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I'm Reed Fish (2006)

Posted: 05/09/24 21:27
by bunniefuu

Top of the morning to you,


Top of the

morning to you, Mud Meadows,

and, well,

welcome to The Fish Show.

The time is now 8 o'clock and 30 seconds,

so that means,

if you're one of those people

that has to be at work

by 8:00,

it might be a good time

to quit lollygagging,

get up, and get your butt

out of the house... now.

Leos, your dream catchers

have been working overtime.

And for those of you

under the sign of Aquarius,


Unexpected events

may cause your chakras

to fall out of alignment.

Chakras? Alignment?

Well, it sounds like

it may be a very interesting clay

for all us Aquariuses.



And those

are today's horoscopes.

Thank you, Maureen.

You are welcome.

And I am Reed Fish, and you're

listening to The Fish Show,

the radio arm of Mud Meadows'

double threat

news and information source, Mud

Meadows Radio and Television.

And now for the news...

brought to you

by our good friends

at Peterson Nursery

Feed and Tackle,

who want to remind you

that their special

on 50-pound bags of manure

ends Thursday.

Peterson Nursery

Feed and Tackle,

your one-stop

vegetation destination.

Now, civic boosters

have raised concerns

about the height of the hedges

around City Hall,

and I can't help but wonder

what our mayor has to say

on the issue.

I have no comment on the

hedge situation at this time.

Thank you.

Thank you, Your Excellency.

Well, We all know

this is a hot topic.

Oh, and it looks like

we've got some calls,

so let's go to the phones.

Uh, caller, you're on The Fish.

Reed, Patricia Rafferty.

These hedges are an outrage.

Someone should be fired.

Now, Patricia, i... I don't think

there's any need for that,


but thank you for your call.

Okay, caller,

you're on The Fish.

Then, Reed,

what's the solution on these hedges?

Well, I've always thought

that the simple solution

would be to have our guy, Gary

the gardener, take care of it

instead of bringing in that

topiary specialist twice a year.

He's right about that.

Damn straight he is.

Not only would it save the city

money in the long run,

but it would get those hedges

back into compliance

with the shrubbery ordinance

of 1957, which, of course,

states that all ornamental

shrubbery at municipal buildings

must be a minimum of 18 inches

below any Windows.

Thank you for your call.

Next caller,

you are on The Fish.

Caller, you're on The Fish.

You are on The Fish.

Thank you for your call.

So that just about does it

for today's broadcast.

Don't forget to tune in Thursday

to our TV show on channel 27,

where we'll be covering today's

triumphant return of Zeke,

our world-famous prodigal zorse,

who has been overseas on a tour

of South American petting zoos.

Wait a sec.

Frank Cortez has just handed me

a late-breaking news bulletin.

Let's see here.

Oh, it's a Fish Show

traffic alert.

Leonard Moore has a flat tire

out on Baker Road,

so keep your eyes peeled,

and if you have a minute,

stop and give Leonard a hand,

because with his bad back, he

shouldn't be lifting any tires.

Well, Leonard Moore

shouldn't be lifting anything.

Let's face it.

All right, we'll be back

tomorrow here on your radio,

so with that, my friends,

have a marvelous day

in the Meadows.

Great show, guys.

Thank you.

Maybe one of these clays,

you'll actually show up on time.

Well, i... I just like waking up

to the sound

of your sweet voice.

Yeah, well,

if you'd come any later,

we would have had to put

Frank on to read the news.

Hey, did you guys know that

the human eye expands 45%

when looking

at something pretty?

Interesting, isn't it?

Isn't that interesting?

Hey, so, Frankie, you know

where I want the camera set up

for Zeke and everything, right?

Of course.

And I've got some

of my own ideas

for some sh*ts too.

All right, cool.

We can go over them

when I get out there.



See you at the Petersons'.

If I lift my head

from the bed of stars,

the ocean wide...

if I call your name out,

would you carry me

on inside?

And if I close my eyes...

How are you, Leonard?

Oh, I've seen better days.

I'll bet.

We've got to make this quick.

You got to get ready

for the zorch.

Oh, yeah, I know.

It's a very big story.

You know, you're beginning

to look like your dad

more every day.

Oh, thanks, Leonard.

But I'm on my way.

Yes, I'm on my way.

I said I'm on my way, yeah.

But I'm on my way.

But I'm on my way.


Hey, Andrew.

Oh, hey, man.

I need to talk to you

about something.

So I had this dream last night

that Chuck Norris

was trying to teach me

how to cook chicken piccata.

So I think I should come on

The Fish and, like, analyze it.

I mean, I get the symbolism

that, like, Chuck Norris

is the guy and all that,

but what about the piccata?


You know what?

I think that answer

has to come from Within, man,

to be perfectly honest.

Wow, that's so true, man.

Thank you.

Yeah, you got it.

You should totally buy

that camera, by the way.

Hey, Reed Fish.

I was wondering

if you were gonna notice me.




You're here.

I know. I'm here.

Dude, watch the merch.

Hey, sorry, man.

So you look great,

same as always.

Thank you.

You've changed a lot, though.

I mean, you...

you look really good.

I know.

Guess I didn't look...

Dude, you're knocking over

my career.

It's fine.

Sorry, man.

Sorry about that.

What are you doing here?

Uh, well, my mom wanted me to

pick up some 40s of malt liquor

for us to have with lunch,

so I figured, you know,

while I was here,

I'd hang out with my cousin

for a few minutes.

What, your mom sent you

to go get 40s?

Reed, have you completely

lost your sense of humor

in the last four years?

Come on.


Um, well, anyway, I got to go.

I have to go cover this story.

The zorse has returned.

Oh, great, okay.

Well, it's so good to see you.

Yeah, it was really good

to see you too.

Do you want to come with me?

Hey, hey.

Oh, he's almost here.

All right,

give me the apparatus.

Hey, Frankie.


It's so good to see you.

It's good to see you too.

This is a surprise.


Don't you have a show

to do or something?

Oh, yes, right.

Of course.

I don't know;

start with a medium shot.

And I'll zoom the zorse.


Gosh, it's so cool that you're

the new voice of Mud Meadows.

I mean, I practically grew up

listening to your dad.

