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23x11 - A Closer Look

Posted: 05/12/24 12:33
by bunniefuu
Jeff: tonight, get ready to

Take a closer look at 19 new

Scenes from one of the most

Memorable seasons of "survivor."

This game has brought new

Meaning to leadership, humility,

Winning, and losing.

This is the first 27 days of

"Survivor: south pacific."

With some of the most memorable

First-time players in "survivor"

History, two legendary former

Players return to the game for a

Shot at redemption.

Both were quick to set up their

Core alliances.

I've got a solid alliance

With rick, sophie, brandon,

Edna, and albert.

My five-person alliance right

Now is myself, keith, whitney,

Elyse, and jim.

Jeff: they led two of the

Most evenly matched tribes ever.

Upolu wins immunity!

Savaii wins immunity!

But coach struggled to control

An unruly ally.

I kind of told you guys to

Vote for mikayla.

You see the lie, how the lie

Came out.

Stop it.

I'm telling you.

No, I want you to stop it.

Jeff: and cochran was left

Dodging b*ll*ts all along the



Physically he's going to be a

Threat to himself.

I hate to say it, cochran,

But you lost it for us.

Jeff: after the merge, both

Tribes were six strong.

Cheers, everybody.

Jeff: and coach found a

Chirchg in the armor of the

Former savaii.

There's a line in the sand.

Jeff: and at tribal

Council, cochran did cross that


And keith was voted out, follow

By ozzy.

I will be back.

I hope to see all of you coming

Through redemption, and I'll

Send you on your way.

Jeff: ozzy was exiled to

Redemption island.

Leaving coach in full control of

The game.

I'm out here to win.

I'm on the here to go step by

Step and be the last man


Jeff: tonight, we'll see

New scenes.

I'm ready to be seduced.

Seduce her!

Jeff: uncover-up hidden


Mixing things up this early


Jeff: reveal previously

Untold stories.

I would screw my tribe over.

You have my word that me and you

To the end.

Jeff: and give new insight

Into the ongoing adventure of


Captioning brought to you by

Survivor productions, cbs,

Jeff: in the early days of

The game, the two tribes took

Different approaches to camp


Get everything figured out

And work on the shelter.


Jeff: these differences

Defined their journey.

We'll put one here and one


Let's do it.

Jeff: through the rest of

The game.

At stavie--

You guys want to go swimming?

Jeff: ozzy led a care-free

Tribe with a laid back attitude

But cochran and dawn had trouble

Getting on the party train.

Man, that hurts.

We're on a tropical island but

We are a ton more modest I think

The way we dress day to day.

You guys coming or not?

Not having the swim see the

Suitis a little bit of a dilemma

For me because I'm not used to

Swimming with people I just met.

In the nude.

In my underwear.

I have six kids.

Come on, guys.

Come on, mom!

This is like the equivalent

Of asking me to, like, be-- am I

By myself here?

Oh, just do it!

I don't see him going in, in

His underwear.

No one is giving him a hard


I was very, very nervous to

Strip down to my underwear and

Just waltz into the water.

I'm not in horrible physical


You know, this is the west shape

I've ever been in.

As pathetic as it is to say,

This is as good as it gets for


Oh, no.

You work in las vegas.

This is normal fur.

Work with me!

Rip it off n-


What has happened to the

Youth of this generation.

Get your butt in here!

Come on!

This is so painful.

I'm from salt lake city, hello!

You guys are lucky I'm not in a


Jeff: cochran's body issues

Were the first of many

Personality quirks that would

Keep him from fitting in.

The guys, myself excluded,

Have gone out fishing, and the

Ladies, myself included, have

Been tending to the camp.

We've got 10.


( Cheers )

My god!

Oh, it's going to be the best

Day ever!

Who wants to gut?

Even though I'm not the

Strongest guy on the tribe there

Is some sort of cave man in me

That's just waiting to break

Oh, cochran, you better be


You've got me scared.

Turn the machete the other way.

He loves this.

He lives for this.

I'm watching and learning.

Please, don't cut your hands.

