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01x06 - Lockdown

Posted: 02/18/15 15:47
by bunniefuu

(Cutlery crashes)

Can I help before you destroy everything, She-Hulk?

I was awake all night picturing mom and Dr. K...

Dylan: Nope, no thanks, don't need the visual!

Did you take this from Mrs. Inez's storage unit?

Any idea what it means?

No. Graffiti soldier kinda looks like Hud, though.

Did Dr. Hudson apply that correctly?

We don't want it affecting your surgical ability.

Whatever, it was worth it.

You punched your mentor in the face.

No, I punched your secret boyfriend in the face!

I suppose you're loving this, huh?!

Yeah, it's a real treat for me to know what a liar you are.

Okay girls, you know what?

Your Nana's birthday party is tonight, the caterers are gonna be here at 5pm, and I would like you both to be here shortly after, dressed for the occasion.

It's your Nana's birthday!

London: Fine!

Jane: Fine.

We'll be there!

Jane: Great.

P.S., I'm bringing Seth.

Jane: Oh. Okay...

Dylan, if you would like to invite someone, I think we have plenty of food for a "plus one."

And what about you, mom? Got a date in mind?

I actually thought it would be a good idea for Dominic to come.

Dylan: It's called sarcasm!

Jane: I have been reading a lot of things about how to introduce a relationship...

Yeah, I have to get ready for work!

Can you just-can we talk about this, please?!

(Jane sighs heavily, London slams the door)

Look, I'm trying here, okay?

I really don't want you to think I'm a liar.

Dad's illness, being with Dr. K., who knows what else.

I don't think you're a liar, mom. You are one.

(Heartbeat thumps)

Hey, tell me everything that happened with Dylan.

Look, I already told you.

No, I need exact wording, and...

She knows how I...

Nice dress!

I have to go to my Nana's birthday party tonight, and pretend that my family is perfect.

Like my mom and Dr. Karamichaelidis haven't been secretly dating for months.

Seriously? How did I not know that?

You okay, Dylan?

I'm fine, plus I've got bigger concerns, like finding this graffiti.

My dad seemed obsessed with it.

Maybe he hangs out around this street.

Any idea where it is?

Wes: Let me see it again.

(Takes a deep breath)

Um, hey, I got a "plus one" to this thing tonight, and I was wondering if you wanted to maybe come with?

Keep me from losing my mind, and we can have a conversation.

Wes: Yeah?

Dylan: Yeah.

Do I have to wear a tie?

If you do, I'll strangle you with it.

What should I wear?

Uh sorry, it's only a "plus one."

Oh, okay.

Jared: Yo! Is this spring break? We have stuff to do, guys!

Come on!

Man on P.A.: Security to the hub please, security to the hub, thank you.

(Sighs heavily)

Hey, something happen?

Yeah, we lost a guy.

I tried to fib him, but...

The paramedics should've got here quicker.

And now Dr. K is making me notify his sister, because apparently, he looks like he was in a bar fight last night!

You want me to punch him in his other eye for you?

(Laughs) Yes.

'Cause I'll do it, I will!

Maybe it's best to get this first one over with.

You haven't done that before?

Even as an army medic?

I reported deaths, but never directly to the family, no.

Hey, you wouldn't...

You wouldn't wanna do this for me, would you?

Hey, good luck, Hud.

♪ If you light up like fireworks ♪
♪ you burn out the scene ♪
♪ all your smoke and colours ♪
♪ they fade into Grey ♪
♪ ooooh... ooh... Ooh... ♪
♪ Ooooh... Ooh... ooh... ♪
♪ What a sweet ascension ♪
♪ what a sweet ascension ♪

(Stand clinks)

You show that sign who's boss!

Sorry, just a bad day.

Hud: Were you following me again?

Dylan: What? No!

Woman: (On P.A.) Attention, this is a code silver.

Repeat, code silver.

All personnel please proceed immediately to a secure location.

Open Heart Memorial is now in lockdown.

Dylan: What's going on?

Let's just get out of this hallway, we'll be safe in here.

Woman: (On P.A.) Attention personnel, please proceed to a secure location.

That can't be good.

Don't worry, it's probably just a drill.

Woman: (On P.A.) This is not a drill.

You missed the residents' briefing.

I only have one patient, remember?

It's not much to be briefed on.

Well, let's get to a safe place and we can talk.

No, thank you!

Donnie: Whoa, safe place? What safe place? This place isn't safe?

No, it's safe, just stay calm.

Donnie: Okay, well, I'm gettin' all riled up!

I mean, what's a code silver, huh, what's that mean?

London: It's, um, different codes happen all the time, it'll be over soon.

London, we have to go.

I'd prefer to stay with my patient!

London, I'm not asking.

London: Fine, I'm leaving, but I'm going this way, to the lab, so you should probably go that way, to anywhere else!

Donnie: Whoa! Whoa! Wait, what about me?

You're just gonna leave me alone?

Don't worry.

(Police radios chatter)

Police officer: Everyone stay calm! Take shelter in the nearest room.

Oh, I'm glad you're here, what's going on out there?

London: I don't know, I didn't see anything!

