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03x56 - Hay Day

Posted: 05/13/24 10:00
by bunniefuu

here to show you what's coming up next

on Between the Lions


if you can read a-y-a then you



if you think that was fun watch this

Between the Lions is funded in part five

a ready to learn television Cooperative


from the U.S Department of Education

through the Public Broadcasting Service

and by the Corporation for Public

Broadcasting I love how you said that

Cleo we do have additional funding to

talk about all right of course

um additional support is provided by the

park Foundation dedicated to education

and quality television

and the Civil Society Institute you know

Theo I never get tired of telling people

about our funders me either I could do

it at least once every day we do oh yeah

right we do

hey now hey wow

here's how

come and Read Between the Lions




the world always




all righty sir as you requested here are

all the books about names in the entire



that's all you say you have no more

you're sure no way

no more no way oh well then

I say okay now I'll go and read these

all today

all today no way oh way today now how

much do I have to pay oh well this is a

library you don't have to pay

you don't say

and I guess I'll be on my way

but all the books of names in the


nice rhymey kind of guy must be a speed

reader hmm you know I think I've seen

him somewhere before no he he just got

one of those familiar faces I don't know

oh his name is on the tip of my tongue

really I still got breakfast on the tip

of my tongue


oh I'll hide these books and play a game

look it's a game I'll win called what's

my name


I bet we can find some really cool stuff

to read over here oh cool hi cool how

you doing oh hi


hey look at this

cool book huh

rum rum hey Lionel let me try to read it

no problem I'll be my guest

all right break it down yeah I can do

this oh yeah okay

rum rump



k*lled stilt in



Rumpelstiltskin Rumpelstiltskin I did it

I did it oh my gosh

what's a Rumpelstiltskin oh very good

question well maybe if we read the book

we'll find out

yes yes yes unreasonable that's what I

say read the book that is the way



Rumpelstiltskin by Raymond J Haywire

once upon a time in a kingdom far away a

man boasted to a King named Ray

Good King Ray I'm here to say I've got a

daughter named a faith who spins real

gold from worthless hay and they can do

it in one day

gold from hay

bring her to me right away bring her to

you right away run away bring her to you

right away


and so the next day the man brought his

daughter Faye to King Rey who took her

to a room full of hay a room full of hay

whoops I say

please spin me gold from hey

gold from hay yes and spin it all in

just one day then

marry me I'll say

or in my dungeon

he'll stay

For Heaven's Sake there is no way I can

make gold from hay

can someone help help I pray

or the dungeons where my father will


oh no

I can make some gold from hay

you can make some gold from hay gold

from hay that's what I say well then go

do it right away yeah no I won't go

but we don't have any money oh

that nice hat is what I'll take and then

some gold I'll go and make I had no I I

love this hat if you pay I say okay if

you don't I say no way



giving him his favorite hat

I did it for Faye and her father

going from hay up up and away

oh what happens next line or what

happens next just then a troll appeared

in Faye's room


ah I can make you oh no we'll wear it

I can make you gold from hay but if I do

then you must pay

but I have nothing



that bracelet's what I'll take then gold

from hay is what I'll make

my bracelet yeah

I love this bracelet if you pay I say

okay if you don't I say no way





when King Ray saw the gold he said you

didn't say

and all in just one day you've spun gold

gold from hey I knew she could do it

that's my daughter Faith


listen to this the next day the king

took all the gold away and filled the

room again with Hayes

say please spend me more gold from hay

more gold from hate and spend it all in

just one day and then please marry me

I'll say if not my dungeons were

I'll stay I'm so lucky the world


that's great I don't believe this guy

thank you

I can go make gold from hay

because I won't go unless you pay but we

don't have anything oh


that cute doll is what I'll take and

then some gold I'll go and make give me

give me give me moppy

I can't keep you lovey I love fluffy

if you pay I say okay if you don't I say

no way oh man


look at all that gold beautiful gold

yeah we'll take a good last look Buster

because we're gonna turn all this gold




yeah hey what that's ridiculous even if

you could why would you want to turn

this precious valuable gold hey to hey

well cause uh gold is uh hard and hay is

uh uh

soft yeah soft so uh clay how are we

gonna turn all this gold into

um hey

maybe if you sit on it you can hatch

some hay oh that's a good



yeah idea oh

no pain no gain

hey hey

and now performing the AY a sound in

their head word day here is click the

mouse and the mouse works


Applause for Mouse and mouse works



spray spray

away yes it's just that easy





hey play




Hugo and Inez


Hugo and the knee man

what is this


it's the me man



Tunes the guitar


the knee man plays the guitar


the knee man wants candy



man has candy in his hat

knee man is happy

cute little announcer bunny here to say