Turns out in order to eat the

Fish, you first have to tear

Open its underside and pull out

All the undedesirable organs and

Whatever the slime is I'm

Pulling out of the fish which is

Out of my comfort zone.

Back at home I'm a big fan of


I'm a animal lover.

I'm all about respecting animal

And I feel like the fish respect


They understand me.

They know when I'm gutting them

I'm very respectful about it.

I don't put fingers anywhere I

Would not want fingers put in my


I was willing to do it, although

I hope to never have to do it


Jeff: at upolu--

Looking beautiful.

I just want to tell you.

Jeff: coach was not only

Building a stronger foundation--

You don't know how lucky it

Is to have a bunch of workers.

Jeff: he was building a


It's a lot of fun to come out

Here and play in game with

People who care about camp life,

People that care about building

A shelter and third time around,

Coach has finally got the

Leadership role.

I appreciate the advice.

Checking up on everybody.

You raking?

You got to.

It sneaks up-- you out here.

I'm going to do what coach


I know that the savaii camp,

They already have food.

Ozzy's great at catching fish.

He is the great type of survivor

To have out here next to you.

And I'll just tell you right

Now, just being flatont, if I

Was out here would I rather have

Coach wade on my tribe or ozzy?

I'd rather have ozzy on my


Give me a break.

I'm not a great survivor.

But the perception in our tribe

Right now is we have it going


Go crazy on it.

I'm very, very glad.

I'm grad coach is here.

When jeff told us as as a group

There were going to be two

People joining us I was hoping

For coach because coach has

Played loyal trice, and you got

To trust the guy.

I mean, it may be a mistake for

Me trusting him, but I'll tell

You what, I'm willing to take

That chance.

I can get a commitment from

You, coach?

Just take me as far as you can.

How about if I say the same

Thing to you.


Hey, man, if you're going to

Be a man of your word, I'm

Desperate to play with people

Like that.

Please do.

I hope you're not changing just

Because you're playing the third


Dude, I'm telling you the

Third time straight up as a man

Of job, I can't change.

I have mad respect for coach.

We can change the course of this


We can make it a more aroundable


Nobody would have guessed that

Russell hantz's nephew would do

Something like that and that's

What I want to be known as.

I want to be known as an honest


If that will be my demise so be


Do you give me your word?

As a man of god I give you my


I give you my word as a man

Of god.

Jeff: russell hantz was

Notorious for sabotaging camp,

But his nephew, brandon hantz,

Sought redemption of the family

Name by becoming a provider.

You going fishing?

Yes, sir.

Woke up this morning early, felt

Good, decided to take the boat


All right, guys.

You all stay on the right side.

I wanted to kind of butter up my

Tribe a little bit, see what I

Could do.

Could do.

Brandon's going to be the new


Never, ever, ever done spear

Fishing before in my life.

It's fun.

It's dangerous because of the

Coral and the waves.

Ozzy who?

And I like it.

Jeff: although he tried to

Hide his true identity, sovy had

Her suspicions about him.

Brandon is so good at

Fishing, he so good at

Providing, but I feel like he's

Hiding something.

He's covering all these tattoos.

Really creepy.

He could be some, like,

Reformed,un, ex-gangster ready

To praise god for 39 days.

So I just need to keep my eye on


Jeff: coming up next.

Papa bear is a nut, giving me

Girl advice.

I'm ready to be seduced.

Pork bath ready.

Oh, my stomach.

Are you guys really eating


Mikayla is sick, but I don't


She's going home next.

♪ ♪ ♪

You actually want to go to

Law school?

I do.

Jeff: cochran wasn't a

Physical threat in challenges or

A provider to his tribe so he

Had to depend on his social game

To integrate himself within


Now that the shade has moved

Away I have to inch february

Further away like a hermit crab


Cochran is like a kid in a

Man's body.

He looks like a sheltered kid.

He looks like he's afraid to do


I like him.

I really do like him.

We all like him.

He has a good heart.

It's almost like I want to

Father him because I think this

Experience will be a good thing

For him.

Elyse, she's beautiful and


If you were in a bar, you would

Like her, wouldn't you?


