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14x14 - Bun In The Oven

Posted: 05/08/24 20:05
by bunniefuu
We're having the best time.

I threw up last night,
four times in my bed.

You know, the last thing I want to do
is really hear exactly what Kourt's doing.

Of course, in the back of my heart
and mind, I get a little jealous.

I actually woke up to a text.

I think there's a link of Scott.

[Kourtney] He's just annoying.

[Khloé] He's not even trying.

But what if something happens to him?

[upbeat music]

[Khloé] I'm so tired of people.

She's 30 minutes late.

Get your [bleep] lives together.

So what's Kourtney's excuse?

Why don't you chime in
and say something to her?

-Why is it always me bullying her?
-[Kim] 'Cause I just didn't know.

I was upstairs working.

Well, well, well.

-It's so rude and unprofessional.
-[Kourtney] I'm not late.

-How are you not late?
-I mean, I... I said...

That's not what I meant.

What did you say?


I don't know.

[Kourtney] I was getting a tea with Sarah.

[Khloé] That's why you're late?

-That's so [bleep] rude.
-The longest line.

Doesn't matter.

Well, I was actually very on time.

And I had time to k*ll,

and then the traffic
from getting to Beverly Hills...

So you don't have Waze
to see if you're running on...

-Never mind. Why do I even talk to you?
-[Kourtney] No, I didn't Waze before...

I don't even know why
I try to argue with you.

I think you're inconsiderate
of other people's time,

and that's one
of the biggest signs of disrespect

you could show anybody,
so thank you for your respect.

[quirky music]

She keeps throwing [bleep] on your floor.

That was a green sprinkle
that came from Kim's ice cream.

-Okay, go on. vag*na hit.
-Oh, my vag*na.

[Kourtney chuckles]

Should I be like Kim?

And hit you?

Don't be [bleep] rude!

-Are you kidding me?
-Oh, my God!

-You got shoes on, you assh*le!
-I'll [bleep] hurt you. Don't...

It's my new bag Kim got me
for my birthday!

-[Kourtney] Oh, she did?
-[Khloé] Are you...

Do you guys think this is normal?

[Kourtney] Khloé, you're like
a rock-solid, hard...

[Kourtney laughs]

-[Kourtney] Bye.
-[Kim] Weirdos.

[theme music]

-[Kris] Hi.
-[Faye] Hi, sweetheart.

-[Kris] How are you?
-[Faye] I'm good.

-You were early, and I appreciate that.
-[Faye] I was early...

-And you were late for the first time...
-And I'm very proud of you.

-...I think, in our entire relationship.
-[Kris] I am so...

I think it's the first time in 40 years.

I'm so proud of you.

I walked out of a meeting,
and I said, "I have to go."

[Faye] Perfect. Thank you, Giuseppe.
Thank you.

[Kris] OJ's going up for parole again.

I know. Scares the death out of me.

[Faye] I've been having nightmares
about that.

[Kris] This is so good.

Do you want to taste this?

How do you go from that conversation
to "this is so good"?

-Because I'm in denial.
-[Faye] Obviously.

So do you have any time
to have dinner this week?

[fan 1] Sorry...

-Yes, I do.
-[fan 1] Sorry to bother you.


-Would you mind taking a picture with us?
-Hi! Sure.

-I'll take it. Of course.
-[fan 1] Thank you.

[Kris] What is this? Like an opal?

[fan 2] It's actually her grandmother.

-Her grandmother is in the ring.


-Yeah. Yeah.
-Her grandmother is in the ring.

A picture of her grandmother?

No, it's actually her cremated ashes.


[quirky music]

-[fan 1] Isn't that amazing?
-[Kris] It's in this?

[fan 1] It's my grandma!

-Oh, my God.
-But they actually...

But it's like a peach color.

-Can I see it?
-[Faye] I love it.

-Are you allowed to touch your grandma?

-[Faye] You guys get closer together.
-They, um... Oh!

-[camera shutter clicks]
-[Faye] Oh, yeah.

So sexy.

-[fan 1] Thank you.
-Your grandmother is beautiful.


This is starting
to creep me out a little bit.

Here's your ring.

-[fan 2] Seriously.
-[Faye] Really?

-[fan 1] No, really.
-[Kris] I thought she was kidding.

That's her grandmother! Okay.

Oh, no. Sorry. Awkward.

-Oh, my God. Fantastic.
-[Kris] Oh.

-[Faye] So cool. Nice meeting you.
-[fan 1] Bye.

-Thank you.
-Thank you so much.

-Thank you, guys.
-Thank you so much.

I love that.

That's her grandmother.

I think that the one thing that most
families aren't prepared for is death.

Although I've investigated
a lot of options before,

it's always been pushed to the side.

