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Mole Song Final (2021)

Posted: 05/09/24 22:36
by bunniefuu
Where am I...?



Is he still alive?

Not for long.

The seagulls are flocking to the cheese.

Damn gulls! Cut it out!

Go away! Shoo!

Junna... Junnaaaa!

Welcome home.

Bath or dinner first?

Or me?


He's thrusting his hips.

Mo, Mo, Mole...

Air sex?

Rule One!

Never reveal your true identity,
even under t*rture!


Roger! Roger!




Junna is no match for
three middle-aged dudes...

Someone come to my rescue.

Come to my rescue... Someone...

Here she is!




Hurry up, Reiji.

Come catch me with your big, firm rod!

Grow bigger and firmer!

Oh, shit!

I like him!

Ow! Ow! Ow!

Stop! Stop!

No more!

Let's make this a deal to remember,
Don Todoroki.


We've been waiting for you,
Reiji Kikukawa!

Undercover cop hero!

Good to have you back.

Have a seat.
I'll give you a good scrubdown.

But first, show us

your medal of manhood after
the Battle of Sicilian Seagulls!

Show us!

Whoa! That's really something.

Hello. Yo.

Brings back memories of
the day we first met.


"Police Academy Graduation"

You graduated with the lowest score
in police academy history.

You worked in a police box for five years.

Caused countless scandals.

Held the record of official complaints.

You perv!

Hurry up or I'll call the cops.

Shoplifting is a crime, but those who
prey on the weak are rotten to the core.

Don't get me wrong.

I'm a pervert too...

But I'm not a twisted perv!

You passed.

Reiji Kikukawa, I hereby order
you to become an undercover agent!

For a drug-free Japan,
you're going to infiltrate Sukiya-Kai

and arrest the 4th generation boss,
Shuho Todoroki!

In Japan, cops are prohibited from
participating in undercover operations.

So you were fired from the police force

and sneak into Sukiya-Kai
as an ordinary citizen.


I met Masaya Hiura, a.k.a "Papillon."
Lieutenant of Sukiya-Kai's

Akogi clan.

I'll make you a "Gutterfly"!

You're funny!

I'm impressed, Brother.


A yakuza among yakuzas.
A real crazy fucker.


Did you come to me for the dr*gs?

dr*gs are the root of all evil.

He really hates dr*gs.

When he was young,
a yakuza he looked up to

was destroyed by dr*gs.

Ever since, he's been on
a mission to eliminate drug dealers.

It's true, Sukiya-Kai says they
don't tolerate dr*gs.

But that's just a façade.
Actually, they're knee-deep in it.

Behind Hiura's back,
Shuho Todoroki is making a fortune

selling dr*gs to ordinary citizens!

He'll pay!

You joined forces with Hiura

and ruthlessly climbed the ranks,
one bloody rung at a time

until the top dog, Shuho Todoroki
was finally within your reach.


dr*gs are our stock-in-trade.


A doctor who didn't speak Japanese
made me some bad-ass prosthetics.



Hail human trafficking!

Wanted by Interpol

You accompanied
Shuho Todoroki to Italy...

The "Guillotina Family" is
a mafia clan based in Sicily.

They're the biggest global supplier
of dr*gs. Don Razza is at the top.

He was looking to expand
and had his eyes on Asia.

And our old enemy,
Shuho Todoroki, raised his hand.

Don Razza didn't trust Todoroki.

Todoroki, the 4th generation boss,
also had his reputation to uphold.

Neither side was willing to give an inch.

Sparks flew.

I needed proof of the transaction.

So I took a risk.

Cut the bullshit,
you pizza-face godfather wannabe!

My boss is saying he'll
buy the f*cking dr*gs!

So sell it to him!

Come on!

I said, come on!

Bring it oonnnn!!


Oh, crap!

I like him!

I gained his confidence
and closed the deal.

Good work, Reiji.

So how's the goods "made in Sicily"?

What blew my mind was
the way they smuggled it in.

This is a pasta called farfalle.
It goes with tomato or cream sauce.

It's cooked al dente.

Looks good.


It's made of amphetamines.

What the f*ck?

So this is speed...

It took years of research to develop
a way to make pasta out of dr*gs.

Penne, macaroni, spaghetti.

It's smuggled as food products

so you can bring it
into Japan, just like that.

By the way, I recommend the spaghetti.

You got them on video!

Pasta made of speed? Unthinkable!

If it reaches the dinner tables
of ordinary families...

Mamma mia! Mamma mia!


I'm home...

I'm scared! Mommy!

You don't eat it. Once exported,

there's a special process
to turn it back into speed.

And Shuho Todoroki bought it!

The first deal is for two tons.
He paid 2 billion yen for it.

