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A New Old Play (2021)

Posted: 05/09/24 22:15
by bunniefuu
Not finished yet?

- Hurry up, man!
- Take it easy.

Keep it UP!

Old Qiu, good morning.

Master Qiu...

And you are...?

Learned Sir, so versed in ancient lore,
surely you recognize us?

Are you kidding?
I've been on stage since I was seven.

Acted every role.

You're from Fengdu,
the capital of Hell.

- That's us indeed!
- At your service.

Demons Oxhead and Horseface.

Oxey and Horsey to you.
Most honoured!

The honour's all mine.

Meeting two deities in person&
Quite a day!

You flatter us.

Are you here& for me?

We are! Welcome!

I'm certainly much obliged&

Not at all!
We're great fans of your plays.

When our Dads heard you were next
on our list, they were green with envy!

- Your Dads are demons too?
- Naturally!

But now retired.

Then they should visit our theatre.
I'll get them tickets.

With pleasure! Wonderful!

Mr. Qiu?

Mr. Qiu!

Where are you off to?

- What are you running for?
- Come back!

Where do you think you're going?

It's no use running.

Don't follow me!

- The King of Hell has sent for you!
- He wants to see your show!

Sure, and who comes back from Hell?

Come on, or we'll look bad.

What office sent you?
Ministry of Propaganda, right?

We don't answer to them down here.

Just on your say-so?
Do you have no respect for artists?

In the old days, you'd need
a red and gold invitation.

Hang on a minute!

Look, here!

A formal invitation, signed personally
by the King of Hell.

So what?

If I'm being transferred,
you should notify my work unit.

Don't worry,
Propaganda won't complain.

Who cares about them?
My direct boss is my wife!

Has been for forty years.

She must be very sad now.
I have to say my goodbyes.

Qiu, it's fate, no one can change that.

You've been in opera since you were eight,
you know about life and death.

I was seven when I joined New-New!

Alright, you were seven.

Come on,
nothing down there to be afraid of.

Mr. Qiu! Let's go.

Thank you, Holy One.
This Netherworld is impressive&

Respects, General, but I'm no Saint.

Private Liu, 21st Army.

You're one of my men?

Your skull is as smooth
as a holy pearl.

What else could you be but a Saint?

I shaved it this morning, sir.

- So smooth and shiny.
- I was a barber before the army.

And quite skilled at it.

If you're not a saint,
you must be a demon...

The skin on your face is rough.

I got the pox very young.

They still call me Pocky.

- Generalissimo.
- Master.

Is that Pocky singing?

Indeed. Who else?

He's a real opera lover.

Life was tough before he joined up,
but he watched plays whenever he could.

Being rather short,
and too poor to buy a ticket,

he couldn't see much.

But he vowed that one day,
he'd start his own troupe

and sit up at the stage
watching opera every day.

A dreamer, right?

Lucky he heard the holy call of g*ns,

or he'd just be a struggling actor.

- Lucky Star!
- Yes, sir!

Forward march!

Say, Commander...

We need a name for the troupe.
How about "The New-New Theatre"?

- What?
- "New-New"



the Confucian Classics tell us

"Renew daily."

"Renew yourself daily,
and be new every day."

We took our players
from the "New Theatre" troupe.

And our repertoire
is the best in Sichuan.

"New-New" is newer than new.

- "Blue comes from indigo&
- &and yet surpasses it!"

- Exactly!
- "New-New" 8;

is even newer than "Renewed".


But how is it newer?

By being different.

How will it be different?

- By adding more female roles.
- Right!

- Audiences like female roles.
- Times are changing.

We need more female actors.

Quite right!
"Progress through change."

But we need to consider carefully&

Consider? Audiences love them!

Some critics have protested.

Who cares about them?

Old fogeys who won't live long.


We're a goddam Republic now.
"Be young at heart!"


With you in charge, Commander,

we'll be resolutely modern!

- Modern is best.
- They'll love it.

- To be modern is to be new.
- A new era!

- We need modern dramas!
- In modern costume!

Let's recruit Liu Huaixu.
Our best modern playwright.




Here he comes! Hurry, Crooky!
See who's here?

Look, over there.

Come on, come on.

He's come at last.

Master Crooky!

It's really you!
Do you still recognize me?

How could I not?

I came specially to meet you!

- He did.
- You knew I was coming?

It's been so long&
I've missed you all.

I heard you'd died.
I was so excited I couldn't sleep!

And you, when did you die exactly?

He's been hanging around here for ages.

We couldn't find his file.

The King of Hell takes no-one in
without a file.

Sent him away twice,
sonvabitch still wandered back!

Well, are you alive or dead?

Can't enter Ghost City, can't go back,

stayed here and opened a pub!

- He has customers in this hellhole?
- What do you think?

- Is there wine?
- Sure!

My toes are curling
just thinking of it.

Come on, drinks time.
Since we're here...

Have you got taller?

Your back is straighter!

You'll be wanting dinner.


That kid's still here.

- Who's the little brat?
- Don't ask me.

I heard a teacher call
him... Qiu something.

Filthy. Puts me off my food.

Does the boss know he's squatting here?

You're drinking early again.

Join me, my Empress,

Drink with your lonely monarch!

- Oh, stop that!
- Come, one cup of wine!

- One single cup...
- insufferable.

Don't wolf your food.

Be careful swallowing!

Aren't you hungry?

I'm still hungry.

Thank you, Master Crooky.

You're still drinking.

This is the Emperor's last sip.

The last sip, how sad.

Who the f*ck threw that?

Honestly& down to the very dregs.


The chickens go gugugugu...

The ducks go didididi...

Push more from the diaphragm.

Just listen to you bellowing!
Who will pay to hear that?

Understood? You'll all starve!

In the peace of night...


The peace of night,
its melancholy light


Stupid mus.

In time you'll see, I'm quite easygoing.

If you need help with anything,

just ask, Uncle Crooky.

But when you scoop rice,
please look down!


And again!

Coming, Uncle Crooky!
What do you need?

And& blow!

Still burning!

Don't cry.

At the Academy,
we have food and blankets,

plus cotton uniforms.

Even a beating
tones up the muscles.

What more can you ask?

I'm hungry-

Well, I'm starving!

we'll all bring a bit extra.

Look, it's that brat Qiu.
Want another beating?


They say his old man was an actor.

That's right.

So who was he?

- Who's there?
- Master, it's me.

I got you some peanuts from the kitchen.


Why aren't you in bed yet?

Can't sleep.

Well, have some peanuts, then.

No thanks.
If I eat them, I'll be stealing.

If you eat them, I'm showing respect.

Seems you know the score.

Master, I want to learn opera.

Best forget it, son.

That would be bad karma for me.

Your Pa spent his life on the stage,

and that's where he died,

Your father&

would never have wanted
to see you in this game.

My Dad wouldn't let me be an actor

and wouldn't take me with him.
So what should I do?

Im eating and sleeping here,

but if Commander Liu finds out,
he'll throw me out for sure.

If I'm in uniform like the others,

Crooky will see me and I'll get rice.

