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01x13 - Chuck Versus the Marlin

Posted: 01/27/08 06:54
by bunniefuu
Lester: Go back, go back.

That is God and a surgeon working in harmony.

Here comes the Schwarma girl.



Lizzie: Here you guys go.

Be careful, it's really hot.

I don't want to... for you to burn your tongue on it.

Wow, 29 orders this month.

One more, and you'll get a free baba ghanoush.

Lester: Oh...

I'm reaching in my pocket for money, not for...

Hey, do you have change?

Oh, she's...

Did you get it?

Chuck: Fellas...

Oh, boy.

Chuck: What are you guys doing?

Or have you forgotten about Big Mike's policy on "mammary cam"?

Jeff; I don't know what you're talking about, Chuck.

Chuck: He doesn't know what I'm talking about? That's so weird.

So, you didn't actually just remove the offending video from the camcorder and then hand it to Lester, who is now hiding it behind his back?

Lester: What? Wow!

My feelings are hurt.

Charles, after all these years, where's the trust, my friend?

Chuck: In Jeff's sweaty palms, along with the amateur consumer porn.

Lester: Look... No, you look...

Awesome: Hey, Chuck?
Uh, can I talk to you for a sec?

Lester: Move.

Chuck: Awesome... to see you, Devon.

Yeah, yeah. What's up? All right.

So, what's on your mind?

Awesome: Chuck, I was, I was hoping to talk to you about Ellie.

Chuck: Yeah? Yeah, yeah, of course.

Awesome: Well, you know, ever since, um, ever since we've been dating, I've come to think of you as that little brother I never had.

Chuck: Don't you have two younger brothers?

Awesome: Indeed. Indeed.

But you seem like someone who can offer sage wisdom in confusing times, and this is one of those times I am really confused, bro.

I don't know how to put this into words, really.

Chuck: That's a bug.

Awesome: What? What?

Spider, I hate those fuzzy little bastards...

Chuck: Oh, no. I think, uh, no, you got him.

He was like... and then poof! Gone.

Can you excuse me for just one second?

I think I just saw a kid climbing into an oven over in Home Appliances.


Chuck, I need you to drop some knowledge, bro.

Lester: Keep moving, Bartowksi. Nothing to see here.

Chuck: Not even if I had the time.

You're getting sloppy, Casey.

I understand that you have some perverse desire to listen to everybody, but you really need to be more careful when hiding your bugs.

Casey: What are you lip-smacking about, Bartowski?

Chuck: I just found this on one of our product displays, and not very well hidden, I might add.

Normally, I'm a fan of your craftsmanship, if not your methods.

Look, all I'm saying is that something like this discovered by someone less in the know than me could spell trouble.

Casey: You worry about that supercomputer in your brain.

Let me worry about the spy stuff, huh?

Don't you have a hard drive you can go fix?

Chuck: Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

Morgan: There's best buddy of mine.

Chuck: Yeah. What's up?

Morgan: Okay, saw an Infinity Ward mail in the trash, and I'm guessing that means you got a pre-release demo of the next Call of Duty game?

Chuck: Ah... Yeah, but the last time I lent you a game sampler, it ended up all over the Internet.

So this one's gonna stay in my locker, and you can play it when you get some adult supervision.

Morgan: Adult super... ? Chuck, I'm almost at the age where I should get my prostate checked annually.

Okay? Surely I could be trusted with an advance copy of the next greatest video game on the planet.

Chuck: Have you seen Awesome?

Morgan; Over by the Home Theater Room.

(muttering): I think that's... really.

♪ ♪

Chuck: The kid did not end up Defrosting himself, as it turns out.

So, uh, what, uh, what's going on?

Awesome: This is one of those rare moments when things are not kosher, Chuck.

Oh, man. This is harder than I thought.

Chuck: Uh-huh.

Go... Go on. I'm listening.

Awesome: Right. Well...

I've been thinking a lot about the way things are between me and your sister.

And you're the man in... in Ellie's family, so I was wondering...

Can I have your permission...

Can I marry Ellie?

Chuck: Wow. That-That's quite... quite a rock you got there.

Awesome: Is that a yes? Dude...