For a street value of 120 billion!

And the police and narcs
will confiscate all of it!

We have the proof we need.

So when's this "speed-a-roni"
arriving in Japan?


It's not!


An expl*si*n?

A few hours before the hand-off,

someone blew the pasta
factory to smithereens.

What the hell?

All we needed was one stick of
spaghetti and we'd get Todoroki arrested!

With these photos and videos,
a single macaroni would've done it!

No worries.

The factory is gone,
but luckily or unluckily,

the speed-a-roni
was moved to a safe place.


Yessss! My ass.

What about the deal?

It takes place in 3 days. 3 days?

It's going down at Yokohama Harbor.

The order's increased to 10 tons.
A 10 billion yen deal!

That's a street value of 600 billion yen.

Shit! The biggest drug deal in history!

I'll be in charge at the site.

Well done, Reiji!

With a mole in charge,
they're as good as booked!

You're the King of Moles! The only one
who can bring Todoroki to justice!

I'm telling you,

this is the last time.
Swear it! The last time.

This is it! No sequels!

But Reiji... Are you ready to cuff him?

Because the minute you do,

your cover will be blown.
They'll find out you're a mole.

Reiji, you and Hiura are "fake buddies."

He'll find out that you tricked him
and used him from the start.

My bond with Brother is real...

Hiura's the only one
who believes the bond is real.

It all ends in betrayal.

That's the fate of a mole.

It can't be helped, Reiji.

You're severing a bond
but securing the future of Japan!


Sorry, Reiji. All we can do is...


What's that?

The Mole Song, Verse 3.


Yeh, yeh. Check one, two, one two.

Don't tell me it's a rap.


Crush Sukiya-Kai, Shuho Todoroki

M.G.R.! M.G.R.!

Reiji Kikukawa, represent the police


The Mole Song

Verse 3

You go under, we stand by

You be bait, we stand by

Props to cops!

Shuho Todoroki is goin' down!

M.G.R.! Let me tell you

M.G.R.! The rules of a mole

M.G.R.! Let me tell you...

Wave your towels in the air!

Spit it out!

Rule One!

Speed frontin' as pasta? We say NO!

Rule One!

Todoroki in the slammer? We say GO!

Rule One!

Female pheromones! Capture and t*rture!


M.G.R.! Mole!

M.G.R.! Mole!


What? A coup d'etat?

What the hell? What's going on?!

That's my line, Brother.

They hooked up with gangs.
Tried to go independent.


Where's your loyalty to the boss,
you f*ckin' punks?

Spare me the drama, Brother.

They're claiming you're the ringleader,
Reiji Kikukawa!

You promised the
Kikukawa clan would take us in!

Kikukawa clan?

You said if we followed you,
we'd be "in" with Todoroki.

Brother! Lieutenant!

No... This is a conspiracy.
You gotta believe me, Brother!

Whatever. You failed in your duties.


But I just got dressed.

Light it.

Yes, boss!

Hey, wait a minute...!

Adios, Brother!

It's a strike!

Happy birthday, Lieutenant!

It's my birthday present to you, Brother.

Sorry, but yakuza are never subtle.

Even when it comes to "surprises".

We always go all out.


It's all good.

Thanks, Brother.

Thanks, everyone!


So you were in Italy?

For a week with the boss.

Doing what?


Playing tourist. Eating pizza,
gelato... you know.

Throwing coins into Trevi Fountain.

That was considerate of you,

but let me know next time,
Brother. So I don't worry.


Anything new with you, Brother?

Got on social media.

A yakuza on social media?

I'm seeing a 20-year-old student.
She got me hooked on it.

I have 100,000 followers now.

Whoa, the colors are so... vivid.

Those of us in the underworld
need to stay connected too.

Searched "#illegal dr*gs"

and found this.

Leo Todoroki?

"Leo Todoroki"

Shuho Todoroki's eldest son.

So... he's Karen's big brother?

I was in charge of schooling
him when he was a kid.

He wanted Leo to have a global perspective

and sent him to the U.S.,
Mexico, Russia, China...

All over the world.

He's interning now at
a top restaurant in Italy.

To become a chef?

No way.

Right away, I knew something was fishy.

Look at this photo.

Everyone eating the pasta
looks totally stoned.


I flew to Italy.

My instinct was dead on.

Sicily was home to the biggest
amphetamine factory in the world.

Eat this!

So that was you, Brother!

The mafia was going to dump"
speed-a-roni" onto the world.


Speed mixed in pasta.

Speed in pasta?!

So they can smuggle it out.

Can't be!

Brother. Are you hiding something from me?

No, nothing.

Then stop overreacting

like you're on some late-night
cable shopping show.