I'd be intimidated, probably.

You like somebody, you go up

To them-- this is what I want

You to do.

It's not that different from a


You walk over.

This is what--

I do that with my hands, kind

Of slowly.

You wear a tight shirt.

A tight shirt on top, muscles

Popping out.

This is already a bad idea.

You've got to do this.

Then you walk over, and you say,

"Hi, how you doing?

Can I tell you something?

I really like those earrings."

Reverse it.

I don't think that's going to

Work at all for me "I really

Like those earrings."

Pamma bear is a nut giving me

Girl advice.

I'll take it but I don't

Particularly want it.

Like my coconut earrings?

Oh, yeah, did you see the

Pickup advice that papa bear

Gave me.

The what?

How to pick up girls?


I'll do-- I'll do the act.


I'll tell you if it would work

On me, okay.

Very, very short.

You're at the bar.


I spot you--

I'm at the coconut bar.

I spot you across the room

And I like what I see.

So I start wiping my hands like

This in a very seductive way.

Do it slower.

Yeah, that's it.


I liked it.

I'm ready to be seduced.

Seduce her!

See, it doesn't work.

It will work.

I saw you at this store

Across the street and I noticed

The earrings you were wearing.

I was going to get them for my

Sister or something, so where

Did you get those ear?

And I guess I pivot--

No, you idiot.

Then you say something like,

"Why wheredid you get them?"

Soft eye contact.

Soft eye contact.

Soft, good, good.

I'm melting into you.

And you say, "you know what?

You're a very pretty girl."

Oh, yeah, I can't do that.

Yeah, that's too much.

I'm telling you, as a girl.

Help her.

Don't say, that ever.

The earrings, honestly, if you

Came up and told me that you

Thought my earrings were good I

Would think you were gay.

Jeff: if getting shot down

Wasn't bad enough, at the

Immunity challenge-- go!

Cochran and the rest of savaii--

Upolu wins immunity and reward.

Missed out on pork in their


In addition you can take home

All the meat you collected.

You better believe it, baby!

Jeff: coach was a kind and

Benevolent father to his family,

But not so much to outsiders, as

Mikayla quickly learned when she

Committed the hainos sin of

Overcooping her morning coffee.

My system.

A mess, man.

Because of the pork.

It was the last greasy ones

We made.

I went to bed and it was sitting

Here and I got it up.

Threw you up?

Oh, yeah.

I don't want to see pork today.

I don't want to touch it it.

I don't even want to go near it.

You freaking kidding me?

Just let me vent for a little

Bit, okay?

I'm watching mikayla, you know.

The girl, you know, had two

Heaping tea spoons of sugar and

I know because I've been out

Here with nothing.

You guys have not been out here

With nothing so when I see her

Without asking anyone q.b. Put

Two heaping tea spoons in her

Coffee that bothers me man.

I know I'm crazy.

I'm venting so I don't say

Anything to the tribe.

Mikayla is a problem.

This morning, I fixed eight cups

Of coffee.

I used one teaspoon of cream and

Sugar kind.

And mikayla, she had one couple

Of coffee and she put in two

Scoops of cream and suggaaar.

She's selfish and I was and

Tired of watching it.

I'm thinking of taking some

Of that fat and put it over


You want to eat lard?

I want to get a couple pieces

In my belly.

It smells rank.

Keep those flames going, man.

I want to roast the fat.

Oh, my stomach.

Pork fat's ready.

Did you eat that?

Are you guys really eating


There's a little bit of bile

Coming up into my throat.

There you go.

You are such an ass.

I ate pure pig fat.

Maybe that was insensitive of

Me, but I don't care.

Mikayla is weak right now.

She's sick.

Besides, she's going home next.


Jeff: while coach was

Making mikayla's stomach turn,

Cochran was busy making his own

Tribe cringe.

Gentle rocking?

If you want to push, I'm not

Going to stop you.

Tell me a story.

Uh, I'm trying to think.

I can tell you a kind of

Disgusting kindergarten story.

Oh, good.

I'm ready.

