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04x11 - Chuck Versus the Balcony

Posted: 01/19/11 03:28
by bunniefuu






Good year.


[IN FRENCH] The chip isn't here.




Chuck; Cheers.


Sarah: Chuck, are you feeling okay?

Chuck: Fine. Good. Great. I'm great.

Heh, great. Why do you ask?

Sarah: You seem a little nervous.

Chuck: Me nervous. No, I'm not.

I don't feel nervous at all, I don't think.

Just... It's just this is a very... It's an incredibly romantic restaurant.

I'm just taking it all in.

Sarah: Chuck, you can talk to me.

Is this about your mom?

Chuck: No.

Um, I've realized something. After all the stuff... with my mom and Volkoff and...

I realized that, you know, I haven't really been thinking about us.

You and me, heh.

I've been so wrapped up in all the things I couldn't control... that I forgot to focus on the things that I could.

Like tonight.

Sarah: What about tonight?

Chuck; Um...

I've been dragging my feet on this. I've been waiting for the right moment... to talk about what it's gonna be like for us and our future and...

Sarah: Chuck, don't even worry about it. I know you've got so much going on.

You've had so much happen to you in the last few months.

Uh, besides, I've got such a bad history with proposals.


Sarah: No. No, not me. My parents had a nightmare proposal.

Chuck: I'm sure it can't have been that bad.

Sarah: No, it was bad.

My mother's family had a restaurant. It was similar to this and they loved it... so my dad wanted to propose there.

God, he had the champagne and the flowers... and the band and the balloons and...

I mean, it was chaotic. It was so over-the-top... and in all the confusion, somebody knocked over a candle... and it lit the rug on fire.

Luckily, my mother and her family got out with only minor burns.

Chuck: Minor burns. You don't say.

Sarah: Yeah.

So please take your time, Chuck. Heh, no rush.


Chuck: Um, that's an awful story. I mean, that's really, really awful.

I'm sure they had a great laugh about it on their wedding day, right?

Sarah: No. They took it as a sign and they postponed the wedding.

My dad always said it was the beginning of the end of their relationship.

What was that noise?

Chuck: Uh, noise? What noise. Oh, my jaw. I have a cracking jaw.

Can you hear that? I thought I told you about that.

When we're kissing or whatever?

If you would just excuse me, I'm just gonna, ha, ha...

I'll be right back.

Morgan, Morgan, abort.

Morgan: Damn it, I knew it.

Not enough balloons.

Chuck: You bought the whole store. No.

No balloons. The proposal is off.

We can't have it in an Italian restaurant.

Morgan: Is she on a no-carb thing?

Chuck: No, we can't have it in any restaurant. That's how her parents' proposal went.

We gotta shut it down, gotta shut it down now.

Morgan: I can't shut it down.

Chuck: Why? What are you talking about?

Morgan: The champagne, the string quartet, the caballeros.

Chuck: The caballos?

Morgan: Whatever, man. It's all in motion.

We are in too deep here.


Chuck: Excuse me. Hey. Hi.

The champagne, let's cancel that.

Waiter: The bottle's already open. Um, who's gonna drink it?

Chuck: I... Ugh, this lovely couple. Please, my treat.

Oh, no, we don't indulge.

Says who?



Get out. Go.

Man: All right.

Sarah: Oh, Beckman called. We've got a mission.

Chuck: Oh, gosh. That's really a bummer. I wanted to...

Well, duty's duty, right?


No. Take a hike.

Let's take the side exit. It's really scenic, huh?

Morgan: My balloons.

BECKMAN [OVER MONITOR]: Agent Rosenbaum, one of our finest... was gunned down earlier today while transporting a nanochip... containing the secret locations and blueprints... of our CIA black sites in Europe. This is the chip.


Sarah: A nanochip can be injected into an agent if in trouble.

And then extracted back at Langley.

Chuck: None of that sounds very pleasant.

Casey: I'm sorry, general.

Some moron was clogging up Ventura with a horse and carriage.

Beckman: At ease, colonel.

