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01x13 - The News

Posted: 01/22/15 03:22
by bunniefuu
And when we come back, our own Keith Bradshaw has a special report on which Southern California restaurants aren't making the grade when it comes to serving sanitary meals.

Good thing I've already had dinner.

Stay with us... we'll be right back.

And we're out.

[Indistinct chatter]

Hey, John.

OK. You're good.

Man: Sorry. Let me just... there we go. Good. You're good.

My daughter.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God. Emma. Oh, my God!

John, what happened?

And we're back in 3, 2...

No. No, no, no, no. He's at my house!

Somebody, call the police!

Please help me!

Get the police to my house now, now!

Woman: John, what's wrong?

He's gonna hurt my daughter.

He's gonna hurt my daughter. Help me! Help me!

We, uh, apologize to our viewers.

We are experiencing an emergency situation here.

Help me! Somebody, help me!


Morning, Jack.

I just wanted to say thanks for the other night, confiding in me.

I know it's not an easy thing for you to do, and I appreciate it.

Thank you for listening.

Question. Who else in the office besides Janice knows about your real name and your life in Seattle?

Well, her, Amanda, and you.

I'd like to keep it that way for now.

Of course.

Michelle, huh? I can see it.

I like Beth, but Michelle works, too.

Come in. Shut the door.

I just spoke with Perry Whitley's father.

He refuses to file a missing persons report.

He expressed his concern but is more concerned about keeping it quiet.

This just in.


How's your friend Tracy?

She left town. She's staying with a friend till we can find Perry.

Can we put out an APB based on the as*ault charge?

No. Perry's father posted bail.

There's nothing we can do until he fails to show up for his prelim.

If we want to put Perry away, we have to build a new case.

Somebody, call the police. Please help me!

Get the police to my house now! Now!

What are you watching?

You remember John Bardo?

Channel 12 news guy.

Last night, he received a text during the broadcast.

It was a video taken from inside his daughter's closet.

Bardo freaks out on air.

Turns out, his daughter was at the movies.

She was safe, thank God.

The video was recorded a week prior, and the text came from a burner, so it couldn't be traced.

We handled a stalking case for him two years ago.

Man obsessed with Bardo from his newscast.

Broke into his house, tried to k*ll him, right?

Yeah. Sam Russell, a crime stringer.

He chased crime scenes and traffic accidents.

He started supplying tips to Bardo when he was still a field reporter.

Sam idolized Bardo, became obsessed with him, and then when he started stalking him, we were brought in.

I was notified. Sam was released 3 months ago.

John on TV: Somebody, call the police!

Please help me!

Get the police to my house now! Now!

The police are trying to locate Russell now.

He's not at home, but he has a clean probation report.

Bardo could have a new stalker.

You know, these news people, they get this a lot.

All right. We'll talk to Bardo.

Jack, let's go. You guys, find us our stringer.

Beth: According to the exif file, this video was taken last week.

My ex-wife Linda and I, we share custody.

Emma stays with me every other week.

It was him, wasn't it? Sam Russell?

Have you arrested him?

We'll talk to him, but we may have to treat this as a new threat.

You may have another stalker.

Jack: Have you noticed any other attention recently from your fans, people in your life, ex-wife?

What happened with your marriage?

A man broke into my home and tried to k*ll me in front of my wife.

After that, we couldn't make it work.

My whole life fell apart.

I still look over my shoulder.

No animosity?

We're on good terms because of my daughter.

His ex Linda is a sweetheart.

She couldn't be behind this.

And, Lauren, how long have you two been together?

4 or 5 weeks. Why?

Well, it's routine, hon. They have to ask.

And you live here with John?

No. No. I just came over last night when I heard what happened.

Any signs of break-in, anything moved or taken?

Look. It has to be Sam Russell.

There is no way I have two stalkers.

I mean, come on. What are the odds?

You'd be surprised.

People in your profession often attract obsessive personalities.

They notified me, all right?

He was released 3 months ago.

I know, and I will talk to him personally.

We'll get to the truth, I promise.


Beth: Why were you hiding from us?

I knew you were gonna accuse me.

I know what happened.

John Bardo's the news story of the day.

I'm not your guy.

I would never hurt John or his family.

I respect the man.

