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An Unforgettable Year: Summer (2023)

Posted: 05/05/24 14:47
by bunniefuu
(An Unforgettable Year SUMMER)

Summer is coming

The warmth in your heart

That colorful magic

Is part of life


It won't take long now

All the girls with their butts out

Topless on the sand

Turning into mermaids

Tonight I want you

Burning up just for me

- 58, 59, 60...
- Grandma! Tavinho!

Everything's ready out there.
Let's go before Dad gets here.

- Hey, do I really have to go?
- Of course, Tavinho!

Come on, Grandma! What's that?

Queilinha's tribute to Portela.

Queilinha Quero-Quero
will be a main dancer this year.

On Ash Wednesday,
she's holding Rio's biggest street party.

I miss Rio de Janeiro so much!

I'd love to enjoy Carnaval again,
one last time.

Seriously, Grandma?
I don't get that repetitive music.

As well as all those sweaty people up
against you, the body odor, beer breath...

I hate it!

It's because you haven't lived it.

I'm okay, darling.
I've got other priorities.

We've got to go because my teacher
has probably arrived.

Let's go, Grandma. It's for a good cause.

Just think, if Inha's show is a success,
she'll be in Paris next year.

Imagine! Then I'll turn
her room into a gym.

- Dork.
- "Dork."

And we'll go to Paris!

And we'll go to Paris.

- Don't forget the stool.
- Okay.

Come on, Grandma.
The show's going to be great.

Put Grandma's chair here.

- You can sit here, Grandma.
- Thanks.

Here, Grandma.

You look beautiful!

- Thanks dear. Love you. Good luck!
- You're welcome.

Márcia, darling!

- Thanks so much for coming.
- I was so curious!

Now I'll show you all the clothes...

- Guys, why is it taking so long?
- Tavinho, tell your sister to be patient.

- For God's sake.
- Inha, this is tough!

Tavinho, that's not for now, but later.

- Sorry!
- I'll help you.

So Márcia, do I deserve
a recommendation to study in Paris?

Of course. It'll be easy to write.

- Thanks!
- But Inha, I'm your teacher.

A letter from me isn't worth much.

I know. That's why I'm doing this show.

I need something that sets me apart.

And besides, my Dad thinks
studying fashion is a joke.

I need this scholarship in Paris

because he wants me
to work with him after graduation.

- Like my brother.
- Jeez!

What are all those people going to say?

That you're an empowered guy,

secure in your masculinity,
totally unbothered by their toxicity.

Oh, but they won't say that.
They really won't!

Thanks! I'm going to start, okay?

Good afternoon.
It's a pleasure to meet you.

I'm Inha Torres, a stylist,

and this is Mirantinho's
first fashion show!

This first look is
a totally deconstructed suit.

He shows off a denim skirt...

- Jeez, I look ridiculous.
- I upcycled myself,

with pockets from other trousers.

Presenting the second look of the show.

All hand crocheted by me.

It's made up of two pieces.

The wonderful long trousers and the top

which together make up a jumpsuit.

- Stop!
- Now...

- Dad?
- This event is canceled.

I'm here for your safety.

We're the PFV, the Party of Family Values!

And you're disturbing public order!

- Dad, are you crazy?
- God!

It's indecent!

- Tavinho, what's that?
- I don't know.


Mom, stop recording!

Both of you come with me now!


- You're ruining my event!
- This is a mess.

There's a fashion show going on!
Dad, you can't censor my event.

Event? You're wreaking havoc
in a public square.

- It's just a fashion show.
- Fashion show?

This looks like a samba school costume.

Dad! Stop being so old-fashioned,
prejudiced and sexist!

Darling, you have to understand
that Mirantinho is a traditional place.

And the party is choosing
its candidate for governor!

But I need this show to be accepted
into post-grad in Paris!

I need my children by my side right now.

In fact,

I want you two to come
to the party convention,

which is starting now,
two weeks before Carnaval.

I'll stay and take care of Grandma.

You stay. Tavinho is coming with me.


And for God's sake,
don't start making shit up!

Let's go, Tavinho!

- I don't know...
- Let's go!

Get those clothes off. What is that?

No, it's going to work out, man!
I've got it under control.

Don't worry, it will.
I know the speed isn't ideal.

It's the paperwork...

What? Hey, Mom! Turn that off!
Can't you see I'm working?

- Grandma, don't turn it off!
- No one respects me!

Like Carrie Goldenblat,

with a Brazilian father
and an American mother,

- Carrie's one of the world's...
- My Portela!

Most famous stylists.

She hasn't worked in Brazil since
she opened her atelier in Los Angeles,

until now.

Her love affair with Portela
started two years ago

when Carrie visited the samba school
and saw Rio's Carnaval.

Was it too good to pass up?

You can't say no to Portela.

If that woman gave me a recommendation,
they'd accept me in a flash.

So go talk to her.

- Go to Portela?
- Yep!

Don't be silly, Grandma.


Inha, I have an idea.

If you want, I'll go with you. My dear...

Look, guys, it's so...

It's my chance to take you
to see Carnaval, Inha!

Imagine me showing you Portela's
eagle coming down the avenue.

Portela, I've never seen anything prettier

Look! I've got goosebumps!

- Shall we, Inha?
- Grandma, you're crazy!

Crazy about you!

Check it out.



- Go to Rio? You're crazy.
- Please.

What happened to your mom
wasn't enough for you?

- We'll be careful.
- During Carnaval!

- I'm thinking of your safety!
- You're not. You're being pretentious.

Thanks, Mom. Thanks a lot.

Darling, I left Rio for your safety.

I chose a city where they
don't have that stupid party.

It's not about Carnaval.
It's about my post-grad.

- When you started those classes...
- College!

Whatever. I didn't stand in your way.

But I'm about to become
a candidate for state governor.

Dad, I have to finish college.
Don't do this to me.

Until the end of the year.

If there's no scholarship,
you'll work on the campaign with me.

I love you.

Daddy's little girl!

Look after Grandma, okay?
I'll be back on Ash Wednesday.


Hey, what's this?
You think you're driving?

- What?
- You crazy? I'd prefer not to die.


What is it?

Your dad's need to control everything
makes me nervous.

- It makes it worse.
- I don't know what to do.

Believe in your dream!

Or do you want to end up like me?

Old and on the sofa all day,

dreaming of a carnaval
which is never going to happen.

Hang on!

Dad said he'd be away
for two weeks, right?


There's time to go
without him finding out.

- He won't find out!
- And you'll come with me!

I'd love to! But if I do,
Otavio will find out.

I won't go. It's your dream too.

Darling, listen.

I don't have the strength
to party at Carnaval.

Inha, I've done my fair share.

It's your turn now, miss!

Oh, Grandma!

Grandma, I've organized
all your medicine for 15 days, okay?


Now, please, don't mess things up.

Go, Inha! Now!

Oh, Grandma, really?

Small, medium or large?

- No, Grandma. I'll go!
- Go, go!

Love you!


Where are you, girl?
Weren't you almost here?

