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14x05 - Catch Me If You Cannes

Posted: 05/08/24 19:56
by bunniefuu
[upbeat music]

So we'll design it on paper first
until you're 100 percent, uh...

with the design,
and then we rock 'n' roll.

-I feel like I have to throw up.
-Are you the Foodgod or not?

[Jonathan] I am so the Foodgod.

I live to eat. It's like... it's like...
It's, like, kind of my thing.

So there's no better way
to start getting a first tattoo.

[Jonathan] Foodgod is just,
like, my natural being.

My whole, like, passion
is eating and going to restaurants.

-Churros! You were right.
-I told you. I found the churros!

[Jonathan] This is so good.
This was worth the trip.


People now really, like,
look to you to be, like,

"Where should I eat?"

See, his necklace says "Foodgod"
and then a caviar spoon?

This lighting is perfect for the spoon.

My God. This is the pain I'm scared of.
It's happening?

-All right. Ready, brother?

[tattoo g*n whirring]

[Kim] Guess what Jonathan's
doing right now.

Oh, come on. Does it really hurt?

-[Jonboy] You got this.
-[Jonathan yells]

[quirky music]


-m*rder. Oh, my God.
-I know.

[Jonathan] Oh, [bleep].

[high-pitched laugh]

[Jonathan] It starts out as a tickle,
then goes into a knife.

-[Jonboy] That's what she said.
-Hold on two seconds.

Let me just stretch my arm.
Can you pull this off, please?

-[Jonathan] Not fair. That's good.
-[Jonboy] One more line.

-Man up, dude.
-Yo, be quiet.

All right. You are officially Foodgod.

[Jonathan groans]

Oh, my God.

-No, it's...

-I'm joking.
-Don't say... I already.

I know. I already had, like, a heart palp.


[theme music]

[phone rings]

[Kendall] Wait, why is your hair so black?

It's just slicked back.

[Jen] What the [bleep] did you just do
with your hair?

-Ah. Jen Atkin.
-[Kendall] Jen called me crying

because she was by herself.

She was so sad, and she was like,
"Please, like, can I come over?"

Oh, my God, you're so desperate, Jen.

-[Jen] I didn't say it like that.
-[Khloé laughs]

[Khloé] Can you believe
that Scott was with all these girls?

[Kendall] Bro, bro, bro. It was very, um...


Scott saw Kourtney with a guy friend,
so he wants to one-up her. Perfect.

He's so predictable.
It's so slimy and gross and ugh.

Well, what did he do with Bella?
He just left her there somewhere?

[Kendall] Bella must be,
like, freaking out.

Simon said he, like, brought Bella

to be at LAX with him
so he could get paparazzi sh*ts,

'cause he saw Kourtney with Younes,
or whatever his name is.

[Kendall] The day I was leaving,
he called me, and he was like,

"Kendall, what am I supposed to do?
In Cannes, she's going with Younes."

I said, "Scott, like, maybe you shouldn't
go as soon as Kourtney's going."

Then he's like,
"I know, and I'm bringing Bella."

And I go, "What?"

"You're bringing her?"
And he goes, "Yeah."

Oh, he told you ahead of time?

[Kendall] And I told him, I said,
"Cancel her flight. Cancel her ticket,

Cancel wherever she's staying.

Like, this is insane that you're gonna
give the attention to bring her around."

And he was like, "Really?
How do I tell her?" Blah, blah, blah.

Like, I thought he really was gonna do it,

and then I saw him walking
through the airport with her, I was like,

-"Oh, my God."
-He's so full of [bleep].

But Kourtney does not c...
Like, Kourtney's, like...

I love that she doesn't care
and she's fine,

and I've never seen her,
like, affectionate before.

[Kendall] Yeah, literally.

But you guys look good,
and that's about all that matters.

-[Kendall and Jen chuckle]
-Okay. Love you, guys.

-[Jen] Love you.
-[Khloé] Bye.

-[Kendall] Bye.
-[Jen] Bye.

Do you like my glasses?

-[Khloé] What's my name?

[Khloé] KoKo!

[Kris] Do they have Dairy Queens
in Cleveland?

-[Khloé] I...
-Like, for a chocolate-dipped frosty?

You know, they have a lot of places.

Like, McDonald's has frosties
that you chocolate dip.

Stop. That, like, hard chocolate dip.

Oh, God.

You know I'm the only one
who's never been?

Kendall hasn't been either
and neither has Rob.

I have still not been to Cleveland.

I've never been to your house,
and the closest thing I've ever gotten

to see the inside of your home
is FaceTime.

-That makes me feel empty inside. Empty.

-You know what makes me feel empty inside?
-[Kris] What?

It's this fake voice
that you use when you're talking.

-[Kris] Oh. That's how I talk.
-You know what... No, it's not.

-[imitating Kris] Okay.

[in normal voice]
Well, guess what?

You could come to Cleveland
whenever you want!


I'm so excited.

So, I will tell Tristan.

I will get tickets, and it will be fun.

I can't wait to go.
Maybe I could be a Cleveland mascot.

[Kris] Yeah. We could be mascots.

