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03x63 - Help!

Posted: 05/13/24 10:07
by bunniefuu
announcer bunny here don't touch that


here comes between balloons you won the

word it's give a word you heard give us

catechu that is so special give is an

outlaw word if you think that was fun

watch this between the Lions is funded

in part 5 we are ready to learn

television cooperative agreement from

the US Department of Education through

the Public Broadcasting Service and by

the Corporation for Public Broadcasting

I love is said that Clio we do have

additional funding to talk about all

right of course and additional support

is provided by the park foundation

dedicated to education and quality

television and the civil society

Institute you know Theo I never get

tired of telling people about our

funders neither I could do it at least

once every day oh yeah



come and read between the lines





I wonder if the kids cleaned up the roof


oh look at this mess

oh yeah well what are the Cubs I can't

find the book we want to read hello hi

you know it's no wonder no Cubs you

didn't clean up like you promised we

didn't have charm cuz we were looking

for the bull yeah it's a brand-new one


Henry the very helpful herring by Helen

Yelper oh I know that book that's good


hmm good but gone can't find it anywhere

I think I know a story that I'll help

you find a book someone wrote a book

about how to find your lost copy of

Henry the very helpful Harry by Helen

Yelp I'll go get it

trouble finding it nah decide to go get

a drink of water now this book is called

the little redhead adapted by Mel helper

all right there once was a little

redhead who lived on a farm the hens

friends were a little black dog a big

orange cat and a little yellow goose


one day the red hen found some grains of


The Little Red Hen asked who will help

me plant the wheat I set the little

black dog said the big orange cat not hi

said the little yellow goose back I will

do it myself

said The Little Red Hen and she planted

the wheat without any help at all

The Little Red Hen asked hog who will

help me cut the wheat set a little black

dog ma said the big orange cat note I

said the little yellow goose then I will

do it myself said The Little Red Hen

and she cut the wheat without any help

at all

who will help me take the fleet to the

middle and grind it into flour asked the

Little Red Hen I said the little black

dog said the big orange cat said the

little yellow goose then I'll do it


said The Little Red Hen so she took the

wheat to the mill and ground it into

flour without any help at all


okay who will help me bake the bread ah

gasp the little red very very tired hen


said the little black dog said the big

orange cat no said the little yellow

goose then I will do it myself

said the little red very very very tired



and she bakes the bread without any help

at all


the hot fresh bread smelled very good

now who will help me eat this brand

asked the Little Red Hen oh well said

the little black dog I will said the big

orange cat I will said the little yellow


no you won't I will do it myself

yelled the little red hen and she ate

the bread without any help at the end oh

just me or did it not once in that book

mentioned Henry the very helpful herring

by Helen Yelper even once I got the

message mom dad know just what you do

that's my boy how will that story help

us find Henry the very helpful herring

by Helen yelled Bert

oh it's simple the animals in this story

wouldn't help the hen so they didn't get

what they wanted

all we have to do is help a hen and

we'll get what we want

oh it's so obvious but where will we

find a hem to help



oh and let's mark the leader in the

bowels too short

eat best sound in the word






wrestling impressing press press

pressing impressing now that was


and now the word doctor with dr. Ruth


hello here's dr. Ruth I'm dr. Ruth what


with another word that's tired of being

what it is and once to change is better

right yes but I am tasty and I can't

change I can yes you can

no I can't have you tried letting go of

your first letter the letter T no should

I absolutely

okay key go get scram

very good now you've got to let a little

Z into your life z yes let it in and it

will change you I promise

city zesty not tasty Oh Maggie daiquiris

there give you are welcome whoo I'm the



best belt bail bail tell Andy to and pay

them pest cuz they all start with petty

you see if the beginning is a great big

clue and as long as you check out the ND

- you can read lots of words that start


lots of words that start with


and now it's time for Wayne here once

again at blending field where two brave

knights in armor will charge together

her high speed I make a word competing

today we have sir that's graves word for

today this is going days you can fit who

will see you next time on











Oh information don't take up on a hand

like that that's something helpful we

don't say I don't know here Yelp is a

short cry yo is a short cry like this I

think that well could you write a note

to our parents and tell them we help you

you know well here it is a note from a

him that says we helped it just what the

book said yes so where is Henry that

very helpful herring by Helen Yelper