Chuck: Yes! Yes!

Sorry! I just...

You kind of--- waah! You know, you pulled the blang just right in... Yes, you have my blessing.

Awesome: Thank you. Thank you.

I mean, it's been in my family for years.

This was my great-grandmother's.

(chuckles) Ah, you think she'll like it?

Chuck: Like it? She'll, she'll love it.

I, um, I'm just not sure she'll be able to lift her hand anymore.

Awesome: Oh, one other thing.

Ellie is a bloodhound when it comes to these kind of things.

If I keep this in the apartment, she will smell diamond.

Can you hold onto this, just for a day or so, man?

I mean, just till I figure out how to pop the question?

Chuck: I don't think it's actually a good idea...

Awesome: Oh, thank you!

Thank you so much, bro.

Hey, pretty soon, I'm going to mean that literally.

There you go.

Chuck: All right...

Casey: We have a problem.

Sarah: What do you mean?

Casey: Chuck found that in the Buy More.

Sarah: We have a problem.

Beckman: The bug Chuck found is a GLG-20, one of the most advanced counter-espionage listening devices in the CIA arsenal.

Sarah: This is a CIA design?

Casey: Figures.

Graham: The GLG-20 is a low-power transmitter.

In order to avoid detection, it has a maximum range of about 20 yards.

Which means there's probably a receiver hidden somewhere inside the Buy More.

Graham: We believe it's recently become a favorite of the FULCRUM agents.

Casey: So, you're telling us the secret government cabal that abducted Bryce Larkin and came within a hair of figuring out that Chuck's the Intersect is now skulking around the Buy More?

Graham: We need you to locate that receiver, and find the person who planted it.

Beckman: You have 48 hours.

If you cannot identify the enemy operative in that time,
we will have no choice but to relocate Chuck to a secure government holding facility.

Graham: Bartowski's time as a civilian may be coming to an end, For their own safety, his family may never see him again.

Big Mike: When are these young ladies going to learn?

If they don't want someone taking a picture of their private business, put some drawers on.

Lester: Hey, uh, you think we should make a run for it?

Jeff; You don't run from the cops.

It makes you look guilty, or shot in the back.

Lester: We are guilty.

Jeff: Shh!

Bring me down and I will cut you.

Det Conway: So, no locks broken? No alarms set off?

Big Mike: Nope. It's clean.

Conway: Must be an inside job.

Big Mike: Thought of that.

You really think any of these dummies can mastermind all this?

Conway: It's almost always someone close to the operation.

Big Mike: When I find out who robbed my store and stole my fish, I'm gonna break my foot off in his behind.

(whispers) Lester: Oh, my God...

Jeff: Shh!

Chuck: Hi.

Morgan: Hey.

Chuck; What's with the police presence outside?

Morgan: They robbed the Buy More, man.

They took everything.

Chuck: They took everything? Everything.

Oh, please, God, no.

Please be there.

Oh, my God...

The ring.

They took Ellie's ring.

Oh, my God.

(panting): Oh, oh...

Oh! Oh!


Awesome: Chuckles, what's up?

Dude, I figured out how I'm gonna pop the Q.

Chuck: The Q? What Q? What's a Q?

Awesome; You know, the Q, the big Q you only ask once in a lifetime.

Can't say right now... Mom.

Ellie: Is that your mom?

Tell her that I love that kittens-playing-with-the-yarn sweater that she knitted me.

Awesome: You got it, babe.

I'm going to do it while we're skydiving.

Chuck: Really? Do you think, uh...

Do you think that's a good idea?

Awesome: Not the first time we've been in the mile-high club, buddy.

If you know what I mean.

Chuck: Yeah, uh...

Listen: skydiving is a little, it's a little risky.

Don't you think? I mean, you could drop the ring.

Awesome: Whoa. Hot call, dude.

Hate to lose my great-granny's ring.

She gave it to me right before she passed.

You know? She knew Ellie was the one before I did.

Chuck: Great, great, okay, so... just, you know, let me know when you figure something else out. Okay.

But, Devon, um... take your time.

Awesome: You got it, brother.

(thuds) Oh...