Agent Rosenbaum's body was returned to us... yet our tests show no trace of the nanochip's presence.

We believe the chip is somewhere within this chateau.

Casey: Uh, don't tell me this mission is in France.

Beckman: Pierre Melville, a French radical turned t*rror1st... is also searching for the nanochip.

Chuck: Um, one of Volkoff's men?

Become: Not every criminal works for Alexei Volkoff, Chuck.

Agents Walker, Bartowski... you'll attend the wine-tasting gala at the chateau tomorrow.

Colonel, you will be posing as Agent Bartowski's personal manservant.


Casey: Colonel in the Marine Corps demoted to manservant for a nerd.


Sarah: Hey, um, I'm sorry about dinner.

Chuck: Hey, no, it's just dinner, you know, heh.

I should, uh, go check in with Morgan.


Sarah: General, I know why Chuck was asking about Volkoff.

He's concerned for his family.

And I wanna make something absolutely clear.

I will do anything to help bring back Chuck's mother... and to eliminate Volkoff and his organization.

Beckman: I understand your commitment, Agent Walker, and I commend it.

But we must wait for the right opportunity.

Morgan: It was just dinner.

Chuck: It's hard enough asking a super spy to marry you... but I have to propose to a super spy with major proposal issues.

Morgan: Hey, buddy, we will bounce back. I was thinking...

Chuck: No, we're not gonna bounce back.

What happened to Sarah's parents became a symbol for everything in life.

I need the perfect proposal. And, of course, we have a new mission.

Morgan; Precisely amigo, You are going to a chateau in the French countryside.

Moats and wine and the woman of your dreams.

Chuck: What are you proposing?

Morgan: What am I... ?

Come here. Sub-mission.

Your assignment: To ask Sarah Walker to marry you in the Loire Valley.

It is known as the Garden of France. You know that?

The best part of this whole idea is the CIA is footing the bill.

Chuck: I need to think about my team and the objective.

Not to mention I'm a horrible multitasker.

No sub-mission.

Morgan: I respect that.

And respectfully disagree.

We have exhausted all Burbank proposal options.

What we need is a marital miracle, and I think this is it.

Lester; Why is everyone so obsessed with marriage?

I don't wanna talk about it.

Chuck: You should probably take care of that.

Morgan: Me?

No, no. That's why I have my fixer. Uh, Michael?

Mike: Talk to me, Patel.

You seem more angry and unhappy than usual, which is tough.

You're a curmudgeonly little guy.

Lester; I just wanna be free, Big Michael. But my control-freak parents... have arranged a marriage for me.


Big Mike: First generation woes. Tough stuff.

Lester: They're stuck in the ways of the old country. Dated traditions... obsolete dietary restrictions. I keep telling them... I live in the United States of America now.

I'm not in Canada anymore.

Big mike: You mean India, right?

Lester: What? No.

No, I'm from Saskatchewan. The Hinjews of Saskatchewan.

Some believe that we were a cult of sorts.

Big mike: I see.

Lester: Anyway, they don't get it.

I've embraced America and its great traditions... like online dating.

Which, FYI...

[SING-SONGY] ... I am k*lling it.

Big mike: Ha, ha, I've been there.

Lester: I've had three dates already today.

Big mike: During work?

Lester: They come to me, man.

Not great, uh, individually, but solid fours.

Big mike: Three fours? That's a 12.

Lester: Exactly, man. No Saskatchewan bride could ever top that.

And the worst part is, my parents are sending her here.

What the hell am I gonna do?

Big mike: How about the truth, son? The truth shall set you free.

Lester: Brilliant. But let her down easy.

The truth can be harsh. Let's... Let's be kind about this.

Thanks, bud.

Casey: The nanochip emits an encrypted signal that only our CIA trackers can detect.

Need to get close enough to pick up the signal... recover the chip before Pierre and his men.

Sarah: Check. Let's go.

Casey: Yeah.

Morgan: [WHISPERING] Hey, hey, hey. Where are you going?

Time for the real mission. The sub-mission.

Chuck; No, no, Morgan, we've talked about this.

