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14x04 - Clothes Quarters

Posted: 05/08/24 19:55
by bunniefuu
Bye, Khlo. Love you.

Kourt has been out
on the dating scene recently.

[Khloé] I know a little bit
about this guy.

Was it nice?

-[Khloé] Good.

I keep seeing all these things online
with Scott.

He's said himself, when he's bad,

that's when you pay him
the most attention.

So I think a lot of it he does
to get attention from you.

Right, and I just haven't been writing him
because I'm trying to, like...

-Set a different pattern and you should.
-...switch up the... yeah, the pattern.

What's the problem?

Everyone's like calling Kourtney,
worried about you.

[upbeat music]

[Khloé] We're here.

Mason, he wanted to know
what the DMV was and look.

This is it!

-[Landon] So exciting.
-Is it as exciting as you thought here?

[Mason] Yep.

So now, guess what,
I want to take a picture,

'cause when you drive a car,
you need a license.


[Mason] Can I get a driver's license?

[Khloé] No. You need a driver's license
when you're 16.

[Khloé] I finally get to change
my last name back to Kardashian.

This is much better than,
like, a divorce party.

So, Landon, what do you think we do?

I think you stay right there.
I'll throw the ring around the lens.

[Malika] Okay, are we ready?
Are we focused here?

-You have to smile.
-Yeah, look like Tyra Banks.

-[Malika] Yes.
-[Khloé] Yeah, got it.

-[Mason] KoKo, look what I can do.

Wait, I'm focused right now,
so I love you. Hold on.

[Malika] We'll talk to you
in five seconds, Mase.

[Mason] You're weird.

Oh, my God. You guys are making me laugh.

[Malika] It's a lot of pressure.

[Mason] Let it rip.

[indistinct chatter]

-[Malika] I think that's gonna do it.
-I think that's it, guys.

Did you say, "Let it rip"?

[Malika] Ladies and gentlemen,
we have a good ID.

[Khloé] Yeah! We did it.


[Khloé gasps]

Yay! Look, Mase.

-This is my temporary. Thank you.

-[Landon] You're welcome, bro.
-[Khloé] We did it.

-[Khloé] What do you say to everyone?
-Thank you.


Thank you in his language.

[theme music]

-[Kourtney] Steph, come here, right now.
-[Kim] We're a little busy here.

-[Kourtney chuckles]
-[camera shutter clicking]

[upbeat music]

[Kim] I always want to keep
my app content, new and fresh.

My assistant Steph always helps me
with ideas and I love having her there.

-[Kourtney] Steph.
-[Stephanie] Yeah.

They just said, "Can we add two more
onto the dinner reservation tonight?"

-Oh, my, thank you.

No. I don't want to guess. No!

-[Stephanie] I know who it is.

-We'll all go together.
-[Kim] Like, who?

You know who. We're going with her friend.

I really didn't like Stephanie for years.

Like, did not. It was so crazy.

And then I don't know. Was it...

-We started traveling.
-I think it just...

[Kim] She was single, you were single.

And, like, you just loved to hang out

and have a partner-in-crime
to go out with.

[Kourtney] It's more like
she'll borrow clothes,

and we'll talk on the phone and work out.

I kind of, like, looked up
and they were BFF or wifies.

We're gonna Snapchat.

[Stephanie laughs]

Kourt, do you remember these boots?
I was obsessed with them in, like, 1999.

All I would do in 1999, you guys,
is watch Forensic Files

and scare the [bleep] out of myself
and lock myself upstairs,

and order on eBay all day long.


[upbeat music]

-[Kris] Hi.
-[Khloé] Hey, Mom.

-Hi, Mase. Can I have a kiss?
-[Mason] Hello, Grandma!

-Oh, look who it is.
-[Kris] Look what the cat drug in.

-[Kendall] Hey, y'all.
-Hey, Kenny.

[North] I want nothing.

You want nothing?
Okay. I'll order you nothing.

[Mason] Yeah. Oh, the nothing sandwich.
I love that thing.


-[background chatter]

Scott was photographed last night
with Bella.

-[Kendall] Uh-huh. I saw.
-Oh, you saw?

And then he's been writing me all morning.

He's like, "I sold my house
and I think that I should move in."

He wants to move in with you?

-Yeah. "I think that I should move in."

He's like, "Then we could just raise
the kids together,

and have, like, an open relationship."
Like, it's insane.

[Kourtney] Scott and I are not
in a good place.

He's been partying and I've been trying
to just, like, distance myself.

So I'm, like, is he serious that he thinks

that there's any sort of chance
of moving back into the house?

Because that's just wild.

-Wait, he said you could have an open...
-[Kourtney] Relationship.

And I'm like, could you imagine
if I went out one night and slept out,

like, what would the debauchery
that would go down?

