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24x03 - One World Is Out the Window

Posted: 05/12/24 12:39
by bunniefuu
Jeff: previously on


Go, go, go!

Jeff: this season's battle

Of the sexes hasn't been a

Battle at all.

The men's tribe has won every


( cheers )

With confidence at an all-time

High, matt and his alliance of

Muscle thought they were running

The show.

It's the dominant alliance


Jeff: but the rest of the

Tribe had plans of their own.

Colton, life, tarzan, jonas and

Troizan formed an unlikely


At the last immunity challenge,

The women's biggest obstacle was

Cat and with that cat jumped in

For no reason, completely

Falling apart.

And the men won their third

Challenge in a row.

Men win immunity!

Back at camp, cat only made

Matters worse by wearing her

Emotions on her sleeve.

It was so hard--

Don't overthink it.

Cat is very young and

Emotional and that's a


Jeff: at tribal council it

Was clear that cat's alliance

Could do without her.

Chelsea if you could start over

Do you think you guys would form

Different alliances?

Yeah, it would probably be


Jeff: in the end cat was

Saved when they voted out nina,

The oldest member of the tribe,

Believed to be a liability in


Time for you to go.

Well, we are only five days in,

And you've yet to win a


You've got to get it together.

16 Are left.

Who will be voted out tonight?

Kitty-kat, give me a hug.

Don't try at tribal council.

Didn't mean to.

I didn't.

I sucked it up.

All eyes are on kat right


We're just starting to look at

The weaker players, even they're

In our alliance.

What a joke.

Our next move is just to try to

Stay as positive as possible.

If we just get the smallest

Glimmer of hope, I think it will

Challenge the whole tribe, just

A little bit of confidence is

All we need.


Do y'all want to come over to


You scared me.

This is a massive ass storm

Coming in.

We might be running our

Little tails doin there.

We'll see how bad it gets

Over here.

Good night, girls.

Good night.

It just got cold.

, Just came up out of nowhere.

This is going to be


Colton just came by and said

If the weather gets bad we could

Down there and try to sleep

Under their shelters.

Guys, I say we tough it out.

We'll be fine.

Oh my god!

It's freezing.

The wind is coming straight

Through here.

I felt raindrops.

Oh, my god, I feel rain, too.

The men, they have a tarp.

But we don't, and it was


And right now, I feel like our

Whole shelter is about to blow


Oh, my gosh.

It's so cold.

It's so cold.

We've been crapped on since

We've been here.

We got zero sleep last night.

We stayed up the entire night.

Froze soak wet.

And we haven't had fire because

It rained and put it out, so now

We haven't eaten.

Where is the sun?

Hey, boys.

Where are you going?

Where are you going?

They said my name.

Oh, come on!

You don't have fire, do you?

Do I have fire?


Is your's all out.

We have fire?

Is it still going?

Are you guys soaked?

Totally soaked.

Can we go by your fire and

Dry out?

Sure, go over there.

Go right now.

It's going right now.

It's fine.

I just want to be warm for,

Like, one minute.

I can't be cold one more


I was thankful last night

That we stuck to our g*ns a

Little bit after tribal and

Didn't run over and jump in the

Men's shelter.

But going over this this

Morning, I have no shame.

I've never been so miserable.

I couldn't get my tail over

There to that fire fast enough.

Come on, come on, guys.

Oh, hey, guys.

Didn't see you guys coming.

Sorry, guys.

I hope this is a temporary

Pit stop at the men's camp.

I don't think any of the girls

Want to stand over there.

It's uncomfortable mooching off

Of them.

They're all like, excuse me.

Look at my fingers.

That's crazy.

It's ridiculous.

What's up?

Good morning.

I went out crab hunting this

Morning, and came back, and

Found the girls in our shelter

Underneath our stuff, sitting on

Our beds, soaking wet, you know,

Sitting by our fire.

I get it, they had a tough


I think some of the guys are

Sensitive to that, but there's

Barely room for nine guys in

That shelter and there's no

Extra room, and that means for

The girls, their day is done.

Jeff: come on in, guys!

You guys ready to get to today's

Reward challenge.



Jeff: here's wow it works.

One at a time tribe members will

Square off in a memory test.

I'm going to show you a series

Of items in a specific order.