Morgan: Listen to me. Everything is in place for a perfect proposal, okay?

I've pinpointed potential proposal locations.

Here, balcony overlooking the countryside... rose garden, quaint stone bridge.

When searching for this nano-whatever, choose whichever location you like.

I don't care, but watch Sarah. She'll show you to the spot.

And remember something. You can do this.

Chuck: Morgan, I've already told you, no sub-mission.

Morgan: Well, at least you're keeping an open mind about it, so...


Sarah: No sign of Pierre yet.

Keep your eyes open.

Chuck: Right. I'm on it.

Is this place amazing or what? It feels so...

Sarah: Romantic.

Chuck: Yeah.

Sarah: I know.


Chuck: Morgan.

You were so right. This place is magical.

Morgan: I knew it. I knew it.

Listen, you can do this. I put the ring in the right pocket... earpiece in the left pocket, and then mints in both pockets.

And also, listen, I will be here at base... quarterbacking the whole way. So you are good to go, bro.

Chuck: This is crazy.

Morgan: But you're still gonna do it, right?

Casey: Look sharp Bartowski. This nanochip isn't gonna find itself.

I wanna be out of this French hellhole and back stateside for lunch tomorrow, hmm.


Casey: All these fancy frogs.

Chuck: Forget it. I'm not gonna be able to do anything with Casey being... well, Casey.

Morgan: Chuck, bubbeleh, come on, Casey is your manservant.

Let him man-serve you.

Chuck: [IN BRITISH ACCENT] You there. Jonathan.

Have you unpacked the lady's luggage, yet?

Casey: Call me Jonathan, I'll break your leg.


Remember your cover.

You are supposed to be searching underground... while Sarah and I search above ground with all the wine and cheese.

[IN BRITISH ACCENT] Oh, one more thing, Jon-Jon... could you put my slippers out for tonight?

That'd be very helpful. Thanks so much. Off you go. Chop-chop.

Casey: Heh.

Chuck: What was it we were do... ? Oh, yes, this is where we were.

We should be looking for the nanochip, huh?

Sarah; Yes. Yes, we should.

Chuck: Not getting a signal here. Search upstairs?

Shall we?

Sarah: Still no signal.

Chuck: Where is this thing?

Sarah: Wow!

Chuck, look at where we are. It's beautiful.

Chuck: We're gonna have a sub-mission location confirmation.

Western-facing balcony. I'm in.

Morgan: Yes.

I knew you could handle a mission with a sub-mission. All right, let's go.

CASEY [OVER RADIO]: Bartowski. Good call on sending me down to the cellar.

I got a signal on the nanochip.

[WHISPERING] Hold up, hold up.

Chuck: Is everything okay, Casey?

Casey: Pierre's down here. Looks like he's using the party as a cover as well.

MAN 1: Sir.

I found this beneath the racks.


Pierre: Excellent year.

It's an '86 Chateau Le Franc.

Must have injected it into one of these bottles.

Find every bottle of that vintage.

Casey: The nanochip is in a bottle of '86 Chateau Le Franc.


Casey: Signal is weaker. Bottle's on the move.

Sarah: Okay, Casey. We're on our way.



Pierre: Someone is here.

No one leaves this room alive.

Sarah: You told Casey to go to the cellar?

Chuck: Yeah, yeah.


Chuck; Wait, wait, wait. I'm picking up a signal.

I think the bottle's outside.

Sarah: Okay. You get the wine, I'll get Casey.

Morgan: How's it going, buddy? What is the sub-mission status?

Chuck: On hold, buddy. I'm busy chasing a priceless '86 Chateau Le Franc.



Oh, Morgan, flag on the play. I've lost it.

I've lost the bottle.

Morgan: Right. Right.

Chuck, the '86 Chateau Le Franc is a peppery Pinot... stable on the label, stork on the cork.

Chuck: Copy that.

Wha... ? What? It was a peppery Pinot, right?

With cork on the stork and label on the stable?

Morgan: No. It's a stable on the label and a cork on the stork.

