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14x00 - 10th Anniversary Special

Posted: 05/08/24 19:52
by bunniefuu
-We're all going to Cleveland!
-[Malika] Show us your city, baby.

[Khloé] Oh, yeah!

-[Kim] Queen of Cleveland!
-[Khloé] Kim K!

-Hey, guys, I brought a friend.
-Best day of my life.

-[Khloé] Yeah!


-[somber music playing]
-I'm always the last to know anything!

[Kim] "In Caitlyn's book,

Robert Kardashian
knew O.J. Simpson was guilty,

but joined the defense team to get back

-at his remarried ex."
-[Khloé] What?

Caitlyn is a liar.

I don't even know what to do.

I think the only thing you can really do
is just be, like, real and honest

because you can't ignore it.

-Like, you can't.

-[man 1] Camera speed.
-[Kim] Ready?

-[Khloé] It's [bleep] hot in here.
-[Kim] Yeah.

Who knew my under-boobs
could perspire this much?

-Hello, little friends.

Okay, so...

It's been ten years of our show,
so we're doing a photo sh**t

with The Hollywood Reporter
just to celebrate.

[photographer] There you go.
Perfect. All right.


It almost seems like it's been, like,
a hundred years, but then...

Yeah, I was gonna say.
I feel like I'm such a different person.

Like, my voice was so much different
and I was like, "This is Kim."

No, way dumber.

You're like, "I'm so excited,
we're doing The Hollywood Reporter.

My sisters are not on the cover.

It's just me."

-I would not.
-"They have a little, like,

side thing in the back."

I was, like, more bubbly, like, "Hey."

-No, aren't I doing it completely right?

[Khloé chuckles]

-[photographer] All right, we're ready.
-[woman 1] Yeah!

[upbeat music]

All right, a little more serious. Yes.

Kendall and Kourtney, a little closer.

-There you go, perfect. Yeah.
-[music fades]

Hi, guys.
We're gonna play Fishing for Answers.

"Which Kardashian or Jenner
hosts the best parties?"


-[Kendall] Oh.

-I think myself.
-[Khloé] I knew you were gonna say that.

-My parties are so fun.

Anyway, "Most extreme rumor
you've heard about your family."

Ooh! All of us here
have slept with Scott Disick.


-And it is true.
-We came here today to confirm it.

We came to tell you, guys,
at The Hollywood Reporter

that we are boning Scott Disick.

[both laughing]

[theme music]

[phone rings]

-[Tristan] Yes, babe.
-[Khloé] What are you doing?

[Tristan] I'm just waking up now,
but I'm still coming by,

so I'm going to shower,

-and I'm going to come over.
-[Khloé] Okay. Take your time.

I'm about to get started
with my first interview

and then, you know, so on and so forth.

[Tristan] Okay. Okay. Good. Do you want me
to bring anything or are you good?

-No, I'm good, baby.
-[Tristan] Okay. You look good, girl.

Thanks, baby.

-[Khloé] Love you. Thank you.
-[Tristan] Love you, too.


For the past eight months,
I have been basically bi-coastal.

Like, whenever Tristan's on the road,
I go back to LA and I work,

and whenever he's in Cleveland,
I try to be there and it is grueling.

[woman 2] Are we all good? We set?

-[man 2] We're good.
-[woman 2] All right.

We're ready, Aaron.

[Khloé] But I like being in Cleveland.

It's a much simpler life
and I actually love it and I crave it.

[Khloé] It's doing things
like cooking and cleaning.

[Khloé on recording]
He is pretty hot cutting meat.

I go to a lot of basketball games.

It's a very, like, mild life.

Like, you need the balance of both.

-I think it's a healthy balance.

[woman 2] That's a wrap on Khloé.
Thank you, everybody.

[Tristan] Damn!

Khloé, you look good, real good.

-Hi, guys!

[Malika] Aww. Toronto.

You're just my favorite.

-[Malika] You just know that, okay?
-Are you guys drunk?

-I appreciate that, guys.
-[Malika] No!

No... No wine yet?

No, I want to.

So, guys, I need a trip to Cleveland.

It's like you got a whole other world
over there that I'm not a part of.

Not feeling good about it.

[Khloé] Well, Kourt, Kim,
and I are going 'cause...

[Malika] You mean,
Kourt, Kim and Malika, right?

I was gonna invite you.

-That's why I was saying it first,...
-[Malika] That's my girl.

-...if you want to come.
-[Tristan laughs]


But I have a few things
that we're gonna do, I just...

[Malika] Like what?

I mean, I have a list of things,
but, like, I don't do that many things.

They think I, like...
What do I do? We do nothing.

-We... we stay home and watch TV.
-Literally, I unpack boxes,

at least, like, 17 to 20 boxes get sent
to the house a day, so half...

Between me and you, not just...
You're trying to say it's just me?

-[Malika laughs]
-You're a... a huge shopper...

-...that's like a...
-I don't re-do outfits.

You don't. Definitely, you don't.

It's all gonna be new for me, so...

[Malika] Next stop, the land.

So excited for Cleveland,
we'll have so much fun!

[upbeat music]

I think Khloé needed to, like,
settle into her Cleveland life.

And I think it was a smart move.

But I'm really excited to go, though,
just to see what Khloé's world is like.