Opera training is tough.

So what? I already know tough.

How tough?

When my Ma remarried,
she took my little brother

and left me here.

But I don't blame her.

He's just a baby,
he eats less than me.

Master, if I study hard,

when my Ma comes to see me
I'll sing for her,

and show her
I can get along by myself.


A lake doesn't freeze
in a single night.


To be an opera singer

is no easy thing.

It takes years to master.

Then teach me one line to start,
to sing for my Ma.

Alright then.

My father found glory in Langzhong

My father found glory...

My father&


That's better.

Not bad, not bad.

My father found glory in Langzhong

The boys have no clothes on!

They're naked!


- You're the one with nits!
- So what?

Strip him, lads!

On the hill the cowherd boy

With cap of grass and coat of straw

Astride his ox and flute in hand

Sings of peace and joy

Young cowherd boy!

What do you have to say?


My father found glory in Langzhong!

What's that line you just sang?

"My father found glory in Langzhong"

- Which opera?
- "Surrender of Jiang Wei".

What's the next line?

Haven't learned it yet.

Can you sing anything else?

- One more short bit.
- Sing it.

were you here long?

- I'm not a Commander-in-chief.
- I heard you just got promoted.

Independent Division Commander,
Sichuan Army.


Hurry up and sing,
or I'll sh**t you!

Never did an evil thing,
Why did I learn to sing?

It kept me from death's knell
But nor could I live well.

- How come I've never seen you before?
- You'll never see me.

To hide from you,

many a time I nearly starved
under a dorm bed.

But I've had enough, I have to speak.


I haven't just been hiding
for one or two days.

Who helped you?

You can't blame them,
it's all my fault.

They took pity on me,
like bodhisattvas.

And a bodhisattva gave you that uniform?

Oh, no.
When that student ran away last month,

I was under the bed, I heard you yelling.

Well, he left his uniform behind,

so finders keepers!

Anyway, I've been eating your food,

and using the schools blankets,

lamp-oil and bath water.

Stole a uniform
and dressed up like an official.

I did all that, it's all on me.

No-one else.

Lock me up or sh**t me,
up to you, old man.

But if I lied to you,
I wouldn't be my parents' son!

That's it?

That's it.

Stop there!

You're not dismissed.


A-bout - turn!

Those last lines...
what play are they from?

Don't know.

Who taught you them?

My Dad sang them
when he was drunk.

- What was his name?
- Qiu Xiaoqiu.

I knew it.


Place is turning
into an orphanage.

"Promoting Sichuan Opera

"is our duty to the nation and society.

"And the most urgent task is education.

"This Academy is dedicated

"to training the flower of our youth

"in a protected environment.

“Time passes, and waves
bring pearls to the shore.

"For these young talents,
the day of graduation has come.

"We urge our students to persevere

"and uphold the ethos of our school.

"Up with the cock's crow, ever alert,

"each graduate duty-bound

"to join the New-New troupe for life."

Shit, "promote" is misspelled.

Well, I didn't write it.


"Honour is best" & Xie Wenxin.

Thank you, Holy Founder.

"Remember my Charms" & Lin Qinxin.

Thank you, Holy Founder.

"Flower Branch" & Yao Mixin.

Thank you, Holy Founder.

"Pink Butterfly"... Zhao Xiuxin.


"Golden Chimes"... Li Yongxin.

Thank you... Holy Founder!

"Oil of the Gourd"... Pang Xiexin.

"The Abalone Blows"... Xiong Zaixin.

Next, please!

Let's have you now!

Qiu Fu-xin&

What about my aria?


Ma, look at this uniform.
Like a government official, right?

I'm now a New-New actor
in the 21st Army.

You can be proud.
I'm doing alright for myself.

The teachers treat me very well.

Crooky the odd-job man
ran a hot bath for me.

The tutors and trainees all say
I'm a natural.

No surprise!

Am I not the son of the
great Qiu Xiaoqiu?

But, nothing to brag about.

As Pa used to say,
"Good singers eat rice,

bad singers just get bullied."

I have to keep at it,

so no time yet
to visit you and my brother.

Regards to my stepfather.
Be happy together.

Don't quarrel.
And don't worry about me.

I haven't started earning yet,
so I couldn't receive you in style.

But I can sing a line of opera,
to show you what I can do.

"My father found glory in Langzhong"

Trying to scare me with that again?

Do you demons know what that is?

- Some kind of baton??
- What's it for?

Known as a "red-cooked carp".

Why a red-cooked carp?

It was kept back-stage,

and whenever a student slipped up,

they beat him with it.
Ten or twenty strokes, depending.

Once I was sick and came in late.

They beat my buttocks to a pulp.

I silently cursed them.
"You m*therf*ckers!"

And then I escaped.

- Where did you go?
- Where?

He tried the Hua-ying Theatre,
the Yong... le...

And then the Yuelai Tea House,
Sanqing Club, Liuhe&

I did the rounds,
every damn troupe in Sichuan.

No-one dared take me.

No troupe in this garrison

would touch a runaway

from Commander Pocky Liu.

No option but to starve&
or bite the b*llet and head back.

They threw him in a hole, in solitary,

ten days at least.

They did a good job on me that day.

I was there, I saw it all.

My legs were shaking like leaves.

The "red-cooked carp"...

Don't cry, Crooky.

- There's Crooky.
- "Good-a Morning"

Young Qiu, you need oil
to remove your make-up!

Or you'll have that white nose for life!

Crooky's going wild!

In 1936, he was Commander
for Suppression of Communists.

It was 1938.

Pocky was promoted
during the Anti-Jap w*r.

"Moo" all you like, it was in 38.

I wrote the history of the theatre.
Can't be wrong.

The history...

Quit your mooing, young fellow.

It was after the Marco
Polo Bridge Incident.

Let's be scientific.

That w*r started
when we lost the North-East.

- The Eight-Year Anti-Japanese w*r.
- It was fourteen years!

Whatever, fourteen years.

- Still. Pocky was promoted in 1938!
- 1936!

Enough already!
The dinner I cooked is getting cold!

Stop quibbling like a couple of kids!

Just settle down and eat!

Master Qiu, try this food I've made.

Crooky waited for you a long time.
Try our local dish.

Dinner time. Forget about him.

- "Scientific"...
- It is too!

- Ask my Dad!
- Better ask the g*ns&

You shut up now.

Have a drink, Qiu.

All repeat after me:
Down with Jap bandits!


Down with Jap bandits!

Recover lost territory!

No! Louder!

You too!

Recover lost territory!

Solidarity is strength!

Enjoying a free show?

And again!

Down with Jap bandits!

Recover lost territory!

“The Patriot Beggar"
A Patriotic Opera By The New-New Theatre

In my dream were Sun Yatsen

And the 72 martyrs of Canton,
and all the heroes

watching you from Heaven.

Oh my wife! You're too selfish!

Come, then... take this contribution.

My wife is a woman of honour!

You fat slob.
Not fighting the Japs?

Sniffing around our Commander's tent?

Whose mob are you with?
Call your boss over here!