[Kourtney] He doesn't know
that I'm going to Cannes.

I'm going to Cannes
for the Cannes Film Festival.

Kendall is going to be staying with me
on my friend's boat.

I'm really excited,
but I'd rather Scott not know

so that he doesn't come
just because I'm there.

-I want to see it. This is this morning?

-[Kendall] Wait, what?
-"Crazy I marry you and you say no,

but I still don't give up."
He means crazy I asked...

-Proposed. marry, yeah.

Is he writing you now?

-No, no, she's looking.
-Yeah. He's texting me,

-telling me he wants to marry me.

Weirdest family ever.


[upbeat music]

There's a picture of me
with very long hair,

and I want to caption it and just say,

"Should I be original
and say 'long hair, don't care'?"

[Kourtney] No.

"Long hair don't care,
dot, dot, dot, original."

-Well, I already wrote one of those.


Um, so what is all of this,
like, Planned Parenthood talk,

where everyone's, like, wanting to, like,
protest for Planned Parenthood?

You know, I don't watch TV.
I don't look online really.

There's been a lot of controversy
over Planned Parenthood lately,

because they're trying to take away
the government funding.

'Cause some people are pro-choice
and some are pro-life.

-So people are going wild?

I want to have an opinion about this,
but I just don't know enough.

There's nothing worse than, like,
wanting to, like, support people,

-and then, but not know anything.
-Or speak up on a cause.

[both] Yeah.

'Cause I do like to speak up
on social media about topics

that mean something to me
and I want to be more informed.

Let's call Khloé.

[line rings]

-[Khloé] Hello.
-[Kim] Hi.

-Are you pro-choice or pro-life?

I'm pro-choice, but that doesn't mean
I'm, like, for abortion,

but I think there's certain circumstances
where people should be given the choice.

-Where is this coming from?

-Do you need to tell me something?
-[Kim] No. I was just curious.

The government is now not going
to fund Planned Parenthood anymore.

I think it's a really big misconception.

I think people think Planned Parenthood
is an abortion center.

[Kim] I think that we should go there
and educate ourselves.

-So I can have a stance on it.

-All right, cool. We'll call you back.


-Kanye had a dog growing up named Genius.
-[Kourtney] Mm-hmm.

And so North now, every morning,
she's like...

[imitates dog panting]

[imitating North's voice]
"Ruff, ruff. My name is Genius."

[in normal voice]
And she just, like, goes around.

[Kim] That's my cute doggy. Look.

Ruff, ruff!

[upbeat music]

-You know Mom copies all of my cookies?
-[Kourtney] Yeah.

And now I'm sitting here and there's
a bowl full of baby watermelons,

like I have at my house. Like, can...
Is there no originality ever from anybody?

There's not, but that's okay.

She does give us a lot of our ideas
that we have our whole life.

Ooh! That positive twist,
I respect it. Thank you.

So, you know what,
Scott said he's going to Cannes.

Oh, my God.

I truly didn't know that he was going.

He was writing Kendall,
"Are you going to Cannes?"

Then he started writing me,
"Are you going to Cannes?"

-And he wrote Kim too.
-Yeah. So I'm sure he assumes...

-He definitely assumes you're going.

And then he said, "I don't want, like,
a Daily Mail situation there."

Like, I'm the only one
who's somewhat incognito,

like, as much as I can be.

Yeah. It's just selfish, 'cause he doesn't
care how he embarrasses you.

[Khloé] He's running around town
with Bella and all these other people.

Exactly. All right,
I'm gonna write him back now.

I would just say, "Listen, I am gonna go.

And if it's hard for you
or awkward for you,

then, you know, I would..."
Like, "I leave this date You should come..."

He doesn't need... When's his appearance?

I mean, who knows
if he even has an appearance?


It is crazy that, you know,
Scott won't leave Kourt alone.

We just went through all that [bleep]
in Santa Barbara

and then, all of a sudden,
now Scott is going to Cannes.

Like, it's just super suspicious.

[upbeat music]

[Khloé] Hello!

Excuse me, Gabbs.

[Kourtney chuckles]

[Khloé] How was your morning?

You know, one thing after another.

I got up at seven, took Mase to school,
went to the dermatologist,

and then, when Scott found out
that I'm going to Cannes,

we got into, like, a full w*r.

-After you told him that?
-[Kourtney] Yeah.

He's like, "Oh, well,
I tried to give you a chance."

I'm like, "A chance for what, to not go?"

He's like,
"You're gonna have a great time."

And then he's threatening me now.

He's like, "Your little friend is gonna
get beat up every single day

when we're there."

He goes, "Enjoy yourself. Walking around,
you better watch your back."

