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14x30 - Episode 30

Posted: 05/05/24 14:29
by bunniefuu
Julie: it's been a summer

Of ruthless blindsides that have

Claimed seasoned veterans and

Newbies alike.

Tonight the season comes to an

End as dan, ian, and danielle

Enter the final battle for a

Half million dollars.

Welcome to the live season

Finale of "big brother."

( Cheers and applause )

Previously on "big brother":

Dan blindsided some of the

Biggest players in the game.

Britney's a more dangerous


Julie: britney, you are

Evicted from the "big brother"


Frank, you are evicted from the

"Big brother" house.

And sent them it to the jury.

But because he had a final two

Deal with danielle and ian.

The only person standing in

My way of the finals is shane.

Dan saved his biggest

Blindside for last.

Shane, I'm sorry, I have to

Evict you.

After dan did damage control

With danielle.

I'm not mad.

My feelings are hurt.

What did I tell you day one.

Leave your heart at the front


The stage was set for the

Final three-part head of

Household competition.

Now after a summer of outagous


Thi this is all you!

What's up?

Ho-ho-holy cow I look good.


I did bring something for



Oh, it's perfect.

You want to make out on the

Couple for a little bit?

All right, let's do.

All right.


You know, before you left I

Knew I would miss you so much.

I don't feel like I can do it


In this game you're dead to


What did I do?

You didn't do anything.

What did I do?

And confrontation.

I ain't got no time for you.

Why don't you get your

Froot loops and I'll eat my


Hit mement.

Willie go to the back


You're just dan's bitch,

Lawchg at you in there.

If anybody in this house

Takes him to the end, you're a


How many times do you have to

Screw me over for me to keep

Being good to you.

It all comes down to this--

Who will become the final head

Of household and who will make

It to the final two?

Houseguests have departed,

And tonight, seven must make a

Difficult decision.

Who will be crowned the winner

Of "big brother" and walk away

With the half million dollar


And who did america vote as

Their favorite houseguest?

Find out tonight, live on the

-Minute season finale of "big


Final three.


Captioning funded by


( Cheers and applause )

Julie: good evening.

I'm julie chen.

Welcome to the season finale of

"Big brother."

In less than minutes, either

Eye an, dan, or danielle will be

Crowned the winner of "big


But to guarantee a spot in the

Final two, they will have to win

The three-part head of household


This h.o.h. Will cast the sole

Vote to evict live tonight, and

In doing so, choose whom he or

She wants to face off against

For the half million dollar

Grand prize.

The evicted houseguest will

Immediately join me here in the

Studio and take their seat as

The seventh and final member of

The jury.

Then, the jury will question the

Finalists before casting their


So, who will make it to the

Final two?

Ian, the super fan.

Dan, the king of the blindside.

Or danielle, dan's loyal


It all plays out live tonight.

But first, when we last left the

Final three, they were sitting

Ducks trying not to get picked

Off in the most important battle

Of the summer.

Why do I have a feeling this

Is going to suck really bad?

Oh, geez.

It's part one of the final

H.o.h. Competitions and rules

Are pretty simple-- the last

Person holding on to that line

Automatically moves on to part

Three of that final h.o.h.


Got a little heat!

Got some heat!



At this point, I feel so


I have no idea who I should


I believed in my heart that dan

Was going to keep shane, and he

Blindsided me yet again.

Going into this competition,

I've got to go in for myself.

Right before shane was

Evicted, I made a deal with ian

And said, look, ian you you want

To stick around for the game you

Have it to do something for me.

You have to drop the first part

Of this final h.o.h.

Sit down.

Do you want to stay in this



We're going to the end, and

Here's the thing.

I can't beat danielle in the

Second heat.

Will you throw the first one to


Yes, yes.

I'm on my way out the door,

And dan here is including me in

His plabz.

I'm extremely willing to go

Along with what he says because

If he manages to keep me here, I

Kind of owe him one.

I got one shot.

We'll see what happens.

Right after that, I told

Danielle that I made a deal with

Ian and he was going to drop

From the first part h.o.h.

I'm telling danielle about

This deal with ian because I

Want trust to be built.

When I ask her to drop from this

H.o.h. Competition, she's still

Going to trust me and hand me

The first part of this h.o.h.

Being dunked into the water

Was hard because it was so deep

That you couldn't get footing,

And if you lost your seat and

You came up without you, you're

Out of the game.

The worst part about this

Competition is the rain because

It's freezing.

Not to mention it's lightning.


Better not get struck by


I know that I'm definitely

Going to throw this part of the

H.o.h. Competition so I'm

Definitely waiting for the most

Opportune time to throw it.

I can't do this ( bleep )

Much more.

Big dipper.

( Buzzer )

Dan toll me before the comp,

That ian was going to drop

Within minutes and then ian

Does drop.

I do trust dan?

Do I not trust dan?

I don't know what to think of

Him right now.