When you've memorized them,

You'll pull a lever, drop a

Curtain, then race to recreate

The same series in the same


First person to get it right

Scores a point for their tribe.

First tribe to five wins reward.

Want to know what you're playing



Jeff: a complete fishing

Supply kit and a canoe with

Paddles waiting for you back at


In addition, clearly, you are

Playing for momentum.

Guys, you have two extra men,

Sitting two people out.

Who are you going to sit out?

Tarzan and leif can sit out.

Jeff: tarzan and leif, take

A spot on the bench.

Everybody else, give you a

Minute to strategize and we'll

Get started.

All right, first two, come on

Sabrina will be taking on matt.

So just to be clear, you

Determine how long you look at

The items.

When you have seen enough,

Either one of you can drop the

Curtain and that drops it on

Both of you.

You guys ready?

Here we go.

Wow, neither one of them took

Much time.

It was a very fast look.

Matt is back first.

Let's see if he has it right.

Matt has it wrong.

Sabrina has it right.

Women score the first point.

( applause )

Women lead, 1-zip.

Send up the next two.

Colton will take on monica.

Here we go.

Colton looked at that for about

Half a second.

It's a race, both hustling.

Colton is back first, monica

Right behind.

Let's see if colton has it


He does not.

Let's see if monica has it


Monica has it right for the


Women lead 2-zip.

( applause )

Next two.

Alicia taking on jay.

The men have yet to score.

Here we go.

Once again, six items.

Wow, alicia was quick out of the

Gate on that one.

Alicia not messing around.

Alicia going to commit.

Who gets to the mat first?

Alicia gets to the mat just

Ahead of jay.

The women are right again.

( cheers )

Women lead 3-zip.

Next two, come up on.

Kat taking on troyzahn, last

Round was six items.

We're going to bump it up.

Eight items.


Don't worry about it.

Troyzahn, not even close.

The men continue to be pathetic

In this.

The women don't have it right,


Re-rack and we'll go again.

Here we go.

Troyzahn is not right.

Kat is not right.

Re-rack and we go again.

Kat thinks she has it right.


Men have it wrong as well.

Re-rack, we go again.

She is wrong.

He is wrong.

No, wrong.

No, re-rack.


Go again.

For the seventh time, troyzahn

Versus kat.

Kat would like to extend the

Lead for the women.

Troyzan hoping he can put the

Men on the board, kat not

Messing around.

She's back very quickly.

It doesn't matter, troyzan, kat

Has it right for the women.

Women are dominating.

They lead 4-zip.

Next two, come on up.

Christina versus bill.

Here's where we stand.

Men have not even gotten on the

Board, bill.

All right.

Jeff: if you lose this

Challenge is over.

That's it?

Okay, okay.

Jeff: you must win to keep

The men alive.

Let's go.

Women can win it right here.

Bill has already taken off.

Bill wants to keep the men alive

In this.

He's going to have to beat


Christina would like to close it

Out right now.

Go home with the women's first

Victory in this game.

Bill coming back.

Christina was back first.

Thinks she has it right.

She does.

Women win reward!

Ladies, nice work.

Get your reward.

The canoe will be waiting for

You back at camp.

You do not need to share it.

It is your canoe.

But one thing has changed as a

Result of this morning's

Challenge it's women now know

They can beat you at something.

We'll see how it plays out.

Grab your stuff, head back to



Oh, my god!

There's our boat!


So awesome.

We won our first challenge.

It was absolutely amazing,

Definitely what we needed to

Pick up the tribe.

We came back to this horrible


The plan is to get the fire

Going, fix our shelter, you

Know, keep everybody warm,

Because right now we're on the

Verge of, you know, a horrible

Storm right now.

I don't know what else to do.

Good grief.

I wonder how long this is

Going to last.

All right, guys, we have a

Big question for you.


All of our coconuts are wet.

We're trying to start a fire.

We can't do the magnesium bar

Because the inside is damp.

Is there any way we can possibly

Have an ember?

Can we take out the canoe


We can't make a decision

Without everybody else?


You guys were all here

Hanging around the fire this

Morning and that was a big deal.

Guys, we have rain pouring in

Our shelter.

We do, too.

Thank you so much.

I appreciate it.

We're not trying to be


I'm freezing.

They have to give us

Something, man.

Otherwise all this stuff is

Going to stop.

