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01x11 - To the Ship! To the Ship!

Posted: 05/12/24 11:46
by bunniefuu
Woman: ♪ hey, now... ♪

♪ Hey, wow... ♪

♪ Here's how ♪

♪ Come and read ♪

♪ Between the lions ♪

Chorus: ♪ come on ♪

♪ Come in ♪

♪ Begin ♪

♪ The world awaits ♪

Woman: ♪ between the lions ♪

♪ Between the covers of a book ♪

♪ It's time to look between the lions ♪

♪ Behold the tales beyond the tails ♪

Chorus: ♪ behind the door ♪

♪ Become, explore ♪

♪ Come in between the lions ♪

♪ Begin between the lions ♪

♪ Be here between the lions! ♪

Theo: dip.


( Humming to himself )


Dip, dip, dip...

Oh, corey!

Here you go.

Thank you.

Dip, dip

Dippity, dip, dip, dip.

Dip, dip...

( Chuckling )

Oh, hey, dr. Nitwit!


That's dr. Nit... Oh!

( Laughs )


Of course-- sorry.

Let the word go forth

That after years and years of work

And after squandering...

I mean, uh, spending millions and millions of dollars

Dr. Nitwhite and his dedicated, brilliant team have...

Theo: oh!

At the dunderhead labs.

That's dunderheed.

Dunderheed-- of course.

We have discovered

That there is only one word in the entire english language

That has the i-p "ip" sound at the end

And that word is...




Hi, dad!

Hi, dr. Nitwit.

Uh... That's nitwhite.

Oh, yeah, sorry, sorry.

Oh, hey, what do you have there, lionel?

Ah! The adventures

Of mississippi skip and his pirate ship.

Whoo! Yo-ho, yummy!

The pirate ship?



It's all about a pirate who takes a trip on a ship.

Catch you later.

Bye, lionel.




( Groans )

I've got to get back to the lab.

Uh, right you are.

Bye, dr. Nitwit!

That's nitwhite!


Ooh! Oh, my tea.

I think I'll have a...


( Nitwúe shrieks )

( Chuckles )

Sip, sip, sippity, sip.

( Slurps loudly )

Ahh! Sippity, sip, sip, sip.

Pigeons: boing, boing

Boing, boing, boing.

Hey, what you got there?

A book about birds, I hope.

It's a book about pirates.

( Gasps )




Uh-uh, not parrots...


No parrots?



Well, there's parrots in it.



( Leona screeches )



I want to read a book about parrots.

It's a pirate book, not a parrot book.

But there's a parrot in it...



Pirate, parrot, parrot, pirate.

Just read the book, already!

"The adventures of mississippi skip and his pirate ship

Written by ipswich clipspringer the fifth."


( Reading aloud )

They call me mississippi skip.

But don't call me "miss"...

( Growls )

And don't call me late for dinner, either.

( Growls again )

Hey! Yay, chip!

Yeah, chip is hip!

( Squawks )

( Whistles )

( Squawks )

( Whistles )


Buried treasure!

Me greatest pleasure!

( Squawks )

( Whistles )

( Thunder )

Shiver me timbers!

Hang on, me hearties!

( Squawks )

( Whistles )

( Plays wailing guitar riff )


It's hippo rock island we're on.

Let's go!

( Squawks and whistles )

( Squawks )

( Whistles )

"X"! "X"!

Hey, "x"!

Arrgh, yippee!

Let's hear it for pip!

Hip, hip, hooray for pip!

( Squawks )

( Whistles )

Wow! That was a great book.

Yeah! Oh, the parrot was so, uh...

So brave-- such courage, such...

Spirit, such...




Such nonsense.

Oh... Well, read it again, lionel.

Read it again, okay?

I've got a better idea.


Let's play pirate!


Oh, boy!

I'm going to be mississippi skip.


You can't be skip.

Wh... Okay.

Then I will be kip

With a kipper named chip on my shoulder.

( Chuckles )

I couldn't find a parrot.

You can't be kip, either.

Uh... Well, okay.

I am pip, ready to swab the ship.

Um, you can't be any of them.


Why not?

They're all boys.

You're a girl.

B-b-b-but I want to play, too!

