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23x16 - Survivor Reunion: South Pacific

Posted: 05/12/24 12:37
by bunniefuu
I just graduated college four

Days ago.

I came out here thinking I

Really could do anything.

Jeff: this is sophie's

Challenge to win right now.

I was a very strong person

But I think out here I found out

A lot more about my weaknesses.

It does hurt.

It's about outwitting,

Outlasting, and outplaying.

When it comes to outplaying, I

Won three individual immunityes.

Jeff: sophie, with that,

Wins final immunity.

When it came to outwitting--

Where is your strategic mind


I mean, I'm the brains behind

The operation.

Are you the dragon slayer.

The new slayer is born!

Jeff: welcome to the

"Survivor: south pacific" live

Reunion show in los angeles

Where sophie has just won a

Million dollars

( Cheers and applause )

That was a-- those last few days

Were very tough for you


We just saw it play out.

How is it right now emotionally?

Did you sense you might have


I thought I had a good


I mean, coach got demolished in

The final tribal, I mean,

Whitney gave me her piece of

Mind, too.


I had a feeling, but you

Never know.

Jeff: it was a very quiet

Game you played.

What was the key?

Yeah, I think that right away

I started sussing people out.

You saw me do it with brandon.

I think I had my finger on the

Pulse of the game the whole time

And I tried to figure out

People's motivations and tried

To work within the framework of

The game.

They created this religious

Framework, this idea of being

Loyal, being trustworthy, and I

Just kind of worked within that.

And got to the end.

Jeff: do you see that

Approach to this game relating

To your own life about just

Observing and trying to find

Where you fit in a situation?


I think-- I think I always-- I'm

Always kind of the last to speak

Up often at meetings and, you

Know, group projects and stuff.

I know-- I find myself to be

More of an observer than

Anything else.

So, yeah.

I'm sorry, I'm really excited

And flustered right now

( Cheers and applause )

Jeff: what's the reaction

Back home?

Because you come from a fairly

Small town, right?

I come from a town of 1500.

Everybody in willsboro, is going


I'm facebook friends with pretty

Much everybody in my town now.

Yeah, they're super supportive.

I think I probably have more

Fans in my town than the whole

Country so it's awesome.

Jeff: did you tell your

Family-- week by week, did you

Tell them how you were doing?

Nobody knew.

Before I came I told my sister I

Don't want to get your hopes up

But I lost.

Nobody in my family knew.

Jeff: when you're back home

And people ask, "what is it


How do you describe what this

Experience is like to go


It's hard because it's-- it's

Life changing, and you don't

Want to tell somebody, oh, this

Reality tv show changed my life

Because it sounds so stupid but

It's not.

This changed my life.

I like to say this is-- this

Crazy adventure on an island

That suddenly is being shown on

Tv to the world and, you know,

This life-changing experience

That millions of people are are

Experiencing with me.

And then I say that I was really



( Laughter ).

Jeff: a couple of times it

Came up that-- that people who

Don't know you, strangers, saw

You as a selfish, spoiled,

Entitled brat, or words to that


Hard to hear.

But, sophie, when you go home,

You're a thinker.

Did any part of that ring true

At all, or do you still think

They just dont know me?

Yeah, I think that I have

Very hard exterior, and I think

That comes off sometimes as, you

Know, too blunt, standoffish,

And maybe pretentious.

I didn't know.

I think I'm very confident in


I was a girl scout, I was taught

To be confident.

I was told my whole life to have

Self-esteem and have that thrown

Back in my face as a weakness is


I think I learned from that as


I'm trying to be a little more

Like dawn in my life.

Jeff: that's not a bad way

To be.


Well, sophie certainly didn't do

It alone.

She did rely on a tight alliance

With coach.

He was playing for a third time

And coach was seeking


I've played this game twice.

This time I'm here to win.

They're temporary players.

I guarantee you this, if you

Have a strong five, that's an

Almost impossible nut to crack.

I feel like a mob boss.

If anybody goes against the

Family, they're dead.

Father we ask that you bless us

And give us favor in the


Jeff: upolu wins immunity!


We're back in the driver's seat,


And I look back at the past 39

Days, and I don't think I could

Have played this game much


( Cheers and applause )

Jeff: coach, you-- you were


I heard it from people on the

Street the entire season.

"I really like coach this time."

Do you feel that you were



I mean, you know, to get to the

End as a returning player after

What boston rob did last year,

We all gave up a lot, you know.