We'll put you in the front line!

Name and rank!

I said, name and number!

"Behead Ma Miao“
A New-New Patriotic Production

Were the best!
The audience went wild!

Down with the traitor!
Behead Ma Miao!

Stop that! It's a play!

Down with the traitor!

Are you crazy? Get back!

Its theatre, dammit!

An opera! Are you nuts?

Silence! Sit down!

I'm all right. Let me be.

Down with the turncoat scum!

Down with traitors!

Recover lost territory!

Long live the Sichuan Army!

Are you drunk?

You could say that.

When he drinks, he thinks of his Ma.

- Innkeeper! Bring wine!
- Coming up!

Your wine.

And more dumplings.

Just one plate.

I'm out of dumplings.
There's no more flour.

Around here we mostly eat rice.

- Rice or noodles, we're all Chinese.
- Of course!

Come tomorrow, I'll have flour.

f*ck tomorrow.

Tomorrow we'll probably
be moving south...

The w*r doesn't stop for us.

We just have to move on.
No more flour.

No more rice.

North and South, the summer's scene

See the st*lks of sorghum green

See? w*r has broken many homes.

Lucky if you're not blown to bits.

Ma or no Ma, you still have to live.

I have a Ma,
just bad luck I can't see her.

In time of w*r,
the main thing is to stay alive.

You're alive, your luck isn't bad.

Imagine you're the Monkey King -
no Ma, but still a man!


Stop drinking.

f*ck off! No-one asked you.

You'll cry again.

Did I bother you?
And I wasn't crying.

Stop drinking.

- Let him, if he wants to.
- But, Master&

Go on then, drink.

Easy, e35!!!

You drink like your old man.
Slow down!

Did you hear me?
You're the Monkey King.

I, the Monkey King,

was born in Aolai land

from a dead stone.

Yet never would

those Immortals dare

look down upon

our monkey tribe.

Master brother, you're here! Come!


- What's on the menu?
- Mushroom soup.

A big bowl for me!

- Why so late?
- Rehearsing a new patriotic opera.

I've had a few jars&

Me too!

Your health, masters!

No more for you today!

Don't want you drunk.

Mushroom soup!

Fresh local produce,

just picked today!
Make room there.

A bowl of hot soup clears the head.



Masters, I toast you!

Easy, you'll burn your tongue!

He doesn't care.

Can you leave some for us?

- Drink.
- Take your time.

It would be nicer with rice in it.

Bring him a bowl of rice!

A growing boy should eat more rice.

And drink a bit less wine!

Is it better with rice?

Hey, kid! Hey!

- Where are you off to?
- The Monkey Kingdom!

- Innkeeper!
- Coming!

Where did you get those mushrooms?

Picked just this morning,
super fresh!

There he is!

It's rehearsal time!

Come down!

- Qiu Fu!
- We're rehearsing, dammit!

Aren't you dizzy up there?

Come down here!

Master Qiu, welcome!

Is that your student
singing at your funeral?

My student's student.

Bunch of spoilt kids.

Back then, obviously,
we had no microphones.

We sang in village squares or fields,
alone on a stage.

Audiences of thousands.

With nothing but our throats,

and a row of urns full of water
at our feet.

From the front row to the back,

each note clear as a bell,
so everyone could hear.

But most of all, you needed style.


You scared me, Qiu Fu!
Thought I'd seen your late Papa.


Isn't the Commander attending the play?

No idea.
I haven't seen him either.

My condolences for his loss.

Thank you.

f*cking light&


You're not at the performance?
Second Wife is looking for you.

I can hear it from here.

I don't like crowded theatres,
you can't see.

That young Qiu Fu
really is a natural.

All the young New-News

are singing in plays now.

They've really repaid
the Commander's dedication.

I'm not the man I was, alas.

When the tall tree falls,
the monkeys scatter&

Since the Generalissimo died

my heart hasn't stopped thumping.

I am afraid the Sichuan Army
will be sidelined.

With the Japs beaten,

Chiang Kai-shek has given
Wang Lingji's clan

sweeping powers in Sichuan.

Nothing in here but peppers!

Come on, let's change tables.

They want us out of the way,
on garrison duty.

My regiment is no motley crew.

- Sorry.
- Don't worry.

And New-New
is no hick backwoods troupe!

This is where I want to die!

This table will do.

This one might be better.

When the work's done, k*ll the mule?

Do those idiots think
I can't see their game?

When I stepped down and retired,

plenty of people were
rubbing their hands with glee.


do you remember when
those officers from Mao's army&?

There's only scraps here.



The moon is so big tonight.

Com mander&

I know what you're going to say.


Their leader's a wise man,

And it seems to me
that power is changing hands.

Luo, be straight with me now.

Are you a Communist?


Yes or no?

Tell the truth or I'll sh**t you!

Chief, I think there are still
some peanuts over there.

Let's sit down and talk.

Holy Founder, please forgive me.

This place is full of expl*sives now&

Sorry, but I have to move you
to the temple.

Others will offer you incense there.

Masters! Masters!

Farewell, dear colleague.
Take care.

I'm going now.

Farewell, dear colleague.

Until we meet again!

Our masters are free now.

Going their separate ways.
Even the bouncers have disbanded.

Sure& but at least they're free
to perform where they like.

Sounds fine, but it's civil w*r.
Every troupe's in trouble.

You can bet they still pay
better than New-New.

And no more "red-cooked carp".

Qiu Fu...

- Thanks.
- Don't mention it.

Thanks for what?

For being so kind.
Not forsaking me and my daughter.

Our Commander was the generous one.

You should thank him.

He saw I was still a bachelor,
gave me his adoptive daughter

with a ready-made baby in tow,

all to save me the trouble of looking
and keep my energy for the stage.

How could I thank him enough?

If you feel wronged,

I can leave with the baby
as soon as I've finished this pipe.

- I didn't say anything.
- You said plenty.

- You're stoned.
- You're the stoned one.

I smoked half a pipe!

A farewell song

so painful every time

Those many years we shared&

Listen& little Ah Gui is so adorable,

how could I ever leave her?

Not to mention
that she has a pretty mother.


Long before joining New-New,

I was famous in Chengdu.

"Eight-year-old star".

I was still scrubbing floors with Crooky,
but I'd heard of you.

Famous. Big deal.

Pestered and molested
from an early age.

That year singing in Xikang,

soldiers massed below the stage,

r*fles on their backs,
all gawking at us.

Like hunters sizing up their prey.

- Enough&
- I was already used to it.

I'd seen plenty of those stares.

Spectators, right?

You're stoned.

But that day I really lost it,

I started yelling at them
from the stage.

"What are you gawking at?
On a hunting trip, are you?“

I remember running,

two grunts after me,
each with his r*fle.

One shot.

Two sh*ts.

Yes, they were hunting.

Then they came whistling...

I heard them clearly&

There's a time and a place, you know.

You always dig all that up
when we smoke together.

What I mean is...

I've got a family now.

Life is so good!

Ah Gui...

- Who's your papa then?
- You!

Prove it, then.

