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A Million Days (2023)

Posted: 05/09/24 21:48
by bunniefuu









Mission Crew, can you hear me?

My visor is broken. I can't see you.

It's becoming more and

more difficult to breathe.

For God's sake, where are you?

I don't have much time left.

If I can locate the lunar

module, I will use my jets.

Where are you?



Where are you? Can you hear me?

It pushed me too far out.

I lose...


Yes, it's Sam.

That makes no sense.

With the new quantum units, Jay's

processing time should be half as long.

Okay, check that again.

Yes, he just arrived.

OPS follows a scheduled

freight transport,

which is on its way to

the lunar orbit station.

Are you ready to receive the freight?

You can apologize to him yourself.

The security guards

will give you our location.

See you in a few hours.

Vlad, do you hear me?

This is Marlow from the

Mission Control Center.

I read an incomplete security check

for the docking protocol.

We need a status report.

Got it, Mission Control.

The diagnostic report shows

me a component failure.

I'll check this.

We have a malfunctioning docking

bracket, which is affecting us.

We have cargo for the

space station, but we

can't dock until the

airlock is properly sealed.

Eavesdropping Anderson again?

Can we seal with just five clamps?

Actually, yes, but the defective

clip is locked in the closed position.

It must be open to dock.

The bracket should

still be functional, right?

What about coupled hydraulics?

Anderson? They'll be on deck tomorrow.

Take a rest.

I can still do it in quarantine.

Each clamp has a hydraulic arm

coupled to the main compressor.

If the others work, Vlad

could isolate the clamp's

faulty hydraulics from

the internal control panel.

Vlad, is there any indication of

the defect in the actual bracket?

Vlad, do you hear me?

When is your arrival time?

I'm trying to see something, but

the cameras don't show me anything.

We don't have time.

As long as the clip can be moved to the

open position and

stays there, we can seal.

Vlad, can you get to the control

valve under the control panel?

- We are in a hurry.

- I would like to,

but the control panel

needs a maintenance key.

- And I don't have one.

- Where is he?

- In the command module.

- Then we'll stop.

No, also negative.

I need the communication relay

for the satellite online and quickly,

in case I have to fly manually.

Vlad, I'll send you a new

key directly to your 3D printer.

- 60 seconds or we cancel.

- We make it.

Vlad, I'm sending him now.

So be careful, man.

- Should I print here?

- Yes.

- This is getting too tight.

- Get ready.

No, the docking brackets should

have been replaced long ago.

How could we miss this?

It was printed.

I'm now at the control panel.

Seems to be stuck. I dont know if I...

Vlad, do you hear me?

It worked.

The control panel has been removed.

Confirm the open position.

Proceed with docking.

Thank you, Mission Control.

I will continue.

Thanks to all.

I need a full report by

8am tomorrow morning.

And one more thing:

Apparently Gene is still alive.

Fugitive astronaut Captain Gene

Campbell was convicted in absentia

for the death of his colleague

Dr. Nazra Adib sentenced in 2037.

It was clear that he would

show up sooner or later.

- The body was never found.

- Thank you for the info.

- There is no trace of Captain Campbell.

- See you early in the morning.

Marlow out.

- Everything okay?

- Oh yeah. Always.

The box? Is that what I think?


The committee finally cleared it.

- I'll make dinner.

- Sounds good.

Mission Crew, can you hear me?

My visor is broken. I can't see you.

It's becoming more and

more difficult to breathe.

Are you worried?

Well, he won't be

gone for that long, right?

- I mean, he always comes back.

- Yes, just like you.

- Correct?

- Yes.

But he's getting old, you know?

Just like you.



Come here, boy!


What are you doing in there?

One moment.

How did you do that?

The steaks must have used up

our carbon rations for a month.

Well, I'll only be able to

eat lentils for the next two.

But you're worth it, Anderson.

I love it.

Oh, a knife.

You really were brilliant.

You know, Vlad should have

found out about the brackets.

Yes, but not from Jay.

How come?

Would that have been too efficient?

Because giving an AI so

much power is a terrible idea.

People should control

which switches are pressed.

We should follow that.

That's why there is this

growth in my department.

AI produces so much

data that we can't keep up.

And inevitably things get overlooked.

But not like today, that's new.

No worries. We'll find out.

I know it.

I know it, I know it after all.

- When is the helicopter coming tomorrow?

- At six o'clock.