We all gave up a lot to go out


But I was joyous this time.

I loved every minute of it.

My favorite moments are some of

Our interactions where you can

See I'm just loving every


It's like a gift.

The first time you play you want

To get to the end.

But, you know, it's like every

Second is like another gift out


And I just feel for me it was an

Amazing run.

I feel very humbled by this


Jeff: did you get the

Redemption you sought?


You know, we've talked about


The first show I looked at

Myself and I was like, man, that

Guy is so arrogant.

And I didn't want to be that


The game has really changed my

Life without question.

You see that first person.

You see this person now.

I don't take myself seriously.

I have a good time with

Everything and I think I'm a lot

More grounded and down to earth.

Jeff: explain to me about

The prayer thing.

Because there was more praying

This season than ever.

And I'm not-- I'm not

Discounting it.

But here's what I'm trying to

Understand-- I know from the

Streets a lot of people asked me


It's one thing to pray because

This game is incredibly tough.

It's another to pray for that

Guy to find a clue on day 22 of


Right, right.

Jeff: where was that line

For you?

I think to some people our

Prayer might seem trite,

Hypocritical, maybe shallow.

You have to realize something--

That is a shakable world out

There and you want to grasp on

To something if you have faith

That is unshakable.

Now in the past I prayed every


The difference here is that with

A lot of these people, like

Brandon and albert, it became

Almost like a prayer-a-palozza,

Where everybody was praying

Openly every day.

It really became ingrained into

Our fabric of society but to

Grab on to something like faith

That is unshakable it's very

Real to me and it's real to

People like brandon and albert

Who pray every single day.

Jeff: albert, you warned

Coach, don't bring sophie.

What did you know?

I observed the way she played

The game.

If you're playing "survivor" and

Not observing everyone in the

Game, you're not playing


I knew sohpie had a few

That could win her the million.

Jeff: the jury, just so

Everyone knows, raise your hand

If you were on the jury.

Another now.

Put your hands down, if

Coach instead went to the end

With, say, albert and rick, if

Sophie isn't there, does coach


Show of hands.

The answer was yes, coach.

Did you think about that?

Did you actually think maybe I'm

Taking the wrong people?

I could win this game?

You're really damned if you

Do or damned if you don't.

If I end up cutting these people

And taking, like, cochran and

Edna to the end, people are

Going to say coach wasn't a man

Of his word.

He compromised who he was.

I knew going on, and I said from

The very beginning, like the

Seven layers of viking heaven --

I like the viking reference.

I love it!

You want to take people to

The end that you made promises

To and that are honorable


I would have loved to have seen

Ozzy up there--

( Cheers and applause )

Jeff: that might not have

Been a wise choice.

To bring ozzy.

Obviously, this wasn't such a

Wise choice.

Jeff: in fact, ozzy you

Made a comment on the show,

Million-dollar challenge.

One more time with the jury,

This may be a question I don't

Have to ask.

If ozzy is in the end, does he




( Applause )

Jeff: that close.

But who did win was this woman

Right here by outlast be

Everybody else, sophie.

All right, when we come back,

Ozzy came so close but fell just


Plus cochran and still to come,

Sprint is going to give away

$100,000 To your favorite

Survivor, and brandon and his

Uncle russell will talk about

This season.

You do not want to miss that.

Be right back.

( Applause )

What a wild ride.

( Cheers and applause )

I've almost been there a few

Times and I just haven't locked

My hands on the million dollars.

Everybody is soiled, yes?


You've got to trust people

And those people can stick a

Knife right in your gut.

Jeff: you have a chance to

Get back in your game.

You better believe it.

I tried to get there and it

Didn't happen.

Jeff: sophie wins final


Yeah yeah, that was a

Million-dollar puzzle.

But I'm incredibly proud of

The way I played.

( Applause )

Jeff: welcome back to the

"Survivor: south pacific" live

Reunion show in los angeles.

Ozzy, a third time.

It's over 100 days, I think,

You've played this game.

What-- what is it about this

Adventure that brought you back


I mean, honestly, it's just--

It's just the pure love of


I mean, being out there and

Being able to feel the energy

And the complexity and really

For me, this is where-- we've

Been talking about god a lot,

And this is where I find god.

I go throughout and I absolutely

Am in awe of the world that we

Live in.

And to go out there again and to

Really know and understand I as

A human being, this is where we

Come from.