Girl, I thought I was close.
But I'm still 40 minutes away.

Lots of street parties today.

Street parties? In January?

January, February, March, April...
Welcome to Rio, girl!

Hang on.
They're going to dent my dad's car.

Come on, lady! Move!

- Are you okay?
- What was that?

- What happened? Are you crazy?
- Hello?

What happened? Are you hurt?

- My nose!
- Don't move. I'll fix this.

Don't move!

A shower of love, darlings!

- My nose!
- I'll call an ambulance. Don't move.

It's fine. It was just a knock.
It's all good.

You're not from Rio.

You're literally a clown!

My leg...

- I'm calling an ambulance.
- It's a joke! It's Carnaval.

Everyone's having fun.
You don't have to feel bad.

- Feel bad? Me?
- Yeah.

You stepped in front of my car.

Okay. Happy Carnaval to you too.

Do I look like I like Carnaval?

I get it. You think Carnaval
is the root of all evil.

I don't, no. I just think it's pointless.


Jeez, Inha, your hair
is full of confetti, babe.

- That won't work. You need a shower.
- Really?

So tell me. Was the guy you ran over hot?

I didn't notice.
Where should I put my case?

You can sleep with me upstairs,
or there's a sofa down here.

Here's great.

Kaká, I'm here to work.

That's it!

Inha, I have to show you my new song.
It's beautiful, perfect, wonderful!

But I need to send it to my manager.

What? You have a manager now?

No, that's a detail I'm still missing,

but I think it's good to say it,
manifest it,

put it out into the universe.


I got ready for Carnaval

Did my makeup Set myself free

The street party was amazing

And at the end I found you

You appeared just like that
Cherubim's wing

And I suddenly fell in love

I don't yet know what you like the most

You appeared just like that
Cherubim's wing

And I suddenly fell in love

Do you want to be mine too?


What's going on? For God's sake.

- What's this? Are you stalking me?
- You?

- Me? What about me?
- Is this revenge?

Revenge? Look at the size of that monkey!

Jeez, that's horrible.

I made it.

Nice job.

- What are you doing here?
- I've come to see Carrie Goldenblat.

- She's a stylist...
- I know.

I want to speak to her while she's here.

That's easier in Los Angeles.
She's very busy during Carnaval.

Now please move, so you don't get hurt.

Wait! Couldn't you help me speak to her?

You've got some nerve!

You're such a snob about Carnaval.
Why would I help you?

- I'm not!
- You're in my way.

I just don't understand the crowds.

Porta potties. Sweaty people up
against each other. I hate it.

I get it.

You like Carnaval in the VIP section,
free bar with AC

and ideally next to Carrie.

That's more me.

Yeah, it is.

No, it's not that. Listen.

- I really need this.
- You're in my way.

I need to speak to her.
I'll work for free. I just need help.

I'm sorry. People from the community
get preference.

He's unbearable!

I'm here!

Come on. Help me unload.

That's it.

Excuse me. Who's in charge here?

Him, Joca.

- Thanks.
- Guys, careful with that.

We still need to cover it.

Use this blue one. Thanks.

- Joca?
- Yes?

Nice to meet you. I'm Flávia.
Call me Inha.

I study fashion and I would like
to offer to volunteer here.

Girl, it's only two weeks
until the parade. There's no way.

Joca, this has always been my dream.

Being here in this temple
is giving me goosebumps.

Girl, you from Madureira?

Born, but not raised unfortunately.

I don't believe this.
You must be joking, girl.

That's where I know you from.

You ran over Guima, didn't you?

What a coincidence.

Coincidence? No, no.

Anyone I shower with my glitter
has a Carnaval romance.

I didn't come for a Carnaval romance.
I came to work.

I told her we give preference
to people from the community.

- Tell her, Joca.
- Who says I'm not from the community?

- You're from the community?
- Yes.

My mom worked here at Portela for years.

- Doing what?
- Making costumes.

She was a great seamstress.

That's why I studied fashion.
She's my inspiration.

Her name was Yoná.

- Yoná?
- Yoná?

- I don't know a Yoná.
- Yoná?

- I don't know a Yoná.
- Yoná...

Where's Yoná now, darling?

She died in a car accident.


I was very small.

My dad took it badly and decided
to leave Rio, so we moved.

That's sad.

I came here in search of my roots.

Don't pull that!
You came to speak to Carrie.

- Talk to Carrie?
- Yeah, that too.

- But you know what my real dream is?
- Yeah?

It's to see Portela's eagle
coming down the avenue.



Go Portela!

When I was small, I'd line up all my dolls

and have my own parade.

- Cool.
- Nice.

Joca, bro, send her to Arlete.

- Arlete?
- Yeah.

- No one lasts on Arlete's team.
- Exactly. There's always space.

- She'll love you.
- She will. I'm great.

She will.

Okay, darling.
Take the elevator to the fourth floor.

- Okay, thanks.
- Good luck.

Guima, for God's sake, you're shameless.

I just wanted to know
if my son was okay. He has a fever.

That's what happens to people
who use their cell phones at work.

They get fired!

And you, Tati? Why aren't you
at the sewing machine?

I just got water.

Don't push me.
I'm dying to fire someone else!

- Arlete, is everything okay?
- Define "okay."

How can it be okay if the parade
is nearly here and nothing's ready?

Joca sent me to work with you.

You're kidding, right?

I need an experienced seamstress
and Joca does this!

I'm studying fashion at college.

That's all I needed. A student!

Tell Joca you can be
on the board with him.

Arlete, I can help you. Really.

I know! Let me talk to Carrie.

- She'll like me.
- She's crazy.

There's no chance of you
talking to Carrie.

Why not? I bet I know much more
than a lot of people here.

See these stitches?
They'll never last that way.

- My mom taught me.
- She taught you wrong. Sorry.

I'm her mom.

- Well it won't last, but it looks good.
- Tati!

Look, girl, your nerve is next level.

These costumes only need
to last 70 minutes.

What you learn at college is useless here!

Arlete, let me show you what I can do.
Free of charge. Whatever you like.

Mom, a fabric delivery just arrived.

There's no one to move it.

As you're so keen to work here, get ready
to work your ass off and do what I say.

Got it? Or you can leave.

- You and Carrie won't regret it.
- Forget Carrie.

She never comes here. She just designs.

Let's go.

For you.


- I'll help you, Inha.
- It's fine. I can do it. Thanks.

You think you're something else.
Don't you, college girl?

One swallow doesn't make a summer,

and definitely not a carnaval!

Leave early? Why have you decided
to start playing the drums now?

Mom, I always wanted to.
But a vacancy has just opened up.

Don't "Mom" me, Tati.
You committed to being a seamstress.

And you have to glue rhinestones
on 70 sandals for tomorrow.

It's not even half done.

Either you do what you agreed
or you're out of the school. Understood?


- Sorry. It won't happen again.
- It better not!


- What else have I done wrong?
- It's not that.

I just wanted to say that
if it's your dream, go for it.

I can't do that.