Big Mike: Detective Conway here is convinced that this is an inside job.

And we intend to get to the bottom of this.

Bartowski, get over here.

You're a suspect, too.

You all are!

Jeff; When that pig talks to you, look him in the eye and say nothing.

Zip it.

Lester: Nothing? Come on, that's incredibly rude, Jeffrey.

Jeff: Dead men tell no tales.

Lester: Stop it. Quit messing around.

Big Mike: Bartowski, where's Casey?

Don't you two usually carpool together?

Chuck: Yes. Yes, sir, we absolutely do.

But, uh... not today.

Big Mike: Why don't you go find out why his ass is so tardy.

Someone might find that suspicious.

Chuck: Sure, I can-I can do that.

Casey: What?

Chuck; Where are you? Big Mike's looking for you.

Casey: Yeah, well, he's going to be looking for both of us.

Now get down here, we need you.

Chuck: No, no, no, no. Listen to me.

I need you, okay?

Someone cleaned out the Buy More last night.

They took everything; they took my sister's ring, the one she's supposed to wear forever, even though she doesn't know it yet.

Awesome is supposed to propose to her, he trusted me and now it's gone.

Casey: Save it for your coffee klatch, Bartowski.

Get down here. We got bigger fish to fry.

Chuck; You robbed the Buy More?

Sarah: We had no choice, Chuck.

Chuck: No choice? Are you out of your mind?

Do you have any idea what's going on at the store right now?

Casey: That bug you found, it isn't one of ours.

Chuck: What bug? Who, ours?

Sarah: The one you found yesterday.

Casey only installed EM-50s.

The one you found was a GLG-20.

It requires a secondary recording device nearby to collect the data.

Chuck: What are you talking about?

Sarah: Someone is spying on us.

Chuck: What? !

Sarah: Okay, listen carefully-- the bug you found was not ours.

It belongs to an enemy agent, probably Fulcrum, and they planted it in the Buy More.

Chuck: Why?

Casey: Looking for the Intersect.

They're looking for you.

We found a total of 29 bugs just like it, but we still haven't found the receiver.

Chuck: Okay.

Okay, well, wow.

Uh, extreme... extreme measures, but, uh, decisive action had to be taken.

Good luck schlepping all this stuff back to the Buy More.

Uh, I'm going to get back there right now and pretend like I don't know anything.

Got any good tips for beating a polygraph?

Sarah: Chuck, wait.

Chuck: What? Ch... ?

Oh, duh, yeah... (chuckles)

Can I get my sister's ring back?

You guys are pretty damn thorough.

Casey: You should be more concerned about not making it to her wedding.

Sarah: Can I talk to you for a second?

Hold on.

He can't hear it like that. He won't process it.

How do you give a man a life sentence just for being a good guy?

Casey: Okay, how about I give it a try, gently?

Sarah: No, I don't want to hear your version of it and neither does he. It's a job.

Casey: How come you always got to get your lady feelings involved... ?

Sarah: It has nothing to do...

Agent Walker, Major Casey.

You might want to take a look at this.

This is a surveillance tape taken during the robbery.

Casey: There's nothing there.

Bad guy disabled the security system. Wait.

Chuck: Hey, that's Jeff and Lester.

And they are apparently drunk.

Sarah; It appears they've mistakenly turned the camera back on.

Hang on a second-- who's that?

Sarah: That's the spy.

He's the spy who spies on spies.

Chuck: Why would a Fulcrum agent try to steal Big Mike's fish?

Casey: Those two dilweeds interrupted an actual robbery in progress.

Sarah: The receiver's in the fish.

Chuck: Marlin, actually. Technically, it's a marlin.

Marlin. You would call it a marlin, right? Yeah.


See, there you go-- done.

My job here is done.

So now I'm sure you super-agents can figure out where the two drunken pinheads stashed the fish-- marlin, four-foot marlin.

I'm going to stick around here and try and find my sister's ring.

Sarah: Hey, Chuck?

Chuck, no ring came up in our inventory.

Chuck: What do you mean no ring came up in your inventory?

You guys robbed the Buy More, didn't you?

What happened to Awesome's great-grandmother's ring?

