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Sixth, The (2024)

Posted: 05/09/24 21:14
by bunniefuu
[indistinct clamor on video]

[indistinct shouting on video]

[indistinct shouting and clamor]

[angry man]

Let's go, D. Hodges!

I'm walking here!

[Daniel] Ow!

Cut it out, cut it out!


When I first learned

about that video

that went around

on the internet

about our defense

in the tunnel,

I hit play,

and I watched what happened,

and I hit pause,

and I wrote down what happened.

And I kept doing that

until I reached the end.

[indistinct shouting on video]

[crying on video]


I was embarrassed.

No one wants their 15 minutes of

fame to be crying out for help,

you know, especially if your job

is a police officer.

But ultimately, I'm glad that

it got out and got around,

because it's important

to get the truth out

about what happened.

I almost feel like somebody else

took these photos.

But it was me.

I will always think about

what happened that day.

I will always have these photos

to tell these stories.

I'm trying to capture images

showing you one of the most

important times

in American history.

And I can't wait for the day

where I think that my son

will be interested so I can

explain to him what happened,

that I was there

at the Capitol building.

I was scared for my f*cking

life, and you know,

I thought about you.


There's no way I can forget.

When footage of that day

was replayed,

and even today is replayed,

I change the channel.

And I still don't like

to watch it. I just, I can't.

I didn't want to think about it


I really, I tried really hard,

as best I could,

to block that day out.

[indistinct radio chatter]

I didn't really share

immediately with, like, family

what really went down, um,

but I've thought about

January 6th a lot, you know

and trying to wrap

my head around really

what happened that day.

[Chief Contee]

When I look back

and I think back,

the gravity of everything

that that happened,

this is history. People be

talking about this for years.

And here I sit dead center,

four days on the job...

four days and the weight

of the world on your shoulders.

I want everyone to know,

there was a huge price to pay

for our democracy on that day.


Sure, where do you

want me to go?


Right back in the... [inaudible]


I was there,

I knew what happened,

I was there all day,

and it's rare that you get

the opportunity to put your

finger on the scale of history.

And influence things in a way

that brings the truth to light.

[pencil screeching]

[Rep. Jamie Raskin]

My dad said democracy

needs the ground to stand on,

and that ground is the truth.

So, we gotta tell the truth.

If we can handle it.

The greatest strength

of democracy is that

it comes from the people.

The weakness of democracy

is that it has so many enemies,

other pretenders to the throne.

They always describe

Donald Trump

as a larger-than-life figure.

I'm appreciating that people

are not larger than life,

people are just the right size

for a democracy

where everybody gets one vote,

one voice, and we need

everybody to participate.

[indistinct chatter]

[Chairman Thompson]

Good afternoon. When I think

about the most basic way

to explain the importance of

elections in the United States,

there's a phrase that always

comes to mind.

It may sound straightforward,

but it's meaningful...

[Rep. Raskin]

Sometimes the truth is like

a second chance,

and I believe that.


[clears throat]

You ready?

[distant police siren]

[indistinct speech]


Morning, morning.


[street seller]

Ten bucks, ten bucks.

Hats and shirts.

[Chief Contee]

I'm a native son.

This is the city that raised me,

and, you know,

as crazy as this sounds,

I felt like everything

that I had gone through here

in this city prepared me

to be the chief of police

that I was on that day.

[Chief Contee]

I officially took over the job

as chief of police

on January the 2nd, so 4 days

before January the 6th.

Whether that was destiny

or whether it was just you know,

I drew the short straw,

I don't know.

-Whose streets?

-Our streets.

-Whose streets?

-Our streets.

-Whose streets?

-Our streets.

[Chief Contee]

It conjures up memories

of what happened on that day,

kind of hits you in the gut.

The officers are here below,

I mean look at these people

that are standing overhead,


and we're not knowing

who's armed in the crowd.

We had already recovered

firearms and so forth, so...

I mean, there's just

a huge sense of vulnerability.

People were running for their

lives that day,

and it didn't matter,

it didn't matter what side

of the fence you were on,

Republican or Democrat,

it didn't matter.

And for people to pretend

like nothing happened...

it really, really angers me.

[car whooshing]

[street seller]

Hats and shirts, ten bucks!

That day, I rode into work

and there were a lot of people

already out at like 6:30,

7:00 in the morning,

converging on downtown.

[cars whooshing,

honking in the back]

MPD's role,

it's unique in our city.

There are different entities

that work together in order

to provide safety

and security in our city.

You have the United States

Secret Service

who has responsibility

for the White House itself.

You have the United States

Capitol Police

that are responsible

for the Capitol,

and the Metropolitan

Police Department

is responsible for all

of the rest of the city

where people eat, live,

work everyday in our city.

Go Trump!


Come and get your Trump hats.

Here it is folks!

Good morning, everyone.

[Chief Contee]

With all the rhetoric

that was happening

leading up to January 6th,

we expected something big.

Certainly, there was a lot of

internet chatter and you know,

intelligence information going

back and forth that said

a whole bunch

of different things.

We had requested support from

other law enforcement agencies,

and we requested the services

of the National Guard

from the Secretary of the Army

to assist us in managing traffic

so that police officers

would not be tied up

dealing with traffic control.

But there was a lot of back

and forth

and a lot of discussion

about optics.

And even once they got approval,

I was told the National Guard

could not move East of 9th

Street without the approval

of the Secretary of the Army.

And quite frankly,

I was a little shocked.

We would need approval at that

level of government to move

personnel, you know, a few

blocks over from where they are.

I mean that is, that's like,

like huge, right?

That never happens.


I'd been documenting protests

and marches for over a year

at that point, it seems like.

I started going to Trump rallies

because Trump

is a part of the story.

As a photographer,

what was very significant to me

are the people and the people

that were there to attend

the rally.


Part of the reason I do

what I do when it comes

to these protests is document,

you know, the both sides.

I mean, here's this young Black

wearing a f*cking

Make America

Great Again red cap.

I couldn't believe it.

What the f*ck are you doing?

What are you doing here?

Why, ugh. [indistinct speech]

Why am I here? Man,

I'm here for President Trump.

I'm here put that energy

in a bucket, man, like...

You start talking to these MAGA

people, and you just become

fascinated with their values

and their thought process

and why they believe

what they believe.


...understand and know

that this is a cause

must also understand that

it is a righteous cause.

[indistinct crowd chatter]


This is where I knew,

and I was like, "Ah, shit,

we got the Confederate

flag out this bad boy?"

f*cking crazy.

It's the first time I've ever

seen a Confederate

flag in person.

I've never seen one in

my life right before my eyes.


This is the first time,

Washington, DC,

January 6th, 2021.

[indistinct crowd chatter]

I thought, you might need to

definitely more than usual,

keep your head on a swivel.


I follow the news. I'm aware

of the political climate

in this country

and how divisive things

have been in recent times.

So, I'd absolutely understand

when communities of color feel

feel like they've been

mistreated by law enforcement

because there is

absolutely a history

of that in this country.