Some of the guys are like we

Have to stop giving them stuff

And not getting anything in

Return which I do agree with.

I love some of those girls but

If they're not giving us

Things-- I am a republican, I am

Note a democrat.

I do not believe in handouts.

It is raining really hard,

And my hands are incredibly


My feet are probably worse.

I haven't looked at those yet.

We're just miserable right


And hopefully the rain lets up a

Little bit.

If this was a life-or-death

Situation, obviously, we would

Help them.

I would help humans out.

This is a ( bleep ) game.

Every time we give them fire--

We're not here to ask for


No, we just want to get warm.

Y'all don't have fire yet?

Sorry, I'm just so drenched I

Need, like five seconds out of

Rain and then I will be out of

Your way.

The girls are beyond a mess.

They're, like, zombies, you

Know, like shivering.

And I'm, like, let them tough it


The boat's really cool.

We plan on taking it out one

Day soon.

When y'all aren't using it?

You are?

I don't know.

Didn't you just walk away

With fire a while ago?

Aren't you standing here

Right now?

Yes or no.

Yes or no.

Really, straight up.

I'm just going to be honest.

I just don't think your deals

Are fair.


You wouldn't be able to cook

Anything if it weren't for us.

I don't even want to hear it.

We're not ask to borrow.

We're asking if we can use it.

I thing is, I can't make a

Decision unless I let them all


Awlime saying--

I will let them know that's

What you want.

Don't come at me like I'm crazy.

You don't need to take it all

That serious.

I'm just saying.

Oh, no vote, after everything

We've given to you, that's how

It's going to be?

So when you want fire, when you

Want shelter, you use your

Womenly charms to take care of

Those situations.

But when we ask for a boat, you

Say no?

One world is out the window.

Go back and discuss our plan

With them.

Go back and ask about the deal

And see what they say.

And then come back with a

Consensus, and then we'll settle


All right.


She's an idiot.

They think it's like--

You know what they come

Across as spoiled kind of like,

"Where's my stuff?

Where's my fire?

Come build me.

Come help me."

I don't understand, like,

What they're thinking.

Well, maybe that's the thing.

We're men, they're women.

They think different.

No, because even I don't


Those boys said since they

Gave us that ember--

Ember, they want us to let

Them use the canoe.

They want to take the canoe

Out and we better discuss it or

They're about to take it out.

That wasn't negotiated at


They said--

I needed just five seconds to

Try to dry my hands out, and all

They did was bitch at us, like--

What happened.

We still need things so,

Here, we don't have the wood--

I would give them all our

Fishing gear and that freak,


I just want to sleep on one

Freaking night before I lose my


I'm losing it.

Like, I'm so freaking cold.

We're just-- we're girls.

We're just not meant to be,

Like, beaten down this well.

Like, beaten down this well.

Let's go fish there.

This morning, the sun finally

Came up so we feel like we need

To put our reward to use and

Learn to spear fish and get our

Confidence in that so we know we

Can go out and catch a fish if

We're hungry.

Good job!

I got it.

It's little but at least it's


It's a little surprising how

Things are kind of turning


It feels awesome.

All three of us went out and we

All three caught a fish.

They weren't very big but we did



Good work, girls!

Things are starting to feel


I feel like people get why

They're here.

Before it felt like where am i?

What am I doing?

You caught a fish you did

That from the boat?

I think the girls are feeling

More confident.

You know, they got their feet

Under them.


And it's going to change the

Way we feel, the guys feel.

You know, we need to win again

Jeff: come on in, guys!

You guys ready to get to today's

Immunity challenge?



Jeff: first things first, I

Will take it back again from the



You're welcome.

Jeff: once again, immunity

Is back up for grabs.

For today's challenge, one

Person will be your caller.

The other six tribe members will

Be blindfolded into pairs.

Using only verbal commands, the

Caller will lead the pairs

Through a series of obstacles.

You'll make your way to a water

Tower, pull the rope releasing

The water, and along with it a

Bag of puzzle pieces.

Once you have all five bags, the

Caller will then use those

Pieces to solve a puzzles.

First tribe to get it right wins

Immunity, avoids tribal council,

Losers, somebody will be going

Home tonight.

Men, you have two extra members.

Who is going to sit out?

Colton and jay.

Take a spot on the bench.