Sarah: We kind of have some bigger- picture concerns right now.

Chuck: What could be possibly be bigger than me ruining the chances of my sister getting married?

Sarah: The receiver may contain information indicating that you're the Intersect.

Chuck: Say it.

Say what you're not saying.

Sarah: If we don't locate the receiver in the next 24 hours...

Casey: You'll be stored in an underground bunker for so long you'll forget what fresh air smells like.

See ? That was very gentle

LESTER & JEFFREY: One, two, three, four.

I declare a thumb w*r!

Oh! Come on, Jeffrey.

Chuck : Jeff, Lester, we got to talk, it's important.

Lester: Yeah, see, this is your problem, Charlie.

Why is your time more valuable than mine?

Oh! He is taking him over the top!

All right. Ow! My thumb!

Hey. Let's go.

(fake coughing): Narc. Narc, Narc. Narc. Narc.

Jeffrey: Easy on the shirt, Narc.

Casey: Where's the fish?

Jeff: Fish? What fish?

Casey: Okay, we can do this the easy way or the hard way.

Easy way is I shove his foot up your ass.

Jeff: What's the hard way?

Casey; I use my foot.

Chuck: Look, we've seen the surveillance footage, guys.

Okay? We know you were here last night.

Lester: Yeah, right.

Casey: Yeah, no, you two geniuses thought you were turning the cameras off, but, instead, you turned them back on.

Chuck: We won't say anything to Big Mike, I promise.


Lester: Come on, wh-what's happening?

Casey: Charles, would you give us a few minutes, please?

Lester: Chuck... ?

Jeff: It was his idea.

Lester: What? !

The whole reason we snuck in was to get your alcoholic ass another drink-- you were getting the shakes.

Jeff: Not cool. It's a disease.

You're a disease, and you've diseased us all-- me, Chuck, this guy.

Chuck: C-Calm down. Calm down. Okay.

Look, Jeff, I totally understand your plight.

We sympathize with you, okay?

And we don't judge.

Just tell us what exactly happened?

Jeff: We were across the street at Bennigan's and I got cut off again...

Lester: Jeff.

If you're going to tell the story, please... don't butcher it.

We were at Benni's, enjoying the deep-fried sampler, and we decided to come back to the store for a nightcap in boss man's private stash.

It's off. (groans)

Rock and roll.

Jeff: We have the store to ourselves.

We should take off all our clothes.

Lester: Don't make me uncomfortable to be alone with you.

Go get it.

Jeff: Bingo.

Yes. No.

No, no, no.

Lester: Jeffrey! It's a wasted mission now.

It's a wasted mission.

We've gotta do something exciting while we're here, man.

Jeff: We can burn it down.

Lester: I was thinking more along the lines of a... fishing expedition.

And that, friends... is the story of the missing marlin.

Chuck: And where is the marlin now?

Lester: I'm afraid I'm going to need a little compensation.

(cries out)

At Chuck's! We took it to Chuck's pad!

Chuck: What? My apartment? Why?

Lester: We didn't want to get busted with Big Mike's fish.

Lester: I'm going to need lotion.

Sarah: We're pursuing the receiver.

We've got the location, and it shouldn't be long before recovery.

Beckman: Stay with the receiver.

In the meantime we've decided to extract Chuck.

Sarah: What? But we don't know he's in danger.

Beckman: There's a chance the identity of the Intersect has been compromised.

We have to err on the side of caution.

Sarah: You promised we had 48 hours.

Beckman: You know the game, Agent Walker.

The order has gone out.

Chuck is coming in.

Chuck; Come on.

Chuck, you're looking for a marlin.

Hey, hey, whoa.

Whoa, stop, stop. I seriously doubt that these geniuses had time to reupholster the couch.

It's got to be here somewhere.

Ellie: Chuck?

Chuck; Hey, sis.

Ellie: John.


What are you two up to?

What's going on with the apartment?

Chuck: I'll clean it up later. Right now, we're looking for something.

Ellie: What is it?

Chuck: Look, I-I promise you whatever you want to talk about is not as important as what we're looking for right now. Okay.

Ellie: What are you looking for?

