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06x13 - In the Line of Duty

Posted: 01/20/15 01:45
by bunniefuu
Car is ready, Ambassador.

Thank you.

Let's go.

This is for the benefit of the State Department.

I get it. We'll finish this conversation in Tunis.

Okay. See you in a week.

(tires squealing)

(rapid g*nf*re)


Man: Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!

(indistinct shouting)

(rapid g*nf*re)

Get her out through the back!

I'll hold 'em off as long as I can.

Yes, sir.

Ma'am, with me.

Let's go.

(g*nf*re continues)

(grunts, woman screams)

Go! Fall back!

Soldier (in distance): Fall back! Fall back!

♪ NCIS: LA 6x13 ♪
Original Air Date on January 19, 2015

♪ ♪

Kensi: How bad is it?

We know about as much as you.

Eric: That's great, 'cause we know nothing.

We need everyone up in the...

Okay... whew!

Granger: Glad you could make it.

Two hours ago, the consulate in Sfax, Tunisia, sent out a critical message that they were under attack-- Jones.

NSA found this on Al Tunis Brigade's internal e-mail system, just 30 minutes after the attack.

Eric: We just downloaded this.

I haven't had a chance to analyze it yet.

Sam: Who's that security detail protecting?

That's Ambassador Nancy Kelly.

Callen: And the officer next to her?

Military attaché

Tom Harris.

Sam: Harris.

He's a squared away sailor. Good man.

Ambassador Kelly and part of her detail escaped through the back of the compound and returned safely to the embassy in Tunis.

Unfortunately, local assets confirmed that two American lives were lost.

Hetty: I'm sorry, Sam.

Commander Harris and one of the ambassador's security detail, a Mr. Clayton Waters, did not survive the attack.

Any security footage from inside the consulate building?

Eric: That's a negative.

They cut the power during the attack.

Granger: We assume that Harris and Waters were shot trying to buy time for the ambassador's escape.

That sounds like Harris-- g*n, rather than run.

Since Attaché Harris was Navy, we'll join in the investigation with the FBI.

They'll be in the lead.

Eric: I'm conferencing in FBI Agent Brad Reese. He's the ALAP for the U.S. Embassy in Tunis.

We're grateful to have your team working with us.

Sam: Any Intel or advance warning that someone was gonna try to assassinate Ambassador Kelly?

Negative. The RSO runs a tight ship here.

We haven't seen anything that would point to something like this.

These images that I'm sending you over right now were found on the dark side of Al Tunis Brigade's Web site in the days prior to the attack.

Callen: Yeah, typical pre-attack surveillance.

Deeks: Establishing patterns for the target.

The State Department and the FBI are both working on the assumption that this was an assassination attempt on Ambassador Kelly.

If they'd succeeded, this would have been the seventh U.S. ambassador k*lled by t*rrorists.

Will you be heading back to the consulate to process the scene?

No, I'll be heading back to the U.S. for a debrief tonight. State says the area is still too dangerous.

Could be weeks before it cools down enough for agents to go in and process the crime scene.

Callen: This has to be done now, or there's not gonna be any evidence!

We'll have another Benghazi on our hands.

No answers, just conspiracies.

Well, the t*rrorists are in complete control of the area.

Which is something I can't allow.

Harris was a friend.

I can't let this pass without answers.

Can we send in military to secure the area?

The host government has made it abundantly clear, any large footprint from military or law enforcement will be considered an illegal occupation.

What about a small footprint?

Navy could get us in there off the books, under the radar.

Well, if you can get in, we do have equipment that will make your limited time on target worthwhile.

(sighs heavily)

Kensi: So what's the plan?

Would you see if Harris gave his commanders any Intel on terror threats?

Wait. We're not going with you?

It's too dangerous for a full team.

We're gonna travel light and fast.

Besides, if anything goes bad, it's better if it's just us.

If anything goes bad, it's better if we're there to help.

You guys go visit Harris's commander.

Let us know what you find.

Come on. Who's gonna have your back?

He is.

He's got mine.

Be safe.

See you in a few days.

See you.

(knocking on door)

Woman: Captain Beck?

The agents are here to see you.

Thank you.

I'm so sorry for your loss.

Harris was one of the best men Have a seat.

Thank you.

How can I help you folks?

What can you tell us about Commander Harris's activities in Tunisia, prior to the attack?