I would like to do the mausoleum.

This could be Khloé's section,
and she could go all the way up...

-[Khloé] Mom, be careful.
-Just go slow. Just go slow.

-[Rob] Slow.
-[Kim] Don't slip and die.

You might actually need this thing.

I've heard of people that go to lunch

with, like, an urn
with their grandfather's ashes,

just to be close to them,
so I'm not judging.

I would much rather not be...

-stuck in a hole in the ground.
-[Faye] Right?

Oh, my God. I can't believe
we're having this conversation.

I really can't take it.


[upbeat music]

[Kris] Hi!

By all means, make yourself at home.

-Welcome to Williams Sonoma.


[Kris] How cute is this store?

It's absolutely delightful.

-[Kris] Isn't it great?

[Kris] Oh, look at this big blue one.

-How much is this?
-[Scott] We'll take it.

Hopefully, it's on the top,

-and not the bottom.
-It's not, but I can do this.

No, no, no. Well... Eh...

[sales clerk 1] Okay.

[Kris] Scott, help a girl out.

What's it say? Hurry.

Here. It's a barcode.

-[Kris] Let me help you out.


"Associate number."

[Kris] Can I have my own number?

[sales clerk 1] Sure. Why not?

You're taking my job, here.

-This is bull[bleep].
-[barcode beeps]

[quirky music]

If we never find the price,
do we just get it for free?

-Three fifty.
-[Scott] Three fifty?

-[Kris] Three fifty?
-And it's yours.

[Kris] I love all the blue.

[Scott] Ah, how nice!

[Kris] This is cute with the gray linen.

-Can you buy me this cup?

There were plastic cups near the water,
but I assumed...

-[Scott] I just took a regular glass.
-You just took a glass off the shelf?

-Yeah, so I'm...
-And you're drinking water?

-I bought this glass.
-I cannot take you anywhere.

It's unbearable.

[Kris] Okay.

-We'll take that.
-[sales clerk 2] Sure thing.

Wow. What a nice little purchase.

[Scott] This is nice.

It is nice.

Oh, be careful there.

Hanging out with Scott
is usually really fun.

And I'm always in a good mood
when I'm with Scott.

But today, he seems a little
on the feisty side.

[Kris] This is a cute little glass.

[Scott] So let's do eight of those.

-So eight of these?
-[Scott] Yeah.

There you go. This is exciting.

-Shut the [bleep] up.

[Kris] I don't know what
his deal is right now.

Take a little nap out here.

[Kris] I'm not gonna call him out
in front of the whole store,

but the behavior's a little weird.

-Some of these robes look nice.
-Yeah, they do.

I got to start wearing robes more.

-You know, the robe...
-It's very Hugh Hefner.

Oh, my God.

[Scott] If I'm gonna be here all day,
I'm gonna start relaxing.


[upbeat music]

How funny did Kylie used to be?
Did you see that video?

-[Khloé] Which one? No, I never got...
-That I sent a group text...

It was so funny.

-Like, I sent it, like...
-If you're talking, get out of here.

[Kourtney] I actually said that.
All right. I'm getting off the phone.

You look cute.

[Khloé] You look very cute.

-You look really cute.
-Thank you. Okay. Bye.

[Kourtney] Did you tell Khloé
about our Miami trip?

-Well, I just wrote on the group text.
-We're gonna go to the opening of LIV...

Well, I just said, "Do you guys wanna go?"

So should we do a Miami trip
for the opening...

-...just for, like, legit, two nights?

[Kourtney] And bring the kids
and go to the beach and stuff?

-Oh, no. The kids?
-[Kim] No.

Do you guys want to know
some exciting news?


I figured out my passion in life.

[Kim] Let me guess. Being a model?

Yes. I'm the new five-foot-one,

Um... No, Simon...

I feel like Simon is just good to,
like, bounce ideas off of,

and he's like, "You have to just
take rein of, like, the interior stuff,

and that's, like, your passion,
so produce a show,

like a some kind of, like, interior show..."

-This already sounds like

-too much of a commitment for you.
-[Kourtney] Why?

[Khloé] You don't like things
with big commitments.

Okay. So are you here to k*ll my vibe?

I think we're just a little bit frustrated
that you never, like, show up to do work.

[tense music]

So are you here to k*ll my vibe,

-or are you here to...
-[Khloé] I'm being realistic.

You never are realistic.

Work is still work.

What kind of show do you wanna produce?

I'm not telling you anymore.

-Interior design?
-You lost your opportunity.

-Why? 'Cause I was being honest?
-[Kourtney] No, but it wasn't even...

-It wasn't only that.
-I was just letting you know.

I think you have to be
a little more involved

than just slapping your name on something.

It's not just like, "Oh, hey,
I'm a Kardashian, so... interior design.

