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24x06 - Thanks for the Souvenir

Posted: 05/12/24 12:42
by bunniefuu
Jeff: previously on

"Survivor": drop your buffs

Because we are switching tribes.

Oh, my god.

Jeff: in a surprise switch,

Men versus women was no more if

You are blue, you are a salani


If are you orange. You are a

Manono member.

The battle between the mighty

And scrawny was under way.

Come on!

Jeff: oh, monica takes a

Hard fall!

This could do it for salmonella.

Salani wins reward!

After losing the award

Challenge, the new manono tribe

Was banished to a new beach

Where they struggled.

I knot on a tribe of people

Who suck.

Jeff: chelsea, jay,

Troyzan, and kim quietly formed

A majority alliance.

But kim wasn't done yet.

She found a hidden immunity idol

That she told chelsea about,

Cementing their relationship.

I just can't get over how this

Could not have gone any better

For me.

Jeff: go!

When the manono tribe lost a

Briewftal immunity challenge--

Salani wins immunity!

Colton went to work, targeting

Moncarks his biggest threat.

We're voting out monica.

Monica has to go next.

Today you will see the best

Blindside ever played.

Monica's going home tonight.

All hail to the queen.

Jeff: and at tribe,

Everyone voted for monica,

Except for christina and she

Quickly realized she was out of

The loop.

Monica, the tribe has spoken.

Grab your torches.

Head back to camp.

With her only ally gone, can

Christina hold on?

13 Are left.

Who will be voted out tonight.

I'm freezing to death.

I'm sorry, but that was the

Funniest tribal council I've

Ever been to.

( Laughs )

Monica, wow.


Our first tribal council with

The new tribe couldn't have gone

Any better.

We got monica out.

Originally, I had an alliance

With the girls, but realized

There's no point in keeping them


They were going to go once we


So I would rather just stick

With all the guys.

I totally did not expect that at


Well, that's called a


It is what it is, so--

And the thing is, like, no

One's going to go off with you

By themselves, christina.

So good luck.

You might make an alliance with

A hermit crab at this point.

I don't really care if christina

Knows she's going home next.

There's nothing that can save


She doesn't have an idol and

She's got five people gunning

For her.

The more defeated she is, the

Easier she will be to get rid

Of, and at this point, I still

Have my idol so I'm going to run

This game until I'm all the way

At the final three.

Honestly, christina, you've been

This cockroach.

Like, you've survived things

Because of different--


Things that have happened.

I guess so.

And while we're on the

Subject, if by some miraculous

Miracle, you did make it to the

Merge, you're the first one to


Like, you're gone before any


You're gone before any girls.

Like the girls have already

Said, like--


She's done.

I mean, is that not the truth?


It's already done.

sh**t, maybe I am an idiot,

And that's what it is.

You need to move so I can

Sleep, too.

There's tons of room over


Not where I am.

Why don't you scoot over.

It's really inconvenient for me

To be, like, on the edge.

I don't care because you're

Gonna be gone.

I really don't care.

You know, alicia, it's been

Very difficult working with you.

I've been trying so hard to work

With you.

Why are you talking to me?

Because you're a very

Difficult person to work with.

I'm sorry, I'm sleeping right


Scoot over.

Put your hands on my body I'm

Going to what you can the... Out

Of you.

Don't ever touch me.

Scoot over.

Don't ever put your hands on

Me because I'll whack you.

Do it.

Whack me.

Scoot over.

I think alicia is generally

Not a good person.

She has a lack of integrity, and

Colton is a jerk, and I'm going

To let other people see that.

All gloves are off and I'm ready

To fight and I'm going to fight


That was a rough night.

Did you guys stay warm by the


It's cold in the shelter,


It is.

Good morning.


I died last night.

Alicia k*lled me in my dream at

The mall.

At the mall.


I had a dream that I was in

The mall shopping for clothes,

And alicia k*lled me in my


Maybe that's a sign.

Maybe it's not.

I don't know, but I really hope

She doesn't k*ll me so that was

Very scary for me.

Tree mail.

Tree mail coming.


What have we got, huh?

Here we go.

"If you were still a kid, you'd

Play in this in your
backyard, and

If you're stafferring story of

For something sweet I bet you'd

Play real hard."