Good luck, guys.

Jeff: everybody else, I'll

Give you a minute to strategize,

We'll get started.

All right, we have our callers,

Bill for the men.

Sabrina for the women.

Survivors ready?

For immunity.


Monica, diagonal.

Left, forward.

Monica, turn around, stop,


Go straight.

Run, monica, run.


Alicia, go straight.

Sidestep, sidestep.

Monica, monica, stop.

No, no, no.

Ladies-- get on your knees and


Matt to your right, to your


Reach forward.

It's right there.


Jeff: the men have their

First bucket and their first bag

Of puzzle pieces and they're

Heading back.

Alicia and kat looking for their

First bucket.

She's not even directing us.


Jeff: christina and monica.

Get back up.

They just took a big hit.

Jonas and leif, turn to your


It's right there!

Jeff: jonas and leif have

The second bag of puzzle pieces.

Reach up!

Jeff: tarzan and troyzan

Looking for their third bucket.

Reach around!

Reach around!

Reach forward!

Reach forward!

Reach up!

Reach around!

Keep reaching!



Jeff: tarzan and troyzan

Consider their third bag of

Puzzle pieces.

Alicia and cat have the first

Bag of puzzle pieces for the



Jeff: matt and mike have

The fourth bag of puzzle pieces

For the men.

To your right!

Troyzan, keep coming.


Monica, go straight up.

Jeff: monica and christina,

Looking for some help and not

Getting any.

Straight up the pole?


Chelsea turn around and reach


Chelsea, right behind up.

Jeff: troyzan and tarzan

Back with the fourth bag of

Puzzle pieces for the men.

Go to your right, mike!

Jeff: chelsea and kim have

The second bag for the women.



Matt, reach up!

All right, bring it back!

Jeff: the men have the

Fifth and final bag.

Turn around, kat.

Jeff: they've just got to

Get back to the course and bill

Can start working on the puzzle.

Alicia and kat have the third

Bag for the women.

The women need to keep moving.

Alicia and kat heading back with

The second bag.

Matt and mike heading back with

The fifth and final bag for the


Chelsea and kim heading back

With the third bag.

Dop it over!

Jeff: the men have all five


Bill heading down now to start


Men, take off your blindfolds.

Monica, go straight!

Over the pole?



Jeff: first, bill has to

Untie the bags.

Empty the puzzle pieces.

You've got a big lead right now.

Go straight down.

Jeff: the women still

Struggling, looking for their

Fourth and fifth bag.

Sabrina, which way?

Jeff: bill starting to work

On the puzzle.

He has a lot of time and doesn't

Need to panic.

You're almost there.

Go up.

Jeff: kim and chelsea have

The fourth bag for the women.

Still one more bag out there.

Monica and christina still


The women could have a shot if

They could get these piece.

Yeah, keep that.

That looks good.

Jeff: chelsea and kim

Coming back with the fourth bag


Still one bag out there.

Come on, monica!

Stand up, monica.

Go to your left.

Start reaching up, baby.


Jeff: the women have their

Fifth and final bag.

They need to get those pieces

And get back here!

You need to move, women!

Go to your right.

Jeff: bill taking his time,

Wisely so.

He has a huge lead and a big

Learning curve on this puzzle.

The women still have to get back

And figure out how this puzzle


Huge advantage for the men,


To your right, to your right.

Jeff: the women have their

Fifth and final bag.

Sabrina can head down now.

She's got a lot of time to make


Women have been to tribal

Council every single week.

They do not want to go again.

Bill, find a spot, one at a


The very bottom.

Long, skinny.

Jeff: sabrina quickly gets

To work on this puzzle.

Where do these pieces fit?

How do they go?

Thatta boy.

Jeff: bill gets another

Piece for the men.

And it goes right there.


Jeff: sabrina has her first

Piece for the women.

Bill, you have lots of time

And a big lead.

Jeff: bill with another


The men with a ligged about

Right now.

That's the one.

Jeff: sabrina gets the

Second piece in this puzzles.

The women would love to have a

Break from tribal council.

Sabrina with a third piece now.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Hold on, hold on.

Jeff: the men have a huge


Can the women close the gap

Right flow?

Sabrina with the fourth piece

For the women.

Men still with the lead.

Sabrina with the fifth piece for

The women.

