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Water is Wide, The (2006)

Posted: 05/09/24 21:37
by bunniefuu
Back in the days

when I was young

and a little too sure

of myself,

Yamacraw Island was a remote

and isolated corner

of America--

forgotten by history,

untouched by the hand

of modern man.

Across the water

and a world away,

the school board of Beaumont

County, South Carolina,

was in command

of the island's education.

It was here, on the mainland,

that I first learned

of Yamacraw

and its children.

Fearless and capable,

Dr. Henry Piedmont,

the superintendent of schools

in Beaumont County,

was a mill town kid who had

scratched his way to the top

and never looked back.

We first met in the summer

of 1969.

Although I'd graduated

from a military academy,

I had elected

to join the Peace Corps,

but when that option

suddenly fell through...

So, you've turned

to teaching, hmm?

Well, I'm already

a teacher, sir.

You were a teacher--

high school, two years,

where you were relieved

of your duties

as a basketball


Yeah, well, I guess I favored

the better players,

who happened to be black.

Son, they tell me I run

the most democratic

school system in the country.

That little gesture

he just made...

kind of reminded you of me,

didn't it, son?

How dare you use that tone

with a superior officer?!

No wonder

you're not a marine!

You don't have it

in you!

Turned out to be a nothing--

a smart-mouthed nobody

without a job!

Your father was in the military,

that right?

Yes, sir.

United States Marine Corps, sir.

Then you are familiar

with the concept

of chain of command, hmm?

Yes, I am, sir.


Mr. Conroy,

do you know why

you came here


Well, I want to teach

at "Yamercraw," sir.


The "A" is soft.

Yamacraw. Yamacraw.

In any event,

that's not the reason.

That's not the real reason.

Would you care to know?

Oh, you mean the real

real reason.

Divine guidance.

"Divine guidance."

Mr. Conroy, you're too young

and you're too naive

to realize this now,

but I believe

that is the real reason

you came to me


You see, son,

I've been praying

for an answer

to the problems

that confront


It's worried

me sick, boy.

Where was I going

to find somebody

who was willing to live and work

among those islanders,

somebody who could dedicate

himself to the education

of those beautiful,

beautiful, children?

Live among them, sir?

I'm not sure...


I want you to go there.

I want you to move around,

have a look-see,

and I want you

to tell me what you think.

Will you do that

for me?

My appointed navigator

was Zeke Skimberry,

a local fisherman who'd spent

his life on the river.

He could judge her moods

and read her signs

better than any man

in the region.

Thanks for the ride,

Mr. Skimberry.

Pat Conroy.


Ida, this here's

Pat Conroy.

Hey, Luther,

you got any 25s?

And bring me a Spanish

if you got it.

Mr. Conroy.

Wife, Ida.

That's queen trigger.

Ever seen one of them?


Best eating fish

in the sea.

Good catch.

For many years, Ezra Bennington

had been in charge

of the school district

that included Yamacraw Island.

Yeah, thank you, Zeke.

Well, Mr. Conroy.

It is a great pleasure

to meet you.

Well, it's good to meet you,


And you, sir,

are going to love Yamacraw.

I expect I will.

When Bennington's domain

was absorbed

by Beaumont County,

Piedmont had made him

deputy superintendent--

a lofty title for a position

that amounted to little more

than local errand boy.

There was a time

when the Yamacraw oysters

were world famous.

Oh, yeah?


What happened?

Well, you know,

perils of modern days,

and, you know,

most folks moving off,

and the ones left behind,

well, they're just

living off what

the island provides.

Still kind of primitive then,


Well, I helped

put in electricity

a few years back,

for the sake of the children.

Lord knows I've worked to

get those kids educated.

I love them as my own, actually.

Am I right about that, Zeke?

Yes, sir, Mr. Bennington.

That no preacher man.

That the new teacher.

New teacher coming.

We going to be late!

I don't care about

no teacher man.

What if I commute--

if I had my own boat?

No. You'd never be able

to navigate these waters.

Oh, I'm sure

I could learn.

No, no,

Zeke's got the only

boat comes out here.

He's the only man that

can get us through

all of this stuff here.

How about the kids--

don't they ever

get off the island?

Oh, yeah, yeah.

They have

to cross over

to the mainland


I mean, there's no work

on Yamacraw.

Mr. Conroy, Yamacraw's

just one big, old alligator

I've been wrestling

with just for years

and years and years.

Mrs. Brown

was the first decent teacher

that I could get

to live here full time.


Come on; join

the chain g*ng.

You all will pay attention

and follow my instructions,

do you understand?

Yes, ma'am.

The only white folks

on the island

were Ted Stone and his wife.

Somehow, being a decorated

veteran of World w*r II

qualified Ted to be chief

of police, fire marshal

and game warden.

Ted, this

is Pat Conroy.

Come to look

at our school.

Mr. Stone.

He also delivered the mail

for his wife, Lou--

the official postmistress,

who was a mechanic at heart

and drove

the Yamacraw school bus.


Pat Conroy here.

Good morning, ma'am.

I understand y'all

are the folks to

know around here.

That a fact?

Y'all live here long, Mr. Stone?

Long enough.


Hey, there.

Hi, y'all.

Show me the flower.

Baby, that's a rabbit.

Show me the flower.

Y'all sit up straight.

Mind your manners.

Yes, ma'am.

Don't act your color.

Whoa. Some driving, Ted.

Got you here, didn't I?

Yeah, barely.

Mr. Bennington,

what an honor it is

to have you visit

with us, sir.

Could this possibly be

our new addition?

Teacher man, teacher man!

Well, if he

accepts our offer,

which I am certain

that he will

once he gets

to know you,

Mrs. Brown.

Uh, Mr. Conroy.

Welcome overseas, Mr. Conroy.

Thank you very much.

And you

can just call me Pat.

Things are rough overseas,

Mr. Conroy.

Missionary work is what this is.

Mr. Bennington's

the only one who understands.



say good morning

to Mr. Bennington.

Good morning, Mr. Bennington.

And to Mr. Conroy.

Good morning, Mr. Con...



You know,

I used to go to a school

just like this one.

That's the truth.

Yeah, one room.

Pot belly in

the corner,

right over there.

And look where

I got, huh?

Now, you itty-bits,

now, you listen hard

to Mrs. Brown

and hopefully Mr. Conroy,

and you work

even harder, huh?