Oh, my god.

What do you play in your


Tag, dodge ball.

Dodge ball.

That would be fun.

We got tree mail today for

Something sweet.

So this could be chocolate cake,

It could be a banana split.

I don't know, but we're comfort.

What the heck is the game?

Well, there's basketball,

Dodge ball, baseball, croquette.

I think it's got to be tag or


Spin the bottle.

Hop scotch?

Hop scotch.

Something sweet.

You know, the other team is

Just a bunch of misfits.

They're a goofy, goony clan.

I'm trying to play it down a

Little bit, but we're kicking

Their ass.

I mean, bottom line.

I'm excited.

Me, too.

And we get to see who they

Voted out.

Jeff: come on in, guys!

Salani getting your first look

At the new manono tribe.

Monica voted out at the last

Tribal council.


They got rid of her.

Monica was voted out and that

Just goes to show they're going

To pick the girls off one by one

By one on the other tribe.

By the time we get to the merge,

We're going to be in the

Minority so we're kind of

Fighting an uphill battle.

Jeff: you guys ready to get

To today's reward challenge?



Is there one at a time you will

Race to the top of a stack of


You will throw a coconut,

Bouncing it off a trampoline,

Attempting to hit a target.

Then you race back, and the next

Person goes.

First tribe to knock out all

Five of their targets wins


Want to know what you're playing



Jeff: on a hot day, what

Could be better than ice cream.

( applause )


Jeff: the winning tribe

Will be taken to a

"Survivor-"styled ice cream

Parlor where you will have an

Array of ice cream flavors.

You can make sun district
sundae, you can make

Floats, you can eat ice cream

Until your stomach hurts.

Please, please, please,


Jeff: salani you have one

Extra member, sitting somebody


Who is it going to be?

Sabrina, take a spot on the


Everybody else, I'll give you a

Minute to strategize and we'll

Get started.

All right, here we go for an

Afternoon full of ice cream,

Survivors ready?


Jay and colton up first for his


Jay with a nice toss just


A bit of a learning curve, like

Most of these challenges.

You'll figure it out.

Come on, kat.

Throw it hard.

Jeff: kat going to take a

Shot for salani.

Doesn't even hit the trampoline.

Alicia throws it like a little


You're going to have to really

Throw these things if you want

To hit these targets.

Troyzan now up for salani.

Just misses.

As hard as possible,


Jeff: christina just


Throw it hard.

Throw it hard.

Throw it hard.

You have to hit it harder.


Come on, jonas.

Jeff: chelsea takes her

Time with a two-happenedded toss

And just misses.

Come on, jonas.

Jeff: jonas just short.

No luck yet in this challenge.

Kim going to give it a go for


Kim not messing around.

A big toss and she connects.

Salani has one.

Come on, tarzan.

Come on, tarzan.

Jeff: tarzan, it's an

Adventure for him just to get to

The top of the crates.

Come on, mike.

Jeff: michael just misses.

Tarzan with a big left.

And tarzan connects for manono.

We are tied 1-1.

Jeff: leif going to give it

A go for manono.

Come on, leif, you can do it!

Jeff: leif takes his time

And it pays off.

Manono leads 2-1.

There are five targets.

Colton throws it right back at


Jeff: cat just misses last

Time alicia had no pluck.

Once again, way short.

My nephew could throw it further

Than that.

Come on, chelsea.

Jeff: chelsea with a

Two-handed toss, and she


Come on, come on!

Jeff: we are tied 2-2.

Come on, christine.

Jeff: christina short.

Run back, run back, baby,

Run, run.


Stupid idiot!

Come on, kim.

Jeff: kim has already

Scored one.

Can she score a second?


Hustle back.

Hustle back.

Jeff: jonas with a big toss

But he's short.


Jeff: jay leaps to the top

Of those craits.

You got it, jay.

Jeff: jay scores for


Salani has three.

Manono two.

Come on, tarzan!

Jeff: tarzan struggling to

Get to the top.

Come on, tarzan.

Jeff: tarzan could tie it


Tarzan scores for manono.

Come on!

Jeff: it is 3-3 now.

Come on, leif, run.