And, I'm not

ignorant of the past.

I am not ignorant

of the present.


With that said, in 2020,

we would work 18 hours a day

with no days off

for like a month at least,

and from a law enforcement


that was the

backdrop for January 6th.

[indistinct speech]


That day, we're posted

along Constitution Avenue.

The thing that really stood out

were those who were wearing

ballistic vests, helmets,

goggles, fire gloves,

backpacks packed full

of who knows what,

that was concerning obviously

but that in it of itself isn't

something that we

can stop people for.


Keep it going, come on,

keep the march going.

You've got a great march

going here, come on.


At one point, some people

with tact gear came up

to one of my colleagues

and said, "Is this all

the police officers you have?"

And my colleague looked down

at him, and was just confused,

like, uh, didn't know

how to respond.

And then the guy also said,

"Do you really think

you could stop us?

So that was rather ominous.

[Chief Contee]

So, I'm checking out

the landscape of the city.

-Whose streets?

-Our streets!

-Whose streets?

-Our streets!

[Chief Contee]

I'm in the car, and there

were a group of individuals

marching in formation, which

is what caught my attention.

They were walking

towards the US Capitol.

And I took a picture of that.

[crowd] (chanting)

Where's Antifa?

Where's Antifa?

Where's Antifa?

[Chief Contee]

Some of them were wearing

orange skull caps,

and they had, like,

these ballistic vests on.

Obviously, I'm thinking about,

you know, some type of training,

prior law enforcement,

potentially military,


I'm thinking about

all those things.

And I reached out to our

Homeland Security Chief

and I said, "Hey,

I just noticed this.

We need to make sure that we're

communicating with Capitol,

that this is coming their way."

[crowd] (chanting)

f*ck Antifa!

f*ck Antifa!

f*ck Antifa!

[crowd clamoring]


I said let me go see

how many people are really

at this damn thing.

Got all the way up, went up

this riser and then it was like,

holy shit.

This is thousands of people.


When I saw that,

I was like, g*dd*mn.

There's definitely going to be

some agitators

amongst a crowd

of this size.

[crowd] (chanting)

Trump! Trump! Trump!



[President Trump]

The media will not show

the magnitude of this crowd.

These people are not going

to take it any longer.

They're not going to

take it any longer.

I just really want to

see what they do.

I just want to see

how they cover it.

I've never seen

anything like it.

It'd be really great if we...

-[Erica's mother] Take this now?

-[Erica] Yep.

See ya, Mom!

[Erica's mother]

Bye-bye, have a good day.


You too.


That day, I was so excited

for this certification

of these votes.

I had never experienced

that, and so I drove to work

really excited,

I got all dressed up.

I've always worked in spaces

that are meant to advocate

or uplift the Black community.

And when Donald Trump

became president, it was,

it was a challenging time,

to say the least.

Um, so it felt like it

was a new day, you know?

Joe Biden campaigned

on a message of unity,

and it was something that

we had not heard in a few years,

so I was really,

really, really excited

to see what the future


[indistinct speech in distance]

[Rep. Raskin]

I remember driving

down North Capitol Street,

passing Lincoln's cottage

and the Rock Creek Cemetery,

which is acres of tombstones.

My whole life, I've thought

a lot about Abraham Lincoln.

That day, I thought

about Lincoln

losing his son in 1862

near the beginning

of the Civil w*r,

and not being able to properly

grieve for his son

and being pulled

immediately into all of

the military

planning and everything.

[Rep. Raskin] I want to thank

all of you for coming

and sharing our grief.

Sharing our joy also,

about the life of Tommy.

I've lost something

so fundamental,

so elemental in my life

I am not sure at times

that I even

recognize the world.

Uh, my son Tommy had taken

his life on December 31st, 2020,

um, after...


a long seesaw battle

with depression.

[indistinct chatter]

This was obviously

an overwhelming trauma

and catastrophe

in the life of our family.

We had his graveside service,

on January 5th.

The next day,

January 6th...

was the day

constitutionally assigned for

Congress to meet

in joint session

to receive

the Electoral College votes.

The Speaker called to ask if

I could come in,

and I told her

that I could come

because the Democrats

had an extremely

narrow majority,

and of course I was miserable

and I was grieving, but the

truth is that I knew that Tommy

would be in my heart,

he would be in my chest.

I felt him there

from the beginning,

and I knew that he would

want me to be hanging tough.

That became

a governing logic for me

in everything

that was to come.

[Rep. Raskin]

Our youngest daughter, Tabitha,

decided to come with me,

and so did my son-in-law, Hank,

who's married

to our daughter Hannah.

We looked out the window and

we could see these streams

of protestors coming

towards the Capitol.

I just had never

seen that before.

[crowd] (chanting)

Where's Antifa?

Where's Antifa?

Where's Antifa?

[indistinct clamor]

[Chief Contee] My assumption

was that the Capitol police

were well prepared,

much like the Metropolitan

Police Department.

What I saw

that was concerning to me

is that there were not

very many

Capitol police officers there

at the, at the bike rack.

And this was really the first

point where they

had to confront

some of the protestors.


And I'm not exactly sure


why they were

deployed that way.

[crowd] (chanting)


[crowd clamoring]


They breached the area here.

Holy shit, guys.

Holy shit, holy shit.


Let's go!!

[indistinct speech, clamoring]

[Chief Contee]

If that had been defended

differently, you know--

I can Monday-morning

quarterback it, but you know,

what if there were

enough people there

when that initial group

came there?

You know, would things

have been different?

[Rep. Raskin]

We looked out the

window and Tabitha said,

"Are the police gonna be able

to stop all these people?"

And I said, "Yeah, it'll

be safe, it's the Capitol."

[indistinct shouting]


We saw the protestors were

getting closer to the building,

but I didn't take it seriously

because I thought the Capitol

was one of the safest

buildings in the world.


This is our house!


We had been hearing chatter

of a potential protest,

but that wasn't

out of the ordinary,

so I just figured, you know,

that's what comes with

the territory of the day.



[Rep. Raskin] I did

feel more nervous about it,

but the Capitol police

felt like they were ready,

they were on top of it,

so I gave Tabitha

and Hank a kiss goodbye,

I said, "I'll see you out

at the floor," you know,

"I'll be able to look up

at you in the gallery."


Rhonda, we're also seeing

Senators gather

and prepare to

walk over to the House Chamber.


We were preparing for there

to be a convening

of the full body of Congress

to certify these votes.

I was really excited

just, just to be there.

And I remember House Majority

Whip Jim Clyburn

doing his various press

interviews and taking

kind of a selfie

of myself with the

Congressman, as I do.

[indistinct chatter]


I was recording the Senators

walking over

and posting it to Instagram, and

I think I said something like,

"Let the certification begin,"

or something cheesy like that.


[gavel bangs]

Madam Speaker,

members of Congress,

pursuant to the Constitution and

the laws of the United States...

On the House floor,

they passed out the memo

from Vice President Pence

saying that he was not going

to assert unilateral powers

to reject Electoral College

votes from the states.

