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14x10 - Baby One More Time

Posted: 05/08/24 20:03
by bunniefuu
Some of Kylie's packages
were just delivered.

Packages or boxes?

-Lots of boxes.
-Do I need my drink?

-You definitely need your drink.

What? Where does she think
we're gonna put this stuff?

Kylie decided to remodel her house,
so guess whose house she moved into?


Does she think I'm [bleep] unpacking
these boxes?

This is supposed to be
such a little temporary thing

that the number of boxes is mind-blowing.

[imitates expl*si*n]

This is just part of her wardrobe.

The rest is at the other house
for her to go through.

Part of her wardrobe?

But none of her, like...

belongings and things.

She's trying to k*ll me.

[Kris] And how long
am I gonna live like this?

Kim said she was moving in
for a couple weeks.

She stayed for three years. Three years!

[theme music]

[Khloé] Did you work out today?

-With Don?

-[Khloé] No. Joe?
-With Joe.

-How was it?
-He gets deep into my abs,

and he also gets deep into my butt now
since I said that.

All you do is talk about
how deep he goes in your abs.

I was thinking, because how many people
ask us about our workouts...

-...and, like, what we do,

people will literally,
if we don't post our workouts,

they're like, "Help, I don't know
what to do today in the gym."

What we do now on our apps,
we just kind of do,

like, a montage of our workouts.

We need to be like, "Okay, guys,
so this step isolates

your gluteus maximus, and this muscle..."
Da, da, da...

But I think, also, showing people
how you just do a workout,

like, at home, like, no excuses,
like, no gym equipment.

Kourtney and I have so much fun
working out together,

and we've been discussing
doing a fitness video forever.

I wanted to talk about me and Khloé
doing a fitness video,

because we work out every day.

I would say it's, like,
one of our passions.

[Khloé] I just think we got
to teach people to stop complain...

Don't make excuses.

-[Kourtney] Yeah.
-Don't cheat yourself, treat yourself.

[Khloé] We all know that Kourt
has the hardest time

following through with things.

I am genuinely hoping for the best,

because I want to be a part of the new
Jane Fonda and Suzanne Somers.

[Khloé] If you go over there,
don't you dare go up my...

-[camera shutter clicks]
-[Kourtney] Oh, wait, this is good.

[Khloé] Oh, my God, it's huge!

[Kourtney] Should I post this?

[Khloé] That's what it looks like
from that side?

Oh, my God.

[Kim] This is just a little part
of my sprints, you guys.

I don't even think you understand.

Khloé, where'd you get those glass jars?

-Don't tell her.

She'll have them in two seconds.

Everything in her house
is literally from my house.

Who cares if I have a glass jar
like yours?

[Khloé] Oh, my God.

You guys, so I went to this, um...
[clicks tongue] training.

I didn't think I needed it
after, like, ten years of doing media,

but, like, it was so helpful
and so beneficial,

and I think you'll just learn things about
yourself that you just could improve.

There's always some talk show
or something that's going on in our lives

or one of our family members' lives

that we don't really want
to be asked sometimes,

and we do all get nervous
at different points.

-I'm gonna have a heart attack.
-No, you are gonna do great.

Why are you so nervous?

-You've done a million talk shows.
-[Kourtney] I know.

[cheers and applause]

Um, can I ask you about Scott?
How is he? What's going on?

Are y'all together? Are you not together?

[crowd laughs]

[cheers and applause]

I just think it'll be a really good idea
to get prepared

and have everyone face our fears
and figure out what that is,

what our strong points are,
our weaknesses are.

I don't think
you could ever be too prepared.

I don't really want to do it,
only because I don't want it to filter me.

I like just being me, and I think
that's what people like from me.

And I like that I don't really...

Like, I just, like, do an interview.
I don't really think.

Yeah, like, does it add more pressure,
because then you're thinking?

Like, I'm thinking, "Am I doing it right?"

"What am I saying?
Did I say the word 'like'?"

To hold my head right?
Do I have to not be Khloé?

I mean, this isn't to, like,
put words in your mouth,

this is just to, like, give you the tools
to, like, know how to be prepared

when someone says something.

I don't want to do it.
I don't want to do media.

I don't want to be on the defensive
about us or about Caitlyn

or about my kids or, you know,
any other thing we do.

I think I am enjoying private life
to be private when we're off-camera

and we're not sh**ting our show.

But, Mom, you saying
you never gonna do media again

is not a way to address the issue.

[Khloé] That's how you're only
gonna make things worse,

because then you're gonna get more nervous
when you actually have to do something.

-[Kourtney] All right, let's go, Poosh.

-[Kourtney] Whoa!

[Khloé] You're on the top of our fort?

The fort is falling! Aah!


