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01x10 - Day of the Groundhog

Posted: 05/13/24 08:08
by bunniefuu

All righty, then.


Yes, yes!





Ace Ventura, pet detective.

-MAN:Roger, we're on air. -MAN:We've got it.

MAN :Thank you. Here we go.

MAN :Making through. Making through.

MAN : Okay. We're good.

MAN : Looking for snow.

MAN : Coming in. Thank you. Looks good.


Oh, no!

Check the monitors.



Fellow members of the inner circle, the unthinkable has occurred.

Phil has disappeared.

Disappeared? But in less than hours, it will be Groundhog Day.

How can we have Groundhog Day without a groundhog?

We'll be ruined.

Isn't there someone who could help us?

I've heard a tale of a man from Miami who always gets his pets.

Oh? And who might that be?



My name is James.

Monkeys always look.

No offense, Spike.

JAMES: As you can see from our security tapes,

one second Phil is right there in his burrow,

and the next second, poof, he's gone.


Did Phil have any enemies, creditors, jealous lovers, resentful children,

or suspicious butlers?

Um, no, on all counts.

Show me Phil's burrow.


Phil's burrow is a climate-controlled environment.

It is specifically designed...

For the year-round safety and comfort of the groundhog. Yes, I know.

Who has access to this burrow?

Well, I do.

Aside from you, duh.

No one. I've got the only key.

I see.

You just became my number one suspect.

I'm about to be brilliant.

If you have a heart condition, wait outside.


Tunnel infrastructure still intact.

No loose soil which means no sign of a struggle. Wait!

B, bingo!

There's a slab of metal down there.

Phil's eco cell is protected by an impenetrable layer of titanium alloy.


And is this diddly bunk supposed to have a hole in it this big?

Dear mother, no!


You're no longer my number one suspect, Jimbo.

Someone dug up through the floor

and swiped Phil, thus didn't need a key.

Now, let's see what's down here.

[SCREAMING] It's over here. It's eating my eyes.

Help me! [SCREAMING]

It's gone.

What's down there?

Oh, it's big.

And by that I mean extensive.

A labyrinth of subterranean tunnels extending for miles in all directions.

James, if I'm not back before, you can say the great mining disaster of ',

say it a bunch of more times.






Gee, Spike, we could search those tunnels till doomsday

but we just don't have that kind of time.


Greetings, hogateers.

You know, while I'm here I should probably inform you that no one's leaving town.

Each and every one of you members of the Phil, the groundhog club,

is now my number one suspect.

That's preposterous!

No one here has a motive.

Don't they, Jimmy?

I'd say this group is packing more motives than I've had bad hair days,

and that's quite a few.

Obviously Roy here is a gym coach of a high school

whose mascot is not the groundhog,

but the little known and less prestigious mole rat.

But maybe Roy thought he could change all that. Mm!

And Cubby is a carpenter by trade judging from the splinters.

Could be Cubby is out for blood

because he's had too much valuable wood chucked by pesky woodchucks

which we all know is just another name for groundhogs.

And then there's Annette, weatherwoman for the local access channel.

Obviously tired of being upstaged by Phil's weather-predicting abilities,

not easy living in a groundhog's shadow, eh?

You don't seem to have uncovered a motive for Bartholomew, Mr. Ventura.

Oh, you mean Ringo?

I'll tell you if you give me a hat.

These are special hats made for inner circle members only.

Oh? Well, they're stupid hats.

None of us did it. It wouldn't make sense.

We hired you to find the culprit.

We've got years of tradition at stake.


A woodchuck sticks his head out of a stupid hole

to look at his shadow and a bunch of people have a big stupid party?

Big flipping ding-dong, dilly doo, dippy daddy.

Hold your tongue!

Phil predicts the weather.

When he sees his shadow,

he can tell if it's going to be an early spring or a late spring.

It's a magical family-oriented occasion for ages one to .

And we get to wear these hats.

