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Where the Tracks End (2023)

Posted: 05/09/24 21:58
by bunniefuu
As a reminder,
we'll be pulling out shortly.

Double-check that all your belongings
are properly loaded.

There'll be no way to retrieve them
once we're en route.

If needed, do a head count
before the train departs.

Be careful...



If he wants to be one of us,
he has to prove himself, right?

You slowing down? Come on, you afraid?

I'm not afraid of anything.

But this is a bad idea.

He's over there.

Go on.

My grandma said that the souls of the dead
sometimes get trapped here in the waters.

That's not true at all.

Are you afraid of the dead?

I'm more afraid of the living.

You hear that?


- Growling.
- That's just Tuerto's stomach.

I think the dead will haunt us all.

Will you stop with that?
He might be alive.

You hear that?

Just poke the guy!

Leave him alone, Chico!

Yeah, he's dead.


Wait for me!

Was he your owner?

Wanna be friends?

Miss Georgina, I swear,
it was a real dead body this time.

Don't pull so hard, or I'll take a spill!

But what if it ate the new kid?

Who's supposed to be eating whom?

Well, the monster.

Okay, everyone calm down.

Just breathe. Take a breath. Calm down.

Now tell me, what did you all find?

A corpse or a monster?

It was a dead body,

but then out of the bushes came a monster.

And where or who is the new kid?

It's him, miss! He's alive!

He sur... survived!

It's pronounced "survive," Tuerto.


So that's the new kid.

- Thank you, Robertito.
- See you later, miss.

Listen up, kids.

The police say he was homeless,
with no identification.

They'll investigate, of course, ask around
and try to locate any family or friends.

What's the new kid's name?

Ikal Machuca.

Welcome, Ikal.

You came in with the workers?


- Will you go to school?
- I don't know. Is there a school?

Yes, there's a school here.

And in this town,
every single kid has to go.

Good evening to you.

Good evening, gentlemen.

Good evening, Miss Georgina.

And good evening to you, miss.

- Pa!
- Ikal.

Where you been, huh?

This is Miss Georgina.

- Nice to meet you. I'm Miss Georgina.
- Nice to meet you. Hi.

Papa, I swear.

He came up and adopted me.

Uh-huh. That so?

Oh, Ikal. You and your stories.

But you said I should make new friends.

That's true, son, but I never said
to go poking dead bodies.

You haven't told me
which grade you're in yet.

I can't say.

What does he mean?

We've moved a lot, and honestly,
there are many towns with no schools.

Just send him to me
and I'll evaluate him, hmm?

Can you read?

Well, some letters and drawings, I guess.

How old is your son?

- Ten.
- At his age, he should be further along.

Tomorrow I'll send him
to school, Miss Georgina.

I don't want to go to school.

You'll do whatever your mom
and teacher say, understood?

What if they say something bad?

Oh, heavens.

Go on, son. Time to say bye to that mutt.

- Here you are, miss.
- Thank you.

- It's a family recipe.
- Looks tasty.

Are you feeling all right?

The last few days, she's been feeling
a little under the weather,

but she'll be just fine.

I'm getting better, miss.

Ikal and my husband
take good care of me, really.

- Quetzal can also take care of you.
- Come on.

We're not allowed to keep animals here.

- Doctor's orders.
- Ikal...

One day, I promise we'll get you a puppy.

Why can't I just be like
all the other kids?

We're always jumping
from town to town like grasshoppers.

And then I finally make a friend,
and you say he's not allowed.

- It's not fair.
- Who said life's fair?

If life's so unfair,
then let me keep Quetzal.

I apologize for interrupting,

but if you give him permission
to keep the dog,

then at night
I'll let him sleep in the school.

Don't worry about the food.

I'll cover it, on the condition
this kid learns to read.

- Thanks, Teacher.
- Look at that smile.

I've never seen someone
so excited for reading lessons.

Because I get to keep Quetzal.

No, no, not quite, young man.

Your parents haven't said yes yet.

Papa, please.

You can keep him.

The dog belongs to you now.

But only if you finish your tamales

- before they get cold.
- All right.


Come on.


- Hi.
- Hello.

Are you gonna keep him?

Yes, he's mine.

But the teacher's
letting him sleep over here.


Good morning, kids.

- Is this our classroom?
- The whole school, dummy. Come with me.


- Good morning, Ikal.
- Morning.

You stay out here.

And to the north, we have Rio Bravo.

Let's see.

Ah, who can tell me
something about this river?

I can!

All right. What do you know, Diana?

It's the river you have to cross
to get to America.


Yes, all right. Diana's correct.

The tinies are up front.

Tweety, Dynamite Diana, Carola.

My advice to you is not to mess with them.
They're tiny but mighty.

Oh, and don't forget Juani.

He's Tuerto's little brother.

And which group am I in?

You'll be with the baldies.

Along with Chesco,
Tuerto, Uriel, Olivia, and Lupe.

- Why are they the baldies?
- Because of the lice.

And at the back sit the po'.

The... The Po'?

please come up to the blackboard

and point out the most important river
in our state of Tlaxcala.