[upbeat music]

Hey, darling, you know it's real
when you Snapchat

we're together, you know?

Oh, you know it's real
when we're together.

-[Kourtney] You can't do a cartwheel?
-[Khloé] No.

-Literally can't.
-Can you do a roundoff?

What the [bleep] is that?

A roundoff, just when you do...

[Khloé gasps]


Did I do it?

[Khloé] Hand, hand.



[Khloé] What do you mean?

So Kourt and I really want to get started
on our fitness video,

and I've booked a studio
so we can start some choreography

and figuring out, really, where we're
gonna head with this whole thing.

Okay. But what do you envision,
so for the actual video?

-I think we should be like...
-No, no, no. Hold on. Hold on.

We need our warm-up, which is a stretch.
Do you stretch before you work out?

[Kourtney] Yeah.

-You know how I stretch?

I stretch like this.

[Khloé laughs]

Kourtney. We can't...
That's what we're gonna show?

We could do, like, little...
This kind of feels good.

And you could make, like, sexual noises,
because I think people like that.

[both moaning]

Remember to breathe, guys.

I think Kourt and I both have no idea

what it entails
to do a whole fitness video.

We could say, "Let's... You just do
your own little stretch.

Whatever body parts you feel need
to be stretched, guys,

-you take care of it."

That's hopscotch.

I think our Snapchats
are right up our alley,

because we don't have to do much.

This is a huge production.
This isn't, like...

[Kourtney] Okay, well, this is day one.

[Khloé] And who's paying for this all?

-[Kourtney] Me and you.

So we're gonna pay for lighting,
hair and makeup,

wardrobe, a choreographer,

a video director, an editor, music.
What do we want to do?

Obviously, we work out every day,

and we have our trainers
that tell us what to do,

so maybe this isn't, like, our thing,
is to do a video.

Maybe we should focus
on, like, our fashion of working out.

Like, we both look good.
We have a cool style and like...

I mean, I like doing things together.

I do really love Kourt.
I want to help her find her passion,

but I have already started a fitness line
with Good American.

Like, I normally buy sweats that are sets,
but then the pants are cool enough

where I wear them
with just, like, a sheer bodysuit.

So it's still, like, sexy, edgy,
like, streetwear.

[Khloé] I have to ask Good American
if I could even stop that process

to do this fitness line with Kourtney.

Somehow I have to figure that out,
I guess.

The fact that we are somewhat in sync
with our wardrobe,

we're already off to a great start.

Ah! We can't even coordinate slaps?

-Just three.

[upbeat music]

[piano keys playing]

I don't know how to play anything.

-[Kim] I don't either.
-[off-key music]

North knows how to play more than me.

-[Kendall] Really?
-[Kim] Yeah.

[Kendall] That's cute.

-[Kim] Um...
-[phone chimes]

So, how's life?

Oh, my God,
I'm going to k*ll Kylie right now.

We're throwing one of my really
good friends a birthday party,

and, like, he's literally the best person
in the entire world.

We can't just go to dinner. Like,
we need to do something where we're like,

"Yo, we love you, like,
this is what we want to do for you."

So, we're like, why don't we just,
like, have, like, a carnival for him?

Oh, my God, how fun.

And then Kylie ends up starting to plan
this whole thing.

Literally, like, picked so much stuff
and had so much going on.

[Kendall] Like, we don't want... Like, it's
not supposed to be this, like, full thing.


So now Kylie just sent
a whole text saying,

"No, no, no, like, what the [bleep]?
Why are you taking stuff off?

It's gonna be lame. It's gonna be lame."
I said, "Kylie, you don't understand.

We just wanna go to your house
and hang out."

[tense music]

That's so frustrating.

It's crazy, because Kylie and I
will, like, start with an initial idea,

we'll both get involved in it,

and then I think that, like,
somewhere along the line,

she gets, like, bigger and bigger
and bigger and bigger.

[Kendall] And that's so not me.

So at the end of it,
we, like, come back to it,

and there's two completely different ideas
or, like, perceptions.

So we end up butting heads sometimes,

but I'm more mad at myself for just
getting myself into this situation.

[upbeat music]

[Khloé] P, I love that you like salads
so much.

-I like those.

Oh, yeah, why can't you eat those again?

Because they're not gluten-free.

-And they're yummy.

-[Khloé] I know. That stinks.
-She snuck a couple.

You snuck a couple?


-[Khloé] How many?

What? It's okay, I won't tell anyone.


Don't tell Mason.

I think I could definitely start
with at least the design meetings.

I just want you to, like,
take it seriously. I know you do,

but sometimes, because of your kids
and you're so busy...


...that you don't really complete
or, like, follow through.

No, but I'm happy to also take over
with Nima and have the design convos,

since, like, if you're not in town
or whatever.