It's ruining my drink.


The biggest drug deal in history
was about to go down in Italy.

The boss and Leo just happened
to be in Italy at the same time.

Think that was a coincidence?
Huh, Brother?

I wasn't with them the whole time.

We were basically on our own...

I knew the boss was doing something
behind my back.

But I never had hard evidence.


I guess I wanted to believe in him.
That he's been framed.

But there's no doubt in my mind now.

Leo is coming back to Japan soon.

That was another giveaway.

A drug deal is going down.

I think...

In Japan this time

In Yokohama...

I swear, I'll sniff them out
and crush the deal!

Please don't crush it.

And I'll say a parting prayer to the boss.

Please don't k*ll him!

A yakuza who deals in dr*gs
is no better than a beast.

I'll build a "New Sukiya-Kai."
One that doesn't deal in dr*gs.

Fly with me, Brother.

For sure!

Boss! Lieutenant!

Let's take a picture!

The New Sukiya-Kai.
When that dream comes true,

I won't be there.



Say, "Cheese!"

A mole... An undercover agent...

We have a common enemy, Shuho Todoroki.

But I need him alive.

Two days before the transaction

So I can throw him into the slammer!

This vermin...

What is it?

I just heard from
Don Razza's representative.

The goods left Taiwan on a cargo ship.

It arrives in Yokohama in two days.

Don Razza is requesting

payment of 10 billion yen
in diamonds, not cash.

Fine. This time, I'll be there as well.

It's a big deal.

I want to see for myself.

As for the details...

So this is his son, Leo.

What are you doing, boss?

Your aim sucks.

Sorry. It's been 3 years.

You still alive and kickin', Dad?

What's with this father and son?

Why aren't you mad?
An arrow's stuck in your ass!

My son, Leo.

Lieutenant of the Hiura clan,
Reiji Kikukawa.

I'm in charge of this transaction.

Honored to meet you.

I'm going to be in charge.

Sorry, Reiji.

Leo is my successor.

After he closes this big deal,
he'll become the 5th generation boss.

And I'll go out in glory.

Leo's plan is foolproof.

The police and narcs will never even know.

You should wear a mask.
This steam is laced with speed.

They're extracting the speed here?!

Yes! Hard evidence!

Once the deal is done,
we'll purify the dr*gs here.

Crap! Forgot my mini-camera.

Cook it al dente.

When it softens up, add one drop
of chemical substance A.

It'll look suspicious
if I whip out my smartphone.

Once it starts liquefying,
filter out the gluten and flour.

The speed will drip down below.

Then add one drop of chemical substance B.

This makes it even purer.


At least the audio, then...

I gotta unlock the phone first.
Can I do it by touch?

Did I do it?

I have to believe that I did.
Where's that voice memo app?

Scroll down once...

to the first or second row.

"Voice memo"

"Uncensored sex tapes"

What a hassle.

Finally, we dehydrate it.


Itchy balls?

Just shifting 'em around, boss.

First row... second row... which is it?

Second row!

"Uncensored sex tapes"

Hurry up, Reiji!

The record button
is somewhere around here...

The crystallization process is complete.

Whoa! The pasta turned into speed...

One kilo of pasta yields
640 grams of amphetamines.

Not bad.


Do you know how many lives
will be destroyed by these 640 grams?

Ten tons?

You plan to make money
selling tons of this crap?

You won't get away with this!

Ahh! No! No!

You got ants in your pants, punk?

You got it all wrong!

What do I got wrong?
You're up to something.

Hands out of your pockets.

It's just good old-fashioned porn!

I swear it. Trust me!

How can I trust someone
who watches porn at a time like this!



Reiji saved my life.

I told you to wait outside.

When the Hong Kong mafia
tried to k*ll me...


This is too dangerous!


When Karen was about to
be sold to traffickers...

Where's my parachute?


This guy... saved Karen?

He's horny and looks like a fool,
but you can count on him.

Next time you mess up, you're dead.


So Leo's in charge now, not me.

What the hell?

What's your job then?

When the goods arrive in Yokohama

hook up the container to
a trailer and drive it over.

So you're a truck driver?

I don't have a large vehicle license,
so I'll be in the passenger seat.

If you're transporting the goods,
you can confiscate it too!

But they won't let me in on the details.

I'm out of the loop.

What's with the costume?!

The deal is in two days. You ready?

Don't worry. I know
which cargo ship it's coming on.


Keep it down, Reiji.

It's me.

What, dammit?

Bianca Rosso is scheduled
to arrive at 16:00.

You're sure Todoroki will be there?

Yeah. He wants to see
the goods for himself.

The problem is Papillon.

If he finds out,
he'll blow it up like he did in Italy.

