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01x01 - Chuck Versus the Intersect

Posted: 09/27/07 22:46
by bunniefuu
Chuck; Morgan, this is a bad idea.

Morgan: Well, we can't stay here, Chuck.

Chuck: I'm uncomfortable with the plan.

Morgan: Plan? What plan? This is survival.

That's her. We've been compromised. I'm a ghost.

Chuck: Morgan, you can't leave me like this.

You can't do this to me, man.

Ellie: Chuck, what are you doing?

Chuck; Uh, escaping.

Ellie: From your own birthday party?

Morgan: Hey, Ellie.

Wow, you look fan... tastic.

Chuck: Uh, you know, sis, the thing is, Morgan and I don't really feel like we're fitting in... at my birthday party, 'cause we don't know any body, 'cause they're all your friends and they all happen to be doctors.

Morgan: Doctors who don't really get our jokes.

Chuck : Well, your jokes.

Morgan: Okay, my jokes.

Ellie: Chuck, I have invited real, live women for you.

So please... let's go.

Morgan, you stay here.

Chuck: Need a hand, buddy?

Morgan : No, no, no, I'm okay, I'm allright.

Chuck Season 1 Episode 01

Ellie: Birthday boy, come with me. We're going to be social.

You are funny, you are smart, you are handsome.

Chuck: Thank you.

Oh, there's captain awesome.

Ellie: Please don't call him that.

Devon: Okay, I've identified some candidates for Chuck and they are awesome.

Let me introduce you to Chuck, Ellie's brother.

Young Woman 1: Hi, Chuck. We've heard so much about you.

Are you in a costume?

Chuck: No, I-I...

I work for the nerd herd.

Young woman 2: "Nerd Herd"?

That is so cute.

What do you really want to do?

Chuck: Working on my five-year plan. Just need to choose a font.

Young woman 3: What happened here?

Did you hurt your hand?

Chuck: No, no, it's, uh, from call of duty.

The controller chafes after several hours.

Young woman 4: So Ellie said you went to stanford.

Chuck: Yes, that's technically correct.

I graduated in '02.

Young woman 4 : What was your major?

Chuck: Engineering.

Young woman 4: Oh, my god, I knew this great guy.

He was an engineer, um, he ran track and I think he was a gymnast, too.

Chuck: Bryce Larkin, he was my roommate.

Young woman 4: Oh, yes.

What's he doing now?

Chuck: I think he's an accountant.

Bryce Larkin: It's hard to say good-bye.

Security breach.

Data vault.

Young woman 4: So, do you have a girlfriend?

Chuck: Uh, no...

I did a while back at stanford.

Yeah. And her name was Jill.

We met fresh man year.

Young woman 4: Oh, that was a while back.

Chuck: I remember when I met Jill, I was... it was an economics class.

I was walking across the quad and she had dropped her bag, and I was like, you know, rushing to... to go and pick it up for her, and, uh... and we kind of, like, did that whole, like, you know, kind of in a cartoon, kind of bumped heads, and... there was a whole g*ng of us... Jill and Bryce.

We had so much in common then.

Ellie: How's he doing?

Devon: Not awesome.

Chuck: So there I was, jill with Bryce, me on a train home.

I guess she thought he was more exciting.

Security Agent:,Larkin is in the vault.

Larkin, open the door!

The intersect computer's been compromised.

Blow the door!

We can't let him go!

Call for backup.



Stop right there!


Cover right!

Larkin, stop!

Larkin is on the roof.

All units converge.

I repeat, Larkin is on the roof.

All units converge.

John Casey: Don't move.

Bryce:,Too late, Casey.

Chuck: Thanks for my party.

Your seven-layer dip... tasted like eight.

Ellie: Chuck, can I tell you something?

Chuck: It really was eight layers?

Ellie: Even though we may ask, no woman really wants to hear about an old girlfriend.

It's depressing, okay?

Stanford was five years ago.

You need to move on. It's time.

