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Charlotte the Return (2019)

Posted: 05/09/24 22:35
by bunniefuu



I heard a monster.


What did it, uh...

What did it sound like?

Was it like a bear?

No, it sounded
like a monster, a real one.

Oh, no.

Is Tilly scared?

A little.

Well, what do we say?

One, two, three.

Nothing scares me.

Can you say it with me?


One, two, three.

Nothing scares me.


You feel better?

Can you turn on the light?

No, no, wait a minute.

I think, I know what's
really bothering you.

Mommy and I have been
fighting a lot lately.

Daddy, I don't-

Let me finish, okay.

You just get so tired,

so frustrated when
things just don't

go the way you want them to.

You wanted a raise
not just a promotion.

You wanted Henry to be
healthy for good this time.

You wanna give mommy the
life that you promised her

when you got married,

one with vacations, huh,

dinners out,

and not just to Olive
Garden or Applebee's.

Wanna know a secret?

I hate Applebee's.

Yeah, and you know what?
So does Mommy.


But, she knows that
that's the best we can do,

and she's a good woman,

so she doesn't say
how unhappy she is.

But I can tell.

In the way she looks at me,

the sigh she lets
out every morning.

She loves you, she loves Henry

there's no doubt about that.

But, I know that she stopped
loving me a long time ago.

And, you know, the truth is that

moms and dads don't
have to love each other

to stay together.

And sometimes, I think...

Sometimes it's gotta be better
that way.

It's gotta hurt less, right?

I mean, it must.

There's no such thing as
monsters, honey.

Life is scary enough
without them.

But they are real.

I heard one.

They're as real as Tilly.

He's real.

Now we've talked about that.

He's a real doll.

You said that mom made
him with her love.

You know, you're right.

Can we please turn on the light?

No, there's no...

See, there's nothing
to be afraid of.

Nothing at all.


One, two, three.


You're a mess.

You wanna join me?

God, yes.

I meant to pick up Henry's meds.

It's taken care of.

Do I need to pick up
Mary Ann at school?


Not anymore.



There's this song
stuck in my head.

It's not really even a song.

I really screwed up.

God, what is it?

I'm so sorry.

That's it.

One, two, three.

My sweet pea went and
k*lled his whole family.

We suffered, you know.

None of us went quickly,

not Henry,

not Mary Ann,

not even me.

You couldn't even do that right.

This isn't real.


No, it's not.

Daddy, you
don't have to be alone.

You can be with all of us.




I saw a monster,

and he was me.



Ugh, what the f*ck!

A stupid toy.

No, please!

Oh, my god!

No, no, no, no, no!


Shit, shit, shit!

You m*therf*cker!

Go to hell!

Ah, stop!



So, you sure I never mentioned

my friend Dennis to you before?

Yeah, I'm sure.

Maybe you were too
young to remember, huh?

Last time he saw you,
you were just knee high.



Dad, can I please
go to the washroom?

Just hang on let me stop.

But no further
information on numbers

to be released until
relatives have been informed.

Law enforcement officials
say the attacker

was a 46-year old man who had
ties to the Ontario school.

One went missing
yesterday night.

So, it's been quite a while.

How you been?

I've been good.

Just glad we finally
decided to get together.

I mean, we've been talking
about it so long, right?

So you're Paul.


Dad, told me all about you.

He's been telling
stories, sending pictures.

Ain't nothing like
the real thing.

Isn't that right, dad?

You guys should get
somethin' to eat.

The food's really good.

No, we're okay.

You're not hungry?

You're not in a hurry, are you?

Well, we ate already.

Had muffins, right.



That ain't much
for an appetite, Dad.

Another top up?

Check please.

♪ You got a heavenly face

♪ And a sinful tongue

Oh, God, it smells in here.

Don't say that, okay.

Just be cool.
You sure

you're not hungry, Dad.

No, I'm fine.

Thank you.

20 years.

- Yeah.
- Yeah, hmm-mm.

Been 20 years since your
dad and I were in college.

Damn, we shared a lot
of courses, didn't we?

Yeah, we had quite a few.

What were they again?

Hey, Paul.

