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01x05 - Bogeyman

Posted: 02/19/15 22:52
by bunniefuu
Evil is seductive...

Woman: Mm.

Because Satan is clever.

Man: Yes.

Temptation is beautiful.

That's what makes it tempting.


In order to tempt us, the devil dresses evil up, makes it look good.

Yes, he does.

Evil sparkles, shines...


While good...

Uh-oh. Here we go.

[Indistinct conversations]

Not again.

Avoids the spotlight.


Did you forget to pay your power bill, Detective Pastor Almond?

Good will always find the light.

All: Amen.

And I thank you for that.

That is... stolen property.

No, it's not.

20 bucks says you can't unload that bronze otter.

Deal. I can unload anything.


Portland police bureau alerts... bronze otter.

Bronze otter statue...

"iconic bronze otter statue stolen from Portland's world-famous

'animals in the pond.'"

Damn it. How could I not have known that?

Come on.


Talk too much.

[Laptop beeps]


I need you to drive me to work.

Why? What's wrong?

He's back.

Who's back?

[Cellphone beeps, ringing]

Hey, get everyone in... now.

No, I know it's Sunday afternoon.

Jennifer: Talia didn't come home last night.

And I called the police, but they said she's 14, so to call back if she doesn't come home in a couple of days.

Missing persons say that she's a runaway because she left a note.

So the lieutenant wants us to chase a runaway?

Lieutenant says it's an abduction by a predator who's done it before.

When's the last time you saw your daughter, Mrs. Lennox?

Uh, yesterday... Saturday.

Around noon. She got up around noon.

So, basically, you let your 14-year-old daughter stay up all night and get up at noon.

I don't "let" Talia do anything.

Talia does what she wants.


This note... is it Talia's handwriting?

It says on the note that she's going to live with her father.

Yes, yes. That's... that's Talia's handwriting.

Talia's father, Roger, lives in Los Angeles

[sniffles] But he hasn't talked to her since Christmas.

But he promised he would let me know if she shows up.

Are you saying this note is a lie?

Talia lies. She lies all the time.

What happens when you call her cell?


I don't... I don't know the number.

It's, um... it's blocked. She...

She pays for it herself so she doesn't have to tell me anything.

So, basically, you've given up all supervision of your own daughter.

Maybe one of her friends knows the number?

Forget it, Gravely.

She doesn't have a clue about her daughter's friends.

I'm not even gonna bother asking what kind of dr*gs she was on or who she was sleeping with.

I know what this is about.

What do you got?

[Keyboard clacking]

Seven years ago, another girl went missing... one green eye, one blue. Lacy Siddon.

"Presumed m*rder*d. Body never found."

Well, if the body wasn't found, how do we know what happened?

The lieutenant knows what he knows.

Backstrom was lead on the case, but when they called off the investigation, he stopped being a cop.

It was Chief Cervantes who found him holed up in a motel in Port Orford, trying to drink himself to death.

We don't find this girl in the next 24 hours, she's dead.

Why 24 hours?

Moto, if Talia is in the hands of a sexual predator, a sadist, she will be r*ped and tortured until she is dead.

And that doesn't take long with a kid.

And he'll dispose of the body.

No one will ever know what happened to her.

Lieutenant, you thinking Lacy Siddon?

Isn't it obvious?

To play devil's advocate, if I may, it is bad police work to assume these cases are linked.

Well, then I'm the poster boy for bad police.

Go get me Talia's phone records.

I'm gonna make a list of sex offenders who fit the profile.

Pull together the Lacy Siddon file.

Gravely, I'm gonna check out the girl's room.

You in or out?

It just makes me uncomfortable to jump to conclusions based on an old obsession.

Do you...

Today, Gravely!

This is a nice room.

Cascadia girls' school. It's for problem kids.


Unicorns and rainbows and stuffed animals in her room, but open her closet door... there's nothing but black clothes, stink of cigarettes.

Uh, girls grow up. Kids go through phases.

Same thing with Lacy Siddon.

Roomful of rainbows...

Sea of black in the closet.


Gravely: Principal Larsen, would you describe Talia Lennox as a good student?