Jeff: let's go, leif.

Everything you got, buddy.

Just misses by an inch.

Come on, kat, chuck it hard.

Jeff: kat scores for


Salani leads 4-3.

Ice cream on the line.

Colton, think about it, and


Jeff: chelsea with a shot

To win it for her tribe.

No, it bounces right back.

Alicia, think about what you're


And throw this thing.

Come on, alicia, hard, hard.


Jeff: alicia, pathetic.


Jeff: kim.

Aim it, baby, aim it.

Jeff: a big toss, just

Misses off the edge.

Jonas short.

Buries his face in his hands.

A wasted opportunity.

Hit it hard, mike.

Jeff: michael with a nice

Toss but short.

We are 4-3.

Manono, you're still in it.

Christina needs to get manono on

The board.

Christina, way short.

You're going to have to throw

It, manono!

Come on, come on, come on.

Jeff: troyzan could win

It right here.

And he does!

Salani wins ice cream reward!
( Cheers )

This is our island!

Snap, crackle, pop, that was


Jeff: salani,


Thank you.

Thank you.

Jeff: you will leave here

And be taken to a

"Survivor-"staten island ice

Cream parlor.

Oh, my god!

Jeff: well earned.

Enjoy it.

Grab your stuff.

Head out.

Have a good afternoon.

Manono, got nothing for you.

Grab your stuff, head back to


Christina was just gradually

Going through the challenge.

It ticks me off, you know.

I'm just so ready for christina

To be gone.

You can quit or kuwait and go

Home in two days or you can jump

In the fire and be medevaced,

Whichever is more convenient for


She drives me insane.

I hate her voice, I hate her

Vase face.

I hate everything about her.

I smell ice cream.


This is crazy!

All right, guys!

Oh, there is a qod!

This is so exciting!

Oh, my god.

Oh, my god.

Come on, girls.

Place an order.

All right, so--

I'll go first.

Can I have vanilla and chocolate

Ice cream with every single

Topping on a cone?

We show up at this little ice

Cream shack right on the beach

And you know it's all you can


You've got all kinds of flavors.

You can get all the toppings you


We know we're just going to be a

Bunch of gluttons running


What do we have here?

This is the coolest ice cream

Shack I have ever seen.

Chocolate and mint chocolate

Chip, please.


Will you stick a cone on top

Of it?

So we come walking up the beach,

And we see the ice cream parlor,

And honestly, it feels so


It's so nice to eat something

Beside rice and coconut.

It's awesome.

I love you.

What else you got back there?

I want to get every single

Ice cream flavor.

This is the one time I'm going

To go all out.

This is unbelievable.

This is amazing.

Oh no!

I got it, I got it, I got it!

I'm going to get a cone on

Top of mine, too.

I want to say, too, that was

Three wins in a row.

Our moral is so high it's going

To carry us to immunity.

Can somebody pinch me?

Is ashton kutcher going to punk

Me right now.

Oh, my gosh, that is so good.

Oh, my god!

I haven't hadsody in forever!

It's delicious.

Just eating from a spoon is


Yeah, no more bamboo sticks.

Just to get away from the

Camp,un, just to the break the

Monotony of every day getting

Wood and fire and water and all

That crap.

It just reenjietzed us.

We know what winning feels like

And what reward feels like and

We want to keep doing it.

Oh, my god!

Day 15, ice cream sundae.

I will never forget day 15,


The manono tribe will never

Understand what this means

( Burb


Oh, nasty.

Awwguys we were so close.

You should say, "thanks

Christina for giving it all you


We really appreciate it.

You have two more days.

You have two options.

You have three.

You can enjoy your last two


You can quit, or you can jump in

That fire.

Whichever is more convenient for


Right now, no one likes me.

I'm the cockroach of "survivor"

But my parents didn't raise me

To be a quitter, so I'm not

Going to quit.

Good chance you talk to me

For a couple of minutes?

All right, where do you want

To go.


I'm going, too.


Colton and alicia are kind of

Interesting in the sense that

They have to, like, get personal

And be like, "nobody likes you."

You know what I mean.

It's not enough that they have

The power to vote them off.

They kind of just want to get,

Like, one last twist of the

Knife in and just like unh!