Chuck: Do we really have to have this conversation again?

Ellie: We've rehearsed it enough.

Chuck: Fine.

I'll get over Jill tomorrow.

Morgan; Hey, there.

Seems like everybody had a really good time, huh?

I know I did.


Cheer up, Chuck, you talked to some women.

You know, it's a start.

Wow blast from the past wow.

Bryce remembered your birthday, dude.

Chuck: What?

Morgan: The guy who got you kicked out of school, the guy who stole your girl, remember that guy?

Chuck: Yeah, Morgan, I think I remember Bryce.

All right, well... what, uh, what do we got here?

Huh, what is it?

Chuck: Zork... you remember Zork the old text, based video game?

Well, Bryce and I programmed our own version of it back at stanford using a trs-80.

Morgan: Wow, you guys were really cool.

Chuck: Yeah, if I could only remember what was in my hero's satchel.

The weapons that I would use to k*ll the terrible troll.

Morgan: Right. You know what, you're still really cool.

Chuck: And, uh, you're going home.

Morgan : Is it that time?

Chuck: It's that time.

Morgan: Right.

Chuck: Pedal safe!

Thank you. attack... troll... with nasty knife.

Morgan: Chuck?



Dude, you... you okay?

Chuck: Morgan?

Morgan: Yeah, man, yeah, it's me.

Chuck: What happened?

Morgan: I was going to ask you the same question.

You okay?

Chuck: Did you spike the punch?

Morgan: Something goes wrong, you blame me.

After all these years, where's the trust?

Yes, I did.

News anchor: The 101 is clear at Universal City.

Watch out for delays near Burbank Airport.

Security's checking all vehicles.

We got a sigalert on the I-605, San Gabriel River Freeway, Ut South Bound.

A fender bender on the I-5, Santa Ana freeway, north bound, from 91 freeway to the I-...

Morgan: So this morning I'm playing xbox.

And I'm like, dude, just let me get the sn*per r*fle, I'll take care of it, the guy won't give me the sn*per r*fle.

I made him eat a frag grenade.

Chuck: Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan.

As much as I would love to talk video games with you right now, I've got a really splitting headache and I... in fact, you know what? Can you do me a favor?

Do you mind driving?

Morgan: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Are you... are you, look, are you being serious?

You're going to let me drive?

Chuck: It's a company car, Morgan.

It's not that big a deal.

Morgan: It's not just a company car, okay?

A hoopty's a hoopty, home boy.

I mean, this baby's sitting on chrome.

Or... plastic.

Chuck: Do me a favor and stay off the 5, okay?

Because the cops are in phased deployment.

Morgan: Okay.

Thanks for the tip, ponch.

Chuck: Fellow nerds, today is going to be a very bad day.

We've got a new computer virus on our hands.

They're calling this one the Irene Demova virus.

Yes, yes, it's named after the serbian porn star.

Lonely dude call volume will be high.

This is a nasty one, kids.

It's a computer k*ller.

Last night, the display version of our prism express laptop was fried when someone... excuse me... decided to enter mrs. Demova's web site.

Anna, close the eyes.

This is what happens.

Virus voice: Food is sexy?

Am I sexy?

Am I... sexy...

Morgan: Sorry, Chuck.

She drives me crazy.

But that's love.

Chuck: Ladies and gentlemen, if you'll please just ignore dirty uncle Morgan, I think that everything...

News anchor : To arrive in Los Angeles later today to deliver a speech before the pacific security league tomorrow evening...

Chuck: Will be...

News anchor: The general has drawn fire for his criticism...

Chuck: normal.

General Stanfield, the former allied commander of nato...

Chuck: He's already here. He landed last night.

Anna: Who's already here, Chuckles?

Trying to stop tomorrow night's speech from happening...

Chuck: I don't know.

National intelligence director: Bryce Larkin was CIA, graham.

He was one of your agents.

CIA director Graham: And it was NSA's job to find him and to question him, not to k*ll him.