Mr. Fish,

stop staring at her boobs.

We're working.

Dude, I'm not.

Shut up.


No, no, no, no,

nothing that concerns you.


So, you know, while you're here,

you should come on The Fish.


No, you don't want me

on your show.


Local girl makes good.

People eat that stuff up.

But I haven't made good.

You went to college.

That is not making good.

It is in Mud Meadows.

Come on, it'll be a cakewalk.

Okay, but I don't know.

Well, we'll figure

something out.

How long are you here for?

Um, all summer, actually.

Hey, Reed,

your eyes are 45% bigger, by the way.

Seriously, shut up.

I'm so funny.

Yeah, but, you know,

I just needed to come home,

just regroup.

Nice shirt, Reed Fish.

I don't know... take some time

away from my life, you know?

Right, yeah.

That's cool.


Hey, we should hang out.

You know, like old times.

I'm getting married

in three weeks.

Oh, yeah? To Kate Peterson?

Oh, you heard?

No, just lucky guess, I guess.

What about you?

You, uh, getting married?

Oh, no.

Uh, my boyfriend, Gabe, and I

are kind of just...

Sorry, you guys,

but the zorse has arrived.

All right.

Yeah, quit zorsing around

and get to work.

Want to press the button?

Yeah, just tell me when.

On one, okay?


It's a very special day

in Mud Meadows as Zeke,

our one and only zorse, makes

his triumphant return home.

How's-how's Zeke feeling today?

Oh, he's excited,

but he's glad to be home.

Oh, that makes sense.

And so it's a cross between a...

A zebra

and a thoroughbred racehorse.

And who impregnated who?

The daddy's the zebra.

The daddy's the zebra.

And I hear

that he likes apples a lot.

Is this true?



fantastic. Shall I try to feed him?

Yes; in fact,

I think he wants one.

That's a good boy.

Fish out.

What do you do with it?

Do you ride it?

Do you milk it? What?

Oh, yeah,

you just zorse around, I guess.

Hey, did Katie tell you

how many cars

she sold last month?

She is the number one


in the entire

Peterson retail empire.

Oh, please.

Just-just let your old man

be proud of you, okay?

You know,

I'm still thinking salmon

for the wedding.

I think that's gonna

be really nice, Maureen.

Wait, i-I thought the choices

were prime rib or chicken.

I thought that

those were the options.

No, babe, the color

salmon for her dress.

Oh, right.

Because I'm a Pisces.

Oh, right, yeah.

Hey, did you get your

measurements in for your tux?

Yeah, yeah.

Oh, good.

Hey, which reminds me,

you ever smoked a Cuban?


I think I'll just help Kate

with these dishes,

and then

I really got to go home.

Well, okay, looks like it's

just the boys then, mano a mano.

So, uh, Irv, what is

the difference between,

like, a Cuban

and a regular cigar?

Well, a Cuban is made in Cuba.

Besides that.

It's, you know, richer.

It's fuller.

It's more flavorful.

I tell you what, though.

In reality, it's the embargo.

It's just a lot more exciting

to smoke an illegal cigar,

you know?

Something wrong there, kiddo?


It's all this wedding

crap, ain't it?


It's just...

I don't know.

It's kind of weird, like...

Irv, we're going to be family.

Hell, you've always been

a member of this family.

Man, your... your dad and me

were like brothers,

and Nancy and your mom, they...


Well, they'd just

be damn proud of you

is what I'm trying to say

and not just the wedding

but your life... everything.

You're doing exactly

what you were born to do.

You know, this... this town

depended on your dad.

Now they depend on you.

And I couldn't be happier

about you and my Kate.

I mean, it's going to be

tough on me when she moves out.

Which reminds me,

there's a little something

I've been meaning

to talk to you about.

Yeah, sure.


It's about your wedding night.


I don't know how to say this.


You know my Katie's

a virgin, right?

So I'm just asking you

as a favor, man to man...

Just Shittn' Ye.



I just totally

freaked you out, right?



Irv, I think I'm gonna throw up.

Well, can you do it over there

behind the gazebo?

Yeah, you bet.

There you go.

Good boy.


Morning, sleepyhead.

Rise and shine.

You don't want

to be late for work.


No, i... I am up, up, and up.

Well, I mean, I have

the alarm set, AKA Maureen.

Oh, okay.


look very pretty this morning.

And how would you know that?

Oh, because you look pretty

every morning.



Oh, that's so sweet.

Now, listen, don't forget we're

supposed to meet Mrs. Sandstrom

after the show today.


Oh, and hey, Kate, try to...

Try to not zorse around too much

at work there today, okay?


Um, Reed, just so you know,

that joke isn't funny.

Don't use it on the show.


Give me a kiss.

Go get 'em, tiger.

Wherever you lead,

I will follow.

Be your...

perhaps tomorrow.

Wherever you lead,

I will follow.

All right, so let's bring

all the citizens of Mud Meadows

up to speed on your life, Jill.

So after you graduated,

you went to college.

Talk into the microphone.

Oh, yeah, sorry.


Yes, college,

the University of Texas

at Austin.

And your degree was

in economics, right?

But I heard a...

I heard a wee bit of a rumor

through the grapevine...

I heard a wee bit of a rumor

through the grapevines

that you're going

to law school this fall.


Word gets around.

Yup. Yes, it does.

That's... that's just

Mud Meadows for you.

Oh, you know,

but I miss it so much.

I mean, I actually

really miss Mud Meadows.

It's so good to be back.

Just-I don't know.

It just gives me perspective

or something.

I just keep wondering

why I ever left

in the first place.

Yeah, Why was that?

Why... why did you leave?

I guess it's just that

all my dreams and aspirations

weren't right next door

to my house.

My life wasn't

already set up for me.

I wasn't so lucky.

Not everyone can be.

Well, it looks like

we've got some calls,

so let's go to the phones,

which, today, is sponsored

by Peterson Sporting Goods.

Peterson Sporting Goods: your

one-stop recreation destination.

Hello, caller,

you're on The Fish.

Reed, Patricia Rafferty.

Hi, there, Patricia.

Um, do you have a question

for Jill?

No, my business is with you,



Why, well, what seems

to be the trouble?

