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02x02 - Reunion

Posted: 01/24/15 17:55
by bunniefuu
Previously on Helix...

It's not Narvik. It's some sort of infection, bacterial,viral, or fungal.

30 years ago, a chain of events was set in motion.

The TXM-7 pandemic began here on this island.

St. Germain.

This is the back-end of nowhere, so you'll have to wait until another ship can be dispatched to pick you up.

Figure two weeks.

[I understand certain things now.]

Alan: Look at his hand.

Sarah: What does it mean?

Run like hell.


That's a punji trap. It's used to catch humans.

Oh, my God! Look...

You should know you're trespassing on private property.

You need to come with us.


Because the island is dangerous and we can offer you shelter.

Brother Michael provides for the safety of our physical as well as spiritual lives.

Welcome... in the spirit of generosity with which I know you offer it.

I'm looking for a man named Alan Farragut.

He's here.

But you may not like what you find.

Where is she?

Ilaria is everywhere.

You think Alan Farragut really blew up that building in Paris?

I haven't seen Alan Farragut in a year.

Thank you.

(birds chirping)

(bells tolling)

Where is she? WHERE IS SHE?


I don't know.

Where is she?

I don't know!

I have something you want. Left pocket.

(neck cracking)

(computer beeping)

Brother Jerome.

Brother Carson.

I told Michael that you wanted to join the harvest group.

I, uh, hope I didn't overstep.

Michael always says, "To each his own path."

When you're done here, come join us in the orchard.

Thank you.

(children laughing)


(bells tolling)


(knocking on window) ALAN! ALAN!


(indistinct chatter and laughing)



Wait... Wait!


(footsteps approaching)

(objects clattering)

What are you looking for?

A shovel.

For what?

To dig up Alan Farragut's grave.

He left something for me.

Like what?

Only one way to find out.

The dead should rest.

He's rested enough.

It's time for him to get back to work.

Thanks for so many of you coming to council today.

I know sometimes I get so wrapped up in my world I forget the promises that I made to each of you when you arrived.

The promise that I would be nothing for myself, everything for each of you.

And more time for us.

It's very hard, what we do here.

We've left a world where all we ever did was give in to other people's demands, their ideas for who we are.

(congregation murmuring agreement)

A world where we measured ourselves by other people's approval.

It's not easy leaving all of that behind.

We surrendered ourselves to a simple life, and by the loss of the self... we became truly individuals.

We are free to simply... be.

Say it with me, Rob.

I am.

I am.

You're what?


I just am.

That's right.

You surrender and you just are.

Thanks, Rob.


(boy coughing)


(congregation gasping)

Mother? Where are you, mother?

(shocked murmuring)

Where are you?



(Soren yelling)

OW! Get him off! Soren, stop!

(congregation clamouring)

Get him off! Let me go! LET ME GO!

Somebody help her!

(mother sobbing)

Soren: Let me go...

Jordan: He's alright, he's alright. Just don't move.

(theme music playing)

Peter, the pathogen is here. He's in the abbey.

What? Who?

A child.

A boy. He was exhibiting all the same symptoms that we saw on the boat. He should be in a BSL-3 quarantine.

We gotta lock this place down, now.

We're all here. Good!

Good. Sit, sit. Please.

Dr. Jordan.

I wasn't expecting to see you in Council Hall this morning.

She disobeyed your orders. The punishment is expulsion.

I'm aware of the policy regarding skeptics, Ann.

But she kept Olivia's injuries from getting a whole lot worse.

Michael, as I've told our guests, we don't tolerate intrusion from the outside world.

And ordinarily I would agree.

But I think we all know that there's something amiss here.

The boy, Soren...

He's very sick, isn't he?

Yes, he is.

And he's not the only one.

I saw a man this morning, infected, same symptoms.

An adult male, late 20s...

Brother Isaac.

You knew?

Dr. Jordan, I'm sorry, but we live on an island that's 400 miles from the nearest fast food joint.

We've got no convenience stores, no antidepressants, no World Wide Web.

We're completely self-sufficient and we take care of our own, which is why I'm not very good at asking for help. But... I'm doing that now.

Dr. Farragut, if we give you our complete cooperation, do you think you can find this disease, get rid of it?

We're not equipped for containment.

We expected to observe and take samples.

Well, what if you had the right equipment?

Coast guard won't be back for two weeks, so unless you have a helicopter hidden somewhere...

No, we don't. But we do have a pretty well-equipped botany lab. The equipment is not exactly current, but it would be at your disposal.

We'll need a lab of our own, as well as a secure quarantine for any infected patients.

Ann, see that our friends get everything they need.

Of course.