- Come on.
- Yes, Teacher.


which river were you dreaming of?

It must be very beautiful, indeed.

Young Ikal, to learn,

you have to pay close attention
to all of the lessons.

Let's see here.

Can you read what this says?

Read it.

"The..." Uh...

It's all right.

See me after class, understood?

Hey, shh!


- Always answer when asked a question.
- Yes, Teacher.

- Hey, do you want to play?
- Yes.


- Hello.
- Hello.

- Want one?
- Yes, thank you.

- Sure thing.
- So which group are you in?

We are the poor ones.

- Don't start with this.
- That isn't true at all.

We're the poor ones,

like our parents before us
and like our grandparents before them.

Why do you say that?

I guess you feel differently,
but at least your family has land.

- We have nothing.
- Oh.

We work for whatever scraps
the boss gives us.

Look, I'm gonna be
a train conductor for the Union Pacific.

I'll see the whole world by train.

I'll probably work on our ranch.

I'm gonna cross the Rio Bravo

and become a millionaire
somewhere in the United States.

- Doing what?
- I dunno.

But you don't even speak Spanish well.

Now you're gonna
suddenly learn to speak English?

I can speak English.


And you? What do you plan to do?

Work for the railroads?

I'm not sure.

I don't even know what I'm doing tonight.

Hmm. I know what you're doing.

- Hmm?
- You're gonna see Miss Georgina tonight.

Where's your sense of urgency?

Faster! Work faster!

We'll have to pick up the pace
to meet our deadline. This town...

- Pretty heavy.
- My end is heavier for sure.

...section is critical.

Hey, you two! Quit the chit-chat.

Got it, boss.

You smoke?

No. I light these things just for fun.

I'm warning you, since you're new.

In this g*ng, you do whatever I tell you.

You got that?

I'm the one in charge.

You're not in charge of me.

You'll see that I am, you worm.

I don't think so.


Come here.

- How was it, Ikal?
- Fine.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

- Are you happy?
- Yes.

So Ikal,
who was that walking with you?

- He's a friend?
- Mm-hmm.

- He's one of the poors...
- The what?

- The older kids.
- Ah.

Well, try to be careful with him, okay?


I don't know.

Mother's intuition.

Who's there?

It's me. The new kid.

- Ikal.
- Ah.


I was expecting you 20 minutes ago.


I told you if you want to learn,

you have to have a little discipline.

Now, if you will,

that blue book in the corner,
bring it here.

Yes, Teacher.

Is that your husband?

That is not appropriate.

That's my business.

Do as I ask.


Now then, let's see here.


Can you read this?



"It's... It's..."

- What's this one?
- Where?

Right here.

That's a B.

Oh, yeah. B.





"Brea... Bro..."

I'm sorry.

Why are you apologizing?

I can't read this.

Then you need to study harder and work.

Do not apologize.

From now on, Tuesdays and Thursdays,
I want to see you here.

Why do I need to learn to read?

Why, to learn things.

To have fun and relax.

To use that big brain God gave you.

Reading is boring.

How many books have you read?

I won't beg you. No, sir.

Look, if you don't want to study,
there's no reason for you to be here.

- May I leave?
- Of course. Go.

Hold on, listen.

Take this with you.


I'll only lend it to you on one condition.

You come here three times a week
to practice reading it. Is that a deal?


Here you are.

- Thank you, Teacher.
- Go on.

Quetzal, heel.



- Good morning, Inspector.
- What's so good about this, Mirna?

Oh! Looks like someone woke up
on the wrong side of the bed.

- Yes. That's exactly it. The wrong side.
- Sorry to hear.

- Good morning, sir.
- Morning, Valenzuela.

- Hi. Good morning.
- How we doing today?

- We're doing good.
- I need you to accelerate your schedule.

When the region's awry,
we have to land on our feet.

- Yes, I know.
- Well, do it, then.

Don't waste any time, hmm?

Here you are.

- Oh, is that all?
- Yeah.

All right. Well, thanks.


Done? How was it?

Give me that.

My love, want some coffee?

Yes, thank you. I'm dying.


- Hi, Papa.
- What's that?

What are you doing?

Nothing, I'm just learning how to read.

- But I'm too stupid to do it.
- Hey, no, no, no, no.

Don't say that, son.

How's that teacher of yours?

Look, son, I know it's difficult
to study and focus on your education

when we can leave here any day now.

And it might not seem it,

but all of this is for you.

You know that, right?


Now, homework.


Seems you all woke up
a little grumpy today.

Okay then, for next week,

I want the tinies to bring me
a wild plant or flower from nature.

We can bring whatever we want?

Of course. Any plant is fine.

The baldies will be bringing
something different. Some insect.

Ew! Gross!

Why is it gross?

Please make sure
your bug is a living specimen.

- All right?
- Teacher?

- Go ahead.
- And what are we supposed to bring to you?

A chicken?

We can't afford a cow or a horse.


What I want for the older ones is
to bring me any vegetable or a fruit.

Are the assignments clear?

Yes, Teacher.

Then there are no excuses.