We come from nature and to go

Back and sort of commune with

Nature, it's the closest that

I've ever felt like I've ever

Been able to have a conversation

With god.

And to me, this is where god


Jeff: so this was--

( Applause )

So this was more about the

Adventure than the money?

Where does the money fall in


I don't care about the money.

I want to win!

( Laughter ).

Jeff: did you know-- did

You know-- because I remember

That final challenge because it

Was a nail biter, and as you saw

It slipping what because all of

A sudden sophie had three and

Four and five and you're looking

Over at her going oh, my god.

Did you know a million dollars

Was slipping away?

Hell yeah.

Sophie is-- she is amazing.

I mean, she is incredibly,

Incredibly intelligence intel

And I knew the only one who

Could possibly beat me at a

Challenge-- no offense, guys--

Was sophie.

She is physically powerful and

Mentally she is-- she's one of

The the smartest people that I

Think has played this game.

And --

Here's the question I have,

And this isn't to take anything

Away from sophie's win.

But you dominate, dominate,

Dominate, dominate.

You're out on redemption.

You dominated this game

Challenge-wise, as well as

Anybody, and then a puzzle comes


Your bread and butter, is there

Any-- is there any part of you

That was either exhausted or

Just sabotaged yourself or did

You just get beat by somebody

Who was better that day?

You know, I had a-- you can't

Quite tell, but I had a pretty

Huge lead.

And really believe it's

Either a subconscious thing or I

Just eye beat myself.

You know.

I didn't focus in the time I

Needed to.

It was something that just

Slipped away.

I-- I went completely blank, and

It was-- it was like I was

Having an out-of-body


And I just have to take it for

What it is, and I really

Believe-- if I had won the money

And I might-- you guys might

Never see me again.

I might end up living on a

Deserted island somewhere with

That money.

But now I have to work hard.

I've got it keep doing what I'm

Ago and I've got to keep, you

Know, living my life in the way

That I love to do it.

You know, it really isn't about

The money.

For me it never really has been

About the money.

It's been about just going out

There and play as good a game as

I ever could play.

The fear for me is something

That I had when I first started


I knew that I was a good player.

But I still was afraid of


I still was afraid.

And I realized that you really

Don't need to be afraid.

For all the kids out there, one

Of the biggest lessons that I've

Ever learned-- and I learned in

From skateboarding of all

Things-- is how to fall down and

How to get back up.

If you can learn how to fall

Down in a graceful and humble

Bel way, you can get back up and

Do it again.

For me, trust me, falling down

In front of millions and

Millions and millions of people,

When I have that pressure-- I

Know everybody here is going to

Give me the money if I can make

It there.

I know everybody out there-- not


I'm sure there are a lot of

People not rooting for me-- but

A lot of people rooting for me

And that weight on me was just

Too much.

Jeff: one guy who wasn't

Rooting for you was cochran in

The sweater vest.

Any regrets about how that

Played out?

That was, obviously, a major

Turning point in the game.

It was.

I mean, the only regret I could

Possibly have had is maybe just

Not giving cochran the idol at

That point.

I really feel like-- I really

Feel like I did everything I

Possibly could have done besides

Giving him that idol.

I think not having the idol is

Maybe what made you afraid of

Drawing the rocks.

And I just-- I just wanted to

Play, this being my last time, I

Wanted it to be the craziest

Game I played.

That's why I was willing to give

The idol up.

That's why I was willing to go

To redemption.

That's why I was willing to put

My life on the line.

I wanted to win.

I didn't want to play for

Second, third.

Jeff: I'm going to where

You want intrupt you for a


( Applause )

Yeah, give him a round of


One the of the most common

Questions that was asked this

Season by me when I was-- would

Be out and people would come up

To me is the one that you asked

Me a few hours ago when we were

Talking before the show.

You had a question for ozzy.

I was wondering how you do

It, like, how you climb the

Trees and hold your breath

Underwater for that long?

It just seems physically


Jeff: that is the question

That everybody says is.

Does he really get to the top of

A tree?

Is he really underwater for

Three or four minutes?

Nobody's ever done that like you

And 400 people have played this

Game over 23 seasons.

Is it a natural thing?

You know, I think what it is

Is just not being afraid.

Not being afraid.

You're at the perfect age.

For all the kids out there, you


You can do whatever you want.

Just figure out what it is you

Want to do.

And don't be afraid to fall


Don't be afraid to fail because

You can do it.

You really can.

Just go out there and do it.

You're at the right age.