Don't let him interfere!

In any case, this is our precious"
alone time." Can you leave?

You don't get "alone time"!

If anything,
a little while we're sleeping.



Go away.

You want to be seen
interacting with a mole?


"Welcome home"

You said once you returned
safely from Italy,

you'd ask me to marry you, right?

Uh... yeah.


I have something to say.



I need two more days.

I have a big job coming up.
But after that, I'm done.

Just two more days!

I'm so happy!

Don't cry.

When you said, "Sorry"
I thought you changed your mind.

I'm marrying you, Junna.

That will never change, no matter what.

But first...

I need to prove myself as a man.

You mean...

for justice, right?

More than that,

to make you happy.



We'll go around the world on
a luxury cruise for our honeymoon.

Wait a minute.


Time to eat! Hot pot!

Sorry, I know it's summer,
but I'm really into it.

I love hot food in the summer!
We'll sweat it out!

We can take a nice,
hot bath together afterwards.

Here you go.


Bon appetit.

Delish! Buono!

Did you eat pasta and
pizza everyday in Italy?

Yeah. But you get sick of
it after a couple of days.

So I'd go to Rosaria's to
eat her bread and...



Is that a bakery?


Yeah, the name of the bakery.

You said "you'd go to
Rosaria's to eat her bread."

Isn't that a woman's name?

Is she old?

God, yeah. Super old.

Even looks like an old man.

Why are you sweating?

The hot pot...


I promise I won't get mad.

Just don't lie to me.

Is Rosaria pretty?

Did you do it?

No, I didn't! I swear to god!

Did you kiss her?


How many times?

Once. For good luck
so I could combat evil.

And a farewell kiss.

So twice.

Did Rosaria do that too?

No, that was a seagull.


Mr. Kikukawa.


Give me your smartphone.

Yes, ma'am.

She's a poor girl!

Her dad was k*lled by the mafia.

Her mother's sick so she's running
the bakery all by herself!

The mafia harassed her every day.

They took her money and threatened her.

Her little brother dropped out of
school and became a hooligan.

They destroyed her shop, broke the glass.

Winters are warm, summers are cool...

Shut up, hot pot! Stop bubbling!


I was sweltering in the heat
and humidity of Tokyo

eating cheap pasta and
issuing traffic tickets,

while you were smooching
with Rosaria in Italy!

You call that a man's job?!

How dare you?

Marriage application?

You're dead to me, Reiji Kikukawa.

Even if you're reincarnated
a million times,

don't ever come near me.

Reiji, you idiot!
You betrayed the love of your life!

You'd better swear you'll
never look at another woman...

Salmon! What are you doing?

I'm so sorry.

She stained your nice kimono.

My apartment's nearby.

I'll wash it and dry it for you

while you wait inside,
sipping a cold beer.

It's a trap. 1000% a trap.

A braless beauty with a chihuahua
in a dingy neighborhood like this?

She's sitting so I can see her cleavage
and panties at the same time.

And I see men in black out
of the corner of my eye.

An obvious honey trap!

Is it an inconvenience?


Why? My mind knows it's a trap,
but my body...

Is it because Junna won't
let me touch her anymore?

Shall we go?

Hey, bitch!

I'm telling you,

I saw right through your damn honey trap.

You may ask,
"Then why did you fall for it?"

That's another story!

Who are you?

I'm the Lieutenant of the Hiura clan,

a direct affiliate of Sukiya-Kai,
Reiji Kikukawa...

We're alone in this room.

So tell me the truth.

You're a mole, right?


An undercover agent?


You're wanted by Interpol, right?

That sends shivers down my spine.

Your sexy advances don't... faze me...

Not even a teeny weeny...

Oh, my god. You kiss like a beast!

It turns me on, in a weird sort of way.

I betrayed Junna again!

Shit! You idiot, Reiji!

I'll bite off this stupid tongue of mine!

Hey, don't bite me! Ow!

You passed.

She said you passed!


Ow, god dammit!


Yo, Reiji.

You never spilled.
Props to you. Right, Doppo?

This is Yuma Samon,
Chief of the Anti-Crime Unit.

Her nickname is "Salmon."

I'll be in charge of
Shuho Todoroki's arrest.

Yokohama's out of our jurisdiction.
We can't touch this.

So we asked Ms. Samon to take over.
She's my daughter, by the way.

She looks nothing like you!

She takes after his beautiful ex-wife.

Isn't it tough reporting to your daughter?

Not at all. I got no ego.

She's the cream of the crop,
selected out of 300 police officers

of the Anti-Drug and Crime Unit!


Sounds good!

Is it true Leo Todoroki
is going to oversee this deal?

Thanks for coming to see me, Junior.

