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05x77 - Sylvester and the Magic Pebble & I Miss You, Stinky Face

Posted: 05/13/24 10:18
by bunniefuu

now hey

wow here's

how come and Read Between the

Lions come

on come


begin the world of

was Between the Lions between the covers

of a book it's time to look Between the

Lions behold the Tails beyond the behind


door become

exp come in between the

Liar between the liar be here between



Lions so

and the magic

PE you know I just realized every time

we eat out here in the garden it's just

like a

picnic yeah a picnic under the sky in

the Fresh Air with a big rock as our


table yeah and I love this this big rock

it reminds me of that story about

Sylvester the donkey who turned into a

rock hey yeah Sylvester hey remember you

used to read us that story mom yes l i I

remember it very

well Sylvester and the Magic Pebble by


sty Sylvester Duncan lived with his

mother and father at Acorn Road in oats

stale one of his Hobbies was collecting

Pebbles of unusual shape and

color on a rainy Saturday during

vacation he found a quite extraordinary

one it was flaming red shiny and

perfectly round he began to shiver

probably from excitement and the rain

felt cold on his back I wish it would

stop raining he said to his great

surprise the rain stopped it didn't stop

gradually as rains usually do it

ceased It's Magic said

Sylvester I Wish It Would Rain Again


happened I wish it would rain again he



again he guessed that the magic must be

in the red Pebble where indeed it was

what a lucky day this is thought

Sylvester from now on I can have

anything I want he wished the sunshine

back in the sky and he started home

eager to amaze his father and mother

with his Magic Pebble he could hardly

wait to see their

faces as he was crossing Strawberry Hill

he was startled to see a mean hungry

lion looking right at him if he hadn't

been so frightened he could have made

the lion disappear he could have wished

many things but he panicked and couldn't

think carefully I wish I were a rock he

said and he became a

rock I saw that little donkey as clear

as stay growled the lion baby I'm going

crazy and there was Sylvester a rock on

Strawberry Hill with the Magic Pebble

lying right beside him on the ground and

he was unable to pick it up oh how I

wish I were myself again he thought but

nothing happened he had to be touching

the pebble to make the magic work but

there was nothing he could do about

it Sylvester fell asleep what else could

he do

meanwhile back at home Mr and Mrs Duncan

paced the floor frantic with worry

Sylvester has never come home after

dinner time said Mrs Duncan where could

he be said Mr Duncan they stayed up all

night wondering what had

happened at dawn they went about

inquiring of all the neighbors no one

had seen Sylvester since the day before

yesterday they went to the police please

has anyone seen our son yet Sergeant the

police Le could not find their child

after a month of searching the same

places over and over again Mr and Mrs

Duncan no longer knew what to

do they tried their best to be happy but

they were always reminded of

Sylvester they were

miserable the days grew colder fall came

with the leaves changing

color then it was Winter the winds blew

this way and

that it's

snowed then the Snows

melted the Earth warmed up in the spring

sun and flowers showed their young

faces one day in May Mr Duncan took his

wife on a picnic let's cheer up he said

they went to Strawberry

Hill Mrs Duncan sat down on the

Rock the warmth of his own mother

sitting on him woke Sylvester but he

couldn't talk he had no voice

suddenly Mr Duncan saw the red Pebble

what a fantastic Pebble he exclaimed

Sylvester would have loved it for his

collection he put the pebble on the Rock

they sat down to eat you know father Mrs

Duncan said suddenly I have the

strangest feeling that our dear

Sylvester is still alive and not far

away I am I am Sylvester wanted to shout

but he couldn't if only he had realized

that the pebble resting on his back was

the Magic Pebble oh I wish he were here

with us said Mrs Duncan I wish I weree

myself again I wish I were my real self

again thought Sylvester and in less than

an instant he

was you can imagine the scene that

followed when they had eventually calmed

down a bit and had gotten home Mr Duncan

put the Magic Pebble in an iron

safe someday they might want to use it

but really for now what more could they

wish for they all had all that they











Panda well I don't look too much stuff

just the stuff I need plus my dog rubby

pup he's a Chum

indeed me and my Grubby Pup just a hunk

of junk new and blue when I was two now

he's looking Punk oh grubby