Well, you're all going

to get to be big and important,

just like me, hmm?

Now, y'all going to do that?

Yes, sir.

Turn around.

Bless you, Esther.

I knew you could bring

the little ones up.

I try, Mr. Bennington.

I do try.

Barbara and I met six months

after her husband died.


that man's here again.

She believed

in the contented home,

a happy family, admired order

and used a napkin.

I used the back of my hand

and thrived on chaos,

but we fell in love anyway,

and planned to be married

later that fall.

He sh**t!

So, did you get it?

Get what?

Don't be a dork, Conroy.

Yeah, quit being a dork.

You quit being a dork,

huh, huh?

Well, you're looking

at the number two educator

at Yamacraw Island.

Way to go, Conroy.

Very cool.


sweetie pie.

I got to split.

What's that-- fifth

grade lesson plan?

It's just as hard

as high school,

maybe harder-- you'll see.

Are you trying to tell me

I can't get by on my

winning Conroy charm?

I just don't understand

why you can't commute.

It's not that far

across the river.

Well, they want me to be

sort of a presence.

Anyway, they tell me

there's no boat.

Whoa, whoa, wait, wait.

Do they know you're getting

married in two months?

What about after that?


That's crazy.


Tell me about it; I know.

In case you

don't remember,

there's a little

girl up there

that still calls

you "that man."

She needs her daddy--

who's going to be you,

by the way.

I know, I know.

I'll get on their case.

I had to get the job first,



Hang on, hang on.

One teacher

to another.


I love you.

Really, you should

check it out.

Mm-hmm, check it out.

It saved me more than once.

I mean, I'm not kidding.

Here, let me help you.

Hey, good luck to you,

Mr. Conroy.

Thanks, Mrs. Skimberry.

It's Ida.

Thanks, Ida.

Do you ever see any boats

for sale around Bluffton?

Now and then.

I just need

a little one.

How little?

Enough to get me to

Yamacraw and back.

- Uh, Mr. Bennington says...

- Well, let's forget

what Mr. Bennington says.

I need my own boat.

Thanks, Mr. Stone.

Appreciate it.

You know, a

lot of gals

ain't got hair

as long as you.

Have you ever taught

colored children

before, Mr. Conroy?

Well, for two years,

I was...

At the elementary


No, I haven't.

You're going to have

the older grades:

five through eight.

Now, treat 'em stern.

Be tough.

Keep 'em hard

at the work,

or they'll run you

right out the door.

Mrs. Brown, I think...

You'll be in here.

This is great.

Y'all get out. Come on.

Ain't got all day.

Let's go.

I know colored people

better than you do.

Thank you to monitor

that door, Ethel.

I am one myself, in

case you hadn't noticed.

That is why I know

you have to step on 'em.

Step on 'em

every day and keep

stepping on 'em.

If you have any trouble,

"Professor Medicine"

is right next door.

In your seats.

Eyes ahead.

Close your mouths.

Yo, give me that ball.

Give me that ball.

- Come here. Give it here.

- All right, all right.

Break it up.

Settle down,


Good morning, my young geniuses

of Yamacraw.

Are you all ready

to learn today?

Well, you're going to be.

And you know

what we're going to start with?

We're going to start

with my name: Mr. Conroy.

Can you say it?

Let's hear it.

Con...roy? Con-o-roy. Conroy.

Hey, hold on, hold on.

Um... we'll break it up

in two parts.

Mr. Con...roy.

Mr. Con...roy. Mr. Con...roy.

Mr. Conroy.

Most of them

have slow brains.

But you all can learn

if you work...

if you stop

being such lazy,

lazy people.

Now, I know some

of you in here

were born


And you know

who you are.

And we know that

you can't help

being that way.

That just means you

got to work even harder

than your lazy,

lazy friends.

Simple-minded people

have to be pushed

and whipped harder than anybody.


start shaking.

Everybody, shake

loose, huh?

Fingertips down

to your toes.

Shake your hips.


We're going to dust

the cobwebs off those

smart little brains.

Okay. Have a seat.

Very good. Don't you

all feel awake now?


All right, you see those papers

and pencils

in front of you there?

I want to know everything

about you all.

I want to know

what you like,

and what you

don't like,

and what makes

you tick.


No, trust me now. Okay.

So for the next 20 minutes,

I want you to write down

everything about yourselves.

Okay? Ready, set,


Seriously, grab your pencils,

grab your pencils.

Everybody, grab your pencils.


And just start

writing down everything.

All about yourselves. I want...

Don't sweat the grammar, the

spelling, any of that nonsense.

Just get to writing.

Write it down.


Don't worry about a thing.

What's your name, son?




I'm cool like ice.


Oscar, sir.

Cindy Lou.




what country do we live in?


What's the name

of this grand old red,

white and blue nation

of ours, huh?

Land of the free,

home of the brave?

Place you all were born?

Come on, g*ng,

somebody must know

what country we live in.

Uh, no.

Am... mm... merica?

America. Does that ring a bell?



No one here has ever heard

of the United States of America?

Oh, yeah.

I heared it

in "I pledge a legent."

Yes. Pledge of Allegiance.

Very good, Ethel.

Thank you, sir.

Excu... uh, excuse me.

Excuse me.

Young man?

Yes, sir?

What's your name?

Saul, sir.

Saul, do you know who

the first president

of the United States was?

George Washington.

Right on, Saul.

That's very good.

Just imagine

how well you'd do

if you paid a little more

attention in here.

Shut up.

Now, okay, okay,

okay, okay, hey.

Hey, now that we're on a roll...

Everybody, now that

we're on a roll,

I want someone to

tell me the name

of that big old ocean

that washes up on the

far side of Yamacraw.

That big old

body of water.

Body? I ain't seen no body.

That's very good, Charles.

Thank you.

No, but what I mean is...

I mean the body of water.

No? Okay. Okay. Now...

this is the mainland right here.

And you all live on an island.

You know that, right?

You know that you live

on an island?


Okay, good.

Now, this is the mainland.

This is the island.

This... here is the river.

Now, it's pretty wide,

but you can still see the land

on the other side.

And then all of this

over here...

is what you call an ocean

because it's so big

that you can't see

any land on

the other side.

And the name

of this ocean is...?

All right. The Atlantic.



So, for $64 million,

who can tell me the name

of that big old body of water

that washes up

on the far side of Yamacraw?