It's easier to talk without
your dad around.

Have some.

You're all grown up, Junior.

Remember when we went butterfly hunting
in South America when you were a kid?

Brings back memories.

I caught one! Look! A Claudina!

About 20 years ago The Amazon

Let this one go.

Why, Hiura?

It's a Claudina mutation.

A Hewitt Claudina.


A spontaneous mutation.

They eat coca leaves.

The raw ingredient of the drug cocaine.
Therefore, it's poisonous.

If you leave it in a cage,
it'll k*ll all the other butterflies.

It's beautiful.

You're still a caterpillar, Junior,
but you come from pure stock.

If all goes well,
you'll turn into a Claudina!


So, Junior. Did you turn into a Claudina?

Hiura clan, huh?

What the hell is that?

Shut it down once I take over.

No problem.

Once I'm boss.

Cut the bullshit!

It's hard enough for us "yakuza"
to survive in this society.

How about a peaceful coexistence?

That only happens in Japan.

Leo has connections with
syndicates all over the world.

He's using overseas hacking groups
to exploit virtual currencies

and make huge profits
from money laundering.

Speed-a-roni is just part of it.

His goal is to form a golden triangle
between Italy, Mexico and Japan

to secure drug routes.

A global network of evil...

I see...

The boss just bought an
overpriced diamond at an auction.

Is that part of the "global" network too?

Never mind my dad.

My generation is going to change
the concept of yakuza!

Go ahead. Change it.

But not with dr*gs.

We're mutations.

Like coca-eating butterflies.

It's the process of evolution.

Old species

go extinct.

Just in case we can't confiscate
the goods in customs, use that.

Put the pasta in the sensor tube
and watch the reaction.

If the color changes, launch the flare

as a signal to arrest Shuho Todoroki.

When my father told me about
your assignment, I was shocked.

Me, too.

I never thought I'd be under for so long.

Was it hard?

It's tough keeping Papillon in the dark.

Masaya Hiura...

Open it.

"Undercover agent Reiji Kikukawa"

Golden handcuffs.

Once you complete this mission,
we'll take you off the Interpol list.

You can go back to being a regular cop.

Day before the transaction

That's the cargo trailer.

A self-driving car?

Meow! Long time, no see, Reiji Kikukawa!

You're alive,

bald p*ssy!

Don't call me that, you punk!

I'm Issei Nekozawa,

ex-Assistant Lieutenant of Hachinosu-Kai!

What are you doing here,
you pain in Sukiya-Kai's butt!

I passed the interview!

He messed up Papillon's legs...

and ability to fly!

That's why I hired him.

What's that?

Put this around your neck.

It's a tracking device.
To make sure the goods arrive safely

and you don't run off with it.

You don't trust me?

Why should I? Hurry up, Nekozawa.

If you don't wear it, you're off the deal.

It's just a GPS...


This is the two of you.

Red dot and blue dot.

You know what happens
if the dots separate?

Good luck, human bombs.

Human bombs?! Human bombs?!

One of you will blow up.

What the meow?! One of us?

This ain't a GPS, it's a b*mb collar!

Which one of us?

You'll find out when I push the button.

It won't come off!

Force it, and it'll blow up.



I'll take them off
when you bring me the goods.

If you do anything funny,


Don't look at me like that.

They're waterproof.

You can bathe.

Reiji's in trouble.

Come back!

Stick with meow!

Let's go take a shower together

and cool our heads.

Day of the transaction

Come on.

Don't let down your guard.

Be ready!

Let's get Shuho Todoroki.

A fine day for a transaction,
eh, Kikukawa?

You can't work stuck together like that.

I'll disarm it for now.

If you wanna live, don't mess up.

I know.

Yuma, Bianca Rosso's here!

Where's Shuho Todoroki? Isn't he here yet?

Not yet.

Split up and look for him.
He's got to be somewhere.

Ciao, Reiji!

Where's the boss?

Don Razzo is here.
He'll be insulted if our boss isn't.

The old man ain't coming.

But he said he wanted to
see the goods for himself!

He'll see the goods.

How are you?

The seagulls send their regards.

Nice necklace.


Mr. Corrida.

Welcome to Japan.

I'm Leo, Shuho Todoroki's son.

5th generation don.

They're proceeding without Shuho?
That wasn't the plan!

Here's the container.

There's no way Shuho Todoroki isn't here.
Find him!

There are 300 agents surrounding the port.

But we can't arrest Shuho Todoroki
if he isn't here!

Here comes Leo!

Can you see this, Dad?

Yeah. Go ahead and give him the diamond.

Nice doing business with you.

We've prepared a private jet
for your return trip.

The deal's done!

What's going on Ms. Salmon?
They're all leaving!