I want to be involved because you and I
have a little different aesthetic.

I have put
my fitness clothing line on hold

because I like working with my sisters.

And I think it would be fun and great
for us to do that venture together.

[Khloé] My partners are obviously
really disappointed.

We've put a lot of time and money
into the fitness line already.

But I love working with Kourt.

I love that she's passionate
and excited about something.

So I'm fine tabling my Good American
athleisure line for a minute.

I need to see how passionate Kourtney is,

but I will say,
the stakes are really high.

You don't get second chances really,
in fashion. Not right out of the gate.

You really are gonna have to earn
those stripes.

If you do want to take the lead and start
some of those conversations, that's great.

And I also think,
not that you owe me anything,

but I also think it would prove to me
that you're taking this seriously.


And it'll make me feel like getting in bed
with you even more.

Maybe this time, naked.

[upbeat music]

When I did media training,
it was so helpful for me

just to be aware of the things I'm saying.

So I just don't think the answer
is to retreat.

You have to be prepared that someday

you might get asked a question
that you don't want to answer,

and you should just,
instead of getting flustered,

you should just be really prepared for it.

[Kim] You just have to start
being like a boss.

-You know? Like you really have to,

like, change your whole vibe. It's time.

-[Khloé] Oh, wow.
-Hi, boo.

-[Khloé] Mom, you look gorge.
-[Kris] Thank you.

So do you. I love your earrings.
You look so pretty in your sunnies.

-Hey, Kris. I'm Jen Fukui.
-[Kris] Hi.

-With Clarity Media Group.
-[Kris] How are you?

-Pleasure to meet you. I'm a big fan.
-Nice to meet you too. Thank you.

And I've been watching
a lot of video of you.

Oh, poor thing.

[Khloé] Oh, hi. You look cute.

[Kourtney] Hi, Ken.

This is Kendall.

-Hi, Kendall! Jen.
-Hi. How are you?

-Kendall. Nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you.

-[Bill] Bill. Nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you.

Do you guys watch the interviews
that you've done

-[Khloé] I don't.

-You don't?
-[Kim] No.

I watch my kids 'cause it's my job,
but I can't...

Well, I don't care to watch myself
because I don't want to know. I just...

What I don't know can't hurt me.

-We're gonna change that today.
-[Bill] Yeah.

Because that really needs to become
a part of how you're going to get better.

[Bill] Right. There is maybe
a legion of people out there

who still have the narrative of, like...

Okay, so what are you guys famous for
besides being famous?

And every time you go out
to do an interview,

you have the opportunity
for somebody to read that or see that

and say, "Wow, did you see that interview
with one of the Kardashian girls?

That was really impressive.
She was really thoughtful.

They seemed like really savvy, smart,
like, businesswomen."

-[Kris] Yeah.
-Okay, so,

this is one thing
that I think is really, really critical,

and that is, we're all gonna be
in situations where we're feeling anxious.

When that happens,
we get this shot of adrenaline,

and when you start speaking faster,

you have less control
over what you're saying.

So you have to fight your body
and talk a little bit more slowly,

a little bit more deliberately,
you know, downshift,

and don't speed through everything.

[Kris] What I need help with,

in that case,

there are a few things in my life
I don't want to talk about. I'm done.

I think we're trying to get people
to not be, "I won't talk about that."

[Jen] You want to take
the emotion out of it. Right?

Because that's exactly what the reporter
is looking for, is to get under your skin.

Before we do an interview,

let's think of all the things
that we don't want to talk about.

And let's really be thoughtful
about how we can talk about it.

Maybe, Kris, if you knew exactly
what you wanted to say about Caitlyn,

and really thought about it in advance,

you probably would be
in a much better position to respond.

I just think, with the overall strategy,
my mom has done so much,

but I don't think she gets, like,
the accolades that she really deserves.

So I really want to, like, push her
to start positioning herself

as the strong businesswoman
and mogul that she is.

You know, my mom,
she had her own talk show,

she was so confident doing interviews,

and I just think
her recent life experiences

has just made her more insecure
and not really confident.

And she just doesn't
really know what to say.

I think she just has her guard up.

And she just, like, needs to have
this, like, comeback and figure it out

and get back to being confident again.

Is everybody clear
on what we're gonna do next?

-No. What?
-No. What are we doing next?

[Bill] We're gonna do a group interview.

-[Jen] A mock interview.
-[Khloé] No.

-[Kim] Okay.
-[Khloé] Oh, God.

And, uh, we're gonna videotape it
and then we're gonna play it back.

-And we're gonna offer our feedback...
-[Khloé] Perfect.

...on what works and what we could tweak.

[Khloé] Okay.

[Kris] Okay.

I think I've gotten to a place in my life

where I just really don't like questions
from press and media.