Our biggest concern right now is containment. So we need to find this Brother Isaac immediately. If this illness gets off this island, we could be facing a major pandemic.

We'll set up search teams.

Whatever you need.

Please help us figure out a way to stop this.

(shovel clanking)

Oh, hold it, I hit something.

You found what you were looking for?


Why not?

Because this isn't Alan Farragut.

Gently... It's OK, Soren.

Gently... It's OK, Soren, it's OK.

It's OK, we're going to help you.

Peter: The last person to see Isaac said he was headed down to the basement.

We're going in circles.

Wanna split up?

Cover twice as much ground that way.

Twice as likely to get lost.

Your call, boss.

You, you, with me.


Yes, sir.

Stay sharp.

He could be anywhere.



Where the hell did he go?

(door opening)

Did you find Isaac?

More like he found us.

He, uh...

He got away. He could be anywhere by now.

This place is riddled with underground tunnels.

Huh! Haven't seen a monocular microscope in a while.

Like, ever.

Wow, you've been out of the field way too long.

What's with all this equipment?

Tell me, why does a cult need a botany lab?

Part of Michael's grand design?

Let's just focus on what we know.

You have the samples from the infected boy?

Blood, urine, and buccal swabs, and skin lesions, too, in the event that we can find a biopsy kit.

How long until you can analyze them?

Back in Seattle, 2 hours.

Here... At least 20.



I, uh...

I, uh... I've been trying to think of a way to tell you this where you wouldn't freak out, but...

Alan's here.

Alan's where?

He's on the island, he's...

He's dressed up like one of the followers.

That's ridiculous!

Look, I saw him this morning outside my window, and then I saw him again.

I saw him again in the Council Hall when Soren att*cked his mother.

But that makes no sense!

I don't know, Peter, but maybe it has something to do with Ilaria.

Why would Ilaria be interested in some crackpot isolationist cult, and why would my brother be investigating it?

I'd be surprised if he's here for the food.

This isn't a joke.

He has been discredited by the CDC.

And don't forget about the international arrest warrants.

Whatever he's doing here, we are to have no contact with him.

But it's Alan, Peter, he can help...

No contact, Sarah!

Everything OK, doc?

Yeah, just a procedural question.

Let's get back to work.

There's nothing to worry about.

As soon as they get what they've come for, they'll leave.

But others will follow. We should expel them now.

Well, nothing to find, so nothing to fear.

Is there?

It's the disruption they cause.

All these women...

My grandmother, her mother, and her mother before her, all the way back to the beginning...

We all knew what we had to protect.

They've entrusted me with their legacy. I can't let them down.

(sighing): Sweet Ann...


Always looking at the big picture.

But the boy, Soren, and Isaac, they're both very sick.

All the more reason to find Isaac and cooperate with the doctors.


(clanging and scratching)

(loud scraping)

(muffled snarling)



(bees buzzing)

Child: Hi, Brother Landry!

Hello. Afternoon, Brother.

Man: Afternoon, Brother.


Michael asked if you'll join him.

After the picking?

He wants to see ya now.

islander: I don't understand it. This isn't him?

Julia: Not all of him, anyway. The bones are from more than one person. The skull's from a woman.

A lot of people died on this island years ago.

It'd be easy to mix 'em up.

Not Alan.

He never did anything without a purpose.

Dead or alive, there is a clue here.

Uh... That's weird.

You see the ilium?

The hip bone?

What about it?

Most people have two fused together, this guy's got three.

Does this mean anything to you?

'Fraid not.

I, uh... I gotta go.

Where are you going?

Check my traps.
(door opening)

Ah! Jerome. Glad you could come by.

Would you like a cup of tea?

No, thank you.

It's purple Oolong. Created it myself, right here.

Crafted a Mount Kenya varietal with a Chinese leaf.

Goes down easy.

You're a geneticist?

I'm an observer of intertwining fates.

At any of the 7 taxonomic ranks, plants create new forms, hence the massive number of species.

And you're just helping create a few new ones?

Nothing that wouldn't occur naturally.

Only at random.

Random... Yes. Mm.

"What a book a Devil's Chaplain might write on the clumsy, wasteful, blundering and horribly cruel work."

Charles Darwin said that.

He didn't much care for slow or random.

Spoken like a man who knew him personally.

Nothing is random, Jerome.

Every path is created, sometimes by outside forces.

But there is not a random atom to be found anywhere in the known universe.

So everything has a purpose?

No, Jerome. Everything has a reason.

You've been here for three months.

It's time to answer the fundamental question.

Why did you come here?

Find my true path.

Ah. So you randomly chose my order?

There's more to it than that.

I've done terrible things.

Taken... lives.

My choices for self-discovery were... limited.

So you're hiding?

