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08x20 - At Home in the Park

Posted: 05/13/24 18:31
by bunniefuu
("Barney Theme Song" starts playing)

♪ Barney is a dinosaur from our imagination. ♪

♪ And when he's tall, he's what we call ♪

♪ A dinosaur sensation.

♪ Barney's friends are big and small, ♪

♪ They come from lots of places. ♪

♪ After school they meet to play ♪

♪ And sing with happy faces.

♪ Barney shows us lots of things ♪

♪ Like how to play pretend

♪ ABC's and 's and how to be a friend. ♪

♪ Barney comes to play with us

♪ Whenever we may need him

♪ Barney can be your friend too, ♪

♪ If you just make-believe him! ♪

- Oh, you did a really good job.

- Thanks!

- I think it looks great!

- So do I!

- Hi, Sarah! Hi, Tony!

- [Tony] Oh, hi, Kami!

- Hello!

- Where did you get the bird house?

- We made it! I glued the pieces together,

and Sarah painted it.

- It's really nice.

- Oh, thank you! The paint is still wet

so we're putting it out here for awhile.

- [Tony] When it's dry,

Mr. Boyd can hang it up for the birds!

- I wonder if there are any birds in the park

who need a new home?

- Well, Nick is looking for some right now - see?

- Oh, find any birds yet, Nick?

- Not yet.

Wow! These binoculars make Barney look really big!

(kids laughing)

- Whoa-ho-HO!

- Barney!!!!

- You are really big!

- Hi, everybody!

What are the binoculars for?

- Sarah and I made a bird house.

- And I'm looking for birds who could make it their home.

- Oh, I'm sure there are lots of birds

who'd like to live in a bird house.

Very nice.

And I think they'd like living in the park, too!

After all, lots of animals have homes here.

- They do? Really?

- Uh-huh! For animals, the "great outdoors"

is a great place to live!

("Over in the Meadow" starts playing)

- ♪ Over in the meadow, in the sand, in the sun, ♪

♪ Lived an old mother frog and her little froggie one. ♪

- ♪ "Croak!" said the mother;

- ♪ "I croak!" said the one.

- ♪ So they croaked and they croaked ♪

♪ in the sand, in the sun.

- ♪ Over in the meadow, in the stream so blue, ♪

♪ Lived an old mother fish and her little fishies two. ♪

- ♪ "Swim!" said the mother;

- ♪ "We swim!" said the two.

- ♪ So they swam and they swam

♪ In the stream so blue.

- Bye, bye, fishies!

♪ Over in the meadow, on the branch of a tree. ♪

♪ Lived an old mother bird

♪ And her little birdies three. ♪

- ♪ "Sing!" said the mother;

- ♪ "We sing!" said the three.

- ♪ So they sang and they sang

♪ on the branch of the tree.

- Oh, tweet tweet!

("Over in the Meadow" stops playing)

(dove cooing)

- That sounds like a bird!

- Oh, yeah! It sure does!

- Oh, I think we must be very close to someone's home.

- Yeah.

- You're right - look!

- Oh, wow! It's a dove!

And she's sitting in her nest!

- The nest is her home and she built it herself

out of twigs, grass, and pieces of string.

- Why does she want to live in a tree?

- Being way up high helps her feel safe.

- Look! Over there! A rabbit!

- [Barney] A rabbit?

- Where's the rabbit?

- I don't see a rabbit.

- He was just there, but he hopped away!

- Rabbits are very fast.

- Yeah, they are.

- Look! There he is!

- [Tony] Now I see it!

- [Nick] Me, too!

- [Kami] I like his cute ears and fluffy tail!

- Uh-oh, I think he's seen us.

- Let's see here.

- Where did he go?

- I think he hurried home.

- I don't see any home.

- Me neither! I don't see one.

- But we will, if we look very closely.

- Okay!

- Look! It's a hole!

- [Barney] Right, a special kind of hole called a "burrow!"

And when the rabbit wants to be warm and safe and dry,

he can just hippity-hop home!

- And he hippity-hops fast!

- Oh, Yeah!

- Really fast!

- Of course, lots of animals hop.

It's a good way of getting from place to place.

- And it's a lot of fun!

- [Barney] You're right, Kami! It is a lot of fun!

("The Hopping Song" starts playing)

- ♪ Did you ever see a little-bitty bunny run? ♪

♪ The way he gets around is a lot of fun! ♪

♪ He bends down low, then jumps out high, ♪

♪ Now pretend that you're a bunny bouncing by! ♪

- ♪ And hop-hop-hop, hippity hop! ♪

♪ It's so much fun, you just can't stop! ♪

♪ Hop-Hop hippity hop!