No one's doing that." It, like, has to be...

But what if you came up
with your own line?

-[Kourtney] I am.

[Kourtney] That's what I was trying
to tell you.

I could do a cool coffee table book.

I could do tons of, like, home stuff.

-I just need to, like, actually, do it.
-[Khloé] Do it.

Like, talking about it is great,
and that's right up your alley.

It's so natural for you, but, like...
So what's your next step?

-Let's actually proceed.
-I don't know.

I love Kourtney and I want to support her,

but I've definitely heard
this song and dance before.

We were in the talks
for doing a fitness line

and I put everything on hold.

It doesn't really seem like
this train is moving

-at the speed I want it to move...
-[Kourtney] Guess what?

I'm not the fastest-moving person.

She has this pattern of coming up
with these great ideas,

but then she doesn't follow through
with any of them.

She can't even show up
to a meeting on time.

It... it has to be, like...

You have to live it, breathe it.

[Kim] People have to, like,
feel it in your soul.

It is in my soul.

[tense music]

[North] Her real name is Diamond.

[Kim laughs]
It is?

[upbeat music]

[Khloé] Mom, are you working out
at 7:00 a.m.?

I could do 6:30 to 7:30.

It's up to... I mean, that's fine.
You don't have to.

So, I don't know.

I went shopping with Scott.

-We went to Williams-Sonoma,

and he just seemed a little bit off.

I'm just... I'm worried about him. I'm...

I'm sincerely worried
about his well-being.

But I guarantee you 10,000 percent
that you didn't say one word.

I kind of wonder is it me?
Is it my imagination?

No. Obviously not.
So [bleep] say something.

I think he really wants to be invited
to all the things that we do

and keep his...

-you know... In the fam.

[Kourtney] He's always gonna be
part of the family.

That's not the issue, but...

-[Kris] I know. I still think he...
-Say something, then, though. Call him.

Say, "Hey, is everything okay
when we went to Williams Sonoma?

You seemed a little off."

I'm so sick of people, like,
not saying anything, though.

I am just over everybody feeling
the need to report to me, you know,

about every little detail going on
with Scott.

The situation is extremely hard
and complicated,

but I do have my own priorities
and things that I need to focus on.

He's just not, like,
my biggest concern anymore.

Maybe he was just sad
because we were supposed to hang out.

The kids and Scott,
but the kids ended up going to the fair.

-[Khloé] Stop making excuses for him.
-You guys could have gone to the fair.

Both of you,
instead of going to Williams Sonoma.

-Get your [bleep] sneakers on...
-[Kris] I went to the fair...

-...and go to the fair!
-...for 40 years!

I went to a fair.

I took all of you guys
to the Del Mar fair.

-[Khloé] That was MJ.
-My grandparents took me to the fair.

-You never took us to the fair.
-I took you to the fair.

You've never taken us.

We would go to the UCLA fair.

-Kim and I...
-[Kris] I've taken...

I used to take you to the Malibu carnival
when you were little.

-[Kourtney] You never took us...
-[Kim] The chili cook-off? the chili cook-off.
-Oh, that was Kendall and Kylie. Sorry.

-[Kim] Yeah.

Get on some sneakers
and take your grandkids to the fair.

[upbeat music]



-[Kim] Hey.

What's that?

How cool is this?

This is the case that I ordered

because I wanted to see it

of the, um, the diamond.

What diamond?

[Kris] I thought I told you.

The diamond that I would make

or you would make out my... cremations.

So, when I pass away,

I would be cremated,
and then you would take my remains

-and have a diamond made.
-And turn it into a diamond?

[Kris] Yeah.

I believe in God and I believe
that I'm definitely going to heaven,

so let's just get that straight right now.

But it's my responsibility
to make some plans for the future

so that my kids don't have to worry
about it.

Listen. It's a very stressful time
when someone passes away,

so I thought I would take this
off of your plate

because you're always the one in charge

and show you how we could do it.

[Kris] Okay, so these little lights...

Oh, that's so cute.

So I guess it just sits right here.

And then you could put it in a case

or you could wear it around your neck.

Is it a, like, real diamond

or, like, a fake dusty diamond
made out of, like, ashes?

I don't know. I have to look it up.

I'm not really sure how it works.

Just imagine me
on that little black velvet pedestal.

I imagine, like, a hologram
popping up in there.

And, like, you doing a dance or something.

You know? Not, like...

This is like
the Beauty and the Beast rose.

That's, like, the magical rose in the box.

-[Kris] You're right. It's like...
-I get making something into jewelry.

-[Kim] Yeah.
-[Kris] And I could be the Beauty.


[Kylie] Grandma!

And at what point did anybody think
this filter was okay to do?

I just... This is mean.