And I'm like, "Oh, are you gonna have
people attack me?"

He's like, "You're the love of my life.
Why would I have anyone attack you?"

I'm like, "Hold on, I'm so confused."

-[Khloé] This over the phone or in text?
-[Kourtney] Both.

-[Kim] Hi, guys.

[Kourtney] And he's like, "Just don't
expect anywhere you go will be easy now."

And I said, "I will never speak
to you again with your threats,

you psychopath."


"If you thr*aten me and my friends,
it's over.

That's not how I will be treated.
You've treated me horribly for years."

And he's like, "I'm sorry.
Anyone who gets in the middle

will not be pleased with the outcome."

[suspenseful music]

-[Kim] He's crazy.
-[Kourtney] You know how he is.

-And when he's not in a rational place...
-He's dark and twisted.

[Kourtney] Yeah.

I just can't believe that he would stoop
this low and speak to her like this.

Like, at the end of the day,
she's still the mother of his children.

So to say that he's gonna have people
get beat up, like, that's disgusting.

So I really hope
he was out of his right mind.

Or just, like, angrily talking,

thinking he's gonna scare her
but he would do nothing.

-Yeah. It's just so childish.
-Just to like... Yeah.

Do you want me to call him and say,
"What is wrong with you?"

Yeah, sure. I say you call him.

[Khloé] Don't you ever speak
to my sister like that.

[line ringing]

He's not gonna answer.

[phone operator] I'm sorry,
but the person you called...

I'm gonna call back.

[line ringing]

[suspenseful music]

-[phone operator] I'm sorry, but the p...
-[Khloé exclaims]

He so is avoiding you.

Like, when Scott does something
and he knows it, he avoids you.

-[Khloé] Yeah.
-He avoids all of us. It's so funny.

-It's so obvious too.
-So obvious.

-Like, he's not even good at it.

[phone operator] I'm sorry,
but the person you called...

[Khloé] I'll keep calling.

You think I have shame in my game?

[line ringing]

[upbeat music]

You know, when Kourtney was telling me
that she was going,

she was kind of being
a drop condescending.

And I think I got defensive
and just said, like, "Okay, great, like,

if you're gonna be in Cannes with, like,
another guy, like, have fun, but...

just know that
it's probably not gonna be that fun

if, like, you run into me and my friends."

But the fact of the matter is
she's allowed to live her life.

She's a single girl and, obviously,
we all know that I do what I want,

so she should be able to do
what she wants.

It's just there's a lot of anger.

Like, "Wow, it's really real,
us not being together."

[upbeat music]


We're just cruising in the garage, guys.

I'm not sure where the security
put my bag.

[Kim] Oh, it's downstairs.

He's kind of weird. He like stood outside
the car, and then I was like, "Hi."

I just have to tell him, like,
obviously, my sisters are always fine.

No, he was like, "Oh, okay, I was just
making sure who it was."

So that's fine.

I'd rather safe than sorry
if he didn't know who I was, pulling up.

Yeah. How was last night?
I heard you went out with Steph.

It was fun. We had a good, fun night.

But, just a heads-up, we were talking,

and she was just saying that she didn't
know what she wanted to do in life

and, like,
she feels like maybe she's in a place

-where, like, she's unfulfilled job-wise.

-[Kim] Really?

So, I don't know, I feel like she's just
looking to, like, evolve.

Does she still help you, like,
when you're packing for trips?

-[Kourtney] Or is that all Michael?
-No. That's all my stylist.

-So that's not, like, her thing anymore.
-[Kourtney] Yeah.

I mean, she does have, like,
a bigger role in designing Kimoji

-and doing stuff like that.

But I do think it's, like, inappropriate
for her to talk to you and not to me.

I mean, don't you think that's just like
a little bit unprofessional?

[Kourtney] I think we were talking about,
like, life in general.

And then, because we were talking
about it, then she brought it up.

But that's, like, a convo
she should have with me.

Well, now you have the insider info.

-You can have your answer all prepared.

I'm just giving you a heads-up,
'cause she's probably gonna say something.


Do you find it weird that you're like
"wifey" with my assistant?

I mean, do you?

Kind of.

[Kim] Like, what if, all of a sudden,
I became, like, BFF with Megan?

I think you would definitely be like,
that's weird.

-[Kim] You know?

Posting every two seconds with Megan.
Megan, Megan, Megan...

-"Oh, my God, my wife, my wife, my wife."

-[Kim] It's just, like, funny.
-[Kourtney] Yeah.

[upbeat music]

Thank you.

-Hey, Khlo.


Look at you! You look so... good.

-Hi. Kourtney.
-I'm Sue.

-Nice to meet you.
-Hi, I'm Sue.

-I'm Khloé.
-Nice to meet you. Thanks for being here.