I know what it's like.
My dad never supports me.

But taking the risk is better
than being frustrated thinking,

"What if I had tried?"

I can't let everyone down, Inha.
I need to finish the sandals for tomorrow.

I get it, so you go to the drum rehearsal,

and I'll get on with the rest.

- Really?
- Of course!

It's a chance to show more of my work.




Oh, God! Where's my cell phone?
I can never find it.

Where did I put it?

- Hey, Grandma!
- Hey!

Are you taking all your medicine?

Medicine? The connection is terrible.
I can't hear you.

No! It's a surprise for you! Look!


How exciting, Inha!

You can't film here, okay?

I'm not filming.
I'm talking to my Grandma! Look.

Wow, he's handsome!

- How's it going?
- Hi!

You hooking up with him, Inha?

Of course not, Grandma!

Are you crazy?

I think that's going to end in samba.

Go and take your meds, okay? It's time!

Okay, dear.

Sending kisses. Love you loads!

I love you too.

- Bye!
- Bye!

Grandmas, right?

She'd love to be here
experiencing all this.

I can imagine!

I wanted to say sorry.

For calling you a snob, remember?

I didn't think you liked samba.

- Me?
- Yeah!

Look at this. Pay attention.

- Yeah?
- Watch!


Oh, my God, I'm sorry. I'll help you.

- Wow, looks like a good Carnaval!
- No, this is for work.

- Okay.
- That's great, thanks.

- Beautiful costume! I love it.
- You like it?

- Thanks.
- Happy Carnaval.

I hope work goes well! Bye!



Inha, you nailed it!

You nailed it, girl. Thanks!

- Now I'll help you with the rest.
- There's no need. I sorted it all.

Inha, you could have asked me.

Not at all, I like working alone.

That way I make sure
everything's the way I like it.

That explains it.

Arlete, what's the problem?

I took all the costumes out
and hung them up by color.

Who asked you to hang them up, Inha?

Are these mannequins for decoration?

- Sorry, I thought...
- Now you have to redo everything.

The fitting starts in 15 minutes
and if it's not ready, Miss Inha,

you can leave.

- Grandma, I can't speak now!
- Inha! Your dad wants to speak to you.

- Answer him now!
- What?

Dad? A video call? Really?

- What?
- Tati, hold this. I'll be back.

- Hey, Dad.
- Inha!

You finally picked up, darling!

It's dark there.

Why is it dark?

No, it's just... I have a headache.
I'm trying to sleep.

- Did something happen? Is there a problem?
- Yes, darling. There's a problem.

Did you take my campaign car?

I got a speeding fine.

I took Grandma to the pharmacy.
Dad, that was it.

The fine was on the highway.

No, Dad, you don't get it.

We had to go to Brejo Alegre
for the meds Grandma needed.

Inha, pay attention to what I'm saying.

You have no idea
how much damage you've caused

by getting a fine in a car
with my photo on it, Inha!

Can I not trust you? Is that it?

You can, Dad. You can trust me, okay?

I love you. Kiss.


and this is for the generator.

The generator goes here? That'll be great.

You're doing a great job.

What does she know about generators?

Guys, stop. That's my job. I'll sort it.

You were never going to do it alone.
People are arriving.

- I'm going to finish up.
- Take that one.

"Freedom wings."

"Freedom wings." Really?

- What are you laughing at?
- What about that costume

says "freedom wings"?

It's really generic. Look at it.

Is this my costume by any chance?


You think it's too generic? I heard you.

No, it's beautiful.

Guys, why is Carrie Catherine Goldenblat
never here?

- She's going to the drum rehearsal.
- Really?

Queilinha, I'm a fan.
Can we take a selfie?

Of course. Actually, with so many
of us here, shall we do a story?

- Get everyone together.
- Come on, Inha.

- Tati, no!
- Come on!

It is with great pride, humility,

and a sense of duty,

that I declare this PFV Convention open.


He's the best!

He's great.


-We're going to change Brazil!
- Say "Carnaval"!


On Saturday, we'll be here
at Portela for the drum rehearsal.


- What?
- What?


No. Nothing. No.

It's more than just a dream.

We're going to change Brazil!

What a speech.

Dad, I was thinking of going home
to check on Grandma and Inha.

I want to see how they are doing.

Good! Good idea.

These speeches are so powerful.

Let's do it!


The truth always comes out,
doesn't it, Inha?

I checked, and no one's
ever heard of Yoná here.

You're Yoná's daughter, right?
That's why you looked familiar.

She wasn't a seamstress, dear.
She was a dancer, and a good one!

- You knew my mom?
- Everyone did.

After the fire,

she got people from all the schools
together to restart Carnaval.

- Did you know that?
- No, Tati. I never imagined that.

Whatever. She lied.
Her mom wasn't a seamstress.

I was a little girl. I got confused.

My mom wasn't a seamstress, but I am.

- Let's get to work.
- Let's do it.

- Let's get to work.
- Come on, Maria. Try it.

- Let's try it.
- Go on.

This Indian is Tupinambá
This Indian has the soul of a warrior

Today my Guajupiá is Madureira


You guys are an embarrassment.
Look at this!

Look at these shabby pleats, guys.

Now imagine if that happened to all
the Baianas in the middle of the parade?

How will that make me look?

That's it.
All four of you are fired. Excuse me.

Arlete, it wasn't their fault.
I said those stiches were weak.

Lord, I don't have to put up with this.

Get your things and leave too.

You're fired!

Arlete, this job
is really important to me.

You haven't understood a thing.
None of this is for you.

It's all for the school.

- Arlete, please...
- Mom.

Don't get involved, Tati.
Inha, get your things. You too! Out.

Guys! Are you going to give up?
We can't just accept this.

Inha, my mom never changes her mind.
Forget it!

Tati, relax. I'll fix it. Come with me.

Look, we get rid of this frame here.

We need a different material. A hula hoop!

A hula hoop will make it light
but supportive.

Where's Joca?

- Shall we try it?
- Tati, I'll handle it.

In two minutes, my mom will walk
through that door and kick you four out.

No, you five.

Is that what you want?

I'm running out of patience.

- I know what I'm talking about, Joca.
- It's the same every day!

You tired of it?

- I am.
- Imagine how I feel. Let's go.

So we're going to do this together.
Together, okay?

We're going to put
the hula hoop in here...

Explain why you want
to fire five people at once, Arlete.

You have no idea! They're irresponsible.

- We're gonna finish, Tati?
- We are.

This over here...

- I want to see this circus of yours.
- You do?

- I do.
- Then I'll show you

the disaster that's unfolding in there.

- Come on.
- Okay.

I'm out of patience.

What are you still doing here?
Didn't I tell you to leave?

- Maria, show them!
- Go, Maria!

This Indian is Tupinambá
This Indian has the soul of a warrior

Today my Guajupiá is from Madureira

This Indian is Tupinambá
This Indian has the soul of a warrior

Today my Guajupiá is from Madureira

Nice, Maria! You nailed it!

You did something to the frame, right?