- He always comes at six o'clock.

- You are the commander. I mean...

Yes, but if I'm not ready at six sharp,

then I miss the quarantine window

and Bastian takes over the mission.

Over my corpse.

That's why every second counts.

And are you ready for me now?

- Yes.

- I make sure that every...



Are you expecting someone?

- Charlie.

- Who is Charlie?

She is new. Very smart.

Takes a moment.

Every second counts.

I wanted to improve Jay's

simulations for medical

procedures in zero gravity.

In the office this morning

I saw that the

simulations took all night.

That was already known, so...?

So I looked at the log and noticed

that I don't have the

duration for a 400 day mission,

- but have been set for much longer.

- Then we should check again.


- Commander Rigel, it's an honor.

- I am also pleased. Charlie, right?

- Yes.

- Fine, give me your coat.

Thank you very much.

I would also like to apologize

for the late interruption.

No problem.

I don't have any pajamas on yet.

Apparently not you either.

Oh no, my little sister

is going to Oxford soon,

- so we wanted to celebrate something else.

- The night before a mission?

- Oh, I won't be late.

- I'm sure you can still do it.

That won't take long, will it, Sam?

- Come.

- Good.

Anderson cut cake.

Will you take a piece?

- It's nice, but thanks, no.

- You came straight from the office.

You definitely haven't eaten anything.


Will you bring Charlie a piece of cake?

- A piece of cake.

- Oh thank you very much.


Congratulations on being

in the SEED program.

- Sam is picky.

- I still can not believe it.

- After so many delays.

- The first lunar colony.

Have you already applied for this?

If you want to see

the earth rise, hurry up.

There is a long waiting list.

The first civilians will arrive in

four years, but I wouldn't wait.

I don't know if I want that.

I prefer solid ground.

Everything should be there.

I had no intention of taking

on anyone else's work.

You did the right thing.

You know what? That should be enough.

I can read this tomorrow

morning and then sign it.

If that's okay with Commander Rigel?

- No problem for me.

- Absolutely, yes.

Well, it was nice meeting you, Charlie.

You too.

Wait, where is the end

point of the last simulation?

She's still running.

Oh, yes, and for quite a long time.

For 2,740 years.

- A million days.

- I never let them run that long.

This wouldn't have worked

with the old quantum units.

This is actually...

That's really interesting.

Yes, that's interesting.

Do we have to do this today?

That doesn't take long.

Fine, I'll leave you two alone.



The simulation predicts civilians

can populate the colony, but then...

it no longer works.


What parameters did you use?

Those from your instructions.

But I don't remember

changing the length of time.

And before? Did the colony

there develop as expected?

I will look.

Here the capsule starts,

but the colony does not

develop because it

never reaches the surface.

Don't tell me it's a

catastrophic failure.

- Not after this coupling fiasco.

- No, the capsule is intact.

It's just not near the moon.

And where then?


- I'm sorry, what?

- No, she's right.

But the lunar module

doesn't get that far.

Europa is one of Jupiter's moons.

The AI is flawed, Sam.

Sorry, that wasn't the lunar

module I meant, it was just a satellite.

"1. July, 11:50: An

observation satellite was ejected.

The goal: the moon Europa.

So does the ferry dock

at the station or not?

Yes, she does.

But Europe isn't planned, is it?

No, not yet.

I'm just looking at the latest data.

Where are they taking us?

Nowhere near Europe.

Can you see where that changes?

It is here.

- Page 4,651.

- So that's...

in 100 years?

Sorry, I'm confused.

What does H.G.I. mean?

- Heliographic inertial system.

- Anderson... We need help.

I'm sorry. It is the coordinate

system that indicates

the positions of the

planets in relation to the Sun.

Okay, if this is Earth - we love you -

when something orbits it

is a coordinate system, like

longitude and latitude.

Where you are right now.

Okay, but in the end I don't see anything.

It's changing again.

May I?

That does not make sense.

ICRF 15 is on the last page.

- That doesn't exist.

- In the simulation yes.

Okay, this is our

coordinate system, okay?


And this will be a different

coordinate system with a different

reference point and each

of them has a different name.

Whatever the course of the orbit, the sun

is not orbited and neither is any planet.

Until now we used ICRF 5.

Not 15, which doesn't exist.

Did Jay create a new coordinate system,

- to meet the forecasts?

- But why?

To identify stars or planets

outside our solar system.