That memo told you precisely

what Trump was trying

to get him to do,

and he explained

why he couldn't do it

and why it was not consistent

with the Constitution.

So, I breathed a sigh of relief

because that was good news.

After ascertainment

has been had

that the certificates are

authentic and correct in form,

the tellers will count and

make a list of the votes...


A lot of us went into the

Congressman's office because

the Congressman was

on the House floor

dealing with

the certification by then.

Outside of the Congressmen's


we could see the protestors

were getting closer,

and it just seemed like they

were getting closer and closer.

[indistinct cheering]


But even then, I was just like,

"That's closer than usual,

but you know,

Capitol police will be fine."

[indistinct crowd cheering]

[crowd] (chanting)

Our house!





Let's go, let's go.


[Chief Contee] While that

first wave of people breached

the West Side of the Capitol,

we get the call that

we have a suspicious package,

one at the RNC, another

suspicious package at the DNC.

And these things turned out

to be, like, real pipe bombs.

[crowd] We the people!

We the people!

[Chief Contee]

And almost simultaneously,

we also get the call

as the Metropolitan

Police Department

to come in to assist with

what's going on at the Capitol.

And this is local law

enforcement coming to the aid

of the federal government.

We don't do that in the

Metropolitan Police Department.

It's not our area

of responsibility.

[Christina Laury]

We were broken up

into three squads,

and I remember we're getting

ready for the day,

and we're like it's just

going to be a normal day,

you know they just needed

more manpower just in case.

And within seconds,

the radio goes off.

And everything just changed.

The mood that we were just in

30 seconds ago was, was gone.

[crowd] (chanting)


[Chief Contee]

The scene was so chaotic

on the West front of the Capitol

that the US Capitol police

requested the services

of the National Guard.

Every minute was precious,

as far as I'm concerned.

We got what's happening

at the Capitol.

We got pipe bombs at the RNC

and DNC-- real pipe bombs.

We got members deployed there,

and we still have this

large group of people that

have not even stepped off

from the Ellipse to make

their way towards the Capitol.

Right here, we're going

to walk down to the Capitol!

[crowd cheering]

[President Trump]

The kind of pride and boldness

that they need

to take back our country.

So, let's walk down

Pennsylvania Avenue.

I want to thank you all,

God bless you

and God bless America.

Thank you all for being here.

This is incredible.

Thank you very much.




1776! 1776!

[Chief Contee]

After the President finished

his speech,

there was just like, you know,

wave after wave

after wave of people,

who didn't even have a barricade

to walk by at this point.

I mean, it's just a mob

of people.

[indistinct crowd chatter]


On the way to the Capitol


-Whose flag?

-Our flag!

-Whose streets?

Our streets!


-God Bless America, baby!


How you feeling, Nate?

[Nate] Oh, I'm feeling ready,

bro. Readier than ever.

[woman] They're

evacuating the building.

[man] Occupy the Capitol.

Our building.

[woman] They're

evacuating the building.


Nobody else's building.

It's ours...

...marching on

Glory, glory hallelujah

Then, once I got to the Capitol,

the "oh shit" moment

really happened

where you're like, f*ck!


We live for freedom!

Come see it.

Come see these people

take this house back.

Come see it.


This looks like some shit

out of a crazy-ass movie set.


This is democracy!

This is what you get

with rule of the mob!


I get up to this structure,

and I just hear people saying,

"Everyone gotta get off,

it's too many people,

this is gonna collapse."


Stop the steal!


Where are people gonna go?

Are people actually gonna

go in the f*cking building?

Like what the hell is happening?

Where are the police?

[crowd] (chanting)

We want Trump!

We want Trump!


We're at the gate,

we're coming through

this m*therf*cker tonight.

We're at the door.

We're right here,

we're coming in.

We're not stopping, goddamnit!

This is our house


[crowd] (chanting)


DC [MPD] 42,

disregard Constitution.


...will respond over there.


We received the order

to go to the Capitol,

and we were putting on our gear

when eventually our sergeant

said, "All right, that's enough,

whatever you got on

is gonna be it.

It's time to move."

So, we all got in the van

and started driving.

[honking and siren wailing]


I was racing faster than

I've ever driven a police car

in my life to get down there.

[distant police siren]


When we got out of the car,

there were thousands

and thousands of people.



There was no orders

at that point.

There was too much going on

to have any type of orders,

and I did not think that

we were going to be able

to get through the crowd.

I didn't think they would

allow us to get through.



This is our 1776.

We need to continue

to storm this Capitol.

Do not let police through,

they are traitors.

[indistinct crowd speech]

[crowd clamoring]


There were so many people.

They had us comically


One guy asked me,

"Are you my brother?"

It took me a second to process

what he was asking me.

"Do you actually think

I want to overthrow

the government with you?"


If it was just the couple

hundred that committed

the extreme acts of v*olence,

we coulda handled that.

It's the thousands and thousands

of people backing them up.


[Daniel] It was the crowd

that was the w*apon.



I'm seeing objects

being flown at us,

screaming at other

officers to duck

because they're about

to get hit with a brick.


They started attacking us.

One guy tried to grab my baton.

I was taking blows

from all sides.

I felt something heavy

come down into my head.

Eventually I went to the ground,

and the guy I was wrestling with

kicked me in the chest.

The medical mask I was wearing

at the time had actually

gotten pulled up over my eyes,

so when I was on the ground

on all fours I was also blind,

and I was afraid I was just

about to get dogpiled

and destroyed.

[indistinct speech, clamoring]

I lost my radio, my baton,

uh, I can't remember now, but

a few other pieces of equipment.

You couldn't defend yourself

and your gear at the same time,

so you just had to let it go.

When I, thankfully

got back up on my feet,

I led my platoon

through the crowd

until we got to

the terrace proper,

and we joined Capitol police

and the rest of MPD there.

You couldn't get any closer

to the Capitol at that point

without going inside, honestly.

So, I knew at that point

that it was imperative

that we keep them out.

f*ck you!

f*ck you!

You're a f*cking scumbag!


You're all f*cking scumbags!

You swore a f*cking

oath to this country!

That's me right there.

Once I got to the Capitol,

as I walk down the steps

to the West Front,

on this white marble

you're seeing police officers'

gear, blood,

anything and everything that you

can think of that would happen

in a fight, it was happening

right there on the West Front.

[indistinct clamoring]

Well, f*ck you guys! You

can't call yourselves Americans!

You broke your f*cking

oath today!

1776, man!

[indistinct clamor continues]


When we go through our training,

we are required to get sprayed

with OC, which is pepper spray,

so we know how we react,

we know how our body reacts.

It was not fun.

It lasts for about 45 minutes

before you can see again,

you feel better again.

Bear mace--

compared to that,

OC is, like, on level 10.

I was just blinded.

[MPD] You okay?


I just can't open my eyes.


Okay, need some more water?


Oh, my God.


I know. You're blinded, right?