Well, I was walking my grandson

to school this morning

and crossing the street

of Jackson and Cedar,

and we were almost run over.

This car came out of nowhere.

Yeah, yeah,

I know. That's a very bad intersection.

Well, maybe the

mayor would like to come on the air

and explain why

there's no stop sign there.

Well, yeah, I mean,

hey, come on, Patricia.

We all know that Maureen

is really just a figurehead.

So, no, I think

we'd be much better off

getting old

Georgie Porgie Henderson

over at Public Works

on the line,

and I happen to have

his number on speed dial.

Reed, this is George Henderson.

Look, I appreciate

Miss Rafferty's concern,

but I'm afraid there's nothing

we can do about it right now.

The budget's too tight...

Look, no, I understand that

you guys are busy, George,

but this is, like,

a public safety issue.

I mean, what about dipping

into your discretionary fund

to pay for a little bit

of overtime?


That fund's only

for special circumstances.

And taxpayers' children

nearly getting run over to death

doesn't count

as special circumstances?


I'll have a crew over there



Thank you very much, George.

Have a nice day.

Oh, thank you, Reed.

Oh, of course, of course.

Thank you for your call,


Next caller, you're on The Fish.


It's... it's John Penner calling.

Hey, John.

Oh, my God,

it's so good to talk to you.

How's your mom?

Oh, uh, she's good. Thanks.


I... I just wanted to tell you

that we're

all really proud of you

down here at the coffee shop.

Okay, bye.

Awesome call, man.

Oh, John, great call.

Great call.

And with that, my friends,

have a marvelous day

in the Meadows.

That's such a great line.

I love that.

Well, you know, it was

my dad's kind of tradition.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

You did an amazing job.

You're a born natural

radio personality.

Oh, right, please.

Oh, no, you did.



Oh, it's so good to see you.

Yeah, it's been way too long.

I know.

Hey, congrats on hooking

this Fish here.

Oh, yeah, thanks.

Oh, my God, I hope

you're in town for the wedding.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I will be.

Man, it's a summer of weddings.

You know Andrew

and Theresa are...

Yeah, well,

Reed's in that wedding.

Did he tell you?

He's one of Andrew's groomsmen.

No, no, no,

he didn't mention it,

but Andrew did, like,

ten times, so...

Oh, excuse me.


Oh, hey, Gabe.

Are you ready to go?

To go where?

Mrs. Sandstrom.

No, it didn't show up

on the caller ID.

Where are you calling from?

No, I don't Want... I can't

talk about this right now.

No, I'm good.

We can go.

'Cause we got to get there soon.

No, we're done.


Okay, bye.


It's okay.

So what are you up to tomorrow?

It's Friday night.

We should all go out,

the four of us,

and relive high school.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Well, actually,

I was kind of planning

on hanging out with my parents

and watching Wheel of Fortune,

but I could probably

squeeze you guys in.

Okay; well, excellent,

'cause that will give us

a chance to catch up,

'cause we have got to run.

We've got the caterer.

Yeah, see you, Jill.

Thank you for coming in,

and squeeze us in.



Hey, Jill, I bet you didn't know

that polar bears

are left-handed.

Can't wait to try

that asparagus again.

Sorry, what?

The asparagus.

The asparagus.

What are you talking about?

Mrs. Sandstrom's asparagus.

Mrs... ah, the asparagus.

What, you don't like it?

Uh, I don't know.

It tastes asparagusy.

You act like

you don't even care.

Well, I don't, really.





What's the problem?

We lost sound.

It's just a loose

connection, though.

It happens all the time

with this projector.

Hi, there.

So it appears as though

we're having

some technical difficulties.

Great movie, Fish!

Andrew, shut up.

You're the one who looks right

in the camera after every line.

Yeah, it's called acting.


So we'll try to get that up

and running as soon as possible.

How much longer, Ralph?

I... I don't know.

All right, I got it back.

Oh, my God.

There she is.

She's here.

Well, you invited her.

Yes, but I didn't think

she'd actually show up.



You're here.

I am.

You invited me, so...

I did invite you.


You look good.


So it's been a while

since the old, uh...

Yeah. Yeah.

You look good.

You just said that.



I'm sorry.

That's all right.

Don't worry about it.

What do you think of the movie?

I don't... I don't know.

It's, um...

Yeah, I know.

I guess it must be kind of weird

to see our story up there

for everyone to see.

Yeah, I...

| just... I know I hurt you.


I know I did.

Uh, we're good to go in there.

Okay, thank you, Ralph.


I guess we'll talk afterwards?

All right.


Okay, um, thank you

for your patience, Mud Meadows.

Fish out.

Why do I have to be concerned

with every single little

detail about the wedding?

We're getting married

in three weeks, Reed.

We're standing in front

of our caterer's house,

and you don't want

to discuss the asparagus?

No, I don't.

I just-I don't

understand you, Reed.

I mean, this is one of the

most exciting, romantic times

of our life,

and you barely care.

Well, that's not true.

That is not true.

I just don't want to have

to talk about it continually.

Well, then I guess we just have

nothing to say to each other.

Well, frig.



You know I don't like it

when you use that word.

I know you

do love me like a sister do,

but just stop once and

treat me like a lover would.

Nice to walk, talk,

and to hold you.

Talk to the sunrise, baby.

Oh-ho, so sad.

So sad.

The girls kicked ass

on this game, I have to say.

Mm-hmm. Some things

never change, I guess.

No, they don't.

It was luck.

Oh, yeah, losers

buy the next round, boys.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

What was that?

I'll help you.

Oh, you're so sweet

to take pity on him.

I am.

What song is that?

Man of La Mancha.

I'm so glad I came out

with you guys tonight.

Oh, yeah, me too.

Doesn't it feel like

we're in high school again,

but we're all cooler?

And the service

is still horrible.

Hey, Jill.

Hey, Rex.

Oh, hey, Rex.

I heard the show,

and I think it's hella sick

you're going to be a lawyer.

Oh, thanks. Yeah.

Well, what are you

up to these days?

Nothing, really.

I mean, I'm thinking

about founding

an internet start-up company.

You know, I'm getting

the money together now,

the venture capital,

and, like, it's number

crunching and spreadsheets,

and I don't want to get into it.