My father found glory in Langzhong


Hey, come on,
we're on the same side!

We're Commander Liu's troupe!

Come on, Ah Gui.

Stop fighting!

Come on, quit that!

Right, that's it. I'm off.

This is mutiny!
I'll report you!


Put it here.


- What's this?
- Recognize the writing?

No idea.

- Where is he?
- Who?

- Now what?
- Let's go.

Qiu Fu...

What are you smiling at?

Do they understand Sichuanese
in Taiwan?

How would I know?

Can we make a living from theatre
in Taiwan?

It's hard enough in Sichuan,
imagine in Taiwan&

Now what are you grinning at?

They've sent Chiang Kai-shek packing.
This Liberation Army is tough.

They're all army grunts,
each with his r*fle,

and that hunter's stare...

- An aria for you, sirs?
- Clear off.

- And you two gentlemen?
- Scram.

Master Gong!

Master Qiu, our respects.

And you, Sir, are&?

Good sirs, an aria for your pleasure?

- Not interested!
- Good fortune to you.

Master Qiu!

- A tune from the repertoire?
- Go away.

Master Li&

So we're agreed? Name your target.

You're an actor. An artist.
You're not a k*ller.

k*lling is not a problem.
And I'll give you a good price.

- Brotherhood, right?
- I have no enemies.

You're a fine performer.

Thank you&

And your wife is too.

Perhaps a small contribution, sir?

Thanks all the same.

- We've paid to see the show.
- Of course&

If you like our music,
some coins for a pipe will do.

What do you say, kind sirs?


New-New's lead actors
are all begging now.

You think Commander Pocky knows?


Our people must have reached
Pengshan by now.

They're following the Min river.

They'll be fine.

I've let them down.

Take your cards.

I can hardly save my own bacon,
let alone look after them.

Not necessarily, husband.

I've put a little bit aside,
and when the time comes,

we'll build a new theatre
for the New-New.

I won!

Seems Nanking's fallen to the Reds.

What hope is there for us?

Speaking of which, Luo came looking
for you this morning.

I said you were asleep.

Don't let it worry you.
Take your cards.

I've let you down too.

The cards.
That's my hand you're holding.

You're as wise as you are beautiful.
I'm the useless one.

Go on, play.

f*ck your mother, alright?

They started it!

- It was them!
- Go f*ck yourself!

- f*ck you, Communist!
- Screw you, Nationalist!

Shut up!

Alright, move on.

Get in line!

Hurry up. Go, go.

Qiu Fu, where are you going?

Qiu Fu!

Come back!


Young masters, my, how you've grown!


Crooky! Its been so long!


Get these benches lined up.

That's it, line them up straight.

Call them in.

Get them seated.
All look towards the camera!

All sit down!


Look at the camera!

You two step down.

Crooky! Leave that!

- Crooky, come on!
- Bring the Holy Founder!

Forget Crooky, watch the camera!

Fan folded, please.
Straighten that flower.


So many soldiers...

So many soldiers&

At ease!

Artist friends, congratulations!

They say this Liberation Army's
a bit rough.

Major Ma, I believe?

- You must be Manager Ma.
- Indeed. An honour, Sir.

- Both named Ma, eh?
- So it seems!

- Same clan, 500 years old!
- Kith and kin!

Major Ma!

Comrade artists, greetings!

Welcome to a new society, a new era!

Our struggle to liberate
the Chinese people

is fought on several fronts.
To secure victory,

we must first rely
on an army with g*ns.

But we also need
an army of Culture.

To unite the masses and defeat our foes,
this army is indispensable.

Its name is "Art and Literature".

Art has two dimensions.

One is political, one is artistic.

When it unites the masses,

for progress
and against backwardness,

Art is good.

But when it divides the masses
against progress,

when it favours backwardness,

it is bad.

The old society is gone...

As Chairman Mao said

at the Yan'an Conference,

"Art must serve
the workers-peasants-and-soldiers."

You are all artists,
this should be your guiding principle!

Qiu Fu, when did you last read
your school yearbook?

I study it every day.


Have you forgotten kneeling
before our Holy Founder,

vowing to accept punishment
if you moonlight with other troupes?

- No sir.
- And what was the penalty?

To lose my voice
and never work again.

Still want to run off?

- Sir, it's too tough.
- Better change jobs then!

Piss off and starve!

I'll never do it again!

Just think about it.
What troupe in all of Sichuan

would dare take a traitor
to my New-New theatre?

- I'll never do it again!
- Red-cooked carp!

Don't beat me!

In the old society,
an artists life was toil and suffering.

A new society is born!
You are all artists,

and Art must serve the people!

Why not take a short nap,
Master Qiu?

I'm going to Hell,
who needs to sleep?

You still need your rest!

Tomorrow morning
they'll take you across the river.

- The River of Forgetfulness.
- That's right!

- And Fengdu on the other side.
- Exactly!

- What time does the boat leave?
- It's still early.

- What time is it now?
- Plenty of time!

How about a round of mahjong?

- Yes, let's.
- Okay by you?

Sure. Plenty of time, right?

Chicken Foot, get the tiles.

Coming up!

I love mahjong.

Sorry, I left in a hurry.
I don't have much cash.

- Forget it, we're playing for fun.
- Just to pass the time.

Father, receive this money.

Don't stir the ashes.

- How will he get the money?
- Not that way.

- You shouldn't stir.
- I should.

I could ask Teacher tomorrow.

- You don't stir.
- Yes you do.

- He won't get it.
- He will.

He got money!

- One million a hand?
- Haifa million.

We're public servants, after all.


Three players?

- Chicken Foot?
- I have to light the fire.

- For grilled veggies.
- When?

- Later.
- Make plenty.

- Call Crooky.
- Right.

Hey Crooky! Over here!

Come play mHhlOYIQ!

Crooky! Mahjong!

Where's he got to?

Five, six, seven, eight.

Two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight.

Next exercise. Ready... go!

What are you girls looking at?
You'll be moving in soon!

We like watching.

Are you looking at the house, or...?

Go away!

Hello, little one.

Four Mums, are you sunbathing?

Are your Mum and Dad alright?

They're trying on their Lenin jackets
in the dressing room.

- Are they really fine?
- Yes.

- Have they freed your Dad?
- Yes.

Last night they untied him from the bed,
and I helped him to walk.

- He's kicked it, then.
- Good for him!

Well done and good luck!

Thank you, too.

- Where are you going now?
- The canteen is about to open.

Getting a drink for my Pa.

- A drink?
- Sounds risky, he just got up.

He says it was really tough,
and he needs a drink.

He's still weak.
What does the doctor say?

What doctor?
He's got Mum's permission.

Canteen's open.

Lunchtime, lads!
Food's up!

Our Soviet brothers
are mobilising.

And our People's Liberation Army
is battle-ready!

Steamed bun?

Steamed bun, anyone?

Eat plenty, get strong and fit!

When the Nation needs us,

the Sichuan People's Theatre
will answer her call!

Sugar water...

Less sugar for him.

I'll have it.


