Good, I appreciate your word.

I have his back until the

End, I'm sticking with it.

All I can do is follow your


You're in a tough position.

Ian is going to keep


Dan and jen are obviously voting

To keep danielle.

Joe and I are together.

Whatever I vote, joe's going to

Vote the same way so I have the

Final decision on who is walking

Out the door.

He was the only person I

Trusted in this game and now

She's on the block.

Julie: let's go to the

Living room and talk with the

House guest.

Hello house dpoises.


Julie: ian, I begin with

You tonight.

Things were very expl*sive after

The veto meeting.


A lot of harsh words were


What's the mood in the house

Right now?

The mood in the house right

Now, it's definitely gotten

Better but it's definitely a lot

More tense than it was a few

Weeks ago, definitely.

More pressure, absolutely.

Jen you used the power of

Veto to take dan off the block.

How w*r hard was that decision.

That was probably the most

Brutal decision I've made thus

Far here in the house, no

Question about it.

I love danielle to pieces.

It was absolutely a game move on

My end.

Julie: okay.

Dan, I have never seen anyone

Survive his own funeral before.

So how does it feel?

You know a lot of words were

Said and some I regret but it

Feels good being alive in this

House and of course I'm in debt

To the rocker chick jen when

Someone uses a veto on you

Didn't take it lightly.

I'll never consider what jen did

For me considering my birthday

Is coming up this saturday.

It's a big and that's what

I'm getting from general, I'm

Very dpratfu grateful for that.

Julie: dan you shed a lot

Of -- you shed a lot of tears at

Dan's funeral.

A lot of emotions fly you

Don't know what's going to come


He surprised the whole house.

I know danielle and brittany

Were shedding tears behind me.

I know I kind of got up in the

Mood and you know --

Julie: don't blame the

Ladies, don't blame the girls.

It was worth it.

Julie: thank you everyone

And I'll be back in just a few

Minutes with a live vote and the


Coming up danielle or brittany.

Who will lead the big brother

House tonight.

Plus, do you want to punish or

Reward the first house guest

Eliminated from tonight's head

Of household competition.

The big brother twitter polls

Are still open and currently in

The lead with the % of the

Vote is punishment.

But you still have time to vote

So keep your tweets coming.

Stay with us.

Welcome back to big brother.

It's in the summer of staggering

Blind side, a feeling that

Brittany knows all too well.

Hopefully people won't want

To take me out.

You have it as well.

I'm very lucky.

If it wasn't for the brigade.

If it wasn't for the brigade

I don't know if I would have

Gotten four.

From big brother .

I created brigade alliance which

Had me, matte, lane and haley.

The beast, the animal, the


What's the name of the squad.

I thought brigade.

That will take over, do you

Know what I mean.

I keep in touch with the

Brigade all the time.

We became brothers.

Good to see you guys.

We'll be watching you big


I'm a fan.

I am too.

We did brittany.

We definitely dropped a big

Brgrenade on brittany.

What was his name.

You just wasted three months and

We have no shot at $,.

I feel bad for what we did.

She's in the brigade now.

I finally talked to brittany

Almost more than anyone else out

Of my season.

Probably a couple times a week.

Every year I have a halloween


I decided to get dressed up as

The brittany pageant picture

I became obsessed with.

El I'm a britt fan.

High maintenance.

Britt knee didn't complain,

We wouldn't like brittany.

This is a part of why we like


It's like supposed to be a

Brigade sequel two?

The mighty duck versus the t*nk.

Who is in the quack pack?

Ian. He's smart

I'd like to carry him in a fanny

Pack and be like

Hey what's % tip of $

Hey, do the math.

What have you got, shane.

I'm sorry, shane.

This is blue.

I know real men wear pink.

Oh yeah.


I was really trying to get to

Know you.

Danielle's got this fatal


I mean it's scary, getting

Creepy with shane.

Sounds like amy fisher, do you

Know what I mean.