All right. Atlantic.

Now, everybody, everybody.


Very good.

Hey, kids!

Get Saul.

Come on.

My pre-Yamacraw theory

of teaching was pretty basic.

I figured a good teacher

had to show a bit of insanity,

or at least look

as if he was out of control,

if he wanted to catch and hold

the attention of his students.

I'm George Washington,

and-and I'm the leader

of the Continental Army,

and I'm going

to whoop you.

Well, you people can't beat

the British Army.

The greatest army

in the whole world.

Oh, yeah?

That's cheating.

I wasn't ready.

Welcome to America,

Mr. King.

All right, so this is

a set shot, okay?

Gonna have your knees bent,

and when you get your arm up,

you want this to make an "L."

All right?

And you go up...

and you make it.

All right, Lincoln,

bring it back here.

All right. Now, you guys all get

a turn, all right,

but, Lincoln, you go first.

Get it, get it!

What is that

that they're speaking?

Oh, awful gibberish,

isn't it?

Lord knows I have tried

to beat it out of 'em.

What I mean is,

what language is it?

Gullah dialect.

Goes all the way back

to the sl*very days.

Leftover from Africa.

Slow, slow. Young men,

the young ladies

needed to go first.

You stand up.


You and I are outsiders

on Yamacraw.

You better get used to it.

Come on.

Stand up straight. Come on, boy.

Hi there.

What you want?

I thought I'd

introduce myself.

I know who you is, teacher man.

My name's Conroy. Pat Conroy.

No matter what your name.

What you teach--

that what matter.

You do right with my grands,

or I'm gonna have to get

Old Betsy out the house

and drop you down.

Well, that's why

I'm here, ma'am.

I'm going to do my best...

'Fore you come,

they sent old Miss Glover

out to pasture.

For 40 years, that's

all she say: "Do my best."

She never teach nobody

'round here nothin'

except "Yes, sir" and "No, sir."

Well, I'm going to change

all that, ma'am,

but I can't do it alone.

I need some support.

I want to get the

parents involved.

Finally, I started

to get the picture.

I was a foreigner in Yamacraw

the same way the children

were foreigners in America.

The parents knew firsthand

that sitting in that

schoolhouse led nowhere,

and they'd passed

their failed dreams along

to their kids.

That's right.

Then we'll just slide 'em

into like a little semicircle.


All right, g*ng,

all right.

Okay, have seat, have a seat.

Okay, okay.

What I figure is

if we're gonna spend

a whole year together,

we better get

to know each other.

So we're gonna spend

the day today--

the entire day-- just talking.

About what we talkin',

teacher man?

- Yeah.

- What we talking about?

Yeah, what are

we talking about?

Well, we're gonna talk

about what you like,

what you don't like,

what turns your crank,

you know, anything

that you want really.

Sir, we don't know

about no crank.


No, no, no, no, no.

What I mean is...

You know what?

Um, how about we just start?

Yeah, we

can start.


Let's start.


Uh, I guess

I'll go first, right?


Guess so.


Okay. Well, I was born poor,

white and ugly.

He got that right. He's ugly.

But see, I've grown up.

I'm still poor, I'm still white.

And you're still ugly.

- All right.

- Okay.

So, let's see.

Uh, I've got four brothers...

I told them about my mother,

and how she loved books,

and how my father flew jets,

and my four brothers

and two sisters,

about how much

I loved basketball,

and that I was getting married

to Barbara,

who had a daughter

named Jennie,

and how her husband died,

and all about

our little yellow car

that looked like a bug

and was made in a country

called Germany

on the other side of the...



Then Cindy Lou told me

all about

'scrinching' squirrels.

You just scrinch

the squirrel.

You just stuck it right

on the stuck

and then put it over

the hot fire,

and then the fur--

all of a sudden,

it scrinch right up,

and then you just brush it off,

or else if just want to fry it,

you just slit up the belly,

and then peels the skin back

so it's all smooth,

just like a grape.


Oh, it's

so good.

...You don't even

know what you

talkin' about.

Hey, Teacher Man.

Mr. Conroy, you ever seen

a snake milk a cow?

No, that's bull.

Snake can't milk

no bull, man.

Well, can't milk no cow,


Hey, I seen it.


Me, too.

It wicked!

Has anybody else

in here witnessed

this bovine phenomenon?

I seen it.

You know, one time,

I seen one so big,

he milk a cow dry.


That's right.

- You swear?

- Yes, ma'am.

Hey, Ethel. Ethel, come on.

What's the truth?

Yeah, Ethel.

Yeah, tell him

the truth.

Come on, Ethel,

come on.

Tell him the truth, Ethel.

Tell him.

Yes sir, Mr. Conroy,

it true all right.

I seen plenty a snake milk cows.


Hmm. And do they take that milk

and put it in bottles

and then sell it at the store?

Oh, man. No!

They suck it right up!

Oh, man, here come the news.

Have you heard the story

about the snake...?

You are going to lose

the respect of those children.

I don't...

Your approach...


Can't they have

a little fun, too?

I have already told you

about colored children.

They need whippin'.

They understand whippin'.

Believe me.


ma'am, I can understand

your point of view...


That's good.

These are your textbooks.

Textbooks? No.

The state requires

the students

to read these books.

Mrs. Brown, I'm-I'm not sure

if you are aware of this,

but those kids don't know

what country that they live in.

They can't recite

the alphabet,

they can't spell their own name,

they can't add two and two,

and you expect them

to read from these books.

That's beside the point.

The state requires them

to read the books.

Mrs. Brown, what if they can't?

Mr. Conroy,

your job is to make them.

Excuse me, Mrs. Stone.



Uh, there's a sign

up the road, says

there, uh... a

library's this way?

Ain't open.

Oh, but there is one?


Well, could you tell me

the hours, and then


I'll come...?

You want a book?

No, I just wanted...

Libraries are for books.

Now, you want a book,

I'll open it up.

You want to just look,

I ain't got time.

Oh, so you mean that you're

the li...?


Ted really hates Nazis.

You get tax money back

for givin' away things

to education.

So, I got Ted

to donate his entire collection.

Not that any of them

younguns ever come in here

and read 'em.

You know, I don't think

those kids know too much

about w*r.

Well, I say, a book's a book.

How you gettin' along

with Miss Brown?


Not bad.

Ask me, that woman's a savior.