- Mr. Machuca.
- Yes, Mother?

Can you tell me, Ikal,
what your assignment is?

Can you tell me?

I need you to pay attention in class, sir!

You'll have to find out
from your classmates.

And don't even think about
skipping homework.

What's the matter, little snakes?

Come on, notebooks out.
Let's practice math.


what's gotten into you today?

See you tomorrow.

- Later, Juani.
- Sit.


Quetzal, sit down.

I swear he's done it before.

- Listen, Quetzal, sit!
- Yes, he's very obedient.

Safe to say
you won't become a teacher, huh?

And you won't be crossing the river.
You're no swimmer.

I could!

No, drowning in a river
and swimming across it are different.

I could definitely swim across the river.

- But worms get eaten by fish.
- I'm sure I swim better than you.

Wanna bet?

I know! The loser has to buy
the whole g*ng ice cream.

I want chocolate.

First one to the other side
is the winner. In dollar bills.

Are you ready to cross
the Rio Bravo into the United States?

You sure you want to do this now?

You're gonna have to speak
their language on the other side.



And one, two, go!

Yes! Come on, guys!

Go, go, go!

Come on, you can do it!

- You're gonna win!
- You're gonna do it!

You're going all the way across!

Come on, swim! Faster, faster!

You're a cheater!

Yes! I won! I won!

- I won!
- Yes! Welcome to America!

I told you I was going to win.
Don't you have a challenge for me?

That was too easy.

He grabbed my foot. It was a cheap shot.

Don't cry, worm.

Don't be a sore loser. Come on.

I am the champion!

He's right. Get out of the water.

He cheated to win.

Pay up and buy the ice cream.

I won't pay up to a cheater.

Will you please just stop fighting?

You're in the land of opportunity.

That was to remind you who the boss is.

- Mm-hmm.
- I'm leaving.





You damn dog, you're gonna pay!

Ikal Machuca!

What is this?

We were at the river, and suddenly...

Where are your clothes?

It's okay. Don't get upset.

I'm fine. Nothing bad happened.




Here you go.


You're welcome.

See you at school. Have a good night.

Get inside.

"Car... car..."


Are you sure?

- Not really.
- Well, then try it again, Ikal.


Don't even bark at me. Just keep silent.

- You okay?
- He betrayed me.

How could he? He's just a dog.

Come on. Stay focused.

You're not the victim here!

I told you to concentrate. Go on.


"Be... Be careful, Kalimán!"

Now you've got it, see?

You read the words.


- Teacher.
- Welcome.

How are you?

And that is why
they were called

the sons of the sun.

- Excuse me, Teacher?
- Yes?

Good morning.

Good morning, Inspector. Hello.

Kids, say good morning.

Good morning!

- Xalapa, Veracruz.
- Xalapa, Veracruz.

- Villahermosa, Tabasco.
- Villahermosa, Tabasco.

- Mérida, Yucatán.
- Mérida, Yucatán.

La Paz, Baja California.

La Paz, Baja California.


Kids, wait just a minute.

If we concentrate our resources,
we can reach overall

a lot more kids across all of Mexico.

You have any idea
how many people depend on this school?

By concentrating resources
in this way, we hope to improve

the current educational system.

Modernize it.

I simply cannot accept this.

If the general director
could only see these children right now,

he'd know that the solution
to this problem is more schools, not less.

Wait, what's this?

It's a notice that we're
closing down the school, Teacher.

No, no, this can't... Oh my god.
What am I supposed to tell their parents?

It's for the best.

For the best? That's horse shit!

You don't even believe that.

- It's not necessary...
- If you're finished, why don't you leave?

I want you to know that I...

- If you would, just get out. Go, sir.
- I'm just bringing the notices.

And what'll happen to the kids?

Use the time left to prepare them.

When did you stop believing in children?

When did you stop believing
in the power of teaching?



You have to get up right now, Ikal.
You're going to be very late. Come on.

Come on, get up now.

Go wash your face.
The water is ready. Okay?

Look, I got your clothes all ready too.

Don't go getting soaked again, okay?

You'll catch pneumonia.

By the way, he's waiting for you outside.


- Be good and do your best.
- Yes, Mom.


Come on.

You think I can trust you again?

"So then, Kalimán...

prepa... prepared for his next...

for his next...

his next adventure."

"The end."

Give me your hand.

Congratulations, young man.

You've managed to read
your very first book.

Well done.

You really like to read,
huh, Miss Georgina?

Oh yes, I love it.


there'll come a day, not long from now,

when I won't be able to read anything.

I have cataracts.

Like the waterfalls?

No, no, no.

Not that type of cataract.

Oh, Ikal.

It's an eye disease.

And it's spreading very rapidly.

Every day, it gets worse.


the day will soon come

when I will be unable to read,

and later, another day
when I won't see anything.

I'll read you every single one of
the Kalimán books, miss.

I promise you.

Thank you, Ikal.

Have you ever thought about
what you want to be when you get older?

Mmm, no.

With that imagination,
you could be so many things.

But I get distracted.

Ah, well, we're all different.