Dude, it's... No, it's not. What did you say?



Sarah: Casey, I'm outside the cellar door.

CASEY [OVER RADIO]: This place is crawling with French bad guys.


Sarah: Oh, it's so bright.


Hello? Anyone here?

Oh, God. I'm... Heh, oh, God.

I'm so sorry, I've, um...

I'm just a little bit lost. I've had just a bit too much wine.

I'm so embarrassed. I just... I...

I broke my heel and my...

My ankle, it just kind of really hurts right now.


[SILENCED g*nf*re]


Casey: I can't stand this country.


Chuck; A stable on the label and a stork on the cork.



It's a fine vintage, isn't it? It's peppery.

Well-structured for aging. Lots of tannins.

Sarah: Chuck, Casey's okay. Do you have the bottle?

Chuck: Uh, in the middle of a wine tasting right now, the nanochip has been poured into somebody's glass.

Sarah: Find the right glass. I'm on my way.

Chuck: Fine. I'm all over it. Meet you on the balcony.

Casey: Looks like Pierre is MIA.

Come on.



Chuck: Sir. Hi. Sir, hi.

Excuse me. Um...

I'm sorry, but there's been a mixup downstairs.

You received the wrong glass of wine. That's the burgundy from Bordeaux... with the coil on the foil and fork on the cork.

Wine enthusiast: Does not make sense, they are both regions.

This is the peppery Pinot... with the stable on the label and the stork on the cork.

In fact, I have been waiting to taste this exact bottle... for two decades.

Chuck: Don't...

I didn't wanna have to tell you this, but there is something in your wine.

Wine enthusiast: Yes, there is something in the wine.

Two hundred years of French history.

The blood and sweat of my ancestors. The pride of lords and peasants alike.

You, sir, wouldn't know the difference between this... and a glass of Two Buck Chuck.

Chuck: First of all... I happen to like Two Buck Chuck. Great bang for your buck. Second of all, you are danger-close to becoming a walking cliché, sir.

Wine enthusiast: Goodbye. My pinot.

Pierre: Stop. Give me the glass of wine.

Chuck: You mean this glass of wine?

Morgan: What's happening? Talk to me Goose.

Chuck: I've got the nanochip.

Morgan: Sub-mission on?

Chuck: The sub-mission is so on.

Morgan: Yes. Fantastic. FYI, sunset is in three minutes, okay?

And everyone looks good at golden hour. Everyone.


Chuck: Where's Casey?

Sarah: Getting the car. Nanochip?

Chuck: One peppery Pinot with a hint of nanochip in the finish.

Sarah: Good work, Chuck.

Chuck: Look at that.

Just in time for sunset.

It's amazing, isn't it?

Sarah: It's perfect.

Chuck: Good.

There's, uh... There's something I've wanted to...


Chuck: What the... ?

Casey: Chuck, Sarah. Move it.

Sarah: That's our ride. Let's go.

Chuck: Huh?




Chuck: General Beckman?

Beckman: I have decided to debrief the team in person.

The CIA has analyzed the nanochip. The secret locations and blueprints... of our European black sites are now safe.

But your mission isn't over. You're going back to France.

Casey: Not again.

Beckman: Not you, colonel.

A couple in love are more believable turncoats.

Agents Walker, Bartowski... using back channels, we have contacted Pierre Melville.

He now believes you're rogue CIA agents who want to sell the chip back to him.

Sarah: Pierre believes we're traitors. But how does that help us?

Casey: You're gonna sell him a different chip.

Beckman: Spot on, colonel.

The chip suspended in this liquid is a long-range tracking beacon.

Return to the chateau, swap cases with Pierre... then our Paris office will track him and root out the entire t*rror1st cell.

Is that clear?

Chuck: Yes, ma'am.

Beckman: Good, because you leave tonight.

Agent Walker, a word.


Beckman: I want you to be the one to make this drop.

This operation is highly sensitive. It must go smoothly.

Sarah: Of course, general.

Beckman: Dismissed.

Lester: Stick to the plan. Jinsana should be here any minute.