Funny way of showing your admiration, showing up at his house with a g*n.

That was a misunderstanding two years ago.

I went over to his house to talk to him.

I had my g*n on me.

I practice my second amendment rights.

I would never hurt John.

Where were you last night?

Home, editing.

I have a crime blog. It takes up all my time.

And the night of the 24th?

That was the night of the big accident on the 101.

I was there sh**ting "B" roll.

Can anyone vouch for you?

No, but I'm not stalking John.

You guys should be out there looking for the real stalker.

John could be in serious trouble, you know.

He's a good guy, and someone has to watch out for him.

Beth: I'm not convinced Sam is reformed, but I'm not so sure the psychology adds up.

Sam is a intimacy-seeking stalker.

He wants a closer connection to John.

He only escalated two years ago because John rejected his help.

I just don't see him sending threatening texts or videos.

That seems like something we see more in resentful stalkers.

I checked the alibis for the ex-wife, the new girlfriend.

Neither have motives.

His daughter seems well-adjusted.

It's not a prank.

OK. Then John has a new stalker.

Let's go with that for now.

News anchors are the most common of celebrity stalking cases.

They're in everybody's living room, looking through the camera into the eyes of the people watching them.

It's intimate. They become fixated.

They really think they have a relationship with these people.

Well, Ben and I went to the news station.

We grilled the whole staff, co-workers.

Everyone checked out.

No one had heard or seen an unusual fan, nothing.

What's that?


Go back frame by frame.


What is it?

Can you enhance it?

You see it?

Reflection in the mirror?

I can better that.

Someone inside wearing a dark jacket.

Is that a logo?

Partial logo.

Can you decipher it?

Yeah. Give me some time.

Beth: Janice, let's get a unit on John's house and his ex-wife and his daughter.

Let's keep them safe till we can figure something out.

How's Emma?

OK. Well, the security company's gonna be with you guys 24 hours a day until they catch this guy.

Look. I'm... I'm really sorry, Linda.

I know, but I all I want is for you and Emma to be safe.

You know that.

Yeah. Ahem. OK. Bye.

Was that your ex?

Yeah. Ahem.

What did she want?

Hmm. I, um... I hired a security team to watch after he and Emma.

You're a good man, John, but I don't know why you don't do the same thing at your own house.

I did.

Security will be here tomorrow.

You know, you didn't have to stay here tonight.

I know all this is really freaking you out.

I'm not gonna leave you like she did.


What was that?

I don't know.

Where are you going?

Stay here. Lock the door and call the police.

John, don't!

Lauren, I am not a victim.

Lock the door and call the police.

You son of a bitch!

Get out here!

Come on! Show your face!

Where are you?

Oh, my God.

Lauren, Lauren, Lauren!

He's in the room with you!

He's in the bathroom!

Unlock the door!

Aah! Aah!




LAPD. Don't move!

Stay on the ground.

You got him?

I'm not lying why did you break into John's house?

He needed my help.

You att*cked his girlfriend.

John needs me. He doesn't need her.

Is he gay?

Is it romantic obsession?

No. He worships him.

He doesn't want anyone to be near John but him.

No one's good enough.

You didn't answer the question.

After I spoke with you guys, I got scared for John, so I had to find out.

You broke probation.

You're going back to prison.

I'm sorry.

Don't send me back.

I ca... I can't follow the news if you send me back.

Please! I-I screwed up just the once.

This guy's not well.

No, he's not, but I'm not so sure he's the one we're looking for.

Look. C-c-can I... can I go to a city jail?

If you send me upstate, I can't get channel 12.

I won't do it again, I swe... is John back there?

Jo... John, I would never hurt you, John!

You know this! Tell them!

We confiscated his video and recording equipment he had quite the setup. Looks like he's been following John and his family.

Any video of John's daughter?

None from her bedroom, but there is footage of her, John, John's ex-wife, and most of his colleagues.

So Sam was stalking by proxy until last night.

That's how he's getting his fix without violating his TRO.

He was stalking everyone around the person he was obsessed with.

I'm still combing through the footage, but I found one thing of interest.

Ben: An altercation.

Jack: Who's the other guy?

Keith Bradshaw, field correspondent.

They're arguing about something.