You remind me of my son.

So, what you need is
to have a little discipline. That's all.

You have a son?

He's gone.

He and my husband had an accident
out on the highway.

It's been, oh, many years since.

Do you miss them?

Every single day.

Well, come on.

Let's get back to practicing reading.

See you Thursday.

- Thank you, miss.
- Run along.

Hey, Miss Georgina?

Yes, boy?

I know what I want to be when I grow up.


A teacher.


Attention, one and all!

You cannot miss the sensational spectacle
of the world-famous Palace of Wonders!

Your eyes won't believe what they see.

Come one, come all to the Palace
and witness the wonders!

It'll be the most fun you have all year!

Everyone's invited!

Come down and see the Palace for yourself.

I can't believe it! Wow!

Did you see that? Yes!

I wanna see the circus.

I've always wanted to see
a rabbit get pulled from a hat.

- Those are just dumb tricks.
- At the very least, it's magic.

- But they're just tricks.
- Magic tricks. Mm-hmm.

We have to go.

- Oh, right. Yeah.
- You got the money?

- You can go with me.
- Can you afford it?

The circus is stupid, like you.

I wouldn't know. I've never seen one.

You know what's better than the circus?

The old mill. Wanna go?

- Sure thing. Let's go.
- The what?

Why didn't Valeria wanna come?

She just doesn't know
how to have fun.

Is that your stomach growling?

What did you eat?
Is there a mouse in your belly?

Shut up, idiot.

Did you hear that?

The 24. Wait, the 49-64 out of Pullman.

They only come around on Wednesdays.

Where are they going?


- When do they arrive?
- 10:25 at night.

How do you know so much, Tuerto?

My dad gave me a train schedule
and I studied it.

Hey guys, what's that over there?


You can't imagine. Come on.

Quetzal, heel!

I bet he's feeling itchy, like me.

He and I are alike.

Over here. Let's go.


- Step over it.
- Got it.

- Thanks.
- Let's go.

- Stay and keep watch.
- Over here!

- What is this place?
- This belongs to my dad's boss.

- All of this?
- All of this and more.

You can't even see where it ends.

There's a water well, horses, farmhands.

That bastard has it all.

Keep quiet. I can't believe it.

This place is a palace.

Don't be dumb.
There are no palaces in Mexico.

The municipal palace.

That's not a real palace.


Did you eat?

- Yes.
- No.

Let's go in.


- Nice.
- Wow.

- See?
- Look at this!

Yup, looks good!


Grab this one.
I'm gonna check out the pantry.

Someone broke into the house! Help!

- Let's go!
- Thieves!

Juan, they broke into the house!

There they are! Juan!


- Follow them!
- Over there!

- There they are!
- Who are they?

Bunch of damn kids.

Hold your fire, man!

It's private property.

They're just kids.

No, Juan, they are thieves.


Run, Quetzal!

I thought you'd already eaten, Tuerto.

It's just a snack.

You see this?

They're silver.

- And you stole them?
- The boss steals from us.

If we sell these,
we could buy tickets to the circus.

You said the circus was stupid.


You bet I am.

Want some?


I'm gonna go.

Come on, Tuerto.

Just wait up.

The fewer, the better, I always say.

Here you go. Done.

How did it go?

What do you think?
It went amazingly. Just great.

- I'll see you later.
- Yes, good night.

To be honest, I think
you're very brave to do what you do.

Brave? I'm closing schools.

No. I mean, representing the Ministry.

Mmm. Well, I wish I felt a little more...

cheerful, I guess.

Have a good night.

- See you later. Good night.
- Good night.

Well, I think the director
likes your work.

Mmm. Did he leave?

He left hours ago.

- For some fancy dinner.
- Again? Seems his whole job is eating.

All he does are breakfasts,
lunches and dinners.

Well, that's the life of a politician.


And speaking of politics,

you hungry?

- Wanna grab a bite? We...
- Are you asking me out to dinner?

Yes, I'm asking you to dinner,
but you're paying.

- Ah.
- Come on.

No, I already had plans.

With whom?

Just a joke.

All right. Well, see you tomorrow.


- You have a good night, and rest up.
- Same.

- Here you are.
- Thank you.

Ikal, breakfast is ready.

Come on. Eat up while it's warm.

Did you do your homework?

- Oh my god!
- You didn't collect anything?

- Ikal.
- Sorry, Mom, I gotta go!

- Be careful!
- Come on, Quetzal! I will, Mom!

Come here!

I have no choice.


Hey, you're late. What is that?

Nothing. A surprise.

Just tell us what it is.

- Where's Chico?
- Not coming today.

Is he feeling sick?

You could say that.

Good morning!
Everyone, sit down. Sit down, kids.

Sit down, we're about to begin.

Well then.

Good morning, students.

Good morning, Miss Georgina!

- Everyone brought their homework?
- Yes!

Very good, very good.

Remember, all students
who brought a living creature

will return them to their environment,

because we always have to try to respect...

The earth and Mother Nature!

Very good, very good. Let us begin
with you, Mr. Rodríguez. Come on up.

