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Apartment with Two Women, The (2021)

Posted: 05/09/24 22:40
by bunniefuu
I'm on my way.

You're a housewife.
Why can't you watch the shop for me?

Fine. I'll pay you.

I'm done.

I was looking for a shirt.

My clothes keep disappearing.
I thought I put it here.

Fine. I'll just wear anything
and be right there.


Tell me more.

You bumped into her?

Then what?

She avoided your eyes?

Hold on a second.


Are you serious?

That's hideous.

I thought my butt would freeze.

Women should keep it warm.

Who cares?

It's design over function now.

Tada! Five for $290!

It's too young and chic.

And way too expensive.

I'm sick of worrying
about cost-effectiveness.

Why do you keep aging
backwards here and here?

Why, thank you!
I hear I look younger often.

Oh, my lord.




There were so many. They didn't cost much.

They have raspberry wine here.

It's all sugar. This is the real stuff.

You're so picky.

Would you like some?

No. I don't like sweets.

He doesn't. Give me some.

Cheers, then. Cheers!

It's good!

Isn't it good?

Did you decide? Not yet.

Drink slowly. No one will take yours.

How about you?


I'll just follow
whatever Su-kyung chooses.

We decided it'll be an instrument.

Why an instrument?

To calm down. I'm a bit hot-tempered.

No, a lot.

See? It's coming up again.

When the anger builds up,
it won't cool down easily.

It piles up then comes out through
my mouth and fist.

I blow up on you too sometimes.
It's the only way I know.

That's why you're charming.

Right. I'm charming.

Oh my...

I'm good. Okay.

Isn't it sweet?

I wish I could live a sweet,
romantic life like this.

I'll drink to that too!

Sweet? Whatever!

Son? Did you eat? What did you have?

Shall we go too?


I can't tonight. I gotta go home.

I'm busy too.
I have a ton of things to do.


Why you!

Stop leaving the lights on
when not in use!

I don't understand you!

You never pay for utilities
but use 'em like crazy!

Are you mentally instable?

Where is the Tylenol?



My stomach kills from menstrual cramps.

Why do you take after my bad things?

My whole body hurts!

Hey! Wait!

Why are you huffing and puffing?

You're mad, is that it?

Stop sobbing! Stop it!

Why do you cry like a baby all the time!

I drove for over 20 years.
I knew something would go wrong soon!

If you agree, sign here.

I thought I did it by mistake,
but it lurched forward on its own!

It's your third accident,
so your premium will go up.


It's your third time.

It's not my fault.
Why should my insurance go up?

I can only say you should get it checked.

The car moved on its own!

Are you saying I caused this
and am hiding it?

No, ma'am.

You're saying this was my mistake?

It's wasn't Mom's mistake.

She did it on purpose.


How are you feeling? She's fine.

Have a drink.

Thank you.

I couldn't reach you by phone,
so I brought the agreement.


If you look here...

We fought a bit.

Must be mad. I see.

She's a bit uptight.

If you look at the agreement...

Excuse me. I'll be right back.



Two. It hurts.

Up high! Higher!

How high will it go up
doing this for a month?


My breasts.

Why you!

How sophisticated.

Why a month?

I'm going to Spain then.
I'll go to a nude beach.

Spain sounds nice.

The nude beach too.

Didn't you go to Bali recently?

Yes. On summer vacation.

You travel a lot.

I should after how hard I worked in life.

I'm gonna do everything I never got to.

Of course you should.

I went to Europe recently.
I regretted not going earlier.

It's nice, huh?

When my son gets into college,
I'll go too.

Why not go now?

He's studying. I'd feel bad.
I should help him.

Don't worry. Just go.

If he doesn't get in,
you'll shave your head?


Shave it off!

He's all grown up.
He'll take care of himself.

I didn't even know my kid's graduation.

You didn't know? No.

So you didn't go? Of course not.

High school?

And middle school.

I can't remember if
I went to her elementary grad.

You really are something.

She's unique.

How could you? Such a bad mom.

Like a bad potato?

At least potatoes are good.

What the heck?

That's right.

How can you not know her grad? Jeez.






If it was a problem with the car,
it would've kept going.

But since it stopped,
it's 100% the driver's fault.

We found nothing wrong with the car.

Please check it over and sign here.





"A guitar?"


"Give me a hint, please."

It's long and you use your mouth.

"I think I have an idea."

"But do they teach you that on YouTube?"

Why you!

If you want to die, go ahead!




Is it fixed?

It's working.

Eun-ji? Yes.