We don't use the terms "good," "bad," "students."

We like to refer to the girls as "punkins"...

"punks" for short.

It acknowledges where they come from, but in a fun way.

Talia's mother believes that she was doing dr*gs.

Most children experiment with substances. It's unavoidable.

We believe in allowing our punks to find themselves through trial and error in a safe environs.

We're gonna have to talk to Talia's friends.

Especially the bad, stupid ones.

Well, there's an annex through there where the punkins gather free from scrutiny.

It's called the laissez-faire ground.

But I cannot let you in there without a warrant.

So you are gonna have to wait here.

We're gonna go through that door.

There's gonna be kids with dr*gs on the other side, because you're too stupid and lazy to be a real principal of a real school.

And if you refuse us permission, we'll arrest every one of 'em.

We'll take that as a "yes."

[Indistinct conversations]

Check this out.

Girl: Ew. Gross.

Gravely: Oh, my God. It's pervert heaven.


Does anyone here know Talia Lennox?

Young woman: Nope.



Not answering.




Black hoodies.

H-hey! Bad touching.

Gravely: Portland Police.

Those are just vitamins. They aren't even mine.

Should we check all of you for vitamins?

If we tell you we know Talia Lennox, will you go away?

That's gonna be your best chance.

Talia ran away to her dad's.

No, she didn't.

That's what she told us.

Did she ever mention anything about a creepy guy?

I mean, only Claudio.

Yeah, Claudio's thick creepy.

Claudio who?

Talia broke up with Claudio, and he said he was gonna k*ll her.

How old is Claudio?


Seven years ago, thick creepy Claudio was 9.

Not our guy.

I'm gonna need Claudio's last name.

I'm gonna need Talia's phone number.

Claudio Moretti.

Hey! Come on!

Gravely, chase after them. Get Talia's number.


Moto and Niedermayer will go pick up Claudio Moretti, and he will give us Talia's phone number.

I need you to write down Talia's cellphone number.


Backstrom: Got it.

When is the last time you saw Talia?

Friday night.

Kid doesn't fit your theory.

Paquet and I'll work Talia's phone.

I'll watch the rest of this.

Is that when she broke up with you?

Yes. Well, okay, no. I broke up with her.

Do you mind telling us what happened?

L-l-look, is that why I'm here?

Because I honestly did not know that Talia was 14. Okay?

Sh-she said she was 16, same as me.

She looks 16, right?

Did you engage in coitus with Talia?


Coitus is sexual intercourse.

That's when you put your penis inside...

Oh, my.

Okay, no, no, no.

I did not have sexual intercourse with Talia.

I've... never had sexual intercourse with anyone.

I-if there's, like, a test for that, I will gladly take it for proof.

Is she leaving to get the test, or...?

So, h-how did you find out Talia's real age?

Uh, I met Talia online. You know what I mean?

You sexted each other?

It's Backstrom's theory that Lacy Siddon's abductor stalked her online.

But... but then, we meet in person and I see her binder.

It's eighth grade.

Like, my dad said I could get branded for life a sex offender.

What did Talia do when you broke up?

Well, she said she'd find somebody better online.

Somebody better?

Yeah, she said not regular boring like me.

Somebody bad.

So she actually said, "somebody bad"?

Yes, sir.

She said, "good is good, but bad is better."

Okay, so Talia's phone went off the network just after midnight.

Last-known location?

[Keyboard clacking]

Tunnel under train tracks here.

And all her outgoing calls went to her school friends, Amber, Bethany, and Harper.

Oh, and that boy... Talia also texted those people.

But without the actual phone, I cannot access the contents.

No communications with her father?

No. None.

The father and the boy have nothing to do with Talia's disappearance.

She was abducted by a man obsessed with mismatched eyes.

All my foster kids surf the web more than e-mail or texting.

Well, her phone records indicate that Talia used the Internet extensively.

But, again, no phone, no details.

He got to her over the Internet.

I'm gonna find Talia's phone.

Niedermayer can take a team to search by the tunnel.

Jennifer: Hello? Hello? I got a ransom note.