Least she teaches

them ragamuffins some manners,

how to show respect.

Yeah, she does

that, all right.

Oh, honey, them doors

ain't been open

in I don't know

how long.

Oh, whoa!

What is all this?!

Come last year from the state.

I was gonna send it all back,

but, heck,

it was free.

Well, thanks to you,

Yamacraw Island has just entered

the audiovisual age.

All right, everybody knows

who this is, right?

Saul, we talked about him.


Who that be?

He was the head

of the Continental Army.

Who is that?

George Washington,

George Washington.

Who that?

By looking at her crown,

you can tell she's royalty.

Who is that?

Who's she?

That's Queen Elizabeth.

Have you ever heard of Napoleon?

Desi Arnaz, Lucille Ball?

This is our 16th president.

We talked about this man

just recently.

He's our president

right now, 1969.

Man, who that?

Richard Nixon.

All right, greatest

baseball player

in the Major Leagues.

Center fielder for the Giants?

No one?

That was Willie Mays.

Come. Go ahead.


I know. I

think rehab.


Yeah, maybe...

What's in front?

Right here!

Right here!

Number one, number

one, right there.

Right there.

Right there.

Oh, yeah.

It's working.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Miss Brown,

let me handle this one.

Why should I?

Well, because you know what?

Because you...

Why should

I, Conroy?

'Cause you are right.

You are so incredibly

absolutely right!

I'm-I'm gonna go in there,

I'm gonna take charge

of these kids,

I'm gonna kick a few rear ends,

I'm gonna show 'em who's boss.

I'm gonna take charge.


Charles... Charles...

What is that?

What are you doing there?

Soul, sir.

Is that what you call that?

You call that soul?

Yes, sir.

Well, I got to tell you,


you're one groovy dude.

What's that-- groovy?


Well, it means you're cool, man.

Oh, cool.


Cool, Charles.

Yeah, what do you think?

Yeah, what do you think,

our man Charles pretty cool?

Who else wants

to give it a try?

Oh, get out,

get out...

Oh, yeah, Oscar.

Yeah, yeah, yeah!

Let it shine!


Go, Frank, go.

Go, Frank.


Go, Frank!

All the rest of that day,

the children,

whose physical lives were ruled

by a river, showed me

how their imaginations

knew no bounds.

My, man.

Ooh, fresh baked pie.

Excuse me.

Look, singing and carrying on

like that is a waste of time.

If you do not

follow the curriculum,

I'm gonna have to report you.

Report me?

As Principal of the school,

the proper education

of these children

is my responsibility.

Oh, well,

that's a relief.

I thought I was

gonna have to do it.

Do what?

To report that somehow,

the educational

process here,

that most kids

in this school,

by the time they get

to the senior grades,

are completely


That's not my doing.

Does Piedmont know?

I expect so.

But then, it is not

your job to tell him.

And why is that?

Chain of command.

Chain of command?

That's the rule.

Oh, yeah, the rule.

I got to tell you,

Mrs. Brown,

me and rules--

we don't get along too well.

Mr. Conroy,

"rules and I."

Rules and I.

I knew that.

- Sir! Sir!

- Dr. Piedmont.

Hold on, sir!

You can't be


Do you know this

man, Dr. Piedmont?

Mr. Conroy. Pleasure.

Real sorry to bother you

on a Saturday.


Don't mind them.

They're kind of fussy

about the protocol

and the dress code

around here.

So, tell me

about Yamacraw.

Things going all right?

Uh, no, sir,

it's not all right at all.

The... I think

there's something

I want to tell you

about the island.

I'm all ears, boy.

While at Columbia University,

Piedmont had studied books

on administrative procedure.

Every thesis he read stressed

how the successful

superintendent demanded

strict adherence to the...

Chain of command, boy.

You told me you

understood the concept.

I do, sir.

I do, but I thought

that you'd want to know about...

You know, you were

a godsend to me.

Yeah, you mentioned that...

Day and night,

I prayed for an answer

to the conundrum

of Yamacraw,

and then you come

here to my doorway

out of the blue.

A miracle.

Yes, sir, but now

that I've been there...

Yeah, now that

you've been there,

you want to

let me down.

No, that's not it

at all...

Of course it's none

of my business,

and maybe this is a matter

between you and your conscience,

but I do not understand

how you can disappoint

those little children.


Now, listen

to me, boy.

It's a gift to listen.

Don't you know

you're their salvation?

You're their hope.

And I want to tell you

something else,

though I believe

you're too young

and you're too naive

to understand this,

but from the bottom of my heart,

I know that Yamacraw

is your divine calling.

You stay strong, boy.

Stay strong.

Take the wheel.


You can't take your

own boat out here

if you don't

know the water.


Hold her due east.

More than simply pointing out

the underwater hazards,

Zeke guided my path

toward an awareness

of the ebb and flow

of the tides.

And then he directed

my attention

to the coming of the sun

as it awakened the horizon

with the vibrant color

that inspired poets

and foretold the weather.

That tune came

from the 50

Greatest All-Time

Classical Hits. Huh?

You're excited.

I can see that.

Okay, now, this...

this next number

is coming by this

long-haired cat named Beethoven.

Okay, now, what's his name?


Thoven, you got it.

All right, good.

That's right.

Now, this guy wrote

some pretty heavy tunes.

He came from Germany.

This is Germany.

It's on the continent of Europe.

Now, what's the name

of that continent?



All right, you guys are hip.

You're getting it.

Okay, now, this song

by Beethoven

was one

of his most famous songs.

It's all about how death

was this ghost,

and it was coming to his house

and it started knocking

on his door.

Now, Beethoven--

he got to thinking:

if something this heavy

was going to come and knock

on his door,

Okay, everybody...

Okay. Is everybody ready?

Want to hear the death ghost?


I'm ready

for that ghost.

Can you hear

him knocking?

I can!

You guys are sharp.

You're sharp.

All right, how about this one?

Take a listen to this.

You know, but if you listen,

if you listen,

this song is like what

a mama might sing

when she wants her baby

to go to sleep.

Do y'all want to know a secret?

Yeah, tell

us a secret.

Tell us, tell us.

You guys learn...

as good and as fast as anyone

I've known my whole life.


We smart.

Yeah, you are smart.

You are. You know what?

From now on,

you guys are

going to become

the most advanced


on classical music

out of any school

in all of Beaumont County.