[Khloé] Oh, my God.
You are one of the worst drivers.

-You remember someone pulled you over.
-[Khloé gasps]

Yes, that's true.

Who pulled her over? A policeman?

Did she get a ticket?

-Why not?

I pulled out the good old
"I have my period" trick.

-You're lying.
-The guys don't know how to handle that.

[Khloé] Holy macaroni.

I feel unfulfilled
in getting my creative energy out.

But what do you want to do?

-You can't figure out what you want to do.
-[Kourtney] I know.

My biggest priority is being a mom,

and I already feel spread thin
being a working mom,

so anything that I take on,

I need it to be something
I feel really excited,

and passionate and happy about.

[Kourtney] I feel like doing, um...

Like how I se... found a house
in Nantucket that's cute.

Even just, like, buying that
and being able to decorate it.

-But that's not what we're talking about.
-But you're buying, buying, buying.

We're talking
about working, working, working.

-No, but it's gonna be a job.
-Like, you're gonna look up and be, like...

-To flip it.
-That's not a job.

To flip houses? That's not a job?

-If that's your full-time job.
-You can't make, like,

millions of dollars doing that?

Yeah, but what are you...

-[Khloé] How are you gonna be in Nantuck...
-I'm just saying, even doing that,

like, I need to get out
my creative energy.

Like, what Scott does
is, like, he'll buy it,

live in it, decorate it,
and then, like, flip it.

And if you bought something
that you were actually

-gonna use a little...
-So, I have a great idea.

Why don't you go into business with Scott?

-[Khloé chuckles]
-I know. I swear, I've thought...

I've thought about it, but no.

It doesn't really make sense anymore.

Kourt, you don't have anything
that you're gonna stick to, anyway.

I just feel really frustrated

because my sisters
are always pushing me, saying,

"Oh, you don't have a passion.
You don't have your own project.

What are you doing? You don't have this.
You don't have that."

So, when I finally come to them
with, like, my ideas,

just trying to get their feedback,

I feel like they're very negative.

It's just frustrating
when they're just, like,

bringing me down
for everything that I'm saying.

[piano keys playing]

Oh, my God.

[piano keys playing continues]

[line ringing]

Khloé, will you stop playing the piano
and try calling your sister?

-[Kris] She's ten minutes late!
-[piano keys playing]

For gosh sakes!

It's so unprofessional around here.

[Kris] It's like a nursery school.

[low piano keys playing]

♪ No one's showing up for the meeting ♪

[Kris] Shut up!

-[Khloé] Mom!

-♪ No one's showing up for the meeting ♪
-[bashing piano keys]

What did I do to deserve this? What?

[piano keys playing continues]

[Khloé] It's in tune.

[upbeat music]

-[Khloé] I love it in here.
-[Kim] Hello.

-Welcome, to my lair.
-[Khloé] Oh.

[British accent]
Oh, my goodness, shorts on shorts.

-[Khloé] I love your makeup, by the way.
-Thank you. Desi Perkins.

Is she gonna do your makeup all the time?
No, she's, like, a beauty blogger.

No, she's, like, a beauty blogger.

A little more than you normally do,
but it's, like, so pretty.

It's her new eye shadow.

-It's so pretty.
-[Kim] Thank you. Um...

So, but for Kourtney,
I'm literally, like, stumped.

Like, I'm like, "I don't know
what you want to do."

If you think about it, her whole career,
she's done everything with us.

-[Khloé] Mm-hmm.
-Store, this, that, whatever.

[Kim] She's so co-dependent.

I don't know how she's gonna break off
and do something on her own.

When I said, "Hey, guys. I want to go
do makeup on my own,"

it was like...

"What are we..." You know, and I'm like,
"It's not that serious, guys."

You know, like, "I just want to do
something on my own."

And you figured it out.

[Khloé] You stepped up to the plate.
You figured out you have Good American.

You know, I think she's legitimately
waiting on, like, a sister trio.

-Oh, God, yeah, right.
-[Kim] Something.

We just got to get her to, like,
do something and be motivated...

Yeah, but how are we supposed to...

Like, we can't figure it out for her.

[Khloé] Like, I get she has kids
and, like, whatever,

and I totally get
that's been her priority.

But, like, you never want to be
too comfortable.

[Kim] Yeah.

Like, always be on your toes.

I wish I was
a little bit more comfortable.

I live on my [bleep] toes.

I don't think I could slow down.
I... I enjoy working too.

[Khloé] It's like... It's what we do.

[Kim] We should see if Mom can talk
some sense into her.

Love this lip color on you.


Like, warms you up, but it's still nude.

Oh, my God. I don't even know what it is.

[Kim] The dinosaur says, "No, no?"

What does the dinosaur say?