What should we do today?

Hmm, you got any ideas?

What do you think, Dad?

What about fishing?

Huh, what do you say, Paul?

Your dad ever take you?



Well, now I don't know
about a father who never

taught his boy to bait
a hook or cast a line?

Something special about all
that time alone on the water.

Allows for a special kind
of bonding, you know?

We're more into sports.

Right, buddy?



It's okay, Dad.

I guess, the ride up must
have tuckered him out.

Just let him nap.

Or would you prefer him awake?

See you hadn't thought
this through, have you?



Maybe this whole thing was
some kind of misunderstanding.

So what you gave him
is it gonna hurt him?

So he's just gonna sleep.

I thought we understood
one another.

Be back in an hour.

Or [sighing],

you can go home to your wife.

Hey, oh, son, that's okay.

That's okay.

Don't worry, don't worry.

Don't worry it's okay.

It's all right.


What the?

It's something, isn't it?

I had a feeling.

Wasn't sure, of course.

I knew my gut was
telling me something.

Then I had a look at Paul.

He was untouched.

Not a mark on him.

Then I thought that's odd.

Now it all makes sense,
doesn't it?


No, none of that here.

Don't hide it.

Don't hide it.

It's really beautiful

once you get used to it,

once you start
to recognize yourself.

I suppose it's a little
off pudding at first.

I can't remember.

I don't know how
you hid it for so long.

Must have been hell.

Perhaps it was for the best.

No bad habits to break.


Paul, wake up.

Wake up.

Hey, hey.

Hey, hey, hey.



Wake up.

Are you alright?

Are you okay?


It's all right.

It's okay.


Let go of him.

Let go of him.


It's okay, Paul.

It's okay now.

It's okay.

It's okay now.

God loves you,
but God hates the sin in you.

God did not call you
to such perversions.

The perverted h*m* spirit

and the spirit of delusion
and confusion

it has deceived many
men and women.

h*m* acts are an
embarrassment to the church.

You're an embarrassment
to yourself, your family.

But fear not God is a deliverer.

A reading from the gospel
according to Romans 1:26.

For this reason God gave them
up to dishonorable passions

where their woman
exchanged natural relations

for those that are
contrary to nature.

The word of the Lord.

Thanks be to God.

Please join me
for the holy Eucharist.

Jesus himself,
his flesh and blood.

I am not worthy to receive you.

But only say the word,
and I shall be healed.


I am not worthy to receive you.

But only say the word,
and I shall be healed.


Chief Administrative
Official in a prison.

Hey, mom.

Plant or animal that
lives in or on an organism

from which it derives
sustenance or protection

without benefiting the host
and usually doing harm.

In time, these jailers
will take everything,

rob you of every
wish, hope, and desire.

It's up to you to make a plan
to break free, to escape.

After all these years,
I have my opportunity.

Four more months
the kids off to college.

Pull out the
savings, buy a truck,

leave, never look back.

After 45 years of existence,

my life is about to begin.

What's the matter, sweetheart,

had another bad day?

Now you're waiting for
me to ask you about it,

but I won't because you're
just gonna tell me anyway.

Here it comes.

Three, two, one.

They're expecting me to
go in on Saturday again.

Can you believe that?

Well, they don't appreciate you

or your contributions
in that branch.

They really don't.

Your contributions?

What exactly should they appreciate,

your GED or your half
year of community college?

You're on time every day,
so are my bowel movements.

You're a knot on a bolt

on the ass-end of a useless cog.

They should've
fired you years ago.

Please don't touch me, you pig.

You okay?




Well, what?

We're having a
baby like it's nothing.

Like it won't ruin everything.

Anything but that.

You're dying.

You're leaving.

You're cheating.

Anything but that.

Haven't you done enough,

taken everything.

You're enjoying this aren't you?

All a part of a plan, isn't it?


She can lock the door,

and throw away the key now,
can't she?

It's over again.

But it can't be over.

We've waited too
long to just give up.

There's a solution,
always a solution.

We can beat her.

You're smarter than her.

Get us out of this, John.

What are you doing?


Go on, go on, no peeking.


Don't stop.