Huh? How does that sound?


Huh? How does

that sound?

Is that right?

Yeah, yeah.

And we're going

to test those brains

right now-- we're going to test.

All right, your

first test.


- Very good, you guys.

- That's good.

I can't believe this.

Just a while ago,

it was way off,

and now it's two weeks away.

13 days. Amazing.

Hey. What do you think,

too fussy?

Maybe not orchids.

Hello? Anyone home?

I'm sorry, babe,

I just, uh...

You know, I got

to get these kids

off the island,

break their cycle.

Here you go, sweetie.

I got to get 'em...

you know,

I got to connect them

to the world.

Otherwise, they're going

to get eaten alive

by people even less enlightened

than Piedmont and Bennington.

But you can't because...?

Because the number one educator

on Yamacraw-- she's a case.

Well, maybe the old Conroy style

isn't the best approach.

This woman...

she is... she is so...

Scared is what she is.

A professional black woman

trying to make it

in the white male South.

And then you come in--

Mr. Loose Cannon--

with your big plans

and your big attitude.

Attitude? Me?

Yeah, you, Conroy.

Just be the you

I fell in love with,

and you'll be fine.

All right, g*ng,

I'm going to tell you

about my great-great-granddaddy,

El Ferdinand de Burrito

el Castio Conroy.

Now, see, he's

a world-famous explorer

He's crazy.

'cause he's

the first man to swim

from Spain all the way

to North America.

- You lie.

- No, no.

And from that day forward, they

called this the Conroy Ocean.

You lie,

Teacher Man.

Well, how do you know?

Because it ain't

no Conroy Ocean.

You said it called


Look on the globe.

Oh, yeah. Oh, I'm busted.

You're right.

But see, now you know

that you don't have

to believe something

just 'cause I say it's true.

See, we live in

a free country,

and what that

means is

we're free to disagree

with what anyone says--

even the teacher.

Give me that!

Hey, Prophet, Oscar, hey.

Just leave it

on the floor, okay?

See, there was a great American,

and his name was

Ralph Waldo Emerson.

And he believed we

must always question

rules and laws

and not believe

a thing's true

just because the big cheese

say so.

All right, you know what?

You all look a little tired,

so let's take a nap.

Everybody, put your head down,

close your eyes,

take a little nap.

And when I count to three,

I want all you to pop up,

open your eyes,

and be wide awake, okay?

One... two...


You don't always hear

what I'm saying, do you, Saul?

He can't hear!

Oh, g*ng, hey.

All right, guys, break it up.


How's he do that?!

He's saying that...

Hey, g*ng, Saul

reads lips.

You're reading my lips right now

without even thinking about it.

So from now on,

when you guys talk

to Saul, I want you to face him,

and I want you

to articulate your words.

That way, he can see

the shape of your mouth,

and then he can understand.

All right? Are you all going

to do that for me?




Okay, turn around.

All right, everybody,

tell Saul you're going

to help him out.


- We're sorry, Saul.

- I'll help you, Saul.

Good to see you.

What you got,

I don't want none of it.

I've come about Saul.


My little grand? He in trouble?

Far from it, Mrs. Graves.

He's the brightest student

in class.


Shh, shh.

So what you sayin'?

I'm saying he's almost deaf.

He's been keeping it a secret.

Been that way since he was born.

Well, the other children, they

won't be teasing him anymore.

Just thought you'd want to know.

So long.

Hey, g*ng, g*ng, hey.

I'll bet you

didn't know it,

but this old oak--

this is the original

Tree of Knowledge.

Aw, man, you crazy.

It is. It is.

This tree knows everything,

and I can prove it.

That tree didn't go

to school.

He don't know nothin'.

You see, what

I'm going to do

is I'm going to ask you

some hard questions,

and you won't be able to get

any of the answers right.

Aw, man...

But this old tree...

How is the tree going

to know it?

It's going to help you.


It's going to whisper

that knowledge into your ears.

This tree is so smart,

that knowledge oozes

out of the branches.

I don't see no knowledge

in the branches.

Y'all ready?


Oh, come on.

What is the longest stinking

river in the whole wide world?

- Nile.

- Good.

And what continent is it in?


Ah. Do I come from Africa?

- No!

- No! You from Ireland.

Well, Ireland is a country

in Africa.

- No, it's not.

- You lie.

What is the largest desert

in the world?


Mr. Conroy!

Oh, man, here

comes the news.

This school is here

for education,

not for all-day


The State says if you are

on school property,

you have to abide by the rules.

Y'all get your little narrow

hineys out of the tree.

Hold on, hold on.

We're still in class.

We're still in class.

Class gonna get us in trouble.

Mrs. Brown, you're right.

Heck, the whole

state's right.

Come on.

Now, hold on, hold on.

But there is one thing

we can do.

Y'all ever hear of a field trip?


You want to take one?


Well, all right.

Let's go have one. Come on.

Wait a minute! Wait!

Get back... get back here!


What's the

nearest star?

The sun!

Saul, watch my lips.

What's the closest planet

to the sun?


What's the biggest

country in the world?


I live in China.

No! You lie!

Who saw the

death ghost?


Beethoven's from Yamacraw!


Who else is from Germany?


Bach played the banjo?




Mrs. Brown had been educated

in a private school

where she learned the

importance of what she called

"the fundamentals

of refinement."

Mr. Conroy.

Hello, Mrs. Brown.

I sure do appreciate

this invitation.

We'll see about that.

I believe in education.

Without it, these children

haven't a chance.


That's exactly my position.

I just don't think

that harsh discipline

is the answer.

You cannot control

those children without a strap.

Well... you see,

I think...

Yes, I do see,

Mr. Conroy. I do.

Well, then you must also

see how important it is

that these children

get off the island,

and I got a great

idea how to do that.

Well, whatever it is,

I cannot allow it.

They need fundamentals,

not field trips.

Why can't you understand that?

They also need to see

how the world works.

This is good pie, by the way.

Mr. Conroy, you were not hired

to show them

how the world works.

Excuse me for being blunt--

I am not at all sure

you know how it works.

All her refinement

couldn't hide the fact

that she was obstinate

and immovable.

Might take me a couple of days

to get her fixed up.

You know, Zeke...

She's all yours.



Thank you.


Thank you!

Ooh... come here, sweetie.

Okay, let's have it.

What's going on?

What do you mean,

what's going on?

