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Influencer (2022)

Posted: 05/09/24 22:01
by bunniefuu
Traveling is all
about experiencing new things.

Pushing your own
self boundaries.

My goal this year would be
to definitely travel more.

You're so limited if you
don't get out to the world

and experience it for yourself.

There's that old saying,

The world is a book and
if you don't travel,

you've only read one page.

Why limit yourself?

It's really made me realize
how little I've actually seen.

Thailand has such
a rich history.

I feel so at peace here.

I loved soaking it all in
and really experiencing Asia

the way it was meant
to be experienced,

away from my comfort zone.

It's breathtaking.

The adventures that find you
if you just surrender to what

the universe throws at you.

I am really seeing Thailand.

Just downed my
third rum and coke.

I'll be here all night.

If you truly
surrender to a moment,

you realize that's all you need.

There's a certain freedom

to not knowing exactly
what's coming next.

There's so many amazing people
here living in the moment.

Making new friends
all around the world,

they see things differently.

It's such a huge difference
compared to America.

And I loved soaking it all in.

Only a few more days left here
and really taking it all in.

Love you all.

Hey guys, another
day in paradise.

Just recording, watching a
beautiful sunset on the beach.


So I told myself this feels
like a bad idea, you know?

And he did turn out to be
as dumb as he was cute.

But we went back to his place.

Probably one of the
biggest regrets of my life.

Seems like every night's

the biggest regret of your life.

I wish I could
trade places with you,

I'm so jealous.

I had two tickets.

Told you you'd regret it.

Wait a minute.

Wait, what is that up?

That hasn't even come out yet!

Oh girl, you need to talk
to Ryan about getting me

on this Adelaine gravy train.

I don't think I
will be much longer.

I've been really
thinking about it.

Wait, honey, that boy put
you in that place for a week.

And he was supposed to be here.

You know what?

I wish I was dating someone
who cared about my career.

I just think that
it hasn't been...


Oh no, it's just Madison.

Oh yeah, I can go.

Oh yeah, okay.

I gotta go, talk to Ryan
for me, and smile more.

I'd be happy to lend a hand.


The photo, I could
take it for you.

Oh, I think I got it.

Thought I should offer.

So where are you from?

California, originally.

Ah, a California gal, eh?

I suppose I should
have guessed, really.

British myself.

So what brings you to Thailand?

The wonderful women.

No, no, only joking.

Really, I just came here
to escape the British rain.

Came for a visit and never left.

Could never think of a good
reason why I should go back

to that miserable country
and the miserable women.

But look, if you are
here all on your own,

why don't I show
you a round a bit?

Come on man, get a hint.

Just trying to be cordial.

We're all friends here, eh?

I'm going for a walk
if you wanna come.


Nice meeting you.

You really gotta be careful

around guys like that.


He was harmless.

Yeah, at first.

Get a few more drinks in them

and then the real
side comes out.

"Hello, love.

"Would you fancy a
nightcap at my place?"

Suddenly that drink
you've been nursing

starts to hit you a
little differently

and then before you know it...

Trust me.

What are you doing traveling
by yourself anyways?

It's a long story.

Shorten it for me.

Come on.

You're in one of the most
beautiful places in the world.

What could possibly
be wrong with that?

Well, my boyfriend and I
planned this trip together

and the last minute he bailed.


All I ever hear is about
how magical this place is.

How you meet people
from all over.

All I've really done
is sit by the pool.

What are your plans tomorrow?

I don't know.

Come on, the sun's
starting to come up!


You guys won't believe how
beautiful it is up here.

If you aren't on an
early morning hike,

you are missing out.

Since when are you suddenly shy?

I just don't like
being on camera.


How does it look?

So you really don't have
a place to go back to.

I mean I have family here
and there, but no, not really.

It must be so freeing.

It has its ups and downs.

It's better hot.

Yeah, I can't wait.

You've never taken a
picture of your food?

I usually prefer to eat it.

Oh my god.

It's the closest
thing you can get

to a home cooked
meal around here.

This is the kind of
place Ryan would find.

So why isn't he
here with you now?

I don't know, he was cute.

Ugh, I am too drunk.

You all good?



I wish I met you sooner.


The report's all filed
now and I'll keep a lookout,

but you know tourist police.

There's not a whole
lot they can do.

I don't understand any of this.

It's the usual.

First name, last name,
mother's maiden name.

We'll expedite it, it takes
like two weeks at the most.

Two weeks?

You are gonna have
to travel up to Bangkok

to pick up your new
passport from the embassy.

Is it awful for me to say that

I hate the idea of being
stuck here two more weeks?