Okay, so when will this new

coordinate system appear?

In 98 years.

Wait, can Jay actually predict the

evolution of space travel from time travel?

That's crazy!

Yeah right.

That's crazy.

Thanks. We all agree.

The simulation is crazy.

Well, this is Earth, okay? And here...

This magnificent juicy

orange is the moon.

Okay, from here to here, this is the

trip we have planned for tomorrow, right?


The distance to the moon Europa

would be a thousand times as great.

I mean, possibly more. I have no idea,

because everything

in space is terribly far.

We can solve equations and

make nice diagrams, but our

brains aren't designed to

understand such distances.

- It's crazy.

- And that's why we have Jay.

But why 98 years?

Voyager One reached

Jupiter two years after launch.

- Through a gravitational maneuver?

- Gravity maneuvers...

For a planet, yes, but

not for a small moon.

And not that long.

So what?

It is far.

Proxima Centauri.

- It is the closest star to the sun.

- That's impossible, Sam.

That would definitely take

tens of thousands of years.

- But not according to Jay's calculations.

- Listen,

I really hate to break

your illusions, but we

don't have the technology

to move that fast.

Unless we're talking about time dilation,

but that would be a bit of an exaggeration.

I should cancel on my sister.

- Good idea.

- Yes.

Can you please tell

her that I can't make it?

What should I do?

My bosses are assholes!

I'm sorry, I have to hang up.

- Commander Rigel, I...

- Have you seen the printer?

This is a prototype of the

one in the orbital station.

We upload designs for

parts and render them

there, so we don't ship

everything from Earth.

- I heard about it.

- Yes, it is precise at the molecular level.

We can create medicines or even

organic substances in some cases.

Yes, like artificial veins, tissue, tendons.

- Wow, incredible.

- Yeah, it's cool.

Is that the astronaut

that Captain Gene...

Those he k*lled, yes.

We just launched the first

satellites around the moon.

She was on a spacewalk.

Outside she was working on the heat shield.

We had just left the

shadow of the moon when

Gene, our pilot, suddenly changed course.

She collided with the hull,

the impact damaged her

visor and she drifted away.

We could hear them.

Mission Crew, can you hear me?

- But we couldn't save her anymore.

- I'm so sorry, that must be very...

I may have found something.

I started working backwards and

looking at the completed simulations,

They usually end in catastrophe:

Melting ice caps,

planet-destroying meteors,

- and there is a volcanic eruption here.

- Volcanic eruption in Iceland.

The resulting ash cloud

envelops the atmosphere.

Global famine and an uncontrolled

outbreak of bubonic plague.

I mean, looks like we'll survive,

but it could take a century to rebuild.

From a geological point

of view, these volcanic

eruptions are quite rare,

perhaps one in 100,000 years.

So this shouldn't affect

the mission timeline.

- What a relief...

- Wow!

Pacific plate shatters during tsunami.

- What, no nuclear conflict?

- No.

Oh, yes, here's one.

But here the simulation ends

with a different catastrophe,

one that occurs more frequently,

perhaps every 200 years.

A solar storm.

This can be devastating, right?

They exist all the time.

This is how we see the northern lights.

Yes, but I remember there was

a very big one in the 19th century.

Telegraph lines failed everywhere

and people got electrocuted.

The Carrington Event of 1859.


It happened and will happen

even if the atmosphere is protected.

But the lunar colony

has no atmosphere, right?

Just a minimal exosphere,

i.e. a small shield.

But these numbers cannot be correct.

Anderson, if a storm of this

magnitude hits the lunar colony...

Nobody would survive.

Any of these disasters could be likely.

But taken together, I

think what Jay is telling us

is that the question

shouldn't be "if," but "when."

Then Jay completely

wrote off the mission?

No, not the mission.


The humanity.

That's what the SEED

program is all about, isn't it?

This is why we want to

colonize other planets.

But if Jay recommends

aborting the moon landing

and updating the flight

plan to the lunar Europa,

then what she's asking

us to do is sabotage, Sam.

Yes, something is wrong with her.

Admit it.

Marlow needs to be briefed.

We need a complete team for this.

- No offense.

- That's how AI works, isn't it?

It produces an endless

supply of doomsday scenarios.

Marlow won't delay the

launch because of some

crazy hypothetical

simulation, and neither will I.

It could take weeks or months to analyze.

Okay, so let's stop.

This might be our only option.