[upbeat music]

[Kourtney] I wore the perfect outfit
for a 115-degree day.

[Khloé] No, it's crazy, the weather.

-It's so hot. Thank you.
-I love this room so much.

[Khloé] What the hell did you bring me
over here for?

I just wanted
to check out your guest house

and let you know that last night,

Scott called me
at, like, two in the morning.


Which he never calls me
late at night, ever.

And he was just, like, ranting,
like, "What are we doing in life?

What are you doing? What am I doing?"

I'll go, "But what are you doing?"
And then... Or then he'll say,

"But what are you doing? Is it any better?
Is, like, what are you doing?" And then...

-Oh, my God. At 2:00 a.m.?
-[Kourtney] 2:00 a.m.

And then by the end of the conversation,
I just was like,

"I have a boyfriend,
and he's 24 years old.

It's not the craziest thing
that's ever happened in the world."

And, so, he was like,
"He's your boyfriend?"

-And then he...
-[Khloé] That was a trigger, of course!

And then he hung up the phone.

[tense music]

[Kourtney] Yeah.

And did you call him back?


-I went to bed.
-You just let it go?

I just went to bed.

[Khloé] Wow.

Cut the cord.

Got to do what you got to do.

But, also, I just thought he knew,
like, I've...

No, no, no. He'll never assume.
Are you kidding me?

[Kourtney] But I just thought,
"How could he not know?"

We've been to Saint-Tropez.
We've been to Egypt...

[Khloé] I didn't know
it was your boyfriend.

But what do you think, I just go on these...

-No, I thought...
-...elaborate trips?

I thought it was a guy you're dating.

Why would we assume something
unless we hear it from you?

-You can't just assume people know.

Kourtney definitely does things
in her own time

whenever she feels comfortable,
but I am proud of Kourtney

for finally opening up to Scott
about her current relationship status.

I'm just happy that there's, like,
motion moving forward for her.

What can I do
to get rid of varicose veins?

I don't know. Where do you have them?


[Kourtney] You have to ask.

Like, I think you can laser them.

Yeah. Mom said I inject them with saline.

That sounds hurtful.

She goes, "It's so painful."
With a smile on her face.

I was like...



[upbeat music]

[line ringing]

[Dean] Hello. LifeGem. This is Dean.

Hey, Dean.
I'm just, actually, on your website,

looking what you have going on here,
and it's kind of fascinating.

Can you walk me through,
just quickly, you know, in general,

what the process is
once someone passes away?

Typically, when someone calls us,
we actually send out a kit

that, uh, holds the amount of remains
that we use for the process.

So we heat those remains up
to about 3,000 degrees centigrade.

Basically, what that does
is it leaves us with the pure carbon,

and then that goes into
one of our diamond presses.

But if I wanted to do, like, a diamond,
and I needed six diamonds,

I could probably get six diamonds
out of one body.

Oh, yeah, yep.
That would not be a problem.

[Kris] Interesting.

Dean, this has been so helpful.

I really appreciate you
getting on the phone with me.

[Kris] I'm gonna have
a little chat with my kids.

Uh, we'll contact you and tell you
kind of like what we're gonna do.

-All right. You're very welcome, Kris.
-[Kris] Okay.

Thank you for calling.

All right. You got it. Bye-bye.

Okay. Yep. Bye-bye.

[phone thuds]

Maybe you should gain some weight
right before you die...

and then we can make more.

Well, he just said...

-[Kim] Is it like a nice quality diamond?
-Look at it!

Each and every LifeGem diamond
"is certified for authenticity..."

Oh, my God!

I could turn your body
into that Asscher cut diamond.

[Kris laughs]

-Come with me.

Well, you got to wait till I die first.

And what if they make
and take your remains

and get them mixed up with other remains?

That is so weird.

[Kris] Or lose you in the mail?

All this information is like a buzzkill.

I just, I can't wrap my head around
all the technical stuff

and what it really means,
and I appreciate it, for sure.

[Kris] There are just so many options
with this death diamond process

that I don't know what to do
because I have so many kids.

And it's just getting ridiculous.

I just don't get it.

I don't get how you can turn
a body into a diamond.

People would be k*lling people
and taking their bodies

and making it into diamonds
and selling it.

You should start this business
because you're very entrepreneurial.

I'm gonna steal all your [bleep]
and see what I can turn into a diamond.

[Kim in filtered voice]
Who is this cutie?


[upbeat music]

[Malika groans]

[Malika] I'm such a lost cause.

[Khloé] No, you're not.

You really just pick the wrong people.

I think so.

I think we all have our [bleep].

But you are pretty.

Like, you're a good catch,
so it's not like...

Look, all I'm gonna tell you is

I might show up one day
with a partner named Monique.

-No, you won't.