You don't have to be here.

You can come crash with me.

I'll show you around.

No, I couldn't put you out.

Hey, it's gonna be fine.

First name right here.

Hey, I'm just getting
a few things sorted here.

How's it going?

Yeah, good.

Just been so busy,
feel like I'm drowning.


Your flight gets
in at 7:00, right?

So listen, just...

'Cause I've got a
sh**t earlier in the morning,

so I might need you
to take your car.

Is that all right?



I'm not gonna make my flight.

What do you mean?

Someone broke into my room.

I'm not following.

My passport was stolen.

It's fine, I'm getting
a temporary one.

It just could take
a couple weeks.

You have a sh**t on Monday.

I'm not doing this on purpose.

This is so...


So you.

You know, you're the one
who wanted me to be here.

For a week and then you
decided you wanted to stay

for two and now how
long is this gonna be?

Why don't you just
talk me through

what's happened so far?

Have you been to the embassy?

I didn't call to have you...

I'm just trying to understand
how you've let this happen.

I didn't let this happen.

I don't understand why
you're getting upset.

I'm trying to help.

You know, I've been
thinking about how to say this

for the last few weeks.

I think we need to break up.

Why don't you call
me again in the morning

when you've calmed down?


Change of plans.

Looks like I'll be staying
here for a while longer.

I know some of you wanted
to see the next phase

of the adventure in Europe,
but that will have to wait.

I made a new friend.

We're going to
explore the country.


This place is legit.

Why would you ever leave?

You don't meet people
holed up in the jungle.

Just make yourself at home.

So I was looking a few things up

and I have some ideas for
what we should do tomorrow.

I actually have a
surprise for tomorrow.


You'll see.

You have your own boat?

It's not a big deal.

Look at what we
have this morning.


Just wait 'till we get there.

How much longer?

How did you find this place?

I spent a lot of
time in the ocean.

My dad had a sailboat
when I was growing up,

So I learned how to
navigate when I was young.

Just always wanted a
place to get away to

and leave my dirt
behind, refresh.

You finally got a break.

I just realized I haven't been

in front of a fire
in like a decade.

It was in girl scouts.

We used to sit around
telling scary stories.

There was this one
girl, forget her name.

She used to tell
the darkest shit.

She'd probably
think you brought me

all this way to
k*ll me out here.

Middle of the ocean.

No one can hear you scream.

No, I'm not gonna k*ll you.

Well, that is disappointing,

But I am going
to leave you here.

First you'll wake up alone.

You'll realize I'm gone.

You'll check your phone
but it's useless out here,

so that won't help.

No shipping lines out here.

And the closest
land is miles away.

You'll start to look for food.

Good luck with that.

It's funny, you're
surrounded by all this water.

You can't drink any of it,

so you'll start to
get really thirsty.

You think it'd be painful,

but after a while you
just start seeing things.

I've actually heard
it's almost euphoric.

I had to guess,

I'd say you'll last maybe
three, four days at the most.

You'll slowly fade
into obscurity

and like all the other girls,

no one's gonna come
looking for you.

You'll cease to exist,
gradually rotting away

as the sand crabs
eat your flesh.

I like that.

But you know there
is one fatal flaw

to your diabolical plan.

People would notice I'm gone.

You sell products
to little girls.

Do you really think they'd
come looking for you?

I bet if I took over your
account, no one would notice.

Honestly, that
would be a relief.

But I'm pretty
sure they'd notice.

Besides, I thought you
hated social media.

Does it make you happy?

Doesn't make me feel alone.

But nobody actually cares.

You feel entitled to thinking
that people should follow you,

which makes you believe

that you're the center
of the universe.

The star of the
story, but no one is.

Oh, we are 100% in my story.

Everything is so much better now

that I've decided to stay.

Thailand really speaks to me.

It's such a rich,
vibrant country.

Sometimes you just don't know
what a new place has to offer.

You know, every day
feels so different.

I like to get up around 5:30 AM.

I'm able to get so much done
right off the top of the day.

I've always been
a morning person.

Early bird gets the worm.

For breakfast, I tend to just
make something quick at home,

a quick start to the day.

I like to get a good head
start on work right away;

emails, sponsors.

I'll usually spend about
an hour doing this.

I always try to
respond to my fans.

If you let it, life can be
one surprise after another.

You just have to let go
of your expectations.

I think the most
important thing is to find

the part of your day where
you can be really present.

Often there's so
many distractions,

so many things you can do.

But every day you get a choice.

Putting yourself into situations
that make you uncomfortable

is the best way to
become a better person.

