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05x72 - The Carrot Seed & The Empty Pot

Posted: 05/13/24 10:15
by bunniefuu


here come

and Between the

Lions come

on come


begin the world of

waste Between the Lions between the

covers of a book it's time to look

Between the Lions behold the Tails

beyond the Tails behind the

door become

expor come in between the liar be here

between the liar be here between the

liar the carrot seed

boy your mother sure knows how to grow

flowers Lionel yeah Dad this one's

really beautiful oh yeah yeah I remember

when it started out it's just a a little

seed a seed that she planted and watered

yeah yeah and hey hey I remember how

helona and I we thought that it would

never come up and then you read us that

book oh yeah I remember that I remember

it like it was just a few months ago

it's called the carrot seed with Story

by Ruth Krauss and pictures by Crockett

Johnson a little boy planted a carrot

seed his mother said I'm afraid it won't


up his father said I'm afraid it won't


up and his big brother said de it won't



up every day the little boy pulled up

the weeds around the seed and sprinkled

the ground with


water but nothing came

up and nothing came

up everyone kept saying it wouldn't come

up don't get your hopes up honey sorry


but he still pulled up the weeds around

it every day and sprinkled the ground



water and then one

day a carrot came


up just as the little boy had known it

would the end

handsome devil even in flashback yeah

hey and just like the boy in the story

we waited and waited and this beautiful

flower finally came


yeah and it smells just as good as it

looks oh

yeah oh it sure does son beautiful

yeah Lionel


tight sorry son I guess I got to

remember to uh take my allergy










soap and now it's time for G's word G's

word excellent gain here once again at

blending Fields where two Brave knights

in armor will charge together at high

speed and make a word competing today we


sir and sir oak

oak blend on


oak oak oak

oak so yeah soak excellent that's G's

word for today and this is G saying I'll

see you next time

on qu's word qu's word


in in in


singing Sing



thing here are some words that begin

with the letter n





socks saddle


sand s s

s and now Leona lonol and Cleo and Theo

in Lion's SC

scratching none of the Lions is

scratching the back of another


lion the second Lion in line is

scratching the first Lion's


back the third Lion in line is

scratching the second Lion's

back the lion at the end of the line is

scratching the third Lion's

back the

end H oh Theo come here come


here 10 9 8 Street 7 6 fth Street 4 3 2

1 signs street signs you see them

everywhere ex hey look at that one there

don't walk when the light turns green

walk through you see what I mean the SS

are all

around tell what you need to

know there one way to get you where you

want to go you can read the

signs playground that's where my friends

all meet Pizza when you want something

to eat danger that's when you better

look out stop I know what it's about the


around tell what you need to

know there one way to get you where you

want to go you can read the

sound ice



School wet


cool the SS are all

around tell what you need to know

oh there one way to get you where you

want to go you can read the

sound you can read the

S you can read the


sign the UN people it's dream come true

time for Fearless young Monica Maxwell

she has finally gotten those darn rhinos

seated around her tea table and she is

teaching them how to sit tea and eat

neatly but wait a minute what's this oh

no those beastly un people have appeared

they're putting an un in front of the

word seated causing Monica and all the

Rhinos to


unseated but shed no tear young Monica

the heroic free people are here look

Monica the re people have receed the

Rhinos re people you're

dreamy now twist your tongue around this

one seven selfless shelfish seven

selfless shelfish seven selfish selfish

seven seven selfish shelfish seven

selfish shelfish seven shellfish

shellfish seven selfish

shellfish shelfish

shelfish seven selfish shelfish sevenish


and now from Sister siil Sensational

Club cifas the cilent song stylings of

the sultry Miss CLE lion thank you thank

you so much and now I'd like to sing you

a little song about a very special

letter that can do a very special thing

it makes a lonely lion two lions it

makes one little laugh a lot of laughs

yes wouldn't it be hard to imagine a

world without an

yes the bees would be one lonely buzz


be the trees would be one little bitty

tree and whoever choose one shoe instead

of shoes can't even have two without an

S one hair on your head instead of hairs

oh the shame one chair in your house

instead of chairs

one stick no bunch of sticks one brick

no pile of bricks one chick but no

chicks without an

S it's more than one it's so much fun

turn toy to toys and turn a friend into

friends when there's a lot I'm glad

we've got the letter s to stick right on

to the end

one single little Rose becomes

Roses One Solo little nose becomes

noses when one becomes two that s comes

Shing through even the blues would be

blue without

a yeah even the blues would be blue

without a


n s


seed I really love this flower that Mom

grew oh me too son and your mom really

loved growing it I wonder if there's

anybody else in the whole world who

loves growing things as much as your



does glad you asked the information hen

has the book you need now let's see

where is it sweet sweet corn

sunflowers squash strawberries string

beans oh here it is it's a pig's

World up chapter 39 things that

grow Pig planted a seed and a little

flower grew


Pig planted a seed and a little tomato



grew Pig planted a seed and a little


grew Pig planted a seed and a huge



Brew the end

not to worry no damage to the animated


hen boy that Pig's a good Garder

yeah but not as good as your



whoa and now get ready for another story

about a seed and something that

grows the empty


pot oh