-The whole family could be, like...
-[Khloé] I have to change

-so we could talk to Kourtney.
-...Cleveland mascots. Cheerleaders.

[Kris] I'll wear a wig.

You're not listening.

[upbeat music]

[camera shutters clicking]

[Jonathan] Mexican street corn ravioli.

-[Kim] Ooh.
-[Jonathan] That's interesting.

-Tomato tartare. What do we think that is?
-That sounds good.

Listen to how disgusting this sounds.
Popcorn ice cream.

[Jonathan] Popcorn ice cream is delicious,
first of all.

-Yeah. So let's order some stuff.

So heirloom tomato salad.

Uh, yellowtail sashimi.
How's the tuni... tuni poke? Tuna.

Those are actually one of my favorites,
the tuna poke tacos.

-Let's try it.
-[Jonathan] Yeah.

-Definitely the ravioli.
-And then that's it. We're not pigs.

[Jonathan] Okay.

I'm so excited to eat.

Every time I'm with Jonathan,
we have the most amazing food.

We eat. We hang out.
I'll definitely, you know,

go along and just have fun
and eat what I want to eat.

[Kim] So how do you think
I should cut Saint's hair?

-[background chatter]
-Like a trim?

It's summer. Shave the sides.
He'll look so cute.

-[Kim] Oh, what's this?
-[Jonathan] That's the grilled cheese one?

[waiter] Yeah, this is the grilled cheese.

-[Jonathan] Oh, perfect. Thank you.
-[waiter] You're welcome.

[Jonathan] Mm.

-[Kim] Oh, my God.
-[Jonathan] Yeah. This is yummy.

That is some dessert.

[upbeat music]

[Khloé] Yeah, like, that's crazy.

[Khloé sighs]
Oh, my goodness.

It's like now I have to schedule
an appointment with you?

When do you schedule appointments with me?

-I haven't seen you!
-Because I was traveling, you whore.

[Khloé] Can I ask a question?

Did you think there was, like,
a d*ck-measuring contest happening?

-I was not doing anything to, like...
-No, no. I don't think you were.

But did you see all the shenanigans
Scott was doing?

-Yes. But I was just there living life.
-You did?

-[Khloé] You were measuring one d*ck.

Got it.

But then Scott has been calling me.

-[Khloé] This is what he does.
-But he goes, does the thing.

[Kourtney] I'm his therapist.

-He feels disgusting.
-"I'm the victim.

-This is what ha..."
-[Kourtney] Like, whatever.

-So the energy that I put into him...

I just need to put into my kids.
I need to distance myself.

And just say, "You know what?
You, as a 34-year-old father of three,

like, you've got to know what to do
at this point."

[Khloé] For Scott, any attention
is good attention.

So the fact that Kourtney is now starting
to put up those boundaries

and not buy into every time he cries wolf,
that's a huge turning point for her.

And I'm really proud of her
and I see a lot of growth in her.

[Khloé] Do you have a boyfriend?

-Good. I like that answer.

[Khloé] And you met him in Paris
when you were with Kim for Fashion Week.

Yeah. We, like, walked into a bar,
and Stephanie was across from me,

and she kept going,
"This guy's cute over here."

And you picked him up?
Can't even see you doing this.

[Kourtney] He was friends
with our friends.

-He would walk in.

Like, say hi, shake hands
with, like, our security or whatever,

but, like, not say hi to us.

[Kourtney] And then I was like,
"Why do you hate us?"

[Kourtney laughs]
Like, I was just drunk.

Oh, my God.

Once I said that,
he literally grabbed my hand and was like,

"It's five in the morning. We're leaving."


the next night,
Younes was like, "Bring your ass here."

You like when he's, like, aggressive.

-[Kourtney] Yeah.

And then when we walked into that club
is when we went to the bathroom

and got the phone call about Kim.

-So then the party was over.

[both laughing]

-You think?
-And then, he was like,

"I'm not leaving you guys." And he, like,

-had to translate everything.
-I heard Kim said he was the translator.

[Kourtney] Yeah.

Do you guys plan
on seeing each other soon?

Or is it just, like,
"See you when I see you" type of sitch?

"See you when I see you, bitch."


[upbeat music]

-[Kim] Hey, Mom!
-[Kris] Hi.

-[Kris] Is this for KKW?

-You look beautiful.
-I'm going to start a really crazy diet.

-[Kim] Yeah.

So last night, after dinner with Jonathan,
I was so full,

I realized I cannot eat like this anymore.

Like, I just can't.
I just have to get it together.

I was looking on Instagram,
and this bodybuilder popped up on my page.

And she had gained 70 pounds
in her pregnancy.

Her kid's, like, six, now.

But she, um, is, like, ripped.

[Kim] Melissa is a trainer that I found.

She's super inspiring to me,

and I really want to meet up with her
and see if she could train me.

She can help direct my food
and really get me on an amazing path.

Even if I was 10 percent like her,
you know what I mean,

like, it would just be life-changing.

[Kris] So do you think it's food
or it's workout?

Well, mostly food.

-[Kim] I'm meeting with her in New York.