[Kris] It's a lot of work
to be front and center.

It's easier to stay in the background.

It is. It is a lot of pressure,
but I think it's, like, fascinating

that we all have been doing
media interviews for a decade,

and we've never had media training.

And that's usually
one of the first things that you do

when you start off in this business,
so I can't wait for them to do it.

[Kim] Okay, phones down, ladies.

-Let's pretend that this is...
-You're Megyn Kelly.

-[Jen] We're on a Megyn Kelly...
-And Piers Morgan.

So The Hollywood Reporter has called it

"The Kardashian Decade: How a Sex Tape
Led to a Billion-Dollar Brand."

-What do you guys attribute...
-[whoops] this longevity?

Why are people so fascinated
by you guys ten years later?

I think that the authenticity
of our family really rings through,

and I think that with any one of us
I think you're able to connect.

You could relate to Kim or someone
could be obsessed with Kendall.

And I think, um,
following our lives so closely,

they really feel
they're along for that ride

because we have been so open and honest.

Like they're invested.

Do you need the show to do that?

After the life of the show,
whenever that is,

does this still hold together?

I think that the show
is a wonderful foundation

for everything else that we do,

and I think that because so many people
got emotionally invested,

season one, episode one,

and have seen the family through
everything that we've been through,

so it's everything.

We show whatever is going on in our lives.

So it's divorce, you know, marriages,
uh, you know, births,

every single thing that happens
in our lives, they get to experience.

And I don't think
we've ever let them down on that.

Well, I think... I don't know if we're
answering the question, what she's asking.

-I think that what she's asking is...
-Can it go on without us?

Yes, and I think absolutely
because I think that...

-Social media.

I think that social media
is such a big thing today,

-and you were done.
-Took me a minute to get that.

-This is a real interview, so...
-Yeah, you guys, this is a real interview.

But can you have the unity of the family
on social media like you do on television?

You know what, I feel like our show

definitely gives different layers
to our lives.

It's like an onion, and you're pulling
all those layers back.

I think you do see our dynamic on Snapchat
when there's video involved. You do see...

You can't fully express your personality
the same way, I think,

that we do on our show.


So we're screwed when the show's over.



Kris, looking back, were there signs
that Bruce, at the time,

wanted to become a woman?
Did you turn a blind eye?

[tense music]


No, I don't think I turned a blind eye.

I think I just didn't have the whole truth
of what was going on in his life.

But you didn't see it
because of the proximity?

[Bill] I mean, you were incredibly close.

[tense music]

Kris, looking back, were there signs
that Bruce, at the time,

wanted to become a woman?
Did you turn a blind eye?

No, I don't think I turned a blind eye.

I think I just didn't have the whole truth
of what was going on in his life.

But you didn't see it
because of the proximity?

-[Bill] I mean, you were incredibly close.
-[Kris] No.

[Kendall] We kept a lot of it from you.
Like, we were...

-Like, we were a little team.
-[Bill] Did you know that?

Did you know a lot of it

-was being kept from you?
-No, not until I actually read the book.

[Kris] There's things that happened
that I... that they didn't tell me

-because they were told not to.
-Are you resentful about that now?

I'm not resentful about it.
It just makes me really sad

because I'm a protective mom.
I would do anything for my kids.

And had I known what some of the things
they were experiencing,

especially Kendall and Kylie.

I mean, it just broke my heart, you know,
hearing some of that stuff.

Talking about decisions
you could have back.

Kendall, you have the opportunity
to not do that ad.

You're telling me... You're giving me,
like, a hypothetical...

-Yes. Do you do it still or not?
-[Kendall] Um...

Because there... there was a huge outcry

that you were just tone-deaf
about the whole thing.

I think it was definitely
a huge learning lesson.

It never went through your mind
when you read the script?

There were a lot of things
that were blinding me.

There were a lot of people I had faith in,
there were a lot of things I had trust in.

You blame your managers?

-[Jen] Or in this case, Mom?
-Um, actually, no, not this time.

-On that note.
-Okay, yeah, let's end it there. Good.

-Thank you.
-[Kim] Thank you.

[Jen] So now we're gonna look at it
and do some messaging work around it.

Okay, let's... let's watch.

[Jen] The Hollywood Reporter has called it

"The Kardashian Decade: How a Sex Tape
Led to a Billion-Dollar Brand."

Kris, interestingly, your eyes dropped

-when Jen got to the mention of the tape.
-[Kris] I know.

I think try to keep that eye contact
and not look like, "Ugh."

You know? Almost like that

-poked in the ribs a little bit.
-[Kim] Don't be ashamed.

-[Bill] Yeah.
-[Bill and Jen laugh]

[Kim] I'm just kidding.

[Jen] Were there signs that Bruce,
at the time, wanted to become a woman?