Aka the big smoke,

the Big O, black pill,
midnight oil, Afghan hibiscus...

Or as some called it,
the "paste of bliss and longevity".

Extracted from the opium poppy,

rich in natural alkaloid.

In the West, their Bible calls it

the Herb of Forgetfulness.

That's right!
Even their God used it!

Since the early Han Dynasty,

opium was a prized commodity.

From the Persian tributes

to the corrupt Qing dynasty,

all of China, from Emperors
to the common people,

used it as a pleasure drug.

The Western imperialists,
led by Britain,

used it to break down our gates
and enslave our people.

They say it can stop a cough,
suppress pain, stimulate the mind,

cure epilepsy and diarrhoea&

All bullshit enemy propaganda!

More vicious than b*ll*ts and cannon,

silently, stealthily,

it destroys you through your own mind.

If the Nationalists hadn't fallen,
the smoke would have finished them!

But History teaches us once again

that if we stand solidly with the people,
there is no battle we cannot win!

Just look.

These comrades here before us,

once helpless, cringing addicts,

were able, in only 170 hours,

to kick the evil opium habit

and say goodbye for ever
to the corrupt old society.

You heard them, right?

Their screams in the night,
these last few clays?

They tied themselves
to their own beds.

Five days and nights
without food or water.

170 hours is not that long,

but the time goes pretty slow.

Yet that's how our comrades,
by their own concrete actions,

have made another human miracle!

As our Chairman said,
"For great men, look to this age alone."

What does this new era mean?

Ladies first.

Thank you, leaders and comrades.

Our 170-hour ordeal is over.

And so is the old society.

It's painful to recall

and even to talk about.

What were actors' daily concerns?

Birth, old age, sickness,
death and poverty.

Without a pipe, who could sing
the five styles of Sichuan opera?

Yes, shame on us.

As for the big smoke,

half the troupe were addicted,
we all had a puff before a show!

Come on! We all did it!

I told you not to drink.

Forgive him, he just got up yesterday,
he's still confused.

Opium fries your brain.
He's still on medication!

Through the generations,
actors had a saying:

"Play every role,
lose your own soul".

And if you fall prey to opium&

But that's all in the past.

Back then I was the wildest player
and the most hopeless addict.

I quit many times,

but I kept sliding back.

As you all know, Commander Liu
locked me in his house&

"Bogus Commander".

- Manager&
- Party Secretary?

Mr. Liu saw the light in time,

and has joined the struggle
as a provincial official.

According to policy,
he's now a senior leader.

Hence, our comrade.

Call him "Comrade Liu".

Anyway, he locked me up
quite a few times.

Each time I quit,
Comrade Liu gave me a bag of cash,

a new long robe,
and a solemn warning:

"Go to that opium den again
and I'll sh**t you!"

- Weren't you afraid he'd sh**t you?
- Nah, that was his pet phrase.

He's right,
that was Comrade Liu.

"Tell me or I'll sh**t you!"

"Sing or I'll sh**t you!"

Ding-a-ling! Malt candy...!

In such a wondrous spring,
who needs opium?

No-one, no-one.

As times change, everything changes.

Today, even if you held
the pipe to my mouth,

I wouldn't smoke it.

No way, no way.

In the old society, we smoked
to ease our hearts' suffering.

With my new robe,
I'd still go to the opium den

because I was suffering.

And this Lenin suit is
so much finer than a robe!

"People's - Sichuan - Theatre".

The People's troupe, the People's actors.

Would that be possible
in the old society?


Chairman Mao

is the new Holy Founder.

We'll need an incense bowl,

like back in the day

at the Theatre Academy.



Your move.

Hurry along there.

Push it up here.

Come on, come on!

Come on, catch up.
This way.

Careful! Mind the flowers!

g*dd*mn! Move on!

Three cracks.

It's insane! You and me playing
mahjong in the Netherworld&

Once, after New Year,

you vanished from New-New.


Some said you were
in Chengdu with Pocky.

Others said you were in Fengdu
with Oxey and Horsey.

- Play.
- Eight tong.


Or they'd seen you at the gate,
in broad daylight,

vanishing in a sunbeam...

Go on, play!

He evaporated in early autumn.

It was just after New Year!

Moo yourself!
I remember it perfectly!

- It was New Year.
- Well, you're the troupe historian.

Does the history mention Crooky?

Seven sticks.

You useless demons lost his papers!

- Quit bickering and play!
- Stop pushing us!

Self-drawn, seven hidden pairs!

Who said to go up there?
Come down, come down.

Where are you putting that?

Hang those lanterns properly.

Over there, see?
Straight ahead of you.

Then stay there.

- Ah Gui just fell asleep.
- I'll get her medicine.

I'll go after rehearsal.
Just focus on your report for the Army.

- I'll be quick.
- No need to panic.

They just want your story about
the bad old days.

- A lesson for all.
- I know.

As a "model emancipated actor",
you need to be sincere.

Don't worry about sincerity.
I've still got the b*llet scars.

The curtain!
Ah Gui will start coughing.

Qiu Fu, don't you remember?
When I told you about my past,

you said I was stoned.

Well, in those days,
I was like a stoned maggot.

I'm self-reforming, my love.

Sure you are.

Quiet now, son.
Your sister's asleep.

Morning, elder sister.

- Ah Gui was coughing all night.
- She's sleeping now.

That's good.

- How's little brother?
- That one's fine.

Eats, sleeps, makes trouble.
Not like his sister at all.

Such a happy kid!

Morning. Your turn.


Good morning, Master!
Please go first.

Thanks, I can hold it in.

When I was in acting school,

we had to wait to poop
till after morning training.

- What for?
- To "tap our energy".

Imagine, you had to hold it in
for four and a half hours.

Plus the five hours of sleep&

All that time?!

We're two different generations!

Back then, from one gig to the next,
sleeping rough or on stage.

We were beaten and called names,
had to hold our pee and poop.

And you?

Food at the canteen,
brick lodgings,

a fixed state salary, sing into a
microphone, never get beaten

and shit when you feel like it.

Good morning teacher!

Study this carefully!

New guidelines?

To be announced after training.

Wouldn't miss it.

In my experience, best have a dump.

Good morning, dear Tolstoy.

- You scared me. What is it?
- A question for our genial playwright.

- This passage here&
- Can't see it for marks and circles.

Back then we just listened.
No books.

Mmmm, tough for you.
What is this?

- You're shivering.
- A nighttime chill.

You kids,
let Master Tolstoy go first.

Thank you, thank you.

"Transference, central to
the Stanislavski method,

"is the idea that an actor
must become one with his character,

"entering a state of selflessness...

"and using the compressed
space and time of the stage

"to create an 'illusion of truth'

"that gradually draws actor and audience
into believing

"in its reality,
thus creating a common voice."

One, two, three, four...

The workers are too stiff,

the peasants are too frantic,

the teachers are flaccid,

and the monks are too slow.

The best in radio gymnastics
is the Sichuan Theatre Troupe.

Opera actors are trained,

their movements elegant and precise.

Move it along!

Keep up now.