Chuck: A stuffed fish.

Ellie: A fish?

Chuck: Marlin, actually, about four feet long.

Got a spear-like nose. And a mouth. Yeah.

Ellie: Okay, Chuck, I get it.

Besides, if anything really important were going on, you have plenty of people in your life you can talk to about it.

Chuck: Hey, Ellie, wait.

Ellie: What?


Chuck: I love you.

Just in case.

Ellie: Just in case of what?

Chuck: Uh... .

Just-just in case I can't find the fish.

Ellie: I suppose you haven't talked to Morgan.

Chuck; No. Why?

Ellie: Because he left here last night with a four-foot long marlin.

Casey: He's mine.

Conway: And you know nothing about the stolen merchandise?

Morgan: No, sir. Officer. Detective.

Big Mike: Where's my fish, Grimes?

Conway: Mr. Tucker, please.

Big Mike: The merchandise is insured.

That fish cost me 200 bucks on eBay.

Morgan: Wait, you bought that fish?

Conway: That will be all, Mr. Grimes.

Morgan: What did you use for bait, PayPal?

Conway: Grimes, out!

Morgan; All right. Yes, sir.
Jeff: You cracked, didn't you?

Lester: You are so weak.

Jeffrey: You are so weak, man.

Morgan: How am I weak, dude? I didn't say anything.

In fact, I told... How am I supposed to believe that?

Big Mike: Bartowski! You're up.

Casey: I got the scraggly troll.

Chuck: I-I did not rob the store.

Big Mike: Did I ask you that?

Already he's talking about stolen goods.

You might as well come out and admit you did it. Please.

Conway: Let me handle the investigation.

Now, Mr. Bartowski, we believe this was an inside job.

Big Mike: None of these other imbeciles could even tie their shoes without Bartowski's say-so.

If there's a ringleader, you're looking at him.

Where's my fish, Bartowski? !

Casey: Okay, start talking.

From the beginning.

Morgan; Okay.

Um... I was born a Cesarean section.

And I always felt like I was robbed of that headlong voyage through the uterine canal.

Casey: Where's the marlin, moron?

Morgan: Ah, the elusive fish. Sure.

That's a tale for the ages.

Casey: Start talking or I'll pull each and every one of these hairs out of your face, one at a time, starting with this one. (groans)

Morgan: t*rture?

Hey, if you're trying to get me to talk, you are using the wrong tactic, brother.

Casey: Really?

What's the right tactic?

Morgan: My own personal kryptonite: Grape soda.

On the rocks, please.

Conway: Conway.

Excuse me, I have to take this.

I got this.

Big Mike: Ah.

You don't want to talk, Bartowski?

We'll just have to turn the heat up on you.

Morgan: Mm-hmm.

There we go.

Ah. Proper.

So, it all started with "The Next Call of Duty" game...

Now, I don't really consider it stealing, since I see Chuck and I as being life partners and therefore, community property.

Using my own personal entrance, I went into Chuck's room to play the game.


And when I reached into the bag, I discovered a...

I found a, uh...

I can't go on.

This is just getting a little personal.

Casey: All right, new tactic: You finish the story or I put your head through the wall.

Morgan: Okay, someone wasn't hugged enough as a child.

Casey: Ugh.

That's horrible.

Morgan: It's better on the rocks, that's why I told you to...

Anyway, there I was...

staring at the most horrific object the world has ever seen.


Ellie: What?

Morgan, you scared me to death! What is wrong with you?

Morgan: No, no, no, no, no... no, it's Chuck.

Ellie: Well, what is it? What happened?

Morgan: We've lost him, Ell.

We've lost him forever.

You better sit down.


I don't know how to say this.

He's gone.

Ellie: Morgan, what are you talking about?

Morgan: I'm talking about this.

Chuck's going to propose to Sarah.

And that's pretty much the whole story.

More or less.

Ellie and I bonded over the fact that, you know, he didn't include us in this life decision.

But, hey, who cares, you know, he's got you now, so...

Casey: What does that have to do with the fish?

Morgan: F-Fish? Who cares about the fish?

John, Chuck's getting married!

Lester: Pitas are here.