They're throwing shit,

so I'm just going to put this

on top of your head.


-[MPD] Just in case.

-[Christina] Alright.


I don't want you to get hit.

You're just hopeless

and helpless at that point.

[indistinct speech]

-Can I get more water?

-[MPD] Yeah.

[indistinct speech]

[crowd clamoring in the back]

[indistinct speech, clamoring]


I'm representing our president.

He won this election.

This was stolen from us,

and a million people

are standing in front of

the Capitol, and we know it.

[Vice President Pence]

Are there any objections

to counting the certificate

of vote from the state

of Arizona?

[Rep. Raskin]

We began the counting of

Electoral College votes,

and Arizona was the first one

where there were objections.

[Vice President Pence]

Is the objection in writing

and signed by a Senator?

-Yes, it is.

-It is.

[subdued applause]

[Rep. Raskin]

Something like 50 or 60

Republicans got up to object.

And at that point, the joint

session immediately breaks,

and the House and the Senate

resolve into

our separate chambers

to debate the challenges.

I look back up in the gallery

to see that Tabitha

and Hank were there.

And then it was my turn

to get up,

my basic point was going

to be that the election is over.

It's not our job to vote for the

person we want to be President;

it's our job to certify

the votes that have come in

from the governors.

That's what the job is.

But before getting into it,

I took a second

just to thank the Speaker

and all of the Members

for their condolences.

The gentleman is recognized

without objection for five


Madam Speaker,

I wanna thank you first,

and-- and all my dear, beloved

colleagues for your love

and tenderness,

which my family

and I will never forget.

And then, there was this

huge standing ovation...


[Rep. Raskin]

It was jarring

and disorienting for me

because I could kind of see

them looking at me,

or into me as

a person embodying

tragedy at that point.

It was really a lovely,

wonderful gesture,

but I'm not sure

I totally understood it.

But then I started thinking,

in my kind of sleepless,

disjointed way, "Well, maybe

everyone's love of Tommy,

or sympathy for our family,

would lead to an end

of all of this fighting

over the election."

Maybe they would withdraw

the Stop the Steal campaign,

and they would stop

telling the Big Lie.

It was obviously

a completely irrational thought,

but that's what passed

through my mind right there,

because there was this huge

outpouring of emotion

in this standing ovation.

[subdued applause]

[Rep. Raskin] And then it was

over, and then I launched

into my real speech.

Thank you again.

Abraham Lincoln, whose name

is a comfort to us all,

said we've got

the best government...

[Rep. Raskin] So still at that

point, we had no reason to think

that there was medieval-style

fighting breaking out outside.

We were ready in the way

you'd be ready in a courtroom

or a classroom,

but we weren't ready

in the way we

should've been for

what was about to take place.

[crowd clamoring]

[man] Take their g*ns!

Take their g*ns!

[Chief Contee]

Robert Glover,

who's now the Commander

of our Special

Operations Division,

I heard some things in his voice

that I've never heard before.


Pull them! Pull them this way!


Commander Glover, you know,

he knew that we were

losing ground,

and he had no problem

letting us know,

"We're losing ground,

we need to back up."

Because we were outnumbered.

We were outnumbered.

It was such a wide line of

people going back for--

this is an exaggeration,

but for miles--

you know, that's how it felt.


What are you going to do

when we defend our Constitution

with the Second Amendment?

What are you going to do then?

[indistinct speech, clamoring]


All people must leave

the area immediately.

If you don't follow this order,

it may subject you to arrest.


These police officers were

completely overwhelmed by

the thousands of people that

were next to me, behind me,

around me.


There were definitely

ex-military personnel.


There were people that

knew what they were doing,

knew how to lead people,

and if I step back,

I can start hearing

people say that, you know,

they are going in.

This is, you know,

"We are going to go inside,

Donald Trump is meeting us here,

and if you don't let us in,

we're going

to f*ck some shit up."

[man] Right now,

the people in the Capitol

are sheltering in place.

We have the Capitol.

[Chief Contee] There's just

so much that's going on.

And from a command standpoint--

a Chief of Police standpoint--

I need to be in a position

where I can command

what's happening

for the entire city,

and the mayor needs to know

exactly what's going on

at that point.

And I told her that I would

meet her at our command center.

[indistinct speech]

[indistinct crowd speech]

[Chief Contee]

Now I have a view of what's

happening at the Capitol.

I have a view of what's

happening at the Ellipse,

I have a view of what's

happening at Freedom Plaza.

I was sending

everything that I had

because our democracy

was under attack.

What we really needed to see

were National Guardsmen

at the US Capitol.

At that point,

we had a phone call

that was convened by myself,

by the Mayor of the District

of Columbia,

several representatives

of the DC National Guard,

the US Capitol Police Chief,

where he essentially was

pleading for assistance

from the National Guard.

I just simply said,

"Wait a minute.

What I hear is the Chief

of the Capitol Police

asking for additional resources

from the National Guard

to be deployed

to the US Capitol.

Chief, is that

what you're saying?'

This is on a bridge call.

He said, "That is exactly

what I'm saying."

Chief Sund said that.

In response to that,

whoever on the other side,

from the representatives

from the Defense Department,

the discussion then switched

to talking about optics,

and boots on the ground,

and what that would look like,

which, you know,

in a crisis situation,

I don't care what it looks like.

It looks like help to me.

[crowd clamoring]

[Chief Contee]

So, I asked all who

were on this call,

"Are you saying that you're

not going to deploy personnel?"

"No, we're not saying that,

what we are saying is that

optics, and this and that

and so forth."

It was very disturbing.

[indistinct speech, clamoring]

This is a bad situation,

we have to do the best we can

to defend this Capitol,

to defend our democracy

with everything that we got.

Apparently, the National

Guard were blocks away.

That makes me mad,

because I don't even know-

I don't even wanna know

how many officers were there

that could have helped us...

I don't even wanna know,

because that will just

blow me up.

As someone who served six years

in the Virginia National Guard,

I was aware of the National

Guard and how they could

possibly respond.

I also knew that they

take time to respond.

I don't know why anyone

would've delayed that.


My officers didn't know that

not only were they breaching

the West Side of the Capitol,

the East Side of the Capitol

was also being breached.

[indistinct speech, clamoring]

[crowd] (chanting)


So, they had essentially

been surrounded.

It just kept getting crazier

and crazier and crazier...

[crowd clamoring]


We're taking it!

We're storming the House!

I was saying to people,

"Where are we going?

What are we doing?"

It was a lot of, we, we,

we, we, we to comfort them,

you know?

And it's also a way to comfort

myself to like, you know,

so I can feel safer to let

you know that I am not a threat.

I have cameras,

but not a threat.

[indistinct speech]

[indistinct speech]

It's gonna be a stampede.

In my mind, I'm like, "I don't

know if I'm being dramatic,

but this might turn

into a stampede."

I don't know if we can

control this or contain it.


[officer coughing]


I remember watching as police

officers were clearly exhausted.

It started to look abnormal.

And then there was like

a beeping in the office.