-[Kim] Hey, guys.
-[Khloé] Hi.

Wouldn't you want to come
to the snow in Cleveland?

I don't think Gabbana can handle the snow.

Why can't Gabbana
go in the snow in Cleveland?

She's just so used
to the California weather.

It would be a huge culture shock.

But the summer,
I think we're gonna stay in Cleveland.

[Khloé] 'Cause he's never had a summer
in Cleveland before.

So it's just, like, just to stay there,
do something new.

[Kim] I'm kind of surprised.

Like, it doesn't really make sense to me.

They both don't have family there,
so why would they stay in Cleveland?

-But I'm...
-[Kourtney] I don't think they'll do it.

She has stuff going on in LA.

It's not like she has no life, no job,

-no family.
-But she does put her whole life

on hold for a guy.

Like, her whole life on hold.

-[Mason yells in distance]
-[Khloé] Oh!

The best people in the world are here.

-Penelope's coming.

Because I'm gonna be there so much,

I really want you guys to, like,
have the best time in Cleveland,

so you guys keep wanting
to come to visit me.

-Are you gonna visit me in Cleveland?
-Yeah, I want to go.

-You do?
-I'll see the basketball games.

-What? You would go? Oh, my God.
-[Kim] What?

-Northie. Hi, Peepaleep.
-Who's gonna come to Cleveland?


Let's be in The Cleveland Show!

[Khloé] Oh. The Cleveland Show?

[upbeat music]

-[Khloé] So, are we going outside?
-[Kourtney] Yeah.

-[blower hissing]
-[indistinct dialogue]

[Khloé] Leave it to you
to bring us an oxygen bubble.

Should we change into these?

-Do you want to change into that?

You can stay in your robe, I don't care.

-[Kourtney] No, I'll change.
-This is so nice.

[Kourtney] This is so cute.

What does it do, exactly?

[Jamie] So, it's enhanced omegas,

helps with fine lines
and we've got it infused with oil.

-[Khloé] You sold me with "fine lines".
-[Jamie] I know, right?

[Khloé laughs]

[Khloé] That's what we look like?
I love it.

Take a picture.

[camera clicks]

[phone rings]

[Kourtney] Ken.

-[Kendall] Hello.
-It says "poor connection".

Can you hear me?

[Kendall] Barely.

-It's just my service.

I might have to call you
when I get to my hotel.

[Kourtney] Are you okay? You sound so sad.

[Kendall] I'm all right.

[Kourtney] I talked to Simon today.

He was like, "The news lasts 24 hours."

[Kendall] I know, but it's lasting longer.

Kendall did a commercial,
and basically caused a huge controversy.

And it sucks, because Kendall's
been taking the blame for it all.

Kendall tries really hard
to be socially conscious

and aware of the jobs that she takes

and to really think
about how things affect other people.

So it weighs really heavy on her heart

and she's super sensitive
to this kind of stuff.

Um, Russell Simmons
called me yesterday to talk about you.

And he was like,
"She can turn this into a positive."

And then he was gonna call Mom,
so I don't know if they ever spoke.

[Kendall] Yeah, he did.
She called me and told me.

[Kendall sniffles]

-[Kourtney] Yeah.
-[tense music playing]


All right.
Well, call us when you get to your room.

-[Kendall] Okay.
-[Kourtney] Love you.

-[Kendall] Love you too.

She really sounded like
she was, like, crying.

Kendall's intent is never
to disrespect or offend anybody.

Poor thing.

[upbeat music]

-Hi, good morning!

Ladies and gentlemen!

[Khloé] Hey, guys!

We're all going to Cleveland!

-Wait, are you guys so excited?

-'Cause I am.
-We're going to the land.

To the land down under.

The land and beyond.

My family and everyone coming
to Cleveland is working out perfectly,

because we have time to enjoy Cleveland

and not be a distraction to Tristan
in any way.

He is on the road and then he gets back
the last night before everybody leaves.

So he gets to see everybody and just...
Everything's working out perfectly

[Khloé] Tristan is like,
"Where are they staying?"

And I was like, "Why do you care so much?"

And he was like, "I just want everybody
to want to come back a second time.

-So, I want everything to be so nice."
-[Malika] Oh, he's so cute.

He's just being a sweetheart.
I'm sure we'll be fine

and nothing will keep us
from coming to visit you.

[Khloé] It was like, "Oh, my God."

Wait, so you guys. I'm looking online.

So, like, things are coming out
about Caitlyn's book.

-[Kourtney] Yeah?
-And it says, "Caitlyn Jenner reveals

she has now undergone
gender reassignment surgery."

[Kourtney] Stop.

So that means they snipped?

[Kim] Yeah, they snipped.

But, like,
why couldn't she say that to us?

I... Like, we would understand.

[Kim] She makes it,
"Woe is me, woe is me".

"I'm the victim. I'm this, and...
They don't want to see me.

It's, like, [bleep] off.

And it's not 'cause you're trans.

[Khloé] That's not why
I'm not talking to you.

I'm not talking to you
'cause you're a bad, mean person.

I just don't get why you would go
to the trouble of giving me a book,

and saying, "Here's my book.
I want you to read it."

Clearly, she gave me a different book
with everything edited out

that she didn't want us to see.