Another thing I stand by
is I believe a healthy

work life balance is
the key to living well.

Everyone needs time
for themselves.

Being authentic is the most
important thing you can do

to make a better world.

Getting out of the
grind of Western life

has really opened up my
eyes to what living can be.

It feels like for the
first time in a long while,

I'm finally happy just being me.

Hey guys, I'm at the Big Buddha.

It's incredible.

I came to pay respects.

Hey guys, I'm at the Big Buddha.

It's incredible.

I came to pay my respects.

So far, it's
been practically perfect.

Thanks again for
all the support.

I was wondering if I could talk
to someone about increasing

my credit limit.
Yeah, of course.

Hold for one second.

I've decided to
take a break from social media.

We all need a break sometimes.

Not sure when I'll be back,

but wanted to thank you
all for being there for me.

I love you all.

It's a fake.


It's a fake.

I know a place down the
road that has real jade

and it'll be a better price.

No, I know, it's not for me.

It's just some
bullshit for my sister.

She won't know the difference.


Are you following me?

I'm kidding.

I saw you at the store yesterday

and now you're at my hotel.

Right, from the shop.

It's alright.

Yesterday I realized why I
totally know who you are.

It's because I follow you
and I'm such a huge fan

and I felt like an idiot

because of course you know
how to deal with these places

and those things.

That's probably something
that you do all the time.

And the last thing I wanted
to do was offend you.

I don't know why I
thought you needed help.

And now I'm here at the
bar and I come up to you

and I say this
stupid joke, and...


Have a good evening.

You follow me?

My boyfriend was supposed
to be here with me.

We had this whole trip planned,

but he bailed the last minute
and so we couldn't cancel

and he convinced me to go alone.

Well, what I always say
to my team of girls is,

in order to grow you have to
be able to thrive on your own.

You're right.

I just, I think it's so cool
how you travel all the time.

I could never do that.

Of course you could.

I mean it took me a little bit,

but anyone can do it.

Just, it's really hard
to meet people here.

We have this huge villa booked

overlooking the ocean
down on the islands.

Just, it felt weird
being there alone,

so I came here to be
around more people.

Look where that got me.

How big is this place?

Way too big for just one
person, that's for sure.

Okay, let me see.

What do you think?


Hat no hat?

Definitely hat.

Definitely hat.

Definitely hat, she says.

Okay, let me take a look.

Let me take a look.

That's great, oh, that's great.

These are cute.

Yes, yes.

Let's do a few more.

Oh, I love this one.

You were so right,
the hat totally works.

These are so great.

You're such a natural.

Oh my God, stop it.

You're too sweet.

Oh, shit.



I completely forgot.

I'm gonna have to
bail for a bit.

The sponsor has been
hounding me to go for dinner

over the past couple
days and I promised

I would check out some of their
products before we went out.


Well, I would totally
bring you if I could,

but you know how these ones are.

Oh no, no, it's totally fine.

I completely understand.

I'm so sorry.

But listen, there's this place

that I've been
dying to show you.

So let me meet up
with these guys

and I'll call you
when I'm done, okay?

Yeah, of course.

Put on something nice.


Whose bike?

Nice place.

What's all this?

Maybe your boyfriend
showed up after all.

You made it.


Who are you?

Who are you?

I'm Madison's boyfriend.


I thought you
said it was just you here.

It was.

I told my friend she could
stay here while I was gone.

She told me she
broke up with you.

Yeah, that sounds like Madison.

I'm gonna go find my room.

She didn't tell me we
would have any visitors.

Hope you see a surprise.

You know, Madison
never mentioned to me

that someone was staying here.

This place is under her name.

She insisted on it.

I just would've
thought she'd mention it.

I mean, I'm essentially
paying for this place.

Is everything good?


Well, this obviously isn't
how I saw my night panning out.

You guys seem lovely.

Enjoy the food I guess.

And let me know if you
get hold of Madison.

Guess I'll take Madison's room.


Oh, look who it is, huh?

Yo, Madison, finally.

You're at my place.

Yeah, I am.

Where are you?

I changed plans.

You need to leave.

You don't sound so good.

You're making
this more difficult

than it needs to be.

I told you we broke up.

Come on.

You don't really mean that.

How did you
find out where I live?

I can make it up to you.


You need to leave, it's over.

I'm not doing
this over the phone.

If you've got something to
say, you can say it to my face.


She'll be back soon.

I'm ready to go.


Do you think we could
push a little later?

I've just got this...

I'll go.

Yeah, I spent a
summer on the island

so I know some cool spots.