[device beeping]


I guess there's some sort of

security device in the office

that I never knew existed.

Then we started getting

directives from

our chief of staff,

from the office manager.

She told me to wear flats,

and she told me

to pack up my bags.

[indistinct speech]


Person outside has attempted

to enter on the Senate side

of the building.


We had a television in the

office, we also had windows,

so we could see that they

were clearly, you know,

closing in on us.

[indistinct shouting]

But despite the beeping,

despite huddling

in the Congressman's office,

nothing made it real

until those people

actually got inside.


[Rep. Raskin]

I first got a text from a

friend in California saying,

"Are you okay?

Is everything alright?"

And I said, "Yes,

what do you mean?"

And she said, "There's

a breach in the Capitol.

There's v*olence outside."

And I looked around the room

and I noticed that

lots of people

were getting messages

and people

were beginning to talk.

[indistinct chatter]


[Rep. Raskin]

Within a couple of minutes,

Speaker Pelosi's security detail

escorted her off of the floor.

[crowd clamoring , cheering]

[device beeping]

[Rep. Raskin]

Some people on our side

of the aisle began to scream,

"This is because of you,

this is what you wanted."

[indistinct speech]

[Rep. Raskin]

I immediately looked back up

into the gallery.

Tabitha and Hank

were no longer there.

[indistinct speech in the back]

Oh, Nancy!

Where are you, Nancy?


Our office was right above

Nancy Pelosi's office,

the Speaker of the House.

Three of my colleagues went out,

and our staff assistant

said she came

face to face with one of

the insurrectionists.

We were in the room,

and she was banging on the door,

and she said, "They're inside.

They're inside. Let me in!"

They were extremely rattled.

And they said that we

needed to stay here.

Like we cannot leave.

That was, I think

the turning point for me.

[Rep. Raskin]

I called Julie,

my Chief of Staff,

and she said they were

back in Steny's office.

They had locked the door.

She said they had pushed all the

furniture up against the door.

The kids were hiding under,

uh, a desk.

And I learned later that Julie

had taken the-- the fire pick

outta the fireplace and was

wielding it as-- as a w*apon.

And I told her to protect

them with her life.

[crowd clamoring]


This is our f*cking house.

Our house.


I heard the elevator open,

and I heard them

come up the stairwell,

and so we decided

to stay in place,

turn the lights out and to

just be as quiet as possible

and to barricade the doors.

I had to assume the worst.

I had to assume these

people were armed.

You kind of go

into survival mode,

like I remember essentially

casing the office, like,

"What can I use as a w*apon?"

I remember feeling like

whatever is in here that is

heavy is what I'll have to use,

you know, if it comes to that.

[helicopter whirring]

[crowd clamoring]

[crowd] (chanting)

We want Trump! We want Trump!


[man] f*ck you,

you f*ckin' tyrants!

Whenever I see footage from that

day, it makes my heart race.

You know, I can feel blood--

my blood pressure sh**t up,

and it makes me angry.


Lay down your weapons!

Those weapons belong to us!

That helmet, 4-5-1-8,

belongs to me!

Give me my helmet!

Give me my helmet!

Now, Hodges!

D. Hodges,

lay down your weapons!


give me my helmet!

I want my helmet!

Gimme my helmet!

That helmet belongs to me!

I paid for that helmet!

I paid for that vest!

I paid for your salary!



You're a bunch of sheep, sheep!


There was just sensory

overload of threats that,

I'm scanning the crowd

rather than paying attention to

what people are shouting at me

because I'm constantly looking

for, uh, someone who's about

to bring out a g*n or a knife

or something because I know

that they have them on them.

And I just have to hope

that if I see that I can

react before they do.

[crowd cheering]


At one point I look over my

shoulder and I see the officers

trying to hold them back

and failing

because their numbers

are overwhelming.

[shouting indistinctly]

At that point, I see

the line break, essentially.


You better run, cops!

[crowd chanting]


Each officer just engages

in a pitched battle

with whatever's

in front of them.

People swinging things at our

heads-- sticks, metal poles.

One Sergeant was hit

with a cattle prod.

There was a sledgehammer.

I had someone try

to gouge my eye out.

These people like to believe

that they support blue lives,

but someone came up to me

while I was surrounded and said,

"Things are gonna get real bad.

We need to get you out of here.

What can I do to help?"

And I said, "Go home."

And he said,

"Not gonna happen."

And at that point,

there's not much left to say.

[crowd clamoring]


Let's go, MPD

double time inside.

Let's go.

Let's go, MPD.

Stop f*cking looking

at them, let's go!

Get inside.

g*dd*mn, let's get inside!


[Christina] To be honest,

I don't even remember

getting inside the Capitol.

We were funneled into

the Capitol at some point.

[indistinct shouting]


I don't know anything

about this building.

I remember running up to Capitol

officers, and there was

only a couple of 'em. I would

say, "How do I get here

and here?"

"I don't know.

I don't work in this building."

[crowd] (chanting)

Our house! Whose house?

Our house! Whose house?

Our house! Whose house?

Our house! Whose house?

Our house! Whose house?

Our house! Whose house?

Our house! Whose house?


There were two sets of doors

in the Congressman's office,

so my colleagues

on the other side of the office

barricaded one set,

we barricaded the other set.

Um, and you know, there was

just a lot of, you know,

I had a coworker who's

a really good friend of mine,

and she was, you know,

very, very pregnant.

So, you know,

she couldn't do it.

Um, and we had

photographers in the room.

Some of them were taking

pictures instead of helping.

And I remember being really,

really annoyed with them

at the time, 'cause

I was like, you know,

"This is not the time

for your Pulitzer.

Like, this is life or death."

And I mean, in hindsight,

I guess it's,

it's good that

it was documented.

But in the moment,

we are possibly, you know,

fighting for our lives.

We don't know what's

on the other side of that door.


[knocking and banging the doors]


I vividly remember

hearing someone say,

"They're hiding from us,"

and like kind of laughing.

It felt as if they were like

taunting us, like, you know,

"Hello, anybody in here?"

And they were just banging,

banging, banging on the door.

And every time they

would bang on the door...


Um, you think you're over it,

and then you're not.

Um, I just remember every time

they banged on the door,

um, you know,

we would all just run up

and push the door--

I mean, push the--

the table against the door.

Um, and those were

the most terrifying times.


Hey guys, hey hey!

[crowd clamoring]

[crowd] (chanting)





We need people.

[indistinct shouting]


At some point, I finally

make it into the tunnel.




There was no order

to go in there.

I didn't hear about

any level of importance

because I didn't have

my radio at that point.

It was just where the fight was,

and I knew I needed to go to it.


Now, myself, these officers

that I'm with,

we're essentially trapped

in the Capitol

because you have

these thousands of people

that are now aggressively

trying to get in.


It felt like a, for-real

riot, like pushing back.


Felt like it was organized

and people knew

what they were doing.

You just don't go, you know,

there with tactical gear on

and looking like

you're military personnel

without knowing

what you were doing.