Yeah. I've got to have this lifestyle.
I got to try.

[upbeat music]

[Kris] Oh, my God.
North was so cute last night.

[Kim] North slept over Mom's by herself.

-[Kris] Her and I in the bed.
-I think she liked it by herself

-[Kris] Yeah.
-Instead of with the other kids.

Except she saw these pictures
of P and Mason.

And she goes, "Lovey, Mason, P."

And I go, "Yeah."
And she goes, "Where's North?"

-[Kim] Aw.
-[Kris chuckles]

[Kris] It was so cute.

[Khloé] I got to talk to you about Scott.


It's crazy, what happened in Cannes.

[Khloé] I'll just ask you this question.

Do our relationships change with Scott?

[soft tense music]

-Well, that's what I'm so confused.
-That's a Kourtney question, I guess.

His birthday's tomorrow, right?

Yeah, I'm not buying him a gift.
He... He gets coal. Like, he's been...

-What are you, Santa?
-[Khloé] Yeah.

Do we even say happy birthday,
or do we ice him?

Yeah, you say happy birthday.
You don't ice him on all...

-Yeah, you have to say that.
-It's very convenient in his timing.

It's always at Christmas or, like,
Mother's Day

when he does that whole thing.


[Khloé] So Cleveland.
Kourtney's claimed she wants to go,

and Rob always says, "I'm coming,"...

-[Kris] Oh, my God.
-...but he won't.

[Kris] I bet that if you called Rob,
he would go with me.

[Khloé] I'll call him.
We talk all the time.

[line ringing]

-[Rob] Hello?
-[Khloé] Hey.

-Hey, Rob.
-[Rob] Yo. What's going on?

Can you do, um, one of the games?

[Rob] I am not gonna let nobody say
I'm the reason why they lost. Sorry.

Sometimes, you just have
to take a step back,

lock in from home, and watch those games.

[Khloé] Rob has a point.

I never even thought
how people are gonna react to my family.

I just don't want my family
to be at any like, negative aspect

when it comes to Tristan's career.

[Khloé] I can't handle this.

Rob, why are you telling me this?
Now I'm stressed out.

[upbeat music]

[doorbell rings]

-[Khloé] She's gonna kick your ass.
-[Kim] I know.

-[Kim] Hi. How are you?
-Hi! Good!

-[Kim] Nice to meet you.
-You too.

-[Kim] This is Khloé.
-[Khloé] Hi. How are you?

-[Kim] Thank you for coming.
-[Melissa] Of course.

[Khloé] How did you get
into your fitness journey?

I was just tired of eating
all this low-fat stuff.

I'd work out sometimes,

and nothing's working for me,
so it was, like, a ripple effect.

Learning what to eat and how much to eat.
It's, like, kind of making food simple.

Fresh and good, and portion control, too.

[Kim] See, that's the stuff
I'm really bad at.

But that is where our brains are [bleep].

How old are we and we've ate this way
for this many years?

Think about it.

It's your hand putting that
into your mouth.

You have control. You know what I mean?

-Like, as much you think...
-[Khloé] But do we? Like...

-No, we do. I know.
-You have control.

-You know, you want long-lasting results.
-[Kim] Mm-hmm.

You want to... You want to implement this
into your everyday lifestyle.

[Kim] So what kind of workouts do you do?

So I may k*ll you.

-[Melissa] No, no, no. It's a mix.
-[Kim] Yeah.

I like, like,
low-intensity interval training.

I have high intensity,
and then weight training.

I'm super motivated.
I'm super, just, really wanting to...

Because, like, you get into it.

We got to have a slice of pizza
to say goodbye.

-[Khloé] It's our goodbye day.
-We can have one slice.

Yeah. One slice.

-Cheers to one goodbye slice.
-Our goodbye pizza.


[upbeat music]

If I could have one last meal,
it would be New York pizza.

What? I don't understand...
You're gonna become a bodybuilder?

-No. I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna like,...
-Is that the lifestyle?

...compete and be, like, a bodybuilder,
I just want a good body.

Not happy about it. Like, come on!
I can't just let you go. I need closure.

Before you start with this
"lifestyle" thing that you're doing,

we need to go, like, on a fun
Foodgod adventure binge for the day.

I'm so down.

-[Kim] But just let's not go crazy.
-That's it.


-[Khloé] Thank you.
-[reporters clamoring]

-[Jonathan] How are you?
-Yes, sir?

-[Jonathan] The regular slices.
-A regular.

It's day one of our diet plan.

-Last supper. The Foodgod knows.
-How exciting is this?

Kim is going in
before her fitness journey.

-[Khloé] Thank you so much.
-[Kim] Thank you, guys.

We are such animalistic...

This is better than any New York pizza
you're ever gonna get.

Holy [bleep]. I need some air on.
I'm about to go...

I'm literally, like, one of those fat kids
that sweat when they get excited.

[playful music]

-[Jonathan] This is amazing.
-It's okay.

-No, it's this.
-Yeah, this isn't...

I know, but Joe's Pizza.
Should we go to Joe's Pizza?