Aren't all of us hiding here? Even you?

No, we're not hiding here.

We confront our past to put it behind us.

We embrace our faults to learn to love them.

We face our pain to be released from it.

When you start facing your pain, Jerome, only then will your healing begin.

(sighing in exasperation)



(Generic rock music playing)

What the hell are you doing?

I'm isolating the pathogen.

Without your safety gear?

Look, Peter, I can work twice as fast without my gear on.

What if Kyle walks in here instead of me and sees you working on a BSL-3 hot agent like that?

Everyone who gets this disease dies!

You know it won't affect me, and we need to be using every advantage we can right now.

And how do we explain it? I am telling you...

No. You don't have the right to tell me what I can do.

I am the only one who has the right!

And you've been fighting that ever since they made me team leader.

I know you think it should be you.

No, actually, Peter, I don't want to be team leader.

Then why do you oppose every order I give?

I'm not allowed to think for myself?

You know, Alan welcomed other people's input.

Alan is not in charge here!


I decide who we talk to, who we trust, who we confide in. If you have a problem with that, let me know. If we have to, we will work without you.

Come quick.

Peter: What's wrong?

Better see for yourself.

Hey, Soren.

How you feeling?

Good, I guess.

Where's my mom?

His vitals are normal, ***, the symptoms are clearing.

Six hours ago, he was having a paranoiac seizure.

No memory of it whatsoever?

Let me talk to him.

Hey, Soren.


You really scared us.

I did?


Do you remember anything about this morning?

No, not really. I had a really bad headache, though.


Looks like this guy had a really bad headache too.

You wanna talk about his headache?

He's just a toy. He doesn't get headaches.

And anyway, he wouldn't remember either.

Maybe some form of anterograde amnesia?

We won't know what it is until we can build a full clinical profile of whatever the hell this is.

Any luck finding Isaac?

No, and we're quite concerned.

Brother Landry thinks he may have gone outside the gate.

Thought you said that was dangerous, what with all the wolves and such?

We take his disappearance very seriously.

As soon as we find him, we'll let you know.

We can get started without Isaac.

We just have to establish a connection between him and Soren.

Were they eating together, were they drinking from the same water source, where were they when they were each exposed to the pathogen?

Dr. Jordan. Sarah...

Oh, sh...

It's just a nosebleed. I'm fine.


We'll keep Soren here, under observation.

Just because he's asymptomatic doesn't mean he's cured.

Sister, is it possible to retrace Isaac and Soren's steps over the last few days, see if we can find a point of intersection?

We follow a daily schedule of work and counselling.

Even the children are expected to comply.

OK. I'll talk to Olivia, you two map the infected patients' movements. Whatever this is, it's hot and it's on the move.

So this is where Isaac worked?


Do the children ever come down here?


Your, uh, trees...

They look like Cortlands or Paula Reds...

- You know your apple cultivars.

How many children live here?

Nearly 30, including the babies.

Classes are held every day after Council Hall.

They all sleep in the same place?

And eat together as well.

Do they get Mom and Dad time?

Until they're 7.

After that, we're all moms and dads, so the kids choose elders to help them find their path.

A little young to be making those kinds of decisions, no?

You have a closed mind for a scientist.

When can I talk to Soren?

Is he going to be OK?

You'll be able to be with him soon.

Did Soren do anything different in the last few days?

Anything out of his routine?

I don't see Soren for most of the day.

He's either with the other children or receiving counselling.


Instructions from the minders.

We don't have punishments here.

We help each other to realize our individual wants and needs.

You get a lot of new arrivals?

Some, but most people have been here for generations.

What about you?

Island born and bred.

Our apples are designed to withstand the abuses of man and nature.

Insects, disease, poor weather and soil...

"Designed"? Like GMOs?

Oh, nothing so fancy. We follow the old ways.

You're grafting. You're combining different traits from different strains of fruit.

Do you know a man named Isaac?

I know him, yes.

Do you ever consider leaving?

Why would I do that?

See the world, meet new people...

What can you people offer me that I can't get right here?

Never know until you give it a try.

Do you mind
if I take a few bark and soil samples?

I don't see how that could hurt.

Both he and your son fell ill at the same time.

Could he have passed the illness on to Soren, or vice versa?

Children are never alone with the adults.

The children are never alone.

Come. I want to show you something.

What, uh... what did you want to show me?

What do you want to see?

Or maybe... you can show me.

Show you what?

What you people have.

What my family on the island doesn't.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, now.

Show me.

Show me.

Be my path.

Be my path.

Stop it. Mm...


I have to get back to my work.

Do you have any other questions?

Um... Nope.

Um... Can I speak to one of your pickers?

If you must, but be brief.

Excuse me...