Ian, can I get, like, four

Quick minutes with danielle?


Do you care?

Go for it it.

I've got to be very careful on

How I approach danielle because

I sent her showmance, shane,

Home and I have to make her

Think it's her idea to drop.

I can't push her into dropping.

I have to convince her doing so.

( Buzzer )

The only reason I threw part

One of this competition is so

That I can ensure they have

Dan's trust.

I need to make sure that he

Still wants to take me and him

So that I'm not fighting for


I just won this first round

Of the final h.o.h. Because I

Convinced not one but two people

Into dumping their chances of

Winning a half million dollars

All for me.

Good job, you really fought


Julie: up next, ian and

Danielle go head to head in part

Two of the biggest h.o.h.

Competition of the summer.

Then shane joins a disgruntled

Jury and reveals the mindside

That ended his game.

How will the jury react?

And what do they think of the

Final three?

We'll find out next.

Stay with us.

( Cheers and applause )

Julie: welcome back to the

Season finale of "big brother."

Dan has already won part one of

The final head of household


Now, it's time for ian and

Danielle to battle it out in

Part two.

The winner of this round will

Move on to compete against dan

Later tonight for the title of


And a guaranteed spot in the

Final two.

Right now I want to take

Danielle to the final two which

Means I've got to come up with

Some sort of contingency plan in

The event she doesn't win round

Two of the final h.o.h.

If he wins I'm going to high

Five him in front of you and

Yell we did it and you need to

Say, dan, why are you so happy.

You've got it make him feel like

There's no way vote for him.

If ian thinks that danielle

Will taint the jury if he huts

Her, he might not want to cut


Ian is not going to want blood

On his hands and he is not going

To want to send danielle to the

Jury if she's pissed off and

Will give me an opportunity to

Talk him into throwing the third

Part of the h.o.h. To me.

Before you is the "big

Brother" skyscraper.

To start the game, hit your

Button, then race up the

Building and begin cleaning the


Your goal is to find all of the

Houseguests that were eliminated

This summer and place them in

The order they left the house.

This is no easy task because

You'll have to scale the

Building in order to reach all

Of the windows.

Once you find all of the

Eliminated houseguests and place

Them in the correct order, hit

Your button to lock in your


The houseguest with the fastest

Time will earn the right to

Battle dan in the final head of

Household competition of the


( Horn )

I want to win part two so bad.

Because I threw part one and if

I win part two, I move on to

Part three, and ultimately, I

Can control my own destiny, and

It's not left in dan's hands.

While I'm wiping I'm seeing all

This random stuff like baby

Zingbot and teddy bear and

Jessie and the veto alien.

And I'm just come on.

Where's janelle?

Where's joe when I need him, you


I really wanted to win this.

I wasn't even feeling anything.

I was just moving.

I know the are of evicted

Houseguests like the back of my


I thought I did pretty good.

I-- I put my heart in that

Competition, and that's all I

Can do.

I'm praying that ian messes up.

This is it it.

The last two part of this final

H.o.h. Competition could be the

Difference between winning

$, And going home


( Horn )

A major part of my strategy was

To just erase the names on each

Window because if I see baby

Zingbot, it's no good.

Why would I waste time erasing

The whole thing?

This competition is actually

Really similar to a cargo net

That I had to climb in fifth

Grade gym class.

Thank you, middle school.

I went up and down the windows

Like a snake.

I would go up, and then over,

Down, over, and up.

Until I'd cleaned off every

Window tile.

It's time to find out who won

Part two of the final h.o.h.


Danielle, let's find out what

Your time was.

Seven minutes and seconds.

Ian, you need to beat seven

Minute and seconds to win

This round of the final h.o.h.

If you don't beat seven minutes

And secondses, danielle wins

This round.

All right, ian, let's find out

What your time was.

Congratulations, ian.

You won with six minutes and

Four seconds.

I'm really relieved that I

Won because I'm guaranteed to

Play in part three, I'm

Guaranteed to face off against

Dan, and I am one step closer to

Being able to control my own


Good try.

Good effort.

I am fuming mad that I lost

To ian.

I am not happy.

I got frigging smoke coming out

Of my ears.

Guess what.

Now it's on to plan b.

Time for the fight.

Dan, what was that all about?


Why were you just


I don't know.

I'm not talking to that

( Bleep ).

Yeah, you do.



If you seriously think that

Ian is taking you to the final

Two, you're crazy because I know

He's taking me.

Why would you think he's

Taking you?

Because he's said yeah, yeah,


Yeah I did plan it.

Knock it off.

You said $,.

I'm not--

Did you make a deal with him?


No, I don't-- ian, I swear on

My life if you take him to the

Final , I will taint the jury.

I will not vote for you, I will

Have shane and tell them

Everything that has come out of

Your mouth.

I didn't say anything bad

About shane.