-It's a pleasure.
-Kim. Nice to meet you.

So, before we get started,
I want to make sure you guys

know a few things
about Planned Parenthood.

We've been around for 100 years.
We just celebrated our 100th anniversary.

-Happy birthday.
-[Sue] Thank you. Thank you.

[Sue] So, one in five women
of reproductive age

will go to a Planned Parenthood.

We primarily provide lifesaving cancer
screenings, STD treatments, birth control.

Ninety percent of the work that we do
is preventive care.

-So, let me show you around. All right.
-[Khloé] Yeah.

[Sue] This is a pretty normal exam room.

We operate our own lab so that we can do
tests in real time. So that if you...

How many Planned Parenthoods
are in, like, California?

[Sue] There are many, many clinics.

California sees about one and a half
million patient visits each year.

These are thank-you letters
from our patients.

[Khloé] Aw. "I literally have no one else
to help me."

That's so sad.

-[knock on door]
-[Sue] Come on in, you guys.

-[Khloé] Hello.
-[Sue] Melissa and Jackie...

They are health educators. They work
with high school students and teachers.

[Sue] If there's a question
that anyone has, they've gotten it.

[Kim] What is the weirdest question
you guys have gotten?

Well, we did get, "Can you use
a Snickers wrapper as a condom?"

-[Kim chuckles]

[Sue] Well, can you?

-You shouldn't.
-[Khloé] Oh, my gosh.

So we focus on preventing STDs,
birth control, abstinence.

But we also focus a lot on healthy

[Melissa] Each of us has rights
in a relationship

and it's really important to be able
to exercise those rights.

You'll see here
we have relationship declarations.

So, there are statements
on each of these that

we would invite each of you to fill out

that you want to hold true
for yourselves, right?

So, "I deserve..."
and then you put whatever you want.

So, for example, someone could say, like,
"I can communicate respectfully."

Or "I can listen to my partner."

[Kim] Yeah. I can...

be myself.

I have the right to do whatever
the [bleep] I want to do at all times.

[Melissa] Okay.

[Kourtney] I don't know
if I can even do this.

Kourtney, you can't do this? Just do it.

[tense music]

[Khloé] Kourtney, no one's judging you.

"I deserve..." What do you deserve?

Kourtney just doesn't like
to be put on the spot,

but I also think that it's, like,
a little bit deeper.

She's been in
an unhealthy relationship for so long

that she didn't know what to write.

I think it's time she should figure out
what she deserves in a relationship.

[dramatic music]

Kourtney. "I deserve..."
What do you deserve? To be happy?

-[Kourtney] Yeah. Okay.

-Do you deserve to smile?
-[Kourtney] Yes.

-I can be myself in my relationships now.
-I'll just say, "To live my life," okay?

-Live that life, girl. Live that life.
-Do it.

[Khloé] There you go. Good job, K.

Amazing. Thank you. So, do you all want
to share one out loud, or...

Um, I... have the right to live my life.

Because that's what I'm doing right now,
and it's really exciting.

I deserve to have peace and communication.

You do.

I can be myself in my relationships.

So, how did it feel to assert these rights
for yourselves?

-Good. Kourtney, how did it feel for you?
-It was a little bit difficult.

She's not good at expressing her feelings.

[Kourtney] Mm-mm.

I had no idea this is what they do
at Planned Parenthood.

Nice to meet you guys.

So far, I love the services they offer.
I think it's so educational. I'm into it.

[Sue] All right, you're gonna meet
with some of our patients.

-Hi. Nice to meet you.
-If you guys want to sit down...

-How was your tour? Was it good?
-Yeah, it was really nice.

[Kim] Are you guys all patients here?

-[woman] Um, yes.
-I'm Novelyn. I'm 44 years old.

[Novelyn] I've been going
to Planned Parenthood since I was 16.

Last year, um,
I found a lump in my right armpit.

[Novelyn] I said, "You know what,
I'll go to Planned Parenthood."

The nurse practitioner gave me an exam
and as soon as she touched it, I knew.

[somber music]

[Novelyn] And she knew.

And she just let me have my moment,
my tears coming down my face,

and, you know, she quickly sent me
to get a mammogram and an ultrasound

and then, less than a week later,
I was diagnosed with breast cancer.

The compassion that they gave to me
set the tone

for how I was gonna end up fighting

and, you know, 360,000 women
get breast exams here, so...

And I happen to be one of 'em.

[Khloé] Thank you for sharing
your story with us.


Um, I'll go next. I, uh...
I'm Adeline. I'm 30.

Four years ago, I found myself pregnant
and I had missed one pill,

as so many women often do and...

That's how she got pregnant
with her first son.

[Adeline] Yeah, see? It happens.