Well, Arlete. Looks like you don't
need to fire anyone today.

- Not today.
- Okay then.

And another thing...

- I need a waitress for tomorrow.
- Tati's coming. Don't worry.

- Perfect.
- Joca.

Is Carrie going to that rehearsal?

- She is.
- Do you need someone to help?

Arlete, let Inha go too.
There will be a lot of people to dress up.

- Joca, I can't let anyone else go.
- I don't get it, Arlete.

Five minutes ago, you wanted to fire
everyone. You can do without her, right?

Okay. And another thing,
don't be late tomorrow!

Okay then!

Let's do it!


Thank you.

Wow, girl! This VIP area is fancy!

It's so fancy, Inha. I can't believe it.

Kaká, chill!
It's already risky bringing you here.

Now do something useful.
Help me find Carrie.


Carrie, okay...

- What? Is it Carrie?
- No!

Inha, it's Queilinha Quero-Quero.

Wow, she's here!

See that guy next to her?

That's her manager. He's k*lling it.

He's organizing her street party.
It will be the biggest this year.

I've sent him hundreds of emails
with my music, my material,

and he never answers.

You're introducing me to him.

You are because I've never asked you
for anything.


- One ticket, please.
- It's 50 reais.

- Thanks.
- Thanks.

- Hey, girls!
- Hey!

Glad you're here. I'm late.
Can you finish up here?

- Sure.
- The drums are starting.

- Go.
- Bye, Queilinha!

- Crush it, Tati!
- Okay.

Hold this, Queilinha? Thanks.

- So how are you doing?
- Great, you?

You look amazing.

I want to introduce you
to someone really special.

- Who?
- My friend Kaká.

- Hi, Queilinha. I'm Kaká.
- Hi, darling.

I'm a big fan. Meeting you is a dream.

- Enjoying it?
- I am!

I'm glad!

Queilinha, Kaká is a songwriter.

- Really?
- Really.

You must meet my manager.
Heitor, come here please.

- What is it, Queilinha?
- This is Kaká.

A singer-songwriter. She's Inha's friend.

- Hey, how's it going?
- It's a pleasure.

Queilinha, that look is amazing!

- You like it?
- It's amazing!

I also love your tattoos.

My job is to think
about the artist's career.

Think about the potential
they could have. You know?

But how can we tell
what someone's potential is?

- I don't know. I just feel it.
- Okay.

Goosebumps, racing heart, dry mouth.

It's crazy!

What I can say for certain

is that when I find a rough diamond,

I know precisely
where it needs to be polished.

Let me introduce you to the people
from the record company.

They'll love that you're a songwriter.


Move those hips, girl!

No, Inha. You look like a gazelle
with rheumatism. I'll show you.

Forward, back.

Forward, back. That's it. Move your hips.

Little toe. Then heel.
That's it, darling. Now turn!

- My shirt!
- Sorry!

- Sorry!
- I can't believe it!

- There are no napkins.
- No.

I'll show you the bathroom.

- Okay.
- Sorry.

- God.
- Jeez.

Seriously, Guima?

- Macalé!
- Hey bud, when are we having those beans?

- Delicious.
- You owe me some feijoada.

Let's do it!


- What's up?
- How's it going, man?

- Hey!
- What's up?

Guima, you know everyone!

I do. I've been working at Portela
my whole life. Thanks, guys!

I left Rio three years ago. I missed it
so much, so I had to come this year.

It seems like everyone who works
on Carnaval ends up loving it.

Imagine how I feel living somewhere
with no Carnaval?

Your town must be as lame as mine.

I live in Los Angeles.

Well mine's lamer than that.

What do you do there?

I'm a model.

But I feel like I've got
so much more purpose here.

Creating an illusion that makes people
forget their problems is amazing.

But it's a fleeting illusion, right?

It is, but maybe just the taste of it
could show us what life could be like.


You can wear my shirt
while yours is wet, okay?

That's from the 2017 competition,
so it's a big responsibility.

It's beautiful.

I'll go downstairs and get one.

- You can change. I'll be right back.
- Of course, go ahead.

- Hey!
- Yes?

How much is it to get in?

- It's just for VIPs.
- VIPs.

- Inha!
- Hey, are you crazy?

- Inha! Help me!
- You can't!


Let go of him. He's my brother.

Joca, come over here please!

- What is it, Inha?
- This fool here is my brother.

- Can you let him in?
- Emerson, let him go.

- Thanks.
- Thanks.

- Joca!
- What?

My love, the choreographer
wants to talk to you. Shall we go?

Relax, handsome.
I'm not hooking up with him.

He's just a friend.

Tavinho, what are you doing here?

- I came to get you.
- What? Are you crazy?

- You came here out of the blue.
- Are you going home?

I'm not. No.

Here's to Portela's old guard!

Tavinho, listen. I can only leave
once I've spoken to Carrie. Get it?

- Is she coming tonight?
- I don't know.

Inha, you came to Rio chasing a celebrity?

It's not like that.

- That's embarrassing.
- Queilinha Quero-Quero!

Is that Queilinha Quero-Quero?

- Let's samba!
- Tavinho!

Look, Inha! It's Queilinha!

- She's my friend now!
- You wish!

She is, really!


Guima, it's Carrie!

- I'm going to talk to her. Wish me luck.
- Good luck!

- Thanks!
- Good luck.


And Queilinha Quero-Quero
was as amazing as ever!

Arlete, I said sky blue.
This is royal blue.

- Hello, I'm Inha. It's nice to meet you.
- Inha, if I need you, I'll call you.

I wanted to take the chance
to introduce myself to Carrie.

Carrie, darling. Finally!

It's so good to see you, Queilinha.

We need to talk about the costume.

- It's great, isn't it?
- We think it's kind of generic, you know?

It doesn't really say "freedom wings."

- Who's we?
- Me and Inha from your team.


No! It's not that!

You know when you have a thought
you should never have had?

Queilinha, a small detail to bear in mind

is that Carnaval is only a week away.

So there's nothing we can do
about the costume. I have to wear this?

But why? Do what?

To me, it's perfect.

Well, you might think it's perfect,
but I don't.

I'm not wearing that.
Give it to other dancers. I'm out.

I'm out!

- Arlete? Look...
- Yes?

I've had it up to here with Carnaval.

- Carrie, I can explain...
- Inha!

- Stop! Show's over!
- Arlete, I didn't mean to...

Get out of here.
I don't want to see your face.

- Mom...
- Get rid of this!

I mess everything up.

Carrie, please, let me explain.

Carrie, please, open the window.

Carrie, please! Just give me one minute.

- Out of the way.
- Let me explain.

Out of the way, girl! I need to leave!

I swear I didn't want to cause
any problems with Queilinha.

Get out of the way.

I'm a huge fan of your work.

I was wondering why a person like you

who designs the best clothes
for New York, Milan, Paris,

- would want to come to Carnaval.
- You're right! I don't know either.

Now get out of the way, please. I'm tired.

I'm going to the hotel. I'm exhausted.

Carrie, I'm sorry!