I mean, if you like that sort of thing,
you might, but...

[Malika] I don't even know what to do
with one more vag*na,

to be very honest with you.

[phone chimes]

[Khloé] Hold on.
Scott's having another episode.

It's always something in this family.

[line ringing]

-People actually announce that?
-[Kourtney] Hey.

So, you told him you have a boyfriend.

Now he's doing this

because he knows every time he does that,
you come over there running.

[Kourtney] I'm here.
I'm just in the driveway.

So you're there?

Yeah, I'm here.

-You did exactly what he wanted.
-What he wants.

I don't know.
I was like, "What are you [bleep] on?"

And he's like, "Everything."

You know he's just doing this
for attention right now.

I just think you're doing
exactly what he wants.

Of course, you have to do whatever
that makes you feel better,


He's just doing this
for attention right now.

I'll see the vibe, I guess, when I get in.

-I'll call you back. Bye.

Oh, oh, oh.

He does this all the time.

-And I'm sorry for sounding cold.
-I feel bad for her to keep

having to deal with this.
Well, I mean, I don't...

I think what you're doing
is you're speaking the facts.

Do you feel bad about his state of mind
and where he is? Of course, you do.

But for what he's putting
Kourtney through, no.

That's not something you think is cool,
so you're not gonna put sugar on [bleep].

[upbeat music]

[Kim] Kourt?

[Khloé] It says it's a superfood,
but now I'm confused.

It has carbs 'cause of sugar, right?

Everything in moderation.


Remember that rule?

[Khloé] First of all, Kourtney's been
on savage mode.

-Yeah, I've been on savage [bleep] mode.
-[Khloé] Intense.

Today was epic.

[Kourtney] I just, honestly,
don't have the energy.

[Khloé] I know. 'Cause it's repetitive.

[Kourtney] Um...

So, yeah, I went to Scott's house
'cause he called me

and was really out of it.

He was just very aggressive.

[somber music]

And then I was like, "I'm leaving."

And I just started crying, and I was like,
"I do not need to even be here."

And then I was like,
"Just, like, sit down!"

Like, literally, you have
to talk to him like...

Like crazy. Otherwise, he won't listen.

So I'm like,
"Sit down across the room from me.

Like, what the [bleep] is wrong with you?

When is it gonna be enough?

I have three kids to take care of."


-[Kourtney] Like...
-And what did he say?

He was just being like a beast,
and I was like, "I'm getting out of here."

[Kourtney] And I was like, "I'm leaving,"
and I just left.

I feel like whenever Scott seems to be
on a good path, something happens.

[Kourtney] I think that it's not fair
because it comes off of me

telling him that I'm in a relationship.

It seems like when I'm happy
and in a good place in my life,

then Scott does something
to get my attention.

I wanna be supportive,

but I think it's time that I set
some new boundaries with Scott.

-Now, you said he's at home.
-[Kourtney] Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

-[Khloé] And was he good?
-I don't know.

I talked to him last night.
He asked for his passport, watches...

So typical.

Credit cards that I took.

[Kourtney] So...

I mean, I'm happy he's better
or doing somewhat better.

[upbeat music]

[Kim] Mom?

[Kris] Hey, guys.

-Hey, Mom.
-Hi. What's going on?

[Kris] I heard you had some business
things you want to discuss.

[Kourtney] I just feel like I need to do
something creative.

Like design stuff.

-So I want to do my own line...
-[Kim] You've got the credibility.

...starting with accessories,

and then I'd like to produce a show
or something like that,

that's, like, just more things
to get me into that space.

Yeah. Start focusing
on what you want it to look like,

and then you go out there and you get it.

You design it, and you start doing
your homework and your due diligence.

[Kourtney] Okay.

[Kim] I mean, you're just really
passionate about something,

and then I feel like
there's always one thing...

If it doesn't go perfectly your way,

then you just drop the ball on it,
and you're, like, over it.

[Kim] When, like, that's just not
how it should be.

[Kris] Yeah.

I want you to find something

that you really want to do
and that you love to do

so that you can do it for years to come.

You know, Kim threw herself
into her makeup and realized...

You said to me one day,
"Mom, this is like a 24-hour-a-day job.

That's what it's gonna take."

But you have a different work ethic
than the rest of us,

and part of that isn't working
as hard as everyone else.

It doesn't mean
that I can't still do something,

just because if I don't wanna do it
exactly like everybody else does.

-And I want to...
-[Kris] It's... it's about...

-...put my priorities differently.
-...the energy that you put out there,

and the way that you go
about doing things.

You don't wanna give
as much as the rest of us

have to give to make things happen.

And I don't, and I agree with you,
but that's...

That doesn't mean
I'm not gonna do anything.

It just needs to make sense for my kids.