It's just again, that, like,...

-It's just like...

...the personality
just doesn't vibe with ours.

[Khloé] I wonder what the weather's like.

Weirdly, it said it was gonna be,
like, 75 when I checked,

but it was snowing on Friday.

[Malika] Oh, good ol' Lake Erie.

-Yeah! Lake Erie.
-[Malika] I see it.

[Malika] Hallelujah, Cleveland!

Cleveland, we're here.

-[Kim] Thank you so much.
-[woman 3] You're very welcome.

[Khloé] Oh, yeah, with your fur.

[upbeat music]

[Kim] Should we take
an International Sibling Day pic?

-Is that what today is?

White gold.
[Kourtney laughs]

[indistinct dialogue]

-[rock music playing]

Good afternoon,
and welcome to the Metropolitan.

-How are you? Khloé.
-I'm Tony.

-Nice to see you.
-Chief Operating Officer.

[Khloé] I've never been here.
It's so nice.

[Kourtney] You guys, don't I look,
like, um, like I'm drunk?

[Khloé] You look drunk.

[Kourtney] Coming in
from the night before.

-[Malika] You look hung over.
-[Khloé] I need to take a picture of you.

-One, two...
-[camera clicks]

-[Khloé] Mood.
-[Kourtney] Traveling.

-[Khloé] Oh, wow! What a nice room!
-[Kourtney] Ooh!

Kourt, you could take a bath
and we could watch you.

[Kourtney] Yes.

-[Malika] She does that at home.
-[Kourtney] Yep.

[Khloé] I want to sit here
while you bathe.

And that is true.

-[Malika] That is true.
-[Kourtney] We do do that.

Do we want to get ready and get this,
um, Cleveland tour started, guys?

Oh, yeah!
Let's hook it up Cleveland style!

-Oh, yeah.
-[Malika] Show us your city, baby.

I cannot wait to get this show
on the road. I'm so excited.

And the great thing is,
is that some of Tristan's friends

who are now some of my really good friends

are in Cleveland
even though Tristan's at an away game.

And I'm just excited to do some little
pre-gaming, cocktails, happy hour time.

-I am just here to live life.

-[Khloé] Kourt, can the boys come in?
-[Kourtney] Yeah.

-Come on, boys.
-[Malika] Yeah. Yeah.

[Kourtney] Come on, boys.

Oh, I thought you were naked
but you're not, your shirt...

[Simon] Yeah, me too.
I thought you were naked too.

I was like,
why are you letting us in here?

Ooh, Khloé is all ready.



-[Simon] We give bad hugs.
-You guys, be like... Give better hugs.

-Yeah, you guys! [bleep] get excited.
-[Khloé] Give better hugs!


-[Kourtney] Cleveland!

[Kourtney whoops]

[Khloé] Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah!

Hey, hey.

-[Khloé] Kourt, come here.
-Get in the picture.

[Khloé] Damn!

[Malika] Young savage.

-[woman 4] Welcome to Vault.
-[Kourtney] We get our own vault.

-[Khloé] Ooh!
-[Kourtney] How exciting, you guys,

we're in Cleveland.

Steph's hometown and Khloé's new hometown.

-[Khloé whoops]
-[Kim] So what are we gonna do here?

-Are we gonna see Tristan's house?
-[Khloé] We're gonna go...

Our house. It's a duo house.

-We're gonna go...
-Khloé and Tristan's house.

No, it's really Tristan's,
I'm just kidding.

No, it's both of your houses.
The interior.

[all] Aww!

That's good when the best friend says it
and he's not even here.

-I mean, technically it's not.
-[Savas] No, it is.

[Khloé] Then tomorrow,
we're gonna go by the I-X Center.

-It's an indoor amusement park.
-It's a whole amusement park.

The whole place is rented out for us.

[Malika] I haven't been to the I-X Center
since I was, like, 12.

If Tristan lands in time,
he might come by.

Then tonight we're gonna go
to dinner at Red's.

Red's was actually,
I think, one of the first...

[Kim] Oh, this wasn't just our dinner?
I just ate, like, five plates.

How was this dinner?
This is called cocktail hour.

-I ate everything.
-[Kourtney] We were having a cocktail.

-You thought this was dinner?
-I thought this was our dinner

and I, like, ate everything.

-[Kim] I literally, I'm full.

I'm still hungry.


-[indistinct chatter]
-[Kourtney] Khloé! Khloé!

[hip-hop music playing]

[Kourtney] We look like such
Hollywood idiots in all of our furs.

[Malika] I don't give a [bleep].

-[horn honks]
-[Khloé] Hey, girl.

It is, like, an amazing feeling just
to walk down the street and feel free.

-Well, 'cause no one's here, right?
-Free at last.

-Free at last.
-[fan] Hey, Khloé!

[Khloé whoops]

-[Simon] Queen bee of Cleveland, eh?
-[Kourtney] Whoo-hoo, Khloé!

Oh, Kourtney!

-[Kim] The queen of Cleveland.
-[Khloé] Kim K!

-[boys laughing]
-[Khloé] W!

[Khloé whoops]

-[Kourtney] Hi.
-[woman 5] How are you?

[Kourtney] Good, how are you?

So guys, I just want to say,
what a nice walk we just had.