Supply lines coming through.

Keep in mind,

we have the vice president

and other members

of Congress in the building.

And if the building

is surrounded

and a person or group

of people access the tunnel,

it puts the leaders of

our democracy in a very,

very, very bad situation.

[banging door]


We were all just pushing

the table against the door

with all our might.

How do we know that

we're not running to the door

and they're not about to,

like, sh**t a b*llet through.

We had literally no idea.

The news started to spread.

And I just remember

getting message

after message after message

asking, you know, if I was okay.

And I remember saying to

each person, just please pray.

[Rep. Raskin]

Meantime on the floor,

it was total chaos

and bedlam by then.

There was this

extraordinary pounding,

barreling sound

coming at the center door

of the House of Representatives.

[indistinct shouting]


Everybody stay down.


[banging desks]

[Rep. Raskin]

I'll never forget that sound.

It was really haunting.

Just the sound

of basically a mob,

trying to barrel its way in,

smashing up against the door.

And people began

to run towards the door.

Then some Capitol officers

came in with their g*ns

and told all of us to get back.

And they stood by the door

with their g*ns drawn.

Everybody was imagining that

somebody was gonna come in

with an AR 15, that there

would be a mass sh**ting

and that it would

be focused on

the Democratic

side of the aisle

and the Democratic galleries.

So, they were telling us all

to take off our pins.

These are the little pins

that get us into the buildings.

And they're telling us,

take your pins off.

It makes you recognizable.

And then the Democrats

were saying,

get off of the Democratic

side of the aisle.

[crowd] (chanting)


[protestor] (shouting)


Meantime, we were all being

shepherded towards the front.

And we got up to the Speaker's

lobby and we went to the right.

To the left is where there

were a handful of officers.

And then the mob was on the

other side of the doors there.

-[indistinct shouting]

-[banging door]


Let me in!


That's, um...

that's where one of

the protesters got k*lled.


Break that down!

Break it down. Break that!

Let's go.

-[indistinct shouting]




That sound like

a f*cking g*n shot.

Oh, shit.

Oh, my God,

a woman has been shot.


Where's she hit?


Back Up. Back up.


Yo medic, where's she hit?

We can't save her.

Get the f*ck back.

We can't save her!


You guys gotta calm down.


We got blood on the floor.

There's blood

on the floor of our f*cking...

[MPD] (over radio)

Report of one shot

in the Capitol.

Report of a sh**ting

in the Capitol,

trying to ascertain

information now.

Capitol command of recon,

report of one shot.

Capitol command of recon,

is this gonna be

an active sh**t event,

or is this just one shot?

I need more information.

This will be a

report of one shot.

Unknown about

the victim or the location.

[Chief Contee]

We just didn't know.

We were trying

to get confirmation.

Is anyone shot in the Capitol?

Were those sh*ts fired?

Were they some type

of incendiary device?

We don't know.

Was it just a distraction

to kind of get us

in a different area?

We did not know.

And I think that was probably

the scariest thing, not knowing.

[crowd] (chanting)

We the people! We the people!


This is...

It makes you seek

answers. So, what do I do?

Of course,

I'm talking to people.

I interview people right

then, right on the steps.

You know, right there.

Yeah... look at 'em.

And you know, I met this woman,

we were probably 10 feet away

from, you know, where people

were trying to get in.

She sounded so f*cking

nice and so sweet.

And she was so polite.

-You okay, baby?

-[Mel] Yeah. I'm good.

-I'm prepared to die.

-[Mel] Huh?

-Yes, I'm prepared to die.

-[Mel] Wait a second.

For my country, and my children

and my grandchildren, all day.

[Mel] You're saying you're

prepared to die today?

Yes, I love America.

And I was like, what?

You prepared to die?

I could not f*cking believe

what the f*ck

I was seeing and hearing.

I felt embarrassed, you know,

for all of us, you know,

for all of America, you know,

to hear what I was hearing,

to see what I was seeing, to

document what I was documenting.



Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!

We were all scared.


The manpower we had inside

the tunnel that day,

which seemed like

a lot, wasn't enough.

It was about maybe four

or five-ish people could

fit in there wide.

And it was a few dozen

officers in there

trying to hold back

the crowd outside.


[indistinct shouting]


You could see officers who were

getting injured at the front,

falling out, coming to the back.

The boiler room in the Capitol

became our decon room.

There were so many officers that

had their hands on their knees

because they couldn't see

because they're shut down

from the chemicals that

were just used against them.

And as those officers fell back,

we would move forward

and continue moving forward

until it was your turn

at the front, essentially.


It felt like w*r.

[crowd chanting]

[indistinct shouting]


I'm seeing scenes unfold

all around me.

This is our country!

This is our country!




I'm seeing anxiety.

I'm seeing sadness.

I'm seeing pain.

[crowd screaming, shouting]

You know...

twice when

I was there, you know,

I felt the emotion to cry.

And quite frankly,

probably I didn't stop myself.

Some shit distracted me

from that emotion.

It's like, Oh, shit,

there's a hockey stick.

Oh, shit, where the f*ck did

they get a ladder from?

Oh, shit,

what is this tubing?

Where the hell

did that come from?

The guy's head is all red

from pepper spray

and looks like he can't breathe.

Oh, shit, I'm getting

soaked up by the gas,

and I can't f*cking breathe,

and this shit hurts my eyes.

And why are people

keep returning

back to the front lines

to do it over and over again?

What is, what are they thinking?



I knew that this had to be

the biggest news story

in the world right now,

the United States

Capitol being under siege.

So, someone had to be trying

to get us help somewhere.

I was thinking, you know,

I hope I can hold on until

reinforcements gets here.



Our house! Our house!

[Rep. Raskin]

We went down some stairwells,

and they tried to keep us


and we were running for safety.

All that shit...!

At that point, I was most

concerned for Tabitha,

Hank, and Julie

and wanting to make sure

that they would get outta

that room, which was

still where the mob was.

[crowd] (chanting)


[Rep. Raskin]

And I just kept doing the same

thing over and over again,

calling the Capitol

police, calling Julie.

I was obviously profoundly

concerned for them.

I just wanted to make sure

they were in touch

so they knew who to open

the door for and who not to.

[loud shouting]

[indistinct chatter]

These people had made it clear

that they wanted

to k*ll certain

members of Congress.

And even if they got one person,

that would change

the balance of power.

So, you know,

I was definitely motivated to--

to win the fight.



I found myself at the front

of the line in the tunnel...

and I braced myself

against the doorframe

so that any backward

force I experienced

wasn't pushed

on the officers behind me,

but rather against the frame

of the building itself.




it backfired on me.

My arms were trapped.

I was essentially

standing up straight,

unable to defend myself

and at their mercy.

[screaming and shouting]


The man to my front, I remember

him just screaming at me

and, like, spit

or some kind of foam

coming out of his mouth.

It sounds, like, made up,

but that's what I remember.

[groaning, yelling]

He also was able

to wrestle away my baton

and beat me in the head

with it.