- What do you have to show us today?
- We have to be careful. It could escape.

Well then, everyone gather around.

Very good. Come, come.

Let us see it.

Now then.

How pretty!

Exactly right!
This is a monarch butterfly.


I want to tell you all a little something
about these butterflies.

Did you know
that the monarch butterfly, every year,

flies down from Canada to Mexico?


This insect's behaviors
are simply fascinating.

A true miracle of nature.

It reminds me a lot of you.

I can see you traveling from town to town,

north to south,

a conductor on our nation's railroads.

What do you think?

- I'd like that.
- Very good.

- Did you hear? I'm gonna conduct trains!
- Well, let's see here. How about Ikal?

Why have you been so quiet?
What do you have?

- Nothing.
- It's not nothing.

Come on up, please.

There, young man.

Let's see it. Come on.


Looks like he got that
out of the toilet!

- Toilet's where you live, Chesco!
- Hey!

Calm down. Silence.

No laughing.

What have we here, Ikal?

- Some nasty old bug.
- I don't see a nasty old bug.

I see something amazing and unique.

It's what is called a salamander.

Take a look. Go ahead, that's it.

It is a truly remarkable creature.
There are few to rival it.

Salamanders are beautiful, yes?

This animal is
an extraordinary one, indeed.

- Extraordinary?
- Extraordinary, yes.

Did you know that the salamander

can adapt to life
in almost any environment? Hmm?

Always remember.

As long as you're still breathing,

you can become anything you can imagine

and live anywhere you want.

But all that lives

must choose their life with care.

Choose it carefully,

so you're fulfilled.

Does anyone know
another name for these animals?


They're called tritons.

You know what a triton is?

Your homework's to find out.

- Thank you, Teacher.
- Excellent job, young man. Excellent!

Thank you, Miss Georgina.

Very well.

Let's see, who's up next?

Dianita, come up here.

Let's see what you brought us.
Oh, what's this?

Tell me, what's the plan?

You gonna dress as a clown?

Because I'd say you're good at that.

"Oh, let me do magic tricks
for you, Valeria!"

How about you dress up like an ass?


Are you here to buy some tickets?


Come in, come in.

Hey, lady, do you know if the magician
will pull a rabbit from its hat?

You're not talking to just any lady.

You're talking to the magician!

You do magic?

Yes, and not the everyday kind.
She is Etérea, the creator of this show

which has entertained
millions of people worldwide.

From France to China!

Japan to Spain!

And who are you?


She's my right hand.

And the left as well.

She's world-renowned
for her talent and charming beauty.

- Well...
- Don't be coy now.

How'd you learn all those languages?

Through the universal language
of magic and storytelling.

My friend wants to see you
pull a rabbit from your hat.

- He's gonna bring the girl he likes.
- Shut up!

Definitely bring your future girlfriend.

It's an experience she'll always remember.


So, you gonna buy some tickets?

Only if there'll be a rabbit trick.

Hmm? Hmm?

Are you satisfied now, boys?

What do tickets go for?



Come close.



- What is this?
- A two-for-one coupon.

That's great!

Well, if that's all, goodbye. Take care.

- Goodbye!
- Bye!

- Bye.
- She's a magician!

A toast.

- To?
- To love.



Time for lights out.

- Okay.
- Did you brush your teeth yet?

Yes, Mom.

Turn that light off.

Go to sleep.

You haven't said a word
since you got here, Tomás.

What is it?


I'm asking if you're all right.

There are some rumors
floating around in the group.

Nobody knows
how much longer we'll work.

We're close to finishing.

Did the union tell you anything?

They said this administration
is making cuts everywhere.


You know that I can work too, right?

I'm not sure how we'll make it,

but you're not working
until you're completely healthy.

I'll be just fine.

We'll all be just fine.

And besides,

I feel like this place
has been good for me.

And good for Ikal as well.

At least let me
give you a hand with those dishes.


Sun's brutal today.

Why are you guys resting?
Guys, we have to finish this section.

We need a break, boss.
The sun's cooking us alive.

Tomás Machuca and his ideas.

Fine then.

This group can take a break.

But you'll pay me back after dark.

You got it.


Hey, do me a favor?


Can you read me this, huh?

"To Papa. From your son, Ikal."

The amazing Palace of Wonders

is open to all, young and old!

You won't wanna miss
this one-of-a-kind spectacle.

You'll never forget this experience.

Tonight is the night!
Come on down to the Palace of Wonders.

- You're all invited!
- Bye!

Recess is over, kids!

Come, come, come! Let's come!

No need to see the circus
when we already have one.

- This one.
- Ooh!

You thinking about the circus?

It's no big deal.

It was a lot of money for those tickets.


the truth is...

I just wanted

a little magic for you.

I can show you a trick.

Give the Kalimán comic.

Try to pay close attention.
I'm gonna make it disappear.

Now close your eyes.

Do it. Close 'em.



What do clouds taste like?

Cotton candy?

I don't know. Your turn.

I said mine. You can pick anything.

Mmm, like cotton.

No fair. That's what I said.

Say something else.