The warehouse wants a receipt.
Could you see to it?

Yes, Chief.

It was crazy busy here.

I guess you didn't hear.

At least you've been transferred
and not fired.

It happens in small companies
to learn the different jobs.

But I've never done sales.

It's nothing special.

Just do it. You'll get the hang of it.

Chief PARK.

There's no smoking indoors.

So-hee looks like she's been
here for over 3 years.

But your eyes are way brighter.

Get better soon.

Don't lose your position.
There's a long line after your job.

Many parents play content on YouTube.

Without it,
we can't get any housework done.

For moms to do the dishes...

How much is the reading and math package?

They watch ads and whine...


Can I sign up for reading and

math instead of reading and English?

You'd like the reading and math package?

Wait, please.

We're offering 10% off if you
sign up for 3 classes now.



Not sure what to say, right?

Even if you know what to say,
you blank out when you see customers.

It doesn't go as planned. Don't sweat it.

People misunderstand sales
saying we're all talk.

But it needs training too.

It's like sports.
You can't master it in a day.

You gotta train mentally.

See you.


You came fast.

You must be Yi-jung.

Nice to meet you.

Have some.

Don't drive around in the car.

I sued the car company.

I don't want problems.

Yes, driving it won't be good.
They can use it against us.

Most of all, it's in bad shape.
What if you get in an accident?

You should get a big settlement
and a new car.


It's a deadly w*apon car.

It could get you and others k*lled.

The repair shop said it's fine.

Of course, a subsidiary
would say the car is fine.

Why is the car company denying its fault?

It caused an accident. How could they?

I heard the insurance agent
was disrespectful at the scene.

He brought up past accidents and
said it was your mom's fault?

They were because of the car too.

The car and insurance companies
are in it together.

We gotta band together
for any fighting chance.

So listen to your mom and
don't drive that car.

Mom caused this too.

A $300 meat set to go, please.

And put it on table five's tab, please.

Sure thing.


You're crazy.

(DEADLY w*apon)

Lawyer CHOI? I got your text.

Yes, I'll be a witness.

I was just getting my things.

I didn't know what to do,
so I packed them.

These were in your desk.

Thank you.

Excuse me.

Could we change chairs?

I set that chair up to fit me perfectly.

Head up! Relax! Kick! Kick!

What? Where are you?

Pool water is bad for the skin.

No matter what,
you'll always be beautiful to me.

But I wanted to do this for you.

My daughter So-ra says this
helps absorb it better.

Does it feel warm? Yes.

I kept going up and down in the pool.

Seeing you as I came up,
you looked so beautiful.

I came up to see you
more than to take breaths.

My nose and ears got filled with water,

but seeing you laugh made me smile too.

Water would seep in,
but I couldn't help smiling.


Stay for dinner.

So-hee? What are you doing?

I'd like to work here from now on.

At the common table? Yes.

My desk is uncomfortable.

It feels cramped in the corner.

"We can submit any records of feeling
threatened before as evidence too."

"Anything you remember?"

There's a letter from a long time ago.

It could be a record of beatings.

"From your mom?"

I wrote it.

Don't let her through.

Should've said it sooner.
Not again, Chief.

I'm sorry. It was an important call.



Then what?

My car accident.

When you hurt your leg?

The perpetrator claims
it was the car's fault.

Said it moved on its own.

I've heard of many people like that.

It's their fault for putting
it in the wrong gear.

But our insurance rates go up
because of those people's mistakes.

I hope it stops rising.

But it wasn't a mistake.

It wasn't?

I've known this person for years
who totally hates me.

Says I'll be m*rder*d all the time.


Shouldn't you report it? Right.

What a psychopath. Oh, no.

She must've reported that.
What if that person tries to k*ll you?

If this person threatened to k*ll you
for so long, it won't end so easily.

So who is it?

My mom.


I saw her lips curl up.

That's not funny.

She's joking.

I thought she was serious!
It was a joke?

Parking problem with a neighbor...
Why you!

It's tough when it involves a neighbor.

It gets complicated.

This is the dashcam footage
of the accident.

"Just drop dead!"

She said, "Just drop dead."

"Just drop dead!"

Let's hear it again.

"Just drop dead!"

It's evidence that shows
the plaintiff's intent.

"Since you don't listen to me,
I wrote this letter, Mom."

"Can you hit me with a stick instead?"

"Please hit me according to
what I did wrong."

"Random beatings are harder to take."

"If you punish me by set rules,"

"I think I can realize what I did wrong."

Open up.


She must be crazy.