Thanks to rambo here, we've got nothing.

Casey: No, you got a dead CIA agent.

It's a gold star in my book.

Graham: If this gets out...

Casey: It won't.

Graham: Nobody asked you.

National intelligence director: Actually, they did.

Major Casey is heading up this investigation.

Graham: So what was Bryce after, hmm?

What did this computer do?

National intelligence director: Well, this computer did everything.

After 9/11, the NSA and the CIA were told to play nice share their intel.

This is how we did it.

Graham: Every scrap of data we had went into this computer.

It mined for patterns in the chatter.

Saw things we didn't.

National intelligence director: The data was encrypted into thousands of images.

Who ever received Larkin's e-mail got all of our secrets.

Find those secrets, Casey.

Casey: I found this on Larkin.

Hard drive is fried.

We picked up a trace signature.

National intelligence director:?Where?

Casey: Los Angeles.

Which is perfect. I've been feeling a little pasty.

Morgan: Stop the presses!

Who is that?

Vicki Vale.

Chuck: Vicki Vale, Vick-Vicki Vale.

Vickity-Vickity, Vicki Vale, Vic-Vicki Vale.

Sarah Walker: I hope I'm not interrupting.

Chuck: No.

Not at all.

That's... it's from batman.

Sarah: 'Cause that makes it better.

Morgan: Hi.

I'm Morgan.

This is, uh, this is Chuck.

Sarah: I didn't think people still named their kids Chuck, or Morgan, for that matter.

Chuck: My parents are sadists, and carnival freaks found him in a dumpster.

Morgan: But they raised me as one of their own.

Chuck: How can I help you... ?

Sarah: Sarah.

Chuck: Sarah.

Sarah: I'm here about this.

Chuck: Oh, yeah. The intelicel.

Yeah. Absolutely.

This model has a little screw that pops loose right in the back here.

Just go ahead and give ita couple of quick turns and... good as new, no problem.

Sarah: Wow!

You geeks are good.

Chuck: Nerds. I would say nerds probably more...

Morgan: It's no big deal.

Chuck: You know, yeah. I mean, nerd herd.

Father: Excuse me. Excuse me.

I have an emergency.

I don't know what I did wrong, but I shot the entire recital, but, um, now it... now it won't play back.

Chuck: Okay.

We'll just take a look and... you don't have a tape in here.

Father: But it's digital.

Morgan: Oh, boy.

Chuck: Right. Yes.

But you still need digital tape.

Father; Oh, no.

Her mom's going to k*ll me.

Chuck: Morgan, I need the wall.

Morgan: It's yours.

Chuck: I'm so sorry.

Okay. This... this way.

You ready?

What's wrong?

Daughter: I'm usually in the back row.

Chuck: Why?

Daughter: I'm too tall.

I block the other ballerinas.

Chuck: Can I tell you a secret?

But you can't tell the other girls.

Real ballerinas are tall.

Did you get it?

Did it work?

Harry tang: Chuck.

Chuck: Hi, Harry.

Uh, look, we'll be back up and running in five minutes.

Harry: Five minutes?

Do you know what five minutes means in buy more dollars?

Chuck: I didn't realize we had our own currency.

Look, I'm sorry about all the commotion.

Harry:,We are not stock boys anymore, Chuck!

We are leaders, Buy More leaders.

And you wonder why Big Mike wants me for assistant manager.

Chuck: There's an open position?

Big Mike didn't tell me about that.

Harry: And why should he?

He knows you won't leave the comfort of the Herd.

Morgan: Chuck, dude, she left you her card.


Why wouldn't you call this girl?

Chuck: Oh, I don't know. Did you see her?

Morgan: Yes. Oh, man, yes.

That's why I'm going to repeat the question.

Why wouldn't you call this girl?

Chuck; Because I live on planet earth, Morgan.

Why are you following me home?

Morgan: Aw, come... hey.

We're buddies.

We're going to go do friend things, and... I need to use your computer because mine's still acting up on me.