-[Jonathan] Yeah, let's do it.
-[Khloé] Oh, my God.

We're now going to Joe's?


[Kim] It's gonna be really hard,
my new lifestyle.

By the way, I've heard about
lifestyle changes before.

I'll see her in Cipriani's.
She cannot resist that pasta.

-Yeah, okay.

-[waiter] What's up, guys?
-Yeah, just a slice of cheese, please.

I love you guys' pizza. Thank you.

-I'm really gonna be dedicated, committed.
-Of course. Yeah. No, everyone.

-You're gonna see.
-No, no.

Now, this is worth it, you guys.

But now I feel like
I need something sweet.

-Oh, my God. We got to start behaving.
-We do need an ice cream truck.

-We got to stop.
-[Kim] We do need an ice cream truck.

-[Jonathan] Right on 14th. Right here.
-[Khloé] You guys.

-What's this? Hold on! There it is!
-Mister Softee!

-Do not mess with the Foodgod.
-[Kim] Oh, my God.

Do not mess with the freaking Foodgod!

-F you. Don't mess with me.
-Oh, my God.

-U-turn in the street.
-Oh, my God. I'm gonna choke on my pizza.


I, honestly, could not have imagined
a better last supper.

-[Jonathan] I delivered. I feel good.

-[Kim] Double-fisting it.
-[Jonathan] Whoo-hoo!

-What's up?

I am dying for this.

-[Jonathan] Mm.
-This was so worth it.

[Khloé] But I have such, like,
food remorse.

I need to, like, run to Cleveland.

[upbeat music]

[Kourtney] Hi.

-Where do you guys want to sit?
-[Mason] I want to sit right here.

-Hey, Mom.
-Hi, honey.

-Are you excited? Go, Cavs!
-Yeah. I know.

Everyone's like, "You're still going?"

and I'm like, "Of course we're going,
we're going to support."

Yeah, what were we gonna do? Yeah.

Has Mason ever been to a game before?

-Never. Never once.

I want to see where she lives. Like,
I want to know what her daily routine is.

I'm excited too. I just feel like we have
to, like, hide, like, under the radar.

Just to, like, not cause a big scene.

-Don't you?
-I don't even know.

I seriously don't know.

Corey doesn't think
we should go to the game.

[tense music]

He said to me last night,
"100 percent don't go to the game."

He said, "You all really need
to stay away for real, the real deal.

Exclamation point 100 times."

[upbeat music]

[line ringing]

-[Kourtney] Hi.

So, um... So Scott wanted to talk to me,

and I just don't know
what I'm supposed to say

or, you know, what the situation is.

Scott finally resurfaced
and wanted to meet up,

just to clear the air and talk it through
and, of course, I will.

He's like my brother, but I definitely
want to respect Kourt's boundaries.

Well, should I talk to him or no?

[Kourtney] I mean, it's up to you.
I mean, I don't know what he has to say.

I don't think what went on
needs attention.

-[Kourtney] So I don't think that that

needs to really be discussed.

It's just the look for him looks crazy,
but how do I even say that to him?

Because that's, like, a lesson
he's gonna have to learn.

[Kourtney] I just said,
"You just don't have respect for me

and you haven't for a long time.

So we don't need to get into it."

-And I was like, "It's just...

Know what it is.

It will never be the same.

-[Kourtney] And that's it."
-[Kim] Totally.

And you should say,

"And if you want
another good THOT for some photos,

-I know this girl."

Who was that laughing in the background?


-[Kourtney] My cheering committee.
-[Stephanie] I got you, boo.

[Kourtney chuckles]

All right. Just call me
after you two end up talking.

Look, there's a sign, "Defend The Land."

-[Kris] We're in Cleveland. Hurrah.
-[Mason] We're in Cleveland!

-This way. Hi. Are you excited?
-[Mason] Yeah.

[Kris laughs]

[Mason] Go, Cavs.

-Hi, guys.

-Your boyfriend is turning you Canadian...
-[gasps] your tuxedo.

Is that a tuxedo?

[Andrew] Yeah.
Denim on denim is a Canadian tuxedo.

-Oh. I need a Canadian dictionary.
-[Khloé] Okay. Let's go down.

Wait, look at this loft.
It's like a vault.

[Khloé] This was an old bank vault.

Oh, wow. No wonder I'm smelling money.
This is so cool.

[Kris] I had no idea
Cleveland was this nice.

[Khloé] I'm, like, so excited
you guys are in Cleveland.

-This is your second time.
-[Kourtney] Second time at The Vault.

-[Khloé] Second time at the house...
-Do you really exit the house?

[Kourtney] What do you do?

Every day, I work out, and, like,
he goes, to work out separately.

He's really structured.
He doesn't go out to clubs

-or, like, anything.
-[Kourtney] Yeah.

[Kris] What happened
at the game last night?

Well, it's just at the end of the game,
they were upset.

Sports fans are...

they're diehard fans
and people are emotional,

and they want their teams to win.

Only one person could win,
I totally get that,

but I have nothing to do with it.

We just want to be here
to support you and him.

My friend literally, like,
looks up guys online

and, like, sends them to me
and goes, "This guy should be your vibe."