Big mike: Damn.

Lester Patel, you lucky little Canadian.

Lester: Oh, my God. She's a 12.

It's the stuff of legend. A flawless Hinjew specimen.

I want her as my own. Change of plans. Marriage is on.

Stop Big Mike then stall her. I got three fat girls to break up with.

Big mike: You must be Jinsana.

Jinsana: Yes, I am. Do you know where Lester Patel is?

Big mike: Uh, look, Jinsana. I know you've traveled a long way... but I'm supposed to give you some bad news.

Jeff: Uh, hi. Mr. Patel needs to, uh, reschedule.

His calendar has him free in, uh... half-hour?

Jinsana: Okay. Guess I'll come back.

Jeff: Let me...

Morgan: Come on, Chuck, it's okay.

Chuck: It was so perfect. Everything. The sunset, the balcony.

Morgan: You cannot b*at yourself up. You were on a mission.

There were distractions, things out of your control. Let's move past that.

What is the only thing better than a sunset?

Things going right for a change?

No, no.

Moonlight, okay?

Don't give up on me. You know the perfect spot now.

You're going back to the chateau with Sarah. Come on, this is fate.

Sarah: The proposal is gonna work, dude.

Big mike: It's lovely to see you again, Jinsana.

Mr. Lester Indira Golda Patel awaits.

Jinsana: Thank you.

Jeff: This way, please.

Lester: Welcome to my domain.

Jinsana Gupta, please come, sit.


Jinsana: Look, Lester, I'm just a normal...

Lester: Shh.

I accept you.

It is written. Jeffrey, please.

With the poutine and the Manischewitz.

Jinsana: Lester, you're obviously much more traditional than I am.

And the truth is, this is freaking me out a little bit.

Lester: Just, please, Jinsana. Just look, I, ugh...

I am not traditional at all, actua...


Lester: Look, this isn't the real me.

All right? Please just give me a chance to show you who the real Lester Patel is.

I promise, I make a fantastic... third impression.


Jinsana: So this wasn't really you?

Lester: No, no. I was trying to impress you.

Jinsana: Aw, that's kind of cute.

Okay. We can give it another sh*t.

Jeff: So it is written.

Lester: Ha, ha, no, no, it's not written, Jeffrey. Not written.

Jinsana: Maybe we pencil it in.



Sarah: Hi, Morgan.

Morgan: Oh, Sarah, mental.

Sarah: We need to have a conversation.

Morgan: You just scared me to death. I thought you could've been somebody deadly.

Sarah: I am somebody deadly.


And I know everything.

The balcony, the moonlight. Does that ring a bell?

Morgan: These bearded lips are staying shut. I know nothing.

Sarah: Chuck is planning on proposing at the chateau and I want your intel.


Morgan: Okay. Don't you wanna be surprised?

Sarah: I'm a spy. I hate surprises.

Morgan: Okay. Chuck told me about your parents' proposal.

It'll be better than that.

Sarah: Oh, God. I should never have told him that stupid story.

Morgan: Probably not. Probably not.

But you did and it's the reason we called off our restaurant proposal.

Sarah: What? Wait.

Chuck was planning on proposing at the restaurant?

Morgan: What is wrong with me? I cannot keep my mouth shut.

Sarah: No. No, it's good. It's good that you told me.

Morgan: Look, Sarah, the whole reason Chuck is doing this proposal... is to wipe the slate clean, all right? It's all for you.

And it's gonna be amazing and romantic.

It's gonna be everything that you want.

Sarah: Okay.

I am taking control of this operation now.

Morgan, you will now be working for me.

Morgan: Okay. Kind of like a, uh... Like a double agent.

Sarah: Exactly. We're gonna make this proposal happen for Chuck's sake.

Morgan: Yeah.

Sarah; And for mine.

Chuck: We got a couple of French t*rrorists... a briefcase full of cash, and a nanochip... so no more terrifying than usual.

Although, if we get done early, we take a stroll around the chateau.

Sarah: That does sound lovely, Chuck.