I'm sorry, leona, but it wouldn't be right.

Walter, you can play chip.


Oh, I wanted to be chip.

Sorry, chip was a boy parrot.

Right, let's play pirate!

Lionel: they call me mississippi skip.

Walter: swab the deck!

( Whimpering )



Urp, eep, urp, eep, urp...






( Chuckles )

R... R... R... Ip.

Rip, rip.


Announcer: and now, lovers of the vowels "a," "e," "i," "o," "u"

And sometimes "y"

Martha reader and the vowelles

Are kicking the short "i" sound

In their zippy big hit, "lip."

( Upbeat music playing !

( Singing repeated short "i" sound to soul tune )

( Song ends; cheering and applause )

( Crowd cheering )

Gawain here once again at blending fields

Where two brave knights in armor

Will charge together at high speed and make a word.

Competing today, we have sir "sl"...

On your right, sir "ip."

Blend on, dudes.

( Crowd cheering )

Gawain: "slip"!

That's gawain's word for today

And this is gawain saying, "be hip, don't slip."

See you next time on...

Dr. Bertice berry with the "i" in "ship"!

( Yelling short "i" sound )

( Stops yelling; audience applauding and cheering )

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Commentator: welcome back to the national word club masters.

We're watching word-writing ace tiger words

As he approaches the final "t" of the tournament.

'S got to write the word "trip."

There's the tricky "tr" at the beginning

Then the ( makes short "i" sound ) in the middle

And the "p" sound at the end.

Tr... I... P.

If he makes it, he will win a trip to tripoli.

He's choosing a writing implement from his pencil case

And it's a purple marker--

A bold move for this writing wonder kid.

Tiger steps up to the "t" and begins that famous stroke.

He makes the letter "r" a consonant that sounds

Like ( makes "r" sound )-- pure poetry.

With the letter "t," that makes the sound "t"-"r"-- "tr"--

The first sound of the word "trip."

Tiger now raises his purple marker, lines up his stroke

And, yes, it's a perfect letter "p"

Which sounds like ( makes "p" sound )

The last sound in the word "trip."

But he still has to add a vowel

To make the ( makes short "i" sound ) in the middle.

Let's /]

( Crowd gasps )

Oh, too bad.

He wrote the letter "a," which makes the "aah" sound.

He's written the word "trap."

What a setback for tiger.

And the word is in marker-- he can't erase it.

Wait-- this kid is never out of ideas.

He's using a lawnmower to erase the letter "a."

And... He's done it!

Yes, he's written the letter "i."

He's written the word "trip."

What a triumph for tiger words!

He wins that trip to tripoli.

( Crowd cheering )

( Giggling )


( Giggling )


( Giggling )





Lionel: arrgh!

Walter: yeah, ark!

No, no, no-- arrgh.

Oh, sorry.

Shiver me timbers, maties!

Yeah, shiver me thimbles, maties.

( Humming to herself )

Hi, leona... Hi, clay.

( Sadly ): hi, mom.


Oh, what's the matter, you two?

Walter: don't make me walk the blank!

Lionel: plank! You're going to have

To walk the plank.

Walter: oh, right, right.


Lionel won't let us play

Because we're girls

And there were no girl pirates.

Or girl pirate parrots, neither.


Is that so?

Lionel: shiver me timbers.

Hang on, me mateys.

Walter: oh-oh, captain.

Lionel: it's aye-aye.

Walter oh, darn.

Lionel: hey! It be a tidal wave!

Arrgh! Arrgh! Arrgh!

Hold on there, lionel.

Not now, mother.

I be mississippi skip

Captain of a pirate ship

And the seas be rough.

Rougher than you think, skip.


Did you tell leona and clay

That they couldn't play with you?

Arrgh, they're girls

And there are no girls in the story of mississippi skip.


Well, you play at being a dinosaur

And a robot, don't you?

But you're not a dinosaur or a robot, are you?

Arrgh! No, I'm not, arrgh.

You can pretend to be anything you want to be.

Arrgh, that be true, matey--

Uh... Mommy, arrgh.

And so can leona and clay.

And so can leona and clay.

Leona and clay: yay!

Welcome aboard, swabbies.