It's complex.

Okay. Wow.

Well, that's...

Good for you, Rex.

That sounds cool.

Reed, did you get

the proposal I sent, or...


Dang it, man!

Come on, Rex.

Come on, Rex.

So, Jill, | just...

I came over to say

I'm sorry for the way I acted

when you broke up with me.

Oh, it's...

No, no, I shouldn't have

yelled at you like that

or threw that hamburger at you.

You know what, Rex?

It was a really

long time ago, so it's...

No, it's never too late

to say you're sorry.

Well, thanks.

That's really sweet.

Yeah, well, I've changed a lot

since you knew me.

I went through anger management

and stuff.

Yeah? Oh.

Don't get me wrong.

I still party, though.

Well, that's...

that's great.

Yeah, it's pretty rad.

You guys getting beers or what?

Yeah, yeah, right.


Hey, Rex, what you been up to?

Just having a dance-off

with my buddies.

A dance-off?


Okay, I'm done.


All right.

That was nice.

Anybody want to go to Murray's

for a little bit of a nightcap?

Yeah, I'm game.

I can't.

I have to work in the morning.

We're getting

a new car in, so...

Yeah, no, count me out.

Somebody has to be

at the station on time: early.

Oh, well,

if no one else is going...

No, I mean, it's cool.

We'll have fun.

All right.


All right, cool.

A You guys:


See? This is better

than going to a bar.

No, you're right.

You're right.

But, I mean, Mrs. Henstrom's

not going to wake up, is she?

Come on, she's half deaf.

How many times did We

do this in high school?

She never woke up once.

Yeah, good point.

Good point.

No, no, no, no, I know it.

It's, um, Spar... Spar...

uh, uh, Spartacus Zopia.



That's what it is.

That's-you and

your fake constellations.

Like, like, I swear, for years,

I thought the... uh, what was it?

Gordita Borealis was real.

Oh, yeah,

good old Gordita Borealis.

So stupid.

It's not stupid.

So why are you here this summer?

I don't know.

A million reasons, I guess.

Such as?


I didn't finish college.

I dropped out two years ago.


I don't know.

I just could never

tell my parents, you know?

They expect so much of me

and they're so proud of me,

and... I don't know.

And then law school?

Yeah, right.

I'm a waitress.

Well, I mean, a waitress:

that's a really

good job to have.

No, I mean

the money's really good

with, like, tips and everything.


You're really sweet,

you know that?

I... I mean, I'm just saying

it's a good job.

I didn't drop out of school

to be a waitress.

Well, no, you dropped out

to write songs.

That's what you've

always wanted to do, right?



And are you writing songs?

Yeah, sometimes.

Good. Good.

I... I played a set at this place

in Austin a couple weeks ago,

and, um, it did not go so hot.


I don't know.

I'm just...

I'm not cut out for it, I think.

Jill, it's your passion.

It's, like, what you want to do.

You got to keep trying.

I mean...

everything will work out.

It always does.

Does it, though?

I don't know, Reed.

It just seems like, you know,

happy endings only happen to

people in the movies, you know?

Yeah, maybe you're right.

So Kate's really great.

You're really lucky.

You and Kate really

leaned on each other when...

When my father fell asleep

at the Wheel, k*lling himself,

my mother, and Kate's mother

all at the same time?



why can't I interview people?

I don't know.

What's up, man?

Ah, it's just Kate.

Listen, the closer it gets

to the wedding,

the weirder they get.

How would you know?

You've never even lasted

with anyone more than a week.

Hey, I know women, okay?

Why, because you still live

at home with your mother?


You think I should

get married, right?

Dude, what are you

talking about?

Kate Peterson

is the whole package.

She's totally hot.

You've known her forever.

I mean, you guys

are so meant to be together.

Yeah, I know.

Reed, this is the best decision

you've ever made, seriously.

Don't get cold feet.

Yeah, I know.

You're right.

You're right.

I don't think you realize

just how lucky you are, Reed Fish.

The sheriff gave Princess

a ticket for loitering.

Well, the sheriff

should have known

that only animals

used for transportation

can be issued citations.

How can a chicken break the law?

It's complete poppycock.

That it is.

Well, this law was designed

to protect animals,

but the sheriff's unfortunate

and brazen misuse of his power

could, unfortunately,

undercut the very freedom

of our creature companions.

Fish out.

Ooh, nice shot, baby.

Oh, yeah?

Was it a nice shot?

That was a nice shot.

I'm like, "What's up?"

Oh, great,

it's the high five lovers.


Hey, Andrew, Theresa.

Hey, man, what's going on?

Not a heck of a lot.

It's getting pretty close, eh?

We're going to be a couple

of married dudes pretty soon.

Right? Right?


Hey, our wedding

is going to rock, huh?

Oh, up high.

Up high.

OW! Whoa!

And it totally rocks

that we're going to be in each

other's weddings, all right?

Right? Up high.

Come on, give it to me.

Whoo! Whoo!

Because, you know, man...

I love you.

I love you?

No, sing it.

I... I love you.

Yes, yes, I love you!

Come here.

Yeah, man,

I love you.

I love you.

Love him.


All right, guys,

well, take care,

and we're going

to walk over there.


I love you.

I love you.

I love you.


I love you.

You do? You love me?

I love you.

Hey, you, kid,

can I see your ID?


Pretty funny stuff, Ralph.

Oh, thanks, man.

Sure. Thanks.

So how's it going?

Oh, it's going, uh...

It's going good.

You know, you're looking

more like your dad every day.

Oh, that's what

everybody tells me.


People tell me all the time too,

except my dad had a beer gut.

That's the one thing

I didn't get from him... yet.

It's easy to get a beer gut

owning a bar.

You don't even realize it

as it happens,

and all of a sudden,

one day you look down,

and you can't even see

your own damn shoes anymore.

Can't wait for that day.

All right, just going.

I bet you ladies didn't know

it's impossible

to lick your own elbow.

Smooth operator.

Hey, cowboy.


"Yo. ll."

Wow, that's very

street of you, Reed Fish.

Well, you know, what can I say?

Every day's a struggle.


It's really good to see you.


You're here with...

Yeah, Andrew and Theresa.

Is Kate here?