But, ugh, listen, I have this weird feeling about this mission.

I don't know, I just can't shake it. Something feels off.

MORGAN [OVER RADIO]: Sarah, it's Morgan. We're totally on a secure line.

Okay, listen, up, the proposal is a go on the western balcony.

All right, lunar calculations are complete. We are banking on a full moon proposal.

That is a full moon proposal.

Sarah: Copy that. Now listen, if anything goes wrong... you are to tell me about it immediately.

Of course. I am on it. You can count on me.


Morgan : Oh, hold on a second.

I have to scram because, uh, Chuck is on two.

Morgan: Hey, Chuck, how's the man? How's the myth? How is the view?

Chuck:,Does Sarah seem jumpy to you? I mean, do you think she's on to us?

Morgan: What? No. No. Sarah? Onto us? Come on, buddy, get real.

Keep your head in the game, though. Focus.

If I can give you one piece of fatherly advice, I'd...


You futzing with the ring box?

Chuck: No.

Morgan: I can hear you futzing with the ring box.

Keep futzing with the ring, you tarnish the sheen.

Are you nervous? You get all sweaty.

Chuck: Relax, okay? Okay? Buddy, I got it. I...

Yeah. I gotta go, I gotta go. We got company.

Please go smoothly. Please go smoothly.

Pierre: It rains in Paris, ma cherie.

Sarah: But only in the spring.

It's done. That was easy.

Chuck: We're done? Seriously? Great. Good, we're done.

Bravo. Excellent work. Fantastic.

Um, meet me at our balcony and we'll celebrate with a glass of wine.

Sarah: I'll meet you there.

Lester: It's time to come clean.

This girl is about to meet the real Lester.

Jeff: And Jeff.

Lester: Let's just keep the focus on me, okay, buddy?


Hey, Jinsana, listen.

I am sorry that I pretended to be somebody that I'm not.

So behold the real Lester Patel.

Uncut, unabridged, in living color.

Jinsana: Should we go get a drink or something?

Lester: Something.

Jeffrey, hit it.


Man: Hey, Patel, what are you doing?

Lester: This one's for the lady.

[SINGING] I find I spend my time Waiting on your call How can I tell you, baby My back's against the wall...

Chuck: Shake out the butterflies.

Shake them out, shake them out, shake them out.


( singing) Is this love

Chuck: I know that you have some issues with proposals.

Lester ( singing) Is this the love

Chuck: What am I talking about? I can't... I can't mention her parents.

Don't talk about the parents. Clean slate. Here we go, start over.

This must be love Do a knee thing? Probably have to do a knee thing.

Which knee... ?

Morgan: Chuck, how's it going?

Chuck: The mission went great. They never go this smoothly.

It's got to be a sign.


Morgan: God, Chuck.

Pierre: Did you think I would let you two walk away with my money?


Morgan: Holy... Who was that guy?

Dude, are you okay?

Chuck: Yeah, yeah.

Yeah, buddy, I'm fine. I got my jacket a little dirty, though.

Morgan: Right. Tide to Go sticks, left jacket pocket.

Chuck: Morgan, you are genius.

Morgan: All right, you hide the bad guys, I'll check in on Sarah.

Lester; ( singing) Is this the love That I've been searching for

Jinsana: Lester, that was...

Lester: Shh.

I know, baby. I know.

Jinsana: The most uncomfortable five minutes of my life.

Lester: But wait, wait, wait. I wanna get married.

Jinsana: Try the Internet.

Casey: Is that the chateau security feed?

Morgan: Maybe.

Casey: Well, in case you hadn't heard, the mission is over.

They made the exchange.

Wait a minute. Are you conducting a sub-mission?

He's gonna pop the question to Walker, isn't he?

Morgan: How'd you know that?

Casey: Because I'm a spy, not a moron.

But you're right, he's gonna need all the help he can get.

Morgan: Sarah, you just stopped. What's the matter?

Sarah: I don't know.

I think, for the first time in my life, I'm... nervous.

Morgan: Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

You got butterflies. She has butterflies.