She doesn't appreciate
being fed and raised.

It's because she's still young.

She's in her late-20s!

I was a single, working mother at her age.

Most kids move out when they reach 20.

She must not have saved up.
She has no intentions to leave.

My poor, dear Su-kyung...

Should I pitch in for her rent deposit?

No way! That's a waste.

A waste? Yes.

Don't spend money on her.

You look just like her.


I look that ugly?

Don't say we look alike. It makes me mad.

It was in my box.

You could've given it to me tomorrow.

Take care.


Is that beer?

I said I had something to show
and kept calling Mom.

But she just watched TV.

I was so scared.

But she just laughed.

I got so scared and started to cry.

Finally, she looked at me.

I took Mom to the bathroom.

I pulled down my underwear under my skirt.

She looked at it,
but didn't say a word and left.

Confused, I just stood there
without pulling it back up.

Mom came back moments later
and gave me a menstrual pad.

I didn't know what it was.

Mom yelled at me for not knowing,

then put it on my bloody underwear.

But I felt like...

I was a kid again.

It's been so long

since Mom did something for me.

I felt delighted...

and relieved.

Suddenly, something slipped down.

The blood fell on Mom's hand.

Know what she said?


If the car worries you,
you can take the bus.


Don't let them get to you.

You may want to quit
because they don't respect you.

But if you think hard,
there are reasons to keep patient.

You worked together and learned from them.

You need money and work.

Still, it's wrong.

Don't let them get to you.

Kids can enjoy and moms can rest
with this easy English picture book.

Children start learning English early.
Our kids can't be left behind.

90% of the kids are getting 100%.

90% of young children
who use Wing-Wing Books are...


May we take one more, please?

So-ra goes in the middle and
we'll make a heart around her.

A heart? Yes.

Thank you.

Let's see...



Your mom is so pretty!
You're beautiful, ma'am!

I'm not her mom.

We just met today.

Goodbye, ma'am.

Bye, So-ra.

Say hi to Grandma for me!

Are you sleeping over?

Poor me, huh?


I have to try hard.

You do. You poor thing.

When we get married,
you won't live with Yi-jung.

I know it's hard, but you should try too.

Losing is winning with kids.

You can't live like enemies
with your daughter forever.


Put this on me.


Let's try to get along.

KIM Yi-jung.

I'm a granny now.

I got all this grey hair thanks to
you stressing me out.

I want to get along with you too.

But why won't you grow up?

We got along well before.

I'm getting married soon.

You'll have a new stepsister.

Let's try to get along.

Act more mature with
your new younger sister.

If it wasn't for you,
I would've remarried long ago.

I lived like this because of you.

Now I'm going to live freely
and do what I want.

There's not much time left to
live together, so let's try to get along.

Where's the apology?

What apology?

We got along well before?

That's because I kept my mouth shut!

I'm not taking it anymore!

So what if you won't!

You don't know how to do anything! Shit!

Useless bitch!

I'm talking! Come back!

You can't even get that down!
Think you'd live well on your own?

You'll come back crawling in a few days!

Go struggle in the real world,
so you'll know how good you had it.

You ungrateful twerp!

Even if you beg on your knees,
I'm not taking you back!

Get up!

Get out of here!


What are you staring at?

Scared to leave?

I'm leaving on my terms.


You have something to do, right?

I always have stuff to do.
I'm preparing something.

What is it?

I'll tell you later.

When did you start living alone?

Since October 15, 2014.

As soon as I got accepted to college.

Why didn't you move out sooner?

I worked all my life,

but I didn't have enough in my account.

I wanted to move out
when I was good and ready.

I'm funny, huh?


I feel so comfortable here.

I got so frustrated and angry
when I was at home.

But here, it's...

so comfortable.

This feels like my real home.

I feel completely understood.

Should I live here too?




Made just the way So-ra likes!

I just mentioned it in passing.

Isn't it great how she cares for you?

I hope it's good.
It's my first time making it.

It looks delicious! Let's try it.


It really is your first time?

Where are you going?
To meet a friend.

Stop it.


Are you mad?

She didn't even thank me.

She must be shy.

I know how So-ra feels.
She looked very thankful.

She laughed at me. About what?

My chicken.

You laughed too!

Come on. Why would I laugh
about your chicken?

I smiled because you made it.

You laughed at me.

Are you mad? Stop.

I'm sorry.

It was good. It just needed some sugar.

I just forgot.

I know you're a good cook.
Of course, you forgot.

You're the best cook I know!


Stop it.