Did you turn a blind eye?


So that tone of voice
definitely sounded a little defensive.

-[Kris] I know.
-[imitates Kris] "No."

This is where I wish
I could say it concisely.

It's like, there's two truths.

More than half of the marriage,

it was, like, a picture-perfect
two people in love, having kids,

doing this, doing that, travel,
so excited.

Like, I wouldn't have seen that truth
in a gazillion years.

People's truths at the end, the truth
is so different than in the beginning.

-You just said your own answer.
-I know, I feel like that was the answer.

-Yeah, that was perfect.
-But this is how authentic you need to be.

-Like, this passionate instead of, "No."
-But how do I say that in two minutes?

You did. You just did.

[Kris] Because that sounds like
such a long story.

I think you're trying to play it
too guarded, too safe on this.

-Because what happened here,

-you're saying it off-line...
-[Kris] 'Cause I feel, like,

-it's too different.
-...and you totally went for it.

-And it was truth. And it worked.

Yeah. Because that's my truth.

Well, I think, I don't know if we're...

-[Kim] They're having such a hard time.
-We say "I think" four million times.

-[Bill] Yes.
-[Kendall] I say "like" a million times.

No, we all... I hope you know we all...

Most of us start our sentences
or after the first two words

say, "I think," or we say, "I think,"
like, we say "I think" a lot.

If you actually put thought

behind what are the first five words
out of my mouth

when I go to open them, they will not be...

[Bill] It'll be real content
instead of just sound.

As you do more
and more business interviews,

and you project yourselves
as the successful businesswomen you are,

that's really important.
Be cleaner out of the gate.

[Jen] Yeah.

Kendall, look at your body language here
when this comes up.

[Bill] You have the opportunity
to not do that ad.

You're telling me... You're giving me,
like, a hypothetical...

[Bill] Yes. Do you do it still or not?

I think maybe tackle this
a little bit more directly.

Here's what I would do differently.

Well, it's such a difficult question
because it is hypothetical,

and that's not what happened.

So the fans really, I think,
turned a little bit,

or that's when Kendall
had her first controversy

is because the Kardashian side
has always been so open.

So if that would've happened to us,
we would've spoken right away.

You guys have never dealt
with something of this magnitude.

You could talk about
having a false sense of security

dealing with such a huge brand.

There's a certain assumption
that this creative is gonna be great.

And it blew up in their face.


I have learned so much over the last,
like, four years of my career.

I've learned that the only person

that's ever gonna truly, truly,
truly look out for me is me.

And, like, it is really hard work.

So you can see where the...
Maybe one of the overriding takeaways here

is give your answers in the affirmative,
not the absence of the negative.

[Khloé] Mm-hmm.

It projects a much more confident demeanor
behind your answers.

-[Khloé] Okay.
-[phone chimes]

[Kendall] Kylie is so crazy.

Bro, this is making me, like, upset.
I'm just like, "Are you serious?"

I thought Kylie and I came to an agreement
about this whole party planning situation,

and she's saying that
we have to bring everything back,

and she doesn't think it's gonna be
good enough without everything.

So it's really starting to piss me off.

[phone chimes]

[Kendall] It's just, like,
one thing after another.

This just k*lled my vibe.
I need to go home.

But don't you think
you would really benefit from this?

I'm literally going home.

[tense music]

-[Kendall] I have to get out of here.
-[Bill] So nice working with you.

-[Kendall] Okay.
-[Jen] Good luck.

Fortunately, for us, just about everybody
who is a host or an interviewer

asks a question the same way.

Before they actually ask you the question,

they like to show off that they know
a thing or two about you and the topic.

-[Jen] Context.
-[Bill] Context, right.

What you want to do is listen
to that contextual setup for keywords

as to where this is going.

Start thinking about what it is
you want to say in the question.

Got it.

[Bill] I think we're ready
for one-on-ones.

[Jen] I think we're ready
for the one-on-ones.

We often say to people

that we want the interviews
we do with them in practice

to be among the harder ones
that they would face

so that they're not shocked
by any questions out there.

Go ahead.

You are closest to Rob.

Lately, he seems to be having
some erratic behavior.

[Jen] What's going on with him?

Um, you know, Rob definitely
wears his heart on his sleeve,

and when he loves,
he loves really, really hard.

And with that being said,

when he gets hurt,
he hurts really, really badly.

Kourtney, I'm curious about your decision
to have your kids have such a public life.

-[Kourtney] Mm-hmm.
-To be in the show.

Scott is front and center.
His infidelity, his drinking problems.

[Kourtney chuckles]

The kids will be able
to, like, find these shows online.

[Jen] How will you explain it to them?

I'll just say none of it's true.

Today, you've found love again
with a man who's 26 years younger.