Almost there.

You okay?




Brought it on herself.

Don't forget that, John.

It's almost eight.

You getting up?



What's wrong?


Oh, she's good.

Didn't see this
one coming, did we?

But we're on to her,
aren't we, John?

She can't act sick forever.


What an actress.

Think you've won, huh?

Fooled the kid, family,
the doctor, your boss.

But not me.


I've been thinking.

Is that what you call it?

About how much this
whole thing's upset you.

Yeah, it's been tough.

But, sometimes things

there're just not meant to be.

I guess not.

But that doesn't mean we
can't try again, right?

You see.

She'll never quit.

The depression thing was a ploy.

And now she's
going for the k*ll!!

You know that, don't you?

She'll never stop.

Until her last egg is dried
up, she'll keep trying.

After that,
she'll want to adopt.

It'll never end.

But there's still
a chance for freedom,

for everything
we've dreamt about.

Leave it to me, John.

Mom's been acting funny.

Keep an eye on her, okay?

I'm worried about her.

I want you to keep an eye on
Mom, okay?


Well, dear, the
pills, the depression,

I'm just afraid she might
do something stupid.

She may hurt herself.

Go on.

I'm just not sure about

all those pills she's taking,
you know.

Say it the right way, idiot.

Say it.

I'm worried she
might hurt herself.

What are you doing?

Don't think, John, just follow.

It's what you're good at.

Wake up, honey.

Have some tea.

It'll make you feel better.

Wake up, honey,
and have some tea.

What are you doing?

Pour the tea.


Don't do this.

Feed that bitch the tea.

Get back in there.

Want another 20 years of hell?

You'll never have
this chance again!

We'll never get away from this
hell hole!

Do it!

Finish it!

Set us free!

Stop thinking it's not your
strong suit.

Let me take care
of this like always.

Don't start getting ideas now.

Just do what comes naturally.

Give me control now!


Stop it, don't touch me.

What are you doing?

Keep that thing away from me.

What are you doing in there?

Don't do it.

Why aren't you at work?

Be right out, honey.

Get it away from me.

Dad, it's like 8:30.


Yeah, you take the car, honey.


Yeah, I'm gonna stay
at home this morning.

Alright, see you later.


You're gonna k*ll us.

Stop, listen to me.

I've only ever wanted to make
you happy.

I'm not your enemy.

It's not my fault
they've disappointed you.

I wish they made us happy,

gave us everything you need.

But they don't, do they, John,

and they never will.

I'll never accept that.

We can start over,

do things your way.

Listen to me, John.

Calm down.

I'd never hurt you.

I want the best for you, for us.

I understand you're scared,

but don't do this.

You're not thinking it.

Stop and think.

Listen to me.

We can fix this, fix everything.

Stop it.

Get your hands off me!

Listen to me, John.

Undo the belt.

Calm down, be reasonable.

We can talk this out.

You and I we've
always been together.

Let's not fight.

That's right, John, relax.

Think about it.

I'm your best friend.

I'm the one you know.

No one knows you better.

No, John.

Don't do this, John!

You'll bleed out.

You'll die.

Don't do this.

How will you explain this to

You can't do it.

You don't handle
pain well, John.

Do you know what
a razor feels like

being pulled across your flesh?

Idiot, you think this is the answer.

Pull it out now.

Stop, look at the blood.

You're bleeding it's
not going to stop.

Listen to me you can
still turn things around.

We can sew you up.

It's not too late.

What are you doing?

You don't understand what you're

getting yourself into,
you idiot.

It's not gonna work, John.

You're gonna die alone in
this dark, filthy basement

like a rat, like an insect.

You love me so much, don't you.

She's gonna remarry, get a
new daddy, bring another rat.

You bastard.

No one is going to remember you

because you didn't matter.

Because at all things you failed

took the easy way out.


You can't get rid of me.

You're not going anywhere.

I'm a piece of you.

Cutting me out
won't change that.

You wasted your life, John.

You didn't make a difference.

You failed your family,

failed in school,
failed in your career.

You're bleeding to death.

You're going to die, John.

So are you.

Dad, it's 8:30!