No, no, it's just

a dudes' night out.

Oh, cool.


Um, howdy.

Uh, welcome to Murray's

Weekly talent night.

Our first talent is Andrew.

Yeah, Andrew!



Andrew! Whoo!

Should he really be

doing this drunk off his ass?

I'm sure he'll be fine.

You should get up there.

Oh, I don't know karate.


No, the guitar.

Oh, no.

No. Are you crazy?

This is Mud Meadows.

Everyone knows me.

I'll be laughed off the stage.


Rock on, Mud Meadows!

Or not.

Or not.

I'll tell you what...

Here, I'll dare you.


Seriously, get up there.

You'll be amazing.

Oh, hey.

Okay, we've had

a change in plans.

Oh, man.

I hate change.

Okay, so it's time

for more talent.

Our next talent

is Jill Cavanaughna.

I'm sorry... Cavanaughna.



Um, hi.

Thank you, Ralph,

for that nice introduction.


so I'm going to sing a song,

and I wrote it,

so please, no booing.





I'm just gonna start over.

From where I'm standing,

you're the quiet side

of the room.

You're looking so lonely,

and I can't stop

looking at you.

Your head is hanging,

trying to beat

those good-bye blues.

I bet you'll be fine.

I bet you'll be fine.

I guess it's not the way

you always planned it.

Looks like you're heading

for a crash landing.

That's just the way it looks

from where I'm standing.

From where I'm standing.

From where I'm standing,

I think I caught your eye.

Are you looking at me?

'Cause I swear

I saw you smile.

And I'm coming over,

gonna take things

off your mind.

I bet you'll be fine.

I guess it's not the way

you always planned it.

Looks like you're heading

for a crash landing.

That's just the way it looks

from where I'm standing.

From where I'm standing.

Let it fall.

Let it come down.

Let it crash around you.

Around you.

I guess it's not the way

you always planned it.

Looks like you're heading

for a crash landing.

I might make you mine.

I might make you mine.

From where I'm standing.

Thank you.

Oh, my God.

That was amazing.

You are totally playing

at our wedding.

Totally playing at our wedding.

Oh, okay.

You're so talented!

Oh, my God.

Is it, like, stifling hot

in here, or is it me?

Yes, yes, it is hob-stifling.

Do you want

to go get some fresh air?

Yeah, that'd be great.

Go to it.

Bye, guys.

Want a beer?


Hey! Hey!

Can we get a beer?

Oh, my God.

That was, um, so cool.

I mean, I ca... the reaction,

you know, was just unbelievable.

I... I told you.

Didn't I tell you?


I knew you could do it.

No, I knew that

they would love you.

Jill, like, you... you've

got something to say.

You've... you've got a voice in

this world that's all your own.

I mean, most of us

would k*ll for that.

Oh, well, that's sweet

of you to say.

Hey, kiddo.


Oh, you guys have fun?

You didn't get

too crazy, I hope.

Uh, no, uh, it was pretty tame.


Well, she's just hitting the

sack, if you want to go see her.

Thanks, Irv.

Yeah. Good night.


Hey, how was it?

It was great.

Yeah, it was great.

Anyone interesting show up?

Oh, no, no, just the usual.


Anyone good onstage?

No, no, no.

How was your night?

Um, it was good.

The usual, dinner with Naomi.

But, oh, my God, she had

the best idea for our wedding.

For the reception,

she offered...

Yeah, it was just

boring wedding stuff.

But she wants us to go up

to the lake this weekend for...

Uh, I...

I love you, Kate.

I love you too, babe.

Are you okay?

Are you crying?


Oh, maybe.

Why are you crying, babe?

'Cause I love you.

And 'cause I made out

with Jill Cavanaugh

in the Murray's parking lot.


I kissed her.

It was all my fault.

It was all me.

I kissed her.

Why would you kiss her?

Oh, 'cause I wanted to.

How could you do that?

How the hell could you do that?

I'm sorry, Kate.

A lot of good that does me.

Maybe I'm not ready for this.

Ready for what?

Uh, the wedding.

Maybe we should

just call it off.

I... I... I'm nothing.

I don't deserve it.



Yeah. Okay.

Wait a sec.

Are you serious?

Of course.

You just said that you're

not ready to get married.

I mean, you're either in,

or you're out.

It's simple.

Maybe I'm not ready

to get married.

Maybe I'm not ready

to get married.

You haven't even wanted

to plan the wedding.

You've been completely distant

the whole time that

I've been planing our wedding.

There's no maybe about it.

I mean, you're not ready

to get married.

I'm not going to marry you.

Okay, okay, I take it back.

I take it back.

You can't take it back.

You... it's already done.

I want to... I want to

marry you, Kate.

What are you doing?

Are you serious?

We need time to talk this out.

There's nothing to talk about.

No, okay.

I'm sorry.

I was-don't do this.

It's done.

And so I think

I speak for everyone

when I say

that it's a big relief

that Ms. Rafferty

dropped her lawsuit

about those runaway hedges

at City Hall.

A big old kudos to the mayor

for getting that whole disaster

under control.

Um, okay,

I guess we go to the phones.

The call-in portion of today's

show is brought to you

by Peterson Motors

in Mud Meadows.

Peterson Motors: your one-stop

transportation destination.

Caller, you're on The Fish.

We all know what you did, Reed.

I'm sorry?

We've been talking

down here at the coffee shop,

and what you did to Kate

was horrible,

and you should be ashamed

of yourself, and, okay, bye.

Well, I am ashamed of myself.

Thank you for your call.

Friends get married.

I see them once or twice.

Love picks me up...

So now, where was I?

Something about driving truck.


I was talking about Donald.

Oh, hey, Jill,

you remember Donald.

Uh, yeah, I do.

Donald, my husband.

He is so loyal.

I mean, he is

the sweetest thing.

Oh, hold that thought.

I've got an order up.

Sorry I'm late.

Hey, don't worry about it.

I'm so sorry.

Jill, I kissed you.

I know, but it's still...

No, honestly,

it is not your fault.

I was really sorry to hear

that things are over with

you and Kate, and I just feel...

Well, you know,

it... it's for the best.

I think it's probably best

if we just stay friends.