Typical attaché work.

Hosting dignitaries, meet and greets, formal functions, that sort of thing.

He didn't mention anything that would indicate that he was concerned about the ambassador's well-being and safety?

No. He would have reported back to me on something like that.

Kensi: Are you aware of anything unusual that may have been going on at the consulate?

Like what?

Something that may raise the ire of t*rrorists looking to justify an attack.

Nothing can justify what those savages did.

That's not what my partner meant.

We simply want to figure out why they decided to come after the ambassador now.

I have no idea.

How often did you communicate with Commander Harris?

By phone or e-mail, pretty much weekly.

Mostly small talk.

When's the last time you saw him?

When he was back in the States for a couple of weeks last summer.

Has he been back to the U.S. since?

No. He was about due for his next R&R.

He gets two a year.

Okay. Um...

I think we're all done here.

Thank you very much.

And, of course, feel free to call us if you think of anything pertinent.

Kensi: Thanks.

Off of the record, with those who think assassinations and car bombs are tools of diplomacy.

I want you to find out who did this, and I want you to k*ll him.

Good luck. See you at the exfil.

Copy that.

Sam: Government-issued BDUs, night vision goggles.

Not your typical Jihadi kit.

Yeah, scavenged from the consulate attack.

Eric: We're up and running, guys. You got the feed.

Callen: Eric, keep an eye on these boys.

We got you covered.

(speaking local language)

Sam, status.

We're headed for the safe room now.

(tapping keys)

Sam: Oh, man.

Eric: What is it, Sam?

Bodies are still in the safe room.

They haven't moved 'em.

Door hinge is bent.

Got to make sure these guys get brought home.

They will be. But right now our mission is is to find evidence to bring their K*llers to justice.


LIDAR ready to scan.

Turning LIDAR on.

How do we know if it's working?

Callen: Ow.

It's working.

Unfortunately, we're not gonna be as stealth as we had wanted to be, not with these guys wearing night vision goggles.

They'll see the lasers through the windows.

We're gonna need more than that.

Scanning the northwest corner of the room.

Something's up. Look.

Eric: Guys, one of the guards just ran to the front gate to alert the others.

Looks like they're headed your way.

So much for having two minutes.

Almost done. This is my last corner.

Granger: Callen, Sam, you have to get out now.

Come on, G, we got to beat feet.

Ten more seconds.

Hetty: Pull out, Mr. Callen.

The t*rrorists are out of our field of view.

Hetty: Pull out, Mr. Callen.

That's an order.

G, we got to roll.

Three seconds is all I...


Nell: Callen? Sam?

(g*nf*re stops)

Hetty: Mr. Callen?

(static over radio)

Callen: We're out. Heading to the exfil rally point.

They're out.

Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. We aren't the highest priority at the DoD right now, and satellites in the area are a little overtaxed.

Excuses lead to abuses.

Owen, please.

Oh. There you are.

You guys gave me a heart attack.

Almost gave you a heart attack?

Imagine that.

What does not k*ll us, only...

Makes me want to k*ll you.

We got what we needed.

That was our assignment.

Yeah, let's just hope you got what we needed.

I'm uploading the LIDAR data now.

Use your wizardry to make it work, Gandalf.

FBI's moving their equipment into the gym to help work the case.

Coincidentally, while you were waiting for your exfil, several... suspected members of the Al Tunis Brigade boarded an Air France flight to Paris, with a direct connection to Mexico City.

You contact FBI and Homeland Security?

Yes, and Border Patrol. Now, we'll catch them if they cross through a border cross point.

But the problem is they probably won't.

They're more likely to try and sneak in.

What's up, boys?

How's the, uh, honeymoon going?

Really? You two want to go there?

Oh, no, not us two.

Keep me out of this.

Callen: You guys have any luck?

Commander Harris's boss, Captain Beck, said that Harris had typical foreign services work, nothing exciting or out of the ordinary.

Eric, let me know if you find anything.

You know it.

Welcome home, Agent Reese.

Thank you.

Deeks (southern accent): You buildin' a fort?

3-D evidence printers, capable of reproducing evidence smaller than the naked eye can detect.

Kensi and Deeks: Wow.

Can you build me a Stretch Armstrong doll?

What? What?

Ignore him.

Was the data that Callen and Sam collected adequate?

Oh, couldn't have been better.