Both: Irene Demova.

Morgan: Ah!

So beautiful and so... deadly.

Both: Yeah.

Morgan: You know, you got to understand. This is what I've been telling people for I don't know how long...

Chuck: Please, not the computer.


Morgan: Come on, Chuck!

Do something!

Give me the... that's my friend!

Okay, look, he's not that good of a friend.

Chuck: Didn't you hang that shelf?

Sarah: Damn it.

Lester: Nah, I've been through it.

It's dead. It's totally fried.

This hard drive was... m*rder*d.

Jeff: What if you were the unwitting target of a ninja vendetta, and he returns tonight to strangle you with his nunchakus?

Chuck: That's super, Jeff.

Thanks for thinking outside the box on that one.

And here I thought I couldn't get any more freaked out.

I'm going to go buy some new locks next door at Large Mart.

Oh, thank God.

Excuse me, sir.

Do you know where they sell the...

Ominous customer: What do you want?

Chuck: Um...

No. Sorry.

Sorry. Nothing.

Nothing at all.

Just... I was, uh...

Look at that.

Oh, God!

Come on. Oh, My God! Thank god!

Listen! There's a guy here, and he's trying to do something.

I don't know. You have to call the cops, security the guy at the front who's checking receipts.

Large mart associate: What kind of guy?

Chuck: Scary, kind of a terminator vibe.

Stubble. Red hair.

Large mart associate: Black leather jacket?

Chuck: Yes!

Large mart associate: Like that guy.

Sarah: I have eyes on him right now.

Like I said, the computer was destroyed.

Beyond repair.

Graham: Okay.

It's done.

I want you in the air in an hour.

Sarah: But what if he has an external drive?

A backup?

Graham: It's over, Sarah.

The NSA is stepping in.

Bryce was CIA, he was our guy, and he burned us.

Casey's on his way out.

You're being recalled.

Sarah: 'Cause of Casey?

He's a burnout.

Graham: He's a k*ller, Sarah.

Cold school.

I want you to listen to me.

What ever happened with Bryce, you couldn't have known. You couldn't have stopped.

You couldn't have stopped.

Sarah: But I can fix it.

But I can fix it. If there's a backup, I'll find it.

Just give me 12 hours.

Chuck: I'm losing my mind.

I'm losing my mind.

I'm losing my mind.

Morgan, not now.



Hi... phone trouble again?

Sarah: Yeah.

I'm not sure I'm able to receive calls, 'cause I never got one from you.

Morgan: Oh, man! She...

Sarah: I'm sorry I left so quickly yesterday.

I had an appointment with a realtor.

I just moved here.

Chuck: Welcome.

Sarah: Thanks.

And, uh...

I don't really know anyone here.

I was wondering if you would show me around.

That is, if you're free.

Morgan: Oh, he's free.

He's got nothing but time on his hands.

He is very available.

You guys are going to have a great time.

What's that, sir? Xerox machines? Yeah, I'm on it.

Chuck: Apparently, my schedule is wide open.

Sarah: Great.

Ellie: Hey, Chuck.

Chuck: Ellie, Captain. Don't freak out.

Remain calm.

I have some news.

Morgan: Chuck's got a date!

Ellie: What? Who?

Devon: Way to go, Chuck. That's awesome.

Ellie: Oh, God, what are you going to wear?

Chuck: Uh...

Ellie: So, Sarah...

She's nice? Pretty?

Chuck: Yeah. Actually, Morgan met her online in this kind of chat room...

I'm totally kidding.

Ellie: Try it on.

Chuck: Honestly, this...

Ellie: I'm a girl. I know what girls like.

Chuck: I'll go change.

Ellie: Chuck.

Hey, so, these are left over from the party.

Take those.

And, um, don't forget about the old girlfriend rule.

Chuck: Right, got it. No mention of Jill.

Ellie: Aces, Charles.

You're aces.

Chuck: A dad quote. I'm impressed.