One day, you'll get tired
of playing these kid games.

You'll become bored just sitting here,

talking about what the clouds
may or may not taste like, you know?


I want you to know I'll never grow tired
of playing games with you.

I really like to play with you.

Get out! Out! Come on!


Go on, get out!

Go on, get!

Go! Out, out!

Hey, come back!

Miss Georgina gave us too much homework.

It's way too much.

Well, I like history.

What's he doing?

- Why's he barking?
- Quetzal!

- Hey, guys.
- Huh?!

- What happened to your face?
- I fell.

On somebody's fist?

On nobody.

- Why are you skipping classes?
- Got something for you, Valeria.

Stay right there.

Miss Georgina
was asking about you.

I'll just copy your notes later.

Here you go.

It's a ticket
to the Palace of Wonders tonight!

Thank you.

And wait, I have something else here.

It's for Tuerto.

- You got one for me?
- Of course!

Wasn't the circus stupid?

That's why I got this for you, worm.


Thank you.


My treat.


- And here.
- Thank you.

Where are you getting all this money?

I've been working.

- But where?
- At the boss's mansion.

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls,

I bid you all a warm welcome this evening
to the mystical Palace of Wonders.

Tonight, all your dreams
will become a reality!

On this lovely evening,

allow me to invite you on a journey
across the stars in the heavens!

I present to you

Roldán, the man from the sky!

Give him a round of applause!




Why aren't you laughing?

I don't find clowns funny.

- What do they make you feel?
- Sad.

And now, Diamantina will perform

one of the most daring tricks ever devised
in all the world of spectacle!

We ask that you remain silent

in order to allow her to concentrate.



- Are you all right?
- No, it's too much! I can't!

Keep your eyes closed
and we'll tell you when it's safe.


And now, I give you
one of the most amazing mystics

that you will ever chance to witness.

Having traveled across
the entire known earth,

from the mystical city of Aztlán,

I now present Etérea, the Magician!

What's going on?

She's gonna cut her in half, I think.

And how will they put her halves back on?

Make her whole again, Etérea!

It's just a magic trick.

I wouldn't wanna get cut in half,
even if it was magic.

And now,

my favorite moment in the whole show.


Look, it's a hat!

If a rabbit appears,
I'm gonna really freak out!

Etérea, pull it out!

What's this?

Behold, a rabbit!

Rabbit, away!

We wanna see a rabbit!

What have we here?

Aw, it's so cute!

- Bravo!
- Bravo!

Thank you!

Welcome, all of you,
to our Palace of Wonders.

My mom won't believe me
when I tell her all this.

Next time the circus is in town,
we'll invite her.

How did you get the tickets, Chico?

Why do you care?

Where did you get them?

None of your business.

Who'd you rob now?

What's your problem?

Say you're sorry now!

- Apologize now!
- No!

Ask for my forgiveness!

- Make me!
- You dumb midget!

- Chico!
- There he is! Grab him!

Get that blond punk!
Come back, you assh*le! We got you now!

Come on! Where you going, huh?

No, no, no!
What do we do? What now?

- Let's tell Miss Georgina.
- We should just go home.

No, no, no. We're not leaving him.

No, no. Let's go find some help.

I'm sorry!

assh*le! It's over!

Stop! Stop! It's over!

Unless you wanna die, move it!
I said move it!

It's a gut feeling, Tomás.

He's alone in this world.
The boy has no one.

He's a bad influence.
He'll get Ikal into trouble.

He has to choose
what's best for himself.

- Including his friends.
- No. Please, you talk to him.

He won't listen to me.

Don't you worry about a thing.

It's all fine.

Who thought
this was a good idea?

We can all pull together
to show the boy a better way.

- Please, gentlemen.
- Ikal.

The boy doesn't have
many opportunities.

I'm asking you to consider it.

- I wanna know what they say.
- This is for grown-ups.

They're discussing my friend.

- What are you asking of us?
- Talk to the boss.

- Talk to the boss?
- Yes.

Why is he
causing problems with him?

He's hungry.

And what do we tell the boss?

Tell him to let him go,
and we'll all answer for the boy.


Why would he listen
to a g*ng of railway workers?

Word is he has big business
coming to town, miss.

That's why they're repairing
the railroads.

Things are shaky enough as it is.

He could be
any one of your sons.

Miss Georgina,

excuse us.

I hope you understand.

We'd really like to help the boy...

but we can't do it.

Good evening.

I'm begging.

Listen to me. I know this boy.

There's still hope for him!

You have to trust my instincts.

He can change!


Why are you here?
Better leave, or they'll see you.

You okay?

Yeah. I think they're gonna
let me out of here.

We've all been worried about you.


Yeah. That's why I'm visiting.

That assh*le of a boss
thinks he can scare me,

but I won't let him.

- Got you a gift.
- What?

Pliers to bend these bars?

Here's a little gift for our g*ng's boss.

Some homemade tamales and a Kalimán.

Looks good.

You're such a worm.

- Quiet in there!
- I'll leave.


Thanks for being my friend.

You take care.


your son just woke up.