I'm ticklish.

What is it?

Oh, wait.

Where's a pen?

Pen? Yes.

On So-ra's desk.

Hold on.

Read it out.

"What's wrong?"

Jeez! pressed a pen,
but it started to move on its own!

"A moving pen?" Yes!

"What do you mean?"

Hold on.

"What's wrong?"

It's vibrating like a cellphone.

"Vibrating?" What the hell?

Sex toy?

Hold on.

Oh, my! Isn't she in middle school?

"She's really something."
I don't believe this!

What are you doing?

"How can she have a vibrator at her age?"

What's that?

Is that really yours?

How dare you come in and
snoop around my room!

Don't ignore me! I asked if that is yours!

Why is that woman in my room!

She wanted a pen,
so I told her to go and get one.

She's family now. She can go in your room.

Don't change the subject and answer me!

What family! This sucks!

I think an apology is in order.

Right. You went a bit overboard.


I mean you.


You told me to go in.

It's my fault, but she's mad.

She's upset that you made fun
of her over the phone.

What? I was just on the phone to...

Please help me just once?

I know you didn't do anything wrong.

But if you don't,
So-ra won't open up to you.

Then what about me?

I don't believe this!

Please? Just this once?

It's wrong to make fun of someone else!
That's rude.


She says she'll never go into your room.


Where are you going?

Still working?

Were you waiting for me?

Why do that now?

Chief gave me this at the end
and said to finish it today.

How could he...

I should've said no.

I thought I'd be done quickly.
I have no choice.

Give me half.

We'll finish it faster
if we do it together.

No, it's okay.

It's my job.

It's okay, really.

I don't have anything to do.

You look tired.

Come on.

We could've gotten a page done.

Thanks for tonight.

It's fine, really.

I wanted to help.

Still, thank you.


Wanna grab a beer together?

I couldn't sleep well for two days.

And I have stuff to do.


Let's drink next time.

Don't worry.

If you don't get up now, we'll be late.



I slept so well.

I don't remember last night at all.

I must've drunk too much.

We gotta leave in 10 minutes.


I can just go like this.

I'll wash up at the office.

It's heavy.

I'll get these next time I come over.

No. I need them at the office.

Let's go. We'll be late.

"Small and white Clean and bright"

"You look happy to me To me"

"Small and white Clean and bright"

"You look happy to me To me"


My wife said to pick up something.


Come in and wait, please.

Tell her to soak the red beans
in water for a day before cooking.

Take care.

"I said my legs hurt and
he said he'd go instead."

How sweet.

"My son says his dad acts
tough but is nice."

"He made fun of him so much."

"He's weird these days.
Keeps asking about our instrument..."

Hold on.

I bought one for you along with my wife's.

Take it. But...

When I set foot in here,

it felt like you and
I lived here all our lives.

It's like we lived here all along.

It felt like we made the
small stains and marks here.

It's like home at last.

That's why I loved this place.

Hold on.

Yes, sir. I can talk.

How about the bed by the window?

The bed should go in the master.


We'll put a bed there and one here too.


So-ra needs a bed too.

This is So-ra's room.

This is a storage room.

The place will get messy
without a storage room.

I don't want to live in a mess like that.

That makes no sense!

So-hee? Come here, please.


The order numbers are wrong.

It's a good thing I double checked.

Concentrate, will you?

You don't have much to do.
Can't you do this right?

I don't believe this.

Work to deserve your pay.

I'm sorry.

I'll fix it now.

I have to send it soon.
Do it quickly with no mistakes.

Yes, sir.


Isn't that a bit much? What?

Your words seem a bit harsh.

So-hee left work late last night.

You gave her work right
before she was done.

If you give her such a tight deadline,
of course, there will be mistakes.

What does this have to do with you?

You were like this
when I worked in accounting too.

Yi-jung! You're acting weird.

Is this middle school?
Separate business with pleasure.

Talk to your buddy after work.
Don't interfere.

Go back to your desks.




Know how much you weighed at birth?


Know how much I weighed then?


You were greedy from the start.

You sucked up all my breastmilk too.

Think the fat on your body
all belongs to you?

Think you grew up alone?

What did you eat to grow?

It's from the money I made heating
women's butts all day.

They sweat and rant off about
their husbands and in-laws.

They dump it all on me,
then go home refreshed.

All that negativity piles on me.

It's all pollution to me.

I bore all the vapor and
pollution for money.

It all went into your mouth.

Show some appreciation.

What's so bad about
listening to my nagging?

Can't you let me rant off?