yeah I still don't see it anywhere the

point of the story

wasn't that you should help a hand dad

wasn't no the point is that in order to

enjoy the fruits of your labor first you

have to do the labor mm-hmm any fruit

enjoying the fruits of your labor means

you need to work for what you get it's

an expression you mean we have to clean

up this mess don't you did that go well

I hope so what went

tenth thanks for joining us back at the

National World Cup finals Tiger Woods is

stepping up to the tee he's been riding

sensationally all day but this will be

his final and most important word 10th

it starts with a sound followed by the

vowel sound a the mm and the final

that's a hmm

10th if he makes it he will win ten

tenths he's selecting a writing

implement it appears to be an evasive a

pen a good choice for this word Tiger

approaches the tee and begins his stroke

and oh he's written a perfect n which

makes the sound mmm wonder what he's

planning to do next oh this is the kind

of writing that put Tiger where he is

he's made a perfect tee which makes the

sound that's the final sound in the word


talu is writing the heck out of this

word let's see what he'll do now it's

got to be a vowel to make the n sound in

the middle he raises his pen and writes

and I too bad that I makes the sound it

that makes the word 10th not 10th but

this gift never lets a mistake throw him

off his game

he's losing that pen eraser with typical

Tiger skill erasing the eye arriving at

E which makes the sound and makes the

word 10th

nice work tiger he's won the

championship and ten tenths


and now a word from star of stage screen

and television mr. Bruno Kirby




mmm-hmm oh wait wait whatever that is

mmm something mm-hmm


wrench wrench Hey job well done


wake up wake up this isn't Kent

easy-peasy eat a lot this is vote boot

camp now sound and you thought bowel

bootcamp was going to be easy front and


yes stick your lolli short sounds sad is

my short sad but suddenly a becomes

straight at you then a tee att*cks from

the rear

give me your sound soldier a word bet

you bet soldier so you call in a backup

and a joins the fight by your side

what's the rule of engagement so what's

your sound now Wow a word you bet now

beat it

bowel squad let's go make some words


and now here to sing about a word that

plays by its own rules is

singer-songwriter and recording artist



I give you one my words give a word

you've heard get asked out a cool spot

is so special give is an outlaw word

a little outlaw word and you can tell it

by how you spell it G IV eat back



I still don't see how cleaning up will

help us find we should have cleaned up

in the first place instead of wasting

all that time helping that hem line Oh

helping is never a waste of time yeah

that's right and by a very strange

coincidence this very book that you were

looking for Henry the very helpful red

herring by Helen Yelper is all about

this very subject it's almost as if it

were planned that way

let's read mm-hmm

once upon a time there was a very

helpful red herring named Henry he'll

open ask can I help you if the answer

was yes Henry would say before I help

you you have to give me something if the

answer was I have nothing to give Henry

will not help Henry was not a shellfish

but he was a very very selfish fish even

though he had got lots of things for

helping he was one unhappy herring I

don't know what I want but I know I

don't have it then one day he met Melvin


Melvin smelt yep Melvin smelt I didn't

think you could smell anything

underwater official play no more smell

jokes thank you very much Melvin needed


don't blow help Melvin smell do you need

help I need help with my belt it's tight

you have to give me something before I

help you I don't have anything Melvin

said helplessly

then I will not help you'll get

something after you help me I promise

it's something really swell swell means

something really great so Henry help

thanks thanks for helping me with my


all of a sudden Henry felt his fishy

heart melting he felt so good just

because he helped Henry realized he had

gotten something swell from Melvin smelt

thank you for helping me feel swell

Melvin after that day Henry was never

selfish and he never asked for anything

before he helped he just held and held

and helped that's why they call him

Henry the happy helpful red herring

that story was so true helping the hem

did make me feel all warm and and happy

and good me too

and it works that way if you help anyone

it doesn't have to be a hen or a smelt

good point oh I know will you help me

find my missing red sock sure should we

look first well you know if it was me

I'd look in the mirror nothing gets lost

in a mirror now that went well who will

help these two pigeons read a word not I

said Farnum EB Buster feared the third


help someone get these pigeons out of

here h8 LP hey thank you um yeah Thank

You buster don't call me buster



I'm Larry King and I want to tell you

about something that everyone can agree

on if you read to kids every day they'll

learn happily ever after so be a

designated reader and help a child get

wild about reading


I know Theo I

never get tired of telling people about

our thunders meter I can do it at least

once every day oh yeah