I was in a very new relationship.

We hardly knew each other
and I was at the peak of my career.

[Adeline] I was traveling a whole lot
and so it just wasn't gonna work for me.

I scheduled an appointment
at Planned Parenthood to get an abortion,

and I started to have second thoughts,

and when I went in, the doctor
sensed my hesitation and she's like,

"You are so early in your pregnancy.
Go home. Take the night to sleep on it."

I actually insisted. I was like,
"I'm already here. I'm just nervous."

And she didn't budge.
She said, "It's not happening today.

My conscience isn't gonna let me do this,
so go home."

Uh, eight months later, I had my son.

[Adeline] And he's incredible.

He's the coolest little dude.
And I can't imagine my life without him.

So, had I gone anywhere else other than
Planned Parenthood,

he wouldn't be here today.

The perception of Planned Parenthood
is that it's this, like, abortion clinic.

That's nothing like what it's like.

Hearing that firsthand
really made it real for me.

Hearing the stories for sure
was eye-opening.

[Kim] Mm-hmm.

Uh, I started, um,
dating my best guy friend when I was 23.

And he and I stopped using protection
without getting tested first.

And I was like, "That was a silly
decision, like, we should go get tested

and just make sure everything is okay."

[Kelly] We didn't have an appointment.
We just walked in.

And he got pulled to the back first.

And, it was, like, a 15-minute test,
where they prick your finger.

And then,
it takes 15 minutes to get results.

Well, they could tell that fast?

-Oh, wow.

And so he came back out 15 minutes later
with pieces of paper in his hands. Um...

And he was like, he said,
"I tested positive for HIV."

And I was, like, on my phone.
I was like... "Yeah, okay. Whatever."

And he didn't say anything
and I grabbed the pieces of paper from him

and I saw
that there was information about HIV.

In my mind, I was like, "There is no way
that I don't have this.

Like, I have this."

[Kelly] Um, they took me back
and they pricked my finger.

At the moment, I was like, "This is
the longest 15 minutes of my life."

[Kelly] Fifteen minutes later,
they took us both back

and told us that we both
had tested positive.


Planned Parenthood, like, they were
compassionate and understanding,

and they told me,
"You know, your life isn't over.

This is manageable.
You can live a normal life with this."

Planned Parenthood
basically kept me alive.

I'm a big fan of Planned Parenthood now.

Meeting all the girls
and hearing their stories,

and seeing how many women have been helped

by some of the services
they have to offer, I...

I mean, I think people need to be more
educated before they form opinions,

and that's what I'm grateful
that I had the opportunity to do today.

Well, we just want to say thank you
so much for, like, being so vulnerable

and sharing your stories.

And, you know, we definitely
wanted to be educated on this,

but also just thank you guys
for everything and for all that you do.

Thank you.

[upbeat music]

Before we go on any trip,

my sisters and I love to do a fitting
and get outfits together.

[indistinct chatter]

I think Cannes is a fun time
to just, like, dress up

and not wear things
that I would just wear in LA.

-Ooh. Hi, Kourt.

[Kourtney] So I'm not gonna wear
these red heels to the airport.

-Why not?
-[Kourtney] For a 12 billion hour flight?

But you take them off.
I always wear heels to a plane.

I mean... and then,
on the plane, you bring slides,

like in your roller bag,
so if you go to the bathroom or something.

I don't even need slides. I have socks.

Right, but if you'd want to go
to the bathroom without shoes on?

-[Kourtney] I have done it many times.
-Oh. Okay.

-[Kourtney] Wait. Do you guys like this?
-I'm not mad at this at all.

-[Kim] Hi. How are you?
-[Stephanie] Good, thanks.

-[Kim] What are you doing?
-[Kourtney] We're doing a fitting.

-You can see the looks.
-[Stephanie] Is this, like, an LAX vibe?

Or is this like she lands in Cannes
and gets off the plane there?

I know that Steph has gone to Kourtney
about how she feels and not me.

And, now we're at Kourt's house,
and, obviously,

I don't want to talk to her
in front of everyone else.

It's just so weird
that she would go to Kourt.

And, like, she obviously knows
you're Kourt's gonna tell you.

Yeah. I just feel, like, awkward.

I love this.

[Kourtney] That is pajamas
for the morning, went to have breakfast.

There's three pajama looks
that are just for the morning.

She's gonna be in her pajamas,
drinking champagne.


[upbeat music]

[phone dings]

Reminder, I have to pack those sunglasses
for that post I have to do.

[line ringing]

-[Scott] Hi.
-Oh, hi.

It's, like, shocking you answered
my phone call.


'Cause I've been calling you non-stop.

Yeah, my phone broke, though.
That was the problem.

-The good old "phone broke."