It was under my windshield wiper.

"I have Talia Lennox. $50,000 in m-payment to the number below or I will burn her alive. You will never find her remains."

We have to call the FBI.

Great. When you call the FBI, they'll push us aside and take over this case.

Kidnapping is the FBI's jurisdiction.

This note is bogus!

I'm sorry, lieutenant. It's the law.


[Door slams]

[Telephone ringing]


[Knock on glass]

I'm gonna lose my church.

I'm three months behind on my rent, and they turned off my electricity.

[Sighs] That's God telling you you're a crappy pastor.

It's God telling me I need a second job.

You get a second job...

You can't work at SCU.


Listen, I don't care what you do.

You leave, you take Gravely with you.

[Bottles clink]

Don't hold it against her.

She called the FBI. It's protocol.

You got to understand that there never was any proof that Lacy was taken by a sexual predator.

For all you know, she was a victim of a hit and run and buried in a shallow grave.

When a girl like that disappears so completely, no sign anywhere... somebody bad did it.

Whoever took Lacy took Talia.

I agree with you.


I believed your theory on the crime seven years ago, and I'm not gonna risk you being wrong now.

The FBI is gonna go after whoever left that ransom note, and they're gonna find an opportunist, someone hitching a ride on Talia Lennox's abduction.

Leaving us to find the predator.


Hey, you realize if the FBI find out that you're working their kidnapping case, you'll get suspended.

I'm not working the FBI kidnapping.

I'm working your predator abduction.

[Bottles clink]

No, I got it.

You sure?

Really. I'm good.


So, I have been appointed the police bureau liaison to the FBI.

Oh, well, that'll look good on your resume.

You know that the presence of a ransom note proves that Backstrom's theory about a sexual predator in the past is false, right?

That is certainly the FBI's opinion.

You think that Backstrom is right and the note is fake?

If Backstrom is right, then the real search for Talia Lennox is over, and she hasn't long to live.


I'm stuck here observing.

You and the rest of the team report to John Almond.

You do know that Detective Almond believes the lieutenant, right?


[Footsteps approaching]

Lacy Siddon's files from seven years ago, courtesy of Detective Almond.

Nadia: I'm here.


I actually had to steal my own work from the FBI.

Oh, thanks.

So, Niedermayer has gone out to the tunnel to look for the girl's phone, and Detective Almond is going through the girl's room again.

Go help Niedermayer.

Okay, so, I need a clothesline, a table, a plug, and a cognac to settle my thoughts.

I'll get the cognac.

Should we start by finding every single similarity between Lacy Siddon and Talia Lennox?

No. Waste of time. We don't need every single similarity.

We just need one.

Sounds like you already know which one.

Lacy Siddon was obsessed with vampires.

She would spend hours online looking for a vampire boy to turn her.

Is "turn" a euphemism for sex?

She wanted to be immortal, and there was a website that would connect mortal girls with vampire boys who would agree to bite the right girl on the neck and turn them into a vampire.

Just making sure... you do know that vampires aren't real, correct?

Thanks for that, Valentine.

Hey, you're welcome.

The point is, she thought they were real, which made it easier for the predator to find her.

So a man pretending to be a vampire boy online...

Yeah, he's doing the same thing again, only not with vampires, with something else.

Well, Niedermayer must find Talia's phone.

Man: We continue to investigate as we now go live to Portland Police headquarters.

Jennifer: Law enforcement just needs to know that she's out there, that she's alive, and that it's really her.

[Voice breaking] So I say to my daughter's... kidnapper, please, just... just prove that my Talia is alive and well, and we will give you whatever you ask.

And, um... welcome [Sighs] my daughter's safe return.

Thank you.

The FBI is demanding for proof of life.

They're not gonna get it.


The lieutenant sent me to help you look for the phone.

30 FBI techs just wrapped a search of the entire area.

They found nothing.

It's a perfect place for an abduction... isolated, lots of cover.

There's an unlit access road about a hundred yards away.

Two of the three lights busted.

The abductor stands over there in the darkness and he watches the girl under this light...

Making sure that she's alone.

The lieutenant said we have 24 hours.