When you guys have a chance

I'd like to talk to you about


I know you guys are thinking

Like it's probably going to be

Me next.

Well, heerms the thing.

Alicia already has an alliance

With the four girls over there.

And if you guys want to win the

Game, if you vote alicia out,

I'm not part of that alliance,



So, I know I'm going to go,


So I'm just tell you strategy if

You guys want to keep the guys

Strong because if there's a

Merge, alicia will go with

Karen, chelsea, sabrina, and


As you know, it's a numbers


So that's just something I upon

Want to throw out there and let

You know, something to think


It's possible what christina

Is saying is really true because

I don't have a whole lot of

Detail on alicia.

That's my issue.

I don't-- I don't know her

Status with the women on the

Other side.

Which is a huge red flag.

So that's it.

That's all I wanted to say as

Far as things goes and



I figured I had nothing to lose

Right now, it's either me or he


And that's it.

That's the bottom line.


I've been standing hereto whole


That's fine.

Game over, girl.

Game over.

You cannot play this game.

You suck at it.

You're digging yourself in a

Bigger grave.

I already know I am, so I

Might as well say what's out

There, what the facts are.

Then be a woman about it and

Say it in front of me.

Don't whisper it, okay?

Well, facts are facts.

And I'm just letting them know.

Facts are facts?

What facts?

All you ever talk is lies.

All you ever talk about it is


No, it's not lies.

You have an alliance with the


I don't have a standing there.

It's a numbers game.

The guys want to be ahead and

That's how it is.

You don't know what I have.

You don't even know how to play

This game.

But I do--

You're going up to them

Talking smack, like, really?

I'm not talk, smack.

It's whacked.

You look crazy.

Christina is for one telling a

Partial truth.

I do have an alliance with the

Girls, which jonas doesn't need

To know.

So, yeah, I'm going to give her

A hard time.

It's just too much paranoia for

Me and I can't handle that.

I need to be in control so

That's why she's going.

I'm just stating the facts.

I'm done, christina.

Done, christina, done with you.

He said his brain hurts.

I just never had a headache

That, like, my head, like--

Where is your canteen?

You need to drink some water.

I gave him some water.

He might have a tension


It scared me when I woke up,

I thought my brain-- like

Literally my brain-- I was

Sleeping, and I woke up and I

Just felt like literally it felt

Like my brain had, like,

Attachedded to my skull.

Like I thought my brain was


And I got this pain and it was

Like somebody had a knife

Cutting from my bellybutton over

To my right side.

You know you haven't been


It's a stressful environment.

This is, like, the first time

You've been away from home,

Ever, right, from anyone?

It's tough.

Colton has a tension headache,

And his stomach hurts, and if

Someone is sick and needs help,

I'm going to be there for them,

You know?

I think this is actually coming

To my advantage, too, as far as

Strategy goes because colton

Will realize that I am actually

A good person and I'm not this

Bad person that alicia portrays

Me to be.

Just close your eyes and just


I literally thought I was

About to die.

Christina just kind of stepped

In and took on this motherly

Role and tried to massage out

Whatever was going on.

And of course christina's going

To do that because she's trying

To save herself.

She will literally do whatever

She has to, to stay in the game.

You're doing really good,


Everything's going to be okay.

Can you work with me, bro?


Are you ready?


Oh, yeah, we're almost there,


Come on!




We have the coveted fruit.

Isn't that beautiful?

Let me see your tongue.

Yeah, you're dehydrated.

That's one of the easiest ways

To see that.

You better just force yourself

To drink water.

Because the next thing happens,

You get fast heartbeat,

Tachycardia, fever, headache,

Kidney failure.

So go ahead and drink some more

Water, okay?

Colton told us that he was

Dehydrated, he had abdominal

Pain, and that he had a


He sensed something was wrong

And I know the signs of

Appendicitis and gallbladder and

Bowel obstruction.

I know all those signs and


What's going on, man?

You look like you need a nap or


Maybe a coconut water enema.

You have to assume it's an

Early appendicitis or a more

Advanced appendicitis.

Or it could be totalliy benign.

Gas, for instance.

I'll get my canteen.