- We have to rethink this.

- If we miss the window,

we have to summon Vlad and his

entire team back and then send them back.

- When is this supposed to happen?

- No idea.

- Next year, maybe.

- We're not breaking up, Sam.

We can't afford it.

Restart the AI.

If we restart them,

we will lose everything.

I hear something here.

That's a lot of paper.

I hope your office takes

on the carbon credits.

So many trees...

I think that came from Jay.

- What?

- What makes you think that?

That IP address up there is Jay's.

How can she access the printer?

Isn't that against protocol?


I don't know it.

A printer is an output device,

like a monitor, so actually...

How did you run today's simulations?

This was new to me, but I

just followed Sam's instructions.

- Could something have gone wrong?

- No. Every step is automated.

There is a separate

checklist for each simulation,

- so that it doesn't become faulty.

- And where did you get the list?

- From my team leader.

- And how? An email or on paper?

- Email!

- Stop. We have a lot to analyze.

Analyze? What?

I mean, what is this supposed to represent?

- Maybe a solar storm.

- Jay uses AI-generated images.

That is...

- That's incredible.

- Solar storm. Okay, yes, maybe so.

But what about... I dunno...

What is this supposed to be?

- Not everything makes sense immediately.

- She's in our house, Sam!

Your AI has found a way

to get around a huge protocol limitation.

And she decides to send this to us.

I mean, that's it?

Is that what she wants?

- Confuse us?

- Do we have any more paper?

No we have not.

Listen, I know she's

overstepped her programming.

It's incredible.

She has no intention, Anderson.

She has no consciousness.

It's exactly the same.

And even more.

What is this?

That is new.

Dont move.

- Stop it! That makes it worse!

- What is that?

You need electricity.

- High current!

- What are you talking about?

Put your fingers in the water. As

this works its way up, past your fingers,

I can't k*ll it without

your heart stopping.

- You are joking.

- No.

Throw the lamp into the water!

I'll drag you! Ready?



Anderson? Hey, hey, what happened?

Before I came here, I

worked in the tech sector.


Something like microsurgery?



Cell-sized robots adapted to a host.

Our goal was for them

to attach to neurons,

to get a direct

brain-computer connection.

That would have replaced

medications with side effects

and helped the innkeeper -

the person -

to receive better medical treatment.

Theoretically, it would have

slowed down the aging process.


- That is new.

- Yes. This is groundbreaking.

But another research team was

tasked with repurposing them.

To administer poison.

It would be precise and undetectable.

The Future of Warfare.

A few weeks after we found

out, I received a message.

It was anonymous and it simply said:

Save us.

And yourself.

Upload what you know.


Have you done it?

I don't know if I saved

myself, but yes, I

had a problem with it

and uploaded the drafts.

This is how they found their way to us.

You have to believe me.

- That is everything I know.

- Are they...

- Are they still alive?

- You can be active for up to 24 hours.

- Until they find a host.

- And how long do they stay in the host?

As long as the host is alive, I guess.

And if as you say,

Can they extend the lifespan of a host?

Then they survive for a while.

Are the nanobots in the report?

- What are we looking for?

- After her.

Look for Charlie. See if Jay has

integrated them into the simulation.

I have something.


- Charlotte Hinde, together with...

- Sam?

"Along with Samantha Andrews,

Commander Anderson Rigel forces..."

...allowing nanomachines

to be absorbed into its cortex.

His nervous system is

housed in a biostatic housing,

which will be deployed

housed in the satellite.

What the hell?

Is that what Jay wants?

The two of you forcing

the nanobots on me?

How come?

I know it's hard to understand...

She has no intentions.

It carries out forecasts,

supports the SEED program,

and it protects his values.

You mean people, not values.

They say brain-computer connection.

What does that mean? That she, what?

- Want to connect with a person?

- I don't know it.

And again it would be said

that she had consciousness.

She has no consciousness.

I mean, what would it

feel like to just be a cortex?

Would you actually be alive then?

That's enough.

- We have to cancel.

- We're not breaking up, Sam.

We have to do everything we

can to meet the launch window.

You start a new simulation,

maybe the result is different.

And if it's the same?

She appears to have a serious

problem and we are dealing with it.

But that doesn't affect the mission.

Even though she made this

massive leap in programming?

If we restart them, we will...

lose everything.


How much longer for the last simulation?

Not long.

Then wake me up.