Hey. Hey.

Lizzie: You've had 29 deliveries, so I dropped in your free baba ganoush.


Lizzie: Uh Huh

Chuck: 29 deliveries.

29 bugs.

Wait a second.

Morgan: Oh, lunch!

Thank you.

Lizzie: Ooh!

Chuck: "Boobies. "



Good thing Jeff and Lester are pervs.

Big Mike: I can see you're sweating it.

Conway; So... you ready to tell us what happened here last night?

Chuck: I'm telling you guys, I have no idea.

Big Mike: Fine.

There's other ways to make you talk.

Time to send you back to gen pop.

He sung like a canary!

Thanks for the info, Chuck.

John Casey! You're next!

Casey: One sec.

Big Mike: What? Can't fit the police into your social schedule?

Get in here now, or you and I are taking a trip downtown!

Casey:,If you have a second, Mr. Casey, we'd appreciate it.

Lester: I can't believe you told Casey you put the marlin in Chuck's room.

Morgan: What?

Don't worry. I moved it into the freezer at the Wienerlicious.

Lester: Wow, I'm impressed with you.

Morgan: Thank you.

Lizzie; Bye.

Lester: What? Where you going?

Where you going? Where you going, Lizzie?

Lizzie? Where's she going?

Sarah: Can I help you?

Lizzie: Yeah.

I was wondering if I could get something out of your freezer.

Sarah: Oh, uh, I'm sorry.

It's company policy.

The kitchen is usually off- limits for non-employees.

Lizzie: Okay, then I'll have to use my special pass...

You're no hot dog maker.

Sarah: Bring it on, pita girl.

We're closed! We're closed!

Lizzie: Where's the fish?

Chuck: We need to talk. It's an emergency.

Morgan: Oh, listen, no, hey, hey, hey, Chuck, Chuck, it's okay, man, I know about you and Sarah.

Man, and how she's more than just your girlfriend.


Chuck: Morgan, stay.

But I... Sta... stay!


Awesome: After careful consideration of all potential proposals, I have made a decision.

Chuck: Oh, let me guess: Naked 2K run?

Awesome: Dinner, Chuck.

Romantic, candlelit dinner, just the two of us.

The coup de grâce... Wow. Good. molten lava cake with a two-carat diamond ring filling.

Chuck; Ellie will really love that.

Look, Devon, just-just promise me that you'll take care of my sister if anything were to happen.

Awesome: What's gonna happen?

Oh, hey, cake hits the oven in two hours. Don't be late.

Chuck: What am I gonna do?

Morgan: Do nothing.

You haven't given Sarah the ring yet.

Dude, there's plenty of time to call this whole thing off.

Chuck: Sarah? Ring?

Morgan: Yeah, the ring you got Sarah.

The one I kind of took out of your locker.

Chuck: You mean... the ring that Awesome got for Ellie.

Morgan: Oh, thank God, man. Are you kidding?

I thought I lost you, pal!

Chuck: Morgan... where is the ring?

Morgan: It's kind of complicated but...

It's in the freezer at the Wienerlicious.

I put it in Big Mike's marlin and I...

I was gonna put it back.


Lizzie: Slide it to me.


Chuck: Hey!

Hi, S...


No, no!

No, no, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no, no, no!

(distant): Sarah: Help!

Chuck: Sarah?

Sarah: Lizzie's the mole. She got the receiver, Chuck.

Chuck: Oh, my God, Sarah, it's over. They're gonna stick me in some tiny cell with no windows.

Sarah: Okay, Chuck, I need you to focus.

We can get Lizzie if you can get me out of here.

Chuck: How?

Sarah: I keep a backup piece in the jar of horseradish sauce.

Chuck; Horseradish?

Who-Who-Who puts horseradish on hot dogs?

Chuck! Got it. Right.

Chuck: Hide it someplace nobody would look-- good.

Sarah: Great. Okay.

Chuck: Oh! Whoa.

I got it. Okay.

Sarah: Okay, now sh**t the lock.

Chuck; Um, look, Sarah, I've never really fired a g*n before, okay?

And I've actually done this on purpose to avoid any unpleasant side effects like sh**ting myself or others.