So, Kourt told me you were being,
like, aggressive towards her.

Obviously, Kourt's being a [bleep] idiot.

[tense music]

Like, I get whatever you guys
are going through,

but she's still gonna be
the mother of your kids, no matter what,

and we, I think, always have
to keep that into perspective.

It's just hard, you know.

I never thought I'd ever go through
anything like this.

No matter how mad or upset,
or, like, [bleep] up the situation is,

we can't say certain things,
'cause it's really hard to take it back.

Yeah. I mean, I agree with you.

I really was just acting like a, you know,
kind of a hothead,

but, like, it got just, like, way too out
of hand. You know what I mean?


Long story short,
I was acting a bit immature,

and I said a few things
that weren't appropriate.

And I'm not, like, gonna regret that,

because it was, like,
that's how I felt at the time.

[Scott] You can understand,
we have a lot of history.

Yup, I get it.

-So it's hard.
-[Khloé] I feel you.

So now you're going to Cannes?

[Scott] Yeah, like, an appearance
at a party there.

I probably should stay home,

but I'm sure I won't get out
of the desperation that I have.


-All right, I love you, Khlo Mom.
-Love you too. Be good.

-Okay, bye.
-[Khloé] Bye.

[upbeat music]

[Khadijah grunts]


[Khadijah] My lower back hurts so bad.

I should actually wear hoods more often.

-[Khloé] You like hoods?
-[Malika] Yeah.

-I look, like, cooler.
-[Khadijah] I prefer, like, hats.

[Khloé] So Kim and Steph
are having issues.

-[Malika] Wait. What?

[Khloé] And it's awkward, 'cause,
you know, now they're friends.

Once you cross those lines,
it's hard to get them back.

-It's completely different,

but, like, I know we worked together,
and it was hard.

I felt like I couldn't ask you
to do things,

'cause I felt weird, like,
bossing you around.

Right. The line can easily get blurred,

but Kim does have to communicate
to Stephanie.

[Khloé] Totally.

You also know how Kim is.
She's not the most confrontational.

But that's where the problem comes in,
'cause things just boil over,

and all of a sudden, it'll be like, "Oh,
I can't have her work for me anymore."

[Malika] She doesn't want it
to get to that point.

Maybe you should help her.

I mean, if anybody knows,
you've been here before.

Malika and I used to work together,

and I do think it's really hard
to separate business and personal.

[Malika] I don't want to work for you.

Maybe I just need a break,
like, from you, period.

I had no idea.


Kim needs to be really honest with Steph
so it doesn't get out of control,

because Kim may end up losing
both her employee and her friend.

[upbeat music]

-[Virginie] Hi. How are you?
-Hi. How are you?

Before this trip really gets started,
I am meeting one of my fans.

Her name is @Queen_KourtneyK,
and I follow her on Instagram and Twitter,

and I've been following her for years.

I'm Kendall. Nice to meet you.

-Oh, my God. No. Oh, my God.
-I know. I said don't cry.

She lives in France. I wrote her and said,

"You know, I'm in Cannes. Do you want
to meet me and Kendall for ice cream?"

-Kenny, will you sign her Vogue?
-[Kendall] Of course.

[Kourtney] I feel like we've just had,
you know, a good time together,

and we really were excited
to just meet her.

-I'm sorry.
-[Kendall] Aw.

-Don't cry. Don't cry.
-[Virginie] I love you so much.


[phone dings]

-[Simon] I think he's ready to meet.
-He would just meet us at the bar, right?

-[Simon] Yeah. I told him.
-[Kourtney] What?

-It's just intense. It's really intense.
-[Kourtney] Guess what.

-It's not as intense as you think.
-[Kendall] I think it is.

You're more fun than you've ever been,
and you're, like, happy,

and you got a 23-year-old stallion...

-[Kourtney] Twenty-four.

...who, like, is obsessed with you,
and is easy.

My vibe right now is just living life.

It's kind of weird
'cause I haven't seen Kourt

with another guy, like, in ten years,

or however long it's been,
so, it's interesting.

-It's fun. She's free.

[Simon] You have to live your life,
and hiding doesn't make it fun at all.

Right, and also,
where am I gonna hide here?

-You know...

[Simon] And why would you hide that man?

-I would never hide him.

I would literally parade him all day long,
shirt off.

-Where is that man?
-[Kourtney] Waiting for us on the boat.

[Simon] Okay, let's go see him.

[upbeat music]

-[Kim] Feels like it's so spicy.
-[Kris] I love spicy.

I hate spicy.
These are the things I hate in life,

-mustard, cilantro and blue cheese.
-[Kris] Mm-hmm.

-Who hates blue cheese? Nobody.
-[Kim] Everyone.