Oh, sorry, you get to wear hats.


There's not a single one of you concerned

with the safety and well-being of poor defenseless little Phil.

I'll find the creep who kidnapped Phil.

Not for money, not for tradition, and not for hats.

I'll do it for Phil.


-[HATCH OPENS] -Spike!


Look, when I need you [INDISTINCT]


I should have said I'll do it for Phil and a really warm coat.

Sure is hard that groundhog up and disappeared like that, isn't it?

You know the groundhog is gone?

I thought that was privileged information.

MR. PHIL: I know everything about old Phil.

I'm Mr. Phil and I've been around here since ,

my first Groundhog Day.

I was just a little whippersnapper then, of course,

hardly bigger than your son here.

I come see old Phil every year of my life.

Of course, now he's missing I suppose there won't be any Groundhog Day,

and this snow and ice is just gonna be here forever.

Say what?

It's true.

On February nd, Phil comes out of his burrow on Gobbler's Knob

and predicts either an early or a late spring,

but if he ain't here to predict, then spring won't never get here.

It'll just be wintertime and snow... [ECHOING] forever.


Winter will last forever?


It may sound funny to you but it's true.

Every word of it.

So unless you want to see an endless winter storm,

I suggest you find old Phil the groundhog.

And I'll tell you the best way to find a groundhog is to look for the shadow.

Look for the shadow? I don't even know what that means.

Look for the shadow?

Listen, Mr. Phil.

Mr. Phil?

The shadow.

The shadow.

Oh, my gosh! Hallelujah, Mr. Phil!

Gentlemen, we've gone through the looking glass.

Black is white, up is down, dogs are cats, and Christmas is in July.

What's he going on about?

What I'm going on about, Cubby, is this.

Back there on the left, the shadow, friends, the shadow.

Back there on the left.

Back there on the left.

The shadow of what?

The shadow of whoever or whatever abducted little Phil.

We've all got shadows, Ventura.

Including you.

What's that prove?

What's it prove?

It proves...

Uh, I don't know what it proves yet,

but if you'll excuse me a moment, I've got to use the little detective's room.


Listen close, Spike, that shadow looks pretty darn familiar.

There's only one person who could get through all that security

without a trace. Who?

The Griffin, that's who.

The Griffin's a g*n for hire.

Any one of those guys out there

could be the dangerous mastermind who hired him.

So I want you to keep them busy while I go find the Griffin.


GRIFFIN: Hello, Ace Ventura.

You knew it was me?

I smelled you when you stepped off the boat.

No one else uses airplane glue for hair mousse.

You know, I was raised by a moose. Come in.

You're too kind,

but blood-sucking rats with wings make my colon twitch.


Watch your mouth!

You never know when you might be insulting someone's family.

I take it you were raised by bats.

That would explain why I'm here visiting my aunt.

[GRUNTS] Don't play coy with me, sunshine.

I'm looking for Phil.

I don't know what you're talking about.

-I know you were in Gobbler's Knob. -Prove it.

The clerk at the airport showed me your travel itinerary.

Merv Griffin, don't you think that's a little obvious for a fake name?

I wanted you to find me.


So you would waste valuable time coming all the way to Argentina

-on a wild goose chase. -You're a solitary man.

Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your winter.

I don't buy that groundhog gaff, Griff.

You forget, I was once raised by groundhog.

Of course you're my favorite, aunt.

But if winter lasts forever at Gobbler's Knob, it'll be really, really cold.

-Yes, that's his plan. -[GROANS]

-Whose plan? -I'm not at liberty to say.

Pretty please with sugar on top.

-[GROANS] -There. Who's sloppy now?


I may not have been raised by groundhogs,

but I do know how much wood a woodchuck chucks

if a woodchuck could chuck wood, that is.

What's that supposed to mean?

It means you are getting sloppy. Behold!

A clue absconded from your very own pocket

before your eyes, under your nose, and behind your back.