We got dan.

He's smart.

He's got a chance.

Dan, he's like a werwwolf in

Sheep's clothing.

I will be until the end.

The brigade is a unique

Alliance because we were staying

Loyal to it.

There's no loyaltyity.

We put dan up.

It's a good strategic move.

She's a more dangerous


Who is going to put brittany up.

Brittany is definitely a very

Emotional person.

She needs to woman up and battle

It out.

Don't stop trying because you're

Not winning.

Suck it up and just battle.

Brittany, huh?


Julie: it's the last hour

Of frank's reign as head of


Let's talk to him privately in

The hoh bedroom.

Hi frank.

Hig hi julie.

Your housemates are down in

The living room they can't hear

You so speak your time.

You spent five weeks getting dan

Out of the game but after one

Conversation you teamed up with

Him and played a major role in

Saving him.


You know dan and I were

Working with each other at one

Point with mike.

Even though we thought it was

Him that ratted us out the other

Week when shane was hoh, it turn

Out it was ian.

I had my assumptions all along.

Once he told me that was true I

Had to pull the trigger on

Trying on to get brittany out.

You made a final deal with


How sincere are you about taking

Him to the end.

You know, right now I'm

Trying to build some trust with


I'm not sure how much I really

Trust him.

But the next couple weeks show

That I can and that will be


But if not, I might about a

Getting him out as soon as


Julie: let's talk about


Ian voted out boogie loose week

And then he put you on the


You had some heated words with

Ian so where do the two of you

Stand now.

I pretty much know ian wants

To get me out of the house.

He said to everybody that nobody

Can beat me in the final two.

It make me feel good about

Myself but at the same time it

Lets me know he does not you

Want me in this house.

He's going to go alone this week

If brittany goes which I think

She will.

So I'm hoping maybe I can roam

Him in just in case he went hoh.

At the same time I've got

Everybody on the ian bus as far

As getting him out next week.

Julie: in that costume?

In this costume.

Julie: just kidding.

You wear it well.

Thank you frank, you can head

Back down to the living room and

Rejoin your housemates.

Thank you julie.

Julie: you're welcome.

Up next the live vote and


Another house guest game comes

To an end.

Stay with us.

Julie: welcome back to big


It's time to find out who will

Be walking out of the house


Will it be danielle or brittany?

Let's return to the living room

And talk with the two nominees.

Danielle, brittany, in just a

Few moment your housemates will

Cast their votes to evict live.

But before they do, you each

Have one last chance to plead

Your case.

Danielle, you're first.

I have loved this whole

Summer with you all.

I wouldn't take anything back

And I would love nothing more

Than to continue with you all


Brittany, it has been miserable

Sitting beside you.

I love you to death, you're so

Beautiful inside and out.

No matter what, you'll always be

One of my best friends.

Thank you.


Julie: thank danielle.

Britt knee, it's your turn.

Well first of all I have to

Say hello to my amazing husband

Ryan, all my friends and family,

I love and miss you all.

To all the big brother fans out

There, you're so very much


To my fellow house guests, I

Don't have the time or big

Enough ego to stand here and

Host my own funeral, but I

Understand that you got to go in

There and do what's best for

Your game and for no one else.

It's been a real pleasure

Getting to know every single one

Of you.

And to quote a very very wise

Old man, you'll always be judas

To me.

Julie: whoo.

All right, thank ladies.

It is time for the live voting

To begin.

Frank as current head of

Household, you are not allowed

To vote.

Neither are the two nominees.

One at a time, the rest of you

Will enter the drawing room and

Cast your vote to evict.


You're verse tonight.

Please go to the diary room.

Dan master mined a blot to keep

He and daniel.

His vote should reveal his plan.

Hi dan.

Please cast your vote.

To my beautiful wife chelsea

I love you and I vote to evict


Julie: thank you.

Jen used the devideo to save dan

Knowing britt knee will go out.