I know I was impulsive, silly.

But to be here, to come to Carnaval,
I took such a risk.

- This is my moment to prove my worth.
- Oh, my God.

Don't talk to me about worth.

Don't talk to me about worth.
I know all about that only too well.

Because I'm always working so hard,
and no one appreciates me.

I appreciate you!

At least give me the chance to prove
to you I'm worth it, Carrie.

You're exhausted.

So you need an assistant.

You won't find anyone better than me.

The only thing I'm asking for, Carrie,

is the chance to learn
from the best stylist in the world.


I admire you.

Let me help you with Queilinha.

I'll do you that favor.

So you're saying you want
to study in Paris?

I've given lectures there. You'll love it.

I know.

- That must be Tati. I'll get it.
- Okay.

Hey, girl!

- Thanks!
- Nice hotel, right?

Wow, I can't believe you're
working with Carrie.

Come on. I'll help you with that.

Here you go!


Do you think we should remove

these embellishments here?

Do we remove them or leave them on?

Remove them because Queilinha
wants something simpler, you know?

She's going to be on foot.

She's like a root.

Can I sketch it?


The theme of this costume
is freedom, right?

So we need to make sure
she's free to samba.

I thought about taking the sleeves off,

transforming the corselet
into an amazing bustier

and the skirt into a gorgeous hot pant.

We can put some applique here. Look.

It looks good.

That's not it!

What are you doing here, Inha?
Didn't I send you away?

- Relax, Arlete, it's all sorted.
- It really is. Isn't it, Carrie?

I love the costume. I look amazing.
I'm gonna slay at the parade!

Actually, I can't take all the credit.

This was thanks to your input, Queilinha.

Everything you said, your criticism,
inspired me.

It's super original now, right?

Perfect. Thanks again!

How dare she, the double-crosser.

I thought you'd say I helped.

My goodness, this is all I need.
Now I've got to give you credit?

You work for me, girl.
The fact you helped is implied.

Never mind, forget it. But could you write
the recommendation letter for Paris?

Okay. First, do your job right.

After the parade, if all goes well,
I'll write the letter in français.


Let's put the costume away.




Inha, I think it's crazy for us
to stay until Sunday.

Bad idea.

Relax, man. Stop being so uptight.

We're leaving as soon
as I have that letter.

- Promise?
- Yep.

- Okay.
- Okay.

Another toast to Inha
who saved our main dancer.

- Cheers!
- Hey, guys!

- Queilinha!
- Speak of the devil.

- Have a seat!
- There's no need, love.

- What's up?
- You're here?

What do you mean, Inha?

I'm from here, grassroots samba.
It's where I like to be.

Hey, I brought you

wristbands to watch the parade
from my manager's private box.

- You shouldn't have, Queilinha!
- Of course I should, Inha!

Unlike your boss, I'm not ungrateful.

I instantly knew
she hadn't made that costume.

- Liar.
- It's fine, Queilinha.

What's important is
she'll help me study in Paris.

- Paris?
- Carnaval isn't my thing.

What? Paris isn't your thing!

"Oh, haute couture!" No.

"I'm going to Paris!"
No, this is your place.

You're not like Carrie. She's so stuck up.

I agree, you know?

I agree.

You don't know what she's saying.

I still agree with her.

Anyway, I rented an apartment near here,

so you're in my neighborhood.


Another toast!

Cheers to that!


- Know what I just remembered?
- What?

I forgot to return your shirt.

I forgive you.

But only if you dance this samba with me.

- Cute!
- Okay!

Excuse us, guys.

Excuse us. We're going to dance.

- Will you let him?
- I'm watching you!

- That's my cue to leave.
- I'll go with you.

I'm going with you.

I'm coming too! Wait!

You're going too?

I am. Wait!


What's up, dear?

What if I said I need a boy
with a body like yours in the parade?


Man, it's not what you're thinking.

- Or is it?
- What?

A dancer is sick and won't be able
to make the parade.

You'd fit the costume perfectly.
Help me out.

I can't dance, Joca.

Really, man?

You'll learn the choreography.
It'll be great, incredible.

No, I don't think it's a good idea.

You know you owe me, right?


You want to help a friend out?

Bro, I love you, you know?

But not enough to let you paint me over.

- Next time.
- Paint?


- He said paint.
- He didn't.

I heard him!

My place

Is a smile Is peace and pleasure

Its name is sweet to say

Madureira, lá laiá

Madureira, lá laiá

My place is the path of Ogun and lansã

There's samba all night long

A swagger in every step

My place
Is surrounded by struggle and sweat

Hope for a better world

And beer to celebrate

My place
Has myths and beings of light

It's close to Oswaldo Cruz

Cascadura, Vaz Lobo and Irajá

My place

Is a smile Is peace and pleasure

Its name is sweet to say

Madureira, lá laiá

Madureira, lá laiá


May I?

- Of course. It's yours.
- Yeah!

Inha, can you get me my notebook
on the table, please?

- I'm going to sing.
- She's going to sing.

- Thanks!
- Sure.

She'll sing.

I'm going to sing!

Well, guys, this one is mine.

Here goes.

- Want to try it?
- Can I?

- Of course!
- Let's go.

See if you can.

Portela is feminine
Beautiful flower I love

Portela is everyone
Could be me and you

Doca's, Aunt Surica's,
Eunice's, Teresa's, Marisa's

Come and see

She's strong, empowered
Goddess of the dawn

She's the biggest, she's brave
She's majestic, she's for real

Mix with funk, see how it goes
Drums with tambourine and cuíca

Come and see

She opens up paths of love
It's more, Portela, you make me

Feel the presence of the mantle
Those who try it will never forget

Here comes Portela
And I'm following her

I know I want more

I want the freedom to dream

Come on, Tati!

What's this headdress doing here?
I told you it shouldn't be here!

Portela is feminine
Beautiful flower I love

Portela is everyone
Could be me and you

Doca's, Aunt Surica's,
Eunice's, Teresa's, Marisa's

Come and see

She's strong, empowered
Goddess of the dawn

She's the biggest, she's brave
She's majestic, she's for real

Mix with funk, see how it goes
Drums with tambourine and cuíca

Come and see

She opens up paths of love
It's more, Portela, you make me

Feel the presence of the mantle
Those who try it will never forget

Here comes Portela
And I'm following her

I know I want more

I want the freedom to dream

Those who try it will never forget

I want the freedom to dream

I want the freedom to love

I want the freedom to dream

Amazing, Kaká!

You smashed it!

Congrats, Kaká!

- Thanks!
- Beautiful!

What's going on? Time to get up!

Morning, Tavinho!

Alexa, start my day.

Good morning, Kaká. Here's the news.

Let's talk about Carnaval again.
It's nearly time!

Live from the Sambadrome.

Carnaval isn't just about partying.

There are always last minute details.

Portela's people bending over backwards
to work their magic.

Look how beautiful it is!

My Lord, look at the size of that float!

Anywhere else in the world,
only here at the Brazilian Carnaval.