Good. Soon, this will all be an exact replica of the U.S. Consulate safe room, down to the most minute detail.

And then, after that, you can build me a Stretch Armstrong doll?

I'm just kidding. What I really need is, like, a-a Hetty bobblehead doll.

Oh, my gosh. Would you stop?

What? I'm just saying.

We could put it on the dashboard...

Hey, guys?


We found something. Captain Beck told you he hadn't seen Commander Harris since he returned home last summer, right?

Right. Well, State Department records show that Beck traveled back from a two-week trip to the consulate in Tunisia, just two days prior to the attack.

And consulate security logs indicate that he spent most of that time in closed-door meetings with Harris.

Why would Beck lie to us about paying a subordinate a visit?

Maybe it's not the trip that he's hiding.

Maybe it's the subject of those closed-door meetings.

Maybe we have to pay Captain Beck another visit.

Woman: I'm sorry, can I help you?

Kensi: No, we do not need help.

Thank you.

I'm sorry, sir. I don't...

Please hold my calls, Ms. Tucker.

I have nothing to add to what I've already told you.

Captain, you know it's a federal offense to make false statements in a federal investigation.

I did not make...

Sir, it would behoove you not to compound your prior lack of candor with more lies.

We know you lied about the last time you saw Harris.

Deeks: And you so conveniently forgot to mention the fact that you recently visited him in Tunisia.

My interactions with my subordinates have nothing to do with your investigations.

Besides, it's well above your pay grade.

It may be above our pay grade, but it's not above our security clearance.

Kensi: Captain, you knew Harris.

He was a good man, and he deserves to be laid to rest properly.

And so do his assailants.

I'm sorry.

I'm afraid I can't tell you anything else.

Captain, please...

I'd appreciate it if you would just leave my office, please.


(machine whirring)


Is it just me or is this a little freaky?

It's weird.

Yeah. Tell me about it.

No, no. Check it out.

What's missing here?

(phone ringing)

Kensi: The hell is he hiding?

Deeks: I don't know.

I know what he's hiding behind.

Hey, Callen, you guys back yet?

Yeah. Hey, look, we got a problem over here.

We're looking at the 3-D recreation.

There's no visible entrance or exit wounds.

Don't forget we can't see the underside of the bodies.

The entrance wound could be underneath them, and there may not be an exit wound.

Sam: Yeah, but there's no signs of blood pooling either, and their body positioning indicates... they died of smoke inhalation.

There's no blunt trauma.

Either way, we have a very different scenario.

Why don't you guys head back.

All right.

Well, we'll see you in 20 minutes.

Callen and Sam think they found something.

Blue Chevy Malibu, your 12 o'clock.

Holding four guys.

Now there's three. One of them is now at your two o'clock with a gray sport coat.

You see him?

I do.

Okay, now we got one guy pulling a briefcase out of the back of that car.

Might be private security.

Either way, I don't like it.

You got my back?



g*n! Federal agents.

Stop! Freeze! Freeze!

(engine revs, tires screech)

(tires screeching)

Kensi: Eric, I need you to find a blue Chevy Malibu north on Flower.

Got it, Kens.

You okay?

Yeah. Better than that guy.

Tunisian government negotiated the release of Waters' and Harris's bodies.

They're on their way home.


Leave no man behind.

Guys, Kensi and Deeks were just in a sh**ting outside Beck's office.

Where are they?

Eric: Heading back.

They're okay. They took out one of the sh**t, still trying to find the rest.

What the hell happened?

We're... putting the pieces together now. But check it.

Going over the video again, we found this.

They're carrying RPGs.

If you've got rockets and your intent is to k*ll the ambassador, why would you let her go into a secure building?

Eric: But wait, there's more.

Act now and we'll throw in this, compliments of the FBI, taken in Koreatown this morning.

Nell: The Feds have this bank under surveillance because of suspected ties to terror financing.

But that's not all.

This limited time offer also gets you this guy.

That's right. It's the sh**t that Kensi and Deeks just k*lled outside of Beck's office.

Granger: Same guy. I think you just confirmed the bank's ties to terror financing.

Now, the angle of their faces in relationship to the camera isn't ideal, but facial recognition gives 60% probability that at least two of the men are the same men from the consulate attack video.

Granger: Get these photos out in a BOLO to all law enforcement in the area with a warning not to approach, just to notify NCIS and FBI if they're spotted.