What do you think, pip-squeak,

you think something's going on?

Mom, is he

being a dork?

Well, I got, uh,

I got some good news

and some

very interesting news.

Good first.

Zeke loaned me

a boat.

Uh-huh, okay,

good so far.

And the really,

really interesting news

is that... I invited 12

Yamacraw kids to the wedding.

I got to say, Conroy,

you're starting to grow on me.

Ain't going.

What do you mean?

Not going no place.


Our grandma just laughed.

She laughed?

She laugh real hard.

She think

you joking us.

So, nobody got permission?

No, sir.

Our grandma say no way.

Want to come, but can't.

Yeah. No means no.

Why won't you allow

these kids to go?

I'll tell you why.

I know that river.

I lost three family

in that river.

They sink down

like quarry rocks.

When they come up,

they's all swelled

up like toadyfish.

I been living on Yamacraw

all these many years,

and I ain't gon' lose no grands

to that river.

Nothing is going

to happen to them.

I'll protect them with my life.

You young.

You don't know that river.

That river can eat a man.

I got Zeke Skimberry's boat,

and there ain't a man around

who knows the river

better than Zeke.

Why you want my little ones

at your big, fancy

white wedding, anyhow?

Because these kids need

as much mainland experience

as they can get

before they cross over.

And besides, I think

they're going to have fun.

You know, I-I know

they're going to have fun.

Fun, huh?

Well, I just bet you know

something about that.

Miz Brown

never come visit

me one time--

not about Saul,

not about nothing.

Old lady Glover,

she never

come neither,

but that's on account

of she figured

I'd fetch Old Betsy

out of the house

and chase her off.

Mrs. Graves...

I'm going to take care

of your grandchildren.

I give you my word.


Hey, look at the...

It huge!

Look at that building.

I don't

believe it.

I don't...

All right, everybody sit down.

Everybody, take off your coats,


Saul, take off your coat.

Mr. Conroy!

Mr. Conroy, I

got a question...

All right, shh, shh, shh.

...I got a


Hey, sit down.

Prophet, sit down.

Lincoln, sit down.

All right,

I need everybody quiet, okay?

In a second, the prettiest girl

in the world's

gonna be walking

down here, okay?

And I want you

to be good.

You guys look great.

You look beautiful

today, baby.

What's your name?


My name's Jennie.

Oh, you dat Jennie.

How come

you here?

Oh, man!

He's my new daddy.

Teacher Man, Teacher Man...

Teacher Man her daddy?

Guys, go ahead.

I do.

Do you, Barbara,

take Pat to have and to hold

from this day forward,

in sickness and in health,

in prosperity and adversity,

for as long

as you both shall live?

I do.

By the laws vested in me,

I now pronounce you

man and wife.

You may kiss

the bride.

Good morning, Mr. Stone.

I'm a little late for school.

I thought maybe

you could give me a ride.

You a n*zi?


Heard you drive one

of them little n*zi cars.

No, uh, uh...

I k*lled a bunch of Nazis.

I'd k*ll more if I could.

Give me a word

that starts with D.

Ooh. Door, day, devil.


All right,

it's Prophet's turn again.

Go ahead, buddy.


Dog, yeah.

That's a good one.

Now go ahead and spell it.



Oh, man.


you stupid.

No, no.

Okay, go on

and sit down.

I repeat, do

not write in

these textbooks.

I'm gonna talk

to Mr. Conroy.

Mrs. Brown...

do... do you not

like these people?

Do you have something

against them?

You are

talking crazy.

You know, hitting them

the way that you do

does not make them smarter.

It doesn't encourage them

to learn.

If anything, it makes

them fear school,

and it probably even

makes them avoid

and ignore everything

you're trying to teach them.

You don't know

what you're talking about.

Maybe not.

Maybe I'm just guessing.

But one thing I do know

is that you don't listen.

Is that what you think?

You don't control

those children,

you can't teach them.

What you do

is entertain them.

See, they get rowdy,

and you say,

"All right, g*ng,

"break it up, break it up.

Enough's enough."

I hear you.

I hear you all day long,

Pat Conroy.

Basketball training

had given me a sense

for the opposition's strategy.

And I was started

to get a feeling,

Mrs. Brown might have put

a defensive play in motion

when it suddenly

revealed itself.


Mr. Conroy.

Mr. Bennington.

What a surprise.

Always a pleasure

to see you, Esther.

Your recent tardiness,

Mr. Conroy,

has been duly noted.

Then there's the matter

of this-this gas bill

that you submitted

for reimbursement.

I'm sure you don't

expect our schools

to pay for the gas

that you use to get to work.

Yeah, I do.

But we don't pay for the other

teachers to get to work.

Well, how many

of them take boats?

Our county has no

commuting allowance.

Now, you were aware of

that when we hired you

on staff.

Since then I got married.

We'll pay for your gas

on Monday and Friday.

Any other boat trips are

considered recreational,

which we expect

you to bear the expense.

Let me get this straight.

So you think

marriage is recreational,

and being a



now that's

a sport?

That's not the

point, Mr. Conroy.

It sure as heck is the point.

That's exactly the point.

Conroy, please,

do not fly off the handle.

Mrs. Brown, do you think

I'm flying off

the handle?

I mean, as the principal

of this school,

you must have

an opinion on

my situation.

No, Mrs. Brown

has nothing

to do with it.

Colleague to colleague,

you think this is fair?

It's Piedmont

who's behind this,


Yamacraw is my jurisdiction.

Yeah, right,

sure it is.

Yeah, I am responsible for your

position here!

Okay. Yeah, well,

guy's got to do

what a guy's got to do.

You can't just walk away!

Where do you think

you're going?

Well, see, I was told

to follow a chain of command,

not to stop on the weakest link.

How dare you.

Now you take one more step,

and I swear, I'll...

You'll what?

What, you're gonna fire me?

Do you really think

you have the authority

to do that?

It's late.

I'm going home.

Hold on, Conroy!


we can work something out here.


Got to love it.

T minus ten... nine, eight,

seven, six,

five, four, three,

two, one.

Lift off! Yeah!

Lift off.

Right. Come on,

let's hear it

for the scientists,

and for Gordon,

and for Conrad,

and for Bean, huh?

How about that, g*ng?

There they go.

Three brave astronauts

have just gone to the moon!

They're not going

to the moon.

What...? Well, yeah.