So I was in kindergarten, and

It was nap time and I knew

Fiwent to the bathroom during

Nap time everybody would hear

Everything I'm doing in the



So I decided I'd go in my


Like in huggies or just


No underwear and little


Like I am now.

Basically like I am now but

Three feet tall.

Cochran's stories, they could

Make the world go round, I'm

Pretty sure.

Cochran told this story about

Kindergarten and a poet


I was probably crying or


I don't know.

Oh, yeah.

You can't help but love the guy.

What a weird kid.

The nap time ended, so I got

Up with everything in my pants,

And sat down in my seat, and

Everything squished all around.


In my legs and every crevice

Of my body and I guess the

Teacher got wise and she started

Going around the room sniffing

Each of our butts.


And she got to my butt, and of

Course that's jack pot.

You poor thing!

Now that I'm in this game, I

Do like to think I have changed

From being that five-year-old

And that that was a teachable

And learnable moment in it my

Life that I can look back on


I am realizing the five-year-old

Had nothing to be afraid of.

I'm going to bathroom in other

Places now.

Jeff: when upolu went to

Tribal council--

Half of us are on one side,

Half of us are on the other.

That's not loyalty.

Jeff: brandon launched into

An irrational outburst.

Vote me out today if we're

Going to play disloyal.

Jeff: but unlike mikayla,

He was part of the family, so he

Was forgiven by coach.

So I wanted to ask you, what

Did you think about tribal last


What dithink with tribal?


I thought it was ugly.

You know.


He's gotta quit having

Meltdowns or we're going to be

In trouble.

Do you think it's going to be

A problem once we get to the



Brandon, if he has another

Melted down we have to get rid

Of him.

We can't get to the merge and

Start having a meltdown and

Telling him the game plan and he

Does every time.

Brandon can't play this game.

The world is very black and

White to him, not shades of

Gray, which in reality it is.

I don't know if he was designed

For this, in this phase of his


I know that he's not but he's

Honest and you can use that.

But it's like the third time.

He'll be fine.

I'll keep him under control.

Brandon has had three

Meltdowns in tribal council, and

Two times it's just random.

Three times, that's a pattern.

After a merge, what's the

Likelihood of him having another

Meltdown the fourth time?

I don't think he can handle the

Pressure of tribal council.

Whatever happens we have to

Keep strategy talk with brendan

To a minimum.

He can't handle a big, extended,

Analytical debate.

Like what we do when we scenario


If this scenario happens we do


Brandon's eruption at tribal

Council last night confirmed to

A lot of people nahe really

Distribute have any business in

This game.

Brandon is honest.

Brandon is loyal.

To a fault.

I mean, that's the thing.

But you know I really have to

Hope they can channel the

Honesty into the right


Sit down just for a second man,

Because I'll just tell you this,


Everybody freaking loves you,


They really do, man.

They are just concerned that in

A moment of black and white

Honesty, you're going to just

Say, "here's what's going on."

Pray with me, man.

Every day is a struggle for me.

I know.

Lord, I feel so strongly and I

Have so much faith that you're

Smiling down on us now, father,

So I ask for a spirit of peace

For brandon.

Give him unbelievable

Self-control when it comes to

His tongue.

90% Of brandon is russell in his


Russell just wanted to be

Stubborn to play the game


Brandon is stubborn to play the

Game with good.

But the demons inside of him

Will have to be wrestled in

Order for him to just be at

Peace, let alone survive in


Jeff: coming up next--

I've had the distinct

Pleasure of sleeping in the

Lover's bungalow with keith and


Thanks, cochran.

If there's a double headed

Monster prowling the camp, the

Name is keith and whitney.

Who is the most powerful man

On earth?


I'm hercules?

I'm fearing coach may at some

Point devour me.

Are you the most powerful man

In the game.

I like that.

Jeff: at savaii, cochran

Was becoming more and more of an


All he could do was watch from

The sidelinesses as the others

Got closer and closer.

Why, thank you.

Jeff: keith and whitney got

So close they treated camp life

Like a honeymoon.