Okay, let's sit along the far wall, the police will clear us room by room.

Until then, stay calm, quiet, and sit below the windows.

Go, go, go, go!

London, don't put everybody else at risk because you're pissed at me.

(Sighs heavily)

How long will this go on for?

It's already been too long.

(Hud sighs)

So why were you following me?

I wasn't well, okay, well, I kinda was.

It was stupid.

Well, you've got my undivided attention now, so have at 'er.

Tell me! Come on, what?

Okay fine, jeez!

I'm trying to find out where this street is.

You're asking me because there's a picture of a soldier?!

Told you it was stupid.

Wait a second.

I think I actually know where this is.

(Door opens)

(Sighs heavily)


Mikayla, code silver!

Sit below the ledge, in case it's a sn*per!

Mikayla: I just wanna make sure Wes and Dylan are okay.

(Groans) No!

Did they get sh*t?


Wes is up in peds, and Dylan's on the main floor.

I was hoping they'd be together.

Jared: Why?

Mikayla: Because they need to be together!

Like, romantically.

Jared: But if they hook up,

then you'll be left out in the cold.

Nuh uh.

(Crashing, breaking glass)

Oh no! Oh no!

Oh no...

I can't die like this.

I'm not gonna live long enough to mock the new "Star Wars" trilogy.

And I'll never have had a boyfriend, or even kissed anyone!



Suspicious man in construction gear is a theory.

Suspicious courier is another.

The Internet seems to agree, it's suspicious.

Do you have to do that?!

I understand it's easier to be mad at me than at your mom, you're...

London: I'm not projecting.

Dr. K: Projecting.

I'm not projecting! I'm angry at you!

My entire image of you is shattered.

(Sighs tearfully)

I can't work with you anymore Dr. K., you need to find me a new mentor.

Dylan: What are you doing?!

I want to talk to you about this morning.

I want to make sure you're okay at Nana's party if I bring Dominic along.

You will like him if you get to know him, he's a really kind man.

(Hud scoffs)

Jane: He...

(Hud clears his throat)

I wanna help you get comfortable with the idea.

How long have you and Dr. K. been together?

Since before dad disappeared, or after?

After, of course!

You made it seem like he ran off with that blonde woman, when he was really just sick.

So you find a new guy, and just, what?!

Stop loving dad?

No Dylan, I don't know how to explain it...

You don't know how to explain it?!

Then how can you possibly expect me to understand?!

You can't go out there.

Well, I can't stay in here!

Jane: Dylan!

Hud: Hey look, I'll get her, Dr. Blake.

Jane: No, she's my daughter!

Yeah, exactly, she might actually listen to me!


Hud: Hey! Hey! This isn't safe!

There's probably tact guys with g*ns everywhere!

Where are you going?

To find out why this place meant so much to my dad, and then find him!

(Police officers holler)

SWAT officer: Clear!

But you don't even know where it is!

Well, you do, so show me!

You don't wanna be stuck here, either.


All right, let's go, just quickly!

♪ We live underground ♪

(Engine starts, then revs)

Hold on.

(Motorcycle rumbles)
A million texts from my mom, of course.

It's almost like she cares about your well being.

You really hate her, huh?

I don't hate her, it's just... Whenever I talk to her, I wanna punch a sign.

I don't recommend that.

Before the lockdown, were you giving that lady bad news?

I couldn't save her brother, it was a heart att*ck.

Dylan: It must suck not being able to save people.

Well, I should be used to it by now.


When I was overseas, this car b*mb went off outside my triage tent.

I caught some nail g*n shrapnel, but three of my friends...

Three of my friends all at once, I just... it just didn't seem worth it to stay after that.

Do you talk to someone about that stuff?

Because maybe if you got some support, you wouldn't be punching signs.

Look who's talking.

Well, we're here.

I guess.

Dylan: Damn, how do we know if this is the right place?

Hud: Hmm...

Dylan: What are you doing?

Hud: I'm making sure!

You're not scared, are you?


(Both laugh)

Should I climb to the top?

Ah, that's not a good idea.

It was in this area over here, I think.

Why do you think this is going to help find your dad?

Dylan: It's a feeling, I'm getting closer.

My mom thinks he's probably dead.

"Probably dead" isn't dead.

(Loud kick thud)

Dylan: Oh my God, this is totally it!

Somehow, some way, this is connected to where my dad's hiding out.

Thank you for bringing me here.



We should probably get outta here.

Dylan: Yeah.

Dylan: Okay...

Woman: (On P.A.) The lockdown is now over.

All hospital personnel may return to normal operations.

Scarlet: Dr. K., patient coding in 4g! Ventricular fib!

You're still my resident, come.

♪ I wanna wake up ♪
♪ I wanna wake up ♪

We need to start the charges while Scarlet continues CPR.

Well, I can't!

Dr. K.: You can do this!

Dr. K.: Let's go, quick and steady.

And remember to keep the interruptions in chest compressions to a minimum.

On three!

Charging... clear!

There, one, two, three.

(Defibrillator beeps, heart monitor hums)

Restart compressions.

Still no pulse.


Scarlet: Clear.

London: One, two, three.