I will make sure shane

Doesn't vote for you if you take

Somebody like that.

Danielle yelling me like

That, that is not good

Sportsmanship at all.

If she thinks I'll take her to

The end because she threatens me

Then that's completely false.

I don't respond to threats.

Her feelings are hurt.

She's going to t*nk the jury

And tell them not to vote for


I think you just won yourself

$, For that.

I told you, I don't care.

She's being a baby.

The fight actually worked.

Ian's afraid that danielle is

Going to taint the jury.

You wish you wouldn't have

Done that in front of her.

I'm sorry.

All I have to do now is convince

Ian to throw the third and final

Part h.o.h. To me, which means I

Still can s*ab him in the back.

If you win and vote her out,

Then she's going to do that.

Yeah, but I'm not going to

Throw it.

I'm risk averse.

You need to behave yourself

Though, because I can't be

Dealing with that kind of

( Bleep ).

Ian, you're going to throw it

For me.

Julie: ian will soon face

Off against dan for the final

Chance at winning it all.

But first, what does the jury

Think of the finalists?

Just days ago, theying gathered

To debate the merits of the

Final three.

Who do you guys think is

Coming next?


Danielle could walk through


They've got to be thinking

Dan's got to get out of that


I know it without put a big

Smile on my if I saw dan walk


Mellow, houseguests.

I got what was coming to me.

I got blindsided by dan.


How are you guys?

I might cry.

It's like the worst blindsigh of

The season.


It's-- let's just say

Danielle had the p.o.v., And the

H.o.h., And somehow I was sent


You're saying danielle

Blindsided you?

I don't know if her and dan

Are working together or dan just

Got to her ear or if dan just

Got to her ear.

He convinced her to use the

Power of veto on him, and he

Sent me home.

Do you really think she and

Dan are working together?

I don't know.

Maybe dan pulled a fast one on



Obviously, they're in

Cahoots, okay?

Danielle and I were in

Cahoots a little bit, too,

Physically, the last couple of


( Laughter ).

So just saying.

She played me.

She played me.

( Laughter )

I got mystified.

Now you're sitting here.

I am.

So we're down to danielle,

Dan, and ian in the final three.

What do you guys think

Everybody's strengths and

Weaknesses are as far as who

Should win this game?

Let's start out with ian.

He made tough decisions.

He had to send his coach home.

He made strategic moves.

Pack or part of it.

He is pulling out h.o.h.s,

He's pulling out p.o.v.s.

I agree, he's working really


He made tough decision decisions

Which in his heart as a person

Didn't want to have to make but

For the benefit of him in the

Game he did what he had to do.

It's hard for me a little bit

To want to vote for ian because

He did s*ab mike and ashley and

Myself in the back.

He could have stuck with me and

Still be as deep in the game as

He is right now.

We don't know that.

But you always say everyone

Should have stuck with you.

I'm saying I wish ian would


Ian has been a rat all this


The man has been ratting the

Whole time.

Where I come from, rats eat

Cheese, you know what I mean?

The snitching thing.

That makes me sick.

It is absolutely going to be

Affecting my vote.

Yeah, this is the game and

Everything, but it sets me on

Fire that he did something like


You guys want to switch to

Dan or danielle?

Let's do danielle first.

I just don't think for a lots of

Us sitting here, someone like

Frank who was on the block a

Million times.

We had a hard road.

I feel like we had to game every

Single day and I feel like

Danielle she hasn't gaimed as


She had an easy road to get


I think danielle's best move

Was to play dan's game.

I think he sales her exactly

What to do.

She had a really easy road.

She followed dan's manual.

He's influencing a lot of her

Moves, and I know that for a


Playing someone else's game

Probably warrant $,.

Playing your own game, warrants


Is latching on to dan a bad

Thing if it gets her to the end?

It's a strategy.

The thing with danielle when

She has to win, she wins.

She has won competitions.

I think that's something to keep

In mind.

She got janelle out.

That was a big move.

She really is a smart girl.

She screwed me over.

I don't know if I should give

Her my vote for doing it or vote

For the other person.

Let's work on dan's pros and


I am in awe of his game.

He is that good.

He's been strategic.

We all know he's a dangerous


Dan is out there on the

b*ttlefield, murdering

Everybody, sending people out in

Body bags.

I like that kind of game play.

That actually kind of works for


He's running the house.

Despite what he did to us

Personally, this game doesn't

Have any rules.

There is no manual on how you

Have to play the game of "big


There is, however, a life


Some of us go by that.



There are people who won this

Game who didn't play it


We were all sneaky and lied

To each other's faces and had

Handshakes and said everything

Is cool.

We've all done those same things

As well here.

Oh, man.

Why are dan's lies worse than

Anything else's?

Putting your hand on the

Bible and swearing on the bible

Is much worse than saying, I'm

Going to vote for you.

We're living a game but we're

Still living our lives in those


If dan and judas were in the

Final two, dan might have my

Vote, might, maybe.