Ben: A little digging, and I found out Keith was up for anchor, but John got the job instead.

So maybe Keith seeks retribution for perceived injustice, starts stalking his work colleague.

Classic case of workplace stalking.

Which usually escalates quickly to v*olence.

Damn. That hurt.

John never mentioned any co-worker dispute.

He clocked him.

Well, no charges were ever filed.

What's the date on that?

December 14, around the same time John was promoted.

Maybe Keith was jealous.

I spoke to the station's HR department myself.

There was no record of a co-worker rivalry.

Most victims of workplace stalking won't run to the boss.

They're afraid of getting fired.

Ben, go through this footage.

Let's see who else we can link to John.

In the meantime, we'll talk to Keith Bradshaw.

[Ball bouncing]

Told you I'd be back.

What do you want, a medal?

No. No. I just want to talk.

What about?

Have you thought any about what we discussed last time?

It won't work.

Yes, it will. I know it will.

Why do you want to help me?

The two of us, we're like-minded, right?

We... we share a... a kinship of suffering, a mutual obsession.


Tell me about her.

She changed her name?


She goes by Beth Davis.

She's a detective... well, lieutenant actually.

She's in charge of LAPD's Threat Assessment Unit.

She investigates stalking cases.

Is she married?

No. She lives alone, very few friends.

She's very guarded.

No real personal life.

Her work is everything to her.

She's a do-gooder.

Very much so.

It helps her with the guilt.

Because of her family?

They were all k*lled when her house caught fire.

Why did you k*ll them?

I never meant to.

But... but you set the fire.

So I could save them, so I could be the hero, so I could get her to come back to me.

Well... We'll figure out a new way for you to win her back.

We can help each other.

You really think you can get me out of here?

I know I can.

Keith: Yeah, I punched him. He deserved it.

Beth: Why? Because he got the promotion over you?

No. I was brought out here from Chicago with the promise of being anchor, and then two months ago out of nowhere, they offer the anchor desk to John.

How's that John's fault?

I didn't say it's his fault.

It's just... you know, it pissed me off, OK, because I don't like the guy, and now I got to look at that... that face and that dumb smile every day.

How do you feel about him now?

Oh. Wait. You guys think I had something to do with what happened to John?

You have motive.

With him out of the picture, you're next in line to be anchor.

Wow. Good theory, but the truth...

I have much better things to do with my time.

You know, maybe if the guy kept his pants on, he wouldn't have these problems.

The guy sleeps around, OK?

Yeah. He has this whole wholesome image, but he's not the clean cut guy he pretends to be.

All right? We done here?

What, are you gonna arrest me?

Because I'll cover it for the evening news.

I'll be my own exclusive.

John on TV: ...Strictly on teacher performance to persuade the board to raise teacher salaries.

And it looks as if tuition increases...

I met with a few exes.

They say John's a charmer.

Any co-workers?

None that would admit to sleeping with him.

What about Adele? Talk to her?

She says they're not having an affair.

When was this newscast?

A couple months ago. Why?

Can you pause it?

Look at Adele's body language when John talks.

She watches him intently.

Her eye contact indicates an interest, an attraction.

Notice the tight-lipped smile, the shared look.

They have a secret.

You think Adele lied to me.

Adele is married, and if she's got a jealous husband...

John could be in danger.

Well, that about wraps it up for us tonight.

Security cameras will be installed tomorrow morning, and I'll be here tonight patrolling the perimeter.

OK. Um, thank you. Appreciate it.

Good night, sir.

Good night.

[Indistinct chatter on TV]

[Crowd cheering]

[Whistle blows]

[Knock on door]



[Tires squealing]

John: The b*llet grazed my shoulder.

I have been in the emergency room all night.

Now I don't understand why this is happening again.

It wasn't Sam Russell.

He was in custody last night. It's someone else.

Well, then who's doing this?

Because the first time this happened, it destroyed my life, and I can't...

I can't do this anymore.

Sam was an intimacy-seeking stalker, and we believe whoever's stalking you now is resentful.

They're trying to punish you.

I... I haven't done anything to anyone.

Tell me about Keith Bradshaw.

We know he's not a big fan of yours.

Is he capable of this?


He assaulted you before.