On it.

Gentlemen, I've just been informed that Ambassador Kelly would like to see our replica of the consulate crime scene.

The ambassador is here in L.A.?

Well, she's here for Commander Harris's burial, day after tomorrow, at Los Angeles National Cemetery.

Sam: That's why these guys are in L.A.

They're here for another attempt at the ambassador.

No b*llet holes in the walls, bodies or floor.

Really bad sh**ting.

Most of these guys just pray and spray.

There's a pretty clear boot print here.

Yeah, looks like the breacher has some weight to him; this would be about a size 13.

Take a picture, see if Eric and Nell can find something.
Deeks: What's up, gentlemen?

You guys good?

Deeks: Peachy.

What's the status on the ambassador?

Callen: We alerted her security detail, as well as the local authorities.

Reese: The FBI's all over it as well.

Kensi: Question is, why were those guys at Captain Beck's office?

And, uh, was that money for him?

Well, he's gotta know something went down, because of the sh**ting.

No, we told him it was drug related, so that should buy us some time.

Kensi: Yeah.

Eric: Oh, man!

This is like the world's greatest Lego set.

Do you have any idea what I could do with this?

Eric, do you have something for us?

Oh, yes, sir.

I have something that you're going to like very, very much.

Nell: Turns out our evasive Captain Beck has some mysterious contacts.

So we did a little backtracking and we located security camera footage of Beck in the parking garage of his Navy office, in the alleyway behind a coffee shop in Beverly Hills... and on the lowest level of a parking garage in Santa Monica.

Eric: We've tracked much of Beck's recent local movements, and he only meets this individual in secluded spots.

Hmm. Super Secret Squirrel stuff.

Callen: Go back to the photo in the alley.

Can you get in any tighter?


That's CIA.

I worked with him in Russia. '97.

Went by the name of Otto.


Well, it was in Moscow.

I worked with him again, two years later, in Caracas, and he was going by the name Steve.

Sounds like the CIA.

Would you be able to locate him?

I could pull a few strings.

Deeks: Wow.

Now I know how Mr. Magoo felt.




“Oh-ho-ho, Magoo! You've done it again!”


Deeks: Seriously?


Whew! Wow.

Obviously before your time.

My time is your time, so how is that possible, Einstein?

Because you don't have an appreciation for vintage animation.

And if by that you mean I don't like old cartoons, no, I don't.

Deeks: First off, the word “cartoon” is demeaning to the art form.

And secondly... (coughs) ...cartoons are cool.

Oh, yeah?

You think they're cool?

Yeah, I think they're rad.

How rad do you think they are?

I think they're awesome possum.

How awesome possum?

Reese: What is this?

This? Oh, don't worry about this.

It's just adorable partner banter.

You're gonna come to love this.

No, here.

Deeks: Oh, wow.

Looks like you invited him to dinner at your house, because there is human bite marks on that piece of paper.

Kensi: There are also marks that look like writing indentations.

Deeks: Well, let's get Eric to see what it says.

Callen: Partial document in Harris's hand.

Looks like one word stands out-- “Dogleg.”

Sounds like a codename.

Let's see if the CIA can shed some light on it.

Let me handle this guy.

Hey, buddy, how the hell are you?


This is my partner, Huggy.


Pleasure to meet you, Huggy.

Well, it's been a while.

What can I do you for?

Well, I got a couple questions I think you might be able to help us with, Wally.

Uh, you know I hate, uh, “Wally,” Butch.

Come on. Yeah. Show some respect, Butch.

I'm sor... I'm sorry. It-it slipped my mind.

What can you tell us about Dogleg?


I'm not much of a golfer.


Callen: I get it.

But two good men died in Tunisia and I know you got information that could help us find the K*llers.

Sorry, but you're barking up the wrong flagpole.

Callen: Walter, we got another Benghazi here.

Never been to Tunisia.

Or Benghazi. Sorry.

Is that it?

No, that's not it.

A friend of mine died while trying to eat a document that referred to Dogleg, so I'd appreciate some genuine cooperation.

Sam: Don't look at him, look at me.

I believe he was trying to protect whatever Dogleg is.

I want to know what was so important that he was trying to protect it and not himself.

I shouldn't tell you anything.


Relax, Hugs.

I didn't say I wouldn't, I said I shouldn't.