He checked the goods remotely.
But from where...?

What's with you?

Sorry, but that was intense.
Now that it's over, my stomach...

Can I go to the bathroom?

Hurry up. We leave in 5 minutes.


Where are you, Shuho Todoroki?

Ferris wheel?

Bay Bridge?

It's too far!

Somewhere in that building?

Too many places!

We're screwed.


I can't believe it!
What are you doing here?

Taking a sentimental journey.
You know why?

I'm planning to forget about
a useless love affair with a useless guy

by going on a single's cruise
with my high school friend.

Single's cruise?

Yes. A single's cruise on
a luxury ocean liner.

The Costa Firenze. It's right over there.


A suite on the top floor with
a panoramic view costs 30 million yen.

30 million yen?!

You saved up all that money?

It's worth every yen considering
how deeply you hurt me.

Our economy class berth
was only 200,000 yen.

I see...

But I ran into you just as
you were boarding a single's cruise.

It's a sign...

A mere coincidence.

I'm going. To forget I ever knew you.

I'll be praying!

For your happiness!

Go to hell!

Rah! Rah! Junna!

You! Go! Be! Happy!

Idiot. Has he lost his mind?

What now, Yuma?

Should we give up on Shuho
and go after his son?


Found him!

Sorry, Ms. Salmon.

I lit the flare.

It helped me find Todoroki.

Where is he?

In a suite on the top floor
of the Costa Firenze.

The 30 million yen suite.

Looking down on all of us. Shit.

It's docked in Japan, but we can't touch
a ship under a foreign flag.

Well done, Kikukawa!
It's clear he's giving the orders.

We may be able to convict him
on circumstantial evidence.

Circumstantial evidence...

Get your hands on some speed-a-roni.

The ship leaves in one hour.
Head over to customs.

I'll dispatch the b*mb disposal unit.

We're almost there, Kikukawa!

I reset it.

Stay together or "ka-boom."

You'll disarm it once we deliver
the goods to Tochigi?

Just go.

Custom House

Please step out.
We need to X-ray the contents.

Can we see what's inside?

What?! Well...

If you must.

Kids all over Japan are starving.
They want pasta...

This is it!

Can we open one?

No! We're in a rush.

Smell this.

Come on! Smell it!

Thank you for your cooperation.

We did it, Kikukawa!
Now straight to Tochigi.

Why didn't the dogs bust us?


Hey, hey, hey!

What the hell meow!

Shut up!

It's not changing color.


is ordinary pasta!

Sunrise? The speed-a-roni
was the Santino brand!

Calm down. Think.

When Leo checked in the warehouse,
it changed color.

If it wasn't speed,
the deal would've been off.

But in customs...


Did they switch
the contents of the container?

It's Kikukawa. They switched pastas.
The packaging too!

Switched out the contents of
this huge container?

What's that?

What? This...

Isn't this a turntable for cars?
Like in the parking lots?

Think about it, Nekozawa!

Leo duped us!

Liar! Leo's my savior! I owe him my life!

He would never...

Then try eating this pasta!

What's going on?

A hidden revolving door...

They used this to switch
out the speed-a-roni with...

Ordinary pasta!

Can I go to the bathroom?

Hurry up. We leave in 5 minutes.


It can't be...

If this is ordinary pasta,
where's the speed-a-roni?

On the Costa Firenze.

What meow?

They could never get through
customs with all that speed.

So why not load it onto a luxury liner...

Leo's plan is fool-proof.

The police and narcs will never even know.

That's why Shuho Todoroki's on that ship.

And soon, Leo will be too.


An around-the-world trip
with speed-a-roni?

We were just decoys.

That pisses me off.


What's your take if
this deal goes through?

Leo promised to hire me
as his front company.

Front company?

To control black market currency.

You risked your life
for a sorry future like that?

You're a weakling preying on those
who are even weaker. How pitiful!

I was desperate!

I'm branded as a "yakuza."
I can never lead a normal life.

But I still have to feed my clan, don't I?

You shot Papillon but he's still flying,
even without his legs!

It was your choice to
become a social outcast.

So create a new society
and become your own boss.

Stop kissing Leo's ass and become a lion!

Time's up.

I will!

Lemme hear you roar.


Wait! Stop!

He pushed the button!
I knew it! I'm gonna blow up!

Get away from me!

No, I won't meow!

Now you have to! I'm gonna blow up!

We have to stay together!


Get back! Stay away from me!



10, 9,

8, 7, 6, 5...


Shuho Todoroki's on that ship
with a shitload of speed.

But it's under a foreign flag.
We can't touch it.

It's out of our jurisdiction.

They'll sell dr*gs at
every port around the world.