watch this

hey look what over here huh

hey look buns



crayons oh


crayons wow you're smart well thanks


okay okay what do you say

I did it for Faye and her father

gold from hey

and away


I can make you gold from hay but over


I can make you gold from hay but if I do

okay I know then I must pay that's right

but you took my bracelet I have nothing

left nothing



ah then listen close to what I say I

have a way that you can pay when you

marry good King Rey and you have a child


or gold from hay I will not make my baby

if you pay I say okay if you don't I say

no way they really think she'd ever

marry the king because they didn't have

much in common

so she agreed to give the troll her baby

which she was sure she would never have


gold from hey go from hey and he spun

the night away making gold from bales of

hay go from hey gold running the next

day when the king saw all the gold he

said say

You Take My Breath Away

let us marry it now today

first you have to say sorry for that

whole dungeon business okay okay I'm

sorry it'll never happen again my

daughter's going to be the queen

Ray and Faye got married that same day

and a year later a baby was born

and the troll came to take the baby

I'll take that it's time to pay no no no

I say please please please I pray

okay okay

let's play a guessing game by day's end

you must guess my name if you're right

you'll keep your baby if not it's mine

and I don't mean maybe


now don't be sad

now don't be sad you too can play guess

my name and by the end of the day you'll

get the things I took away

my hat and love each

if you guess my name I'll give them to



can we do that the end of the day Hey

listen we're in a library

there have to be tons of books about

names here somewhere

Leona you stay here with the trolling

guests Gus and I we'll go get the books

okay break okay Mr troll



if you can read a-y-a then you can repay


come on and give it a try all you need




been away






Corner hi Mommy

this is my corner

corner and here with today's poem is Mr


that take it thanks for me thank you

very much

me and Maeve

by Sarah durkey

me and Maeve made up this game by the

name of cap ball

we take our baseball caps and the ball

and ourselves in the hole

and it can go on for ages

me and Maeve

are the same I'm a boy she's a girl I'm

tall she's tiny

my hair is short

hers is long braids she can't play video


I'm an expert

but cap ball

is our game

we call a million things

by our own made-up names

I tell you we're the same


thank you mommy you know

I was thinking of writing a poem called

me and Mommy what do you say


be still my heart

hating the way those crazed rhinos keep

messing up her bedroom Brave Little

Monica Maxwell has changed them

look they even made my bed but wait a

minute what's this oh no it's the evil

on people they are putting an um in

front of the words tamed and made

causing the Rhinos to become

untamed and Monica's bed to become

on the maid but peanuts had little

Monika the heroic three people are here

look they've retained the rhinos and

Monica's bed has been remade thank you

people you're amazing made




hey hey



um how about you no no oh I know Rob

how about how about

John Michael John no no

oh that's every name I can think of

I don't understand it guys there's not a

single book of names in the whole


no books of

books of no what a shame I guess you

won't be guessing my name

oh man now what are we gonna do

well I'm not getting up I just thought

of a whole


this does not look good

I'm beginning to wish we'd never read


Rumpelstiltskin book

Rumpelstiltskin what a Dopey name for a



today I'll Brew tomorrow I'll wake

so now have the Queen's namesake how

hard it is to play my game for

Rumpelstiltskin is my name

no I'm telling you guys like you're a

total genius man no really you figured

it out you've figured out the title is

his name you're a genius I don't know

about that oh yeah

Leona do you know what his name is


thing oh yeah that troll is in for a big

surprise you should say that again I

told him for a big surprise

the troll went back to Queen Faye at the

end of the day okay let's play the game


ah now guess my name and you keep your

baby if not it's mine and I don't mean


okay is it a Rumple Myers B Rupert

pumpkin C Regis Philbin or D


I don't know I'm not sure could it be a

rumble Myers

perhaps it's B

Rupert pumpkin

or C Regis Philbin

maybe it's D



D Rumpelstiltskin that's your name

that's my final answer no

no wow


thank you you were my lifeline

you are welcome Queen say oh

my hat


yeah now we can live happily ever after


wow we did it

um uh clay yeah Clay we turned gold into

um oh yeah hey

rules that was a zillion dollars worth

of gold and now it's a worthless bale of

hey Ray


hooray hey this is not my day


hi I'm Leona and Al Franken is my

designated reader today get a child wild

about reading and you get a child Wild

About Learning

that's me getting Wild About Learning

that's an impressive girl


Between the Lions


I love how you said that

Cleo we do have additional funding to

talk about all right of course M

additional support is provided by the

park Foundation dedicated to education

and quality television foreign


Society Institute I know Theo I never

get tired of telling people about our

funders me either I could do it at least

once every day we do oh yeah