Jeff: thanks, answer your



If if you are small and fall

Down, it doesn't hurt as much.

Jeff: some see him as a

Likable underdog, others, a

Despicable villain.

Either way, from day one, when

He asked me to call him by his

Last name, cochran want out to

Make a name for himself.

My achilles' heel is

Crippling insecurity and


I'm starting to get concerned

About my fate.

Jeff: cochran, you can't

Catch a break.

I came to play "survivor."

"Survivor" is about big moves.

Up to this point, my fate has

Been handed to other people.

Jeff: ozzy, the tribe has


First you get the egomaniac

And then the million dollars.

I'm so close.

( Applause )

Jeff: cochran, I want to

Spend a little more time with

You, but right out of the gate,

I want to know what's been the

Reaction on the street because

You polarized people.

Some people love you.

Other people hate hate you.

Young people seem to love you,

Adults think you made a terrible


On the street, people are

Generally not going to approach


And I go to the internet like an

Obsessive freak and everybody

Hates me.

Jeff: we'll talk to cochran

When we come back, and also,

Brandon, his "survivor"

Experience brought out the best

And the worst.

It was as he said a battle of

Good versus evil.

Plus, uncle russell hantz is

Here to talk about his opinion.

We'll be right back.

( Applause )

Jeff: so cochran, a lot of

People might not know this about

You, but at harvard you actually

Wrote a paper on the "survivor"

Jury system and compared it to

Our american judicial jury


So you had a lot of theory about

How "survivor" was played.

Playing the game, though,

Actually being out there, is

Very different.

What was the biggest shock?

The biggest shock is that my

Knowledge of the theory and

Having watched every single

Episode didn't mean anything

Once you get out there because

It all depends on who you're put


And I get out there, I

Immediately feel insecure.

I hear my name being float

Around in the first three days

And for somebody who has been

Obsessed with the show for 11

Years, that's terrifying.

It's petrifying.

I got in this defensive posture

That basically lasted the entire

Game which isn't a healthy way

To play the game if you're

Trying to establish trust and

Rapport people it's not going

To be freaking out all the time.

I quickly learned that but I

Didn't remedy it.

Jeff: what's it been like

For you because as we talked

About before you break, some

People love you, others hate you

Some of the people who didn't

Like you are sitting next to

You, on either side of you,

Because you were part of their

Being ousted.

Was that hard on you?

You're a real person but you

Become a character on this show.

Yeah, yeah.

I'm like a character in real

Life, too.

I mean--

( Laughter )

It's hard it-- I can't play an

Under-the-radar game because I'm

Perpetually over the radar

Freaking out all the time.

Jeff: so emotionally was it

Hard for you?

Yeah, it's difficult.

Because I think-- I fancied

Myself a "survivor" expert.

I kind of come in and I am a

Who is this joke?

We had high hopes for him.

I feel like I disappointed a lot

Of people, including myself.

I didn't really play the game

Like some strategic mastermind

Like I thought I would.

Having negative reactions

Whether online or tribemates eye

Love everybody now by the way.

It's water under the bridge.

It was difficult because I like

To be liked.

That's the perverted thing.

At the time time I'm thinking

I'm playing the greatest social

Game of all time.

Everybody adores me.

And then I see sophie

Envisioning my head on a branch

Chopping with a machete saying

I'm the most annoying freak in

The universe.

So it was --

How did this game change you?

I mean it changed me probably

In more ways than I'm aware of

But one I'm very aware of,

Obviously I'm a socially anxious


Seven months ago, going to a bar

Or party I get nervous.

I freak out, on the verge of a

Panic attack.

But now I put myself through the

Most socially uncomfortable,

Psychologically unpleasant

Experience you can imagine and

It's being broadcast to millions

Of people who can make fun of

You and ridicule you.

It makes real-world interactions

Seem like nothing.

( Laughter ).

( Applause )

Yes or no--

( Applause )

One last question just a yes or

No answer because I want to get

To brandon.

I said to you when it was over,

I said I know you're not dating

Now but you're going to be.

Are you dating, yes or no?


Jeff: wait a minute!


No, nobody.

Just come at me.

( Laughter )

Come at me.

Jeff: all right, well on

The other end of the spectrum is


And, brandon, you kind of said

It yourself best.

You said-- I mean it was

Rivetting to watch you

Good-each, good-evil, good-evil.

What is that about?

What is the evil?