♪ Everybody's happy when they hop! ♪

- ♪ A fat green frog on a bright blue day, ♪

♪ Doesn't need fancy toys to play. ♪

♪ He bends down low, then jumps up high. ♪

♪ Now pretend that you're a froggy bouncing by! ♪

- ♪ And hop-hop-hop, hippity hop! ♪

♪ It's so much fun, you just can't stop. ♪

♪ Hop-Hop hippity hop!

♪ Everybody's happy when they hop! ♪

- ♪ Way "down under" lives the kangaroo, ♪

♪ She makes much bigger hops than the others do! ♪

♪ She bends down low, then jumps up high. ♪

♪ Now pretend that you're a kangaroo bouncing by! ♪

- ♪ And hop-hop-hop hippity hop ♪

♪ It's so much fun, you just can't stop. ♪

♪ Hop-hop hippity hop!

♪ Everybody's happy when they hop-hop-hop! ♪

♪ Everybody's happy when they hop! ♪

- Oh, everyone's so happy.

("The Hopping Song" stops playing")

- My favorite.

- Well! it looks like you're all having

some happy hopping fun!

- Hello, Mr. Boyd!

- Hi!

- Hi, kids! Hi, Barney!

- We were hopping like some of the animals

who live in the park!

- And speaking of animals that live in the park.

(duck quacking)

- Mr. Boyd, I think your suitcase just quacked!

(kids laughing)

- That's because it's not a suitcase.

It's an animal carrier!

And wait till you see what's inside!

- [Kami] Wow!

- Look at that!

- Mr. Boyd brought us a new friend!

- [Barney] Oh, boy.

- I though there was a duck in there!

- Her name is Sally,

and I just picked her up from the animal doctor.

She'd hurt her wing - but it's all better now!

So we thought she might like to live here in the park!

- [Sarah] Oh, yeah!

- [Tony] It'll be Like having our own duck!

- [Kids] Yeah, it sure will!

- [Sarah] Sally likes it here!

- [Mr. Boyd] Well, she sure does!

- [Barney] That's because a pond

makes a perfect home for a duck!

Ducks like to float on the water

and paddle with their feet.

- [Mr. Boyd] And in a pond, ducks can find things

they like to eat!

- [Kami] Oh, yeah!

- I think Sally has everything she needs.

- Doesn't she need other ducks to play with?

- [Kami] Yeah!

- Oh, well I hadn't thought of that!

Maybe some other ducks will come to visit.

- And until then we can make Sally feel at home

by pretending to be ducks.

So she'll feel like she has friends

("The Duckies Do" starts playing)

- ♪ Who knows to paddle all around the pond? ♪

- ♪ Quack, quack quack

♪ The duckies do!

- ♪ Who knows how to waddle

♪ All around the lawn?

- [Kids] ♪ Quack, quack quack

♪ The duckies do!

- ♪ They quack when they talk.

♪ They wiggle when they walk.

♪ They quack when they're swimming, too! ♪

- ♪ Quack, quack, quack

♪ Let's do what the duckies do! ♪

- Sally, I think you should say hello

to all your nice new friends!

- ♪ Who knows how to paddle all around the pond? ♪

- ♪ Quack, quack, quack

♪ The duckies do!

- ♪ Who knows how to waddle

♪ All around the lawn?

- ♪ Quack, quack, quack

♪ The duckies do!

- ♪ They quack when they talk.

♪ They wiggle when they walk.

♪ They quack when they're swimming, too! ♪

- ♪ Quack, quack, quack

♪ Let's do what the duckies do. ♪

♪ Quack, quack, quack

♪ Let's do what the duckies do! ♪

- Quack, quack, quack!

(kids giggling)

("The Duckies Do" stops playing)

- Well, with nice new friends like you,

I think Sally will feel right at home!

- [Kami] Oh, yeah!

- [Barney] And when we're not around,

the other animals in the park can keep her company!

- What other kinds of animals live here?

- Oh, there are quite a few -

though some of them are very hard to see!

For instance, there's an owl that lives here,

but he only comes out at night.

- I'd like to see an owl,

but I can't stay out at night.

(kids agreeing)

- Hmm - oh, I know a way

we can see some owls in the daytime!

And I can show you in the caboose!

- Okay!

- Well, that sounds like fun,

but I better put this away first.

So I'll see you later!

- Okay! Bye, Mr. Boyd!

- See you!

- [Barney] Let's put this here.