Now, I'm only gonna point you in a direction; the rest is up to you to figure out.

DOGLEG is the code name of a top secret black op in Tunisia.

I oversaw it for the CIA.

Doing what?

There's a lot of good undercover people on the ground there.

Answer the question.

Look, I warned them it'd piss off the natives.

Like I said, you want to find out more, you're gonna have to do it on your own, gents.

Hey... and keep your heads down.

You're just gonna let him walk away?

I can't exactly hold him here, Hugs.

Where the hell he go?

That's why they call 'em spooks.

Don't you ever get sick of drinking that stuff?

You probably have enough tannins in your system to turn you into a suede handbag.

Do you actually have anything on your mind, Assistant Director?

Or are you just looking for a kitten to kick?

Are you comfortable bringing the ambassador here?

I am.

Hasn't been the safest place lately.

And we still don't know who our mole was working for.

Then this should be a good test of our security.

So we got nothing on your friend Otto.

He, like, disappeared.

But we do have this, from the consulate's outer security cameras prior to the attack.

I don't see anything.

Oh, uh, um... just bear-bear with me.

Hold on...


Maybe you should just tell us what it was.

Eric: Uh... y... I-I could, but it would... it's more of like a visual.

Things would just... just hang tight.

Why don't you text us when you find it?

No, no, wait! I got it, I got it, I got it.

Ambassador Kelly and Commander Harris.

Trouble in paradise?

(phone buzzing)

Maybe Kensi can read her lips.

Sam: It's gonna have to wait.

Ambassador's rolling up.

Madame Ambassador, right this way.

And we'll come in here.

This is the 3D render of the crime scene.

This is FBI Special Agent Reese...

Reese: Ma'am.

Hetty: ...and LAPD Detective Deeks...


Hetty: ...and NCIS Special Agents Blye...


...Callen, and Hanna.


Sam: Madam.

You're the two who recovered all this evidence?

Yes, ma'am.

Yes, ma'am.

Thank you.

We'll find justice for them.

Kelly: They died so I could live.

No one can ever repay such a debt.

Callen: Ma'am, is it possible we could have a moment of your time?


How can I be of assistance?

Sam: We have some conflicting hypotheses about the t*rror1st attack, which we were hoping you could help clarify.

You can have a seat here.

Thank you.

The t*rrorists had RPGs, yet they didn't use them.

No b*llet holes in the walls or the bodies.

It appears they died of smoke inhalation because the t*rrorists were trying to smoke 'em out.

I don't understand.

Callen: Ma'am, we believe this might have been a kidnapping attempt, not an assassination attempt.

Sam: These are from the t*rrorists' internal communications.

Not all these images are of me.

How do you know I was the target?

Callen: She's right.

There are five people in all of these images.

I've got you, personal assistant Lois, Harris, your driver, and the head of your security detail, Ray.

You ready?


Callen: Harris, you, Lois, driver.

Ray, Harris, you, Lois.

Harris, Ray.

You, Lois, Harris.

Ray, you, Harris.

Harris, Driver, Ray.

What do we got, Sam?

Harris is the common denominator.

He's in all of these images.

Meaning the t*rrorists were trying to kidnap Harris.

Not you.

Do you have any idea why?


But you might.

If I had to guess, I would say that that argument is about Dogleg.

Am I right?

I was arguing with Harris about the Dogleg op he was running out of the consulate.

Sam: We need to know everything about this op.

It involves dozens of covert operatives throughout Tunisia.

The kind of risky op that, if it goes south, it's a career-ender.

This op ended lives.

So careers are not high priority for us right now.

Who else was involved with Dogleg?

That's what I was mad at Harris about.

I wanted to know what other American personnel were involved.

I'm the ambassador.

I'm responsible for every American in that country.

We appreciate that, ma'am.

But can you give us the identity of anyone else involved?

Harris would not identify any of the operatives in Tunisia, which is what got me so upset.

He kept telling me I'd be safer if I didn't know.

What about outside of Tunisia?

Do you know anyone that was involved that wasn't in Tunisia?

Only Harris's boss.

Captain Beck.

I believe he was in charge of it.

What is it?

Your security detail may be protecting the wrong person.

If the t*rrorists were after Harris in Tunisia and that failed...

They're probably in L.A. to get Captain Beck.

Not you, Ambassador.