-That was lovely.
-That was nice.

To walk the streets and, like,
not be bombarded

with, like, paps or whatever,
like, wasn't that, like, refreshing?

-We should all move to Cleveland.
-[Khloé] Chin-chin to that.


[Khloé] Clink-clink.

-[Savas] Clink-clink.
-[Malika] You're so happy. I love this.

'Cause we're free here, guys.

Look who messaged me out of nowhere.
[Simon laughs]

-[Khloé] Stop.
-[Simon] I swear to God.

-[Khloé] Who?
-[Simon] K.D.

Stop. What did he say?
It's not out of nowhere.

-Who's KD?
-[Simon] Basketball player. Kevin Durant.

Is this the one that was,
like, saying you're cute?

-Well, one of many.
-[Khloé] One of the 59.

I feel like there's a constant urge
to set me up

-from everyone.
-You're in the hot seat, hon.

That's all people get.
It's like, "Hook me up with Kourtney."

You know what someone said to me
the other day?

-'Cause there was this cute guy.

They were like, "He's an escalator,
and you're an elevator."

But they... they both do the same thing.

The escalator kind of goes down,
and the elevator's going up.

They both go up and down, technically.

Just in my... in my brain,
that's what happens.

-[Khloé] You want to play truth or truth?
-[Stephanie] What's truth or truth?

Truth or truth is a game
that we made up this summer

to get to know the boys better,

and it's just
you have to say the truth, basically.

So, we ask questions.
You don't get truth or dare.

-Who the [bleep] wants to do a dare?
-[Kourtney laughs]

[Malika] You have such an awkward laugh.

-First question goes to Steph.
-[Stephanie] Oh, no.

Why do you have that feather tattoo
on your middle finger?

Because my friend used
to have a tattoo shop,

and I used to get drunk there
and get stupid tattoos.

-All right, now your turn.
-[Stephanie] That was that.

You could ask someone any question.

Doesn't have to be deep.
It could be anything you want.

Would you have another baby with Scott?

-[Khloé] Ooh.

I feel like I would
if the situation was right.

But that doesn't mean, like, tomorrow,
guys, so don't get any ideas.

-Okay, girl.
-Okay, I'm gonna ask Khloé.

-[Khloé] Really? Oh.

Even though you get to see her
and ask her all the time?

-Whatever he wants to ask.
-It's his choice.

[overlapping chatter]

-Simon, it's your choice.
-Okay, Khloé.

When do you want
to have a child with Tristan?

-[Malika] There it is!
-See? Got to heat it up.

-[all cheering]
-That's what I'm talking about.

[cheering continues]

-[Khadijah] I knew it was gonna be good.
-Now we're playing, baby.


I mean, I really don't know.

-[everyone jeers]


I honestly wish we could just be together,
and, like, when it happens, it happens.

-[Simon] No, no.
-[Khloé] No, no, no.

When you make plans, God laughs.

Tristan and I, within the next 70 years,
we will, hopefully, have kids together.

And if not, it will just be him
and I clubbing it up.

Rosé all day, living life on a yacht.

-We're gonna go to Town Hall.
-[Malika] Are you guys coming?

-I am going back to my room.
-[Malika] You're going to bed.

Just 'cause I've been sick,
I want to, like, try to sleep it off.

-[Malika] I understand.
-[Simon] Oh, my God.

-[Khloé] Kourt.
-[Simon] Kourtney, come see your fans.


-[Khloé] Kourtney, moon them. Moon them.
-[fans cheering]

-How do you close it? I can't close it.
-You [bleep] idiot.

[upbeat music playing]

When I first got this offer,
I mean, it's a huge company.

[Kendall] The people I was following
were so iconic and amazing.

Michael Jackson's done it.
Britney Spears has done it.

Beyoncé has done it... Pink.

The list goes on.

So to get something like that is just...
it was so exciting.

[Kendall] And I trusted everyone.
I trusted the teams.

[phone ringing]

But after I saw the reaction,

and I... and I read
what people had to say about it,

I most definitely saw...
what was, what went wrong.

I was so stuck,

and I really didn't know what to do
that I completely shut down.

[phone ringing]

-[Kim] Hey. What are you doing?

Literally nothing. I'm just in my closet.

[Kim] Okay, well, you know,
I come back in, like, a few days.

So I just wanted to see how you're doing.
And maybe I'll come over

so we can talk face-to-face,

-you know?
-Yeah, no, totally.

Um, I think you should come over
so we can, like, hang out or whatever,

but, uh, Dad called me and was like,

"I'm going on a...
on a book tour, and I'm nervous.

I'm gonna... Like, I'm...
What if I get asked about the commercial?"

And I was like, "Just keep it brief
or something or whatever."

And she was like, "All right, all right."

And now I'm, like, nervous that she's,
like, gonna try and keep it brief,

but to her, brief is not so brief.

Like, she just tends to, like, say a lot,

and I just would rather everyone
just not say anything.

[Kim] I mean, you know
she'll probably say something.

I mean, God bless her for trying.

[Kim] I know, I know.

But, like, Caitlyn, like,
is known for saying all the wrong things.

-That's just who she is, you know?
-I know.

The only problem is,
like, whatever she says,

because she's my dad,
people are gonna, like, really believe it.