It is great game play, guys.

I'm still making my decision,

But I feel very strongly where

I'm at right now.

Right now we don't even know

Who will be in the final two


We still have to see who the win

The last h.o.h., Who they will

Choose to take.

There's a lot left to consider.

I'm going to need more

Information before I really make

Up my mind.

And we all get to ask questions

Of those final.

That's going to impact my

Final decision for whoever I'm

Signing that check to.

No question about it.

Julie: coming up, dan and

Ian face off fair shot at

Winning it all, part three of

The final head of household

Competition is next.

Stay with us.

( Cheers and applause )

( Cheers and applause )

Julie: welcome back to the

Season finale of "big brother."

Now time for dan and ian to

Battle it out live in the final

Round of the head of household


The winner will then have to

Immediately decide who he wants

To evict and who he wants to

Compete against for the half

Million dollar prize.

Let's go to the living room and

Get started.

Hello, houseguests.

And congratulations on making it

To the final three.

Thanks, julie.

Thanks, julie.

Julie: now, for the last

Time this accept, the power is

Up for grabs.

Dan, ian, as winners of the

First two rounds of the h.o.h.

Competition, you are the only

Ones eligible to compete.

It is time to see how well you

Know the members of the jury.

I'll read the beginnings of

Statements made by each of the

Six members of the "big brother"


For each, I'll give you the

Choice of two possible endings.

Your job is to decide how you

Think the juror completed that


The answer will be either a. Or


For every correct answer, you

Get a point.

The houseguest with the most

Points at the end of six

Questions will be crowned the

Final head of household.

Are you ready, gentlemen?



Julie: then let's begin.

Question one: ashley said my

Favorite moment in the house was

Was... A., When I went on an ice

Cream date with frank

Or b., Dressing up like a giant

Tortilla chip.

Answers, please.

Let's hear what ashley said.

My favorite moment in the

House was... When I went on an

Ice cream date with frank.

Julie: which makes the

Correct answer a.

You both got it right.

You both get a point.

Let's reset as we move on to

Question two.

Joe said, "my biggest regret in

The game was a., Relying too

Much on my cooking, oh,

Boulevard, my alliances."

Answers, please.

Let's hear what joe said.

My biggest regret in the game

Was... My alliances.

Julie: which makes the

Correct answer b.

You both got it right.

You both get another point.

Reset as we move on to question


Britney said, "the most

Embarrassing moment in the house

For me was... A., Having to say

The words quack pack, like, a

Million times this summer.

Or, b., When one of my players

Seriously told me that she had

Bartered cigarettes for a vote."

Answers, please.

Let's hear what britney said.

The most embarrassing moment

In the house for me was... When

One of my players seriously told

Me that she had bartered

Cigarettes for a vote.

Julie: which makes the

Correct answer b.

Ian, you got it right.

You get a point.

You take the lead by one.

Reset as we move on to question


Frank said, the moment in the

House that irritated me the most

Was, a., Being lied to over and

Over again.

Or, b., Being on the block every


Answers, please.

Let's hear what frank said.

The moment in the house that

Irritated me the most was being

On the block every week.

Julie: which makes the

Correct answer b.

Iap, you got it right.

Youigate point.

You are in the lead by two.


Question five, jenn said, "the

Most unconfidential moment in

The house was, a., The frank and

Willie fight outside.

Or b., The first double eviction


Answers, please.

Let's hear what jenn said.

The most uncomfortable moment

In the house was the frank and

Willie fight outside.

Julie: which makes the

Correct answer a.

And you got it right, ian.

There is no reason to go on to

Question six

( Cheers and applause )

Because ian, congratulations.

You are the final head of


Ian, it is now up to you to

Decide whom you would like to

Evict and whom you want to sit

Next to when you face the jury.

And, ian, I'll be back in just a

Few moments for your decision.

Who will ian choose to face off

Against for the half million

Dollar prize?

Who will walk out of the "big

Brother" house empty-handed?

Stay with us.

( Cheers and applause )

Julie: welcome back

Season finale of "big brother."

Just minutes ago, ian became the

Final head of household of the


Now, he must choose to evicts

Either dan or danielle,

Automatically ensuring the

Remaining houseguest a spot in

The final two.

Let's head to the living room

For his decision.

Ian, you are now guaranteed at

Least second place and the

$, Prize.

But, ian, you have a big

Decision to make by deciding

Whom to evict tonight.

You're also deciding who will

Stay and sit next to you when

You face the jury later tonight.

This, ian, is a half million

Dollar decision.

Are you ready?

Yes, I am.

Julie: then please stand

And cast your vote to evict.

Guys, as you know, it makes

Me physically ill that I have to

Choose between two quack


Danielle, you're the sweetest

Person I've ever met in my life,

But I have to honor my

Commitment to dan.

So I vote to evict danielle.