I mean, I came home

to get my life all figured out,

you know, and it's just

gotten really... I don't know...

Confusing and complicated and...

Yeah, I'm sorry about all that.

So I think

it's probably a good idea

if we don't see each other

for a little while.

So anyways,

like I was saying, my husband, Donald,

he drives truck,

and he's always telling me,

"When you drive truck,

"you can't abandon it

halfway down the line,

"'cause when you truck,

"you better be in it

for the long haul,

especially when you already

been paid in full."

I'll give you two a minute.

And with that, my friends,

have a marvelous day

in the Meadows.

See ya, man.

All right, Maureen, have

a marvelous day in the Meadows.

You know, Reed,

you seem awfully tired.

Are you getting enough rest?

Oh, no, yeah, I'm fine.

Are you sure you're okay?

Yeah, yeah.

She won't be mad forever.

How do you know that?

It's what the stars tell me.

Or maybe, since I know you

both since you were kids,

I just... I just have

a sense about these things.

Bye, honey.

See ya.


If you mess

with my cousin again,

I'm going to

have to mess you up.

I... I know that, Andrew.

You've said that

exact same thing to me

every single day this week.


It's all about repetition

in the martial arts and life.





I'm sorry I have

to get rough with you.

It's fine.

I mean, I still want you to be

in our wedding and everything,

even though I'm not

gonna be in yours.

Poor Kate.

You really screwed the pooch

on that one, didn't you?

Yes, I did.

Yeah, and in the end,

I'm afraid you will be the one

who will truly suffer.

We got this

thing inside that's going around

like a ride through life...

You say,

"That ain't so bad."

I say, " | t ain't so..."

I Yeah, yeah. I.

I Yep. I.

Okay, so, um, where

do you want to sh**t?

Uh, uh...

Um, maybe you want

to start the interview kneeling

and then get up

as an introduction

Yeah, okay, sure.

Hey, um, maybe

you want to shave.

I mean, it's not a real sexy

five o'clock shadow.

It's just depressing,

if you ask me.

Well, I didn't ask you, so...

Grab those carrots

off you there.


I'm here with Imogene Sandstrom,

carrot caretaker extraordinaire.

Now, Ms. Sandstrom,

how on earth do you explain

these colossal carrots?

Oh, I'm not about

to share my secret with anyone.

Next question, please.

Reed, wake up!

Franklin, be nice.

We'll just take it from the top.

We're just gonna take it

from the tippy top.

That's fine with me,

but just remember,

don't even think about

asking me about my secrets.


Thank you.

It can't go on like this.

I know. I know.

It's just, like...


All of it.

I'm sorry, Frank.

I just want everything

to be like it was, you know?

It'll get better.

I promise.

If you and Kate

could just work this out,

we wouldn't even

have to be doing this.

I know. I know.

Believe me, I know that.

Markowitz, right?

Oh, they're gonna hate me.

Markowitz. Jesus.

Everybody hates you, bro.

I may actually

have to stop hanging with you.

You're ruining my rep.

Oh, now I know

I've hit rock bottom.

Just leave it on the porch.

You don't have

to explain yourself

to everybody.


just give me a second, okay?

Hey, Reed,

have you read the investment

proposal I sent you yet?

Uh, you know, Rex,

I leafed through it.

I'm telling you, man,

this thing is gonna be huge.

So what do you say?

Are you in?

I... I don't... I don't think so.

I'm not sure, man.

Come on, what do I have to do?

I mean, this idea is golden.

The internet is the technology

of the future.

I... I'm sorry, man,

but I don't think

I can help you.

Why do you have

to be such a jerk?

All I need is a little...

A little seed money,

and you've got so much

stinking cash in the bank,

you wouldn't even miss it.

Damn it!

Wait, so let... let me get this...

Let me get this straight.

You want me

to spend my inheritance...

Or rather,

the money from my parents'

life insurance policies

the money that I haven't spent

a dime of since they died...

And put it into your business

selling new and used table saws

over the internet?

Exactly. Yeah.

Well, that's pretty

frigging Ret*rded, isn't it?

It's a good idea.

It's a good idea.


Money, money, money,

money, money.

Yes, I've got days so sunny

with money, money,

money, money, money.

"Nice one, idiot."

Thank you!

You're mixing it up, at least.

And now, let's see...

Oh, I need my lovely

little flower girl.

Now, remember, sweetheart...


Uh-huh, there We go.

And you're going to stand

right about here, okay?


the bride.

Here she comes.

That's right.

Oh, so exciting.

Very good.

And, oh, here we go.

Jill, music please.

Can't believe

you belong to me.

I guess I must have

done something right.

How did we get here,

and where did we start?

You follow my heart.

And on your arm,

I could fall asleep.

And on your arm

is the best of me.

And on your arm,

I'll go anywhere,

'cause I know

that you'll be there.

Count a million ways

to stay

I on your arm. I.

Hi, there.


Great song.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

I've been working

really hard on it.

Yeah, it shows.

It's really good to see you.

Yeah, it's good to see you too.

I missed you.

Yeah, I missed you too.

It's really good to see you.

You said that already.



Well... it's been

quite a summer, huh?


Shouldn't you guys be making out

in the parking lot?

Um, do you want to eat food?

Yes, I'm starving.

Yes. All right.

Let's go.

After you.

Oh, ow.

I should not have done that.

I'm so full.

Yeah, no kidding.

You hit that buffet,

like, eight times.


All right.

Oh, great.

All right.

Oh, yeah.


Yes, here it is.

And I quoteth, "Dear Reed,

you are such a cool guy."

"I just wish you had

a better haircut.

Love, Jill."

I wrote that?

Yes, you did.

Let's see.

Yup, and it's

even more true today.


Hey, so I told my parents

about quitting school

and singing and everything.

Yeah? And?

And they were upset, you know,

but mostly just

'cause I lied to them.

But otherwise, they just said

they wanted me to be happy,

and that's all any parent

wants for their kid, right?


That's amazing.


Why aren't We together?

I should go.


Reed, I told you I'm

I can't-I can't do this.

Well, then,

why are you here right now?

Look, Gabe's coming

in the morning.

He's going to the wedding

with me, so...

It's the

breakup breakdown again.

It doesn't much matter,

baby, where or when.