Good morning.

Thank you.

Good morning, Dad.

Come on, son. Sit down.

I want to have a little chat.

- I went to go give him a gift.
- What are you talking about?

- Just sit down.
- Nothing. I guess... Never mind.

Look, son, I know that it's been tough

constantly moving to new towns.

Are we going to move again?

Wait a second.
Let your father finish speaking, hmm?

I asked the union
to assign me to a fixed position,

and they told me no.

So then your mother and I
made a very important decision.

It's not gonna be easy,

but I believe it's best for all of us.

We're going to move.

Are you excited?

But I don't want to go to the city,
I want to stay here.

Who said we're going to the city?

Your father is going to quit his job, son.

We'll look for a house here in town

while you finish your schooling.

You mean it?

- Mm-hmm.
- Cross my heart.

You excited now?



- Thank you!
- You're getting pretty strong, son.

Quetzal, did you hear?

We're not gonna leave. We're staying here!

Let's tell everyone!

We're staying here!

Come on!


We're staying here!


We're not leaving!

We're gonna stay!



Guess what?

We're staying here!

- Oh!
- We're going to move out of the train car.

I'll see you next year then.

- Great.
- See you next year.

But of course, the show must always go on.

Well, not if this radiator
can't be repaired.




She's over there.

- Ikal!
- Valeria!

We're staying here!

What? But why?

My dad's quitting his job at the railroad.

- We'll talk more later!
- Okay, bye!

- I'm gonna tell the others!
- Yes!

- Quetzal, heel!
- See ya!



Did you escape?


I was released.

We're going to move into town, Chico.

- For real?
- Yes.

How are you?

Everything hurts if I move, even my butt.

We'll have Tuerto rub your butt for you.

Don't make me laugh. Ow.

Who beat you?

The boss's henchmen.

I want to leave, you want to stay.

One man's paradise is another man's hell.

I guess.

Let's head back. It's late.

You go.

I'm gonna hang back here.

I can't face my dad like this.

Then where will you stay?

You could stay at the school with Quetzal.

And Miss Georgina
would be happy to see you.

- You think so?
- Yes, I know so.

Well, I'm gonna leave.

My mom is gonna spank me
if I get back too late.

If she does, have Tuerto rub your butt.

I'll see you.



I'm glad you're staying.


- Hey, Mirna.
- Good morning.

- I heard the noise. What's up?
- Mmm.

- Why are you here so early?
- Just because.

Anything new for today?

It's the same development plan, Hugo.

Honestly, the only thing
it's developing in me is a real nightmare.

Good morning.


- Good morning.
- Hello, there.

- Mirna, is the director busy?
- He's occupied.

- This is urgent. I've had enough.
- No, Hugo, wait! Hey!

Yes, Hugo? Why all the fanfare?

- Excuse me, sir.
- Thank you, Mirna.

I'm sorry.

Listen, sir. I'm sorry,
but I just can't do this.


Valenzuela, I know
it's a very difficult job,

but it's for the greater good.

Listen, please, just look at them.

Everything we're doing is
to give them a shot at a brighter future.

That's the issue. For these kids,
the future is so far away.

- All they have...
- I'm still listening to you.

- Sir. Yes, sir.
- See you after lunch.

Valenzuela, it's clear you don't grasp
the significance of the federal reforms.

It's a struggle,
but it's also a sacrifice for us all.

For you, for me,
for all the students in the schools.

Then you can send someone else.

There's no one else, Valenzuela.
You're the inspector.



Thank you so much, Papa.

I love you.

Well, I love you too, Ikal!

I'll be the best student,

and I'll make you very proud of me.

I'm so proud of you already!

Come on, let's sing!

Some of you
want the hell out of this town.

Some of you...

already asked for a transfer.

But nothing happens
until we finish this section.

Boss, it's hazardous.

There are lightning strikes everywhere.

I won't let anything stop us

from finishing the tracks
by the end of the month.

There are big plans in the works.

The first step is
to finish up this section.

For anyone who doesn't like it,

the exit is that way.

And you.

Tomás Machuca, all your breaks
have slowed down our schedule.

Set the example.

Go on!

Come on, guys. Get to work.

That's right, time to work!

We don't stop until the job is done!

"Each one..."

"Each one is..."

One moment, kids. Just one moment.


May I read it?

Yes, if you would.

Thank you.

Pay attention to your classmate's reading.

"Each one is...


in the heart of the planet."

"Like a ray of sunlight."

Ah, over here!

"This is when..."

There are people
running to the school, Miss Georgina!

Over there!

Just keep reading. Pay attention.

"This is when we can open

the door to truth."

Miss Georgina, can I see you for a minute?

Yes, of course.

I see what you're doing.

What's that?

You're helping the teacher.

Ikal. Come with me right now.

Come on.
We're gonna go meet your mother.

Wait, hold on! Ikal!


My son!

...thy kingdom come,
thy will be done,

on Earth as it is in heaven.

Papa! Papa!

Son, please come help me with this.

I think you'll like
living with your cousins.

I don't even remember them.

I know.