Julie: it's official.

Danielle you are the last person

To be evicted from the "big

Brother" house.

Love you, dani.

( Cheers and applause )

Hi, julie!

You look pretty.

I was trying to win that


How did you know britney's?

How did I know britney's?

It was a guess.

Thank you.

I'll never forget that, man.

Julie: danielle.


Julie: you seemed as if you

Put all your eggs in dan's


Why didn't you try and work out

A deal with ian just in case he

Won the final h.o.h.?

Because I didn't want to have

Too many deals out there, and

Then it come back to bite me.

Julie: do you regret not

Even feeling it out?

No, because I knew how close

Dan and ian were.

Dan has been working on ian

Since day one, so I knew

Fiprobably made a deal with ian,

He would have told dan and I

Feel like I would have been in

The same situation.

Julie: that's a good point.

Ultimately, why do you think ian

Chose to evict you and sit next

To dan in front of the jury?

He told me to my face he

Couldn't win against me, and he

Said he could win against dan.

Julie: why does he think he

Couldn't win against you?

He said because I have too

Many friends on the jury.

Julie: do you buy that?

Maybe, but I think it's a

Cowardly way to go out.

Julie: how are you feeling

Right now?

I'm a little confused.

I don't really know whether to

Believe dan threw competition

Because he thought he would win

Maybe with my vote and my


I really don't upon what to

Think, julie.

Julie: what do you think

Those last few words ian said

Before he evicted you?

Ian cannot stand the thought

Of anybody not liking him or

Anybody being mad at him, and

Ian is a sweet guy.

So it was a very sweet comment.

But I don't really know if it

Was genuine or not.

Julie: danielle, you came a

Long way, girl.

I know, I know.

Julie: you are now the

Seventh and final member of the

Jury, and you will reunite with

The other jury members and

Decide who wins this thing.

How about that?

Yeah, great.

( Laughter ).

Julie: thank you, danielle.

Up next, the final two is

Revealed to the jury, and

They're ready to get the answers

To the questions they've been

Dying to ask.

The live interrogation is next.

Stay with us.

( Cheers and applause )

Julie: back back to the

Season finale of "big brother."

Fate of the final two now rests

In the hands of the jury.

Please welcome back ashley

( Cheers and applause )


( Cheers and applause )


( Cheers and applause )


( Cheers and applause )


( Cheers and applause )

And shane

( Cheers and applause )

Julie: well, well, well,

Welcome back, everybody.

As you can see, there's only six

Of you out here tonight.

And that's because just moments

Ago, the final houseguest was

Evicted, the last member of the


Britney, who do you think got

Evicted tonight?

Uhm, who do I think?

I'm hoping, I'm hoping that it

Was danielle.

Julie: why?


Come on!

Because I think ian and dan

Are the most deserving of the

Final three.

Julie: frank, who do you

Think is going to be walking

Around the corner here?

I think you know who I hope

It is, julie.


I don't think it will be, but

I'd like to see him, of course.

Julie: let's see if your

Hopes and dreams are realized.

Juror number seven, come on out

( Cheers and applause )

Julie: all right, just so

Everybody knows.

Just moments ago ian won the

Final h.o.h., And ian chose to

Evict danielle.

Jurors, in just a few moments, I

Will ask each of you to lock in

Your votes for who you want to

Win "big brother," but before

You do, you will have one last

Chance to question the final


Now, you've been asked as a

Group to come up with a set of

Questions for each finalist.

Have you all agreed on the



Julie: excellent.

Well, let's get things started.

Shall we?

Ian, dan, in just a few moments

The jury will be voting for the

Person they want to see win "big


But before they do, they have

Some questions for the two of


Ashley, what is the first

Question there the jury?

Hey, ian p.

Hey, ashley.


Okay, so you took credit for

Creating the quack pack.


Do you think that you made

Your own decisions, or did you

Just do what the group wanted

You to do?

No, I made my own decisions

Throughout the entire time with

The quack pack.

Part of me making that quack

Pack alliance was that I could

Put my destiny into my own


That's what I did.

I didn't take what was given to


I just took my destiny into my

Own hands.

I would totally disagree with


But you didn't ask me the


We made the decision for him.

Julie: oh!


( Laughter )

You'll get your turn.

Trust me.

Frank, what is your question

From the jury?

Dan, we agree that lying and

Backstab regular moves in this

Game are oftentimes necessary

But do you think you crossed the

Line when you swore on the bible

And your wedding ring and how do

You justify doing so?

In this game there are a lot

Of things I was ashamed of.

I played a ruthless game.

I had to swear on my wife and

The bible.

Things not not proud of.

I was up to my elbows in blood.

It's like I have to go to

Confession, anyway, man.

But I understand where you're

Coming from.

Julie: thank you, dan.

Jenn, you're up.

All right, ian.


I don't respect snitches in

The game.