Let's go.

You know this can wait.

- All right.
- Okay.


Tilt the camera
a little this way.

Just think the sun's
gonna hit me better here.


So what's her deal?

How long have you
two known each other?

A few days ago.

How much longer for the food?

Anyone who knows Madison

knows that she
wouldn't invite some

stranger to come
and live with her.

Said it was her place.

Nothing makes sense, you know?

Madison's room got broken into

and all of her shit got taken.

Her passport, everything.

It's just weird, you know?

One minute she can't wait
to come home and the next...

Food's here!

I'm starting to see why
Madison wanted to stay.

What happened between you two?


We should probably get a move
on before we lose sunlight.

It'll be a lot
harder to climb down.

Yeah, we should make sure
our rooms weren't broken into.

You'd be surprised how
often that happens here.

You guys coming?


You're leaving.

You're back.

I guess neither of us could
stand partying with Ryan, huh?

I found a hotel.

This late at night?

I just didn't wanna
put you out anymore.

But thanks for everything.

- I can drop you off.
- No, no.

I have a taxi.

I saw that on my way in.

I paid him for you.

I just thought he
didn't get his money.

I told him to wait for me.

You know what?

It's okay.

I'll call another one,
it's fine, really.

Did I do something?

Look, I don't wanna get into it.

Into what?

I just think I would feel
better in my own space.

You're safe here.

I'm here, Ryan's here.

Okay, Ryan said that
Madison's hotel room

was broken into right before
she went traveling with you.

Weren't you with her that night?

What are you trying to say?

I mean, that Ryan's right.

I invited you into my home.

Okay, you told me that
you booked this place

with your boyfriend.

You never said
anything about Madison.

But now Ryan is saying that
this isn't even your place.

It's under Madison's name.

I think I know
what you're up to.

And what's that?

You're taking advantage of her

and you're not
gonna do that to me.

Madison is my friend.

Look, it's money that
you want, just take some.

It doesn't matter to me.

You don't have to
pretend anymore.

I don't even think the
two of you are friends.

With us, you just
kind of stuck around.

I've been weirded out
since the night we met,

but I, I don't know, maybe
I should have just known.

You're f*cking creepy.

You don't know
anything about me.

I don't want your f*cking money.

You entitled bitch.

I really wish we could have
finished what we started.

Then you really would
have seen the truth.

They won't even
notice you're gone.


Nobody cares.

They never do.

Hi, can I...

Yo, come check out the
pool, come check it out.

Guys, guys, guys, guys.

Hey, there she is, yo!

This is the chick I
was telling you about.

She's so weird.

I was so concerned about you.

Looked everywhere for you.

You just left?

Jessica still here?

She told me she was
checking into another hotel.

She was too drunk.

Heh, sounds was about right.

They need to leave.

Chill, just come and
have a drink with us.

It's pretty f*cking late, Ryan.


Madison doesn't want you here
and you can't keep treating

this like your
own g*dd*mn place.

You really like digging in
other people's, shit don't you?

I know everything.

How many relationships you in.


Like real relationships.

That's not what
I'm talking about.

You know you're living
in Madison's place too?

I pay her.

Get these people outta here.

You're really walking
on thin ice, Ryan.

I guess mom doesn't
wanna hang out.


Wanted to apologize
for last night.

Did Jessica leave already?

Yeah, she had to rush back home.

Had some job.

She didn't message you?

I haven't checked my phone.

This looks good.

Thank you.

You can stay until
Madison gets back.

I won't say anything.

Look at this, the whole
account's gone downhill.

Look, I took this one.


She needs me.

I brought out who
she really was.

Now she's just so fake.

Well, maybe this
is who she really is.

This ain't her.

Ever since she
lost her passport.

Well, it freed her to
do whatever she wants.

And that's freedom?

Dude, you gotta stop
being such a little bitch.

You're in one of the most
beautiful places on the planet.

I'd love if the guy came
halfway across the world

to look for me.

If she doesn't see that, then
maybe she's not worth it.

I got her a rep, who
then got her branding deals.

The first girl.

She blows up
after this one video

I got with this kid
called Oliver Left.

Have you heard of him?

It got like a million
views overnight.

So she kind of
reminds me of Jessica.

Honestly, Jessica's
got a bit of the spark.

You know it when you see it.

Some people just hold gravity.

Madison's the same.


You know what I mean.

You know, you'd do pretty well.

I'm serious, you would.

You're unique.

People are all about
that these days.

I could help you.


Wake up.


Quite the night.

We should probably
get going soon.

Don't have a ton of time.