[phone ringing]

-[Kendall] Hey.
-[Kim] Who is that?

-It's Kendall Jenner. At Cannes.
-Oh. Hi.

-[Kris] Are Scott and Bella there?
-[Kendall] They just got in today.

-Scott and Bella are on time?
-They looked so desperate at the airport.

Like, who goes to LAX together?

[Kim] It's not a good look for Scott.

-[Kendall] At all.
-At all.

[Kendall] He talked to me about it.

He thinks it is.
And I said, "Are you nuts?

Are you actually not well?"

He was like,
"Yeah, I'm doing it to make Kourtney mad."

I said, "You're not gonna make her mad
for the right reasons."

I think it's clear to everyone
that Scott is doing this

just to try to one-up Kourtney.

[Kim] And that seems super malicious.

Kourtney's genuinely trying to go away
and have a good time

and he's trying to, like, freak her out
and make Kourtney think

that there's gonna be
some crazy drama run-in.

It's just so ridiculous. I could just see
this is not gonna end well.

[upbeat music]


Kendall and I have been having so much fun
with our friends

since we've arrived in Cannes.
Like, it's just so amazing...

to go jet skiing,
and go to fun dinners, and go out

and get to spend really good time
with my sister.

Like, I just feel like I really need it.


We are definitely living the life
in France,

but my number one thing is that
I'm not flying home alone.

-[Kendall] Same. No, literally same.
-So whatever you do, I do.

-And whatever I do, you do.
-[Kendall] Literally same.

-I do not want to fly home alone at all.
-[Kourtney] So we're together.

[Kourtney] This trip is so amazing.

We've just had a good time making memories
with no Scott drama and everything.

But then I'm like, there's really
only one nightclub that people go to,

so I'm just hoping that Scott
and I don't run into each other.

-[Kourtney] Shall we?

Should we hold hands so I don't fall?

[upbeat music]

No chocolate, guys. Come on.
You had pizza and ice cream.

I see your belly button.
[blows raspberry]

[North] No, don't.

[Khloé] Have you talked to Steph yet?

[Kim] I mean, I haven't talked to her yet.

I definitely want to work it out
and just figure out what's going on

'cause I love Steph.

I just am more, like, talking behind
my back to Kourt, to my sister,

just about how she should approach me.

-Like I just like to know that info first.
-But then you got to tell her that.

[suspenseful music]

It's not her fault
because you've never said anything.

At the end of the day,
you are her employer, friend or not.

And you just have to set that tone.
There's nothing negative about that.

[Kim] I know that Steph and I
have to talk.

It would make me sad
if we didn't work together,

but if she would be ready
to move on, I mean,

that's just what I'm gonna have to accept.

Grow some balls, Kim.

-I will, after this nap.

[upbeat music]

[Kris] This is such a beautiful color.

It's almost like butterscotch.

-Like you just want to lick it.
-Oh, my God, so there's these two posts.

Says, "Kourtney Kardashian
shows off her figure in a black swimsuit

as she canoodles
with new boyfriend, Younes,

and takes a ride on a Jet Ski in Cannes."

Then right above it, it says,

"Shirtless Scott Disick can't keep
his hands off bikini-clad Bella."

[Khloé] It's literally like the battles.

I feel like Kourt is just living her life
on the boat,

like, with her guy, like, chilling.

And Scott is, like, trying to one-up Kourt
with every picture. New girl. New thing.

-[Khloé] Lovey-dovey.
-[Kim] Yeah. Kourtney's is not, like...

it's just naturally happening.

-Right. Scott...
-[Kim] Scott's, like, making it happen.

-It's all a jealousy thing. Totally.

-[Khloé] It's just nuts.
-Why don't you call her?

[line ringing]

-[Kourtney] Yeah?
-Hey, girl.

Hey, Kourt. How's the south of France?

It's fun.
We went to look for a crepe shop,

walked around for like 30 minutes,
couldn't find it.

Who cares? What's up with the guy
rubbing oil all over your body on a yacht?

Like, what the [bleep] are you talking
about crepes for?

Actually, I haven't put on sunscreen once.

-I've been too busy.
-Okay, then it's just rubbing your body.

I mean, you are living your life, girl.

-[Khloé] You guys look so good.
-[Simon] Hi.

[Khloé] Hi, how are you?

-[Kris] Hello.
-[Simon] Has Khloé met Younes yet?

[Khloé] No, I haven't,
I haven't met Younes yet.

And this is our... this is our mom.

-[Younes] Well, I got to go.
-[Kris] Hi.

-[Younes] Nice to see you.
-Nice to see you too.

-[Younes] Yeah.
-[Kourtney] Okay.

[Kourtney laughs]

[Younes] She just hit me, so we're okay.

Oh, my God.