Dum-dee-dum-dee-dum. There! All done!

Now - "who, who, WHO" wants to see an owl?

- I do!

- [Sarah] Can you please show us?

- Here it is!

- [Kids] Oh, wow!

- It's a paper-bag puppet!

- Oh, right! And we've got everything here

for you to make your own owl puppets!

- Let's do it!

- Okay! C'mon!

- Okay! Oh, they're really fun to make, too!

- We'll need some paper.

We'll need some glue.

- [Barney] First, We cut out two triangle shapes

for the top of the head.

- Triangles have three sides.

- Right, Nick!

- Now we cut out a beak.

- [Kami] I think it looks great!

I'm cutting yellow circles for the eyes.

- And I'm using these cupcake liners for the eyes!

- [Barney] I think everyone's doing a great job!

- [Sarah] Thanks!

- [Tony] Next, we glue everything onto the bag.

- [Barney] Now, you can color in the owl's eyes.

Oh, and last, the wings!

- [Sarah] Okay, now I'm gluing my wings on.

- [Kami] Me, too!

- Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!

- Oh, boy! Your owls look tee-riffic!

- [Kids] Thanks, Barney!

- And I know a game we can play with them!

- Oh!

- [Kids] You do?

- [Barney] Okay!

- [Kids] Can you please tell us?

("The Boy and the Owl" starts playing)

- He looks so tired.

- ♪ A little boy went into a barn ♪

♪ and lay down on some hay.

- ♪ An owl came out and flew about ♪

♪ And the little boy ran away!

- ♪ Hoo-hoo, hoo-hoo

♪ The little boy ran away.

♪ Hoo-Hoo, hoo-hoo

♪ The little boy ran away!

♪ (brief instrumental playing)

(kids whispering)

- ♪ A little boy went into a barn ♪

♪ And lay down on some hay.

- ♪ An owl came out and flew about ♪

♪ And the little boy ran away!

- ♪ Hoo-hoo, Hoo-hoo

♪ The little boy ran away

♪ Hoo-hoo, Hoo-hoo

♪ The little boy ran away!

♪ (short instrumental playing)

- Where did he go?

- Well, I don't know!

- I'm up here!

- [Kids] Oh, okay!

- There you are! Oh, Nick!

("The Boy and the Owl" stops playing)

- Oh, thanks, Nick!

- There you go.

- Thanks.

There! Everything is cleaned up!

- Great!

- Barney, where do you think the real owl lives in the park?

- Well it could be almost anywhere -

some owls live in trees,

and other make their homes

in buildings like barns!

- Hey! I just found another animal's home

right here in the caboose!

- You did?

- Let's go see!

- I wonder what it is!

- [Sarah] So do I!

- It's the aquarium!

That's a home for fish - right, Barney?

- Oh, right! The aquarium is full of water

for these little fish to swim in.

And bigger fish make their homes in ponds

and lakes and even great big oceans!

- I think it looks like fun to live underwater!

- You can swim everywhere you go!


- Well, we can't really live underwater,

but with imagination, we can pretend

to visit some fishy friends who do!

- Oh, yeah!

- That's a great idea, Barney!

("If I Lived Under the Sea" starts playing)

- ♪ If I lived under the sea, sea, sea ♪

♪ I think it would be neat as it could be, be, be. ♪

♪ I could visit all the fish

♪ Anytime I wish

♪ If I lived under the sea!

- ♪ I could ride on the tail

♪ Of a great big whale.

- ♪ Wow, that would be great!

- ♪ I could count the legs on an octopus ♪

♪ One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight! ♪

- ♪ If I lived under the sea, sea, sea ♪

♪ I think it would be neat

♪ As it could be, be, be.

♪ I could visit all the fish

♪ Anytime I wish

♪ If I lived under the sea.

- ♪ [Nick] It would be so new to watch a tuna ♪

♪ Talking with an itty bitty snail. ♪

♪ - Or to see the pretty fin

♪ On the back of a fish,

♪ Who carries his very own sail. ♪

- ♪ If I lived under the sea, sea, sea ♪

♪ I think it would be neat

♪ As it could be, be, be.

♪ I could visit all the fish

♪ Any time I wish

♪ If I lived under the sea

- ♪ I could visit all the fish

♪ Any time I wish

- ♪ If I lived under,

♪ If I lived under,

♪ If I lived under the sea!

("If I Lived Under the Sea" stops playing)

- I can see why fish like living in the water!

(kids agreeing)

- And, different animals need different kind of homes!

- That's why the dove likes her nest!