And then she... she goes,

"The guy just invited us
to Greece for his birthday weekend."

I'm like, "Who are these people?"


[upbeat music]

I have to do 20 sprints today.

[Melissa] Four, five, six, seven.

Yeah. Keep going. Drop down. Good.

-Bring them both down.

-[Melissa] All right.
-[Kim] This is so hard.

[phone ringing]

[Melissa] Good. Let's go.

Jonathan is calling me nonstop.

I've been ditching him because Melissa
has me on a crazy strict diet.

That's straight-up
just, like, processed crap.

Don't make Rice Krispies Treats?

That's one of the worst things
that you can eat.

I just have to avoid him.

It's not like he wants to come
and just chill.

He wants to go eat.

So I can't do that.

-I want more abs. I know I can get abs.

I've never, like, been pushed to get them,
but I know I could.

All right. Come on.
Less talking, more working. Let's go.

-One, two... I know.
-I'm trying to talk to...

-Get you to forget.
-You're trying to trick me. Four...

[upbeat music]

-[Khloé] She looks like Wednesday Addams.
-[Simon] Yeah, she does.

-Check out these.
-Yeah, Kourt.

You look like also Shaft at the same time.
Shaft and Wednesday Addams.

-Who the hell is Shaft?

-Oh, my God.
-Even I know Shaft.

I don't know Shaft.
Shaft sounds like a sexual term.

[Khloé] Well, shaft is a sexual term.


-Turn around. Let me... Oh, yeah.
-[Simon] Here we go.

-You're so cute, Khloé.
-Love you.

[man] [bleep] the Kardashians!



Kourt, you should wear this shirt,
"Defend Cleveland".

And the Kardashians.

[Khloé] It's, like, so scary.
People are yelling at us.

-Did you guys see that guy?
-[Simon] What?

-"[bleep] the Kardashians."
-[Simon] Where?

I don't know, that guy.

Hold on. Let me get a picture of it first.

-Mom, you're gonna play that game?
-[Kris] Yeah.

How do I... "Five dollars a play."
Okay. So how do I go up?

-[indistinct chatter]
-[Simon laughs]

[Kris] Oh, [bleep].

-Okay, now I got it.
-[Khloé] Mom, you're on your knees?

-[Simon] Oh...
-[Kris] Oh, [bleep].

I didn't mean to do that.
I need my wallet.

-[Simon] No, you're good.
-[Kris] Okay, okay, this is it.

-Don't distract me. Oh, [bleep].

Oh, [bleep], I can't. I let go too fast.

You already have the shoes, though,
so I don't understand.

-[Simon] She just wants to win.
-Yeah, I want to win.

-[game whirring]

-[Simon] Oh!

[Simon] One more time. Come on.

[Kris] One more time.
Okay, make it or break it.

[upbeat music]

[Scott] This house looks pretty sick.

-I mean, it feels a little bare, but dope.

We just don't want to put our art in here.

Like, we just would rather...
It's, like, all in crates.

You know, my house got robbed again.

[Kim] No way. On your Cannes extravaganza?

-No, it was before Cannes.
-[Kim] Mm.

It just looked like
it was some big soap opera going on.

[Kim] It was, like, a fun show.

[Scott] I didn't see the show
because I was living it.

-[Kim] Yeah.
-[Scott] But look at it in my perspective.

She was on vacation with one man.

-A whole trip.
-[Kim] Yeah.

That looks like a happier scenario

than me jumping around
trying to find happiness.

And these girls are not fulfilling that.
I'm just not happy with anybody.

Yeah. Honestly, I think it's,
like, beyond the girls at this point.

I think if you found someone
that you were happy with,

I think Kourtney would be happy for you.

But she sees you out and really drinking
and really going through it.

Like, she just had concern.

[intense music]

[Scott] Well, she sure didn't say that...

-not once to me.
-But she has to move on with her life if...

-that's where she feels like it's going.
-[Scott] And she is.

There is where I think
you're not getting it.

[Scott] I get it. It's not right.
And I can understand.

[music fades]

You know, when I was at Cannes,
I mean, it wasn't good, to say the least,

and I understood where Kim
was coming from and it's tough.

[Scott] I mean,
I don't live the cleanest-looking life.

I'm a guy. I'm a little younger.

Maybe the way I'm getting over her
is a drop different and it's hard.

I don't really know what to do,
but it's like,

if I step out of line one way,

I can lose everybody
in a matter of a second.

Sometimes I just feel kind of insecure.
Like, if Kourtney met somebody,

fell in love, got married,
and then everyone's like...

"We have a new Scott. Like, we don't
really need to be close with him anymore."

-Even though I get it. We have kids.
-[Kim] We always would.

But it's a scary thing for me.

My true advice would just be,
let's cross that bridge when we get to it.

As him and Kourtney
transition into, you know,

this new normal
of what their relationship is

and what their boundaries are, and Scott,
it's taking him a little bit longer.

Or a lot longer than Kourtney maybe.

-All right. I love you.
-Okay. Bye.

No judgment.