-I get that. You've got a lot of things...
-Yeah, I just think your work ethic

is just a little different.

It is, and I'm...

But I'm fine with that.

What you could do would be quite powerful
and I...

and I'm quite sure very successful.

You just have to put your mind to it.

[Kim] You have to, like, stay focused.

That's all.

I'm not sitting here dilly-dallying.

[upbeat music]

[Khloé] Mom?

[Kris] Yeah?

What are you doing?

[Kris] Walking!

I have a Fitbit, so I'm counting my steps.

I need to get 10,000 steps a day.


[Kris] So I wanted to talk to you...

really, about that whole
"my body being cremated

and then turned into a diamond," kind of.

[quirky music]

Kim warned me about my mom
and this obsession

that she has
with turning her ashes into stone.

[Khloé] I guess I'm the next one
on the list

that has to hear it from her.

And it... The whole thing
is just so confusing to me,

and I really have been
under so much stress about it.

I really think about it all the time,

and I don't think I can take
the anxiety of it all.

My heart just can't take it anymore.

I just wanted to tell you because I think,

right now, you're the only one
paying attention to me.

Well, maybe 'cause you're walking
and pacing when you talk to people.

I know. Isn't it great?

So I don't really care.

My body here doesn't, like, matter to me.

Like, I... I know that all that matters
is where I am in heaven...

-...and, like, so that's what matters to me,

so I just want everyone to be happy.

I don't really care where
my, like, human form goes.


I've seen my dad one...
my dad's grave one time.

I think that's such...

To me, my personality is,
I think a grave is bull[bleep].

I don't care for that stuff.

Like, I talk to my dad every day.

That's what I do. I pray.

[Khloé] Like, my dad's not there.

He's not buried in dirt.

Like, that's, like, ridiculous to me.

Yeah. I think I'm kind of with you,

and maybe that's why I started thinking
about being cremated.

[Kris] But on the other hand,
I just want to be all together.

It's just too confusing.

And I don't really think
I want to be a diamond.

I'd rather wear a diamond.

[Khloé] Okay.

As much as I want to be in control
of this whole situation,

I think I have decided

to let my kids worry about it
when the time comes.

[Kris] I am not gonna stress myself out
about it anymore.

The truth is, it doesn't matter
where my body goes

because I will always be with my kids.

[Khloé] How many steps are you at?

[Kris] Ninety three hundred.

Come on. Let's go. Come on.

You'll show me what? I don't have one.

I'm gonna show you the pace,
but I have one to mark it.

[Kris] You can just walk around
while you're on the phone,

and you, like, don't waste energy.

Like, you're on the phone...
I don't like that face, missy. Come on.

-See? A little loop around the kitchen.
-[Khloé] We're like The Golden Girls.

Yeah. This is how they worked out.

[upbeat music]

Sister time.

Hey, guys.

-[Kim] What's going on? You're so skinny.
-[Kourtney] I know. I'm 97 pounds again.

When I go on vacation,
I swear I ate croissants.

Like, chocolate croissants every morning.

[Kourtney] Oatmeal.

Like, everything.

-[Kim] Living it up.
-And I just... lose weight.

So what's going on with Scott?

Like, what kind of boundaries
are you setting?

I mean, I've made it clear to Scott
that he dictates his own...

path. Like, if he's in a good place,

like, he can come around
and, you know, be a part of things.

I just... I don't care as much
to be, like, monitoring...

[Kim] Mm-hmm.

...his every move, as long as
I can tell that he's, like, okay.

I just feel like I just want him
to be happy and healthy.

Look, I'll always be there for him,
and, like...

-You know, as much as I can be.
-You want the best for him,

but you also now have your life,

and you have to,
like... have these boundaries.

[somber music]

I just think Scott
has to figure this all out on his own.

Like, he's 34 years old, you know?

Like, he's got to know what to do if he...

It just... It's like,
what life does he want to live?

It's not up to me.

It's up to him. Like, I...
There's only so much I can do,

-and I think I've done it all.
-[Kim] Yeah.

I think I've spent ten years, you know,
doing the best that I could

to make sure he was okay.

But if he truly doesn't want it
for himself,

there's nothing that I can do.

He's gone through this

I feel you.

Whatever changes he wants to make,
he has to do it himself.

[upbeat music]

-[Kourtney] Hi. How are you?
-[Richard] How are you?

Dining room area.

So for this dining room shot,

obviously, we... The...

-It's quite plain in here.
-[Kourtney] Yeah.

[Martyn] So we need to kind of amp it up
a little bit.

Do we have any colored glasses?

I know we've got all those
Riedel crystal ones,

-but have we got any colored ones?

How fun it would be to kind of do
some colored ones?

-That's going on my Christmas list.
-We need a little...