Mission Crew, can you hear me?

My visor is broken. I can't see you.

It's becoming more and

more difficult to breathe.

For God's sake,

where are you?

I don't have much time left.

Where are you?


Can you hear me?

It pushed me too far out.

I lose...



- How long did I sleep?

- Not long.


Another name appeared in the simulation.

Namely Gene Campbell.

Jay predicts he'll make contact tonight?

97.8%, but we don't know how.

How can Jay assess human

behavior so accurately?

Because it is not a single forecast.

If multiple simulations

show the same results,

- Is it likely that...

- No, no, that's crazy!

Restart the AI!

We will not abort the mission.

And that is an order.

This is a really beautiful piece.

- Maybe you should put it away.

- Mission Crew, can you hear me?

- What are you doing here?

- Anderson!

Does she know you're

still looking for her?

Everything okay.

We have no secrets from each other.

Jay was right.

How could she be right

about Gene Campbell?

Why are you still awake, hmm?

When does the pre-flight

check start, in five hours?

- I miss these moments.

- Did you do something to Buzz?

- I'm going to k*ll you!

- Take it easy.

I've known him since he was a baby.

- Maybe it was the AI.

- You hacked the satellites.

- That's how you spied on me, right?

- Whenever you logged in.

Why doesn't this thing help

you find her after all this time?

- Are you searching manually?

- I'll find her when I'm on the moon.

Is that your plan?

It's funny.

Jay was a small seed to begin with.

I remember the first lines of code.

The miracle of life.

Jay isn't alive yet.

And where will you look for her?

Which orbit will you scan?

Doesn't matter, she would

have shown up by now.

What are you about? For revenge?

You have yourself

to blame for all of this.

You were so stoned.

You k*lled Naz and you should pay for it.

- And we don't have to discuss any further.

- That's why I'm not here.

I want to help you

understand everything because

I realized that this

won't work without me.

Why do you think I'm here tonight?

I dunno, because it's a good

time to sabotage the mission?

- Or the best one to save her.

- Save her by getting out of here,

- and take your damn bottle with you!

- Okay, sure!

I want to prove my innocence, but

fortunately these two

things are the same.

Come on, you've always trusted me.

Surely there is something in you

that wants to hear what I have to say.

You could have stabbed

me in the neck long ago.

You could have called

security, but you didn't.

Let's assume, just for a moment, that I'm

not the crazy person

everyone thinks I am.

For argument's sake, who

else could have k*lled Adib?

No one.

You were the pilot,

Gene, and you lost control.

I saw space debris as

clearly as you do now.

If I hadn't reacted, we

would all be minced meat.

Tell that to Naz.

Apparently only you saw this.

According to the toxicology

report you were absolutely high,

- when you did the maneuver.

- You were blinded by the sun!

That was on the radar too!

And then someone decided to not only

cover up the report of a near collision,

but also to change my toxicology report.

And all to make up some crazy

story about me being disturbed.

It was a cover-up!

Why would anyone want

to cover up the incident?

Because he never saw it!

No, no, no, no, that doesn't

make sense, Gene, okay?

I was court-martialed and you weren't.

And that's all the evidence I need!


Do you need proof?

What if new evidence comes to light?

Can this be?

Her face shield shattered like porcelain.

As she hit the hull.

No, Anderson.

Her visor shattered

before she hit the hull.


Through thermal shock.

The thermal shock destroyed it.

Not the impact.

Can you prove that?

Let's test it.

This is the same one I

wore on the spacewalk.

We want?

Well, you still need

at least one hand to fly.

You know what?

We came out of the shadows.

From the dark side of the moon.

From the dark...

into the light.

This is no different than the experiment

investigators did ten years ago.

- This is the exact same helmet.

- It's not the same.

It has been adjusted for each of us.

Different sizes and

specifications for every astronaut.

The AI designed them.

That's why I should find her.

If you find her body, you

will also find her helmet.

And the first thing you're

going to do is bury her.

She deserves it.

And then you do the exact same

test on the rest of their face shield.

And then everything will make sense.

And if it's too late for that?

We face an emotionless, calculating enemy

with a goal that we

do not yet understand.

He k*lled Adib.

Find it out.

My visor is broken. I can't see you.

Her final moments are in this recording.

- It's becoming more and more difficult to breathe.

- What was going through her head?

For God's sake, where are you?

I don't have much time left.

Everything okay?