[dramatic music]

-Hi. Look at you. This is so gorgeous.
-[Khloé] You look so pretty.

Driving in here and all those houses.

-Do you want me to carry this?
-No, it's for you and Tristan.

-That's some of our favorite wine.
-Oh, my god. Thank you!

[Khloé] Oh, my goodness.

-This view is spectacular.
-[Khloé] Thank you.

-So nice of you.
-[Kris] Stunning. Stunning.

So how's Tristan?

[Khloé] He is fine.

-[Kris] Good.
-[Kourtney] Hi.

-Do you need help?
-[Khloé] No, thank you, Madame.

[Tristan] What's going on?

-Hi, you.
-Hey, darling.

-How are you?
-Look, she brought us all this wine.

-[Tristan] Oh, thank you.
-Lots of wine.

How are you? You look beautiful.

-[Kris] How are you?
-I'm good. You?

-Won't you say hi to Tristan? Say hi.
-[Tristan] What's up, P?


Tristan's mom, his brothers are here,
and my family and my nieces and nephews

and everyone are here, and we're gonna
have just a nice family dinner together.

[Kris] You want me to open
a bottle of wine?

[Khloé] Wine glasses are downstairs
if you want to go.

I think having some family time
will be really good.

We could just enjoy and relax
and, like, not talk about the game.

What's going on, Kourt?
Cannes was good? Or Cannes or Cannes?

I heard you were on some boat, kicking it.

I forgot you and Khloé are invited
on the boat.

-I appreciate that.
-[Kourtney] I'm gonna tell her.

But I know that you're planning
a surprise birthday, right?

-[Tristan] Yeah.

We're gonna do it in LA, just...

-Because it's easy.
-Anything you need help with,

just tell us. She's upstairs.

-She has ears the size of Mickey Mouse.

[Tristan chuckles]

The fact that Tristan wants to plan
something for Khloé makes me so happy.

It really does because she's always
the one doing for everyone else.

And for me, I just feel like
Khloé's met her perfect match.

[camera shutter clicking]

-Ha, ha, ha, I got you to smile.
-[Kris] Thank you for having us.

-Thank you for coming.
-[Kris] I just really wanted

to see where you live,
and where Khloé spends all her time and...

-Yeah. Of course.
-I'm a little nosy.

-Yeah. I'm a little nosy.

You got to see where your baby girl's
laying her head down,

-make sure she's safe.
-Is that where you get

-your hair cut for real?
-Yup. Mm-hmm.

-That's so cute. Is that your glam room?
-Am I... Yeah.

[Kris] Do you always wear a beard?

-I like you clean-shaven.
-[Tristan] Yeah.

-[Khloé] Mom.
-No, I just wanted to ask

is there a superstition

-or is there a pregame, postgame...
-[Khloé] He likes to look tough.

Let's just, like, enjoy each other.
Be like... Just be cool.

-Okay. I can... I can be cool.
-Don't be uncool.

So are you exhausted?
How often do you practice?

What happens after the games are over?
How many years are you signed for?

And if somebody comes along and says,
"We want him..."

Do you ever think about that?

Dinner is served.

-[Kris] Thank God.
-[Tristan] Time to eat?

-Dinner's ready. Do you ever get sore?
-Do I ever get sore? Sometimes.

[Kris] I mean, I get sore after a workout.

I can't even imagine
how your body gets beat up.

Mom asks the wildest questions.

-She asks the wildest questions.

-What was she asking?
-[Kourtney] I don't know.

She just goes, "Do you get sore?"

-[Khloé] Of course.

-Babe. I'm sorry. Here you go.
-[Kourtney] Mason, here's your fries.

[Kris] A lot of hungry boys around here.

-How are you feeling?
-[Khloé] I'm stressing. Yeah.

-You are?
-[Khloé] Yeah.

-Can I have a family meeting?
-[kids babbling]

Should we stay here
and watch the game on TV,

or do you want us there,
right there next to you?

[tense music]

-[Tristan] No, you guys should be there.
-Are you sure?

-[Tristan] Yeah.

I know for a fact
that we're gonna win tomorrow.

I'm part of the team. I'm the mascot.


-It's all good, guys.
-[Khloé] Good.

I'm so happy that Tristan wants everyone
front and center supporting him.

And that's what matters to him.
And I love that...

That he...
He knows none of this [bleep] is real.

But sometimes, like, I even need
the reminder. So game on.

-Let's wear our jerseys.
-Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Reign, look how pretty the sunset is.

[Kris] This is so pretty.

[Tristan] I mean,
we should have started a fire.

[dramatic music]

[Kim in high-pitched]
You want me to be a bear like you?

[North giggles]

I know what you're thinking.

"Kardashians like basketball?"

[fans chattering, cheering]

This is sincerely the best game
I've ever been to in my life.

-So fun.

[announcer] Thompson this time, jump,
but still gets the rebound.

Back to James. He's fouled.

[cheers and applause]

Tristan Thompson on the offensive board.
Outstanding job.

[indistinct chittering]

Ah, the cheering. Tristan's family,
our family were all there screaming.

-It's... Aah!
-The best.