Yeah. And we're running out of time.

She said, "good is good, but bad is better."

[Cellphone rings]

[Cellphone beeps]


Tell Paquet to check her e-mail.



Check your computer.

What's going on?

We got proof of life.


I am sending you a restricted video file.

I hope that you will come visit me when I am Leavenworth.

I got it!

The video file is time-stamped 11:23 on Saturday night.

The FBI says that the time stamp is genuine.

Where'd they get it?

It was posted to the FBI website, and they traced it to an internet cafe on Hawthorne...

Cyber Joe.

Oh, that... that'll be a dead end.

I know this place well.

It's for anarchist, techno geeks, members of "Anonymous."

I-I've used it many times myself.


Yeah, why?

O-oh, that's not important.

Just trust me, the internet trail ends there.

Play it again.

Wait. What's that?


The tattoo.

That's definitely not a vampire, if that's what you're thinking.

I'm thinking that's exactly what it is.

Where you been all night? Wasting time praying for Talia?

A little of that, but mostly going through Talia's room.

And I found something interesting.

[Cellphone clicks]

Nadia: "G... gigbbib"?

Is that English?

Once you see it, it's everywhere.

What does it mean?

Perhaps it's a code or an acronym.

It might go with this.

Ah. Him again.

You've seen it somewhere else?

Yes. Watch.

And here.

This is a pill I took from Talia's friend Amber Morrow.

Seriously? [Scoffs]

For evidence.

Brand of ecstasy?

Well, dealing ecstasy's a good way to stalk troubled young girls.

I'll talk to a couple of buddies in narcotics... see what I get.

We're looking for someone who deals to girls at the Cascadia School.

Take Moto, find the suspect, bring him back here.

Lieutenant, I can't bring a drug dealer back to your home.

Okay, well, then bring him to the SCU.

If the FBI asks, we're on a separate drug case.

Got it.

Should I pack up?

Yeah. I want my office back.

Comfortable, Gravely?

You want my job, or are you joining the FBI?

Lieutenant, I risked my job to send you that e-mail.

Oh, you're a regular Joan of Arc.

Detective Gravely, we've got agents working the internet cafe.

Get out of my office!

Okay, that's hours of bonding down the drain.


Yes, sir?

The guy in the hood... he's the key to this abduction.

And this, too.

It's everywhere.

I saw that string of letters last night at the tunnel.

What does it mean? It's not a word.

Some kind of code?

I don't know.

Maybe it's an acronym like LOL?

Maybe it's a phonetic spelling of a foreign language?

Or a made-up language?

Okay, go talk to Paquet. Check it out.

Almond: Meet Derrick Cotton.

He sells ecstasy to schoolgirls. Tell them what you told me.

Uh, them pills, w-which I don't know anything about, uh, are called "hooded man."

Hooded man. That's a thing? Is he good or bad?

Well, you know what they say...

"good is good, but, uh, bad is better."

Let's get him to holding.



Remember what that kid said, the one you were interrogating?

Uh, the coitus virgin?


Uh, he said that Talia met somebody new on the internet, um, not regular like him, somebody bad.

She said that good is good...

But bad is better.

Okay, so what... so, the hooded man's slogan is "good is good, but bad is better," and the victim is involved in that in some way?

Hold on. So that's what we're calling him... the hooded man?

The hooded man is my vampire. Find him.

Nadia: All right, so, the hooded man started as creepy and mysterious fiction online by one guy, but then hundreds joined in.

"The hooded man understands."

All adolescents are vulnerable to a promise like that.

So the hooded man looks for special kids, kids who are "willing to fall in order to rise."

They are called "The Fallen."

And The Fallen must prove their allegiance to the hooded man.

What's the reward?

"To be initiated into the dark mysteries of the true universe," blah, blah, blah.

This is why Talia was taking ecstasy and demanding sex from Claudio Moretti.

She wanted to be one of The Fallen.

Yeah, the lieutenant's right.

This is very close to the vampire meme.

I don't know anything about fallen people.

You made a big mistake, Amber.

I don't appreciate your tone, Detective Almond.