That's completely natural, it's... Everybody gets butterflies.

Sarah: I don't get butterflies.

Morgan: That's not what I'm saying.

What I'm saying is that's Chuck Bartowski out on that balcony.

You know, he is the best friend that I've ever had.

[WHISPERS] No offense.

[IN NORMAL VOICE] I know you aren't, uh, asking and maybe it's a little silly... but, uh, you have my permission to marry him.

He's all yours, so...

Take care of him.

Sarah: Thank you, Morgan.

Casey: Uh-oh.

We have a problem.

Morgan: No. Sarah just has butter...

Casey: Look, moron. Look. The ring.

Walker, check your 6, by your feet.

Bartowski dropped the ring.

Morgan: Oh, my God. Pick it up, pick it up.

Sarah; Look at the moon, Chuck.

Chuck; It's perfect.




Sarah: I've been to so many places around the world... but never been to a place as beautiful as this.

Chuck: I have.

Every day.

Every morning I wake up and I look at you.

When we brush our teeth, tandem style.


When we watch TV together. Whatever, anything, always... every time I look at you... it's the most beautiful place I've ever been.

I just... I feel I should be James Bond right now, you know?

The guy who is standing on this balcony with you in this moment...

Sarah: I didn't fall in love with James Bond. I fell in love with you.

Morgan: Here we go.

Casey: She is good.

Morgan: Yup Yup

Chuck: Sarah, I'm...

I'm gonna ask you a question right now, so please don't freak out, okay?

Sarah: I won't.

Chuck: I wanna spend the rest of my life with you.

Going on missions and saving the day and being heroes.

But mostly, though, I just wanna be with you.

At your side, always.


Chuck: Sarah... will you... ?

AGENT 1: Freeze. Don't move. CIA.

Chuck: Whoa, whoa, what's going on here?

We're on a mission. Stop. No.

It's legit.

AGENT 2: Agent Sarah Walker, you're under arrest.

Sarah: For what?

AGENT 2: Treason.

Sarah: What?

Chuck: What? No. No.

No, hey, hey.

Sarah: Chuck.


Chuck: Stop. This is all wrong.

Sarah: Chuck?

Chuck: How could anyone possibly think that Sarah is a traitor?

I mean, look at this stuff. Look at this stuff, Casey.

She was making the drop That was our mission.

Casey: Sit down, Bartowski. You're making me dizzy.

Chuck: I was gonna propose to her, Casey.

Casey: You know, I proposed once.

To Kathleen.

We had plans to go to Niagara Falls. I was about to ship out.

We were young, and I was stupid, and things got screwed up.

So I ended up proposing in a Buffalo bus station.

Not exactly the most romantic spot in the world.

But I'll always have that day. I'll always have that look on her face.

There's no such thing as a perfect moment... or a perfect spot.

So forget about the balcony, Bartowski.

All you need is the girl.

Chuck: General, please, please, please.

Beckman: Go ahead, Chuck. You two have some things to discuss.

Chuck: I don't need a balcony, a sunset. We have each other... and that's all that matters.

Sarah: Chuck, I'm leaving.

Chuck: What?

What? Where are they taking you?

Sarah: They're not taking me, Chuck. I'm going.

Beckman never thought that I was a traitor. It was a setup.

The perfect opportunity to establish my cover as a double agent.

Chuck, we have so much together.

We have a real life and a future.

But I need to go back to being the old me... just for a little while longer... if I plan on surviving this.

Chuck: Surviving what? Where are you going?

Sarah: I'm going undercover into Volkoff Industries.

Take them down from the inside.

Chuck: No.

No. No, you're not. That's exactly how I lost my mom.

Sarah: That's how you're gonna get her back. I'm doing this for you.

I'm doing it for us.

Chuck: Why does it have to be you?

Sarah: Chuck, you have to trust me.

For Beckman's plan to work, it has to be me.

I'm sorry.

Beckman: Agent Walker, it's time.

Chuck: I love you.

Sarah: I love you too, Chuck.

I'm not gonna come back without your mom.