[Kourtney] My kids had so much fun.

-They caught the T-shirts that they, like...
-It was so exciting. Yes.

...throw into the crowd.
They were so excited.

-[Khloé] And they won!
-[crowd cheering]


Was that too loud?

[man] We love you, Kris!

[crowd cheering]

[upbeat music]

It's four in the morning.
I'm so tired, but I can't fall asleep.

[Kanye groaning loudly]

[Kim laughs]

-[Kris] I think we're a good luck charm.
-[Khloé] Amen.

Now back to LA. Back to the grind.

-Everybody was really nice last night.
-[Khloé] Yeah.

I appreciate you coming.

Tristan really appreciates you guys coming
and Kourt bringing the kids.

It means so much to him, and even just
spending time with his family,

like, we don't get to do that a lot.
So it really means a lot that,

you know, during the season, it's hard
and he obviously can't come to us,

so it really means a lot
that you guys did all that.

After all of my stressing,
this trip could not have gone better.

I'm so grateful. People are always gonna
say what they want to say,

and I can't let them interfere
with my memories

and my quality time with my family.

I love to travel on weekends
because, when I land,

there won't be 75,000 messages
for me to put out fires, typically.

You know they have Wi-Fi these days.

-Yeah. They do? Wi-Fi.
-It's this magical thing called Wi-Fi.

[upbeat music]


Whatever green tea you're having
looks divine.

[Kourtney] Should I take my hat off
so I don't have a mark?

-How are you? What's up? What's up?

-I was literally sitting here last night.
-It felt like I'm going to church and...

Oh, well, then you shouldn't
wear the hat now.

[Jonathan] It's so weird
to be here in the day. This is horrifying.

-Nobody eats dinner at 6:30. It's weird.

-[Kim] I know, but...
-[Jonathan] Everyone's dressed up.

-[waitress] How are you?
-[Kourtney] Thank you.

[Jonathan] Are you gonna send
some good stuff so I don't have to think?

Just some of the good things.

You know,
with the little thing with the caviar

and the thing with the beef and the thing...

Oh, can we get some plain French fries?

And then some crispy rice
or, like, rock shrimp.

Just bring a bunch. We're starving.

-[Kim] You're not gonna tempt me on this.

-[Jonathan] I think I am.
-[Kim] No, you're not.

Jonathan knows that I am trying
to eat so healthy.

If he's not on my same page, I'm not gonna
be able to hang out with him anymore.

-Oh, no bread.
-[Kourtney] Oh...

-That pretzel bread and butter is divine.
-Thank you.

If I break this amazing food regimen
that I've been on,

It's gonna be... I'm gonna be [bleep].

Can we get it off of this table?

[background chatter]

[tense music]

[Jonathan] Wow.

Don't want it. Mmm.

-[Kim] Do you see how good I was?

-[Jonathan] Yeah.
-I didn't eat the fries.

I didn't eat the bread.
Good old-fashioned willpower.

[waitress] This is a chocolate
brown ganache...

[Jonathan] So this is like
a Foodgod dessert.

[waitress] And then you're gonna
take your spoon and you smack it.

This is a white chocolate ice cream,
devil's chocolate food cake.

And here we have a liquid Klondike bar.

[Kim] It's got all my favorite things.
I got to get out of here.

[waitress laughing]
Right? Just try...

[Jonathan] You could have this.
It's amazing.

[Kim] I like, legit,
have to stop being friends with you.

-Because I can't have the temptation.

I really can't.

We're officially breaking up
until I've gotten my rock-hard body

and I could at least eat and, like,
integrate normal food into my...

Come back.

Please. I'm starving.

[Jonathan] Kourt, you ready for this?

-[Kourtney] Oh, my God.
-[Jonathan] Oh, it's on that hat.

-Oh, thank you.
-I'm sorry.

By the way, I did this to a girl's dress
the other day. She was covered at the...

-Stop. Why would you do that?
-I didn't do it on purpose.

That's the whole point of this.
It's called Hit Me.

-Oh, my God.
-I'm sorry.

It should come...
It should come with a warning.

[upbeat music]

-[Reign] Dada!
-[Scott] Hi, Reignie. Hi, sweets.

[Reign speaks indistinctly]

-Excuse me?
-Hold you.

-[Scott] You want me to hold you?

-[Scott] How old are you?

-Thank you, Dad.
-No problem.

-[Reign snickers]
-[Scott imitates dog barking]

[Reign laughs]

You're funny-looking, aren't you?
Give me a kiss.

Another one.

-[Khloé] Hello.
-[Scott] The Kokeser.

I mean, how long has it been
since I've seen you?

-[Scott] Probably a long time.
-[Malika] Really?

[Scott] What were you guys doing?
You're all sitting, drinking wine?

[Khloé] Mm-hmm. Chilling.

I definitely haven't been in a room
with the two of you in a very long time.

[tense music]

[Malika] Would you guys have a fourth kid?

-[Malika] You would?


[Malika] Wait. So would you donate?

Or is this, like, a strict,
"You got to lay it down"?

[Scott] Whatever she wants, but...