And, like, take it and run with it,
when it's like,

"What does she even actually know?"

-You know what I mean?
-[Kim] Yeah.

[Kim] Well, I can call her
and just, like, make it clear.

Like, "Hey, this is, like,
a really sensitive subject."

Just that she knows, knows, knows,
like, not to say anything or what to say

if she says something.


[Kim] Okay. I love you
and I'll see you when I get home.

-Okay, love you, too.
-[Kim] Okay, bye.

[upbeat music playing]

-[Malika] We have the car.
-Get the [bleep] out of the car.

Get out the way, man, 'cause
Kourtney's mink is dragging on the floor!

[Khloé] Oh, hi, guys.

-How nice of you to join us.
-How nice of you to join us.

Let me just say, guys,
that this is just a splendid time.

-There's a polar bear on me!

I just feel like, literally,
we are like animals.

Like, we're in Aspen, but we're not.

-It's, like, 40.

-No. It's, like, 74 degrees.
-I stand proud in my fur.

-How about you?
-Let me tell you the exact temperature.

[Kourtney] I'm gonna tell you guys.

-Outside right now?
-Except that I'm on maps.

-And not the weather.
-Why would you look at maps

-for the weather?
-I made a mistake.

Oh, I was like...

[Malika] It's the tequila.

-[indistinct crowd chatter]
-[glass clinks]

-[Khloé] My mom is pissed.
-[Stephanie] Why?

[Khloé] Caitlyn had gender
reassignment surgery.

My mom just found out.
It's all in a group chat.

Let's FaceTime Kris.

-Let's FaceTime K.J.
-[line ringing]

-What's up, Kris?
-[women shriek]


-Mom, don't cry.
-No! No, Mommy!

-No! We love you!
-Don't cry!

-[Malika] Please don't cry.
-[Kris] It's shocking!

[Malika] I know. Oh, my God.

[Khloé] Mom has been going through this
for a long time, and it sucks.

This isn't the first time
Cait has left things out

and for us to find out in the media.

I would have been totally fine
with everything that Caitlyn has to say.

But she came and gave me the book
but left out all of these extra pages.

-Like, why... why leave that out?

Like, that's...
Yeah. That's just, like, not cool.

I just don't understand
what her point is then.

-Like, why even show you guys? Right.
-Give me the book for a heads-up.

-Like, I don't get it.
-'Cause it's a phony-ass heads-up.

-Oh, my God. I want to go home now.
-Mommy, I miss you.

-Stop. Let's Malika talk to her.
-No, Malika.

-Don't cry with her, though.
-My mom's crying.

[Malika] No, I'm not.
Just let me give her a moment.

Mommy, I understand.

And this person has made a decision
to change your life,

and this is gonna affect you
and it's gonna hurt.

I never had any idea and I never
would've done this to my kids and...

[Malika] I know. I know.

[Kris] It's just hard.
It's just really hard.

I just feel like I'm always in the dark,
always the last to know anything!

And it's... it's wild,
and I don't know what else to do.

[tense music fades]

I'm gonna say something to you
that you would say to us.

Lighten your heart knowing
that you have done everything

to protect your family,

and we cannot decide what other people do.

When everyone said that Kris this
and Kris that

and what Kris didn't do for her marriage,

that was all bull[bleep] and guess what.
It's all coming to light now.

-[Kris] Yeah.
-It's not you. We love you so much.

-I love you guys.
-And we want you to be okay.

I'm really glad
that you're there with each other,

because it... it makes me happy.

[Malika] And we know that.

Maybe the girls can check in
on Kendall and Kylie.

-Okay. But I think that...
-[Kris] I just want them to be okay.

-You know, that's all that matters.
-Mommy... Honey...

It's not even about me.

I just want them to be okay.

They're gonna be okay
because they have you.

Yeah. Okay, so I have one favor.

Yes, ma'am.

-I need one more cheer.
-[Malika] Okay.

Okay, guys, Mommy's ready for a cheer.
One, two, three!

[everyone cheering]

[Kris chuckles]

-[Kris] I love you very much.
-Are you good?

-[Kris] Yeah, I'm okay. Love you.
-Everybody's thinking of you. Mwah!

-Love you.
-Love you!

-[Kris] Have fun!
-Thank you!

Bye, Mom!

Do you think we should ask Kendall
and Kylie if they know about their dad?

Isn't that, like, so weird?

No, I don't think you should ask
if they know.

I think you should check on them,

just in case they're reacting
the way your mom is.

I'm gonna text them and say,

"Hi, my sisters.

How are you?"

Seeing how Mom is reacting,
I am worried about Kendall and Kylie.

And I just feel like Kendall's
going through so much right now

because of the commercial.

I... I mean, it's a lot to handle
and just that everything's so public.

Guys, don't we want to go back,
put on pajamas, and hang out?

[Khadijah] My pickup is 4:30 a.m.

-Oh, my God. What time is your flight?
-4:30 a.m.?

Ew. That's, like, so rude.

-I love you so much.
-I love you more.

-[Simon] Bye, Kourt.

I like Cleveland!

I think I have little pieces of hair...

-[Stephanie] You are shedding.

-[Khadijah] Leave her alone.
-[Stephanie laughs]

What's wrong with you? Are you crying?