Hey, Reed, this is Gabe.


Hey, nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

Heard lots about you.

Yeah, I've heard of you.

Jill, there you are.

We need you out there pronto.


Come on.

All right, we'll...

I'll see you afterwards.

You okay?

Yeah. You okay?



You're with

the wedding party, huh?



You want to usher me?

I'd love to.



You know Jill a long time?

Uh, yeah, we...

We grew up together.

So you know how lucky I am.

I do.

This would be you.


Thank you.

You got it.

I'll see you afterwards.

Right, sure, definitely.

And so I know, Andrew,

that you will always,

always protect me.


Theresa, my love, my sensei,

without you, I have no chi.

Now that Andrew and Theresa

have given themselves

to each other

and have done so before our God

and this congregation,

I pronounce them

husband and wife.

You may now kiss the bride.




I'm sorry, Kate.

I know.

That was supposed

to be us up there,

and I messed everything up.

I mean,

especially after all that

we've been through together.

Well, Reed, I mean,

I never told you this,

but I was really scared

about our wedding.

You were?


I mean, my mom wasn't

going to be there, so...

And maybe it would have seemed

like she was really gone.

I mean,

because if she was alive,

nothing could have

kept her from it.


Well, yeah, I mean,

so, yeah, I was scared,

but I knew I would be all right.

I mean, I knew it

would be okay because...

because you'd be there with me.

Oh, Kate.


Now she's still gone.


Come on.

I'm so sorry.

Oh, I know.


Kate, I'm sorry.

Oh, it's okay.


The door was open, so I just...

So I've been thinking, and i...

Thinking about what?


I didn't...

I'm sorry.

I'm such an idiot.

I... I should have known that...

You should have known what?

That this was a huge mistake.

Oh, God.

You were the one who...

Oh, so you sleep with her

to get back at me?

Hey, she was my fiance.

Yeah, we were supposed

to be married,

but you ruined that.

Where do you get off

saying anything?

Just go back to frigging Austin

with Gabe or whoever.

Oh, Jesus.

Oh, you think you're so much

better than us, don't you?

I'm pretty sick of you,

like, toying around with me.

Are you insane?

Not anymore.

Don't you get it, Kate?

He doesn't really love

either of us.

Hey, you're really

one to talk, Jill.

Look, will you just tell her

that you love me?

You know what?

I should have

just left you alone here

to live your dad's life

in peace.

Tell her that you love me.

Just tell her the truth.

Wait, whoa, Jill.

So that's what it is?

You... you look down on me?



I mean, I thought you wanted...

And I thought you...

And then this the very next day?

I mean...

You're... you're so... weak.

Hey, I am not living

my father's life.

You are such an assh*le.

Oh, Kate.

I was so stupid for ever

wanting to marry you

and even stupider for thinking

that we had a second chance.

You just... you have to understand

what I've been going through.

She's right, you know.

You don't really know

how to love anybody.


for all you Aquarians out there,

despite your upset stomach,

today is the perfect day

to begin fulfilling

your potential.

And those were the horoscopes.

I hope you liked them.

Frank, take over.

Uh, hi, Frank Cortez here.


Hey, Maureen,

I bet you didn't know

that a flea can jump

30,000 times without stopping.

I did not know that.

That seems like a lot.

It is a lot.

It looks like

we've got some calls lined up,

so let's hit the phones.

Hello, caller,

you're on The Fish.

Patricia Rafferty here.

We have a problem.

Where's Reed?

Well, Reed's not here.

This is Frank.

Tell Frank your problem.

No, no,

I... I need to talk to Reed about this.

It's very serious.

It's an emergency.

Reed's supposed to be here

every day.

What do you mean he's not here?

Where is he?

Well, uh...

Yes, uh, Patricia,

can you hold on a moment?

Dude, what the hell?

I'm sick.

So you just don't show up?

What, I can't get sick?

What, the whole town

has to shut down

because Reed Fish

takes one sick day?

That's bullshit, man.

You're just screwed in the head.

Shut up.

Get the hell out of here.

You're making me

look like an idiot, man.

I totally froze in there.

I finally get my chance,

and I'm choking.

What are you whining about?

You were fine.

No, I wasn't.

Are you coming?

I just told you I'm sick.

Okay, we're back, so...

Well, I'll tell you one thing:

Reed's dear, departed father

never once was absent in

all the years he did the show,

and, of course, the one day

Reed decides to be gone,

we've got a situation.

I mean, it's a crisis situation.

I need help!

I don't know what to do.

Yes, it's an emergency!

Hi, Patricia.

This is Reed.

What's your emergency?


thank goodness you're here.

There's a peacock

running up and down the road.

A peacock, Patricia?

Yes, a peacock, and it's

running around like crazy.

Can you call

the fire department?

Why, is it on fire?

No, it's not on fire.

Well, the fire department?

Are you kidding?

You need to call animal control,

all right?

And why can't you call them?

Why do I have to call them?

Reed Fish.

Why do I have to do

every single little thing?

Everyone in this town

is such a baby.

Jesus Christ.

Make your own calls,

find your own jobs,

and leave me...

What are you doing?

Don't you use that kind

of language with me.

Every day, I listen to bitching

and... get the hell off of me.

Leave me the hell alone.

What are you doing?

What has got into you?

Listening to you!

Stop fighting right this minute,

or I will

call the fire department.

Watch out,

atmosphere pressure

will change later,

causing temperatures to plummet,

so make sure you bring

the dogs inside tonight.


I'm Reed Fish, bitch!

You guys stop it.

Last week's

bake sale netted over $83.

The proceeds from the sale

will be used

to buy new a new atlas,

finally letting

all Mud Meadows...

Union is no more.

I think the radio's broke.


You think you're funny?

You make me sick, man.

That was quite

a performance there, Reed.

What are you doing?

This isn't you.

Well, maybe this is me.

Oh, oh, so now you're the guy

who yells at people on the

radio, fights with his friends,

cheats on his girlfriend?

Look, maybe I'm just not the guy

that everyone needs me to be.

Reed, nobody has ever needed you

to be anything

other than yourself.

That is not true.

No, everyone in this town

has always assumed that i...