(Defibrillator hums, heart monitor beeps)

We got him!


(Sighs heavily)

Nice work, Dr. Blake.

Mikayla: So we agreed, we can't tell anyone we kissed!

Jared: I agree to nothing.

Mikayla: But it only happened because I was under extreme emotional duress!

(Jared wheezes)

Wes: Hey, you guys okay?

Dylan didn't text me back.

I think she was in the supply closet with Dr. Hudson.

You mean, like, alone with him?

Jared: (Thickly) Oh my God.

(Groans) Oh my... throbt closeb ub!

Swollen! Throbt swollen.


Wes: Allerbic?

You're having an allergic reaction?

Mikayla: Oh my God!

Wes: Oh!

Mikayla: He can't breathe, Wes!

Wes: Okay.

Mikayla: Sit down, sit down!

(Jared wheezes)

I have to stick the orange part into his thigh until it clicks, and hold it for ten seconds, here we go, okay?

(Jared wheezes)

Wes: Okay, it says massage the injection site for ten seconds, so Mikayla, massage his thigh.

No, you massage his thigh!

Wes: No, you!

Mikayla: No!

(Jared breathes shakily)

Wes: Okay...

Okay, let's find a doctor to get a look at you.

Any idea what caused it?


Peanuts? What are you eating peanuts for?

They'll k*ll you!

Jared: I didn't eat them.

She did.

How did they get into your mouth?




Mikayla: So apparently, code silver means:

"Unauthorized person, possible w*apon."

Jared's all in on "sn*per."

Wes: Jared.

Okay, don't be weirded out by the thing!

Oh, "the thing?"

Okay, you mean the thing where you crossed enemy lines, and made out with him?

I mean, bonus points for almost k*lling him, but...

Wait, do you actually like him?!

I I don't know!

I just realized that if you and Dylan get all couple-y, I would become the squeaky third wheel, and...

It's just been you and me for so long, I don't wanna lose my bestie.

I'm not going anywhere.

Besides, maybe nothing will happen with Dylan.

You know, especially if she keeps hanging out in supply closets with other dudes!

Please, Hud is so not a thing.

(Motorcycle rumbles)


Did you leave the lockdown?!

Hud recognized the graffiti in my dad's drawing.

We went to check it out, totally found it too, look!

I would've gone with you.

It's not a big deal.

Hey! Hey, it's pretty sketchy leaving a lockdown, and putting a volunteer in danger like that!

What's that?

Granddaughter of the hospital chairman...

I mean, I don't think that'd go over so well if your supervisors found out, what do you think, huh?

Thanks for the lecture, kid. See you 'round, Dylan.

Wes: Don't talk to her!

Dylan: Wes!

Look, you're just starting to embarrass yourself now, okay?

Wes: You know what? Screw you, man!

Dylan: Okay, okay, enough!

Knock off the macho crap before we all get in trouble!

I didn't start it!

Wes: Yeah, you know what? Cool, bro!

You let me know if you wanna pick this up again!

What the hell is wrong with you?

You can't b*at him!

Yeah, got it.

You know what, you know that conversation we were supposed to have, let's just forget about it, okay?

Fine, let's.

(Classical music plays)

(Partygoers chatter)

Seth: Thank you.


Whoa, whoa, easy!

Hey, are you okay?

Dr. K. and I saved a person's life today.

Well, you shouldn't be upset about that.

I'm not, but...

Dr. K walked me through every step.

He was patient and caring, I mean, he's why I succeeded.

Well, good riddance to him, then.

Dr. K.'s known me my whole life.

He accepts all my quirks, and he's making me a better doctor, but at the same time, how can I forgive him?

Because he loves your mom, and makes her happy.

Is that really all that bad?

Okay, okay!

(Groans) Message received!

I'll let you two have a minute.

(Sighs heavily)

I guess I don't want you to find me a new mentor.

You guess?

I don't.

If I'm ever gonna make it as a doctor, I'll need your help.

You make my mom happy.

And a happy Jane makes things easier for me.



You hurt her, I hurt you.

Oh, I'm aware.

(Both laugh)

Dylan: He hates me.

Mikayla: He doesn't hate you!

Maybe his phone's on silent.


Oh, Happy Birthday, Mrs. Blake!

Thank you, Mikayla.

Are you a fan of modern abstracts?

Um, I'm more into the digital arts.

It's a really cool copy, though.

Nope, actually, it's an original.


Dylan, phone away, please?!

Well, it's not like anyone wants to hear from me, anyway.

Uh oh, bad day?

I didn't mean to, but I hurt somebody, Nana.

Badly, and I don't know how to fix it.

Well, time heals all wounds.

Dylan: Yesterday London punched Dr. K.,

and now he's just part of the family?

A replacement?

There is no replacing your father.

That's what it looks like to me.

Sweetie, when you get older, I think you'll learn that sometimes, you've just gotta change the way you look at things.



Mikayla: Where did he have to be standing to draw this?

Dylan: I don't know, this made more sense in my head.

Well, we just have to match the perspective.


Graffiti wall, lamppost in the foreground...

You'd have to be up higher to line it up perfectly.