I'm actually severely


Like, my pee is brown and, you

Know, I'm dizzy and I don't


I don't know if I'm to the point

Where I'm so far gone and

There's no coming back or what's

Going on.

It hurts.

I walked off because I thought I

Have to go to the bathroom, I

Can't hold anything down.

I don't know.

I don't know what it is.

Like, it's just been like this

Intense pain, and it literally

Feels like somebody's got a

Knife in my side.

That's the only way I know how

To describe it, is just like a


I'm dying.

Like, I am literally about to


I see colton on the ground,

And I am freaking out, thinking,

Oh, my god.

This is worse than what I really

Thought it was.

I knew he was in pain, but I

Didn't know how much in severe

Pain he was.

And seeing him on the ground

Crying was an indicator to me

That he needs medical need


Hi, colton.

It's jeff with the medical team.

Hey, colton.

Jeff: how you feeling?

Not good, huh.

What's been happening?

I've been having, like, pain

For a few days, and I thought,

Like, oh, I move the just have

To go to the bathroom.

But, like, today, like I walked

Off because I didn't want

Anybody to see me because I

Didn't want them ton I was sick,

And then it just got worse and

Worse and worse and worse.

I tried to drink water, and I

Just started puking.

Like, I don't know what's going



Jeff: ramona, what are you

Trying to determine with the


Well, at the moment, I just

Want to determine what in his

Stomach is causing the pain,

Where it is, how long.

And just find out if it's

Something really serious.

If you can, put your hands down

By your side.

All right what I'm going to do,

I'm just going to warn you,



It's going to take five


I'm going to press in, and then

I'm going to let go suddenly.

I want you to tell me if the

Pain's worse when I press in or

When I let go.


It's going to be painful.

Here we go.

I'm going to press in.


And I'm going to let go.

When you pressed in.

His heart rate is 105.


Just relax.

You want to put your knees back


Jeff: so colton it's the

Pain that just increased?

So the heart rate went up?

It's up to 120 sooon

Indicative of severe pain.

Jeff: how much did it go



Jeff: his heart rate

Doubled and you were doing the

Lightest of touch.

Lightest touch.

So appendicitis is a very likely

Diagnosis here, given all the


Jeff: colton, the minute

She mentioned appendicitis, you

Started getting emotional.

I just don't want to leave.

Jeff: first of all, let's

Get it official.

So, ramona, officially, you've

Ruled out constipation.

It's been several days.

He's got severe pain.

We've watched his heartrate

Double when you were touching


Can you diagnose appendicitis or

Can you just diagnose it might


It's too risky to not take

Him out and investigate it,

Because it can burst.

Jeff: what you're saying is

We have to take him in.

You have to be able to do the

Tests you need to determine,

And, colton, that means if we

Have to take you out and take

You to a hospital, you have to

Be out of the game.

No, jeff, please, don't,

Please, jeff.

I just want to prove that I can

Do this.

I guess I've done my best.

I just wish I could have done


Jeff: you still have the



Jeff: what are you going to

Do with it?

Oh, my god.

Can I give it to somebody?

Jeff: that's your choice.

I can't believe this.

Jeff: we're going to bring

Tribe over to say good-bye.

Guys, right on in here.

They think I have



It just keeps getting worse

And worse.

Does it really hurt really



Colton and I always talked

Strategy 24/7.

That's all we ever talked about.

We planned and we planned and we


And if colton is out of the

Game, I don't know about

Everybody else, but that puts me

In a really bad spot.

I mean, call me a bad person,

But all I kept thinking was

Strategy the whole time.

Jeff: so the result is,

That colton is being pulled from

The game.



I'm sorry.

Don't be sorry.

I'm sorry.

Great job, bro.

Don't be sorry.

You did great.

Great job.

He is the biggest "survivor"

Fan, ever.

Jeff: jonas, you're really


Yeah, I know, I mean, like,

It's just-- it just kills me--

I'm just putting myself in his

Position and if I was him I'd be

Just heartbroken,un.

Jeff: are there any last

Words before we officially pull

You from this game?

Go get them.

I mean, y'all know what y'all

Are up against.

And y'all know an idol is out of


Tell sabrina thanks for the


I'll let her know.

You know what, colton is a

Spoiled brat.