Assumed that you were

your father's son, yes,

but that doesn't mean that

you needed to try to be him,

because you are not him,


Just get over it.

Those lights up ahead

remind me of her eyes

the day she was wed.

And those fools...

So thanks,

everyone, for another wonderful show.

This is Floyd Fish,

and, as always,

I'll be back on your radio

tomorrow with more of the same.

And with that, my friends,

have a marvelous day

in the Meadows.

And these hearts

grow darker every day,

with all the good ones

that often gets away.

But, you see,

it's better than...

It's better

than you'll ever know it.

She got a whole lot of cards

in her hand

that she ain't

never showing.

You see the lights go down

on a tired little town.

You could've sprung for roses.

Yeah, I could have,

but I thought

this arrangement was nicer.

What, you think you can just

waltz right back into my life?

No, man, I don't, but I at least

wanted to apologize for...

I'll apologize for everything

pretty much, so I'm sorry.

Yeah, I would say

it's about time.

Yeah, well, good.

I got something I want

to talk to you about, man.

Okay. What?

Well, I'm thinking

that it might be time

for a new voice of Mud Meadows.


You're not going

to do the show anymore?

No, I don't think so.

What are you gonna do, then?

Well, I've got money,

and I've got this idea.

At 23 years old,

I finally figured out

how to be a grown-up.

I just needed a little push.

Sure, that push sent me over

a steep cliff, but that's okay,

because I picked myself back up,

and I'm now grateful for it.

Grateful because

that tiny nudge ended up

showing me the path

to a happier life.

You just have to be yourself.

Know who you are.

So who am I?

That's easy.

I'm Reed Fish.


That's pretty rad!

That's pretty rad, man!

It's kind of a revelation

to see yourself up there, huh?

I know.

I didn't know

my ass was so great.

Your... your ass is fantastic.


I think We did well.

I got to go.



Hey, heck of a movie.

It took a lot of guts.

Oh, thanks, John Penner.

Oh, Reed, that was so wonderful.

Oh, thanks.

You did a great job, Maureen.

Yeah, I'm kind of

a regular Meryl Streep.

Oh, you certainly are.

You know, Reed,

your parents would have

really been proud of you.

Thank you.

Fish. Hey man, great job.

Oh, thanks.

You guys were great.

Ask Theresa.

I almost started crying,

like, two times.

I mean, I felt all the biggies,

like anger and passion and

revenge and, like, sadness.

That's... that's amazing.

It was so good.

Oh, you're so talented.

You are talented.

Okay, I'll call you later

and tell you all about it.




She left.

Oh, I'm sorry, man.

Did she say anything to you?

Not really, just that

I did a really good job

playing her in the movie.

Yeah, you did.

I'm sorry.

Ah, it's okay.

It's fine.

Somebody looks hungry.

Oh, thank you.

I'm starving.

You're welcome, baby.

So, Reed, do you consider

tonight a success?

I... I do, Frank.

A lot of people have a lot

to be proud of here tonight.

That they do.

I just have one final question.

I know all of our viewers

want to know

what is next for Reed Fish?

Uh, i... I'm not sure.

I haven't really put

too much thought into it.

I guess I'll just zorse around

for a little while.

Well, thank you, Reed.

And that ends our coverage

for tonight.

I am Frank Cortez, and until

next week, Mud Meadows,

keep on keeping it real.

Oh, man, this is gonna look

really rad on the webcast.

Did you zoom in?

I can't believe you guys

even have a webcast.

Making you head of internet

was the best move Frank made

since I left the show.

Yeah, it's hella sick.

Seriously, did you zoom in?

A little bit.


Pretty cool, Rex.

Yeah, it was pretty rad.


You guys ready to party'?

No, but thanks.

I'm just kind of beat.

I think I just want to go home.

Yeah, I think

that's a good idea.

I want to go home.

Home's good.

Getting a little fresh air?


I'm sorry about what happened

back there with Jill.

Oh, no, please, Kate, don't.

No, i... I wish it

had worked out for you.

I really do.

Well, that's

really sweet of you.

I actually like the movie.

Amy did such a good job

playing me.

She was a better me than me.

You... you really liked it?

I really did.

But I mean, like,

couldn't you have at least

changed our names or something?

It's just kind of Weird,

everybody knowing our business.

Yeah, I know. I know.

I still don't get why

you needed to make a movie,

but if it's what you needed...

Kate, thank you

for still being my friend.

You're welcome.

I guess we're growing up.

Yeah, I guess so.

I was wrong.

We were both wrong.

You do know how to love.

Well, congratulations.

You did great.

Thanks for everything.

I'll see you later.

So you're looking

for the Gordita Borealis?





I'm sorry I left.

No, no, I know.

It's okay.

I get it.

I can't believe

you made a movie about us.


Figured it out.

All thanks to you.

Look, Jill...

I love you.

Nothing else matters.

I love you too.

I guess we're going

to get a happy ending, huh?

Yeah, I guess so.

I guess so.

Guess we believe in 'em

after all.

All my soul and what I got,

frame by frame,

shot by shot,

I made it all for you.


what a sweet projection.

In Monday fables

and fairy tales,

love defies logic,

reason fails.

It's what We call

the truth.

I Yeah. I

But it survives affection.

Jet black sky

and a red brick moon.

Go soon.

Christ, babe,

I want to be with you.

Do-do-do-do, yeah,

I want to be with you.


I want to be with you.

Still a one-street town.

One lane.

Nothing left,

and most men must think

that Hollywood's

a late-night picture show.

But you dream.

Never came around.

It's all right.

Like you're over me.

I ain't tired of something;

something's getting

awful tired of me.

Ooh-oh-whoa, ooh-oh-whoa,


Are you tired of me?

Ooh-oh-whoa, ooh-oh-whoa,


Are you tired of me?

Lightning flash, disappear.

Been said heartache's

a souvenir.

She said,

"I'm your ingenue."

I play it to perfection.

Helpless son

of a father taught.

It feels like home,

but I know it's not.

It's what I had to do

for my own protection.

Jet black sky

and a red brick moon.

No son cries.

Babe, I want to be with you.


I want to be with you.


I want to be with you.

I'm on the FM dial.

I just want

to tear this thing to pieces.



I want to see you smile.