Why should I award you $,

When you were playing boogie,

Frank, and me, while in the

Quack pack?

Well, when I made the quack

Pack I definitely had to go

Against my original alliance.

But when that hit, I wanted to

Take fate into my own hand so I

Just tried to get the

Information they could, send it

The right way.

And used it to my advantage.

Julie: thank you, ian.

Joe, your question from the


Dan, you said you're up to

Your bell lows in blood, yet

You've only one won one h.o.h.,

What blood are you talking

About, and what are you trying

To take credit for?

That's a great question.

Out of the six or seven jury

Members I had to s*ab almost all

Of them in the back.

Whether or not you realized it,

I used people to get power.

Look at shane.

I convinced danielle to use the

Veto on me.

I toll her I wasn't going to get

Rid of shane.

I knew darn well I was going to

s*ab him in the back because I

Can't beat him.

Everybody loves this guy.

I lied to frank multiple times.

Stabbed him in the back.

I I hosted my own funeral to

s*ab writ me in the back.

I didn't want to play that way

But looking at you guys and mao

To you you were, that was my

Only option.

Julie: thank you, dan.

Britney, your question.

Ian, this one is pretty

Simple for you to answer-- why

Do you, you deserve to win over

Dan gideserve to win over dan

Because I took my fate into my

Own hands.

I was one of the few players

That just didn't take the

Alliance they were given from

The start, and I decided to

Build my own destiny.

Dan, he worked with danielle as

Given, and he stabbed a lot of

People in the back, which I

Played a slightly cleaner game.

( Laughter ).

Julie: thank you, ian.

Shane, your question.

Why do I get a piece of paper

That looks like this and

Everyone else going to a nice--

Thank you, jenn city.

I appreciate it.

We're good now.

And apparently it's the same

Question britney just asked

Satan-- I mean, dan, dan, dan.

Why do you deserve to win over

Ian, man?

I mean--

Hey, I completely understand

Where you're coming from.

I know you're mad at me.

Let's take a look at ian.

He claimed to have formed the

Quack pack.

Me, you, danielle, and britney

Inspector an alliance.

Britney took ian up to the

Upstairs h.o.h. Room by a dog

Leash and said you're our fifth


That's why we brought him in.

I didn't respect britney because

She was upetting ian the whole


He will never admit that, but

Britney might.

She had ian by the leash,

Literally and figuratively.

Bull, bull, bull.

Julie: thank you, dan.

Danielle, because you were just

Evicted, you get a chance to ask

One question to either finalist.



I have a question for you.


Did you know that dan had a

Final two deal with me?

And that he was really going to

Take me instead of you?

I was not aware of that fact.

And I really hope that's not

True because he gave me his

Grandfather's gold necklace as


( Laughter ).

If he evicted me.

So he's not only lied on the

Bible but on the cross as well.

So there you go, dani.

Danielle, you were right I

Would have taken tout end

Because you were my player.

I would never turn my back on


There you go.

Julie: ian.

His grandfather's cross.

Julie: dan.

Gentlemen, men, in just a few


Really, really?

Julie: yeel each have a

Chance to make a final




Julie: to the jury.

When we return, ian and dan have

Won last chance to plead their

Case a speech that could be

Worth a half million dollars.

Stay with us.

( Cheers and applause )

( Cheers )

Julie: back back to the

Live season finale of "big


The jury is just moments away

From casting their votes to

Determine who will win the half

Million dollars.

But before they do, let's check

Back in with ian and dan.

Ian, dan, it is now time for the

Jury to cast their votes.

But before they do, you each

Have a chance to tell them why

You deserve to win "big


Ian, you're first.

All right.

Well, I've never not winged a

Speech, so I won't do any

Differently tonight.

Dan, after hearing what I just

Heard, I'm fairly disgusted with


I was going to keep this very

Nice and not talk you down, but

I am going to have to lay into

You a little bit now.

I understand.

So, to start, I would like to

Highlight my competition wins.

I've had four h.o.h.s, and

Held the power of veto twice.

Dan has one apiece.

I have a much better poker hand

If we were playing texas hold


Next, would like to say dan

Started this game with three

Lives and expended two of them

Within the first two weeks.

I've had one life the whole

Time, and I've made it here to

The end without losing any.

Dan has backstabbed all of you,

Including almost backstabbing me

After giving me his

Grandfather's cross.

Y played this game with three

Things-- probability,

Statistics, and a little bit of


I covered my bases when I needed


I made smart decisions for

Myself, and I controlled my own

Destiny in this game up until

The last h.o.h.


Julie: thank you, ian

( Cheers and applause )



Julie: it's your turn.

All right.

When this game was reset I knew

I was in a lot of trouble on the

Pirate ship.

I looked to my right, saw frank

And shane, two physical

Competitors this game has never


I could never beat them in any

Physical challenges and that

Scared me.