I could taste blood

coming out of my mouth.

[siren wailing]


[crowd] (chanting)

Heave ho! Heave ho!

Heave ho! Heave ho!


I could feel just starting

to lose all of my perception,

and I was worried

that I would fall out there

and become a liability to my

colleagues and then, you know,

eventually be dragged out

and k*lled.


I remember someone just

chanting, "Fight for Trump.

Fight for Trump.

Fight for Trump."

Thankfully, the other officers

behind me heard me

and were able to create

enough space to get

me out of there.

Everyone who worked

that day was injured.

Everyone was att*cked.

Sometimes at great

personal cost.


The difference between

your typical angry riot

versus this was, this was...

it was personal.

And they were not stopping.

I wanna go home, and I want

every single officer that's

here to go home.

And my job right now,

their job right now is to figure

out a way to make that happen.

They fought like

hell, for hours.

That's not training that

police officers normally get.

Maybe the military,

they're trained for w*r,

fighting for hours,

days, months on end.

The fight that these

officers had in them,

even when they were injured,

to see them injured

and then get back

into the fight.


The fight wasn't over yet, and

the fight needed everybody

that was able.

And I'm not dead yet.

[laughs] Uh, I was still,

uh, still in the fight.

[crowd] (chanting)

Freedom, freedom, freedom.

[crowd clamoring]


It was like complete

chaos all around me.

I'm seeing one of

the darkest days

in modern history.

I was scared

for my f*cking life,

but all I can think about is

making sure that I document

what's going on

to the best of my abilities.

[indistinct shouting]

Back up.




When I captured this image

and saw the police officer

that I now know

to be Michael Fanone,

get pulled down

from where he was

trying to stop the mob

of MAGA people

from getting inside...


I'm like reliving it

in my brain right now.

Like, I have all of the frames

just going in my head.

The look

on this man's face was,

"I am about to f*cking die."

You don't see police officers

look like that very often.

Police officers are

stoic, proud, in control.

This officer was not in control

of a m*therf*cking thing.

If they wanted to k*ll him,

they would've k*lled him.

The man pleaded for his life,

told people he has kids.

Well, I'm thinking like, holy

shit, this man is about to die.

And here I am about

to capture this shit.

It's kind of crazy 'cause

if I had to put, you know,

a dollar on it, I would

say everyone there is,

"Blue Lives Matter,

Blue Lives Matter."

They didn't f*cking

matter that day.

I felt for him.

I have a son.

I thought about

what it would feel like for him

if some shit happened to me.

You know, that's

another human being.

Are there times that I

don't feel bad for cops?

f*cking right.

Derek Chauvin could kiss

my black ass, straight up.

That could be f*cking me.

That coulda been any of us.

Like, I'm pissed off right now,

just by talking about, you know,

the, what happened

to George Floyd.

And what's happened to many,

many other people that have died

in the hands of police.

You know, it's,

I feel like if you weren't angry

about what happened...

[sighs] George Floyd

on that f*cking day,

you're not a f*cking human.

You lack everything that

it takes to be a human being.

If that shit didn't

piss you the f*ck off.


America has been rearing

its ugly f*cking head

for many f*cking years

over and over and over again.

And I'm documenting it all.

All I can do is

get these photos out

and show the world you know,

what I saw.

This is real-life America.

So, yeah, I felt for him,

I felt for... I felt for Americans.

I felt for, you

know, this world,

this is what it's come to.


Pull. Pull. Pull.

[indistinct speech]

I came for f*cking w*r, man.

We have a national,

international, crisis

unfolding right here

in the nation's Capitol.

The gravity

and the weight of that is huge.

Knowing that the eyes

of the world

are literally watching

our democracy crumble.


[Senator Biden] (on microphone)

At this hour,

our democracy is under

unprecedented as*ault,

unlike anything we've

seen in modern times.

An as*ault in the citadel of

Liberty, the Capitol itself.

An as*ault on the people's


and the Capitol Hill police

sworn to protect them.

[President Trump] (on video)

We had an election that

was stolen from us.

It was a landslide election,

and everyone knows it.

But we can't play into

the hands of these people.

We have to have peace.

So go home.

We love you.

You're very special.

You've seen what happens,

you see the way others

are treated that are so bad

and so evil.

[cheering, clamoring]

"I can't breathe!

I can't breathe!

I can't breathe!"

[clamoring, indistinct speech]


[indistinct shouting]

[crowd cheering, clamoring]

[indistinct shouting]

[indistinct chatter on radio]


How could anyone be proud

of what they were doing?

Even if you don't agree

with the election,

how could you be proud of that?

You've tried to storm

the f*cking

United States Capitol


not try to storm--

you did, you got in.

And people died.

When I began to see the

magnitude of the v*olence

that was taking place,

I just grew more and more,

I don't wanna say hysterical,

but more and more agitated

about Tabitha and Hank

not being with us.

I was aware of not wanting to

create surplus fear

and anxiety on their part,

but I was pretty angry.

[crowd] (chanting)




We just sat there in silence.

I remember thinking

a lot about my mom.


You know, I think,

well, you know,

my mom lives with me,

she has Alzheimers.

And I didn't necessarily want to

get in contact with her


I didn't want her to worry,

I just wanted to be there.

You know?

I think that's what

I thought about the most.

At the end of the day,

I'm kind of all she has.



Stop the steal, stop the steal,

stop the steal.

[crowd] (chanting)


[siren wailing]

[Chief Contee]

We reached out far

and wide as we could

to get people here

to support us.

So, whether the National Guard

showed up, didn't showed up,

whatever the case may be,

there were police officers

that we were calling on from

all around this area to assist.

[siren chirping]

[indistinct radio chatter]

[protestor] (on speaker)

We love you, President Trump.

-[banging windows]




-My God. Oh, my f*cking God.

[fires smoke]


When I saw that manpower

coming with the munitions

that we needed to handle the--

this crowd, that was...

"Okay, we're gonna

get through this."

[expl*si*n, clamor]

[Chief Contee]

Normally, it's

the federal government

that's coming to the aid

of local law enforcement,

local jurisdictions.

That day, local jurisdictions

came to support

the federal government.

Some of them are MPD officers,

some of 'em are

Virginia State Police.

You start seeing them

push the crowd back.

[indistinct speech, clamoring]

[smoke grenades blast]


[Chief Contee]

They're coming down

the West Front of the Capitol.

I, I remember having

a sense of like,

like, we taking it back.


We kept hearing those knocks.

One time, it was just such

a violent shaking of the door.

And that's when they,

they just kicked it in...

and their g*ns drawn.

That was by far the

scariest moment of my life

'cause I did not know

who kicked the door in,

and I saw all those g*ns.

And we just had our hands up,

and we had our hands up

for a long time.

You know, it's not a good

feeling having to walk around

the halls of Congress with your

hands up past insurrectionists

who actually should

have their hands up.

You know,

that's not a good feeling.