Who created these laws anyway?

I'll go!

I'm an undercover agent! A mole!

"Outlaw" is my middle name now.


You can't do it alone.
How will you stop them?

Catching bad guys is
what police do, right?

They don't care about people's lives!
They need to be punished!

They're gonna distribute speed all
over the world. Is that OK with you?

Of course not!

Still holding a grudge, Junna?

Don't let a punk-ass yakuza hold you
back from enjoying a luxury cruise.

You're right.

I need to enjoy myself.

Let's do this!

There they are.

We're going up.

Bring it oonnnn!

I'm dropping down onto the pool deck!

I'm coming for you, Shuho Todoroki! Leo!


Oh, crap!

I missed!

Italian food is the best.

Let's toast with wine. To our journey.

Going down? There's room.

That guy looks familiar.

Who is that again?

The whole world is watching you
on the Internet, Chairman.

Shuho Todoroki...

is not intimidated by anything.

Shuho Todoroki...

Sukiya-Kai's boss!

What is it, Junna?

Reiji came to the port to
arrest that guy...

Is this his final job?

He didn't come chasing after me?

Junna? Junna?

Hang on.
Why am I jealous of that old dude?

Wait, is Reiji on this ship too?

Why is my heart beating?
Why am I commentating?

I'm a police officer too!
I have to help Reiji!


I knew it...


I'm still in love with Reiji.

You're annoying, but I love you!


Sorry, I forgot something.

What the hell? I have to take a shower...

What's back there?

Where's the shower...?

What are they doing?

Shall I tell you?

A purification factory?

Hard evidence at last!

This is where...


Wait up.

I said wait.

Let my precious Junna go.

Crew cut.

Who is it?

Where are you?



Stealth mole.

Stealth... mole?

Are you hurt?

It's me!

Wait a sec, Jun...


I see you, you monster!


Too conspicuous!

It's you.

I was so dirty! Now I'm sparkling clean!

In fact...

Crystal clean.



Ow, goddammit.

Don't you remember me, Kikukawa?

Never heard of you,
you skinny-ass buzz-cut punk.

Look at me.

White panties with lizard embroidery!

Is that all?

Toilet plunger!

Toilet plunger?

Don't just remember the bad parts!

I disguised myself as a man,
waiting for this very moment.

Sorry, but I got no time for you.

Shut up!

I'll k*ll you!

Reiji Kikukawa is on the loose.

Why is he on the ship?

No idea.

Reiji and a Chinese girl?

Excuse me!

Sir! A man in a butterfly suit
is dumping speed into the ocean!

Butterfly suit?

Stop it!

Kikukawa, why aren't
you playing with bald p*ssy?


I'll never forgive you!

Why Nekozawa?

Just be glad it wasn't you.

Why did you k*ll Nekozawa?

Do I need a reason to k*ll a cat?

I suppose it'll make you feel like shit.

Break your heart.

You beast!

Shut your mouth! Die, Reiji Kikukawa!

Watch out!

I don't mind some excitement
like this once in a while.



You're beautiful.

I don't get it.

A mind-numbing kiss.

Of course it was!

Even defrosted my stiff shoulder.

I don't get you! I don't get it but...

I'm gonna crush you! Bring it on, Leo!

Small fries like you are a dime a dozen.

k*ll him.

Out of my way!

Not bad for a small fry.
Give it all you got.

Hiura is having a field day.


Come back, Leo!

Fine! Bring it!

You bastard!

Finally got you by the tail.


You need to face reality.
Life isn't pretty.

Yakuza can't rent condos or parking spaces

or even open a bank account.

We can't pay for insurance or
our kids' school lunches.

Sukiya-Kai has 6,000 members.
How do we feed them all?

Stupid question.

That's the parent's job.
But not by selling dr*gs!

If I say a crow is white, it's white.

Isn't that how it goes in our world?

You lied to me all along,
selling dr*gs for profit.

What kind of parent are you?

Papi, cut the bullshit.

The only yakuza that can survive

are the cool ones and funny ones.

Unfortunately, boss, as I see it,

you're neither!

Shut up, Hiura!

I'll rebuild this organization.

A new Sukiya-Kai that
doesn't rely on dr*gs.

Who's with me?

That's enough, Hiura!

You old-school punk.
I'm sick of your speeches!


You're mine now!


What is he doing here?

Good timing as usual, Brother.


believed you'd show up, Brother.







A yakuza who betrays his boss

is fed to the sharks.

Listen up, punks!

I'm the successor to Sukiya-Kai!

Any objections?


You're still a little brat, Junior.

Spin cycle...



Shuho Todoroki!

I'll find you anywhere.
You stink of speed...

Still alive, Brother?