But will she vote to send her


Hi, jen.


Julie: please cast your

Vote to evict.

I vote to evict brittany.

Julie: thank you.

Ian has vowed his allegiance to

Brittany to the bitter end

Will his loyaltyity prove it.

Please cast your vote.

I vote to evict danielle.

Julie: thank you, ian.

Shane has a painful decision to


No matter how he votes, he's

Sending a friend home.

Hi shane.

Hi julie.

Julie: please cast your

Vote to evict.

I vote to evict brittany.

Sorry britt.

Julie: thank you, shane.

It's official, three votes to

Evict brittany.

Brittany will believe tonight

But let's see how joe votes.

Hi joe.


Julie: please cast your

Vote to evict.

I vote to evict brittany.

Julie: thank you.

All of the votes are in.

Let's give the news to the house


House guests, the votes are in.

When I reveal the vote, the

Evicted house guest will have

Just a few moments to say

Good-bye, gather her belongings

And walk out the front door.

By a vote of -, brittany, you

Are evicted from the big brother


Good luck, everybody.




Bye brittany.


[Cheers and applause]


Julie: well well well,

That was quite a speech you


Let's talk about that judas


Let's talk about it.

Julie: ha ha.

Let's talk about dan.

I guess he's at the top of your

You know what list.

Well you know as a lover of

This game I can really see he

Had to do what he had to do to

Get off the block.

I respect it was a game move and

All that.

But obviously I'm the one

Sitting out here right now and

Not happy about it.

Julie: is he pure jean

Russ or is he -- genius or is he

Pure evil.


I mean he really is really

Really good at the game.

He puts the entire house in like

An hour and he used a bible to

Do it.

Like it's like unbelievable.

Julie: this has been an

Epic week in the house.

I mean it seems like just days

Ago you were kind of queen of

The castle and then you got

The -- ha ha ha -- and then you

Got the rug pulled out from

Under you.


Julie: how do you explain


You know, I think that as

Much as I love him, my

Allegiance to ian was really a

Pretty big downfall for me in

The game just because it got me

Into a lot of trouble and I kept

Having to cover for him over and


And I think I'm probably sitting

Here right now because, you

Know, a little bit to do with my

Loyalty to ian.

Obviously frank didn't like it,

Dan doesn't like it either.

I mean people thought that it

Was threatening.

We're kind of an odd pair but it


Julie: do you regret that

Allegiance to ian.

No because I think ian's word

Was good and he would have been

Good to me to the end of the


But I mean it definitely got me

Into trouble.

Julie: well, you said when

You first came out here like how

Did we get here again.

How did we.

Julie: you were

Blind-sided again, brittany.

I know.

Julie: how did that


What's wrong with me.

Julie: how does that

Happen again?

You know this game.

And I was so careful this

Time too.

Like I tried to always be

Paranoid like who is in what

Room, who is where.

Like I tried to always like if I

See people talking, okay okay

That's an alliance.

Like I tried to really be super

Paranoid this time but you know

Dan's good.

Julie: well you came in

This time wanting to prove that

You know how to play this game.


Julie: it's safe to say

That you helped master mind the

Eviction of two of the greatest

Players to ever play big


First janelle.

Then boogie.

Did you prove what you wanted to


≫ I don't know.

I mean obviously I wanted to win

And I'm sitting out here right


I don't know if my point was

Completely proven but I really

Did give it my best effort.

I did the best job I could.

Those weren't easy decisions to

Make but I thought that it would

Have been in the game.

Julie: you had a lot of

Influence over ian's game and

Jail's game.

Now that you're gone, what

Happens to their game.

You know I think ian can be a

Strong player in this game but

He really needs to like relax a

Little and fall backwards.

He's way on top of everybody's

Target list.

Shane, you know, I think that

He's just going to follow the

Lead of somebody.

He's going to either follow

Danielle or follow dan.

He's very expendable but he

Can't see that for himself.