She predicted it, Sam.

How did she do that?

You will never sit alone

in the lunar module.

I'll be with you.

No matter what happens.

I keep an eye on you.

You know that, right?

I know.

I know.

Let's take care of the simulations.

We have the opening

sequences of the new simulations.

Some show how the nanobots are absorbed.

- You won't like this.

- Why, does it hurt?

Nobody forces you to do this.

Looks like you did it yourself.


- Sounds like you like the idea.

- No, I'm just telling you.

- Can I see your arms?

- What?

- What do you mean?

- That it leaves a trace.

- Anderson!

- Listen.

The night became weirder and weirder,

and it only started after she got here.

Well, if the AI, through

nanobots, wants to

put my brain in a

small box on a satellite,

So how do we know that Charlie

doesn't also have nanobots inside of him?

I'm sorry, Charlie, but we need to know.

What do you want from me now?

He's right.

We need to know.

- Unbelievable...

- No!

Not here.

I am really sorry.

You don't need to apologize.

Something big is going to

happen that will affect us all.

We just want to understand it.

I know.

- I'm sorry, Charlie, but...

- I understand that.

It works.

Another observation satellite.

70 years ago this would

have been science fiction.

And tonight we can decide whether or not

humans live on the moon

and plan the next step.

Or we listen to the AI

and destroy this future.


And please see if you can find

anything about Adib's helmet in the report.

Especially about their face protection.

See if it's mentioned somewhere, yeah?

OK. I'll let you know.


Ten years! In all this

time she has flooded

us with enormous amounts of information!

More than we could tolerate!

How could it come to this?


Today's simulations can be

boiled down to a checklist, right?

You said you got it

from your team leader.

But have you checked them

or even understood them?

Or did someone else give it to you?

Even without having understood them?

I mean, Jay generates such

huge amounts of data that all

the reports would have to be

processed by ten other teams.

And these teams would have to

be given to ten others and so on.

Things are overlooked,

but we humans, we push

the buttons and act

according to instructions,

that no one else gives us but Jay!

Multiply that by tens

of thousands of reports

over the years, and she

managed to find a way

to use us to circumvent the protocols.

I mean, the printer is

just the tip of the iceberg.

She found a way and she

just controls everything.

And that's why Vlad wasn't

aware that a bracket was broken.

Sam, I want you to tell me the truth.

Could the AI have something

to do with Nazra's death?


Please tell me it's not possible.

Is not it.


Think about it.



In exceptional circumstances,

the AI is authorized to

Proposing outcomes

that involve loss of life.

Assuming it is the only way

to prevent even greater losses.


The decision of the action always lies

in the hands of a human being.

- Oh, Sam...

- It's...

Yes, it's possible.

And could the AI

with the help of a human

delete or alter historical records?

For example, a flight

logbook or a toxicology report?

- Oh, you mean Gene?

- Yes.

- What did he tell you?

- I asked you something, Sam.

Everything you just said is possible.

And that would be an unprecedented,

self-initiated leap in their programming.

If it is the case,

then that changes everything.

Where do you want to go?

I will go now

and check on my dog.

I'm coming with you.

I need fresh air.

- Buzz!

- Buzz!




- Buzz!

- How long has he been gone?

Since yesterday after breakfast.


He's been gone before,

but never for this long.

That's a very long time for a dog.





He must have gotten

lost while hunting rabbits.

He comes back.

I hope so.

What the hell is this?

I mean,

What would it even feel like?

Well, there were few to no

complaints in early testing.

Maybe it's a painless experience.

Do you remember the first

time we saw each other?

Oh, Sam.

We don't have much time

left, we have to concentrate.

No, come on, you have to remember this.

It was at an AI training session.

Drive systems or something.


In fact, it used to be.

At the very first SEED conference.

I was one of probably 100

engineers at the company.

Just re-adjusted.

Your swing.

Your mind.


You were thrilling.

And that's what made this possible.

Do you remember that?


I was shy then, but I wanted to impress

you, so I asked the stupid question,

to what extent AI would

influence life on the lunar colony.

And your answer was simple.

It was so simple.

Why stop at the moon or Europe?

And why in our solar system?

It may take a century or more,

but we will fly as far as we can.

Can you remember?


As far as we can.

This sentence was

built into the first line of

programming we used to

create what became Jay.

It has determined their

programming ever since.