Love you, sis.

Ellie: I love you. Have fun.

Chuck: I will. I'll try.

Morgan: Just... they grow up so fast, you know, and...

Ellie: Go home, Morgan.

Just go home. Go home.

Sarah: He's picking me up for a date.

You're on your own on this one, Sarah.

Graham: I can't help you if something goes wrong.

Sarah: I don't know about this guy, Graham.

Graham: Nice guys aren't sent government secrets.

Sarah: What should I do if he runs?

Graham: k*ll him.

Chuck: So, yeah, I live with my sister and her boyfriend, captain awesome.

Sarah: No!

Chuck: It's true, though.

Sarah: So, so, wait. You call him "captain awesome"?

Chuck: Yeah, wait till you meet him.

Everything he does is awesome: Climbing mountains, jumping out of planes, flossing.

Sarah: That's funny.

Chuck: I'm... I'm a funny guy.

Sarah: Clearly.

Which is good cause I am not funny.

Chuck; Is that your big secret, by the way?

'Cause I've been sitting here trying to figure out what's wrong with you.

Sarah: Oh, plenty, believe me.

Chuck: And I was thinking either she's a cannibal or she's really not that funny, and I was pulling for cannibal 'cause I never met one before.

Sarah: Uh, not a cannibal but I did just come out of a long relationship, so I may come with baggage.

Chuck: I could be your very own baggage handler.

Uh, so the guy, the ex, the guy, the ex is the reason you moved here from...

Sarah: Uh, D. C.

Chuck: Right.

Sarah:Yeah, after I realized that all of my friends were his friends and that everything about Washington reminded me of... bruce, I needed a change, a big one.

Chuck: Bruce... yeah.

You give me crap for being Chuck and you went out with a bruce?

That's nice. That's real good.

Sarah: So, so what about you?

What skeletons do you havein your closet?

Any secrets?

Any women?

Chuck: Uh, yeah, yeah.

Uh, actually, well, back in college there was someone... actually, that's all over with now and her restraining orders are very specific. so...

I like you, Chuck.

Sarah: So, where are we going?

Chuck: Well, do you like music?

Sarah: I guess.

Chuck: You guess? What's your favorite band?

Oh, my Gosh! Oh, my Gosh!

Sarah: God, I'm not funny, I don't listen to music.

This must be your worst date ever, right?

I was waiting for you to say "no" .

Chuck: Sorry, sorry, I kind of zoned out there for a second.

No. No, no, no.

God, no, I, uh, I've had...

I've had much, much worse, uh, much worse dates... experiences overall with women.

In 11th grade, actually.

Sarah: 11th grade?

You have to go back that far?

Come on.

Casey: Chuck Bartowski's your mark.

NSA director wants him with a pulse.

Till we find out who he's working with and what he knows, he lives.

CIA skirt... you can k*ll.

Sarah: They're good.

Chuck: Good! Good!

Sarah: Let's dance!

Chuck: I'm not really a dancer.

Hey, hey, hey, where's the fire?

Sarah: Chuck, give me your keys.

I don't mean to be old-fashioned, but the company only wants employees... nerds, driving the nerd herd mobile.

I mean, it's kinda, you know...

Sarah: Get in the car.

Chuck: How did you get in to my car?

Sarah: Get in the car right now!

Chuck: Sarah...

Sarah: Just get in!

Chuck: What is going on?

Please tell me what's going on!

Sarah, you're not even looking!

Wait, wait, wait.

Who are these guys? What do they want?

Oh, My God! Oh, My God! Oh!

Oh, My God, Oh My God, I'm gonna die!

Sarah: Tell me when to turn.

Chuck: Uh, uh, left in five seconds!

Sarah: Your left or my left?

Chuck: What?

Sarah: Too late!

Chuck: Oh, My God!

Stoner: Whoa... computer emergency.

Sarah: Listen to me, Chuck. Those men will hurt you.

They're from the NSA and they're after you.