Frank, you just heard 'em

blast off.

Mr. Conroy, ain't goin'

to no moon.

Well, g*ng, how...?

Who else here doesn't

think the Apollo's

going to

the moon?

I don't think they're going

to moon, Mr. Conroy.

No, they're

not going to...

Moon too far.

And, Ethel, you, too?

You say

it good we question authority.

Well, yeah,

but I didn't mean me.

How are these kids ever gonna

make it on the mainland

if they don't think

man walked on the moon?

I know plenty of places

in this country

where they'd be

right at home.

Well, darling, that's the point

of education, right?

That they don't end up

in those places.

Man, if they could ever

see the real thing.

Well, take 'em to DC.

Oh, yeah, right.

Mrs. Brown would be

totally into that.

Here come American's number one

college basketball team,

the Harlem Globetrotters

with their legendary

pregame warm-up.

These fine athletes

display their mastery

of basketball technique

in every game,

but nowhere more enjoyably

than during these moments

before the first period.

There's Meadowlark Lemon


to the clown prince

Hubert Geese Ausbie.

Way to go, Geese!

And it's around the back,

through the legs,

and over the top to Curly Neal,

who quickly dunked it off

to Bobby Joe Mason.


a big right hook

from Frank "The Hooker."

Ow! Ow, my ankle.

Ow, my ankle.

Lincoln "The Dirty"


Who you calling dirty!

Over here.

Oh, goes out to

Oscar "The Spinner."

Stolen by "Saul

The Small!"

- Oh!

- Oh, good shot!

- Good shot.

- What name I got?

My man,

you be Charles "The Cool."

Charles The Cool!


Who you be?


Yeah, you.

I be... Pat "The Rat."


Go get him,

go get him.


Mr. Bennington,

I have a real chance

to reach these kids.


No, thank you.

This is a chance

to expand

their horizons

beyond anything...

How about some melon?

No, I'm

fine, thanks.

It's delicious.

No, thank you, really.

By taking these kids

into Washington, DC...

Mr. Conroy, I think

it's a wonderful idea.

Now, if you are

prepared to shoulder

all responsibility,

guarantee that there is

absolutely no cost

to the county,

well, you have our full

and unwavering support.

What them ol' lines for?

What lines?

Them lines, them lines

all over the road!

Oh, right.

Uh, well, um, those

lines are divider lines.

They... they tell

the driver which side

of the road

he can stay on.

Now, you see,

if they're dotted,

means he can

pass another car,

and if it's a

double line,

it means he

can't pass.

Just them lines say all that?

Yeah. Just them

lines say all that.



Them building's be

scraping the sky.

Ain't never seen

nothing like that.

Where all them cars going?

You got that?

You got that?

Oh, look at that;

it's spinning!

That's the

Earth, Prophet.

What's that?

That's a picture of

the Earth from the moon.

What do you

think, Oscar, huh?

It's wicked!

Neat, huh?

These pictures are amazing.

This is like Cinderella.

We got to find

whose shoe it is.

Mr. Conroy, you try it.

Let me get in there.

Hey, can I take

everybody's picture?

Okay, everybody

get your picture taken here.

Back up a little bit.

Got it?

Okay, close together.

Get together;

come in.

Frank, I can't see you

behind that hat.

Okay, ready? Count of three.

One, two, three, cheese!


Look like my Oscar

been to the moon hisself.

Springtime came to Yamacraw

with more bold promise

than I'd experienced

in some time.

My spirit was uplifted,

and my hopes were high

for the children

as graduation day approached.

It is my great honor today

to introduce the best friend

Yamacraw ever had--

Mr. Ezra Bennington.

Boys and girls,

good parents of Yamacraw,

I just want to say that I think

Yamacraw is as

fine a school

as any in

this country,

despite what some people

might say.

Now, sure,

we got a few

problems here.

You show me a school

in this country

that doesn't have problems,

I'll show you a cow

without udders.

Now, I mean, when

I first came here,

we had a plethora

of problems, didn't

we, didn't we?

Well, I remember I

had to put in that

electricity there,

didn't I;

remember that?

And the air


We got a couple

more things we

got to clear up.

Okay, wait, shh, everyone,

everyone, everyone.

Settle down.

You all passed

the state requirements

fair and square, huh?

I want you guys to know

how proud I am of you.

All right? Congratulations.

Okay, everybody, one

last piece of business.

With the consent

of all you parents,

Barbara and I would like

to invite you all

to our house across the river

for a graduation party.

Everybody can come 'cause

Zeke brought the big boat.




Mr. Bennington.



Congratulations, Mr. Conroy.

Thank you, Mrs. Brown.


Your pecan pie is delicious.


Mr. Conroy.

May I have a word

with you, please?

Yeah, sure.


What do you mean

"consider other options"?

Well, Mr. Conroy,

it means that next year

your services will no longer

be required at Yamacraw.

So, in other words,

I'm fired?

Well, let's

just put it this way--

you are expendable.

Lovely party; thank you.

And, uh,

my regards to your wife.


Could you please explain to me

why I'm being fired?

Because you have been

consistently late,

and it is against the rule

for teachers to be late.

No exception.

And you, young man,

you've been trying

to make an exception

of yourself all year.

So, you'd fire me for getting

lost in the fog a couple times?

If you didn't commute,

you wouldn't be lost,

and if you weren't lost,

you wouldn't be late.

So, this is about

my commuting.


it's about your

entire attitude.

It's about your ignoring

the chain of command.

I have followed

your blessed chain of command

link by link;

that's why I'm here.

You endangered the lives

of those young children

by taking them on a wild ride

to Washington.

Bennington gave his approval.

Well, if he did,

he exceeded his authority.

He set me up for this.

I will not pay for gas,

I will not tolerate

your lateness,

and I will not tolerate

your willful neglect

of my authority.

You are hereby dismissed

from Yamacraw, sir.

What is the matter

with you, boy?

You going to let yourself

be dishonored

by some bow-tie gasbag

never took hold of nothing

rougher than a golf club?

Don't you know a

Conroy never backs down.

A Conroy takes crap

from no man!

Is there anything else?

You know, Dr. P...

Dr. Piedmont,

you leave me no choice

but to take my cause

to the Board of Education.

Your "cause."

Mmm, your cause, sir.

You go right ahead.

Well, I'm not worried--

not a little bit.