I wanted to live a normal life.

I didn't want to live so savagely.

If I was told to take
some nagging for free food,

I'd be so thankful.

I'd think Mom must have it hard.

I'd understand how Mom feels.

But you sucked up all you could

and you spit back at me?

You are so disloyal.

Mom, what about me?

What do I do?

All the bad stuff built up in you,

if you pour it on me, what do I do?

Have a daughter too.








What's wrong?

Like it?


The foot cream. Like it?

Cheap one.

You're the cheap one.

What did you just say?

Can't you be happy with one person?

Ask your husband that.

He just gave me that out of the blue.

Why would he care about my feet?

You must've given him the signal!
You always do!

What signal?

No matter how hard up I am,
forget your husband.

What signal would
I give to the old gramps?

Don't dump your frustrations
for each other on me!

Don't blame me for your sorry life!


You're the one with a sorry life!

You're a psycho, you know!

Yi-jung and I are nice enough to take it.

Think all the customers like you?

You're charming? Like hell!

When you're gone,
they bad-mouth you non-stop!

A crazy woman whose
daughter testifies against!

You fight with your daughter.

You fight with your boyfriend,
his daughter, and me!

Still don't get it? You're the problem!

I feel so sorry for you.

To learn your lesson,
I hope you die lonely!


What are you doing?

You weren't home?

I bought you some food.

I was worried.

Let's go inside and eat.

It's hard enough as it is!
A package came and I...

Why are you doing this?

What do you mean?

I'm so hurt.

Why would you be hurt?

Why would you be hurt by me?

Why didn't you tell me
you're applying for a job?

I tried really hard to live on my own.

But why do you keep sending me back home?

You're completely insane!

You should see a shrink.

Why would I need that?

You really don't get it?

Look at what you did!

Only a crazy girl would do that!

Fine. I'm crazy.

Why did I become crazy?

How did I end up like this?

Because I grew up under a crazy woman!

I hate living like this too!

I'm sick of it too!

You caused all this, Mom!

We're sick of living like
this all because of you!

Stop blaming me!

What did I do so wrong?

Living with you will torment me to death!

You're the one who tried to k*ll me.

I wasn't even surprised.

When I was at school or
talking with people

or packing up at work,

in this empty home with you always gone!

I thought you'd suddenly come
and beat me to death!


What did I do to you that's so terrible?

All the customers yell at their kids
and hit them if they don't listen.

We lived like that back
then because life was tough!

They all get along now,
but why must you be so fussy!


I'm the only fussy one. I'm abnormal.

I'm totally crazy, Mom.

That's why I have no friends
and everyone hates me!

I know I'm the problem too!

I hate myself for cutting up
your clothes like that!

I don't want to be like this.

I don't want to hate you.

But you're the one who made me like this!

You gave birth to me
and made me like this.

It's all your fault!


Apologize to me just once?

I'm begging you.
Please apologize just once?

Want breastmilk?

Why won't you grow up?

How much is half a bundle of radish?

We sell by the bundle, not half.

A bundle is too much...

Wanna split it?

I'll take a bundle, please.

Here. Thank you.

He apologized.


He changed the house title in my name.

Good for you.

The radish leaves are wilting.

We should dry them.

Two steamed buns, please.

One pizza and one red bean filling.

Hi, Su-kyung.

Come in.

Come inside.

Now everyone is here!

I heard it's a trend these days for
moms and daughters to dress alike.

The coats suit both of you!

You look similar in the same coat.

You can return to your original desk.


Didn't know? So-hee quit without notice.

I knew it.

I had a bad feeling about
her from the start.

You can go back to your seat.

Please do both accounting and
sales until we hire someone new.

She left with all her stuff last night.

She didn't even say goodbye.

Yi-jung? Where are you going?

I told you it's my graduation today.

I was about to go. Is it over already?

Hi! I'm on my way.


KIM Yi-jung?

The power is out.

Just stay there like that.

Everything is melted.

What do I do?

We had vanilla ice cream?


Since when?

Don't know.



Why'd you try to k*ll me?

I didn't try to k*ll you.

You said you wanted to k*ll me.

It's not the first time
I said I'll k*ll you.

Why'd you remain calm?

Because it's not the first time
you said you'll k*ll me.


Do you love me?

The sizes are all different.

What is your size?

I'm not sure.

I'll measure you.
Many people don't know their sizes.

Please remove your bag and coat?

I'll help you.

Excuse me.

Breathe comfortably.

If you hold your breath,
I can't measure you properly.


I'll measure again.