What was tormenting you out


Oh, man, I lived a pretty

Rough past.

And I've always, like I said, I

Grew up in the church, and my

Dad's taught me to do the right

Things, and I'm straight off

From that.

And, you know, I have a wife and

Kids and I've-- I made a

Decision that I'm going to start

Doing the right thing.

And it was kind of hard because

I kept on, I guess, being

Reminded of the things I used to

Do and I wanted to make sure

That I never was that person


And especially in front of so

Many people.

I didn't want nobody to know who

Used too-- who I was.

And it's-- you know --

It's tough on a game like


So what's the reaction when you

Get back home, when your uncle,

Russell, the most notorious

Villain ever, as you said,

Destroyed our family name, you

Get home, are they happy with

How you played?

It was, unfortunately, not

Everybody is happy.

( Laughter )

Especially russell.

So no, I mean, i-- I've always

Wanted to--

( Applause )

I've always, honestly, wanted to


Cut to it, brandon.

What was the reaction when you

Got home?

It sucked, bro.

It was bad.

I-- i-- nobody really accepted

Me the way wanted to.

Jeff: nobody from your


Nobody from my family.

I mean, I --

Is anybody here from your


No, no, sir.

Jeff: nobody's here from

Your family?

No, sir.

We love you, brandon!

Not to say that-- that my

Family-- some people couldn't

Make it because of different

Situations, but I don't think a

Lot of people are very proud of


You know.

And it's okay.

It's okay.

Because I have a wife and two

Kids of my own.

Jeff: who love you.

Who care about me.

Jeff: I want to go.

Let's go talk to the--

( Applause )

The most notorious villain in

The history of "survivor."

Come on, stand up, hantz.

( Applause )

Get all movie star on me.

You just-- you watched brandon


And one of the things he said is

I want to restore the hantz

Family name.

Do you think he did, did that?

First of all, I want to say,

I am uncle russell.

That's a side of me that you


But I'm also russell from


So I will sit down and shut up

If you want me to sit down and

Shut up.

If you want me to critique your

Game, I'm do that as well.

Jeff: I want you to

Critique the game.

You've got 30 seconds.


I think he went out there to

Change something that-- that I

Brought to the game.

I made greatness.

I brought the game to a level

That is-- you can't even


Jeff: what did brandon do



He didn't do one thing right.

He went out there

( Audience booing )

He went out there to change the

Hantz name.

To change what I did?

How do you do that?

I mean, that doesn't even make

Sense to me.

Jeff: I just got it.

I know what next season is.

Let me know if you like this.

Russell on one tribe, brandon on

The other

( Cheers and applause )

Up next, sprint is going to

Award $100,000 to the season's

Favorite castaway based on your


It's not you, sit down.

We're also going to check in

With some of the others.

It's the live show.

We'll be right back.

( Cheers and applause )

Jeff: since wednesday, views

Have been texting and voting

Online for the sprint player of

The season, the honor also

Including $100,000 cash prize.

I'm guessing I don't even have

To ask.

Who does the audience think it



Jeff: by the biggest

Margible in the history of this

Award, cochran, you were second,

And not even close to the

Winner, who was ozzy.

( Cheers and applause )


Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Jeff: a little bit of


I want to pop around a little


Dawn, a lot of people talked to

Me during the season about you,

Mother of six, adopted kids,

Mormon family, out here.

You-- I know a lot about you.

You transformed your body to be

On this show.

You did a lot of things to get

On here.

What's the thing you took away

From it?

How important it is to

Challenge yourself, no matter

What age you are.

Ozzy talks a lot about kids.

I think my experience on the

Tribe with ozzy taught me you've

Got to face challenges, big

Ones, and the bigger the better.

I explained to you that

"Survivor" to me was just this

Big out-there dream goal and it

Was really too big.

I had no right asking for that

Goal and I went for it anyway.

And the kind of joy and growth

That came from that made it all

The better.

So it's about challenging


( Applause )

Jeff: whitney and keith, I

Want to-- and I don't know if a

Lot of people know, you guys are

A couple.

It's been pub lisized if people

Haven't seen that.

And, whitney, you were in a

Relationship when the show

Started, you were in another


You come on to this.

It's only 39 days.

What is it about this show that

Can bring people together so

Quickly and have it last?

Well, like sophie said, it's

A life-changing experience.

I mean, you're in such a

Stressful environment, and you

Have to trust stranger, and you

Become really close really


I mean, keith was in my first

Alliance with him and ozzy, and

I trusted him 100% day one.