Okay, okay, now remember, mateys

You gots to be a boy

Because there's no girlie pirates.

All: arrgh! Arrgh! Arrgh!

Theo: well, now, hold on a minute there, captain.

( Snickers )

You may just want to read about anne bonney.

She was a real pirate

Who lived a long time ago.




Well, blow me down.

Hey, hey, I want to be anne bonney

When we play pirates.

Well, you can't!

Because I be anne bonney.

And if anybody be playing pirate...

( Slices page )

I be playing, too

Unless you only want make- believe pirates in your game.

No, no, anqbody can play-- anybody!

Real pirates are welcome.




Don't just stand there

Like a couple of barnacled anchors.

We all be playing pirate.

Right you are.


We love playing pirate.

We get monkey health benefits.

And ye monkeys--

Ye be playing pirate, too.

Okay. Okay.

All right.

( Laughs sinisterly )

Looks kind of like me old crew.

Sick of all the rhinos ruining her picnic

Gritty little monica maxwell has rounded them up

And zipped them into a big zippered bag.

But wait a minute-- what's this?

Oh, no!

It's the evil "un" people.

They're putting an "un" in front of the word "zipped"

Causing the zipper on the big zippered bag

To become unzipped.

Those dratted rhinos are loose again.

Despair not, gritty little monica

The heroic "re" people are here.

Look, they've rerounded up the rhinos

And rezipped them into the big zippered bag.

Thank you, "re" people.

You're incredible.

And now a little poem in which letters changa

And make something very interesting happen.

( Snickers )

( Lively music begins playing )

♪ There once was a fella ♪

♪ A fella named sig ♪

♪ Whose dream was to dance, to dance with a pig ♪

♪ So he took "p" away and replaced it with "j" ♪

♪ And now he is happily dancing the jig ♪

♪ Sig and the pig are dancing a jig! ♪

( Music ends )

Announcer: this is it, ladies and gentlemen

The moment you've been waiting for--

The vowelles and the incomparable johnny consonanti

Come together on our stage to perform the big hit song "it!"

( Sing short "i" sound )

( Makes "t" sound )

( Wild applause and cheering )

And , direct from the plush hushaby club

The lush song stylings of ms. Cleo lion.

( Jazz band begins playing )

♪ S-h ♪

♪ Man, I love those two letters ♪

♪ S-h ♪

♪ When you shove 'em together, I found ♪

♪ It's a whole new sound ♪

♪ That goes shh-shh-shh-shh ♪

♪ Shh-shh-shh-shh ♪

♪ Shhhhh... ♪

♪ Now, you should kindly just shush ♪

♪ Shh... Shh... ♪

Hey, waiter!

♪ I'll start the show if you'll shush... ♪

Yes, I will be your waiter.

♪ I'm kind of shy, but I'll show ♪

♪ Two letters that go ♪

♪ Shh-shh-shh-shh ♪

♪ Shush! ♪

Oh, sorry.

Like I said, I'm a little deaf.

♪ S-h ♪

♪ Shame on you if you shun 'em ♪

♪ S-h ♪

♪ Shucks, we've only begun 'em ♪

♪ "Shelf," "shoe," "shiver," "shimmy," "shake," too ♪

♪ All start with shh-shh-shh-shh ♪

♪ Shh-shh-shh-shh ♪

♪ Shh, I'm getting crabby now ♪

♪ Shush... ♪

( Patrons talking loudly )

♪ Don't treat me shabby, now shush... ♪


♪ This is my moment to shine... ♪

Anybody order gazpacho?

♪ If you would just shush! ♪

( Waiter trips, shouts, glass smashes )

♪ S-h is such a pair ♪

♪ Sure ain't shoddy ♪

♪ You'll love "ship," "shore," "shingle" and "shell" ♪

♪ Please shush and I'll show... ♪

( Vacuum humming loudly )

♪ If I have to shout it, I'll shout it ♪

♪ Though I sure hate to yell! ♪

( Crash )

♪ S-h ♪

♪ Yes, it's shockingly quiet ♪

♪ S-h ♪

♪ Don't knock it till you try it ♪

♪ You should... ♪

( Noisemakers tooting, motorcycle revving )

♪ It would sure do you good ♪

♪ To please shh-shh-shh-shh ♪

♪ Shh-shh-shh-shh ♪

♪ Shush! ♪

( Crash )

( Cheering and applause )

Thank you, thank you.