Is he 26 years younger?

-[Jen] That's what the reports say.
-Wow. Okay.

So, what's going on with you and Corey?

Will you marry him?
Are you going to get remarried?

I don't think I would ever feel the need
to ever get married again.

You stuck by Lamar,
but when it came to Caitlyn,

you didn't seem to have
that same understanding. Why is that?

You know what? I actually was really
understanding and supportive of Caitlyn.

Um, I think that the public
has a different perception.

Kourtney, I imagine you're deluged
with proposals, business partnerships.

What are some of the things
that you're looking for

in order to decide
whether you want to be involved?

I think, at this point in my life,

you know, it's already a lot to balance
being a mom and working,

so I really am only taking on projects
that I'm really passionate about.

What were some of the most hurtful things
in Caitlyn's book?

Some of the most... Well, I think
just the general tone of the book.

-Was it mean-spirited?
-[Kris] Very mean-spirited.

A lot of inaccuracies. I think somebody
with a little elegance and class,

and somebody that's been divorced,

but trying to stay on good terms
with the family

might have written,
"Wow. Married to her, didn't work out.

You know, she's a great girl.
Wish it could've been different."

Okay. Let's stop there.

Thank you.

-[Kourtney] Okay.

Well, that wasn't fun, but I realized
that the only person that I can control

and how I react
and respond to anything is myself.

And I truly do see some value
in this whole process.

[Jen] It appears, by watching the show,
that you're closest to Rob,

and lately, he seems to be having some...

So nodding through this, you know,
kind of validating he's erratic.

I mean, it was crazy.


There's also a value of equating yourself
with other families.

You know,
you are this subject of interest,

but to make what happens
in the Kardashians universal,

reminds the audience that this
kind of stuff goes on in your family too.

-And like any family,

-this is what we did.

[Jen] Scott is front and center.
His infidelity, his drinking problems.


[Bill] Um, were you gonna comment
on the laugh?

Yeah. We're talking about
something really serious, about your kids

and the potential for them to see
some pretty disturbing video of them.

And you're laughing.

-It was probably a nervous laugh.

No, of course, but I feel like
it, like, lightens the mood a little.

But the perception is that
you're not taking this seriously.

-[Bill] That's right.
-And that you don't really have a plan

-for your kids when that time does come.
-Yeah. Yeah.


[Jen] Did you ever read Caitlyn's book?

-I did.
-[Jen] You did?

I think somebody that's been divorced,

but trying to stay on good terms
with the family

might have written,
"Wow. Married to her, didn't work out.

She's a great girl.
Wish it could've been different."

I mean, you could, if you wanted
to push it a little further, say,

"But of course, we all know that
that doesn't sell books."

-That's a good one.

We live our entire lives
in front of the whole world,

and questions like this
are gonna keep coming

for as long as I can foresee,

so it really does help to have some skills
under my belt

to be able to help just convey
what I'm trying to say.

-[Khloé] Bye, Keeks.

[Kourtney] Bye.

-Bye, kiddo.
-Thanks for hooking us up with this.

-[Kris] Good advice.
-[Bill] Good, excellent.

[Khloé] It was great.
You got so much better.

-[Bill] Really good, Kris, yeah.
-[Jen] Yeah.

Just in between the first
and the second interview.

-[Bill] Really good.

-Thank you for coming all the way...
-[Bill] Thank you.

...and helping us get better
at what we can't do very well.

-[Bill] Of course.
-I learned a lot.

[Bill, Jen] Good.

[Khloé] Mom, you learned a lot too.

-I could tell.
-I want to do it again.


[upbeat music]

[Kim] Look at them. Snapchatting.

We're trying to work out,

-I'm trying to turn on music!

[Kim] No, you're Snapchatting.
We need to [bleep] work out.

This is dedication. Back to the grind.

[Kourtney] Oh, I know
what I wanted to do, Khlo,

was go to Russell Simmons' place.

[Khloé] When? Tomorrow?

-[Kourtney] No, no, no.
-[Kim] Why?

He has a workout line at his yoga place.
He's like, "I have the best manufacturer.

They only do workout clothes."
And the partner owns Westfield malls.

[Kourtney] That's why I'm almost,
like, do I just...

I feel like Mom needs to find us
the best workout distributor.

You need the best of the best.

I already told you that.
I said the place that I love, that I...

-[Kourtney] Lycra.
-I gave you their workout pants and...

Yeah. I didn't like their prints.

No, I never said the prints.
I gave it to you for quality.

I told you they are the best quality,
but they're in Australia.

And they love me and they said
they would help me with whatever I need.

But you were like,
"No, let's do it this way."

Kourtney and I are a nothing-brand
right now.

And we're just not seeing eye to eye.

[Jonathan] Are you doing the '80s thing
with the socks and the whole...