Jeff: if this were a dating

Show, this is a condensed--

This is the one.

I'm just glad she chose me

And not ozzy.

Jeff: and, edna, you said

Something to me during a

Commercial break they thought

Was really funny about how

People change and how they see

You differently when you came


You said, "I came home and my

Husband saw me so differently

That, what?"

I became pregnant.

Jeff: he just couldn't wait

To get his hands on you?

You change not just yourself

But your family, too, and you

Learn to appreciate to learn to

Be around people that love you

And I guess he really missed me,


Jeff: and christine if you

Want cornering a lot of people

Rooted for you.

You were out early.

You promised that coach was a

Short-timer, and you weren't

Right about that.

But you did a great job on



Jeff: and it seemed to me

That you formed a very unlikely

Friendship with stacey.

And is that friendship still

Intact, stacey?

Yes, it is.

We have a close bond.

We call each other sissy or salt

And pepper and we call each

Other each and every day.

Jeff: christine would you

Have ever met stacey otherwise?

Yes, I think so.


Jeff: your paths might have


They possibly could have,


Jeff: brandon, I want to go

Back to you, because during the

Commercial break I was sitting

Here watching you, and I was

Thinking to myself I kind of

Glossed over it a little bit

When I made this joke hey, maybe

Russell versus brandon would be

Fun-- which I think it might be


But is really how it is

Back home?

Is it truly that your family and

Russell think you did a bad job

And now it's not good at home?

I'm not going to say all my

Family, but a big portion.

I've caught a lot of slack from

These guys that I do call

Family, the hantzs.

And some of them were-- were--

Were pretty much so disappointed

That, you know, all they could

Talk about was how I didn't live

Up to the hantz-- hantz family


And, you know, it's really

Disappointing that I can't do

That-- I can't make my own

Family happy with me, even

Though I go out there and I go,

Man, my family's going to be

Proud of me, man.

I'm going to change the way

People look at this family.

And I had the greatest

Intentions in the world, but it

All just-- it-- you can't win

For losing sometimes.

Jeff: are you proud of how

You played?

I'm-- I'm very proud of how I


( Applause )

Jeff: and as we go to the

Break, jim, really disappointed

To see you voted out early.

I think you're-- I have a sense

That you're a very good player,

And what would you do

Differently, other than, you

Know, cochran.

What would you do differently in

This game if you played again

What's the advice?

What's the advice?

Really trust somebody's


Like ozzy said, I was there to


Cochran was there-- he didn't

Care about winning.

You can't s*ab five people in

The back and win the game.

He said he's a student of the

Game and he's not a student in

The game.

Or he can't count.

You need five votes to win and

You can"t s*ab five people in
the back.

Jeff: you said trust his


His motivation was to last

Longer and not to win.

My mistake was assuming

Everybody was playing the game

To win.

Jeff: after 23 seasons, 23


( Applause )

We're still going strong.

Find out what is in store for

Next season.

Plus I have sophie's check for a

Million dollars.

I'll give it to you right after


Be right back.

( Applause ).

Jeff: welcome back to the

"Survivor: south pacific" live

Reunion show.

It's nice to have our composers

That do all the music on our

Show to have them here at the

Live show.

Guys, give me a little something

For this check presentation.

A little something-something.

First time we've ever done this.

I get to present a check for a

Million dollars well earned to



Tear that baby open.

There it is a million dollars.

Nice job.

All right.

A new adventure is about to


Our 24th season is just

Around the corner, and there's a

New twist.

Take a look.

For 23 seasons, "survivor" has

Traveled across the planet,

Treacherous oceans, mysterious

Jungles, and epic islands.

As americans from all walks of

Life fight it out for the

Million dollar prize.

And once again, "survivor" is

Changing things up.

This time, two tribes will

Compete against each other while

Living together on one island.

They'll have to decide whether

To share their resources or

Leave the other tribe to fend

For themselves.

As they battle it out in the

Greatest adventure on te


Two tribes, one world, one


Coming in february.

"Survivor: one world."

( Applause )

Immediately following tonight's

Show, you can bid on

One-of-a-kind memorabilia to

Benefit the charity operation


The web site is on the screen


Finally, if you think you have

What it takes to do what they

Did, put together a three-minute

The details.

And I say it every season, thank

You for your support.

To use a coach phrase, it's

Because of you that we're still

On the air.

See you in february.

Good night.