You had jenn and joe, very

Underrated social gamers and

Ashley, an extremely likable

Wild card and to top it alluf,

You had britney who was all that

And then some and scared the

Life out of me in this game.

I couldn't be standing here

Today without my loyal warrior

Danielle who I owe a lot to in

This game.

At the end of the day, I stood

And said to myself how can I win

This game?

I'm not as smart as everyone.

I'm not as physical.

And all signs point to me

Playing one type of game, and

That's a ruthless game, not

Because I wanted to because I

Had to.

I didn't have to rely on pulling

A gold ball out of an orcade

Machine or winning challenges

Because I can't always control


I had to do despicable things

Like host my own fortunately to

Make people believe danielle and

I never would work together


Joe, ian said I wasted my h.o.h.

On you.

You're the only person who

Scared me, because you had my


I played this game / because

I knew my limitations.

I couldn't be like shane and win

Captain america, and I couldn't

Win six competitions like frank

And did what I had to do.

At the end of the game I didn't

Play this game personal.

If I embarrassed you in any way,

I policied.

Any move I made was to push me


At the end of the day I hope and

Pray vote for who played this

Game, not with the photographic

Memory, not someone who pulled a

Gold ball out of an arcade

Machine but who played with the

Tools they had, hours a day,

Seven days a week.

That's why I have bags under my


I never slept.

I was always thinking and trying

To get myself out of trouble in

The event I couldn't win a


Let's face it, you new

Houseguests in the game were the

Best to play the game and I'll

Put that on exg.

Thank you for yr time.

I hope you guys aren't mad at

Me, and I hope you're not too

Disgusted with me.

Julie: thank you, dan.

All right, jurors, it is time to

Vote for the winner of "big


One at a time, you will each

Step up to the voting box and

Insert the key of the person you

Want to see win "big brother."

Ashley, you're up first.

I definitely put you on my

Dream board.

( Laughter )

Cubby bear.

Julie: thank you, ashley.

Britney, you're up.

I think you're both very

Deserving of this.

You both played a really good

Game, and quack, quack.

Thanks, brit.

Quack, quack.

Julie: thank you, britney.

Frank, you're up.

I'm voting for who I think

Made the best decisions in the


≫ julie: thank you, frank.


Come on down, joe.

Gentlemen, one hell of a

Summer together.

Thank you.

Thank you, joe.

Thanks joe, class act.

See you in dearborn.

Julie: thank you, joe.

Jenn, you're-- oh, yeah.

Pick up after yourself, please.

( Laughter ).

Jenn, you're up.

Yo, guys.

You both played an incredible

Game, and it's a pleasure to

Meet you both.

Jenn city!

You know it, baby.

She sold a million records by

The way, if you didn't know


Oh, my god!

Thanks, dan.

Over a million, sorry.

I stand corrected.


There it is, that's what I

Was waiting for.

Kissing butt up to the end.

Julie: thank you, jenn.

Thank you.

Julie: shane, you're up.

The thingsent to say, dan.

I'm sorry, shane.

You have to make the moves to

Win this game.

Unfortunately, they were on my


I, like I said you're a smart,

Intelegent guy, you played the

Game with a lot of respect.

Dan, you played it the way you

Could, and I just hope the best



Julie: thank you, shane.

Danielle, you're up.

The only reason I am voting

This way is because I tried to

Keep my word, and I'm going to

Try to continue.

Julie: thank you, danielle.

And with that, the voting is now


Up next, jodi, car ajojo,

Janelle, wil, and mike boogie

Join us live to dish about the


Stay with us

( Cheers and applause )

( Cheers and applause )

Julie: welcome back to the

Season finale of "big brother."

They left the "big brother"

House early, but got to watch

The entire summer unfold.

Please say hello to kara, jodi,

Wil, janelle, jojo, and mike


( Cheers and applause )

Welcome back, everybody.

It's great to see all of you.

Now, when each of you got

Evicted from the house, you got

To go home, relax, and watch the

Entire season unfold.

And I know a lot of you have--

Most of you have a lot to say.

You should know whatever you say

Can be heard inside the house.


Julie: ian and dan may

Respond to what

You say.

Janelle, I'm going to start with

You because you know this game

Maybe better than anyone else

Because you've played it three


So as you were sitting there at

Home watching things unfold,

What surprised you the most?

Uhm, well, besides all of

Danielle'salize, I think the

Thing that surprised me the most

Was dan's game play.

It was just amazing to watch on

Tv how he had all these people

Fooled for weeks.

I love you, janelle.

Weekav week they continued to

Not goav him.

And if he doesn't win "big

Brother" it's an absolute

Traf see.

I love you, gen!

Julie: are you saying dan

Was the greatest player in this

Game in seasons of the game?


I would say that dan's, hands

Down, one of the best players of

All time.

<Span tts:fontstyle="italic">( applause )

Julie: let me turn to frank

And get your thoughts on this.