I know the guy doesn't like me, but he wouldn't sh**t me, would he?

What about Matt Marshall?

Adele's husband?

Would he sh**t you?

You know about me and Adele.

Yes. The question is does her husband know?


I don't think so.

Look. It only happened once.

Adele told me that they were separated.

When I found out the truth, I broke it off.

I would never fool around with a married woman.

It's just... it's not me.

How did Adele take that?

She was completely professional as if it never even happened.

Look. I consider her a friend.

It's funny how that happens.

Was Lauren in the picture at the time?

No. No. This was well before we met.

How is she?

Well, when Sam showed back up, I, uh...

I thought it best if we take some time.

I've been through this before with my ex-wife, and I, uh...

I just didn't want Lauren getting hurt because of me.

Do you really think this is someone that I know?

Yeah, we do. The stalker was in your daughter's bedroom but chose not to hurt her.

Instead, they filmed her and perfectly timed the delivery of the video to throw you off at work.

This is personal.

Adele, hi.


You must be Matt.

Do you mind explaining why we were asked to come all the way downtown?

Of course. I need a moment with your wife first.

No. Whatever you have to say to her you can say in front of me.

That wasn't a request.

I need a moment with your wife.

It's OK.


Thank you.

Um, is this about John's stalking investigation?

John, told us you two were in a sexual relationship.

It was hardly a relationship.

Why'd you lie to us?

I didn't lie.

I was asked if we were having an affair.

We aren't. We had sex once, that's it.

And your husband's aware?

Matt isn't stalking John.

That's not what I asked.

Yes. I told him after we slept together.

And he wasn't upset?

No. You see, Matt and I have an open relationship.

It's not something we publicize.

Do you know your wife slept with John Bardo?

Yeah, I did.

Have a seat.

I told her about us. It's OK.

You have an open relationship?


In most of these relationships, there are rules.

Do you have set rules as a couple?

Only one. We don't like to tell anyone we have an open relationship.

Why did you tell John that you were separated?

Look. I lied to make him feel comfortable, to give him permission to be with me.

John is an amazing guy.

He's really sweet, very handsome, but the guy's a prude.

She told me all about John.

I appealed to John's puritanical, monogamous sensibilities to get in his pants, but it soon became very clear that he was not gonna be a good fit for Matt and I.

Where were the two of you last night?

At home.

Um, entertaining a guest.

His name is James Thorpe.

I can get you his number.

Interesting couple.

I'll never watch channel 12 news the same way again.

Their alibis checked out.

James Thorpe confirmed he stayed at the Marshall's last night.

Sounds like it was a hot time.

He even described their basement.

Ben: Bingo! I've been running the partial logo from the stalker video through an algorithm that searches the Internet for known commerci...

Ben, just get to the important part.

Yeah. It's a Bradbury University logo.

Jack: It's in Chicago.

Keith worked in Chicago before he moved to L.A.

Yeah. It's Keith's Alma mater.

Let's talk to him.

Beth: Did you attend Bradbury University?

That's public knowledge. It's on my web site.

Did you really need to bring me down here to ask me that?

I like to be thorough.

In fact, you attend football games regularly.

We found these on your self-promotional web site.

You're wearing a Bradbury University logo on your sweatshirt.

You got me. I like football.

You detectives, you're really good.

We also analyzed the video that was sent to John by his stalker two nights ago, and the person who made that is also wearing the university's logo.

I'm not the only person in L.A. that went to Bradbury.

No, but you might be the only one who wanted the Channel 12 news anchor job.

You said that you were angry when John got the position over you, so maybe you sent the video freak him out so he'd take leave like he did two years ago.

That's certainly flimsy.

And when that didn't work, you took a shot at him.

All right. Listen, lady.

I don't have to stalk someone or sh**t them to get John's job.

I got the anchor position because I'm the better anchor.

But you don't have the anchor position, Keith.

John's not stepping down.

You trying to get under my skin?

Is that what you're doing, just to see if I lash out?

Is it working?

I asked around. I heard you have quite the temper.

Where were you last night?

I was at home.

Home? Were you alone?

Yeah, I was alone.

Are we done?

Is it because he's better looking or simply because he's the better anchor?

Listen, lady! That's it, OK?

I'm gonna go above you, and I'm gonna have your badge!