Probably just do it, like, artificially,
just so it's, like, not weird.

-Did you know that?
-[Kourtney] What?

-That he would?
-[Malika] Yeah.

Yes, I know that he would.

I mean, I know you want
to have more kids, Kourtney, so...

[Kourtney] Yeah.

-There's no need in, um, planning for...
-What I was saying... what I was saying...

[Malika] He just said he would donate it.

-She brings up a very good point.
-He said you didn't have to lay down.

But he has a disrespectful nature
these days.

-[Scott] To who?
-What did you do, Scott?

-[Kourtney] To yourself. To me.
-Ah, to myself.

-To your children.
-[Scott] What have I done to you?

What do you mean?

-Kourtney, this is when you speak up.

-[Malika] Right now.
-[Reign babbling]

I've got all my notes at home
written down from my venting sessions.

I definitely think that Kourtney's
got a lot of built-up anger towards me,

but at the end of the day...

we have three kids together.
That's not gonna change.

My biggest focus now
is just learning how to...

really legitimately move on

and think about doing a lot more
with my kids, without Kourtney.

-I'm gonna go take the kids to eat.
-[Kourtney] Thank you.

[Scott] You know, it's kind of nice

in some sense
that there's no more false hope.

It's just another transition
in a very weird part of being together

and not being together.

Kourtney, did I make you uncomfortable?

-Oh, no.
-Are you sure?

-Okay. I'm sorry, but, like,

I haven't been around the two of you
in [bleep] forever.

-But I'm trying to switch it up...
-[Malika] Okay.

...and I don't need to have,
like, deep convos

when he's, like, feeling down
or, like, you know...

-It's, like, yes, I'm there, but I just...
-It's not your responsibility.

-[Khadijah] I think you can have peace

in knowing these children
were made with love.

This is their father. I'll always be
their mother, and, you know...

-[Kourtney] Yeah.
-[Khloé] And they are from one guy.

Doesn't that make you happy?

[Malika] That's why I'm saying,
if she wants to have another one,

I'm like, just go ahead
and have it with him.

I think in that case,
I'd rather just not have another one.


[upbeat music]

I'm just really impressed
with your self-control.

-I think it's really good.
-Thank you.

It shows me that you are positively
thinking of changing a lifestyle.

[Kim] It's gonna take a lot of work,
but this is gonna work.

We just won't eat. I'll...
Here, I'll eat before I see you.

-Okay. Perfect. That's a good compromise.
-That's good. That's a great compromise.

'Cause when I'm fed, I'm like an animal.
So when you feed me, I'm like good after.

-[Jonathan] Kim?

By the way, this is pretty good for a...

-Somebody that eats 365 meals a day.
-Totally, but...

-Come on. This is, like...
-But you could... If you worked out...

I do work out. I'm starting to.

-You start and then you stop. Like...
-No, no. I have not stopped, by the way.

I go to the gym.
All you do is walk up and down hills.

[Jonathan] You're like a 97-year-old
granny, up and down all...

Every morning I'm in New York, I see,
"Here we go. I'm going walking."

[Kim] Hey, you guys.
I'm gonna go on a long walk.

-[Jonathan] "Here I go." Every morning.

-[Kim] Okay.
-Where's the exercise?

I want to see The Golden Girls.
Up and down the hill.

-Let's go right now. Let's go.
-Let's go.

-Let's go.
-[Kim] I have heels.

-I'm gonna drive you, drop you off...
-That's fine. I don't care. Let's go.

[Kim] You need to get out
at the stop sign.

-What do you mean? This is the hill?
-[Kim] Yeah. Get out.

-[Jonathan] How far?
-[Kim] Not even a mile.

-Get out.
-[Jonathan] I'm not walking a mile.

-I'm not walking a mile.
-[Kim] Get out.

-You're gonna walk at least a little bit.
-[Jonathan] Fine.

-Sprint to this light pole, so sprint one.
-[Jonathan] All right. Let's go.

[Kim] Come on. Good job.

Okay. Then, you can walk now.
From this light pole, just keep walking.

-[Jonathan] This is great for your ass.
-So then what I do is I do lunges.

-So, lunge from one pole to the next.
-I don't know what that means.

Lunge. Like, like a lunge.

-[Jonathan] Like a lunge?
-Like you're bending... Like...

[Kim chuckles]

-Is that a lunge?
-[Kim] One knee forward. Yeah.

But, like, you need way better form.

-[Jonathan] Okay, I'm done.
-Nope. At least halfway.

-[Jonathan] This is not halfway?
-[Kim] No.

[Kim chuckles]

-[Jonathan] No, you...
-And you're calling me The Golden Girls.

[Jonathan] I hate you.

[Kim] On the next episode...

After ten years, it's finally here.

I'm so excited. I'm watching KKW Beauty.
Get ready to be contoured.

Khloé doesn't know that Tristan
planned a surprise party for her.

[Khloé] Is this a bar?

[indistinct chatter]

[Scott] There's only one person
that would have gotten me not invited.

It's funny how fake you really are though.

You think you can purposely try to hurt me
and still get invited to everything.