Martyn Lawrence Bullard is a friend
and an amazing interior designer.

And we are sh**ting my home today
for an interior design magazine.

-[Kourtney] I have these, okay?
-It's so strange to...

I love to bounce ideas off of him.

He's just very inspiring and motivating,
and just always has great ideas.

[Kourtney] So I wanted to pick your brain

because I feel like my sisters
keep putting all this pressure on me.

-[Martyn] Let's sit down, please.

It's... it's a proper conversation.

Um, so my sisters, you know,
they keep, like, saying,

"Well, what's your passion?
What are you gonna do?"

And I finally feel, like, at the place
where I could take something else on.

I mean, I... having worked with you
for the last couple years,

and, you know, I love you.

I think you've got an unbelievable
talent inside of you for design.

And I've seen you learn.

You know, I just tell you one thing,
and you go off and learn the whole book.

But I feel that...
I feel that first and foremost,

it's an amazing blessing
to be a Kardashian,

and it's a really difficult situation too

because whatever you do
to go into any field,

people are gonna want to put you down

So you need to really find
a specialized area you want to get into.

[Martyn] Maybe put together some samples,
or put together some storyboards.

-You know, like we did for your house?
-[Kourtney] Mm-hmm.

Of images, of looks, of things,
that you can take and then present.

If you go in with those ideas...

And you have those ideas
because you tell them to me,

I feel like you can transition that
and really kind of carve your niche.

-[Martyn] You could be amazing.

I... I can happily help introduce you
to some of... even some of my licensees,

some of the things
that I've got coming out and doing now.

'Cause I have eight new lines coming out

-in the next seven months.
-That's amazing.

I'm realizing that I don't need
my sisters' permission,

ideas, or feedback to do my own thing.

Everybody finds their path
at different times,

whether it's interior design
or something else.

I'm just at a place right now in my life
with work and relationships

where I feel like I need to take charge

and really live life for myself
and for my kids.

-It's so good to see you.
-As always.

-I'm so happy we, like, got...
-Me too. Me too. I'm so excited.

-It's so good.
-Yeah, can't wait to see the...

The photos. Yeah.

-[Kourtney] What?

-[Kourtney] A monster?
-Yeah. Come on!

Okay. Hurry.

-[Richard laughs]
-[Reign] Let's go!

[Reign laughing]

Hey. Hey.

My new best friend. Sorry, Malika. Say hi.

[Kourtney] Ugh, these cookies are...

[Mason] Oh, I want one! I want one!

Okay, you can have one,
and then that's it, okay?

-[Mason] Okay.
-'Cause you had...

You had one earlier, right?

-[Mason] You said you had three?

-[Kourtney] Actually, I had two.
-[Mason] Oh.

[Kourtney] So now we're even.

-[Scott] You look like the Fonz.
-[Kourtney] He does.

With his sleeves all up,

he's like, "I'm gonna brush my hair
the way Mama likes it."

[Kourtney] I love it like that, Mase.

-You want to take that to our house?

-Want to take that to our house?

-Oh, you're gonna stay at Dad's?
-[Mason] Mm-hmm.

It's fun.

I like the scenery,

the quiet.

[Kourtney] At Dad's?

Yeah, I like to be with my father.

[Kourtney chuckles]

That's my brother.

That's nice, Mase.


It's crazy how old he's getting.

-[Kourtney] Yeah.
-How old are you?

Seven and a half.

[somber music]

[Scott] You know, I definitely realize now

a lot of the mistakes
that I've made in the past.

I think, you know,
I've learned a lot from it,

and I've been able to mature from it.

And I think one
of my biggest concerns is that

I really just don't want
to jeopardize my relationship

with Kourtney as a friend
because of our children.

And I just needed to watch out
for myself, to keep a...

decent lifestyle to be around my family.

Oh, we've got to get going.
We've got a date with destiny.

Give me a kiss.

-I'll see you at the bus stop tomorrow.

We literally sound like a homeless family.

The bus stop?

[Mason] Really? Are you dropping me?

I'm dropping you at the bus stop,

and then you're gonna wait there
until Mom pulls up.

[Scott] That's where we gonna meet,
and then you'll hop into her car.

-[Mason] We got a date with destiny!
-All right.

Love you, partner.

[Scott] I'll see you
in the business side of things.

[Kourtney] Okay.

-[Kim] On the next episode...

[Kourtney] Oh, my God.

[Kim] Shut the [bleep] up!

[Kim shrieks]


[upbeat music]

-[camera shutters clicking]
-[Kim] We are in New York.

I haven't been to a Fashion Week
in a while, and I'm just so excited.

[background chatter]

[Kim] TMZ just posted
that my surrogate is pregnant.

The identity of our surrogate

and all of her personal information
got leaked.