Julie: last week, you had

Quite a good-bye message from

Mike boogie, very memorable.

[Crowd cheering]

He deserves it with those

Ridiculous ... Come on.

Let's hear what your former

House mates had to say in the

Event you were the one sitting

Out here tonight.

Brittany, I also sorry that

You had to leave.

You are my very best girlfriend

In this house.

I'm going to miss you every

Single day that you're not here.

When we formed, I was in it

Until the end.

What went down this past week

Really made me have to stick to

My g*ns and fight for myself.

You leaving is not personal.

I respect you as a player in

This game and you should be

Proud of yourself.

Ever since the first night

You walked through the door and

Picked on me for wearing a

Women's shirt I knew we were

Going to be inseparable.

This is the hardest decision I

Had to make to evict you.

I just thought that danielle as

Far as a competitor this is the

First time playing this game.

You already had a chance to play

It twice.

I love you girl and wish you the


You are one of the best

People I've had the pleasure of

Meeting and I can certainly

Honor I've been able to have you

In the house where you've been

Like an older sister to me.

This season's true beauty has

Been evicted from the house.

I will get that harry orange



Julie: final thoughts,


It's been such an amazing


It really has.

I so greatly appreciate the

Opportunity to come back.

It's been so fun and just you

Know, thank you ever.

Julie: you're off to the

Jury house.


Julie: you will help

Decide who wins big brother.

I think it's safe to say I think

For everyone in the studio

Tonight, it has been so much fun

Watching you play this game

Again this summer.

Thank you.

[Cheers and applause]

Thank you.

Julie: up next, it will be

Three weeks before we have the

Winner of big brother making

Tonight's head of household

Competition the most crucial

Battle yet.

Stay with us.

Welcome back to big brother.

It's time to begin the live

Battle for hid o head of hoh.

All night long you've been

Tweeting your votes america to

Get the first eliminated house

Guest either a punishment or a


With % of the vote, a

Punishment awaits one house


Let's head to the backyard and

Get things started.

House guests, the power is back

Up for grabs.

Frank, as outgoing head of

Household, you are not eligible

To compete.

This competition is called soak

Up the sun.

All I can say house guests is,

Hold on tight.

The last house guest standing on

Their disk will be the new hoh.

But, the first house guest to

Fall will have to open the box

That sits next to frank.

That will determine the box's


Either the punishment or a

Reward awaits one of you

Does everyone understand?


Julie: excellent.

Then hold on tight everyone

Because this competition begins


Well frank, just chill.

You have motion sickness.

Just chilling.


All right.

It's that time.

It is not w*r.

Julie: looking good


This does not taste good


Julie: as you know house

Guests, it wouldn't be big

Brother if you didn't all get a


You're tan enough, julie.

Love you chelsea.

Hope you're enjoying this.

Love you brooklyn.

Frank do you want a one way

Ticket to dear?


Julie: coming up, who will

Survive the night and orbit into


Stay with us.

Welcome back to big brother.

The battle for head of house

Hole is under way.

Who will become the new hoh and

Who will be nominated for


Find out sunday at :, :


Then wednesday at : will the

Power of veto save one of the


And one week pr from tonight at

: Tune in for another live

Double eviction.

Two house guests will be sent

Packing and another epic battle

For survival.

To see the concushion of

Tonight's head of house hold

Competition is he scribe for

Live internet feed.

For now let's return to the

Backyard and check in on the

Household competition.

Hello house guests.

How are you doing.

Julie: joe, sorry to see

You have fallen.

However, the rest of you hanging

On should know the winner of

Tonight's hoh competition will

Guarantee themselves a one in

Six shot at winning the half

Million dollars.

Let's go.

Julie: sounds like

Something worth holding on for.

You have to be careful.

Here it comes.

Julie: oh.

Stop that.

Not looking good for you


Is that supposed to be a

Freaking comet.

Watch it now.

Oh, man.

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