Women starting to gain.

Does it slide in?


Other side.

Jeff: the women have six

Pieces now.

They have tied it up.

Sabrina has brought the women


Both tribes with four pieces


Bill with the seventh piece for

The men.

Slides into the purple, right

Below you.

Jeff: the women really

Helping out, working well


We're tied again.

Bill is starting to sweat a

Little bit.

Had a big lead.

Dead even.

Three pieces left.

Bill with the eighth piece

For the men.

Jeff: the women have their

Eighth piece.

That is going to be orange.

Does this go in here?

Jeff: the women have the

Ninth piece.

Sabrina down to her last piece,

Where does it go?

Bill is down to his last piece.

Where does it go?

Jeff: this is it.

The women have made a huge


It's a showdown, right now.

One piece left.

( cheers ).

Jeff: the women win


With a huge comeback!

I think I just aged 10 years.

Jeff: women,


A huge come-from-behind victory.

( Applause )

Jeff: no tribal council


Enjoy the night off.

Head back to camp and celebrate.


Jeff: all right, guys.

Tribal council tonight.

Somebody will be voted out of

This game.

You will lose your first tribe


Grab your stuff.

Head back to camp.

I'll see you at tribal.

My mind was just blown.

I couldn't believe we lost.

But now that we've lost this

Challenge, I'm looking forward

To doing this.

I mean I've spent eight days out

Here creating some power and I

Want to use it and I want to

Execute some of if tonight.

That's what's going to happen.

( cheers )

That was awesome!

Where are we going to put


Good work!

Oh, my god.

Was that a come from behind

Or what?

Today I was worried because

It was a communication-type

Challenge, but we pulled




I know.

Thanks, leif.

What's funny is that you could
tell the

Boys thought they had it in the

Bag because they were so far


And so now they're probably just

All running around like chickens

With their heads cut off, not

Knowing what to do.


Yes, sir.

Did you a great job.

Yeah, good job.

Thanks, guys, I appreciate


I lost my voice on that-- on

That calling for sure.

I'm so excited to vote

Someone out.

I dislike so many of these


Like, bill, screwed up in the

Challenge today.

I'm sorry, you had a good, like,

Five- to seven-minute lead over

Those women, and you still lost.

Dude, that's a knot in there,


Open it.

That's just mock, bro.

I can't deal with it.

"Yo, bro.


Shut up.

Go k*ll yourself.

All he's doing it dig himself a


You're going fishing!

I came right at that precise


It's so amazing.

I don't want to talk to you.

I don't like you, stay away from


You're ghetto trash.

That's all you are.

I can't stand him, ugggg, and I

Want him gone, yesterday.

Okay, this right here, one, two,

Three, four, five.

This is our five, solidified.


Plus a floater.

Who is our floater?

You know, bill.

Is going first.

Oh, really?


What happened?

He's too wishy-washy.

Okay, but why don't we make

Him second.

Matt say real danger.

Bill is the type that will

Slip up behind you and slit your


And we all know that, don't


You need to eliminate that,


Right now there are clearly

Two sides in our tribe.

There's matt, mike, jay, and


And then there's me and jonas,

Tarzan, leif, and colton.

We've got the numbers, so the

Guys in the alliance basically

Are the ones who are picking who

Is going home.

If it's going to be matt, it's

Going to be matt.

If they switch it and say it's

Going to be bill, it's going to

Be bill.

And really the one making the

Biggest suggestion is colton.

Everybody's out chatting.

I figured I'd come see what

Everybody is chatting about.

And it got quiet when I walked

Up so I can only assume--

Well, we're not voting you

Out, so don't worry.

Is it you guys right here?

It might be.

( Laughs )

Do you want to be with us?

We all like you.

I think you just back the

Wrong horse.

That's why you're not--

That's why you're not on

The ticket right now.

Can you make a decision while

You're standing there.

Jay bird.

If they have the numbers and

I'm not a part of that, that

Puts a target on my back, so I

Can either join them or butt

Heads with them, so I basically

Had no options and said, "okay,

I'll vote with you guys."

It seems like the consensus

Is bill at the moment.

That the name.

I'm cool with that?

Are you cool with that?


The best guy would have been

Matt, but we're a team, if you

Guys want to do bill, we'll do


Here comes matt.