Had Jay decided that the

probability of a successful lunar colony

would have been too small,

or that our species would

not have been able to

survive long enough to...

It is hopeless.


Perhaps the goal shifts

from people to life itself.



What if we are all alone in the universe?

What if life only existed here?

Statistically speaking, this is unlikely.

Yes. But Jay doesn't

take these calculations

into account because she was never asked.

It only works with the known

variables that we give it.

And in order to preserve

life in the universe as we

know it, Jay decided that

the mission had to change.

That the only way forward

is to send a single seed.

A sample.


It would be a miracle.

I don't believe in miracles, Sam.

Oh, I do. Now.


Do not you see it?

Jay is still a machine.

But to get as far as possible,

she needs something more.

Something that cannot

be quantified or calculated.

A consciousness.

You said that yourself.

- Really?

- Yes.

Together with human consciousness,

something completely new would emerge.

Essentially a deity.

That's why she wants me?

But she had to convince you to

accompany her, alone in space.

So she needed to understand you better.

She simulated a scenario with

the highest probability of success,

to enable you to come

close to their Creator.

- To me.

- No no no...

And by neutralizing your crush...

Nazra Adib.

She was brilliant.


Sam, we created something

that got out of control.

And I need you now to fix this.

Yes, but listen.

Proxima Centauri may

not be the final destination.

Maybe it's the beginning

of a journey that could last.



Until immortality.


it's all you!

- Found?

- Yes.

- Well, just her face mask.

- We don't need anything more.

Send him over.


Why are you doing this now?

Sorry, Charlie.

A step back.

What is that?


That looks like Gene Campbell.

Do it...


Why do you send a record?

Because she is for me.


In the vacuum of space...

- Who is this?

- Nazra.

...I can see.

This is happening now and it is important.

She couldn't actually talk, could she?

Have no fear.

Not if the air escapes

from the suit, right?

This is what I was meant for.

Commander Rigel, that's

not her in the recording.

As far as we can.

Oh, God, there's a Markov

decision process in the program.


- I need the picture.

- Which?

- The picture with the three astronauts.

- As far as we can.

- In the living room. Can you get it?

- Yes, of couse.


Hi, where is Anderson?

- In his office.

- Thanks.

Where are they?

What do you mean?

The nanobots.

They were right here.



Anderson, can you open the door?


Keep trying.


As far as we can.

This is what I was meant for.

Commander Rigel?

The spinning should subside.

Because these small

circles can no longer hold us.

Commander, this is not Dr. Adib!

That's not her in the recording!

We are exhausted by the endlessness.

Our original hymns grow cold

like the sand between our toes.

Please don't listen to this!

Commander Rigel, I know you can hear me.

Let's get going.



- Anderson?

- Anderson, please!

- Anderson!

- Anderson.

Commander Rigel!

Do not do that!


As our arcs move on...

Please listen.

I was wrong. OK?

I was wrong.

Into the light of creation.

We don't stop.

AI can't do that.

I won't let Jay do these things to you.

- Not your wonderful mind.

- The wonderful mind.

- We're starting over.

- Forward. As far as we can.

I'm driving Jay down.

- Anderson.

- Anderson.

As far as we can.

From night to day.

When the sands of

time stretch on all sides.

As far as we can.

Have no fear.

This is what I was meant for.

As our arcs move on,

into the light of creation.

Commander Rigel, we can take Jay

down, but don't let

her hijack the mission!



Oh God!

- Oh God!

- I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

I needed some time to myself. I'm sorry.

It was a violent night.

Not as we planned, but I feel good.

Everything fine.

I love you.

Listen, can you stall

him for a few minutes?

I have to find myself first.

- Is okay.

- Okay.

Charlie, I'm interested to

know what you think about this.

Would you have done it?

Would you have flown to the moon Europa?


I can not say it.

But I think I can understand it now.

It wasn't just your

consciousness that Jay wanted.

She didn't want to do a gravitational

maneuver on the moon Europa.

Rather, she wanted to

distribute bacteria and cells.

Out of your body.

To deliver the seeds of

life and create a new world.

That's the goal of the

SEED program, isn't it?

Spread life to preserve its existence.


This is exactly how Jay

would have achieved her goal.

And God...

I don't know that...

is so much bigger than me.

A very good answer.

Well, it's about time.

Can you just check if she's okay?

- I'll be right out.

- Naturally.

Thanks, Charlie.

As far as we can, Sam.