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05x79 - Earl's Too Cool; When I Was Five

Posted: 05/13/24 10:19
by bunniefuu
hey now

hey wow

here's how

come and read

between the


lions between the lions between the





so what are you going to read to me mama

oh i'm going to read you a really cool


a really cool book

i'll be right back

okay i'm ready for the cool book oh

leona honey that's not the meaning of

cool i meant

not the meaning

i don't understand oh leona honey do you

remember that song that you and i and

your dad and lionel and our friend

sierra the mountain lion sang about the

word cool


yeah that song i think i do remember






or you don't smile at folks you've met




and now it's time for us


that was fun singing that song yeah so


which meaning of cool did you mean ah i

meant really neat or special or great or

fine or excellent



yeah and that's what this book is cool

it's called earl's too cool for me by

leah carmichael

illustrated by laura cornell

oh earl's too cool for me

i remember that book read it mama read




earl's got a bicycle made of hay

he takes rides on the milky way


earl's too cool for me


earl's got a hat with a real horse


he wears socks made of chicken leather

chicken leather

earl's too cool for me

earl knows all the letters in the zulu

alphabet he caught wild boars in a

butterfly net

earl's too cool for me


earl's been to france and south zanzibar

he drove to china in an egg roll car


earl's too cool for me

earl swings with gorillas

and when he's tired of that

he plays jazz with the alley cat

and a few movie stars


he keeps monster eyes and empty jelly


girl's too cool for me


now here comes earl

and he's going to ask why


i'm not cool like he is

but all he says is hi


we smile at each other he's a regular



yes earl's pretty funny and he's really



he's eight years old and only thrown up


we're cool as cool can be


oh that was a really cool book mama i'm

glad you liked it leona and now i have

another really cool thing for you


mama this isn't cool it's cold

i'm glad i have my muffler on

let me help you with that

yes it is

i like the bits






here are some instruments that begin

with the letter t








it's another fine day at the national

world cup masters where the young

word-writing phenom tiger words is

stepping up to the t

he's got to make the word tooth it's a

tricky word with the t sound at the

beginning the ooh sound in the middle

and at the end the interesting


he makes it he will win a tube of


he's taking a writing element from his

pencil case it's a number two pencil a

smart choice for this word

tiger positions himself at the t just

look at that perfect stroke he writes

the letter o and look it's a second

beautifully ex*cuted letter o making the

vowels o o which makes the sound ooh

with the letter t that makes the sound

ooh two it's really looking good for


now all he has to do is add the sound at

the end of the word

he raises his pencil

oh what a disappointment he wrote the

letter f which makes the sound

he's written the word toof

but but wait he's noticed his mistake

he's turning his pencil around and he's

erasing the letter f

and yes yes he's writing the letters t h

changing the word

tooth he's done it again and there goes

our champion tiger woods to accept his

toothpaste congratulations tiger



let's start with our favorite


a pretty good place to start

it's an e like we see in ben and hen and

it sounds like an e in the middle of ten


all right






you're cold leona

oh you're cool

you're getting a little warmer

starting to get warm you're warmer

oh warmer warmer still you're hot


great tracking honey thanks mama i love

playing hot and cold with lovey and i

love lovie

she's my best friend oh i know leona

oh i wonder if anyone else likes playing

with their friends as much as i like

playing with lobby i wonder


glad you asked the information hen has

the book you need

now let's see

where is it



buddies chums


oh here it is it's a pig's world


chapter 94

pig and her friends

pig is having fun

her duck friends are having fun too

they are playing tower of friends

five ducks are on top of the pig


rear ducks are on top of pig


many more ducks are on top of pig



not to worry no damage to the animated


okay now this time lovey's going to hide

mama and you try to find it okay me okay

cover your eyes oh yeah okay let's see

here we go

uh no

um here


i know right right right here



and now get ready for another story

that's totally cool too

oh yeah

when i was five

i'm not five yet



oh now you're getting warm now you're

getting warmer

i love playing hot and cold with you and

mommy and i'm gonna love playing it


even when i'm a hundred and five you

think so yeah well then there's a book i

want to read you you wait here lovey

wait right there i'll be right back

oh what took you so long i had a nap oh

here we go okay

when i was five by arthur howard


when i was five

i wanted to be an astronaut


or a cowboy


or both

when i was five this was my favorite

kind of car

this was my favorite kind of dinosaur


this was my favorite secret hiding place

and this was my best friend mark

mark had a dog named peggy

a brother who used bad words


and bunk beds my favorite kind of bed

when i was five


now i'm six

and i want to be a major league baseball


or a deep-sea diver


now that i'm six

this is my favorite kind of car

this is my favorite kind of dinosaur


this is my second best hiding place

my favorite one is secret


and this is my best friend mark

some things never change

the end

so what do you think leona


maybe i won't want to play hot and cold

when i'm 105 but

lovey lovey will still be my friend yeah

and so will you

mama oh

of course

thanks mama yes kids for loving of










and now it's time for

dwayne's word great word

excellent gwen here once again at

blending fields where two brave knights

and armor will charge together at high

speed and make a word

competing today we have sir


sir anne


oh that's nice go

going faster

excellent that's going to work for today

and this is gwen saying it'll be


to see you next time on

queen's word great

word here are some words that begin with

the letter f


flower sand

bridge fried pickle

fish fish fish






and now leona theo




lions in line fidgeting

all the lions in line are not fidgeting


the lion at the front of the line and

the one at the end are fidgeting

the two lions in the middle are not



each and every lion is fidgeting






and now the word doctor with dr ruth



here's dr ruth


hello i'm dr ruth wartheimer with a very

unusual case

two letters who are not enjoying

themselves isn't that right we just

sit around all day being nothing but

on you are not nothing an

you just need to find an initial

consonant to make you feel complete

and bring a little excitement into your

life and i

have just the consonant for you

the letter


hey i'm fun i'm fun

thank you dr ruth


today chicken jane and the bees


coming down the lane

here comes scott here comes

see the bees

yes dot yes i see

i see three b



jane is up a tree

we are not up a tree

thank you chicken james


going up the lane

there goes scott there goes that there

goes chicken





come quick and bring your pad and pencil

yes dr nitwit that's knit white doctor

knit white yes nick white sorry sorry

like the stone

i dr alexander grim nick white have just

discovered the only word in the english

language that has the letter y i sound

at the end


my oh


don't cry it was a nice try doctor knit





quick quick

quick quick quick quick quick quick


quick quick quick quick quick quick what

are you doing leona oh i'm pretending to

be lovey's friend the duck oh

whatever gave you that idea oh i don't

know i just thought lovey would like to

have a duck for a friend

i wonder if anybody else has ducks for



glad you asked the information hen has

the book you need

now let's see

where is it



buddies chums amigos

oh here it is it's a pig's world


chapter 94

pig and her friends

pig is having fun

her duck friends are having fun too

they are playing tower of friends

five ducks are on top of pig


more ducks are on top of pigs


many more ducks are on top of pig

pig is beneath her duck friends




not to worry no damage to the animated


okay lovey now your ducky friend is

going to hide and you have to find her


but rihanna um




all kids need to be read to every day be

a designated reader if you help a child

get wild about reading you get a child

wild about learning


once upon a time there was a boy named

john who got his own television show and

he became one of them



be here between