- And the rabbit likes his burrow!

- And Sally, the duck, definitely likes the pond!

(barney chuckling)

- Those are all good homes.

And they're all right here in the park!

But there are lots of other animal homes, too.

- I wish we could see them!

- Yeah, me too!

- That would be great!

- We can! And it's as easy as turning on the computer!

- [Kids] The computer!

- That's a good idea, Barney!

- Nick, would you turn on the computer, please?

- Sure, Barney!

- [Barney] Thank you.

Foxes often make their homes

in a cozy hole or a hollow log.

And it's called a den.

- [Nick] It's the Itsy-Bitsy spider!

- [Barney] Uh-huh! And her home is a bee-yutiful web

that she makes herself!

- [Kami] Is that another spider?

- [Barney] Oh, its a hermit crab!

He finds a shell that no one else is using -

and makes it his home! There he goes.

- [Tony] Those are some busy bees!

- [Barney] Their home is called a hive -

and bees often make their hive in a hollow tree.

- [Sarah] That's a baby kangaroo!

- [Barney] Right! He's called a "Joey" -

and while he's little,

his home is his mother's soft, warm pouch.

- [Nick] Look!There's a bear catching a fish!

And he's taking it into a cave!

- [Barney] Bears live in caves

because they need much bigger homes.

Oh, and there you have it.

Those are some animal homes.

- Barney, if our park had a cave,

do you think a bear would move in?

- It just might!

- I've got a fun idea how we can find out!

- Okay!

- Okay, I love fun ideas!

- How do you like our cave, Barney?

- We made it out of a tent and crumpled paper.

- I think it's stuuuu-PENDous!

But where, oh where, is the bear?

- I'm right here!


- Oh, my!

("Other Day I Met a Bear" starts playing)

- ♪ The other day

♪ I met a bear.

♪ A great big bear

♪ A way up there.

- ♪ The other day,

♪ I met a bear.

♪ A great big bear

♪ A way up there.

- Grrr!

- ♪ She said to me

- ♪ She said to me

- ♪ "Why don't you run?"

- ♪ "Why don't you run?"

- ♪ A game of tag

- [Barney And Kids] ♪ A game of tag

- ♪ Will be such fun!

- [Barney And Kids] ♪ Will be such fun!

♪ She said to me, "Why don't you run?" ♪

♪ "A game of tag will be such fun!" ♪

- ♪ And so I ran

- ♪ And so I ran

- ♪ Away from there.

- ♪ Away from there

- ♪ But right behind

- ♪ But right behind

- ♪ Me was the bear.

- ♪ Me was the bear.

- ♪ And so I ran away from there ♪

♪ But right behind me was the bear ♪

- ♪ That's all there is.

- ♪ That's all there is.

- ♪ There is no more.

- ♪ There is no more.

- ♪ Unless I see

- ♪ Unless I see

- ♪ The bear once more.

- ♪ The bear once more.

- ♪ That's all there is, there is no more. ♪

♪ Unless I see that bear once more! ♪

- Grrr-r-r!

("Other Day I Met a Bear" stops playing")

- I had so much fun!

- I barely recognized you.

- Hi, everybody!

- Oh, hi, Mr. Boyd!

- Hello!

- Say, did I see a bear wandering

around here a little while ago?

- That wasn't a bear. That was me!

- Oh-h-h!

- Is Sally, the duck, still enjoying her new home?

- Uh-huh! She waddling around right now,

taking a look at everything.

Oh, and by the way, I found another animal home!

- Really?

- Can we please see it?

- Well, of course! Let's see,

I saw it right over here.

And then I saw it over here.

- [Barney] Over there. Okay.

- And I think I saw it over here somewhere.

- How many animal homes did you see?

- Well, just one - but it was moving!

- [Nick] It was moving?

- And there it is!

(kids excitement)

- It's a turtle!

- And he carries his home right on his back!

- The turtle has a hard shell.

He can pull his legs and his head in

anytime he wants to feel safe!

- [Sarah] Can we touch him?

- [Mr. Boyd] Oh, I'm glad you asked!

Just to be safe,

you shouldn't touch any animal who lives outdoors.

- Oh, okay.

- That's a very important rule.

Remember the story about the little snapping turtle?

- Yeah!

- Yeah, I remember.

("The Little Turtle" starts playing)

- ♪ There was a little turtle

♪ He lived in a box.

♪ He swam in a puddle.

♪ He climbed on the rocks.

- Oh, yes he did!

- ♪ He snapped at a mosquito

- ♪ He snapped at a flea

- ♪ He snapped at a minnow

- ♪ And he snapped at me!