-Go to the back.
-Why are you crying?

-Why are you crying?
-[Khadijah] Oh, my gosh!

What does this have to do with?

She's crying 'cause she doesn't want
to leave Khloé.

[Kourtney] Stop.

Oh, my God.

-You don't want to leave your bestie?
-[phone rings]

-[Khloé] Malika, what's wrong with you?

Nothing. I'm fine.

-[Khloé] Why are you crying?
-I stubbed my toe.


[Kourtney] She's legit, like, shaking.

Even when I leave Khloé,
I don't, like, cry like that.

-Are we bad sisters?

They're some people,
who, like, their friends are,

like, that important to them.

-I've never met anyone like that.

[Khloé] Thank you for coming out here.
It was so fun, right?

I had the best time. I love you so much.

-[Khloé] I love you too.
-[Malika] Good night, honey.


I'm not laughing at you, Malika,
but I'm laughing at you because

I just heard you...

-[bleep] you, Khadijah.

[Khadijah] It was unexpected.
You're so huffy and puffy.

-Enough, already.
-You two heartless b*tches in the front.

[upbeat music playing]

[Kourtney] So, do you
know your way around?

Just to go downtown,

'cause I go to basketball game
after basketball game.

Look how big this house is.

-This huge house.
-I feel like I'd get m*rder*d

in one of these homes.

Thanks, Kim.

Thanks for coming to my home.

It's so nice when people talk like that.

-No one's there except the trees.
-[Kourtney] This is so pretty.

This is so cute.

[Kim] Oh, look at the water.

-[Kim] It's so nice.
-[Khloé] Thank you.

[Stephanie] My gosh, Khloé, your face.

The boys got me that Marilyn Monroe,
like, picture,

and they got it painted with me.

'Cause they know I love Marilyn Monroe.

-[Stephanie] That's so sweet.
-[Khloé] So nice.

Let's let Kourt sit at the head
of the table.

-[Kourtney] Okay.
-[phone chime]

[Khloé] No arguing there.

Uh, it says, "In Caitlyn's book,

Robert Kardashian
knew O.J. Simpson was guilty

but joined the defense team to get back

-at his remarried ex."
-[Khloé] What?

Uh, "Robert told Caitlyn in secret
after O.J.'s m*rder trial

that he believed his friend was guilty."

That's not true.
That's not the, like... What?

It's just wild. My dad so believed in him.

Like, to sell a book,

-you're gonna make something up?
-[Kim] Yeah.

It is so shady that Caitlyn came over

and gave me the book,
and then, on the phone, she said,

"Well, the final version
has a few more things in it.

But don't worry. It's nothing about you."

So she lied to me 'cause that is about me
if it's about our dad.

My relationship with Caitlyn was strange

and I just was trying to just...
be respectful.

-You're very...

-You have the most patience.
-[Kim] Yeah.

But if you talk about my dad,
I will cut you.

I have always had Caitlyn's back,

but she is... a liar.

She is not a good person.

[tense music]

[upbeat music]

[Khloé] This is where I always do
the snaps 'cause it's so pretty.

-[Stephanie] Mm-hm. Yes.
-It's like endless.

You can't see where, like...

-[Stephanie] It's like an ocean.
-[Khloé] Right.

[Kourtney] Let's get the grand tour.

[Khloé] I'll take you guys
down to the basement.

-Oh, this is where your phone never works.
-Oh, cute!

Yes, this is where my phone never works.
But this is the KhloCD of it all.

-[Stephanie] Yes.
-[Kim] Cute! Nerds!

Oh, my God, I want some Nerds.

-[Stephanie] How cute are you?
-[Kim] Mmm.

This is where I'm doing the KhloCD,
and I, like, love it.

Look at your fish t*nk. Cute.

[Khloé] Kim wants to critique so bad.

Whenever you hear "cute",
it doesn't mean she likes it.

-[Stephanie] I like it.
-[Khloé] I love it here.

Tristan's house is so cute.

It's really just fun
to see Khloé's touch on the house.

-You really can.

[Kourtney] Blankets, the flowers.

Bed's a little small for them,
don't you think?

-[Kourtney] Probably.
-[Khloé] The judging is starting.

[Kim] I'm not judging. Relax.

So, this is the KoKo section.

But he's so cute. He's always like,
"I'm gonna move my stuff"

and "Bring more stuff over."

-He's just very nice,

and I appreciate how, like...

how comfortable he wants me to be.
I appreciate that.

[Khloé] This summer,
we're doing, like, a few projects.

We're redoing that whole laundry room.

[Kim] This is, like, official.

I knew you had stuff here,
but I thought stuff was, like...

Like in a corner?

-A little drawer?

She definitely had way more
than I imagined.

Like, she had a full half-side
of the closet.

Yeah, and she had, like,
a million bags and...

-[Kim] Those huge Chanel bags.
-[Kourtney] And shoes

and just tons of stuff.

It was, like,
definitely, like, their closet.

[Kim] Like, we knew it,
but, like, seeing it.

It was like, a big realization
that, like, okay,

Khloé lives in Cleveland, practically,
you know?

And she's not rushing
to come home anytime soon.

This is more of a Kourtney bag
than a Khloé, don't you guys think?

Cute. So, do they have
good shopping here and stuff?