Don't use up
all the hot water, okay.

I need a shower too.

I skipped the shower at
the gym this morning.


What are you doing?

He doesn't know anything.

You're just being
paranoid, relax.

So how was your weekend?

It was


I worked out,

did some shopping,

had an extramarital
affair that's about it.

What about you?

You're disappointed in me.

I know it was wrong,
completely and utterly.

But, at the time it felt right.

I mean, the guy was cute.

I was horny, and FYI,

a vibrator most definitely

isn't a replacement
for human contact.

So it happened.

What are you doing here?

I sent a text.

I didn't get a text.

Are you certain?

'Cause I did hit send.

I'm very certain.

Well, anyway, I'm here now,

so why don't you
invite me inside?


Does, uh...

Does he know about our
extracurricular activities.


I like that word.

I literally like how it
feels rolling about my mouth.


Why don't you try it?

Look, I don't have
time for games.

So, if you don't mind,
please leave.


Last week you
couldn't get enough,

and now you just
wanna see me go.

That's, uh...

That's a little rude,
don't you think?

Do you want money, is that it?

Oh, no, no, no.

Money does not
take the shame away.

Somethings, they just
stay with you forever.

Look, I was lonely
and things happened.

But I don't wanna
hurt my husband

over a little indiscretion,
so please.

Oh, but there is sin
in your indiscretion.

It molds to you
with great certainty.

Please, let go of the door.

Let go.


I'll leave.

But you'll be seeing me again.

Not tomorrow.

Not next week,

but sooner than later.

Just leave!


That's another one of my
favorite words.

To castigate it feels
oddly pleasing in my mouth

like a piece of watermelon
flavored hard candy

on a warm summer day.

Castigate this, assh*le.


f*ck, f*ck, f*ck shit, shit!

Oh, my god!


This guy has been following me.

It started at the gym,

and now he's followed me home.

He's delusional.

He thinks we've been together.

I'm so scared.

That'll work.

James, baby, I need
to speak to you.

It's really important.

Infidelity, I like it.

It just rolls off the
tongue, don't you think?

Getting spun out isn't gonna
make him

call you any faster, you know.

Just like, kickback.

You're tripping.

I'm not stressing anyone.

If I were hypothetically
waiting for a call,

he would be blowing my phone.

Does your ass get
jealous of all the shit

that comes out of your mouth?

So rude.

Come on, let's do this.

I'm good.

I didn't ask if you were good.

So come on.

I don't see why I have to go.

Alright, beat this car, come on.

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

Damn, girl.



This is so hood.

I love it.

Breaking and entry.

What do you know
about the hood, Keisha.

I will let you know
that my minority status

isn't diminished by my
style or education, okay.

I'm 100% Afro-centric

with a dash of Latino goodness,
boo, boo.

Don't you parents even realize
that they're living proof

that two wrongs
don't make a right?


So, where is this girl?

'Cause I'm hungry and bored.

I don't know stop
riding my bumper, Keisha.

Maybe she's outside playing
Candy Crush.

Or maybe she's
busting out a grumpy.

A what?

A grumpy?

You know [chuckling],

the kind that makes
you strain so much

that the veins in your
neck pop out.

You asked.

I'm gonna go check the bedrooms.

Okay, you do that.

But, if you ask me,

I'd check the bathrooms first.

I brought a friend.

What the f*ck?



Did you find her?


Great, so we can get
the f*ck out of here.

Come over here
first then we can leave.

Don't stop.

She was in the bedroom all
this time.

So, she wasn't taking a shit.

She wants to meet you.

It's what you wanted.

Now let her go.

Release my sister.



Jessica, don't leave me.

Please stay.

No, goddammit you promised!


You promised!

Wait where are we going?

I thought we were
getting something to eat?

I have to pick up something
from a friend first.

You wanna come along?

I promised it'll be quick.

I guess, at least I can
put my lipstick on inside.

The world is asleep,

dreaming peaceful, safe.

These are the hours I love

when all that I hate is
silent and unconscious.

The world is different

when people are asleep, better.

I wish they would sleep forever.

But they always wake up

and ruin everything.