Heck, I was told

that Beaumont

has the most democratic

school system

in the whole country.

Oh, no!

Your turn.

You know, they're going

to load my record

with, well, I don't know what,

but whatever it is,

they're going to make sure

I never teach again.

Well, can I ask you something?

You sure this is about

you righting a wrong,

or is it you

picking a fight?

Listen, this

is how I was raised.

You fight or you fold;

you win or you die.

There's no

middle ground.

It's the Conroy way.

But are you sure

it's your way?

I'm dead sure.

Is that you talking,

or your father?

You are too good

for them, Pat.

In this case,

there is a middle ground.

You can choose

to walk away.

You've got the parents on track.

They can take it from here.

You know that, right?

I can't go down; not like this.

Your move, Daddy.

Thank you, sweetie.

It came to pass

there was a meeting

of the Beaumont County

School Board.

The regulars showed up

right on time.

And so did the irregulars.

He the one, ain't he?

The one over there

with Bennington?

Yes, ma'am,

that's him.


I should have brought my Betsy

out of that house,

all loaded up, drop that man

down where he should be.

Can't go around

filling folks with

buckshot, Edna.

Whole world ain't

like Yamacraw.

Hmm. Pity.

You wear that

same tie...

you wear that tie

every single

time I see you.

I owe you five bucks.

I promised; that

was great fun.

On the matter

regarding Mr. Conroy's service

on Yamacraw Island,

the school board

has reviewed

Mr. Conroy's record

of insubordination,

gross neglect of

duty, and conduct


a professional educator.

Oh, hold on, now!

Hold on!

Any more of that ruckus,

and we'll

clear the room!

Sir, may I speak to my record?

Make it brief.

Gross neglect of duty,

conduct unbecoming--

these all sound

like very serious charges--

charges that could easily find

their way into a court of law.

Uh, sonny-boy,

are you threatening

this fine board with a lawsuit?

Is that what you're doing?

Dr. Piedmont,

this is my time.

Dr. Piedmont has the floor.

Folks, what you're getting

here is just

a little taste of this young

man's obstreperous nature.

This is a young man

who thinks he can take children

on a field trip

to our nation's capitol

without proper authorization.

I had proper authorization.

The Beaumont School Board

rules to uphold its decision

to terminate


Mr. Chairman.

Excuse me,

uh, Mr. Chairman, I only want...

I just want to say...

Go on, Mrs. Brown.

We don't have all night.

Yes, sir.

Just want to say that,

um, personally,

as a colleague

of Mr. Conroy...

...I find your decision...


Thank you, Mrs. Brown.

This meeting is adjourned.

Only one thing to do.

We gonna get all the folks--

kids, too--

everybody on Yamacraw

gonna mark his name,

and if they don't bring

y'all back,

we gonna strike

the school.

Edna, I don't know if...

Ain't for you to know.

Time for us to know.

Time for Piedmont

to know.

Mr. Big Ball


you ain't off

the hot stove yet.

Quick Step, you sign

this here petition.

Here, make

your best mark.

What do they think

they're doing?

Sticking to their word,

looks like.

Conroy doesn't

get reinstated,

they're going to

strike the school.

I'll find out.

All right, everybody,

calm down.

Calm down now.

Come on, now, listen to me.

Give me that.

It is mine.

Hey, give it to me.

It is mine.

It's my district.

Listen up, people!

Calm down, now!

Come on, calm down!

Now, you listen to me!

If you people strike

the school

and do not allow your children

to attend class this fall,

you are going

to be breaking

the compulsory

attendance law.

You are going to be facing

a fine of $50 per day.

Listen, now, listen!

Piedmont read them the riot act

through a bullhorn,

but the folks of Yamacraw

read it right back

with no need

to amplify their voice.

Look, now,

look, I've got

the most democratic school

system in this country!

This our school!

Ain't no mainland school!

Who teach our children

be our business.

Ain't nothin' to do

with no big ball superintendent!

Get out of here.

Come on. Get out.

Let me guess

what you're thinking.

"A Conroy

never backs down.

A Conroy takes crap

from no man."

But... you're

not him.

You're you.

A loser teacher who

can't hold a job

'cause he loves

kids too much.

I love you.

I ever tell you that?

Not nearly enough.

You ever seen a

snake milk a cow?

Put him over the hot fire,

and then the fur all of sudden

will scrunch right up.

You still ugly.


You said good

we question authority.

Mr. Conroy.

I appreciate what you said

at the meeting.

I know that wasn't easy.

You might enjoy this.

Really helped me.

So long, Mrs. Brown.

Conroy, take

care of yourself.

You have a good summer, now.

All right?

Gonna miss them shrimp.

We got this here

petition signed,

just like I said.

Every parent

on the island signed it.

Now, we gonna take it down

to the next board meeting and...

Deliver the news!

This is very well written.

They'd be impressed.

I know that I am.

But I don't want you to do it.

In the end,

it's these kids

who are going to end up losing.

They lose

if you don't teach 'em.

We don't want our

children hit no more.

It ain't right.

I think that

maybe Mrs. Brown

is starting to see

the light on that.

And besides,

there are plenty

of other teachers--

most of them way

smarter than me.

You smart.

Smart? You are, Teach.

Hold on.

Hol... Please.

Hold, please.

Maybe you all

can't see it yet,

but you've already won.

That school

is yours now.

You stood

your ground,

and they got

the message that

you're in charge

of your children's


All you have to do now

is stay involved...


And never back down.

Never back down.

No, don't leave!

Come back! Come back!

Please, come back!

But Mr. Conroy!

Well, what about you?

What are you gonna do?

I've got this little girl

who just started

calling me "Daddy."

I'm going to be sure

it stays that way.

You all look out

for yourselves.

We takes care

of our own.

Edna, you are

a magnificent creature.

You're a queen, a saint.

Oh, all right, all right.

Go on.

Go well.

Hey, Teacher Man,

what state we at?

South Carolina.

State capital name?


Closest planet to the sun?


One time, a man say

we got to question

the rule and the law

and not believe a thing just

'cause the big cheese say it so.

Ralph Waldo Emerson.

I wondered then, as I do now,

whose life got changed more.

Was it theirs... or mine?

Kids, parents,

the island, me...

I knew nothing

would ever be the same.

It shouldn't be.

The river was rising

with the tide.

A tide was rising

in the country.

The water was wide.

I wished my students

a safe crossing.