She just said he's one of the

Greatest players of all time.

And I know you are an uberfan of

"Big brother," frank.

What to you think about that.

I mean, obviously, before I

Came into this house, people

Always asked me who some of my

Favorite players were and dan

Was one of those people.

I thought he always did play a

Great game but this season I did

Not feel like he played the game

He was best at.

He played a game that was almost

Like a scaf erchler game.

I game I don't really respect.

Julie: mike, I want you to

Weigh in, because you won it

Once and it was the all-star


What are your thoughts on this

Toing of dan being one of the

Greatest players of all time.

I think dan played an amazing

Game this summer.

I'm sure as the jury, as well as

Ian sitting in there will be

Shokdz to hear this, but I have

The utmost respect for the

Journey ian went on this summer.

Thank you.

He overcame a lot of-- you

Know, even social phobias and

Came in as a super fan and a

Young kid and he's going to

Leave a man one way orgthe other


Thanks, sorry I had to do it

To you.

No hard feelings at all.

They had an amazing alliance the

Quack pack did and one of them

Will win.

Julie: shane, I will turn

To you because I know you have a

Burning question for danielle.

I know there's a lot of

Confusion in your head.

There's confusion going on in

Danielle's head.

What did you want to ask


I just wondered if it was

Premeditated if you knew I was

Going to be evicted last week,

If you any dan had a deal trying

To get me out of the house

Because that's how I felt when I


I swaird on everything I had

No idea.

She had no idea, shane.

That's the one thing I didn't

Tell her because I knew she

Wouldn't let me s*ab you in the

Back, so she's telling the


Can I ask you one thing, dan?

Why did you do it that way?

You promised on your wife's

Name, and your ring.

I mean, morally, to me-- I mean,

Explain yourself.

At the end of the day, when I

Walk this house I cut my hart

And leave all my morals on the

Front doorstep.

When I come back in I will pick

That up.

That's the way I had to play the

Game and I understand you don't

Play the game that way.

If I were like you and that

Physical I would play like you.

I can't.

I'm not as good at the

Competitions and not as well

Liked as you, shane.

Bottom line, that is the truth.

Thank you.

Julie: wil, I want to turn

To you.

You saw everything unfold.

What surprised you the most,


You know, there weren't too

Many things that shocked me.

My biggest thing is, you know,

Jenn calling ian a rat, and

Joe-- eagle eye joe upset about

Dan's lies!

( Applause )

( Laughter )

But what-- when it comes down to

It, this is "big brother."

Don't hold a grudge against the

Person lying to you.

Take some responsibility.

You fell for it.

So be mad at yourself.

Julie: all right, okay.

Well, you'll all be happy to

Hear that there is one more

Prize to hand out tonight.

All week long, america has been

Voting for america's favorite


And whoever gets the most votes

Takes home $,.


Julie: and I will announce

Who america chose a little later


Up next, it is the moment of


Can dan repeat or can the kid

Take the crown?

Stay with us.

( Cheers and applause )

Julie: welcome back to the

Season finale of "big brother."

After days and

Competitions, it is finally time

To crown the winner of "big


Ian, dan, I'm about to reveal

The jury's votes.

The wern will receive $,,

And the runner up, $,.

One at a time, I will pull the

Keys from the box revealing who

Each juror chose to win "big


You will need at least four vote

To win.

Danielle has cast her vote for

Dan to be the winner of bruk.

Shane's vote goes to ian.

( Cheers and applause )

Jenn's vote goes to ian

( Cheers and applause )

Two votes ian, one vote dan.

Joe has put his vote for ian

( Cheers and applause )

To be the winner of "big


Thanks, byes.

Julie: frank's vote goes

To-- congratulations, ian.

You are the winner of "big


( Cheers and applause )

Ian and dan, come on out.

( Cheers and applause )


Julie: who did you choose

To be america's favorite


Find out when we return.

Stay with us.

Quack, quack.

Julie: welcome back to "big


A big congratulations again to

You ian.

Thank you, julie.

Julie: just for the record

Britney and ashley both voted

For ian to win.

You won -.

You've watched this show since

You were years old.

How are you feeling right now?

This is easily the best

Moment of my entire life.

I don't know how the hell I

Pulled it off, especially after

The first week I had, but quack,

Quack, that's all I've got to

Say jewel you're a young man.

It's only the beginning.

There is another prize at stake,

$, For america's favorite

Houseguest, and that honor goes

To... Congratulations, frank.

Where are you?

You are america's favorite


Thank you.

( Cheers and applause ).

Julie: a big, huge, thank

You, to all the houseguests for

An incredible season.

Don't forget to join me tomorrow

For "the talk" when the ladies

And I sit down and have the talk

With this guy, ian, and


All three of of you are coming

On the show.

From outside the "big brother"

House I'm julie chen.

We'll see you again next summer.

Good night, everybody.