- Reform student #6!
- Come on, Troupe Manager.

Who was it? Who's off key?

"Letls go!"

Look, Master Qiu,
Crooky's Special Reserve!

He broke it out today just for you.

A few jars will keep you warm
on the road to Hell.

Good fengshui here,
I've had a lucky night!

- Here, take some and spend it!
- I couldn't.

Take it!

But go and join in the fun!

He's too polite.

Let's count this again.

Master Qiu!

Banquet's ready!

Be a plump ghost in Fengdu!

Our twilight land has seen

A year of copious reaping

Let's help these hungry souls

To their eternal sleeping...

Not so tight! Easy!

For a starving man,
you have a strong grip.

Let go! Let me go!

Now what?

He's done.


Tired out?

Can't walk& haven't eaten for&

It's the Great Leap Forward.
Everyones making steel.

Didn't dare use the pedicab.

Lets rest a bit.
Look at the state he's in.

The Emperor for the Dragon served

A stew of fishes head

The second dish that followed then

was mushrooms cooked in red!

Dish number three,

a soup of shrimp
with vinegar from Baoning,

Dish number four

was silver noodles

juicy, long and thin&

No, no!

Picture it, taste the flavour!

Juicy, long and thin!

Once again.

Read“ begin!

Dish number five

was chicken tofu&

So you really are
the legendary Oxhead?

Well, yes.

Never thought I would see
a real deity.

You flatter me.

You don't look like the statue
in our temple.

How's that?

You look fresher and plumper.

Well, I'm new to the job.

Your muscles are&


These legs are so&

Alright, lets go!


Ma, I'm off to school.

Had your porridge?

Finished it and licked the bowl.

And drunk lots of water.

Save your energy for schoolwork,
don't waste it on mischief.

So busy all day,
and you hardly eat.

Yes, Ma.

- Off you go.
- Yes, Ma&

Four Mums...


- Kid...
- Off to school?

Those steps are so cold,
she could freeze to death.

If he takes her home,
they'll all starve together.

But leaving her would be a sin.

- Master Qiu, do a good deed!
- Charity, Master!

Officially registered actors
get extra sugar rations.

With you she won't starve.

A pound of Cuban sugar
every month, I hear.

Go on, take her home!

Take her!

- Take her, Master Qiu!
- Little Ah Gui is gone,

your house is cold.

You'll have a daughter again!


What is it?

A little kitten.

Her parents couldn't feed her anymore.

An old lady found her.

She thought it was a kitten mewing,

looked around and found the baby

on a step, crying-

We're starving,
and you bring another mouth to feed?

How can we manage?

Ah Hei!

Ah Hei!

What? I'm doing my homework.

Come here. Goodies.

- Hurry up!
- Coming!

Lick those crumbs off.
Careful, it's hot.


This can fool an adult's belly,
not a tiny baby's,

just when she needs it most.

But this is all we've got.

- What she needs is milk.
- And how will you find her mother?

Maybe a wet nurse?

How about you?

Huh! It's not that simple.

Finding a wet nurse nowadays&

She's so weak, how long can she&

I couldn't keep Ah Gui alive.

I couldn't face
losing another daughter.

Finished your homework?

I don't know!

Wuyan Street? What for?

To buy some eggs.

There's a black market clampdown.
You could get arrested.

Especially in Wuyan Street.

The West Lake area is less policed.

West Lake? That's miles away.

Not when you're hungry.

My mother-in-law has bound feet.

She walked there at midnight,
bought some expensive corn,

and was back with it at dawn.

I hear they have everything there,

and they take cash or food coupons.

- West Lake, then.
- West Lake?

Closed down two days ago!

My cousin sold overpriced rice there,
he's disappeared.

No news.

f*ck it.

Wuyan Street it is.

Mind your back, Tolstoy.

Damned idiot!

That fool!
He needs to wear a dark coat.

- He'll be back soon.
- You bet.

Rice... Eggs&

- Rice...
- Eggs&

Rice& Millet& Sorghum&

Spuds... Beans&

Peanuts... Sweet potato&

Taro& Corn& Sichuan yam...

Duck eggs, quail eggs...

Cuban white sugar&

Someone's coming, run!

The hut stinks of fumes.
Don't start a fire.

Keep watch.
If anyone comes, whistle.


- You be careful.
- You eshpeshally.


These people are starving.
Not a single maggot in their shit.

Hey, you'll blow us up!

Let it blow,
put an end to our troubles.


- What's in the bucket?
- Shit.

We know it's shit.
We've been watching you.

China depends on farming.
You think feeding 800 million is easy?

Don't you know that
manure is precious?

And there's an ongoing natural disaster.
Stealing shit is a crime.

What's your work unit?

None of your business!
We're in charge of shit around here.

- How would we know?
- That's no excuse!

Put the shit back,

and pay the fine.

That's extortion! No way!

You're not going anywhere.

That's State property!
Get it?

We'll see about that!

That shit, we're borrowing it.

I'll take a dump at home
and bring it back.

We're not that dumb!

It'll be high quality.
Better for crop growth.

- Take a dump here then.
- Right now!

- First you shit.
- Right here.

- Then you can go.
- No way!

- Shit now!
- Fine, I'll shit!

- Get on with it!
- I haven't had breakfast&

Wait, he looks familiar.

- Him?
- It's his voice&

He's the famous clown actor
from the People's Theatre!

A state-approved artist!

Your ideological standards
should be higher!

Stealing national shit?

It's complicated.
Being caught here by you...

I'm so ashamed.


Why don't I sing you something,
in exchange for a bucket-load?

- Maybe.
- Yes or no?

As if you were at the opera,
and with a bit extra.

A proper long scene, then.

A long scene for a large bucket.
The real thing, trust me.

Hey, little sister!

Come sing again tomorrow,
we'll help with the maggots!

Of course!

Sure you will.

All good protein.

Can we help you?

- Do you know her?
- I don't think so&

- The baby's mother?
- Must be.

She's from out of town.

Ah Hei! What's going on?

- Uh oh.
- Let's go, quick.

I've caused you trouble.

Have some hot water.

I shouldn't have come.

Drink that.

- What are you doing?
- What are you doing?

We came here to escape the famine.

There was nothing left
in the village,

not even leaves, tree-bark or roots,
not even a worm.

My husband, that bastard,
was staring at her greedily.

"Why not eat her?" he said,
"she's just a girl, anyway".

Just being a girl is a curse.

The village chief told me
fleeing famine is a political of fence.

I was so afraid they'd eat her&

I didn't know then
things were no better in the city.

I tried to jump into the river with her,
but some women stopped me.

"Your kid's done nothing wrong",
they said, "find another way".

One of them told me

that Master Qiu, from the Sichuan Theatre,
loved children,

and had lost his daughter...

LN' \ \ \ \ \~\ Q

You've been in the city all this time?

I went to my parents' home
where things are a bit better.

I secretly planted this pumpkin.

It's my gift to you both.

No need.

It's not that big,
it's been a bad year.

No need, really.

- Mrs. Qiu...
- Here. Take her back!