dear you broke Mom's flower pot yeah I

know Lionel calm down son oh no oh okay

okay I know I know we'll tell her an

earthquake knocked it over no no no no

no no no no no we'll tell her an

elephant ran through here and knocked it

over no no no no no we'll tell her an

elephant and an earthquake knocked it

over no no no calm down lion calm down

son listen I'm going to go get a book

wait wait you're going to tell her a

book knocked it over oh no no son I want

to read it to you wait

here what took you so long oh I had to

go visit a friend in the hospital oh

okay the empty pot written and

illustrated by

Demi a long time ago in China there was

a boy named ping Who Loved flowers

anything he planted burst into bloom up

came flowers bushes and even big fruit

trees as if by

Magic everyone in the Kingdom loved

flowers too they planted them everywhere

and the air smelled like


perfume the emperor loved birds and

animals but flowers most of all and he

tended his own garden every

day but the emperor was very old he

needed to choose a successor to the

throne Dad Dad successor that means the

person who's going to take over from the

emperor yeah that's right well like

somebody's going to take over for you

when mom finds out you broke her pot

there's no successor to me son just

listen who would his successor be

because the emperor loved flowers so

much he decided to let the flowers


choose all the children in the land were

to come to the Palace there they would

be given special flower seeds by the

emperor whoever can show me their best

in a year's time he said will succeed me

to the

throne this news created great

excitement throughout the land children

swarmed to the Palace to get their


seeds when ping received his seed from

the emperor he was the happiest child of

all he was sure he could grow the most



flower pink filled a flower pot with

rich soil he planted the seed in it very

carefully he watered it every day he

couldn't wait to see it Sprout grow and

Blossom into a beautiful

flower day after day passed but nothing

grew in his

pot Bing was very

worried he put new soil into a bigger

HT then he transferred the seed into the

rich black

soil another two months he waited still


happened by and by the whole year


passed spring came and all the children

put on their best clothes to greet the

emperor they rushed to the palace with

their beautiful flowers eagerly hoping

to be


fren ping was ashamed of his empty pot

he thought the other children would

laugh at him because for once he

couldn't get a flower to

grow his clever friend ran by holding a

great big plant ping he said you're not

really going to the emperor with an

empty pot are you couldn't you grow a

great big flower like mine I've grown

lots of flowers better than yours King


it's just this seed that won't

grow Ping's father overheard this and

said you did your best and your best is

good enough to present to the

emperor holding the empty pot in his

hands ping went straight away to the

Palace the emperor was looking at the

flowers slowly one by

one how beautiful all the flowers were

but the emperor was frowning and did not

say a

word finally he came to Ping the emperor

asked him why did you bring an empty pot

ping started to cry and replied I

planted the seed you gave me and I

watered it every day but it didn't

Sprout I put it in a better pot with

better soil but still it didn't

Sprout I tended it all year long but

nothing grew so today I had to bring an

empty pot without a

flower it was the best I could do when

the emperor heard these words a smile

slowly spread over his face then he

exclaimed to one and all I have found

the one person worthy of being

Emperor where you got your seeds from I

do not know for the seeds I gave gave

you had all been cooked so it was

impossible for any of them to

grow I admire Ping's great courage to

appear before me with the empty truth

and now I reward him and make him

emperor of all the

land okay I get it we're going to tell

mom that an elephant and an earthquake

knocked over the pot

what a just kidding

Dad we're going to tell Mom the truth

that's right that's right Lio I'm home

hey Mom Dad here has something he wants

to tell you oh oh um Cleo honey you know

that flower pot that you you've been

tending to the flower so much well um I

have this flower feather



d d





duck and now fun with chicken Jane today

Chicken Jane and the big flying duck

look look see see coming down the lane

Here Comes Scott Here Comes dot Here

Comes chicken

jam look dot look see the Mucky mud

puddle yes Scott yes see the monkey mud


puddle look Scott look see the big

flying duck

see Chicken Jane right d u c k

d c du duck see the word

duck duck got


duck look duck look see Chicken Jane she

is Mucky and muddy we are not Mucky and

money thank you chicken

Jan look look see see going up the lane

there goes Scott there goes dot there


chicken here are some words that begin

with the letter d

d drum

doll Dipper dollar


di drink catcher

D and now Lionel Leona Cleo and Theo in


dancing Leona starts dancing before all

the other

Lions Theo will start dancing soon

soon ly will start dancing next

yeah Theo will start dancing

soon Cleo will start dancing

next Theo will start dancing after Cleo


Cleo wait a minute after Cleo that's


now the end


up up dur up

dur drop


wow d d


seed you know Mom wasn't upset at all

about you breaking her pot she just

found another pot and planted the

flowers in it that's right Lionel so

what do you want to do now H well uh

actually i' I'd really like to hear that

story about the pig who grew things me

too glad you asked the information hen

has has the book you need now let's see

where is it sweet corn

sunflowers squash strawberries string

beans oh here it is it's a pig's

World chapter 39 things that

grow Pig planted a seed and a little


grew Pig planted a seed and a little

tomato plant


Brew Pig planted a seed and a little


grew Pig planted a seed and a huge

pumpkin Brew



end not to worry no damage to the



pen uhoh