I really do, I like who he is

As a person but couples can be

Dangerous in this game.

So you have to make an effort

Not to seem too close.

Way to go, way to go.

Oh, god.

Spread it out.

So none of them knows we're


I agree.

Keith and whitney's

Relationship is kind of a

Pandora's box for me.

On the one hand, I really,

Really like both of them but

Their super close relationship

Is something I hope other people

Are noticing.

I wonder the sleeping

Arrangements stuff, but I don't

Think that really matters and I

Do not want to, like, snuggle up

To cochran.

( Laughing )

Getting on your nerves a little?

I've had the distinct

Pleasure of sleeping in the

Lover's bungalow with keith and

Whitney for two nights.

It's awkward on several levels.

They're just wispering and

Giggling the entire night.

They completely take the entire

Blanket for themselves.

I'm freezing my ass off.

Thanks cochran!

And they complain if I move

The slyest inch during the


They act like I've created a

Hoosh sin.

I know exactly what was going on

With keith and whitney in the


I just don't know if nine months

From now we'll discover the

Product of this relationship.

I feel like we need to k*ll

Him soon.


Jeff: to add insult to


Here, cochran.

Jeff: ozzy went out of his

Way to put cochran in

Uncomfortable situations, making

Him the object of ridicule.

Is blood going to spurt out.


Hold it down.

Hold it close to the bottom.

Oh, god.

Are you going to watch.

Yes, watch!


I was tasked with the parole

Of holding the body of the

Rooster as ozzy swung the


Oh, my goodness.

Ozzy said, "cochran, you're

Holding the chicken."

I mean, that's kind of what it's

Like around camp.

It's a lot of orders for

Apparently I was holding it

In a way that ozzy found


I shouldn't be laughing.


You were holding it like-- and

It was-- oh, my god.

I should not be laughing.

And I'm sorry I'm laughing but

It is just-- I can't help but

Have the image burned into my

Mind of cochran standing there

Holding it with his eyes closed

And his mouth open.

My mouth was open?


Oh, my god.

That's so gross.

I felt for the rooster

Because I could see that we're

Not that different.

I'm just hoping I don't have the

Exact same fate he does.

I couldn't believe I missed


I haven't been playing the

Game so far buts this because

This has been the team game, the

Tribe game.

I always knew I was going to be

Horrible at the tribe game.

Merge time is when I will


I will sliver in and out of

Every alliance, cut bonds.

And when the merge comes if I'm

Still here, you're going to see

It happen.

You're going to see it happen.

Jeff: go!

With the merge just around the


Move it!

Jeff: savaii blew a pivotal

Immunity challenge.

Upolu wins immunity and reward!

We did it it it!

We did it!

Jeff: after the loss--

I'm putting my life on the


Jeff: you're saying you're

Going to go to redemption



Jeff: ozzy drew up a plan

So ridiculous that it just might


I'm going to tell christine

That cochran, the little smart

Keysle he is, found the idol,

Kept it from us.

We go to vote him out, he whips

Out the idol, see you later,


Not only is cochran the villain,

But he's now the double agent.

Jeff: ozzy's plan sent one

Of the greatest competitors in

"Survivor" history to redemption


To battle it out against

Christine, who was on a roll,

Having won five duels in a row.

At the duel-- ozzy has all three


Christine has none.

Christine fell to five and one.

Ozzy wins the duel and is back

In this game.


Jeff: and the first part of

Ozzy's gamble paid off.

You and everybody else here can

Drop their buffs because we are


And when the two tribes merged--

Looking good.

Jeff: coach was less than

Impressed by his r*fle ozzy's

Survivor skills.

What do you want to do about

The sleeping.


I wake up and like bugs

Crawling on me.

There's bugs all on you.

Is that what you said?

Yeah, usually.

We were almost exactly where

The mat is.

We've been doing it under the


This is unbelievable.

Ozzy has played this game


These other people, they don't

Know any better.

"Survivor" is not sleeping on

The floor getting bit up by

Mosquitoes and alling kinds of


Just because you're a beach bum

And can sleep on the sand

Because you've been doing that

Your whole life does not mean

You subject your tribe to that.