-[Khloé] No, it's already expired.

It's now the year 2030 all of a sudden.

I have got it styled.
So we're gonna go Daft Punk.

Oh, my God. What is she talking about now?

[Khloé] Doing the fitness video took
at least a year to get off the ground.

So if this fitness line
is gonna go anywhere

in the same direction
like the fitness video,

I want nothing to do with it.

Sometimes, I love having a partner,
but when you're just not in sync,

it's a little frustrating.

[upbeat music]


-[Kourtney] Hello.
-[Khloé] Hi.

-Hello, Reigny. Hello.
-You know Khloé's my mom, right?

-Reigny, who is your mom?

-Are you a kitty?
-Meow, meow.

Meow, meow. Say, "I'm your kitty, Mom."
Meow, meow.

-[Khloé] Meow!

Okay, Mama Jo.
I've got some serious business.

We were in the talks
of doing the fitness line,

and I put everything on hold.

It doesn't really seem like this train
is moving at the speed I want it to move.

And I was hoping you and I
could do something together.


For now, I think that it's smart for me
to move forward with Good American

and doing this kind of stuff.


Go for it, girl.

I think that Khloé really
was looking to me

to do a lot of the legwork
for the fitness line.

I need more of a balance
between work and being a mom.

And I think we just have
really different priorities.

Did someone give you a pill today,
and you didn't ask what it was?

Because especially, this is a whole
new you that I'm talking to.

Literally, I can't even
talk about it anymore.

I'm not saying that I'm not...

Happy to see it go?

No, no, no.
I'm not the fastest-moving person...

[Khloé] You know what?
God bless you for saying that.

And guess what,
I know that I procrastinate.

-I know that I don't have follow-through.

That's why I need a partner
that has those things.

But you can't solely

-rely on other people.
-[Kourtney] And pushes me.

[Khloé] You're like Nate Dogg,
you're only good for hooks.

-[Khloé] You can't sell your own album.

[Kourtney] Nope. I don't want to.


Like, even in this conversation,
you're removed.

-[Khloé] You're pretty cute.
-[Kourtney] It's the face of an angel.

The cutest kid ever born.

You have two other ones.

Doesn't matter.


I guess people
really do have favorites, huh, Reign?

[Reign] He's my friend.

Who's your friend?

-[Khloé laughs]

You have a friend here?

[Reign] Oh, yeah, a monster.

-A monster?
-[Reign] Aah! He's a monster!


This is legit how I feel today. Okay.

Let me see.

[Khloé laughs]

[doorbell dings]

-[Kris] Hello.
-Hi, I'm Deborah.

-Hi. Kris. Nice to see you.
-Hi. I'm Kareem's manager.

-Nice to see you.
-[Deborah] He's in here.

Okay. Awesome. Hi.

-[Kareem] Hi, how are you?
-Nice to see you.

-[Kareem] My pleasure.
-I haven't seen you a long time ago.

You meet five million people a day,
but it's good to see you.

I think I go up to your waist,
and I'm tall.

I've been shying away
from interviews lately,

but after doing the media training,
I do feel a bit more confident.

The Hollywood Reporter has asked me
to do an interview with them

and have Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
be the guy who does the interview.

He is one of basketball's
biggest superstars, and I love Kareem.

And I've always loved
The Hollywood Reporter, so...

it's a match.

You've become, uh, symbolic
of a highly effective business manager.

Do you see that your...
your business management style...

do you see that as your principal legacy?

I think so. I mean, my legacy
is definitely my family and my kids.

It's like the perfect storm

because I was able to work
with my kids every single day.

And at the same time, I'm their mom,

so I had their best interests in mind
at all times

and was able to navigate
this very complicated world

of entertainment meets modeling
meets the endorsement world

meets corporate America.

And I think that it's been really
successful because we trust each other.

[tense music]

Are you comfortable with the sexual nature
of the photos

and Instagrams
that your daughters have put out there?

Because your grandchildren
are gonna have to deal

with, uh, some embarrassment and teasing.

I am very comfortable at this point
if they're comfortable.

I think if something is leaked
or it's out there

and they haven't had anything to do
with that, you know,

-then you can't control everything.

[Kris] But I think it just depends
on what it is.

I'm always proud of everything
that they do.

I think it's amazing, and I think
that they give other women confidence

and the ability to feel really great
about who they are.

So there's a lot of power and...
and self-esteem that comes with...

and strength that comes
with being comfortable in your own skin.

As long as they are...
are comfortable with it,

and it's done in a way
that they see as tasteful and...

-...and, uh, uh...

exemplary of who they are.

[Kris] Exactly.

You've been very open
about your own plastic surgery.

You say, "A girl's gotta do
what a girl's gotta do."