Chuck: Me? Why, why? Why me?

I'm nobody. I'm the supervisor of a nerd herd at a buy more.

Maybe one day I'll be assistant store manager and I don't even know if I want that job.

You know, that's not your problem... but that is.

Sarah: Back! Back! get out of the car. Let's go, Chuck. Move!

Wait, wait...

Chuck: Sarah, look out!

Sarah. Sar...

Sarah: Request emergency air evac.

Track location, we're on foot.

Let's go!

How well do you know Bryce Larkin?

Sarah: What? How do you... how do you know Bryce?

Sarah: We worked together at the CIA.

Chuck: The what? ! The CIA?

Bryce is a spy? !

Bryce larkin from connecticut is a spy?

Sarah: A rogue spy. Did he try to contact you?

Chuck: I haven't heard from Bryce in... wait. No, he... he-he sent, he sent me an e-mail.

Sarah: Did you open it?

Chuck: Yeah. It was, it was a line from zork.

Sarah: What?

Zork, it's a video game that we used to play.

Chuck: It was like a riddle, and I solved it and then there was, uh, pictures.

Lots and lots of pictures.

Sarah: You saw them?

Uh, your computer, did you back it up?

Is there an external drive?

Chuck: It crashed a week ago.

Wait, wait, wait. Hold on. Was I not supposed to look at those pictures?

Sarah: Okay, I may have to aim my g*n at you, so just don't freak out.

Chuck: Why?

Casey: It's late. I'm tired.

Let's cut the crap and give him to me now.

He belongs to the NSA.

Sarah:,The CIA gets him first.

You come any closer and I sh**t.

Chuck: Sarah... I'm freaking out.

Casey: You sh**t him, I sh**t you.

I leave both your bodies here, go out for a late snack.

I'm thinking may be pancakes.

Sarah: Chuck, no!

Chuck: They're gonna k*ll him.

Sarah: k*ll who?

Chuck: Stanfield, the general. The General Stanfield, the nato guy.

Look, something is wrong with me, okay?

I don't know what it is, but something is very, very wrong with me, and I'm remembering things that I shouldn't know.

Sarah: Okay, Chuck, talk to me. Like what?

Chuck: I don't know. I don't know. For example, uh... there was, there was a serbian demolitions expert at the large mart today.

That's kind of odd, wouldn't you say?

Look, last week the NSA, you guys intercepted some blue prints, blue prints of a hotel, that hotel.

And then the CIA, you guys found a file of schematics of a b*mb in prague.

The b*mb is in that hotel!

Casey: He was working with Bryce.

Sarah: No, he opened Bryce's e-mail.

Chuck, those pictures that you saw were encoded with secrets, government secrets.

If you saw them, then you know them.

Chuck: There were thousands of 'em.

Casey: Wait a minute.

You're telling me all of our secrets are in his head.

Sarah: Chuck, is the computer.

Chuck; What did you, what did you say? What does that mean?

Sarah: Chuck, you have to listen to me. You have to tell us where...

Chuck: What's happening to me?

Sarah: You said there was a b*mb. Is there time to stop it?

Chuck: What? What? Are you crazy?

Casey: No, we're the good guys.

We get paid to keep bombs from exploding.

Chuck: Look, I can't, I can't help you, okay?

I really wish that I could, but I can't.

Call Bryce. He's the guy that can save the day.

Sarah: Bryce is dead!

He died sending those secrets to you.

Chuck: Bryce is dead?

Casey: Yeah, and he's gonna have a lot of company unless you start talking.

So, pretty please...

Can we defuse the b*mb now?

Chuck: According tothe schedule, general's Already on the stage.

General Stanfield: Was our mission to give our nation's diplomats the military perspective on world issues.

Now, maybe it was just because I was a uniform...

Sarah: Wait! Casey, wait! We can't take him in. He's too valuable.

Casey: Okay, Johnny commodore.

You stay here, but you tell us where to go.