What's all the deep thought


We're-- we're-- to be honest,

We're talking strategies.


I mean, obviously, right?

Seems pretty obvious.


Is my presence destroying the

Strategy talk?


Yes, it is, at the moment.

Well it is.


I walked up intentionally on

These guys having a


Clearly right in front of me

About strategy, so I just wanted

To stick my head in it and shake

It up.

I don't like people talking like

That when I'm not involved.

I walked up there and it got


I'll leave you boys be.

I walked away, no problem.

What I did want to do is pull

Troy aside.

You want to talk alone?


Troy and I spent the last

Week as the heads of two snakes

That are battling each other.

You're either with me and my

Guys or you're with troy.

And I've decided that something

Had to be said.

Well, there was-- this

Concept of let's get rid of all

The muscle.

It's convinient, just like it's

Convenient for all the muscle to

Band together.

Of course.

But it's easy.

I think we've got to come up

With a smaller group of guys.


That we intend on diving deep

Into this game with.

Me, you, jay, maybe mike, maybe

One other guy.

All of us are roosters and we

Don't want any other roosters

With me.

The chickens, they can't break

Up the roosters.

And that's how I saw it from day

One and, frankly, I saw you as

Part of the roosters.

I would love to create a new

Reality and let all the idiots

Scramble and get rid of colton.

The guys in power are going

To vote for colton and when we

Get back to camp they're going

To realize the average joes are

Not calling the sh*ts and things

Have changed around here and I'm

Still in the front of of it.

We're in an alliance and we'll

Be safe and hit the merge and

Hopefully take out the chicks.

Matt basically say jerk.

He calls the strongest guys the

Roosters and the whole time I'm

Agreeing with him but in my mind

I'm like I am never going to be

With you.

It ain't "survivor" unless

You're lying.

He wants me, mike, jay, and


As an alliance.

Matt is so dangerous to me,


It's like, when he talks he's

Like, "this is what we've got to


And I'm tired of the small

Little people.

Us roosters walk around--" and

He included me with the rooster


I think matt is so power


You think we should get rid

Of matt before we get rid of


Well, everybody wants to vote

For bill.

Right now, the vote is

Between bill and matt.

If I had my way bill would go

Because he's annoying and I hate

Him and I hate his voice and I

Can't stand to listen to him


Matt, on the other hand, is like

The head of the snake and you

Have to chop off the head of

Snake for the rest of it to

Stop-- whatsoever-- wiggling.

Are you ready to go, boss?

Oh, my god.

Either one makes me perfectly


Honestly, out of this tribe of

Nine, if I could get rid of,

Like, five people, it would be



Jeff: behind each of you is

A torch.

Go ahead and grab a torch and

Approach the flame.

Dip it in and get fire.

This is part of the ritual at

Tribal council because in this

Game, fire represents your life.

When your fire is gone, so are


So, michael, with nine guys,

There has to be a little bit of

A power struggle, at least


You know, the dynamics just

Kind of came together.

Like, me and matt clicked


He's somebody you can work with.

But there are a lot of different

Alliances going in this tribe.

It's hard to keep track of.

Jeff: tarzan, so only eight

Games within this game there are

Fractions within this group of


As far as I'm concerned, we

Have an alliance of five and I

Trust those five.

And I think we'll stick


That's what I believe.

Jeff: so, colton, if

There's an alliance of five

That's strong, math says the

Other four would be in trouble.

Well, I'm not uncomfortable

Because I'm not going home


Jeff: and why is that?

Because I have an idol.

The girls gave it to me.

Jeff: so you're saying

You're not going home because

You're going to play it--


I'm not going to be a james.

I'm not going to have an idol

And go home.

That's stupid.

Jeff: michael, is there a

Thought that an idol at camp is

Too disruptive so let's throw

Some votes just to make sure we

Get it out.

That's on a lot of our minds.

Colton, he's colton.

This whole time he's worked with

Two tribes.

He was sleeping over there,

Eating over there and we didn't

Know which way it was going and

Then he has an idol on our side

So it's disrupting the whole


Jeff: colton, you've been

Spending a lot of time with the


Well, yeah, that shouldn't be

A shock.

Jeff: wait, a second, why

Shouldn't that be a shock?

Are you on the men's tribe.

All of my friends at home are


Jeff: you're not on their


You don't compete with them.