My goodness!

Inha, help Maria
with this bit on her back.

- Okay.
- Come on!

Come on! Get it on properly!


- Arlete, I'm still sorting this!
- Don't answer back!

- This shoulder piece is all crooked!
- Okay, coming!

Come on! Fix it!

- Tati!
- Yes?

- This corselet is untied.
- On my way.

Come on, Tati. Fix it!

Come on, guys!

- Tati, wait. You need to do it harder.
- Go.

- Done!
- Tati!


You look beautiful!

So? Are you tired?

Really tired.

Follow me.

You're going to love this.


Wasn't it your dream
to see Portela's eagle?

Wow, Guima!

Beautiful, isn't it?

It's amazing!

There's more. Come on.

Climb up here.

- Guima, this is crazy!
- Awesome, right?

It's like a dream!

Yeah. I said Carnaval was magic.

Hey, what's up? Sorry!

Tavinho, for God's sake!

Tavinho, it's late!

- Clothes off.
- What?

Take your clothes off.

Phone and things in here.
I'll keep them for you.

Here's your leotard.

- Leotard?
- Emanuel, paint him, please.

- Great. Tavinho, right?
- Tavinho.

- Clothes off.
- What?

For your makeup! Clothes off.

- We're back to the parade ground.
- Excuse me.

Let's find out how Portela's looking.

President Luís Carlos Magalhães...

Mr. President.

- Can I speak to you for a minute?
- Yes. Sit down, Otavio.

Good evening. How are you?


I wanted to know
if the party has a response

regarding my candidacy
for governor, Mr. President.

- Not yet, Otavio.
- Sir, you know me.

I have two terms as mayor of a town
with excellent numbers.

- I've worked on health, safety...
- Otavio, Otavio...

Mirantinho is a town no one's heard of.

Someone from there
isn't a good candidate for governor.

There's no turning back Oh, iaia

Let the tears dry Oh, iaia

Go, inspiration Fly free

Through curves of longing
Let's go!

That's the samba song from 2017.
Samba is beautiful.

Guima, I need to tell you something.

Remember when I told you I loved Portela?

I remember,
but it's impossible not to love it.

That's why I decided
not to go back to Los Angeles.

I'm staying.

- Really?
- Really.


What did you want to say?

Never mind.

Guima, I think we're nearly there!

Looking good.

Great, Tavinho!

Great. I'm ready!

Almost ready. I need him to be bald.


There's the eagle.


Queilinha needs help getting dressed.

Okay. I'm on it, Carrie.

What's up, Carrie?


The costumes are beautiful.

I didn't expect anything less.

Thanks. The school is strong this year.

And you're part of that.

Your sculptures are strong.
They've got personality.

I'm sure the jury will see you
the same way I do.

Thanks, but I don't think my art...

- Please. We already talked...
- I miss you.

- Don't you miss me?
- In Los Angeles.

- It's over.
- No. Don't say that, my love.

I get that you don't want to come home,

back to me,

but don't give up on everything
you worked for.

I've decided, Carrie.

I'm staying in Brazil.

I'm very grateful for everything
you did for me, really.

For all our experiences.
It's just... My place is here.

I live for this.

I need you to understand that.

Carnaval will end.

But everything we built together won't.

- Paulo, thanks for coming.
- Hey, man, how's it going?

Thanks for the support.
Great show! Congrats!

Just a minute. I need to speak
to a friend with a bright future ahead.

I love that! How's it going?

- So good to see you here.
- Yes!

- Make yourself at home.
- Thanks.

Be my guest.

Are you alone?

I came with Inha.
She's just sorting some stuff first.

I'll introduce you to the marketing staff.
You'll love them.

The 2017 samba to round off
Portela's warm up.

Get ready. It's about to start!

- Queilinha, you look perfect!
- Thanks, guys.

- You go, girl!
- Good luck!


The costume is beautiful.

Thanks, Maria.

- Mom?
- Yes.

It's all ready.

- Can we go?
- To do what?

Queilinha gave us invites
for the VIP box, remember?

You think I'm an idiot?

You think I don't know Tatiana has been
disobeying me and practicing?

Mom, don't get annoyed.

I am going to get annoyed

if you're late
and our school loses points.

My love! I'm so proud. Give me a hug.

Mom is so proud. Now go
and make your name as a cuíca player.

- Go, guys!
- Thanks, Mom!

Inha, wait.

Is there a problem, Arlete?

I was just going to get ready.

Inha, although you did it all
because of Carrie,

I want to thank you for all the help
you've given my daughter.

For everything you've done for our school.
Look, girl!

From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

- I'm the one who wants to...
- You can go. You can go. Thanks.

I don't see what's so funny!

Portela's going in, guys!

Look at Portela on the avenue!


Portela coming down the avenue...

Oh, Portela.

- You can see the excitement...
- It's beautiful.


Excuse me, can I get through?

- Hey, running me over again!
- Sorry!

Can't you see?

I'm trying to see the costume I designed,
but it's impossible.

- You made a costume?
- Yeah, with Carrie.

She's even going to write
a recommendation for me.

- Okay. With Carrie?
- Yeah.

Inha, I need to tell you something.

Guima, they're coming! Look!

- Wait, I'll find a way.
- Okay.

Climb up here.

That's better!

- Can you see?
- Yes, everything.

There's Tavinho, Guima!

- Look at Tavinho!
- It's him!

Wow! I'm going to film it for my grandma.

Go, Tavinho!

He's really going for it!

The leaders are amazing.

Great job.

A real stand out performance.

Yes, Helena, and we can see the flowers
on the backs of the Tupinambá

and that bald guy in the middle.

- Grandma, look at Tavinho!
- Oh, that's my grandson, how beautiful!

He's dancing, my God.

I'm going to show you
my favorite composition.

Tell me what you think.
I think you'll like it.

- I'll be honest.
- Yes, of course! I'll put it on.

The leaders did a beautiful job.

One of the best of the night.

- What's up?
- I want some.

There's Queilinha, Guima!



The costume is perfect!

That's my post-grad in Paris.

- It looks great.
- Go, Queilinha!

- Look, it's my float.
- Oh, I'll film it too!

- There's Tati!
- Go, Tati!

Is it over? It's over!

That's a ten!

A ten, definitely!

What did you think?

Like it?

From what I heard, it's very clear

it's the result of plenty of talent.


But there's a long way to go
until you're a professional.

But I'll help you.

- Stop! Stop, are you serious?
- I'm serious.

I don't believe it!

It'll be an honor to get
any help from you.

It'll be a pleasure to help you. It will!

So, why don't we...

go to my apartment.

We could be alone, easier to talk...

You know what I mean?


Yeah, I understand.

In fact, I think I understood too well.

Let's forget this, okay?

No, Kaká! Stop! Wait!

Let me go!

Let me go, dude! Let me go!


Let her go, dude!

Are you crazy?

- What's your problem, man?
- Calm down.

- Do you know who I am?
- You wouldn't let her go. You crazy?

- Get rid of them!
- Move it!