Chuck: Uh, the easiest way?

Sarah: No, fastest, Chuck.

Chuck: The fastest. Got it.

Sarah: Chuck, stop!

Sarah: Chuck, wait!

Stanfield: You know, it takes courage to speak out, to take action...

Chuck: This way!

Sarah: Chuck, where is it?

Chuck: I don't, uh... I don't, uh...

That's it.

Uh, right here.

Sarah: Oh, god.

Casey: No time to evacuate. Ideas?

Sarah: Disconnect the lap top.

Casey: There's no trigger. The cables.

Sarah: No, definitely a trap.

What the hell do yout hink you're doing?

Stanfield: Uh... ladies and gentlemen, we-we may have a cautionary situation here, so we'll take a short break.

Sarah: Chuck, is there anything else you remember about the b*mb?

What's the situation?

Chuck: Hi, Morgan.

Morgan: Hey, how's it going?

Chuck: Little busy right now, buddy.

Morgan: In a good way? Details.

Chuck: Why are you calling?

Morgan: I don't know, just... laying on your bed, Ellie's with the captain.

My computer's got a case of the demovas.

So, I figured I'd check in.

You old...

Chuck: okay, okay, I have an idea.

Casey: That's not an xbox.

And you're not in x men.

Chuck: I understand that. This is a prism express laptop, okay.

We sell this at our store. It has a dos over ride.

I think I can do this. I can do this, please.

Sarah: He's our best shot.

Casey: Go.

Chuck: Mr. b*mb, meet Mr. Internet.

Casey: He's searching for porn.

Sarah: You did it.

Chuck: I did it. I did it.

I... I defused a real b*mb.

This was a real...

What if I was wrong?

Casey: Don't puke on the c-4 , huh?

Both: He's coming with me.

Casey: What if this was a fluke?

Sarah: And what if it wasn't?

What if he can stop something bigger?

Casey: Fine, we drop him in a psych t*nk, let him stare at four rubber walls for a decade.

He'll tell us what we want to know.

Sarah: Casey, we don't know how this works and what triggers the memories.

He'll crack wide open.

Casey: Not my job.

I break things, I don't fix them.

Sarah: What about his job? And his friends?

What do we do about his sister?

Chuck: What about my sister?

Sarah: Nothing. We were just discussing...

No, no, no, hold on a second.

You have to leave my family and my friends out of this.

Casey: We'll see.

Chuck: Look, Bryce sent that e-mail to me.

I'm the one remembering your secrets.

Which means you have to listen to me, both of you.

And right now...

I'm going to go home.

Casey: No, you're not. Uh-uh.

Chuck: You... you need me.

How long you been here?

Sarah: All night.

Chuck: There's nowhere I can run, is there?

Sarah: Not from us.

Talk to me, Chuck.

Chuck: Yesterday I was making 11 bucks an hour fixing computers.

Now I have one in my brain.

And I can't figure out why Bryce did this, why he chose me.

What are you going to do with me?

What happens now?

Sarah: For now, you go back to your own life.

We'll protect you and you'll work with us.

Chuck: And my sister, my friends, are they in danger?

Ellie: All night...

Morgan: All night!

Ellie: Do you know how worried I was? I even called Morgan.

Morgan: I even got to hangout with Ellie.

How far did you get?

Ellie: Morgan, shut up.

Sarah: You tell them nothing to keep them safe.

Devon: Early morning procedure, so... group hug, huh?

Okay. Awesome.

Sarah: Need you to do one more thing for me.

Chuck: Yeah?

Sarah: Trust me, Chuck.

Chuck: Well, wish me luck.

( Music plays)

Morgan: Sorry, man.

Go get 'em.

Big Mike: Didn't think you'd apply.

Chuck: Well, uh... I think I'm ready for this, Big Mike, and what it means- responsibility, decisive leadership...

Big Mike: Save it for the interview. Now go train the new guy.

Chuck: Okey dokey.

Don't freak out.