There is is.

Beth: He's volatile and impulsive.

He has the biggest motive, but we don't have enough evidence to hold him.

The guy clearly suffers from narcissistic personality disorder.

But we can't prove that he took a shot at John.

Ben: Well, maybe we can.

Forensics found no g*nsh*t residue on Keith's clothes, but they did find a latent print on the shell casings dropped at John's house.

I checked, and the print is linked to an FBI rap sheet in Illinois.

Get it.

I'm on it.

What's wrong with you?

Beth, we need to talk.

What is it?

It's personal.

What's personal?


What's going on?

The chief administrator at Seattle Pacific Psychiatric just called.

She's been trying to reach you on your cell for the last hour.

Ray Matthews was just released this afternoon.


No. How?

An outside specialist was brought in and provided an assessment of Ray.

He signed off on the release.

Beth, I'm so sorry.

When did it happen, when exactly?

The video was time-stamped just after 4 P.M.

I had the video enhanced.

Do we know where they went?



Rental, paid in cash, returned on time.

No trace.

This kid has no idea what he's just done.

Perry hired a forensic psychologist with a Harvard P.H.D and citations from half the medical boards in the country.

We're figuring out how...

Ray's family, they were holding him on an involuntary conservatorship.

It wasn't ideal, but it was all we had.

Any specialist could come in and evaluate him, find him suitable for release.

Do the Matthews know?

They were notified, as well.

I talked to them.

They seemed terrified.

They know how dangerous he is.

Perry's specialist apparently filed an emergency motion.

Took less than 48 hours to get Ray released.


You're not alone on this.

They couldn't have gotten far.

We'll check airlines and bus routes.

I'll call Seattle PD.

No. I appreciate what you're doing, but no.

We have no proof of Perry's illegal activity.


But we do have evidence of John Bardo's stalker.

He is the victim, and he's who we need to be focusing on right now.

Beth, let us handle this.

Jack stop.

We need to do our jobs.

Let's work.

Where are we?

What is going on, Beth?

We're not gonna talk about it now, but we will soon, I promise.

I'll fill you in later.

We need to work now, Ben.

OK. I spoke with the news director at the Chicago station where Keith Bradshaw worked.

It seemed Keith had a female fan, a woman named Candice Donovan.

Keith sent out signed photos and other gifts.

When the fan escalated and started stalking Keith, he used it as a way to self-promote.

He thought it made him relevant.

The stalker started making threats, and the entire studio felt in danger.

Keith was asked to resign because of his part in it.

No wonder he didn't tell us about a previous stalker.

He was worried about losing his job again.

And get this... one of the gifts he used to hand out to his fans were Bradbury University shirts.

I just spoke with Chicago PD.

The print we found on the casing isn't Keith's.

It belongs to a woman.

Let me guess... Candice Donovan.

She was arrested for violating a TRO Keith had against her.

They're e-mailing me the report.

So she was stalking Keith in Chicago and then came here and started stalking John?

Stalking's not territorial.

We see people travel thousands of miles across state lines.

I just got the police report on Donovan.

Um, you guys need to see this.

Meet Candice Donovan.

That's John's girlfriend Lauren.

And with all that sunshine in the forecast, it like it's gonna be a beautiful week.

It sure does, Adele.

Well, that about wraps it up for us, folks.

From all of us here at Channel 12, have a pleasant evening.

Stay tuned for the "World News Report," coming up next.

Woman: And we're clear.

Hey, John. Can I grab your Mike?



Hey. Uh, John. Look.

I know you've been going through a horrible time, and, uh, I've been a complete ass to you, so... look. I just... I just want this to be over.



I'm not stalking you, man, I swear.


Ugh. SSS.



Lauren, hey.


What are you doing here, sweetheart?

I just came by to check on you.

You know, I mean, after everything you've been through, shouldn't you have taken some time off?

Oh. Yeah, well, this job's the only thing keeping me sane.

But you were supposed to be in the hospital.

You were supposed to take time off.

I mean, that's what you did when you were stalked before.

You took several months off.

What's wrong with you?

Mental duress. Remember?

I looked it up online.

What are... what are you talking about?

It's Keith's turn now.

We're done playing, John.

It's time for you to go away.