- Don't touch me!
- Let him go!

Get them out of here.

Did he hurt you?

He wouldn't let her go
and you do nothing?

- Not cool.
- Get out!

One hour of Portela on the avenue,
rounding off the parade beautifully.

Standing out
as one of the favorites tonight.

- I don't need a box, man.
- We're leaving.

- He's crazy.
- Did he hurt you?

Take that wristband off.
No one needs a VIP wristband.

- Hey.
- Idiot.

- What's up?
- Heitor harassed Kaká, Queilinha.

- What?
- Hey, hey!

- What?
- Queilinha!

- She's lying.
- Lying?

Heitor, you're an assh*le. I saw you.

Everyone saw, you jerk.

Do you think I really need
to harass someone?

She's crazy. It was consensual.
She wanted it too.

What? Are you mad? Are you crazy?

Look here. Speak to my lawyers.
Okay, assh*le?

Our contract is over.

What do you mean "over"?
And the video I'm producing?

And the party?

Quei-Quei, chill.


My name is Queilinha Quero-Quero!

- Go to hell, Heitor!
- I know you're worked up...

How about tomorrow when you're calm,
you give me an answer.

Speak to the sponsor up in the box...

- Box? Sponsor?
- Yeah.

I really couldn't care less.


You're going to lose a lot.

Get lost!

Kaká, how are you?

- Did he hurt you?
- I'm fine, Queilinha.

Just annoyed we're going to miss
the parade because of that assh*le.

Kaká, it's fine. We're still going
to enjoy Carnaval. I have an idea.

- Okay? Good vibes!
- That's the way!

- Let's go.
- Forget about him. Let's go.

Come on, Queilinha!

This school is beautiful.

Yeah, but not as beautiful as my Portela
which is obviously going to win, right?

- Cold beer for a refill.
- Great!

- Come here.
- That's the way!

It's so much better to watch it from here.
Box? What box?

Look at you, Queilinha Quero-Quero.

I want my beer cold, and men
to respect women without being told!

- Yeah!
- Amen!

Well said. Cheers, Queilinha!

Hey, Queilinha.

What now? Can Heitor cause you damage?
What about your street party?

Inha, it's over. It was his thing.

The permits, the drums, the costumes.

There isn't time to sort it all
before Carnaval ends.

- I'm really sorry, Queilinha.
- Don't be silly.

I lost a battle, but not the w*r.
Relax, I'll turn this around.

Now that's enough sad stuff.
Let's enjoy Carnaval!

- Look how beautiful it is!
- There's a school coming!


Kid, your things.

Good night!

Bye. You were incredible!

- Hey, Tavinho!
- Joca, thank you. Really.

I didn't know I needed that.
I never felt that free.

Hey, Tavinho,
freedom is a real achievement.

Congratulations, you were amazing.

- I...
- Let me help you with that.

You were amazing.

Let me help you, my angel.

Let me unzip that for you.

Jeez, what was that?

I'm exhausted!

Carnaval isn't even finished
and I'm exhausted!

Girls, I'm off, okay?
Hey, are you staying there?

- No. We're going too.
- Then let's go.

- Darling, thanks so much. I loved it.
- Thank you.

- Amazing.
- I loved having you.

We loved it too. Thanks so much. Bye!

- Kisses!
- Bye!

- Thanks, girls.
- No messing around. I'm tired.

Take care. Sleep well.
Loved having you. Thanks.

And you?

I don't know, Guima.

- Let me help you.
- It's the excitement.

Taking part in something so special that
makes so many people happy is exciting.

You know, it's like you said.

Carnaval is like a glimpse
of what life could be like.

I needed to see it
with my own eyes to be sure.

- What?
- Guima, what's happening?



- Carrie, I had no idea!
- The important thing is now I know.

Want a recommendation letter?

Don't worry. I'll recommend everyone
to stay far away from you.

If I have my way,

you'll never work in fashion again.

Got that?

For God's sake...

- Inha, wait. Let's talk.
- "Wait," Guima?

Let's talk and I'll explain.

I've tried to tell you this for ages.

You were with Carrie
and didn't say anything!

She's my ex. She came to work
at the school to get me back,

but I decided I can't do it anymore.

Seeing what you did out of love
for Carnaval resonated with me.

- Love for Carnaval?
- Yes, I realized my place is here, Inha.

No, you don't understand.

I don't like Carnaval. I never did.

All this sacrifice, Guima,

was to study in Paris,

- and you destroyed my chance.
- Don't say that.

Out of my way!


Does he know?

Inha, darling, where are you?

Your grandma is ill and had to be taken
to the hospital in Rio.

I can't believe you left her alone.

- Please, Inha.
- I can't believe it.

Tavinho, get up!


Why does it feel like an elephant
is sitting on me?


- What happened, Inha?
- Tavinho, we have to go. Get up!

You go! I don't care about Dad.

I'm happy in Rio.
I'm staying till the end of Carnaval.

Inha, chill.

Chill, really?

I've lost everything. Everything!

Inha, calm down. What happened?

We'll fix it.

How, Kaká?

Nothing can be done.

I left Grandma alone and now she's ill.


Help me pack?



I'm so disappointed in you. It's absurd!


All this happened
because you left her alone.

Dad, Inha went because of college.

- That's not important anymore.
- That's right!

Starting tomorrow you'll be working
at my campaign office.

- This fashion class nonsense is over.
- College.

Fashion class!

- Hey, show some respect!
- Sorry, sorry!

Where is she?

She's in there.

I'm sorry.


- Everyone thinks old people are sick.
- Grandma?

- I'm not sick!
- Grandma!

My lovely grandchildren!

- Are you okay?
- How do you feel?

I'm great.

I'm really happy
my grandchildren experienced Carnaval.

I'm sorry. Forgive me.
I shouldn't have left you alone.

I loved the videos you sent me.

You did?

- Me, there?
- Brilliant! I loved seeing you!

Your happiness is my happiness.

It's our happiness.

I knew you'd love Carnaval.

It's in your blood, dear. In your blood!

Tavinho, grab my wallet, please.

What's that?

- Let me take this off.
- Don't!

I don't need it!
I even feel like going to Carnaval!


Is that Dad?

Our family always loved Carnaval.


the accident.

You're always defending the kids.
I need you to be on my side.

You need to be more patient with them.

I've already told you that.

Son, they're old enough to know
what's best for them.

You can't control other people's dreams.

When are you going to learn that?

How's it going?

- Don't be long, guys.
- Okay.

It was a thrilling Sunday

that started with Estácio de Sá,

followed by schools like Viradouro,
Mangueira, Paraíso do Tuiuti,

Grande Rio and União da Ilha,

and it ended in style
with the glorious sunrise...

- What's this, silly?
- A Popsicle, obviously!

- Thanks.
- Cute couple, right?

Really cute.

Tavinho, is there anything
you'd like to tell me?




I'll rephrase my question.

Is there anything you want to tell me
I don't already know?

Oh, Inha... I don't know.

We don't really know anything, do we?