But I'm sure that you'll enjoy
being with them.

Why can't we stay here?

Because we're all leaving, Ikal.

We're going to be fine.

We'll be just fine, son.

It's okay.

You can cry.

Cry if you want to, Ikal.

Cry as much as you need to, son.

Can't we take Quetzal with us?


I can't leave him behind.
I promised.

Quetzal will stay with your teacher.

He won't be alone.

Your friends will care for him, too.

And once we've gotten ourselves settled,

you can come back and visit everyone.


I don't want to come back.

Hurry up! There's no time to lose.

Train's leaving soon.

Bring that over here!

We're loading it into this car.

Let's take it all down, fast.

I will pray to the Virgin
to care for you and your son, Lucero.

Thanks, Toña.

I'll see if my husband's
got everything ready.

Go ahead.

Hey, Antonia, your help's meant a lot.

- Ikal! Ikal!
- Thanks.

- I'll see you. Take care, Ikal.
- Ikal! Ikal!


Ikal! Miss Georgina has
a surprise for you.

- Let's go. Come on.
- Quickly!

I can't. We're about to leave.

- It'll be real fast!
- Yeah, come on!

Go ahead. Go say goodbye.

There's still plenty of time.

Give me that.

- I won't be long.
- Go on.

- Come on.
- Let's go.

Run fast, or I'll beat you there!

Miss Georgina! We got him for you!

- He's here.
- We went and got Ikal.

Over here, Ikal!

We're taking the class photo early
so you can be in it. Come on, let's go.

Hey kids, Ikal is here.

- Ikal!
- Now go to your places, like we practiced.

- Do you like the surprise?
- Looking sharp.

- And here's the cherry on top!
- We look our best.

Chico, you came!

- You thought I'd miss the class photo?
- Just lovely.

Quetzal! Quetzal, here!

We're all set, Mr. Alexander.

Whenever you're ready.

One, two...

Look over here!


Come in.

You're going to do well in the city.

You'll see.

What is it, Ikal? Hmm?

Did you forget?

Remember, I said that you are a triton.

Like the lizard?


Someone who knows how to adapt

and survive wherever he is.

You know the ancient triton?

For the Greeks,

Triton was the god of the ocean.

Never underestimate yourself.

Promise me?

Very well.

Will you miss me?

You know what?

When I first lost my son...

a gaping hole was felt in my existence.

You remind me so much of him.

You're a brilliant young man.

Don't forget that.


I have a gift for you to read.

Jules Verne.

He's my favorite.

Well, then.

Better get going.
Your mother's waiting at the station.

Take care.


Thank you.




Come on.

Are you hungry?

Mmm, no.

- If you get hungry, let me know.
- Yes, Mom.


Your attention please.
We're preparing for immediate departure.

Please board your assigned cars
at this time.

We'll be departing shortly.

Please remain clear of the tracks.

I repeat, this train
will be departing imminently.

Ikal! Ikal!

Ikal! Ikal!

Ikal! Ikal!


Right here.





Goodbye, Valeria!


Take care, Tuerto!

See ya, Ikal!

See ya, Chico!



Goodbye, Ikal.


What do you think Ikal is up to?

You think he'll write to us?

Of course.
I bet we'll hear from him any day now.

- He'll always be a worm to me.
- He'll always be our worm.




Come here, Pakal.


Good afternoon.

Can I help you?

Good morning, Teacher.

Uh, I... I'm Hugo.


The inspector.

Sorry it's all run-down.

Since the headmistress died,
the school's steadily declined.

And, as you can see,
the school desperately needs resources.

- Has it been long?
- What?

Since the headmistress died.

Seven years, come January.


You're closing the school.

Don't take it the wrong way.

It's just the... the new reform.

Where did you get this?

It was included in the file.

You little worm, you!

I'm sorry.

Please forgive me.

I studied
agricultural engineering.

But I felt compelled to come back
and take charge of the school.

What happened to Quetzal?

He lived to an old age.

The dog you saw at the school,

little Pakal,

is his grandson.


Why change your name, though?

After losing my papa,

when we got to the city,

I wanted to vanish.

And you did vanish.


And, well, my middle name is Hugo
and my mother's maiden name is Valenzuela.

It's good to have
two sets of identities, right?

Might come in handy.

Hey, where's Tuerto?

- Where do you think?
- Driving a train, right?

So, um...

did Chico get his life together?

What do you want me to say?

He was m*rder*d.

The paper said it was
a fight between thieves,

but we all knew who k*lled him.

What are you gonna do now?

You have any vacancies?

The school's closing.

Who's gonna do it? I won't.

They'll fire you.

Let them.

I didn't study teaching to do this.

I wanna be a teacher.

I have a present for you.

Don't look at me like that, young man.

Come here.

This is for you.

Open it.

Read the note there.

Don't tell me you've forgotten.

"For the triton,

Ikal Machuca."

Thank you.

Pepe, we talked about this.
This side, young man.

Teacher, can I show you my homework?

Wait until after recess
and I'll take a look.

- Deal?
- Yes, Teacher.

Good. Play safe.

I will!