Your daughter's a drug user and an extortionist. I'm not sure I appreciate your parenting skills.

What's an extortionist?

Why am I watching this?

Nadia: You went to Cyber Joe's because you could post the video of Talia without anyone knowing.

You sent a text to your friends Harper and Bethany from inside the cafe.

A single emoticon.

This is not a happy face.

I don't understand.

Your daughter's friend went missing, and she tried to collect a ransom.

Is that true?

Amber, is that true?

We figured Talia was running away to be with her father.

I mean, why not get some money out of it?


So I put the ransom note under Mrs. Lennox's windshield.

And the proof-of-life video?

Talia and I got into a fight before she ran away.

I hit her, and Harper recorded it.

Can I go home now?

Now you have to talk to my boss. He's not as nice as I am.

All right, everybody... hey, we're done here.

There's no kidnapping.

Wait a second. Just like that?

FBI doesn't do runaways.

Man: All right, let's wrap it up.
[Indistinct conversations]


And you admit to hitting Talia?

Did you k*ll her?

Take off your hoodie.

I don't want to.

Take off your damn hoodie.



No! No! No!

Her cellphone bill... you pay it or she does?

I do.

I'd like to take it.

No. No!

No! No! No! No! No!

[Screams] [Grunts]

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

No! No, you don't understand!

You can't even comprehend what he can do!

Listen, no one's gonna do anything, honey.

I won't let them.

No! You don't understand.

If you find him through me, he'll never take me.

He'll leave me here in the normal world with normal people, and I can't live here.

[Sniffles] I deserve something better.

[Crying] I'm gonna die if I stay here.

Detective Almond, I don't think this is good news.

Hey, Eric.

You here to evict me?

I can't afford to carry you, John.

I'm not even a member of your church.

You should go. He's really good.



You're three months in arrears.

People are having a tough time in this economy.

I'm one of them.

You know, maybe God's trying to tell you something, John.

What? Get a second job? Keep my church alive?

That fella told me you're busy saving a girl's life.

Maybe God's trying to tell you you're doing exactly what he wants you to be doing.

No hard feelings, man.

Paquet cracked Amber Morrow's phone.

Thanks to Amber's smartphone, I was able to discover the website of the hooded man that the hoodie girls love.

Moto: That's creepy.

And that's the outside... to get inside, you need an invitation from one of the fallen.

Was Amber invited?

No. Just Talia.

And Talia got an invitation from a fallen boy who calls himself "Minus."

Man: [Distorted] I invite you to enter the realm of the fallen if you know the incantation.

Almond: What's the code?

Try our old friend gigbbib.

Niedermayer: "Good is good, but bad is better."

I'm gonna have nightmares.

Nadia: This is Minus.

That's our predator.

In real life, he's not a pretty boy.

Is there any way to trace his real-life whereabouts?

No. He's using an anonymizer.

Maybe Amber struck Talia to keep her from going to meet Minus.

[Chuckles] Amber struck Talia because Talia got invited and Amber didn't.

She was jealous.

Always looking for the good in people is probably why your church is in the crapper.

I want you to go online. Pretend to be Minus.

You want to invite Amber in this world?

Gravely: Hold on a second.

You want Paquet to pose as a pederast posing as a minor boy to entrap a minor girl?

She'll be posing, Gravely.

She won't actually be torturing someone to death in a basement.


[Buttons clicking]

[Distorted] Amber, are you ready to fall?


[Computer beeping]

Hey, it's Amber.

She wants to meet Minus in person.

I want to see you again.

I can come to the same place. Please, Minus.

Say yes. Wait. Amber's met with Minus before?

How? Mm, let's find out. Say yes.

But we don't know "the same place."

We know the place.

It's where Talia's phone went off the grid.

Yes. Tell Amber one hour.

Yes. Same place. One hour.


All right, I'm coming with you.

Uh, no. I'm gonna need someone a little more fallen.

Valentine: You know, I know what it is with you and this case.

It's not just the girl from seven years ago.

My mom told me.

About your brothers and the bogeyman.

They told you he was gonna come get you when you fell asleep, didn't they?