Is this where the cool people



Where do you sleep?

Not in here.

Keith and whitney typically

Sleep in here?

Who else?

Sometimes there's a third


I at one point a third person.

I guess I toss and turn too


It's annoying.

So I've been ejected.

This is pathetic.

You have a lovemaking couple

Over there with whitney and

Keith shacking up in their own

Little love nest?

Who lives like that?

Who allows people to live like


Are you kidding me?

Ozzy no wonder you never won


You're a frigging idiot.

Ozzy you call yourself an

All-star survivor and you want

Tow come here and build a

Shelter like that?

You should be ashamed of


Jeff: on the newly formed

Te tuna's tribe first night, the

Former upolus were restless.

This is terrible.

I'd rather sleep down from a

Garbage dump than the fire.

( Laughter )

That fire kills you.

I feel like I'm going to


It is.

We'll put a "snow smoking" sign


Jeff: but coach looked past

The smoke and saw an


Cochran is sleeping by


Jim and dawn are cuddled up next

To each other with a pillow and


Whitney and keith are covered up

With a pillow and a blanket, and

Ozzy is sleeping by the fire.

I mean, how messed up is that?

Somebody like cochran.

That boy doesn't know how to

Survive out here.

That is not going to stand on

Coach wade's watch.

That kind of stuff pisses me


You know what, cochran?

Come over here.

I've got room under my wing for


Jeff: the next morning

Coach used all of his star power

To bedazzle cochran to

Contemplating a jump from sixth

At savaii to sieving at upolu.

Give me a hug, man.

Give me a hug.

How you feeling, man?

Feeling good.


Feeling good.

You ready for a little chat,


You mind breaking away?

No strategy it's mythology.


Greek mythology.

Are you ready for this?

Do I have to kneel for this?

I will be the one kneeling,


I identify with cochran for so

Many levels.

I see somebody not blessed with

The best fezeeb.

I see somebody blessed with an

Incredible mind.

Imagine what his life has been


Imagine what his self-esteem has

Been like.

Nobody has giften him

Self-confidence in his life

Outside his family.

Anything I can do to give him

Courage and make him feel valued

And prospects, I will do.

This is a mixture of greek

Mythology, and greek history.

But you have to agree to like

These names, okay?


Not your name.

That's-- that's not questioned.

You have names for different


Yes, that's the thing and I

Never thought I would use it--

We'll start with ozzy.



Without question, ozzy isinar

Sisis, because as you know the

Story, wheninar sisis looked

Into the water because he was so

Infatuated with himself he

Became unaware of the world

Around him.

Whitney is eroto, and she was

The most beautiful of the nine.

The next one would be edna.

I said she is echo.

And echo, obviously, spoke so


Coach came up with identities

For every single member of the

Te tuna tribe.

And a lot of them are not so


Finally, at last, you are the

Most powerful man in the game.




Who is the most powerful god?

Who was the strongest, strongest

Man on earth they called him?



I'm hercules.

I'll tell you why.

The raging bull of minos was

Stronger than hercules and &

What hercules did that most

People don't know is he used his

Brain to beat the bull.

He mounted the bull and forced

It to swim up the river all the

Way to the capital, and by the

Time they had gotten to the

Capital, the bull was tired.

Hercules jumped off of him and

Slew him.

That is very appropriate.

It's extremely appropriate.

Damn right it's appropriate.

Coach in dubbing me hercules

Is quite literally entered me

Into the panthon of "survivor"


I've earned his respect and

Trust and now I'm wearing the

Iconic coach jacket, the floral


I'm sure there's some sort of

Dragon insignia somewhere on

Here and I feel like the dragon

Blood that flows through his

Veins is entering my pours and

My blood stream.

I thought my name should be

Zeus because zeus is fogerly,


He looks after everybody, and if

Somebody wrongs one of his

Children, he is ruthless in


I like that.

I'm one of your children.

Despite coach's claims that zeus

Is a doting father, I seem to

Think zeus ate his children, and

If he views me as one of his

Children, as he kind of

Repeatedly has, I'm fearing that

Coach at some point may devour


Zeus, hercules.