Thank you all.

Thank you.

Now twist your tongue around this one.

Seven selfish shellfish, seven selflish shellfish.

Seven selfis... Selfish.


( Giggling )

Seven selfish shellfish.


Seven selfish shellfish.

Seven shellafish shellafish... No!

Seven selfish shellfish.

Seven shellfish selfish.

( Giggling )

Seven selfish shellfis, seven...

Selfish shell... Shellfish.

( Kids laughing )

Chorus: ♪ what's cooking with theo and cleo ♪

♪ Check out what's cooking! ♪

Hello, mr. Fish.

( Changes voice ): hello, mr. Theo.

( Both giggle )



Ah! Theo...



Ah, what's cooking today

Theo, my big water buffalo chop...

Oh... Oh, boy, yeah.


( Cracks pointer )

"Squished fish on a dish."


One-- ( cracks pointer )

"Squish the fish."

Squish the fish.

♪ Squish, squish, squish the fish ♪

♪ Squish the fh, squish the fish ♪

♪ Squish the fish, squish the fish... ♪

Theo, theo...

I think that's enough.

We don't want it oversquished, do we?

Whoa! No, we don't.

Hate oversquished fish.


Two-- ( cracks pointer )

"Put the squished fish on the dish."

Mmm... Squished fish on the dish.

( Blows kiss )

Three-- ( cracks pointer )

"Cook the squished fish on a dish

For one hour, until it is brownish."

One hour?



( Grunting, chomping, roaring )

And now, once again, it's time for the adventures of sam spud

Parboiled potato detective.

Spud: the name is spud, sam spud.

I was working late one night.

The neon sign outside my window was on the fritz.

It was about to drive me crazy

When there was a knock at my door

Come in.

Jim? That's not right.

That shouldn't be an "i."

That should be an "a."

J-a-m... "Jam."

Looked like raspberry to me.

She leaned in close over my desk.

I could tell right away things were going to get sticky.

But I'd been in sticky situations before.

( Grunting nervously )

Here, let me help you with that.

Oh... Mmm.

At last, it seemed like she was ready to spill the beans.

As a matter of fact...


I'd been wrong about the raspberries.

( Sam spud theme music plays )

Mom! There's a talking potato with no mouth

With a talking jam jar.

What's going on?

Mom: don't worry, sweetie.

It's educational television.

It must be good for you.

Bonney: come on, you scurvy rats, belay those scu@pers there.

We've got a production number to do.

( Music begins playing )

♪ Anne bonney's the queen of the pirates ♪

♪ Anne bonney flies over the sea ♪

♪ Anne bonney will teach you ♪

♪ Yes, let me beseech you ♪

♪ To come be a pirate with me. ♪

♪ And then ye need a chest ♪

♪ Full of lots of gold and loot ♪

♪ And a flag with a skull and a few seagulls ♪

♪ And a dirty old pipe to toot! ♪

( All join in singing )

( All chanting )

Bonney: ♪ aye, some would say we're mean ♪

♪ And some would say we're bad ♪

♪ But they all admit when they're tryin' it ♪

♪ It's the most fun that they've had ♪

♪ And if they give you lip ♪

♪ Then you make 'em walk the plank ♪

♪ Could have got me a job where I couldn't be a slob ♪

♪ But I always said, no, thanks. ♪



Arrgh! Shiver me timbers.

Leona: to the ship, captain bonney.

Oh, you can come, too, lionel

Even though you're a boy.

Yo! Ho! Ho!

Anchors away.

This ship has sailed.

( Laughs sarcastically )

( Sighs )

There are games and stories at the between the lions web site:

Theo: reading to children every day creates warm family memories

And it helps them become better readers.

Help a child get wild about reading.

Be a designated reader.

I'm ready to get wild.


♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

Chorus: ♪ between the lions... ♪

♪ Between the lions... ♪

Woman: ♪ come in between the lions ♪

♪ Begin between the lions ♪

♪ Be here between the lions! ♪