And I believed them.

How many days did you stay awake?

For three days.

I went psychotic. I actually saw the bogeyman.

They put me in a kids' psych ward for six weeks.

[Door hinges creak]

Minus, I came. Thank you.

I'm ready. I'm so ready.

Where's your cane?


I'm not who you think I am.

Well, who are you? Did... did Minus send you?

Nope. He's just a guy... Named Val.




I'm you.

I'm a bored, jaded girl living in a world that's boring her to death.

dr*gs don't make it more exciting.

Sex doesn't make it more exciting.

The only thing that excites me is the idea that there's a gate to another world, a better world where everything... isn't so dull.

But then Talia gets invited there, not me.

By the beautiful boy with the big eyes and the pale face.


So I knock her down and take her place.

But there is no beautiful boy.

No. No, I saw him. I saw him right there.


It was just a guy like me who fooled her and took her...

[Voice breaking] No.

And is raping, torturing, and murdering your friend as we speak.

[Crying] No.

She's crying 'cause she feels guilty.

No. She's crying because she knows you're right.

You're crying because you know there is no better world than this. This is all we get.

And she's heartbroken.

Hey, girly.

He rejected you, didn't he?

He was so beautiful.

Not in the light. Not with his hood off.

I tried to follow him, but he disappeared.

Why didn't he want me?

You had the wrong eyes.

So he had a cane?

Yes. With a hooded man on top.

How stylish.

No, no. He limped.

Any of your suspects have a limp?

No. What else?

What else can you tell us to help us find him?

I've told you everything.

[Sighs] Then your friend is dead.

Maybe your bogeyman hurt his leg later.

Or I never got anywhere close to him seven years ago.

I don't know.


What am I missing?


Why are you asking me?

We all have our own bogeymen.

I know what happened to you. I read the police report.

Well, then, you already know everything.

I know hustlers and I know you, and I know you told the police as little as possible.


I was fresh on the street, and... he got his hands on me before I developed my survival instincts.

My story's no use to you. My bogeyman d*ed 10 years ago.

He doesn't have Talia Lennox.

They're all the same evil bastard.

He had you for three days.

You looked straight into his eyes while he did the things he did to you.

Help me catch him.

The bogeyman starts out kind.

He makes you feel special for being chosen.

Then he tells you he loves you.

Which is a lie.


Not to him, it's not.

He means it.

Believe me when I say...

I never been looked at with so much love.

Even when he marked me.

He tattooed you?

No. He branded me with his cigarette over and over.

I got tattoos to cover the scars so I wouldn't have to remember him every day for the rest of my life.

But you got away.


I was fast...

And lucky.

All in all, he wasn't so bad, you know?


There are worse bogeymen.

[Cellphone clicks, beeps]


Mr. Morrow, this is Lieutenant Everett Backstrom.

Sorry to bother you so early.

I've got one more question for your daughter.

Her and her friends... where did they get their tattoos?

[Indistinct conversations]

Almond: Lieutenant, we're in position.

Gravely: Somebody's coming.

[Monitor beeps]

He's limping.

That's him. Almond, take him down.


Let's go.

All right. Just take it easy. We got him.

Wesley Lewis, we're taking you in for questioning.

♪ Thrown ♪
♪ From the fading sky ♪

[Dogs barking]

♪ Our hope ♪
♪ Will find us ♪
♪ Our hope ♪
♪ From the way we fly ♪
♪ Will rise ♪
♪ Like mountains ♪

Man: Portland Police hope to find missing teen Talia Lennox at this virtually abandoned former junkyard.

Why aren't they finding anything?

Unconfirmed sources identify burnside tattoo artist Wesley Lewis as the main suspect in the girl's abduction.

You know. Talk.

We found some women's clothing in a closet and evidence of a baby.

My wife left with our daughter months ago.

She realized you were a homicidal freak?

Can you provide her whereabouts?

I would love to know where she is.

Lying in a shallow grave next to Lacy Siddon.


Detective Dunn, did you or your team discover a cane with a hooded man on the handle?

I'll go check.

Put him in the back of a cruiser, please.

Is this what you're looking for?