Jeff: coming up next--

Let's eat the chicken.

What else can you do?

Are you kidding me?

Son of a g*n!

There's a point in time when

You screw up and you have to

Take ownership of that action.

You still have an opportunity

To come with us.

You have my word me and you to

The end.

Dude, was I born yesterday?

Ozzy was lying.

Jeff: everyone knows ozzy's

Strengths are in challenges and

Providing, but for him to find

Redemption, he knew that he

Needed to play a better social


On day 20, it would have been a

Great move if he had used his

Talents to make some friend

Among the old upolu tribe.

I've been the provider for my

Tribe since the first freaking

Week of this game, but once you

Get to the merge, being a

Provider really is a liability.

I only got three we're merged

Together and there's 12 of us,

And part of me was thinking,un,

It's a shame that I've got to

Share all this food with the

Former upolu members that

Basically voting against us.

So I'm just trying to keep my

Tribe strong and unified as much

As possible.

I don't know, should we just eat

The fish us, or what?

I don't want to play like

That, do you?

It always gets tough to feed

The competition.

I'm totalee tribe.

It's hard for me to be--

Yeah, yeah.



And that feels mean for me,

So I'm good.

I'm totally the same tribe.

I'm just trying to figure out

How to do it and not feel like

An ass.

You're right you're right.

I'm sorry.

It's such a selfish game at the

End of the day, and I think I'm

Realizing today that, you know,

Maybe being a mom of six is--

I'm not used to being so foixed

On preserving myself.

You know, because the best thing

You can do as a parent is take

Care of everybody.

Thank you for getting that.

Feeding the competition is

Kind of a weird idea.

You know what I mean?

Yeah, it's understandable.

Just don't win.

That was a little bit rude.

And I don't look at you guys as

Enemies by the way.

I give ozzy a lot of credit.

He is by far the best physical

Player here on this island.

It's going to be good, man.

It's not how you start, though.

It's how you finish.

And if he is wanting to do the

Wrong thing, play the game for

Himself, I think it's definitely

Going to bite him in the butt.

I know how to play that game.

Thank you again for this, man.

Of course.

I'll go with it because ozzy

Is going home.

Jeff: on kay 21, ozzy won

Immunity and was safe at tribal


So he tried to use his social

Game to play coach.

Little did he know, coach was

Playing him, too.

You're not going home


You guys are looking pretty

Good, man.

It's pretty much not in our

Favor, man.

You guys-- oh, man.

Worst-case scenario, man, is

That you guys would win.

I know.

I hate it, man.

I hate it.

I hate it.

I hate it.

I know.


I wanted to play this game so

Bad with you, man.

Yeah, and I mean, you still

Have an opportunity to come with


And I would guarantee you coming

To the end with me.

I would screw my tribe over.

This could possibly secure the

Top six.

We have the numbers on our side.

And I hope coach sees the

Writing on the wall.

I will basically guarantee coach

The final two.

Not really, but of course that's

What I have to tell him.

You have my word that me and you

To the end.

And all I can do is offer you


Dude, was I born yesterday?

Absolutely, ozzy.

Let's play this game together

And let me just vote off my


Nicci once said when you have

More arrogance, you have less


I really appreciate you talking

To me.

Especially since you hold all

The cards.

I don't ever want to say coach

Is in control but I really think

I'm in control.

In this game the weak will

Become the strong and the strong

Will become the weak.

That's what cochran will do for

The game.

Jeff: at tribal council

When cochran did flip he took

Out one of his own.

Eighth person voted out the

"Survivor: south pacific."

Ozzy, once again, the tribe has


Even with savaii's numbers

Dwindling, keeping the upolu

Family intact was a constant


By day 23, brandon's antics were

Leading to increasingly greater

Concerns that he was becoming a


I wonder if they got request


Probably not.

How to go, brandon!

Ozzy was amazing at catching


You know, you gotta give the man

His props.

I tried to catch fish out here.

This current is crazy.

Sometimes the current is too bad

To even go out.