Sarah: Just sh**t the lock or I will sh**t you when I get out of here!

(gasping) Chuck: Okay.

Get back. Ready? Ready? Get back.



Sarah: Take the safety off first.

Chuck: One, one sec... just a little problem.

Conway: Bartowski, Big Mike told me I'd find you here.

Drop the g*n, Bartowski! Now!

Chuck: No, no, no, no need to sh**t.

It's not my g*n, it's not my g*n-- my girlfriend is locked in the freezer, and if you let her out she can explain everything.

Conway: Okay, let's go.

She's right... Come on, move.

Okay, okay.

Chuck: Just look in...

Conway: Nice try.

Chuck: Go, go, go! Look in the freezer, please!

Just look in the freezer. She's right there.

You're taking this thing a little seriously.

What kind of cop are you?

Casey: Where's Big Mike's fish?

Morgan: What are you now, huh?

Big Man's personal Gestapo?

Come on, you can't break me, fool.

At the Wienerlicious.

Sarah: Help!

Casey: Sarah.

Stand back.

Sarah: The delivery girl is the mole.

The detective took Chuck.

Awesome: Where are you, Chuck?

I need the ring.

This is not awesome.

Conway: And the package, HQ.

This is Long Shore.

Chuck: You're not a cop.

Sarah: We've identified the enemy agent.

Casey: She was posing as a Pita Parlour delivery girl.

Code name Lizzie.

Beckman: So she escaped with the receiver?

Sarah: Yes, but she made a phone call.

We're currently tracing the cell signature, and we can triangulate her location.

We just need more time.

Graham: As soon as you locate her, take her out.

Sarah: Uh, one of us needs to go and get Chuck out of police custody.

He was arrested just...

Beckman: The Intersect is no longer your concern, Agent Walker.

Sarah: I... I don't understand.

Beckman: Detective Conway is CIA.

Graham: Chuck is on his way to the extraction point right now.

We've decided to transfer him to lockdown immediately.

Is there a problem?

Sarah: Uh, no.

No. I just thought I would handle his transfer.

Beckman: Forget about Chuck, Agent Walker.

Focus on catching that FULCRUM agent.

Casey: We're on it.

We, meaning, I go get Lizzie while you find Chuck.

Well, don't make me change my mind.

Chuck: So... this is it, huh?

Going to get my own padded cell.

Do I get a bed, or is my whole room kind of like a bed?

Conway: It's not as bad as it sounds.

The underground complex where you will be living has state-of-the-art security and amenities.

You'll even be allowed outside to visit controlled locations.

Chuck: Hold on.

I-I... I can't leave without telling Ellie something, a reason for going.

What should I say?

Conway: Nothing.

It's safer for them if you just... disappear.

Conway: Asset is ready for extraction.

Send in the chopper.

Sarah: Long Shore!

Conway: Is there a problem, Agent Walker?

Chuck: Sarah, thank God you're here. Listen, I-I don't...

I don't want to go yet. I...

Sarah: It's okay, Chuck. Agent Casey is tracking the FULCRUM mole.

He should have her in custody soon, so we can hold off on the Chuck transfer for the time being.

Conway: If there was a change in the operation, I would have been contacted. I have my orders.

Sarah: We don't have to do this. This is a judgment call.

Okay, we can just hold Chuck here until we know for sure.

Conway: His cover was blown. He's gone.

Sarah: No. I will take full responsibility.

Chuck is my asset; he's my guy.

Just... Just give us more time, please.

Chuck: I'd appreciate it.

I really would.

Sarah: Please don't do this.

Conway: Okay.

You've got one minute.

One minute.

Chuck: I'm not ready, Sarah.

I'm not ready to disappear.

Sarah: No. I know, I know.

Chuck: I need you to talk to Ellie and to Morgan and my friends, and-and- and-and tell 'em...

I don't know. I...

Look, if I'm supposed to be dead, just say something that will make it okay, that will make 'em feel all right.

Just make sure they know how much I love 'em.

You can do that, right?

Course you can. You're Sarah. You can do anything.