- Oh, no!

- ♪ He caught the mosquito

- ♪ He caught the flea

- ♪ He caught the minnow

- ♪ But he didn't catch me!

- Oh, you're too quick for him!

- ♪ There was a little turtle

♪ He lived in a box.

♪ He swam in a puddle.

♪ He climbed on the rocks.

- Sounds like fun!

- ♪ He snapped at a mosquito

- ♪ He snapped at a flea

- ♪ He snapped at a minnow

- ♪ And he snapped at me!

- Oh, watch out!

- ♪ He caught the mosquito

♪ He caught the flea

♪ He caught the minnow

- ♪ But he didn't catch me!

- Oh, no!

("The Little Turtle" stops playing)

- That was fun!

- Well, I've got some work to do.

So, I'll see you later.

- Bye, Mr. Boyd!

- Oh, that turtle really gets around!

- [Kids] Yeah, sure it does!

- Remember when Mr. Boyd said

he saw an animal home "there" and "there" and "there?"

- Oh, yeah.

- Uh-huh. Though now that you mentioned it,

there really is an animal home where you're pointing!

- There is!

- Oh, wow! It's an ant hill!

- It's an ant hill! And if you look closely,

you may even see the ants.

- [Nick] Look - there they are!

- And they're all moving in a line!

- [Barney] Uh-huh! The ants carry dirt our of their tunnels

and carry in food to share!

- I wonder if ants like crawling in and out of tunnels?

- Yeah, so do I!

- Yeah, I wonder, too!

- Well, I think the best way to find out

is to give it a try!

- Whoa! Wow! Check it out!

- All right, little antsatten-shun!


("The Ants Go Marching" starts playing)

- ♪ The ants go marching one by one. ♪

♪ Hoorah, hoorah.

♪ The ants go marching two by two. ♪

♪ Hoorah, hoorah.

♪ The ants go marching three by three ♪

- ♪ The little one stops to climb a tree. ♪

- No, you don't.

- ♪ And they all go marching down, ♪

♪ To the ground

♪ To get out

♪ Of the rain

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom

- ♪ [Barney] The ants go marching four by four ♪

♪ Hoorah, hoorah.

♪ The ants go marching five by five ♪

♪ Hoorah, hoorah.

♪ The ants go matching six by six ♪

♪ The little one stops to pick up sticks ♪

- ♪ And they all go marching down, ♪

♪ To the ground

♪ To get out

♪ Of the rain

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom

- ♪ The ants go marching seven by seven ♪

♪ Hoorah, hoorah.

♪ The ants go marching eight by eight ♪

♪ Hoorah, hoorah.

♪ The ants go marching nine by nine ♪

- ♪ The little one stops to check the time ♪

- ♪ And they all go marching down, ♪

♪ To the ground

♪ To get out

♪ Of the rain.

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom! ♪

- ♪ The ants go marching ten by ten ♪

♪ The little one stops to say... ♪

- ♪ The end!

- [ALL] ♪ And they all go marching down, ♪

♪ To the ground

♪ To get out

♪ Of the rain.

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom! ♪

("The Ants Go Marching" stops playing)

- I think tunnels are just right for ants to live in!

- And they're fun for us, too!

- I liked being an ant.

- Oh, you're bird house looks great!

- [Sarah] Oh, thank you!

- Thanks!

- And I think it's going to be just right

for some lucky bird!

- Look - the paint is dry!

Now Mr. Boyd can hang it up when he gets back!

- I hope a bird moves in right away!

- So do I!

- That would be great!

- I'm sure it'll happen!

After all, it's warm, cozy, and safe -

a perfect home for a bird!

- Barney, what makes a home perfect for people?

- Well, there are lots of different kinds of homes.

But I think what makes a home perfect

is sharing it with friends and family you love.

("I love you" starts playing)

- ♪ I love you, you love me.

♪ We're a happy family

♪ With a great big hug

♪ And a kiss from me to you

♪ Won't you say you love me, too? ♪

- ♪ I love you, you love me

♪ We're best friends like friends should be ♪

♪ With a great big hug

♪ And a kiss from me to you

♪ Won't you say you love me, too? ♪

("I Love You" stops playing)

- I guess we should be going to our homes, too!

- You're right.

Thanks for everything, Barney - we had fun!

- Thank you, Barney!

- You're very welcome.

- Good-bye, Barney!

- Bye, Barney!

- Good-bye, everyone! See you soon! Bye-bye!

(bird chirping)

(theme song playing)