Thanks to this b*llet-proof vest!

Take this. Think of it as me.

This is...

Don't die, Reiji.

You're too funny, Brother.

I'll finish off Shuho Todoroki.

You take a break.


Shuho Todoroki is mine...

Out of my sight, small-fry!

Old-school yakuzas can go to hell!



won't die!

I said die!

I won't die!

I won't die!

Not until I throw your
old man into the slammer!



is for Nekozawa!


What are you doing, boss?

Get a hold of yourself.

Don't make things worse
than they already are.

Get over here, Papi.

You and I are the same.

We became yakuza so we could sleep
with beautiful women,

ride fancy cars, eat good food
and enjoy life, right?

Good food bought with
drug money doesn't taste good.

Sleeping with women is no fun.

Look at this speed.

Fools all over the world
are desperate for this stuff.

Wonderful world, isn't it?

Shut up.

I don't want to hear it!

As long as there's speed and addicts,

yakuza can survive.

Yakuza who deal in speed are beasts!

And beasts belong in hell!

No, Brother!

Don't stop me, Brother.

He broke his promise as a man.
He has no right to live.

This is the yakuza way. I'll finish him.


I won't let you k*ll him!

Move it.

I said move, Brother!

The time has come.

This is the moment...

Shuho Todoroki!

What's wrong, Brother?

Shuho Todoroki,
you're under arrest for drug trafficking.


Under arrest?

Playing cops and robbers?

That's funny,
but this ain't the time or place.



You're a police dog?


I'm an undercover agent.

A mole.

I was ordered to arrest Shuho Todoroki.

I drank from your sake cup
in the Sakazuki ceremony.

I infiltrated Sukiya-Kai
waiting for my chance.


Is this your idea of a joke?

I don't get it.

Why did you lie to me?

For justice.

For justice...

You continued to lie to
your own Brother for justice?

What do you say, Brother?


The evidence is gone!

Good job, Leo.
I knew I could count on you, son.

Shuho Todoroki never gets caught.
No matter what.

I've never been arrested.

I'll die a yakuza.

As the 4th generation yakuza boss,
Shuho Todoroki!

Go ahead! sh**t me!


I won't let you die!

You need to live and pay for your sins!

I won't let you die...

Tell me, Brother.

I ain't your Brother anymore!

Justice for who?

Answer me!

For me.

For you.

For Junna, Nekozawa, who's dead now...

Justice to save mankind!

That's why...


I lied to you!

I'm ready.

Once I capture Shuho Todoroki alive,

you can k*ll me.

I'm ready

to die.

That would be too convenient.

Good seeds and bad seeds.

You reap what you sow. That's life.

Traitors die.

Here and now.


From this moment on,

Reiji Kikukawa is dead to me.

Get out of my sight!



We'll make it out alive!


This ain't no time for hand holding.

You guys get in the lifeboat
with the boss.

How about you?

It's do or die. I'm docking this ship.


Let go!

I can't let you die here!

Being a mole was tough.
I hated lying to you.

But if I wasn't a mole,
I would have never met you!

And you...

risked your life to save me!


I'm a man, too!

I'm gonna protect you,
even if I die doing it!

If you're important to Reiji,
I'll protect you too!

I don't know who you are,

but you're lucky to have him around.

This guy is the King of Moles.


the King of Men!


You leave me no choice.
I gotta call on him.


The swanky butterfly.

I don't know if he'll come,
but I'll give it a try.

What? What's going on?

Is that him?

Butterfly of the sea!

A manta ray?!

Never fear.

The King of Beasts is here!




Bring it oonnnn!

The luxury liner that
caught fire in the Pacific Ocean

arrived in Yokohama Harbor.
All guests are confirmed safe.

The ship was carrying 10 tons of dr*gs
from Italy for distribution.

Shuho Todoroki, Chairman of
Sukiya-Kai was also on board.

He was taken into custody
by the Kanagawa Police Department.

Good job, Officer Kikukawa.


Right... I'm an ordinary cop now.


This brings your assignment

to an end.


I'm holding you to it!

Mission accomplished Get a pay raise

Reiji Kikukawa, represent the police!

Brother saved my life again.

He disappeared after that.

But he's alive.

I know it.

My wish was granted.
I'm an ordinary cop again.

Reiji Kikukawa!

Buy some beer on the way home.

Did you hear me?

Yes, ma'am.

Junna was promoted to unit chief.

It's tough when your
wife becomes your boss.

"Tanibukuro Police Box"

It's getting harder
for the yakuza to make a living.

No freedom to fly
in the sky like a butterfly...

like my cool and funny Bro.

"Attack by a jumbo manta ray!"

Could it be...

A Mexican drug cartel is wiped out!