I will never forget,

in front of Congressman

Steny Hoyer's office,

there was a poster of John Lewis

that referenced, you know,

getting in good trouble,

and the poster

was ripped to shreds.

I just remember how

hateful that was,

to come in and rip up the poster

the way they did

and to just desecrate

the Capitol the way they did.

And I remember also walking past

one of the insurrectionists

that they had handcuffed.

And I just remember

looking at him, and he laughed.

You know,

it was... it was funny to him.

It was unnerving.

[Rep. Raskin] Finally,

Tabitha and Hank and Julie

were brought over to us

by the officers,

and it was tearful.

I was racked with

a lot of guilt.

I got someone who works with me

on my staff to drive them home.

Before they left, I gave them

a big hug, and it was again,

really emotional.

And I... said I was sorry.

And I said to Tabitha,

"The next time you come back

to the Capitol,

it's not gonna be like this."

And then she said,

"I don't want to come

back to the Capitol."

And it just...

it just rocked me.

[Mel] I turned

the ISO up on my camera,

and I had this dark photo

of this flag waving

and smoke,

this tear gas is coming down,

and there's hardly

any more people at the top.

It just was weirdly over.

[indistinct shouting]

[man] (on video)

So, earlier there was a lot

of people out here,

and I guess

it's thinned out a little bit.

Oh, so somebody got a souvenir.


You know,

I walked two blocks,

called a Uber.

I just remember looking at

who my driver was gonna be,

and I was so relieved that

this driver was a Black man...

because I really honestly

couldn't deal

with any more

white folks that day.

I couldn't, I was just over it.

I needed that at that moment.

I needed someone that

I could relate to,

that was on the same

wavelength as me,

that was the same...

that was a brother.

Like, I needed to tell that

Black man,


what I just went through.

Then I went up to the room

and, um, almost started crying.

I almost started,

and I stopped myself

and I was like, "Alright,

well, I got f*cking work to do.

Let's not go through this

emotional shit right now.

You gotta f*cking just focus

and get this job done."

[indistinct speech]

And I'm thinking

about my boy who's over there.

You know, it's like I'm trying

to f*cking make it home

and get the f*ck up

out of here so I can see my son.

[indistinct remarks]


Eventually, the fatigue

of the day caught up with me,

and when I saw that

I could take a break,

I went back inside and sat down.

I found out later on

I had a large contusion

underneath my hair.

Then I had a headache

for about two weeks.

So, I likely had a concussion.

If I had taken

another blow like that,

especially in the same place,

that very easily could have

caused serious brain

damage or been fatal.

[Rep. Raskin]

Our cops ended up

with broken jaws, broken necks,

broken arms, legs, fingers.

One officer lost three fingers.

People had traumatic

brain injury,

dozens and dozens ending up with

Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome.

It was just hard to believe that

this was going on in America.

And it was going on, you know,

downstairs from where we were,

and Donald Trump wasn't

doing anything to stop it.

And the National Guard

was just absent...

and we were dumbfounded.


Congressman Raskin

is joining us now.

Congressman, obviously you

can't share everything with us,

but what have you learned

about what comes next?

[Rep. Raskin] (on telephone)

I don't know, but I'll tell you

this but every single member

that I've spoken to

is absolutely determined

to have us complete

the counting of the

Electoral College votes,

and, uh,

American constitutional

democracy will prevail.

[siren wailing]

-[birds chirping]

-[wind blowing]

[Rep. Raskin]

Nobody ever said

it would be easy.

But healing begins

with the truth.

I mean, there was an effort

almost instantly to bury

and rewrite the history

of what happened on January 6th.

You don't almost knock over the

government of the United States

by accident.

It's not an impulse move.

This was an organized

attack on the government.

if you allow for

there to be confusion,


and disinformation about it.

Then that's very dangerous

because it conditions

the society to accept it

and licenses political v*olence

in the future.


It was a traumatic experience,

probably the most traumatic

event that I've dealt with.

But, for me, it's more of

losing trust in people.

You're talking about thousands

and thousands of people

that were willing to hurt us

to get what they want...

but then the next day,

probably go back to

respecting law enforcement,


How does that work?

How does that make sense?

How am I supposed

to respect that and trust you?

It was embarrassing,

to see what I was seeing,

you know,

to be an American.

The type of things

that happened

that day, you know,


are not supposed to happen

in this country.

We're America, the greatest

country in the world.

My photos are showing you

things that you already know.

It's not really

exposing anything,

it's just showing

you what's real.

Hopefully, you know, the photos

help make life better for...

Like, hopefully, my son doesn't

have to have a movement.

Be a part of a movement

like what I've been a part of,

or what my parents have been

a part of in the '60s.

But chances are,

he will be

because that's the way

the world works, you know.

The world is not perfect

and it can be

f*cked up sometimes.

[Rep. Raskin]

A violent insurrection

to overturn the election

is not an abstract thing,

as we've heard.

Hundreds of people

were bloodied,

injured, and wounded

in the process,

including more than

150 police officers,

some of them

sitting in this room today.


It's a dark day for America.

The Confederate flag was inside

the United States Capitol,

the flag of traitors,

and I say that as someone

born below the Mason-Dixon line,

who loves the South.

White supremacists rummaging

through the belongings

of our elected leaders.

It's hard to imagine how that

could be victory, right?

But power was transferred

that day peacefully.

The t*rrorists, very fortunate

that they got to go home,

but more of them are getting

arrested every day.

And, um,

victory doesn't always look like

what we want it to look like,

but we did win.

We won that day.

[indistinct speech]

[Erica] When you go

through something like

that, you don't really think

about the impact it had on you

until you decide

to talk about it again,

and then a lot of that

fear and terror

and pain comes back.

But, you know,

I don't know that there's

a whole lot of use

in being angry.

I think that anger

should be channeled

into the work that

we should continue to do.

That's why I stayed that night.

Being there, you know,

in the face of terrorism

and showing them that,

you know,

despite your attack on

democracy, democracy prevailed.

[Chief Contee]

This is not the end of the book.

It's not the last

chapter of the book.

So, while I have an appreciation

for being

part of this historically

significant event...

I take comfort in knowing

that it's not the last chapter.

I think about what's ahead.

How strong we are.

After enduring all of these

things yet here I stand,

our country.

After going through all

the things that we go through,

democracy still moves forward.

And our last chapter is

still yet to be written.

[indistinct speech]

[Rep. Raskin]

But this is not the

problem of one party,

it is the problem of

the whole country now.

American democracy,

Mr. Chairman,

is a precious inheritance,

something rare

in the history of the world.

So, justice is part

of what we're doing,

but I would say

paramount is the truth.

We want to set out

a complete,

detailed historical record

of what happened and why.

And we've come a long way,

but obviously the progress

can be lost also

in the wink of an eye.

In a world of insurgent


of racism and antisemitism,

let's all hang tough for

American democracy.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

I yield back.

So, eternal vigilance,

that's the price of our liberty.

That's the price

of our democracy.

We've all got

to stay on the case.

It's something we

take care of together.