I was unsuccessful.

Thanks for going out.

Everyone here is absolutely


We don't have have many options

As far as food is concerned

Right now.

But we do have the chickens.

That will make us one little


Dude, we're going to eat a

Piece of egg about this big.

Let'sing be real.

We eat coconuts with

Everything, man.

Then let's eat the chicken.

Let's k*ll the chicken.

Yeah, I think we should.

I made my decision and I made

It known.

Let's k*ll the chicken.

Let's eat the chicken.

Son of a g*n.


No good.

Hey, get that chick own this

Side, guys!

Smart chicken.

He grabbed by the feathers.

You're supposed to grab by the


It's a chicken, you grab it by

The neck and spin it around and

k*ll it or bite its head off.

If you want to be cool, stretch

It out and bite it.

Son of a g*n.

This sucks.

And withstandon, who is already

In a bad mood, is the one when

Let chicken go so he's going to

Go... And do a downward spiral.

We're not k*lling that one, are


Are you kidding me?

k*lling a chicken at this

Point is not the smartest thing

To do.

We go from two chickens to

Zero chickens in, like, 20

Seconds here.

Sorry about that, guys.

Having zero chickens because

One flew the coop and the other

Is now dead is preporterous.

And there's a point in time you

Screw up and you have to take

Ownership of that action.

I grabbed him and he just-- I

Should have grabbed him by the


The wheels are slowly but

Surely starting to come off the

Brandon hantz train.

He's so intulsive sometimes.

He's only a kid.

He's 19 years old.

You have to coral him a lot of

Times and reel him back in but I

Don't know if I feel that

Comfortable investing my trust

In him, invest my well-being in

The game.

I'm sorry, brother.

Brandon losing the chicken.

Maybe brandon can pray for it

And it will show back up.

Jeff: brandon's instability

Wasn't the only threat facing

Coach's leadership.

Albert's selfish ambitions

Bubbled to the surface when he

Pitched sovieto a plot to break

Up the family.

If we get brandon next, using

Whitney and dawn who are going

To be scrambling to do anything.

Obviously we can't do that

Right now.

He's an extremely dangerous


I don't think we should vote

Out brandon first.

There's no point.

Brandon could win immunity.

I'm not terrified that

Brandon is going to go on an

Immunity win.

He's not.

I think albert thinks he has

This great strategic mind and I

Don't think he's come up with

One good plan yet.

His recent plan is get rid of

Brandon sooner.

I don't see the in that.

Everyone is going to go along

With getting out savaii.

Everyone is going to go along

With getting out brandon.

The last thing I want is for

Things to be shaken up.

What's the point in pissing

Brandon off.

He could come back.

I think mixing things up this

Early is crazy because people

Like rick are going to say we

Screwed things up.

Albert is the one who is always

Feeling uncomfortable.

He is also wanting to make a big


You go against thify, you go

Against the six.

Yeah, we're going to throw you

In the fire.

We'll chop your head off.

Jeff: 10 casts ways are

Left as the end draws near.

I don't want to see your last

Day here be filled with


Jeff: can an underdog

Outwit the maiority.

Which castaways will make it

To the final tribal council.

Then I cant trust coach then.

You're not going to do this

For me?

After all I've done for you,

You're not going to do this for


Jeff: which alliance will

Outlast the rest.

I don't feel indebted to you.

Jeff: as the adventure


Captioning brought to you by
survivor productions, cbs,

Jeff: stay tuned for scenes

From our next episode.

Jeff: next time on


Everybody's fighting to be

Standing at the bitter end.

You make me happy to see you

Go father than rick in this


Are you going to be my


Unless you s*ab me in the


I'm on board.

We can kick him off.

With my last dying breath, I

Will fight to keep my young



Keith always has this way of

Talking to me and everything he

Says is a sports metaphor.

You can't reanalyze like

That, cochran.

You can't request to court like


You keep asking questions.

You have to keep your game

Faceo, game mode, sport mode or

You're going to fumble.

You can't fumble in the game of

Life man.

I don't know what you do when

You're back on the court at