The reviews of Portela...

- Let's go?
- Let's.

I'm still getting to know myself.

There's no risk,
even going to the capital.

We've got each other.

I've always made a point of keeping
my personal life out of the spotlight,

but with all the gossip flying around,

we thought it was best to come
and clear everything up.

Guima and I have been together
for three years.

We met the first time I came
to parade with Portela.

But nothing's perfect.

He always really missed all this,

so I wanted to show him

that our worlds aren't all that different.

What nerve.

When the winner's parade is over,
we're going back to L.A.

and starting a new chapter.

- Inha, are you okay?
- Congratulations.

- Thanks.
- I'm great.

And after the break,

what's going to happen to Queilinha?

Her producer was accused of harassment
and taken to the police station.

And the singer's Carnaval street party
will be canceled.

We'll be right back!

Sometimes it's good to take risks.

- Even if we fall flat on our faces.
- Lord, I know that face.

Aren't you going with your sister?

What's she doing, Tavinho?


I'm sorry I left like that, girl.


Everything with my grandma,
Carrie, Paris...

- I didn't know what to do.
- Relax, I know all about it.

In fact...

I never want to see that clown again.

Listen, I was thinking of a way
to fix things, at least a bit.

But I can't do it alone.

But if my friends are willing to help,

I might be able to!

I don't know, Inha.

Of course I'll help!

Time for some coffee and cake, right?

This cake is amazing.

- It's great.
- Thanks.

What's that?

What's that?

Portela is feminine
Beautiful flower I love

Portela is everyone
Could be you and me

What madness is this?

What nonsense is this?

She's strong, empowered
Goddess of the dawn

She's the biggest, she's brave
She's majestic, she's for real

Mix with funk, see how it goes
Drums with tambourine and cuíca

Come and see

She opens up paths of love
It's more, Portela, you make me

Feel the presence of the mantle
Those who try it will never forget

Here comes Portela
And I'm following her

Come on up, girl! This is your moment!

Go, go!


I brought Carnaval to you!

To Mirantinho!

I want the freedom to dream

I want the freedom to love

I want the freedom to dream

- Want to go down, Grandma?
- I do!

Guys, my friend Inha

told me this town has never had Carnaval!

So, Inha, please do the honors.

Carnaval, Mirantinho.

Mirantinho, Carnaval!


Look at Inha!

- Look at Inha!
- Inha!


Give me the megaphone.

The party's over.

This chaos is over, Inha!

Turn that music off!

- Keep going, keep going!
- Now! The party's over!

More family, less partying!

This party's over, guys!
This chaos is over.

- This is the Party of Family Values!
- Dad, stop!

What are you doing?

Have you gone mad? This square is a mess!

Dad, stop! Stop thinking
you have to control everything!

It's bad for everyone, especially you.

Look at the example Mom set.

She knew life was better
when we all got together.

If I've learned that, you can too.

- Like this.
- Hang on.

Like this. This was how I danced!
Like this, look!

Look at Grandma, Dad.

You're so alike.

Should I let it happen, then?

- Yes.
- Should I?

The party's on, guys!

It's on!

That's the spirit. The party must go on!

Now we're going to continue
with a new song

from an up and coming songwriter
that I'm managing.

Kaká! Come up here!

Inha, Tavinho, you too!

Dad, take care of Grandma?

- Of course I will. Mommy!
- I'll take care of your dad.

Go ahead. I'll catch up.



I... I wanted to say thanks.

You don't need to thank me.

I loved seeing you come out of your shell.

There's just one more thing that would
make this the best Carnaval of my life.

Yeah? What's that?

If you want, I do too
If you'll let me, I'll let you

No means no, okay?

That makes things easy

If you want, I do too
If you'll let me...

Didn't you say you didn't like Carnaval?

I can't believe you've come
to ruin my party.

I needed to give you this letter.

"I ask you to consider accepting her
as a student in the fashion program."

"Carrie Catherine Goldenblat."

How did you convince her to write that?

Doesn't matter.

You deserve that letter.

Good luck in Paris.


Good luck in Los Angeles.

Hey, come on.

- Inha, what happened?
- What happened?

What happened?

- You brought that jerk, right, Joca?
- Oh, girl.

Inha, I've known Guima all my life

and I've never seen him so in love.

He's going to Los Angeles with Carrie.

What more do you want?

- Are you crazy, Joca?
- What do you mean?

I shouldn't be saying this,

but Guima made a deal with Carrie.

- Inha!
- Inha, wait!

Is it him, is it her
Is it an apple?

Is it me, is it today
Will it be tomorrow?

You've got some nerve!

If you hadn't lied to me,

or hidden it, which is the same...

It's the same!

If you hadn't got in my way,
I would've got this letter.

The letter I needed so much.

Because I deserved it! Okay?

Now you want to sacrifice yourself
to be the good guy

while I'm feeling guilty studying
in France at the expense of your freedom?

Not happening.

I don't want to forgive you.
I want to be mad at you!

But I can't, Guima.

I can't
thanks to that stupid glitter rain.

I know this is crazy,

that Carnaval ends,

and Carnaval romances end,

but I really wish that wasn't true.

Guima, wait!

Everything I felt was real.

All our experiences were real.

I didn't want it to end.

I can't believe you tore up the letter.

I don't need the letter.

That's right.

You really don't.

Look at what you've done.

Not me. Us.

See you in Paris?

- You, in Paris?
- Us, right?

I was thinking...

Do they have Carnaval there?

If they don't,

we'll make our own.

Summer is coming

The warmth in your heart

That colorful magic

Is part of life

It won't take long now

All the girls with their butts out

Topless on the sand

Turning into mermaids

Tonight I want you

Burning up just for me

An Unforgettable Year SUMMER

Tonight I want you

To embrace you, seduce you

A whole day of pleasure


Tavinho, son.
Are you dating that boy by any chance?

No, just hooking up.


Just hooking up!


In a night and a half of this flavor

I grab the moon I bet on the sea

How am I going to win you over

Tonight I want you

Burning up just for me

Tonight I want you

To embrace you, seduce you

Summer is coming

The warmth in your heart

That colorful magic

Is part of life

It won't take long now

All the girls with their butts out

Topless on the sand

Turning into mermaids

Tonight I want you

Burning up just for me

Tonight I want you

To embrace you Seduce you

Portela is feminine
Beautiful flower I love

Portela is everyone
Could be you and me

Doca's, Aunt Surica's,
Eunice's, Teresa's, Marisa's

Come and see

She's strong, empowered
Goddess of the dawn

She's the biggest, she's brave
She's majestic, she's for real

Mix with funk, see how it goes
Drums with tambourine and cuíca

Come and see

She opens up paths of love
It's more, Portela, you make me

Feel the presence of the mantle
Those who try it will never forget

Here comes Portela, and I'm following her

I know I want more

I want the freedom to dream

Portela is feminine
Beautiful flower I love

Portela is everyone
Could be me and you

Doca's, Aunt Surica's,
Eunice's, Teresa's, Marisa's

Come and see