[Khloé] Apparently.

[Kim] And then what's on the upper floor?

We don't have to look at every room.

[pop music playing]

All right, so, I'm gonna call Caitlyn
and not mention

how annoyed I am
with all of her fake accusations.

I'll just talk about the commercial,
and that's it.

[Kourtney] Yeah.

Kendall's issue is just
a little bit bigger now than our feelings,

so I want to make sure
that she's protected.

And if I have to call Caitlyn,
I'll do that.

Like, I'll do whatever I can.

-[line ringing]
-[somber music playing]

-[Caitlyn] Hello?

So, I wanted to call you
and talk to you about Kendall,

because I feel like she's really nervous.

She said to me
you're going on a book tour,

and if the commercial gets brought up,

you could just be refreshed
of, like, what to say.

[Caitlyn] Okay. All right.

So, I think if you just stick to,
"Kendall had the best intentions

with this being something, like, peaceful,

and she totally gets
everyone's point of view now.

It was not appropriate,
and she's so sorry."

-[Caitlyn] Right.
-[Kim] It's just sad.

[Caitlyn] Yeah,
and a couple of people tweeted,

and it was just a joke.
The whole thing's a joke.

That's not what this is about.
They keep running the damn thing.

-You know?
-You should not be mentioning at all.

Yeah, I just don't think
you should mention this at all,

because you're gonna get in really

-hot water...
-[Caitlyn] I will not mention it.

-...for saying any of this stuff.
-I'm venting with you.

-I would never do that

-in the media.
-Okay. All right.

I think I have bad service here.
I'll call you in a little bit.

-[Caitlyn] Okay.
-Okay, bye.

Like, that's just...

Shouldn't even be brought up.

-I told her, so we'll see.

[Khloé] Look, I found a floating hot dog.

[lively music]

[Khloé] Tristan!

[whooping, laughs]

He's like, "Yay! Yay!"


You're hungry already?

-I'm starved already.
-Yeah, I'm a big boy.

Oh, you have food.

Mm-hm. What is it, soft cookies?

-You don't like the soft ones?

Wait. Is this a bathroom or no?

[Khloé] No, but you could go in there
if you want.

-[Tristan] There's another bathroom.

-I want to see what this is.
-[Tristan] That's a lit room.

[Kourtney] Ooh, candles galore.

Oh, a hoverboard.

I have a hoverboard
in my front closet, too.

-[Khloé] Oh!
-[Kourtney] I have two of them.

Two? Oh.

-[Kourtney] Are you coming, Tristan?

-[Kim] Ooh!

-[Kourtney] Thank you.
-[Tristan] There's lions and tigers.

-[Kourtney] Yeah, and bears.
-[Kim] And funnel cakes.

-[Kim] Oh, my.
-[Khloé] Oh, my!

It's my favorite place in the world!
The amusement park.

Your energy.

First of all, it's enclosed.

Have you ever been
to an indoors amusement park?

Like, there's endless amounts
of funnel cake,

-churros, food...
-Anything you want.

-Hot dogs the size

-of the biggest [bleep].
-Of big old [bleep]. Like, seriously.

[Khloé] Alcohol, rides.


Best day ever.

[Khloé] When you get an amusement park
all to yourself.

-[women screaming]

-[all screaming]
-[Stephanie whoops]

-[screaming continues]


Hey, guys, I brought a friend.


-What's its name?
-[man] Her name is Kim.

-[Khloé] Kim?
-[man 4] Yeah.

Oh, my gosh, her name is Kim?

-[Kim] Aw.
-[Khloé] Kim, you're so cute.

Oh, look, you guys,
there are so many Kanyes in here.

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

-[goat bleating]
-[Khloé] Best day of my life.

Where are we going next?

-Alien Invasion.
-Alien Invasion! Everyone!

If you don't go on Alien Invasion,
you're not a part of the crew anymore.

-[man laughs]
-Just get on the ride.

There's, like, a whole new Kourt
ever since she's not been with Scott,

-and I love it.

-[Kim] Unrecognizable.
-[Khloé] Like, a way lighter, fun.

She's, like, bullying people
into going on all the rides.

Like, she's just, like, down for whatever.

-[Kourtney] Are we doing the Gravitron?

[Kourtney] such a [bleep] idiot
if you don't get on.

-[Kourtney] Why aren't you doing it?
-I'm not a dropper.

[Kourtney] It's just a quick drop.
It's like you're falling in love.

[Khloé] Oh, my God.

Kim, we won't charge you for the Kimojis.



-[Stephanie] Look at Tristan's face.
-Oh, my God. Let's do it again.

[lively music]

[in distorted voice]
Tristan. Love my life.

[Khloé] Oh, damn!


[Khloé laughs]

[light music]

[Kim] We really do miss Khloé,

and just knowing that
so much of her life is here in Cleveland

is, you know, just hard to accept.

Yeah. I think it's just bittersweet,
you know?

Like, I'm happy for her
that she's with Tristan, but then,

it's just sad that she's, like,
definitely not coming back anytime soon.

-[light music fades]

[Khloé] Kourt and Kim I just want to say
thank you guys for coming to Cleveland.

I appreciate you guys
taking time away from your kids

and being here for me and seeing,
like, an experience of my life.