We've got like an hour left
before your ferry leaves.

It sucks you have to go.


Get home safe.

You too.


Hey, Madison, right?

Someone else
was pretending to be you

the whole time.

Yes. I'm sorry.

It was my friend Theon.

I was passed out.

I mean, we went out so late.

I guess he thought it'd be funny

to message girls on my account.

Well good, 'cause I thought
you were complete idiot.

Yeah, you still came out.

Maybe there's some charm to
someone who's kind of stupid.

Harmless, right?


Maybe I can trust
that more than someone

who's got something to hide.

Is there any game
you're not good at?



And the bear.

That's actually really nice.

Why do you sound surprised?

I'll text it to you.

So you don't really
post that much, do you?

Um, thank you?

No, I just mean, you know,
if you took that photo,

used a couple of
proper hashtags,

I think you could tap into
a pretty huge following.

That photo.

I think people would
find you refreshing.

I do.

I don't know, sounds like work.

Could be a lot of money.

I'm serious.

You know what?

I could help.

Is this just some
ploy to see me again?


You got me.

Let me see that photo again.

My girlfriend is staying here.

Have you seen her?


Are you sure?

Good lord young man,
who broke your heart?

Another drink for
this poor soul.

So, why not tell Uncle
Rupert all about her?

Believe me, you don't
get divorced three times

and not get to notice
a, a certain look.

You haven't seen
this girl, have you?

I might have.

I mean after a while they all
start looking a bit the same.

There's no shortage
of women around here.


Her room was broken
into a few weeks ago.

I just can't see why
she would come back.

No, I do remember.

Yeah, she made quite
a fuss apparently.

Left the next day.

Haven't seen them since.


Yes, she was with a
girl with a birth mark.

Apparently she was
here a few days ago.


This was posted yesterday.

No way, look, not
a cloud in the sky.

We're in the rainy season now.

First sunny day
we've had for weeks.

Who's the fellow?


What time is it?

When did you last
speak to Madison?

Maybe a week ago.

Video chat, did you video chat?

Wait, where are you?

No, you didn't.

Ryan, we have not video
chatted in a while.

Just text what's going on.

I've spoken to Madison
but I haven't seen her.

It kind of seems
like no one has.

Is this about her post?

I mean, do you really believe

that "new love of
my life" bullshit?

She didn't even tell
me she met a guy.

She never mentioned him.

She definitely would've
told me about a cute guy

she had met.

I have to go.

Ryan, you can do a whole
lot better than Madison.

Hey guys, I'm here
at the Big Buddha.

It's incredible.

I came to pay my respects.

Hey guys, I'm here
at the Big Buddha.

It's incredible.

I came to pay my respects.

Hey guys, I'm here
at the Big Buddha.

It's incredible.

I came to pay my respects.

Hey guys, I'm here
at the Big Buddha.

It's incredible.

I came to pay my re...

You know I've blacked
out a couple of times.

I drink, so it happens.

But I never forget a shag.

What is going on?

Oh my god.

Where is she?

I don't understand.

You can drop the act.

"CW brought me to
this wonderful island.

"There's no phone service here.

"Normally I'd hate this,
but it feels so freeing.

"I almost don't
want to go back."

You know, at first I
thought you were doing this

just to take advantage of her.

You want to use her house?

It's a nice house.

Use her stuff.

But that's not what
this is about, is it?

And honestly, I'm appalled.

I would've thought
someone like you would do

a much better job of frankly
basic security questions.

- You don't know shit.
- I do.

I've seen it.

I mean, fair play,
you've got money.

You're so much worse since
she made you out to be.

Are you lonely?

Is that it?

I wondered how you
got into the house.

Thought it was pretty
f*cking creepy.

Do you track all of her
purchases or just the big ones?

Are you really
doing this because

you don't have any
friends of your own?

You have to use my
girlfriend's account

so that you can
feel what, liked?

How long have you been
keeping tabs on her?

That's some next level
psycho shit, Ryan.

Where is she?

I'll call the police right now.

And tell them what?

That you beat a woman and
tied her up on a whim?

That she what, took
your girlfriend?

Do you not get it?

I've got everything.

Madison showed me the messages.

She said that you hit
her several times.

You sent those.

Who do you think
they're gonna believe?

I think you've got yourself
in a little corner here.

Tying up a woman.

I think this is gonna bruise.

What did you do
with my girlfriend?

I didn't do anything,

but I can take you to her.

Where are we going?


It's just up here.


Hi, guys.

I just want to say that I
always knew Ryan was a predator.

I never trusted him.

You bitch.