G.C., obviously the identity of your client.


Phil is still alive, and these initials are going to lead me to him.

Not if I rip you apart.



You should look before you leap.

You weren't raised by great white sharks.


Maybe not, but I also wasn't raised by losers.

I'll get you.




What's taking him so long in there?

Gentlemen, I'm beginning to think

that Ace Ventura himself stole Phil just to ransom him back to us.

That's lame. What do we do?

On three, we jump the monkey.

One, two.





Phew! Do not go in there.

Say, were you gonna jump my monkey?

-Who? Us? No. -Never.

-Well, I'm insulted. -Jump your monkey?

Oh, yeah?

Well, where is he then?

Boom! My nose.

Okay, here's the skinny.

While I find it highly doubtful

that the babblings of a simple groundhog

can have any effect on the weather,

we just can't take that chance, Spock,

I mean, Spike.

But this will narrow down the search quite a bit.

It's a G and a C.


Just find G.C. and we find Phil.


G-roundhog C-A-F-E.

Victory dance! Case solved.

Well, hoo-hoo-hootie and the blowfish.

Whoo! Whoo! Wait a minute.





Man, is everything in this town G.C.?

You know what this means?

My victory dance was premature.

I was not worthy. Thus I must undo it.



There's got to be a G.C. we haven't thought of.

Graham crackers? No.

George Clooney? No.

The Great Caruso? No.

Gorgonzola cheese? No.

General Custer?

Grandfather clock?

Ginger cookie? No.

Galloping cows? No.

Yeah, mine are numb too.

Hey, not just numb, cold. I mean, really cold.


The heat is off!


Now I'm cold, and my hand hurts.


It's Mr. Phil.

Jiminy gosh dang, what happened to your hand?


Punched the radiator, didn't you?


Well, okay, I did. So what?

That never does any good.

You got to go straight to the gas company yourself.

That's the only way to fix your problem.

Go to the gas company? In this weather?

You're kidding me.


The gas comp... [SCREAMS]

[SING-SONG] It's so obvious.

If it were a snake, it wouldn't have bit me.

Yippity zoom pow pow bang-a-boom, baby!



I know where you are and I'm coming to get you.




Thank you, banana boy wonder.



Whatever's in there must be very important.

Victory dance! Case is solved!

Oh, world is saved!


-That's what you think. -[BOTH GASP]


Just as I suspected, Jimmy.

It was you who hired The Griffin

to kidnap poor defenseless little Phil the groundhog

in order to make winter last forever,

so that the good citizens of Gobbler's Knob

would continue heating their homes

and your gas company's income would remain at the high wintertime levels

for eternity.

Well, you may have found Phil,

but you'll never get him to Gobbler's Knob in time,

and without him, Groundhog Day is kaput.


We'll undo that victory dance later.





You fiend!

How can you turn on Roy, Cubby, Annette, and Ringo?

Those imbeciles?

They're probably trying to figure out how to have a Groundhog Day

without a groundhog.


Okay. This might not work, but it's worth a try.

Oh, it's a boneless groundhog.






Hogateers, make room for Phil.



Look, James, Phil's here.


No, you don't.

[STRAINING] Yes, I do.





MAN: Folks, we're running a little behind schedule due to some irregularities.

Sit tight. You all smell terrific.






You got that right.

Monkeys always look.

Mr. Ventura, are you sure you won't stay

and be the new president of our groundhog inner circle?

Why? Because we like you.

While I do appreciate the hat, people, I'm a pet detective,

and as such I have a duty to all the animals of the world,

-not just one groundhog. -[CRYING]

That was beautiful.

Hey, why don't you get Mr. Phil to be your president?

He actually believes in that whole groundhog weather thing.

-Huh? -Mr. Phil?

Yeah, you know, the old charge here,

been around here since and the very first Groundhog Day.


Ah, Ace.

Mr. Phil passed away over years ago.


Huh? All righty, then.