That's it.

But there's no law against owning a creepy cane.

We haven't found anything to hold him on.

Tell you something else...

10 minutes after that guy gets a lawyer, he's a free man.

And he'll k*ll Talia.

We'll never find her... same as Lacy Siddon.

Lieutenant, we're running out of time.

We have to think of something fast.

Damn it!


It's time to think of something slow.

We need to pray. [Laughs]

Seriously? Okay, good. Knock yourselves out.

Lieutenant, you said that you'd do whatever it takes to catch that bogeyman.


As options dwindle in the search for Talia Lennox...

What is happening here? the principal investigators of the special crime unit are either looking for solace or a miracle.

Backstrom is in a prayer circle? [Chuckles]

Being led in prayer by Detective John Almond, who I'm told preaches at the Joy of Everlasting Light Church.

Almond: Lord, we ask you, please deliver Talia Lennox into the hands of her mother if it be your will, for she is only a child.

Lord. Ha ha.

We thank you for Detective John Almond reminding me that Talia is only a child, and there is a law in the state of Oregon against tattooing underage children!

I can hold that son of a bitch for 72 hours, lawyer or no lawyer!

You see that? Did you see him clap?


That's the closest thing he gets to happy.

How long will this take?

I'm a sociopathic child r*pist who preys on lonely girls.

No, I get it. You're a freak.

Yeah, sure, you're a perv.

But what's with the different-colored eyes?

I mean, that's pretty rare, right?

Makes it a hell of a lot harder to find your victims.

Can't I just pay a fine for tattooing those girls?

It doesn't have to do with some creepy, mother/son stuff, does it?

Stepmom with different-colored eyes gave little Wesley a bath?

Hell, I'll leave that one for the prison psychiatrists.

I'd like to go home.

I have you for a 72-hour hold.

I plan on us spending every minute of that together.

Cruel and unusual punishment.

Do you believe in love at first sight?



Except it's not love, yes. Is it?

You don't know how to love.


You've never loved anything more than yourself.

You'll never have a wife, never have a child.

Look at you.

Who's the outcast?

Who's the perv?


We searched your property.

And problem is, we were looking for places where you'd keep a live person.

You know, a ventilation pipe or air shaft.

We should've been looking for graves.

You see, if Talia's dead, it doesn't matter how long it takes for us to find her.

But if she's alive, it matters.

She might be running out of air.

So if you tell us where Talia is before she dies, you'll just be charged with kidnapping and you'll live.

But if we dig up your entire property... and, oh, we will... and we find her dead, lethal injection.

If she dies, it's on you.

Maybe so.

Like you said...

I'm me... worse than you.

I've never loved anybody.

I never will.

While the world is filled with walking corpses who don't even know they're dead.

Well, what's one more little girl?

[Door slams]

[Door closes]


He didn't mean it.

He was just putting intense pressure on Lewis.

Well, I say we get a team out there to start digging.

We could get lucky.

Ground-piercing radar.

Wait. What's he doing?

Circling something.

It's the dogs.

♪ When you hide in the meadows ♪
♪ Feelin' black and blue ♪

[Dogs barking, indistinct conversations]

♪ Be true to your spirit ♪
♪ Hold ♪


Hey, look! Look.

This moves.

We need bolt cutters.

Come on!


We've got Talia. Is that Lacy?

Oh, dear God.


They're alive!

We're gonna need a ladder here.

Dear lord, we thank you for the safe return of Talia Lennox into the loving arms of her mother.

All: Amen.

Almond: Amen.

Man: Amen.

And we thank you for the safe return of Lacy Siddon and her child to your beautiful, wide world.

All: Amen.

Beautiful, yes.


Thanks to the power of prayer... and television... the people of Portland, Oregon, opened their hearts to this church and to this congregation to the tune of one year's rent.


[Cheers and applause]

Woman: Ah, yeah.

Praise Jesus!

But we have one more thing to be thankful for.

Dear lord, thank you for Everett Backstrom.

We all know that evil can cloak itself in beauty.

Yes, it can.

But good can also confuse us... [Belches] in deportment and appearance.