He's going to keep the immunity

Idol for a souvenir, even though

He knows he screwed me, like,

The biggest.

Jeff: all right, we've got

A stretcher coming in, okay?

Let's bring it in.

I voted off monica.

If monica was here, the girls

Would have had the numbers, and

I wouldn't be in this position.

So, you know, what, screw him?

But at this point it's in

Your best interest to go because

You have a long trip to get to

The hospital.

You're so strong.


One, two, three.

The original plan when colton

Was here to get rid of christina


But I feel like now that I have

A little more power in the game,

It would be wiser for me to vote

Off alicia, because alicia's got

More ties with the girls.

It's very dangerous to have

Alicia in the game.

So colton leaving is a huge game


Take care, buddy!

I do believe if there was a

Karma, colton got some karma

Right back at him.

( Laughs )

( Laughs )

Tree mail!



You ready?

Take a deep breath.

All right.

All right.


"The game continues on, so

Don't give up the fight.

You haven't won.

You haven't lost, but you will

Go to tribal tonight."


Tree mail said that both

Tribes are going to tribal

Council, and I don't have any

Fingernails right now.

Like, all the dirt is in my

Mouth and it was nutritious but

It was disgusting.

I'm really nervous about it.

So you haven't won yet.

I don't think there's a


Tribal's a challenge.

Tribal's a a headache.

Is it a challenge?


I don't think so.

It continues on.

It's kind of neutral right now.

What if everybody goes and

Everybody picks one person.

You could choose your tribe or

The other tribe.

It is one world.

Everybody puts a vote in for the

One person they want to go home.

There's a lot of speculation.

Our tribe likes to run on and

And and develop these fantasy

Themes what's going to happen.

I don't know.

Would it be possible for them

To vote somebody off on our


You never know.

We're guessing that's what you

Can do.

I don't like this.

It just got deep.


The game continues on, so

Don't give up the fight.

You haven't won, you haven't


But you will go to tribal


Oh, snap!



We're going to tribal tonight.

We still have to go to


I really think we're just going

To talk about colton and that's


However, just in case, we need

To vote someone out, I might be

The first to go.

Will you be my friend?

I would be your friend.

I'll be your dad and my wife can

Be your mama.

Do you like me?



Are you mad at me because I

Voted for you?


I would say that you're a

Wonderful girl who will be very


But you wouldn't be my friend.


He would be my friend.

Jonas would be my friend.

But I do respect you, katrina.



I already committed to you

Guys so I'm letting you know

That I'm giving 100%.

The vote is going to you guys.


Right on.

I'm sticking to the plan.

All right.

The plan as it stand right

Now, christina, miefl, leif, are

Planning on voting off alicia.

But the thing is, tarzan is not

On board with that plan, but I

Don't really care.

Because I'm ready to take the

Bull by the horns and make

Myself the ring leader.

I have a better chance with

You guys, anyway.

If you ever find me a threat,

Vote me off.

I'm just letting you know

Straight up.


I appreciate that.

It sounds like a plan.

Sounds like a plan.

Hey, listen.


Christina is very, I call it


She suction up.

She says just the right thing to

Try to get people to go with

Her, you know what I'm saying.

She's kind of dangerous.

That's how I kind of feel--

You sense that already?

With alicia.

No, it's not so with alicia,


It isn't so with alicia, not at


I don't know, tarzan.

No, no, no, I promise you.

If we have to vote, please do

Christina, will you?

Because I will.

She will, and if you will.

Come on.

Leif, please.

I'm definitely stuck in

Between two hard places.

On one side tarzan wants to vote

Off christine, but on the other

Side, jonas wants to vote alicia


So I'm really stuck right now.

I'm kind of pissed about the

Whole idol thing.

Colton should have given it to


I was hoping that he was going

To give it to me.

Being that now I'm stuck with

Christina and the guys.

Lord knows u, I need it.

Lord knows u, I need it.

Jeff: we'll now bring in

The manono tribe.

Where's colton?

Jeff: all right, let me

Catch you up on why everybody is

Here tonight at tribal council.

Colton was medically evacuated

From the game yesterday.

He was in a lot of pain.

As much as he wanted to stay in

The game, after examination by

Our doctors, they concluded it

Was acute appendicitis.