puff hey grubby

puff Grubby

Pup St Grubby Pup

puddle jumped through the mud and

cuddled through the ears scrubbed with

pup in the tub till he lost his ears

left behind at school time but later on

in bed snugs a bug in a rug hugged him

to a shred old Grubby

Pup hey Grubby

Pup sit Grubby

Pup stay Grubby Pup

well mostly now Grubby Pup never sees

the Sun but just cuz I'm all grown up

don't mean love is done and we still


fun good

boy here we are back at the final tea of

the word cup Masters word writing Ace

tiger words is approaching the tea where

he must write the word paint could be

challenging that there's the P sound at

the beginning followed by the a sound

then the n Sound then that final t p

a paint if he makes it he will win a

train trip to Spain tiger is selecting

his writing tool he's playing it safe on

this one it's a number two pencil he

gets in position and oh look at that

stroke a perfect letter P so far so good

the letter P makes the sound P the the

first sound in the word paint let's see

what tiger does next he places his

pencil and there it is the letter A

which is the second letter in the word

paint now

watch tiger is writing the letter N that

makes the word pant oh no he's putting

his pencil away he seems to think he's

finished what a disappointment but wait

he's noticed his mistake out comes a


with that signature tiger style he slips

the letter I right in there next to the

a making the AI sound of a he's written

the word paint ladies and gentlemen

congratulations tiger and enjoy that

train trip to

Spain and now it's time for's word G's

word excellent gain here once again at

blending Fields where two bra Knights

and armor will charge together at high

speed and make a word competing today we


sir and Sir

a blend on


eight eight eight eight eight



excellent that's G's word for today and

this is G saying sorry we have to pack

it in but I'll see you next time

on qu's word qu's


word and now let's take a peek at Chef

cat Kora who's got some more words that

begin with a letter P P

sound when I prepare a meal I

need a

pan a pot


platter and of course a


plate M





picnic I wonder if there any other

animal families who like to eat as much

as we do h I

wonder glad you asked the information

hen has the book you need now let's see

where is it sisters Brothers cousins


grandfathers oh here it is it's a pig's



chapter two Pig and her

family five members of Pig's family are

having a picnic pig eats an enormous

sandwich grandpa pig eats an enormous

sandwich too l Mama pig eats an enormous

sandwich too L Uncle pig eats an

enormous sandwich

too baby cousin pig eat an enormous

sandwich too


delicious the

end not to worry no damage to the



hen oh boy okay Cubs now that we've

finished our little picnic it's time to

do what lions love to do almost as as

much as eating yeah sleeping mhm oh wait

wait wait wait wait wait there there's

one thing that we have to do before we

go to sleep what's that Daddy well uh we

must yes we absolutely must yes have a

little bedtime snack

yes yummy

and now get ready for another story

about a family this one's for you mommy

there's something in my ey I miss you

stinky face she says stinky face okay

Cubs now what bedtime story would you

like me to read to you but mama no buts

Leona story then sleep yeah no but for

me Mom good boy Lionel so Leona What

story do you want to hear before you go

to sleep but Mama now Leona it's bedtime

What story do you want your mother to

read uh that's what I'm trying to tell

you the story with but mama in it I

can't remember the title

oh oh honey I know exactly the book you

mean I'll be right back

okay what took you so long I did a


laundry okay we go I miss you stinky

face written by Lisa mccort and

illustrated by Sid

Moore I miss you my little Stinky Face

said Mama on the

phone but I had a

question Mama do you miss me so much

that you're coming right home to me no


what I'm coming home today said Mama on

a big silver

airplane but Mama but mama what if the

airplane forgets how to

fly if that airplane forgets how to fly

I'll hop in the basket of a hot air

balloon I'll soar past clouds and stars

until I see your window then I'll float

right into your

room but mama what if the balloon runs

out of hot air and you have to land in

the middle of the desert if I have to

land in the middle of the desert I'll

climb up on a camel and ride him like a

racehorse all the way

home but Mama but mama what if the camel

gets so tired that he just won't take

another step and he leaves you stranded

in the

jungle then I'll search that jungle for

a cheetah the fastest animal there is

I'll jump on her back and she'll race me