Take her!

- That's not why I came!
- Huafeng!

Since her mother's here,

we'll keep the pumpkin
and return the baby.

I didn't come to take her,
just to see her.

Now you'll see her all day.

In the village, she could starve!

The pity of it...

- Please, no&
- It's not for you.

It's to buy food for the baby.
Take it!

Just remember what it's for.
To each tool its purpose.

Money for oil
isn't spent on vinegar.

Or you'll answer to me.

"Money for oil
isn't spent on vinegar."

We fell straight into your trap.

But that's our fault, not the baby's.

I don't regret our time with her.

Don't be angry. I won't be back.

Thank you!

We'll keep the pumpkin.
We're quits.

- Huafeng!
- What do you know?

A child should be with its mother.

Here, clean this pumpkin.

I'll cook you a nice dinner with it.

I'll make soup,
and a salad from the peel.

Go on, then.

Yes, Ma.

You don't blame me?

Not at all.

"A child should be with its mother!"

I'm just jealous.

When I was a kid at the Academy,
I hoped every day to see my Ma.

She never came for me.

I guess she died in the bombings
in Chongqing, with my little brother.

You're both drinking fast!

- Is it really so good?
- Try some.

- Don't do that.
- Just a drop.

- Like this?
- Just take a sip.

Tastes like medicine!

Well, it's rubbing alcohol.

It's horrible!

Young man, we're lucky
just to have this.

Give it here.

Crooky, leave me some salt,
I need it to make pickles!

What a waste!

In the famine years,

we performed in factories.

A workshop foreman
taught me this tonic recipe.

Here, take this.

Take it.

Take the money!

If old friends come by,
it'll be my treat.

What's so funny?

In life I was a simpleton.

Shy and unsure of myself,
on or off stage.

Not wanting the show to end,
and sad to part with my friends.

It's only now, since I'm dead

that I see the play's not over
when the curtain falls.

Tomorrow, across the river in Fengdu,
I'll find friends and family.

My little Ah Gui,

my Ma...

my little brother and my Pa.

And I can ask them face to face,

"Did you miss me?"

Isn't dying just
meeting up somewhere else?

Have you just arrived?

To enter Fengdu,

you must pause at Forgetfulness Bridge
and drink the Soup of Oblivion.

No more reunions
after Mother Meng's soup.

Drink that old bitch's soup

and forget everything,

Your own Ma and Pa,
brothers, sisters and loved ones.

- You mustn't drink it.
- I won't, I won't.

We'll stay here for ever,
undead, as stray ghosts.

Together for eternity.

- Could I stay here?
- Can't be done, Master Qiu.

Unlike them, you have to check in.

No tomfoolery.

Your file has been stamped.

Hey, Master Qiu,

you don't know how lucky you are!

We're in legal limbo here.
No documents, no status.

Stateless in a shadow world.

Oh, I shall never be released,

But you're officially deceased,

Blessed with good karma and success!

"The plum does not compete with Spring,
but only tells its coming

"When the mountain flowers bloom,
she stands aside and smiles"


Keep still and don't talk!

Reactionary w*rlord,
Criminal Bogus Commander Pocky Liu



f*ck... even you two young stars?

"Young stars"? Huh.

I was never interested in politics.

As a kid I sold sunflower seeds
and cigarettes in the theatre.

Or hot towels.

You masters know that.
I just wanted to watch or sing.

You're a born Anti-socialist.
Serve you right!

What about me, though?

I tried to reform myself
and follow the policy.

I study politics every day.


didn't you go to perform
in the USSR?

Obviously, plotting
with a foreign power.

It was at the World Youth Festival,
a socialist celebration!

There's shit all over you now.
Even if it's mud, it smells like shit.

Your Russian is far too good.

The Sichuan Propaganda Office sent me
to honour China!

No talking! And stand still!

You were the Party Secretary's protégé.
Now he's fallen,

you're doomed too.

You people brought this on yourselves.

Mine was original sin.

Before Liberation,
my Pa had inns and tea houses,

a big grocery business,

shops running half-way down
f*cking Temple Street.

I always knew

they'd get me sooner or later.

Bound to, eventually.

Just a matter of time...

I was nobody, an amateur actor.

But before Liberation,
I moonlighted as a policeman.

For just 2 days&

Now that's in my file for life.

My case is even harder to shake.

They say, if I can write and compose,

my thinking is too complex.

So, possibly anti-Party
and anti-socialism.

But my dear Tolstoy,

have you had bad thoughts?

Hard to know
what a person is thinking...

- Qiu! Put your back into it!
- My shoes are nearly worn flat!

Let's take a break.

Come on, Qiu, get on with it!

Don't worry.

Ah Hei, your Pa's really funny!

- You mean your Pa.
- My Pa died long ago.

Leave me the f*ck alone.

Where are you going?
Something to show you, don't go!

Where are you going? Wait!

f*ck, wait for me!

Are you trying to k*ll yourself?!


Hey, you can swim!

That's Olympic swimming!

You're really good!

One-two-one, one-two-one&

Trying to make me look bad?

One two three four five six seven!


What's with you, friend?
Comrade Ah Hei...

"Family is fate,
but your path is your own."

You're Dad's the political criminal,
not you. No shame.

Four-Eyes! Music!

Have a drink.

- Yuck! Tastes like disinfectant!
- Are you crazy?

It's cognac, made from grape skins!
Genuine French product.

Tastes horrible.

Feed good grain to a boar&

Cognac& the Mediterranean&

Once we liberate France,
we'll drink it every day!

You raided people's homes again?

I didn't report it,
just slipped it in my pocket.

The accordion's from Hungary!

Why don't you take me along?

It was up to the lads.
I had no say.

They despise me, right?

When I get back from the rally
in Beijing,

we'll see if those bastards
look down on me.

Don't worry, Four-Eyes and me
will back you up.


Ah Hei, don't tell your Ma
about our trip to Beijing.

- You think I'm stupid?
- Better if you're not.

The troupe is pushing her
to divorce my Pa.


f*ck no. My Ma refuses.

- Why's that?
- She's stubborn as hell.

What a shame.
Such a good class background.

- Down a bit. Lower.
- This side, this side!

Over here!

Stop nagging!

Fine, fine, it's coming&
Just as you say.

What about this side?

Paint this side, not that side.

Coming, coming&

What's this? Sabotage!


Well, son& you're all grown up now.

- And planning to betray us.
- Betray you?

- Leaving your family isn't betrayal?
- Of course not!

I'm going with Ah Mang and Four-Eyes
to the Great Rally in Beijing!

- In search of truth.
- Truth?

Ah Mang's an idiot,
and Four-Eyes has TB.

Beijing is miles away! Where are you
blackheads going to find truth?

An idiot, bad lungs, so what?
All men are equal before the truth!

Chairman Mao has invited the world's
revolutionary youth!

And Ma, what right do you have
to read my letters?

So you can raid people's homes,
but your Ma can't touch your stuff?

Senior comrades,
please let me pass.

Ah Hei, your father
is locked in a cowshed!