Eric, get Kensi and Deeks over to Captain Beck's house immediately.

Let's hope Beck is smart enough to talk now.


That's not good.





Clear signs of forced entry on the front door.

Same as the back.

(line ringing)

Wow, looks like your house after you clean it.

Thank you.

Go for Beale.

Eric, looks like Beck was abducted.

See if you can find any footage in the area that'll give us a direction of travel.

Got it.

Come here.

You know if Beck talks, he's gonna compromise the safety of a dozen U.S. operatives overseas.

Look familiar?

Yeah, it looks like the same size and tread as the boot we found at the consulate.


Eric, I'm sending you a picture right now.

Compare it to the bootprint that we found at the consulate replica.

Got it.

I'll start scouring databases.

Thank you.

Hey, you were right. Bootprints were a match.

Ah, great! So, we're looking for a guy in boots.

Just to clarify-- we can eliminate anybody wearing flip flops or clogs?

Mockery aside-- you're right.

The boots were a very common brand name so they weren't much help on their own.

Deeks: Well, Mockery is my middle name.

When we combine the boot brand, the foot size, the satellite images of the consulate aftermath, the t*rror1st videos and our own files from the Al Tunis Brigade...

Ladies and gentlemen, we present to you the Cinderella for our glass boot--

Tunisia's own Munir Al Zarzi.

Callen: I assume from his nom de guerre that he's from Zarzis?

Coastal town in Tunisia?

Yes. He was captured in Afghanistan in 2002.

He did seven years in Gitmo and was released in 2010.

He's not your typical weekend warrior.

He's a true believer.

A hardcore Jihadist.

Nell: He also oversaw the beheading of 19 of his captives.


Eric: We did a Kaleidoscope search for Munir Al Zarzi in the vicinity of the bank from the FBI surveillance video, and found this.

Nell: This was a traffic camera in Koreatown, less than a mile from the bank.

Eric: We then tracked his car to a compound in Hancock Park.

Best guess-- he's still there.

Callen: We're going tactical now. Tell Hetty.

Alert Agent Reese, and have the FBI SWAT team spun up.

Will do. Got it.

Alpha Team will approach the main gate on the north side. They'll be entering a fatal funnel if they go through that front gate.

t*rrorists will be expecting that.

Exactly. That's why we need Alpha Team to make their presence known outside the gate.

We, Bravo Team, will approach the south wall, Charlie Team will secure a third breach point to the west.

Do we have any Intel on exactly where the hostage is being held?

Negative, but we're fairly certain Captain Beck's being tortured for information.

Timing is everything! Everybody moves on our command!

Reece here. Alpha Team is in position.

Kensi, Deeks, you ready?

Affirmative. Charlie Team is waiting on your green light.

Charlie Team, hold.

Bravo, hold. Alpha?

On my count.

Three, two, one.


Execute! Execute!

(men yelling)

Bravo Team coming in.

♪ ♪

Drop your weapons.

Okay, okay.


Reese: On your knees!

Sam: Alpha Team, secure the t*rrorists.

Callen: Got this, Reece?

Got it. Go! Go!

Charlie Team, Execute! Execute!


Go. Go! Go!

Okay, yeah.


(man yells)

You're welcome.

Take it that's not a surrender?

You are so very wrong!

This will never come to an end!

We are only just...


Yeah, I thought about hitting an eight, but then I decided just to, you know, choke down to seven iron.

Bet you're happy to see us now, Captain Beck?

I didn't tell them anything.

I didn't say a word.

We know.

Could tell by your face you kept your mouth shut.

Good job, Captain.

Agent Reese and his team are leaving now.

I just wanted to thank you guys for everything.

It's our pleasure.


We're happy we could help.


Deeks: Hey, about that, uh, 3D printer of yours...

Already packed up and out of your hair.

Great, so that means I'm not gonna get a Stretch Armstrong or a Hetty bobble head doll?

What's wrong with you?


He's a bobble head.

Yeah, he's more like a Ch-Ch-Chia pet.

(Nell clears her throat)

Guys... It's okay.

I'm not sure how, but this?

This works.

Callen: Yeah, well, we're all just kind of one big happy, slightly dysfunctional family.


Good night, Callen.

Good night, Kensi.

Good night, Nay-Nay.

Good night, John Boy.

Sam: Shut up, Deeks.