straight home to you but Mom mama what

if the cheetah doesn't want to leave the

jungle if the cheetah doesn't want to

leave the jungle I'll hunt down some

Pirates digging for Buried Treasure and

ask them to sail me home to you on their

big scary ship but mama what if the

terrible Pirates make you walk the g*ng


plane then I'll find the speediest shark

in the ocean I'll grab onto his Fin and

use it to steer and we'll skim through

the high seas all the way home to

you but mama what if the shark was to

nibble you into a million tiny

pieces if the shark tries that I'll leap

from his greedy jaws and body surf to

shore I'll call the bravest astronauts

and hit your ride on their supersonic

spaceship and we'll all be home to you

faster than the speed of

light but mama what if their spaceship

gets stucked through a black hole and

takes you far back in time to a big old

castle instead of our

house if the spaceship lands that far

back in time I'll look around for a

magic dragon I'll climb way up on her

back and whisper in her ear just how

much I miss you the Magic Dragon will

fly me through time right back to

you but mama where would such a big

Magic Dragon

Land I think there's enough room on the

driveway if you make sure your bike's


away I'll put it away but Mama the

airplanes tell you'll probably come home

right probably

I miss you

mama and I miss you my little stinky

face The

end great book good choice Lanna and

no a what about you Leona well I'm going

to miss you mama oh what do you mean I'm

going to be right here oh but I'm not

I'm going on a long long trip to a

jungle and under the water and in outer

space and an airplane a hot air balloon

on a

camel just like the mama in the

book well that's just wonderful honey

you're going to do all that in your

dreams right right Mama so if you don't

mind I got to go

okay sweet dreams honey yeah me too









mom mom


moose M oo moo


moose moose


moose moose

and now fun with chicken Jane today

Chicken Jane and the Loose

Moose look look see coming down the lane

Here Comes Scott Here Comes dot Here

Comes Chicken

Jane see Scott see my hoop yes do yes it

is a groovy hoop

oh Scott oh I hear a moo yes do yes I

hear a moo too see Scott see that moose


loose yes dot yes that Loose Moose is

moing look dot look see Chicken Jane

write the letters v a m o o s e v

moose V moose V moose Scott V

moose see chicken Jan go over the

moon we are not going over the moon

thank you chicken

J look look see see going up the lane

there goes Scott there goes dot there

goes Chicken Jane


well I like all kinds of stories and I

like poetry too but when I need fact not

fiction hey I know just what to do I run

to my favorite bookshelf or encyclopedic

stack for a book that tells it to me

straight from A to Z and back if you

want to

see if you want to

know why in Earth qu

Quakes how a wh

blow or how to make a

phone from a paper


cup here's the deal if you want to get

real look it up look it up here's

something about mosquit hey look at

his and here's a giant Cactus so much I

never knew you can find the Rings to

sand or just how Zip Zip plus charts and

maps and graphs and laughs yeah any way

you FP if you want to see if you want to

see if you want to know if you want to

know how a get our rocks how a getar

rocks where do mushrooms grow the

mushrooms how to build a boat how to

build a boat or adopt the pup or adopt

the here's a deal if you want to get

real look it up look it up here's a deal

if you want

look it


up here are some words that start with

the letter









mom m m


that's it Waton that's it that's what Dr

nitwit nit white white sorry yes Watson

you are witness to a great discovery

behold the only two words in the entire

English language that are the same

forwards and


mom and

p p

wow what did you say

wow oh no no no no no


wow go away yes Dr


m m


Mama four lions are sleeping I wonder

what they're dreaming

about glad you asked the information hen

has the book you need now let's see

where is it sisters Brothers cousins

grandmothers grandfathers

oh here it is it's a pig's


World chapter two Pig and her

family five members of Pig's family are

having a picnic pig eats an enormous

sandwich link grandpa pig eats an

enormous sandwich too link mama pig eats

an enormous sandwich

too Uncle pig eats an enormous sandwich

too baby cousin Piggy's an enormous

sandwich too


delicious the

and not to worry no damage to the

animated Fen



hi information hen here visit the
if you want a child to get

wild about learning get a child wild

about reading be a design ated reader oh

oh Kelly read that one Once Upon a Time

a girl named Haley married a man named

Matteo oh a love story and they lived in