-You are living life over here.
-[light music]

Seriously, thank you. Like, you guys
to come all the way to Cleveland.

You don't owe me anything
and you don't need to come here.

I appreciate that,
and I'm sure Tristan appreciates that.

-[Tristan] Very much so.
-And thank you, and that's all.

-[Stephanie] Oh.
-[Kim] Aw.

I'm definitely sad that Khloé's gone,

but Khloé and Tristan
are really cute together.

[Kim] She's got a good crew over there.

She's got a good support system.

We know she's safe.
We don't have to worry.

-She's in good hands.

[Kourtney] And I feel like we're all
living our lives and doing our own thing.

-So let her live hers.
-Let her live. Yeah.

-We're here for you.
-I wish you guys would come to a game,

-but that will be next time.
-I know. I can't believe

-we didn't stay an extra day.
-A game?

A basketball game, you know?

-There's a game tomorrow.
-Why? Basketball? Why?

You know, play a little...
little rubber ball here and there.

You can't say we didn't live life today.

-Did it.

-I love you.

[upbeat music]

[Kendall sniffles]

-What's wrong?

Like, someone calls me with more bad news,

like every five minutes.
It's just so stressful.

[Kim] How are you doing with,
like, things in the book,

how it says she did the gender
reassignment surgery and all that?

She told Kylie and I
before the book came out.

-What upsets me the most

is that Dad brought up the commercial.

-Without even me saying anything.
-And I even called her and said,

-"Don't say anything."
-I know, I remember.

Like I was so...

-Couldn't have been more clear.

My dad brought up the commercial
in her interview.

Caitlyn Jenner said she watched

her daughter's controversial commercial.

She notes that Kendall is a model
and they hired her to go do this,

adding that Kendall saw the script
beforehand and thought it was fine.

My dad doesn't actually know
what happened,

and so the fact that she's
gonna act like she, like...

-"Kendall knew. Kendall saw the...

-She read the script."
-She didn't even... She wouldn't know

-if I had known or not.

Like, she was not in the works of it,

-or behind the scenes of it at all.

She has no idea,
and she just, like, word-vomits.

It's like, you're not the person to,
like, have this conversation.

You're gonna make it worse,
so please leave it alone.

-[Kendall] Yeah.
-And they didn't.

[tense music]

I just feel really, really bad.

Like, I feel really bad
that anyone was ever offended.

I feel really bad that...
this was taken such a wrong way.

And I genuinely feel like [bleep].

And I have no idea
how I'm gonna bounce back from it.

I don't even know what to do.

[Kim] This is the first time
you've had a scandal.

It's, like, your first...
This is your first real experience

with something like this.

Yeah, but it's a very bad one.

-A very bad one. And, like you were...
-Like, it's not like it's, like...

-...a little scandal that'll, like, go away.
-you were, you were...

[Kim] Like, this is, it's okay.

-Like, people...
-Everyone... Everyone was like...

Every like, the text messages
I would get from people,

they'd be like, "It's gonna be fine, like,

you know, everything blows over
in like, a week's time" or whatever.

And I'm just like,
"Okay, but it's been, like, three weeks

and it's not going anywhere."

[Kim] Yeah, but it will. And...

this is just gonna be
the biggest lesson learned for you.

But I really don't even know
what to do at this point.

Like, it's really depressing,
and it bothers me every single day

because I'm like...

-Well, I know you're so sensitive...
-How can I...

...and I know that you never
would have, like, ever...

Though you're the last person to want
to hurt someone or be insensitive,

but it's, like, it really sucks.

I think the only thing you can really do
is, like, just be, like, real and honest

because you can't ignore it,
like, you can't.

It should affect you in a way
where you grow from it,

and you're like,
"Okay, I'm a better person from it,

'cause like..."

-[Kim] You know?

But I just wish that you could see

that there's light
at the end of the tunnel.

-[Kim] And that it will be okay

if you're just, like, honest and open.



[dramatic music]

I would never purposely
hurt someone, ever.

And I would obviously if I knew that this
was gonna be the outcome,

like, I would have never
done something like this.

But you... you don't know
when you're in the moment, and, like...

It was the most... Like, it was...

Like, it was so...

Like, I just felt so [bleep] stupid.

The fact that I would offend other people

or hurt other people
was definitely not the intent.

And that's what,
that's what got me the most,

is that I would have
ever made anyone else upset.

[Kim] I'm always here.

I've been through it.

[Kendall] I appreciate it a lot.

[Khloé] This season on
Keeping Up with the Kardashians...

-MILFs gone wild.
-[everyone cheering]

Let's cue the cute music.

[Kourtney] It's not your job.

-What is wrong with you?
-It's just fun to [bleep] with her.

[Kim] I've never seen anything like this.

It's just heartbreaking.

Why would the restraining order have to do
with his amount of custody?

I've given up on being with the person
that I have three kids with.

-Do you have a boyfriend now?

-Kim is now so insecure.
-[Kim] Why did I come?

[Scott] I definitely am out of control.

When is it going to be enough?

[Kris] In our family, you never know
what you're going to get.

Guess who's coming home, kid!


[Kim] What happens every time I say
"guess what?"

-Pregnant or the person's pregnant.
-We're having a baby.

[Khloé squeals]

[closing theme music]