But does that send a message
to young women that, you know,

their looks are the most important parts
of who they are?

I don't think so. I think that everybody
has their own beauty at different ages.

So I think that if something
that you want to do

makes you feel better about yourself,
then why not?

I think everybody has to make
their own choice.

I think the experience
of going to the media training

was very helpful for me

because it's taught me that I set the tone
and the mood.

And if I choose to do an interview
with somebody,

I now know,
just expect the tough questions,

have some sense of preparedness,

so that I feel confident
in answering the question.

Great. Well, hey, thanks for answering
all my questions.

Of course.

[Kareem] You've been wonderful,
and I really appreciate it.

-[Kris] Can I ask you a question?
-By all means.

[Kris] Okay. How tall are you?

Uh, I was 7'2".
I'm starting to shrink a little bit.


It doesn't look like
you're shrinking to me.

Old age has kind of squished me
down a little bit.

[Kris] How old are you?

[Kareem] Seventy.


-Wow. Wow.
-[Kareem] I'm 70.

I was born in 1947.

-[Kareem] Yeah.

I don't see you as being 70,
in a million years.

Well, you know, I've spent some time,
you know, in my house

looking in the sofa and the bed
and a number of chairs,

trying to find out where my ass went.

-[Kareem] Uh...

-That's amazing.

-That's life, you know?
-[Kris] Yeah. Well...

Khloé, thanks for inviting me
to Taco Tuesdays, you [bleep] bitch.

[upbeat music]

Could I please take a picture like this?

[Khloé] It's my favorite part.

Something that was so discouraging for me
when I was working with my sisters more

is that I always felt like my voice
didn't really matter,

because Kourtney and Kim
are so like-minded

that I always got overruled.

And I don't want to go backwards.

[Khloé] I really love where I am
as a businesswoman right now.

[upbeat music]

I love that my opinions matter

and that I'm able to make such strong
executive decisions right now.

That looks great. Very good.

Now that Kourtney and I are not gonna be
doing our athleisure line together,

Good American is back as a go.

Oh, don't be shy.

I'm so honored and proud of all of us,
so thank you guys so much.

-I echo what she says!

[Emma] Everything Good American!

Cheers, guys! Cheers! Drink!

[upbeat music]

-[Kendall] Are you sick?
-[Kim] Yeah.

[Kourtney] She always hangs out sick.

You should just give a warning,

-"Stay five feet away."
-[Kim] I think I got it under control.

Yesterday was really bad,
and then I just came home.

Here's my trick, you sleep it off.

You try to go to bed really early,
like, 8:00 PM,

and then you sleep through the night.

And then you wake up,
and you're 50 percent better.

-I don't believe that.
-[Kim] Sleep totally cures it.

I'm a good sleeper
and I sleep all the time.

And when I'm sick, it doesn't help.

Did you talk to Kylie?

Uh, yeah, I did.

[tense music]

It's crazy because Kylie and I,

there's always something
between her and I.

[Kendall] We fought yesterday,
and then when I left media training,

I went to go speak to her,
and she came over last night.

She, like, fell asleep
and she stayed at my house.

That's just, like, sister [bleep].
Like, we fight,

and then she literally came over
that night

and helped me make a whole dinner
for me and 20 of my friends.

And it's, like, fine now.

-[indistinct chatter]

So we... we end up butting heads sometimes,

but at the end of the day,
she's my sister.

[Kim] Kourtney, Khloé and I get like this
all the time.

[phone chiming]

[tense music]

Who are you texting over here?

Uh, my friend...

-who's about to go to bed.
-[Kim] Mm.


[phone chimes]

[Khloé] Still to come
on "Keeping Up with the Kardashians..."

Let's raise a glass
to Kris [bleep] Jenner.


-[Kourtney] Oh, my God!

[Khloé] Shut the [bleep] up!

This wild, wild west is not for me.

[Larsa] Call 911.

[Khloé] Do you know what's going on
with Rob, with custody?

-Why don't you call and ask him?
-[Rob] Nothing's going on.

There's no way Rob and Chyna
could get back together after this, right?

-[phone rings]

Hi, Kylie.

What? Should we have her arrested?

[Khloé] Lately,
things have been weird between us.

I don't even know what this is.

You're the pit bull in the family.

-Nobody likes to ruffle your feathers.

-[Kim] How are you feeling? Are you okay?
-I just, like, get anxiety sometimes.

Do you want me to come take you
to the hospital?

-[woman] Kim Kardashian West.
-[Kim] Did you guys see what was on TMZ?

-Sue the [bleep] out of them.
-What's going on?

I'm so sick of people,
like, not saying anything.

Swear to God,
I'm gonna lock myself in a funny farm.


Did you not know?

-[Malika] Are you kidding me?

Oh, my God!