You should know I actually liked you, but I love Keith.

Wait. Look, Lauren.

That's not my name.

Look. Just... just... just wait.

John, do you have a second?

Adele, run!



[Adele screaming]

Man: Is anybody hurt?

Woman: Go back to your office!

I'm gonna call the police.



Man: Somebody's got a g*n!


She's barricaded herself inside of a dressing room on the north side of the building.

One hostage, newscaster John Bardo, being held at gunpoint.

Are you getting everyone else out?

We're evacuating to the parking lot right now.

Where's the control room?

Right this way.

Beth: John just finished his newscast.

He might still have his mic on.

Pull up John's mic.

Oh. OK.

Thank you.

John: Lauren, whatever your name is, this is crazy.

Lauren: Don't call me crazy.

No. You're not crazy.

The situation is crazy.

They know you're here. You're never gonna get out of this.

Well, if I don't get out, you don't get out.

J-just lower the g*n, please, OK, hon?

Ugh. Don't call me hon. I hate it when you call me hon.

Only Keith calls me hon.

OK. Then... then you go find him.

Go find him. Be with him.

I'll stay here.

John, this is Beth Davis.

Listen to me. Stop provoking her.

She's delusional. She thinks she's in a relationship with Keith.

Affirm that.

You're, uh, Candice.

You're Keith's Candice, the one he talks about.

Yes. From Chicago.

Candice from Chicago.

How do you know that?

Beth: "Keith told me."

Keith talks about you all the time.

What has he told you?

Go ahead.

Tell her. You're doing great.

She thinks she's in love with him.

That's why she's doing this.

Well... He told me how much that you love him.

It's incredibly romantic.

I-I wish I had someone like that.

What Keith and I have is very special.

How'd you meet?

When we first met, we were in my living room back in Chicago.

Keith was out in the field doing a report, and he was looking right at me.

He used to send me messages, secret messages when he was reporting.

He knew I'd be watching the TV. I would understand...


Somebody's outside.

I'll k*ll him, do you hear me?

Tell them to stand down!

Rescue team, stand down.

Get Keith Bradshaw in here!

No! Nobody's out there!

How do you know?

What are you doing?

Is that something in your ear?


Oh. I will blow your head off, so help me.

Give it to me.

Give you what?

The mic in your ear.

John's still wired. Beth will walk you through it.

Wait. Tell her that Keith wants to talk to her.

OK. Wait, wait.

Keith is... he's in the control room.


Yeah. He wants to talk to you.

Ahem. Um...


Keith. Hey, man.

Yeah. Hold on. Candice is right here.

Take this and take this, too.

Here. Talk to him.

Go ahead. Talk to him.

Keith: Is this Candice?


Hey, baby. It's me.


You know I really want to be with you, right, but if you hurt John, then... then we can't be together.

"They'll put you away forever.

I don't want to lose you."

They'll put you away forever, and, baby, I don't want to lose you.

I want you to put the g*n down.

Agh! Unh!

Initiate, initiate!

Man on radio: All teams, go!

Move! Drop it now!

This is why you don't understand.

This was for Keith. I love Keith.

[Music playing]

Ben: So Keith's stalker followed him to L.A. from Chicago.

True love.

[Cell phone ringing]


Ray: Hello, Michelle.

It's been a long time.

I've missed you.

Are you guys gonna fill me in or what?

Is Perry with you?

You already know the answer to that, Michelle, or would you prefer Beth?

Tell me where you are, Ray.

I want to see you.

And I want to see you, too.

Soon, Michelle, soon.


What is it?

It was Ray.

[Music playing]

Everything looks fine.

I'll be outside in the car.

Great. Thanks.


[Knock on door]


I was gonna come alone, but they wouldn't take no for an answer.

What are you... slumber party, game night, movie.

It's whatever you want it to be.

Ben: They told me. I had no idea.

I'm sorry, Beth.

Hope you like pepperoni.

You don't have to do this.

There's a unit outside.

You asked for our help.

This is help.

[Janice laughing]


Here you go.

In the form of beer and pizza?

It's not all about you.

Thank you.

What we got?

Ben: Get in on this. Pepperoni.

That's what I call a party.

Beth, grab it. It's cold.

[Music continues]