You don't go to tribal council,

And so you look at me and say,


Tts a reverse duuh, double dare

On you.

Here's the thing, women are

More, like, nurturing and they

Pet and you they tell you, you

Know, it's going to be okay.

Jeff: do you realize what

Kind of a target you put on your

Back when you say that?

Well, yeah, but that

Distribute mean I'm going to

Vote with those women.

Jeff: bill, explain to me

How this makes sense.

I mean, honestly, as much as

He assumed that we spot on

Judged him.

He spot on judged us and assumed

We wouldn't take him in --

You mean, because he's gay?


Jeff: tarzan.

Here's what we discovered.

Colton's highly intelligent.

He's invaluable with regard to

Understanding how this game


He already has allegiances with

Females over there, and when we

Combine, he's already said.

He's real smart.

If we value our survival we need

Him in the first few plays here.

Who is "we," tarzan.

I'm talk, I used the word

"We" in a general sense.

I'm trying to help colton defend

His status because I believe

He's very valuable and I think

Our team will prosper if he

Stays here a bit longer.

Jeff: and, matt, you're not

Buying it.

Well, I think tarzan has, you

Know, put out a cry for help to

Whoever it is the five guys who

Are with him.

And it does seem like tarzan is

Shivering in his boots over

Here, and I'm just getting sick

Of him using vague terms and

Want him to talk turkey.

You're absolutely wrong.

That's not the motive behind

What I'm saying.

I'm not buying it.

My heart is broken that he

Misinterprets me.

Jeff: matt, are you

Enjoying this game?

Because you seem a little


Well, yeah, some of the

Things that have been said here

Tonight agitate me, mainly


Tarzan is always talking.

Everybody is always laughing at

Tarzan but you don't know who is

Taking him seriously.

I want people to listen and take

Me seriously.

Jeff: do you think people

Take you seriously?

I do.

Jeff: how will tonight's

Vote change this game for you?

We all get one chance to make

A move that sets the ball in

Motion, and that's tonight.

I think the game does change all

The time.

You always have to be willing to

Reassess and always be changing

What you're doing.

Jeff: bill, how concerned

Are you that tonight's vote will

Not go the way you want it to


You know, it's all fun and

Games until you're right here,

Right now.

I mean, like, this is intense,


This is emotion right here.

You know what I mean?

Like, we're sitting here.

Nobody knows who is going to go


I'm on the edge of my seat to

See what happens.

I'm so jacked up right now.

I might go home.

I might not.

But I am so happy I got to play

This game, man.

Like, this is real intense and

There's nothing else like this,


I'm so ready to do this.

Jeff: all right, with that,

It is time to vote.

Jonas, you're up.

Jonas, you're up.

Jeff: I'll go tally the


If anybody has the hidden

Immunity idol and you want to

Play it, now would be the time

To do so.

Once the votes are read, the

Decision is final.

The person voted out will be

Asked to leave the tribal

Council area immediately.

I'll read the votes.

First vote, colton.



That's one vote matt, one vote

Colton, one vote bill.


Two votes matt.


That's three votes matt.


That's four votes matt.

One vote colton, one vote bill.

Third person voted out of

"Survivor: one world."

Matt, that's five.

That's enough.

You need to bring me your torch.

Matt, the tribe has spoken.

Time for you to go.

First vote, first blindside.

Game on.

Grab your torches.

Head back to camp.

Good night.


Can I ask a question?

Jeff: what?

Can we hear the last two


Jeff: no.

Save those questions for me.

Captioning brought to you by

Survivor productions, cbs,

Captioned by

Media access group at wgbh

Jeff: stay tuned for scenes

From our next episode.

We have a betrayal.

Oh, my--

The monano tribe has lost

Their marbles.

You will be first to go in

Such an egregious breech of


That's a hasty decision.

I'm thinking what?

You got that.


I want him gone.

I told you to pick a side and

You picked the wrong side.

I want his head on a platter.

One out, you know, eight days

Is an incredible disappointment.

You know I came out here with

Big expectations and a plan to

Do it and it didn't work out for


But I thought in the last couple

Of days I had reworked something

With troy to get the numbers

Back in my favor, and clearly, I

Was wrong.

I was probably enemy number one

The biggest threat they had and
it spelled my disaster