What is so crazy to me,
it's like picture wars.

So, if a picture of you comes out
with your friend,

then the other one tries to one-up you.

[Kourtney] He's gonna be
on a jet ski tomorrow.

[Khloé] Oh, for sure.

Then he's gonna be at a crepe store,
or wherever you just were.

Like, to me, I feel like I'm watching,
like, a Ping-Pong match. Like...

Yeah, but it's weird
'cause I'm, like, not in the tournament.

[Khloé] Well, anyways,
you are a class act.

-Okay. Love you.
-[Khloé] Love you too.

-[Kris] Love you.
-Bye, guys.

Wait, who's Younes?

Her friend. I've never met him
until just now.

She's finally doing something for herself.
And I am just proud of her for, like...

-For having fun.
-...having fun.

[upbeat music]

-We never come in this room.
-[Kim] I know.

Actually, Kanye spends
a lot of time in here.

-[Kim] And these couches are not comfy.
-Yeah, it's not comfortable.

Yeah. Not at all.

-Well, what's going on?
-[Kim] Um...

[suspenseful music]

I don't have the time to, like,
dance around

not being confrontational anymore.

Like, I want to be up-front.

I want to be able to say
when something's bothering me.

I don't want to be that pushover person.

-Like I hate serious conversations.
-I know.

You're making me nervous.
I'm getting sweaty.

I'm uncomfortable. She's uncomfortable.
Like, I just don't know what to say.

[music fades]

[suspenseful music]

-I hate serious conversations.
-I know.

You're making me nervous.
I'm getting sweaty.

I was talking to Kourt,
and she expressed to me that you,

are wanting to figure out
what your next steps were

and how do you grow
from being an assistant?


I mean, I just feel uncomfortable
with you mentioning something to her

that's about, like, our work relationship.

[tense music]

I feel like Kourtney and I's conversation

was, like, more like
of an in-passing thing.

Kourtney was just, like, saying, you know,
that she was feeling unfulfilled.

And then, I was like, "No, I can relate.

'Cause, like,
I'm in like a weird place in my life."

[Stephanie] Like, I'm not young
and starting off and 22,

and I'm not, like, 30 and having babies
and being married,

so I'm, like, trying to, like, navigate,
like, what is my next step.

Like, I'm, like, your support system, so I
don't want to, like, dump stuff on you.


I would've never known she had an issue
if she hadn't spoken to Kourtney about it.

Of course, I wish she came to me
instead of Kourt,

but, like, I'm really glad that she did
speak up so that I can, like, jump in,

and, like, take over
and really have this talk.

I do want you
to feel like you're fulfilled

and that you're doing stuff that you love.

We're starting all of these companies
together, like, from scratch.

And I just feel like all of those,
maybe you manage all of those,

instead of just being my assistant.

I mean, I would love that.
Like, obviously, like,

I'm super invested
in everything that you do.

I don't want you to think that,
like, me being friends with Kourtney,

I don't want that to, like,
be a thing or like,

make you feel like
I'm straying or like not loyal

'cause, like, you know,
you're my number one,

like, I've got your back.

Regardless of, like, who, you know,
whatever other relationship I have

with anyone in your family, like,
I hope you know that.

-[Kim] Yeah, no, no, I do. I do.
-You know? Yeah.

I think it's a really good plan
'cause I do want her to, like,

you know, step it up
and just be more of a creative role.

[Khloé] Good.

-See what communication does?

[Khloé chuckles]

Thank you for, you know,
even having this conversation.

-You know...
-Of course. Kourtney is not as fun as me.

-Just kidding. She's way more fun than me.

[upbeat music]

[background chatter]

[dance music playing]

[Kourtney] Our trip to Cannes
has been amazing.

It was just fun and, like, freeing
to just go to Cannes, have the best trip,

have new experiences,
hang out with my friends,

have such an amazing time with Kendall,

and just, like,
not worry about anyone else.

[crowd cheering]

[artist] Thank you, y'all.
Everybody get 'round the monitor.

Have responsible safe sex tonight.

I think this is one of the first times
when I was really able to separate Scott

and what he was doing, and just, like,
really be able to have an amazing time

and not be worried
about what he was up to.

[Kourtney] And I'm not trying to throw
anything in anyone's face,

but I'm also not gonna hide.

[music fades]

I'm going to start a really crazy diet.

We've got to have a slice of pizza
to say goodbye.

-We can have one slice.

-[Kris] We're in Cleveland.
-[Kourtney] Go, Cavs.

Corey said,
"100 percent don't go to the game."

-You're so cute, Khloé.
-[man] [bleep] the Kardashians!


It looked like it was some big soap opera.

I can't, like, not just live my life.

-I think you're not getting it.
-I get it