He had to be flown to a hospital

To have surgery.

Oh, my god.


What is that?

Right here.


Jeff: it's very painful.

Jeff, I've had my taken out.

It's a lot of pain.

I was about 15, and it hurts.

It hurts.

Jeff: troyzan, how does

This change the game?

Geez, I don't even know where

To start.

You know, I feel sad for colton,

Because I know how much he loves

This game.

I mean, that's my reaction.

I'm sad.

Jeff: and yet, kim, another

Person out of the game, and it's

Not you.

Yeah, absolutely.

Another person gone is another

Person gone.

Jeff: is it hard to say


Yeah, I mean, I've had my

Appendix out, too, and it hurts

Like hell so I do feel sad for


He was so excited to be here.

Can I say something on

Colton's behalf?

Jeff: sure.

Sabrina, he said thank you

For the souvenir.

He did not give anybody the

Immunity idol.

He took it with him.


Jeff: so, sabrina, the fact

That she mentioned the idol

Specifically, do you believe

That, or does it raise some


My gut, I believe it.

He was really excited to get it.

I don't think he wanted anyone

To play it but himself.

So uuhm--

Seems like even if he didn't

Give it away they would want to

Keep a secret so I don't think I

Believe it.

I think somebody has got it.

Jeff: jonas was this a

Tribal decision to come in and

Tell them these certain things?

I can't reveal that

Information, jeff.

Jeff: wow, jay, the plot


You know.

Who do you believe?

( Laughter )

She is so full of it.

Look at her laughing.

Look at the smile on her face.

I don't buy that at all.

Not even close.

In fairness to alicia, he did

Tell her, to tell them, what she


So she's doing what he told her

To do.

Jeff: maybe.


Jeff: kat, wouldn't be the

First time in "survivor" that

Somebody lied.



You know, it's all suspicion.

I mean, they could possibly have


They could not.

I don't know.

I'm kind of more worried about

The appendix thing and how do

The not get mine hurt.

Everyone else has got theirs


But it's going to be interesting

To see what happens.

Jeff: so leave it to

Colton, who even though he's

Medically evacuated, still

Leaves an imprint on the game.

And the game is about to get

Complicated one more time.

You can drop your buffs.

We are merged.



Jeff: here you go.

Take a buff and pass it around.

Put it on.




Jeff: are you now one


12 People fighting for a million


So, troyzan, first you find out

Colton's out of the game.

Then you hear there may be an


And now you find out it is an

Individual game right now.

I'm actually counting numbers

Now, numbers of people.

And where they're going.

And who is with who and who is


So there's one, two, three,

Four, five, six, girls,un.

Jeff: we're back where we


Six men, six women.

Yeah, erchl has their own


Jeff: kim, lots of eyeballs

Darting back and forth.

Am I that obvious?

Jeff: not just you,


Yeah, I think everybody's

Trying to feel out the people

They were previously on a tribe

With, are the women together?

Are the men together?

Is salani together?

Is manono together?

Is this going to be really


Jeff: does this excite you

Or make you nervous?

I'm excited.

I'm nervous, too, but in an

Excited way.

Jeff: tarzan what, is going

On in your mind right now about

How the game is changing?

I have to say the game is


Jeff: on that note, here's

How it's going to work.

You're going to merge on the

Beach where you all started.

Any items from manono will be

Waiting for you.

You guys have lasted 17 days.

Take a moment to celebrate.

Then get your head back in this


Grab your torches.

Head back to camp.

Good night.

Jeff: stay tuned for scenes

From our next episode.

Jeff: next time on


Alliances are shattered.

When did it change and why am

I the last guy to know?

Platform, you are such a

Confused -- two days ago I told

That you plan.

Stop interrupting me.

Jeff: and tarzan walks


I'm dropping my allegiance

With you guys.

I'm out of it when I say

Something, I don't go back on


Good luck.

I think what's so hard about

It is I'm so used to getting my

Way and, like, this has not gone

My way at all.

I had a plan coming into this

Game from day one to day 39.

I knew what I had to do and I

Was going to do it and this has

Thrown a wrench in everything.

That's the hardest part for me.

I program you I could run this