My father found glory
in Langzhong...

I'll give you glory!

Did he just bite me?!

Going somewhere?
You wait, you little wretch!

- Old bags!
- Who dare you call old bags?

You louse!

He bit me!

Torturing his own ma&
Biting people&

Just you wait, you ignorant brat.

- Careful, they'll report us.
- "Revolution is no crime"!

Still wet behind the ears
and running off to Beijing.

It's a complex world out there.

Do you know how cold it is in Beijing?

When it snows
you could be buried alive.

With your Pa still locked up,
you running off&

You want to drive
your mother crazy?

All those hot-headed students,
rushing around left and right.

All good-for-nothings.

What I heard, on the trains to Beijing
the boys and girls all sleep together.

Worse than our troupe ever was.

Mark my words:
"Lie down with dogs, you get fleas."

In the old society, we learned by ear,

I never learned many characters,
how could I write an accusation?

Just dictate, we'll take notes.

- What's "dictate"?
- You just talk.

Denounce his crimes.

You're the "oppressed artists" delegate
and you lived with him for years,

so you're the best witness.

On big issues, you need to
take a clear position.

Don't be afraid.

Afraid of him?

The Party and masses trust your class
background and life experience.

So don't let marital relations
obscure the class contradictions.

Talk to us.

Just tell us. Be brave!

Hardly noticed the time&

Have to put the rice on.

I'm the one who knows him best.

We've been together twenty years.

He has so many problems...

Yes, speak UP!

Where should I start?

How did he conspire with reactionary
w*rlord Pocky to marry you by force?

By force?

It's true, the marriage
was a painful experience.

Speak up, don't worry.

It was in 1946 or 1947&

Just after the New Year.
At the wedding banquet

I kept telling him to stop drinking,

but he wouldn't let up,
kept going till he was blotto.

Just imagine, out for the count
on his wedding night!

I've had a hard life,

but I've always accepted it.

Would you believe, first thing
next morning he swears at me!

He insulted you?

I was sitting on a chest,
combing my hair.

He yells: "Damn, woman!
Don't you know the first rule of theatre?

"Chests backstage are reserved
for the clown role to sit on!"

And he makes me get off it!

This cowshed is for us "cow and snake
demons" to reform ourselves.

We should call it
"Self-Regeneration Shed".

What cowshed?
This used to be a pigsty!

I know.

You can still smell the pig shit.
We should call it "Pig Hall".

"People's artists" have become
public enemies.

Might as well call it
"Build your own jail"!

More like "dig your own grave".

- I want to be an actor!
- Opera singing is not so easy!

Sing, or I'll sh**t you!

My father found glory in Langzhong

Ah Hei! Ah Hei!

Don't go, Ah He“.!

Where are you going?

Think of your poor mother!

Go away!

Good afternoon, Major Ma.

Good job, colleagues!

- Going back for debriefing.
- Stay safe!

Keep your eyes open.

They're just starting,
we'll be here all night.

Big job. Good luck!

Keep it UP!

- Off we go.
- See you soon!

Who goes there

- Which faction?
- Speak up!

- I'm with...
- Which faction?

- No!
- What?

- I'm not...
- Which faction?!?

- No, no...
- So?

- Wait, don't sh**t.
- Speak up!

Hell, I don't know!



Been shopping?

Time for lunch, isn't it?

- Yum, are those chives
- Garlic sprouts.

Are we having guests?

Well& our "gangster" is back.

- You afraid to go home?
- Why would I be?

- Let's go.
- I'll give moral support.

Dad's reformed himself.
Worth celebrating.

I love chives.

Reformed! He's on parole, to rehearse
for a model opera as "First Bandit".

A bandit?

- Not even a speaking part.
- But he gets back on stage!

He's really nervous,
practising all day for a few simple moves.

Acted his whole damn life,
but you'd think it's his first show.

Don't worry.

When he's fully reformed,
he'll get speaking villain roles!

- Tell me, Ah Mang.
- What, Auntie?

Did you find the truth in Beijing?

Well& it was rewarding.


Tell your Ma to chop a radish with
white onion st*lks and brown sugar,

or else, extra ginger.
Heat with three bowls of

water, simmer to get a
thick soup, and drink hot.

Take it a few times,
good for your lungs.

Auntie, I was born this way,
half-dead. It's normal.

So did you find the truth in Beijing?


pulling the bellows in and out like this
is good exercise for my lungs.

Ma'am, when are they staging
this model opera?

I couldn't say.

With Uncle Qiu in it,
it's bound to be great!

Come on, he's just "First Bandit".

- Bandits are the best!
- He'll be on for 10 seconds.

Bandits, landlords,
thugs, spies, traitors,

dictators, playboys...
those are the fun parts.

He was really great in
"Wiping out Captain Matsui".

I even did an impression
at our school's New Year party.

Why isn't he playing
Grey Vulture, the bandit chief?

- Director says he's too short.
- Use platform heels!

- Not going home for lunch, Ah Mang?
- I'm not hungry yet. Let's go.


So before entering Fengdu, we have to
drink Mother Meng's Soup of Oblivion?

That's right.

Once you drink the soup,
your past life is of no more concern.

You can enter
at peace with yourself

to perform for the King of Hell,
as a People's Artist of the Netherworld.

Break a leg!

Can't play after drinking the soup.

Why not?

How would I remember my lines

No! You only forget
the story of your life.

Your loves and hates and fears

will all go up in smoke,
But you'll remember opera.

No worries there.

Remember who you are.
A born actor, a natural.

You have your own secret code.

A secret code?

What secret code?

What's he doing?


See that, Master Qiu?

Each of us has a secret code,
a force that none can take away.

So be bold, drink the soup,
play your part,

and the King of Hell
will reward you.

Haven't travelled much, then?

"Fengdu Daily"! "Truth Times"!
"Random Post"!

Take a break, little sister.

- Scram, I have to do the dishes.
- Come out and play.


"Noplace Newsletter"!
"Amnesia River Weekly"!

It's cold out here.
How about some soup?


Read all about it!

"Fengdu Daily News"!

Give me a Fengdu Daily.

Here you go.

- How much?
- Just pay what you like.


- That's too much!
- Take it.

- Enough!
- Take it!

Take it all.

You want to buy the news agency?

Can't be doing with
this hell money.

Here, chief, just take the lot.

- What are you doing?
- They'll come in useful.

- I can't read all this.
- Make a fire...

It's much colder in Hell.


Do you recognize me?

You're a customer.
Just take a seat.

Would be nicer with rice in it.

"Countdown starts to Hungry Ghost Festival.

"Lords of Ten Hells issue
important joint statement,

"urging public vigilance
against fire, theft and returning spirits.

"We wish all Fengdu residents
a happy festival!"

f*ck, can't we get steamed buns?

Can't you do anything
except play with your g*ns?

Doesn't Meng's serve liquor?

If you have finished eating
please vacate your seats.

There are customers waiting.

Thank you.

Please move on when you've finished.

Customers are waiting for seats.

Any chance of a refill?

When finished, please vacate your seat.