And, hey, there's a silver lining to this, too, you know, 'cause we're not working together anymore, which means, we can go on a date.

You can come by my cell, and we can hang out, and you can tell me who the president is.

And maybe, uh... maybe we can see how we really feel.

Conway: Time's up.

Chuck: Good-bye, Sarah.

Sarah: Chuck?

I'll save you later.

(g*nsh*t) Chuck: Oh!

Sarah: Oh! Chuck, get down.


Go, go, go!

Lizzie: I listened to the receiver.

Both: She knows.

Lizzie: Do you know how many agents are looking for Bryce Larkin?

And all this time, the Intersect was here.

Wait until my superiors find out.

Chuck: Okay, look, what if I surrender, and you run?

I mean, I'm going in a cell anyway.

What's the difference?

Sarah: t*rture.

Chuck: Okay, no surrender.

Lizzie: I only have one question, Chuck.

Who's the ring for?

Chuck: She has Ellie's engagement ring?

Sarah: Try to distract her.

Chuck: What? ! How?

Lizzie: Chuck, I'm not gonna to go away.

Chuck: Okay... okay, look, look, look.

You really... You really want to take me in?

You're going to have to sweeten the deal a little bit for me.

Hey, hey, hey, hey. Uh, look.

Look, the CIA-- they're offering me a nice padded cell, real cush.

Can you beat that?

I'm a guy who enjoys a... a good steam.

Can you do... ?

Can you do maybe a steam room or something?

Lizzie: I don't think you're really in a position to bargain, Chuck.

I have two g*ns.

What do you have?

Sarah: Me.

Chuck: Don't break the ring.


Oh! Oh!

Casey: Hey! Bartowski, get out of the way.

Chuck: There's really some serious spy fighting going on.

Casey: Get down, Bartowski.

Chuck: Sarah! (grunts)

Casey: I had a feeling that girl was dirty.

Big Mike: Norman.

The power of positive thinking.

Awesome: This was an amazing night.

As it always is with...

But, sometimes, I know life isn't always awesome.

What I'm trying to say is that, when things get rough, I want to face them together, the good times and the bad. .

Chuck: Oh! Oh! Oh!

Ladies' feminine products.

That's not good. That's not good.

Are you, uh...

Are you sure ? Are you sure that Lizzie didn't have the ring on her?

Sarah; When they took her away, all she had was the receiver.

Chuck: Oh, then it's got to be here somewhere.

Sarah: You know, Chuck, if we can't find it, we can just replace it.

Chuck: Look, look, look, it-it was Awesome's great-granny's ring, and it's going to be my sister's, okay?

Even if its covered in coffee grounds and miscellaneous DNA.

Awesome: I have a ring, I have the blessing of your brother.

Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife, Eleanor Faye Bartowski?

Captain: Ooh. Almost woke her up.

Chuck: Uh-huh, uh-huh.

Ah! Hey!

Oh, I found it!

Let's go.

I'm so sorry... but it might be a little dirty.

Awesome: Way to go, Chuck.

I always knew you could handle my family jewels.

So to speak.

Chuck: Uh, when she's sleeping really hard like that, sometimes, if you pinch her nose, it'll wake...


I'm going to... Oh, okay.

Mission accomplished.

Sarah: I can't believe we pulled it off.

Chuck: That'll make one hell of a story at their wedding.

Which I'm never allowed to talk about under fear of death-- understood.

I have other material.

Sarah: You want to?

Chuck: What, spy? You?

She looks so happy.

Sarah: Yeah, she does.

Chuck: I couldn't leave them yet.

Sarah: You don't have to worry about that.

You're safe.

Chuck: Yeah, safe for now, though. Right.

I mean... they keep getting closer.

Eventually, they're going to figure out who I am.

Sarah: Don't you think you should go in and congratulate Ellie?

Chuck: You want to come in with me?

Sarah: Oh, it's family time.

Chuck: I know.

Sarah: Well, good night.

CHUCK (laughing): Hey!

Hey, buddy. Yeah.


Casey: We can only keep him here for so long.

You realize that, don't you?

Ellie: I love you, sweetie. I love you.

I'm sorry I had to keep it a secret for a little while.