I'm Dr. Sarah Jordan. Can I speak with you, Brother...

Jerome. Of course.

I just wanted to thank you for your help earlier, with the boy.

Most people would have been too scared.

I don't want to see him hurt, or see him hurt anyone.

Right, there's enough v*olence in the world. We can both agree to that.

Sister, may we have a word?

You need to get out of here now, today.

Alan, what are you doing here?

Get Peter and the other guy and get the hell out.

I can't.

Even if I wanted to, the coastguard won't be back for another two weeks.

Then you go down to the dock and wait, and pray you make it off this island alive.

Why? What's going on?

Alan, tell me! What's going on?

Is everything alright?

Alan: I'd like to get back to work.

What do these carvings mean?

They don't mean anything.

Then why'd you run out of here as soon as you saw them?

You say you want to stop an outbreak.

How do I know you're telling the truth?

You don't.

Then why should I believe you?

Because I don't have time to lie.

It's getting worse.

How long do you have?

I don't know. Days, maybe.

Then why bother?

Because the other choice is doing nothing, and that's unacceptable.

It's a map... of the island.

What's this right here?

A place you don't want to go.

And neither do I.

I have to go.

Then you're not coming back.

Why not? What's there?

Why would he give me that sign if he didn't think we were in danger?

I don't know, Sarah. Why does Alan do anything?

Maybe he wants us to regroup, wait for the coastguard.

Maybe we're standing in his way of k*lling someone else.

Peter, he's telling us to run.

I don't care what he's telling us.

We're the CDC. We don't run.

Sounds like something Alan would say.

Come on, Dr. Sommer's due to meet us in the lab.

So this is what I've been able to piece together.

Everyone's tightly scheduled here.

Work, eat, sleep...

Plus a healthy helping of new-age philosophy.

No one goes anywhere randomly.

Doesn't look like Isaac and the kid were around each other at all.

So how were they the only two that got sick?

I don't know, maybe compromised immune systems?

No, Soren's T-cell count was off the chart. The kid's as healthy as a horse.

So what are we talking about here?

27 victims on that boat but only 2 on the island.

One missing, one asymptomatic but possibly contagious as hell.

Doesn't make sense.

Olivia got pretty rattled when I brought up Isaac, swore Soren had never been with him alone.

You think she's lying?

Someone is. We need to find out who.

Julia: How much farther?

At this pace, you won't get there 'til tomorrow.


This terrain isn't the friendliest.

Pretty easy to get lost.

You could always come with me.

Take you as far as the river, then you're on your own.

My God!

This is a child.

Predation marks on the bones, animals must have gotten to him.

Or something worse.

You can't be in here!

I have to talk to you.

Sarah... It's after curfew. If anyone catches you...

Alan, the pathogen is on the island. That boy this morning, he was infected.

That's why I'm here, Sarah. You have to go.

Did you know that 27 people were k*lled on a ship 12 miles out?

It got off the island.


We don't know how it spread or how to stop it, but now that you're here, you can help us figure this out. I've already...

No, I can't help you.

Why not? Alan, what the hell happened to you?

You disappeared, you quit the CDC, there's rumours about bombings in Paris...

I can't explain it right now.

I thought you were dead.

I had no idea what happened to you and then I finally find you and you won't even tell me anything!

Sarah, I can't!

It's too dangerous, for you and for the team!

You have to trust me. This island is not what it seems.

You have to take the others and go, now!

No. You owe me an explanation.

And you owe our baby.

Our... what?

Are you saying we have a... child?

No, Alan. There's no child.

I'm so sorry...

There's no child because I'm still pregnant.

I've been pregnant for the last 15 months.

I don't understand. How?

I was already pregnant when I received Julia's spinal fluid.

I became immortal, stopped aging, and so did the fetus.


You know, I thought that my pregnant girlfriends were exaggerating about the first trimester.

But, um...

After 15 months of fatigue and morning sickness and nose bleeds...

You know, I thought about terminating, and I probably should have, but... something always stopped me.


Here we are.

I wanna help.

I do, but...

But I can't.

You have to leave here now.

For your safety and the baby's.

No, I'm...

I'm not going anywhere until you tell me why you're here.

I can't.

What I have to do is too important.

(softly opening door)

(door closing)


Don't be afraid, Soren.

What's wrong? Is my mom OK?

Better than OK. She wants to see you!


But... what about curfew?

It's OK, just this one time.

My mom's outside of the wall?

She'll be here in a minute.

(leaves rustling and twigs snapping)

You hear that?

That was her.

Are you sure?

(chuckling): More than sure.

It's OK.

I promise.

(gate opening)

Landry... Landry, what are you doing?


Soren: NO! AHH!