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02x06 - M. Domestica

Posted: 02/21/15 09:12
by bunniefuu
Previously on Helix...

woman:This is the suspect Dr. Alan Farragut.

Your job is to collect intel so we can make an arrest.

This disease is caused by a few infected bees?

woman: You did a very good job.

It's just honey.

This... this is power.

Dr. Farragut seems to think you're dangerous.

He actually knows quite a bit about you. Well, he should
since he's your brother.

Maybe you're the ones who are making everyone sick!


Somebody help!

woman:The CDC doctor is a silver eye.

She's immortal.

No, that's not possible.

How long have you been working for Ilaria?

That's ridiculous!

I heard you, Peter.

No, no, no, no! Alan!

Alan: What are you really doing here?

I am investigating a pathogen.

How about you?

You work for Ilaria, don't you?

You lied to us. You told us you were the only one, but I saw her eyes.

Of all my daughters, you've always been my favourite.

(neck cracking)

man:Ladies and gentlemen, I think we're all familiar with the tragic events at Arctic BioSystems and the failure that occurred under the watch of Hiroshi Hatake.

But from the ashes, a new opportunity has arisen, a scientific breakthrough: NARVIK-C.


Unlike Dr. Hatake, science doesn't lie or make excuses or feel confused.

We can trust in the new NARVIK, it's right there in the report
which is why I recommend moving forward with NARVIK-C immediately.

(woman moaning)

We've all made great sacrifices to prevent humanity from going off course.

Unfortunately, those sacrifices have been in vain.

(both moaning)



That's cool.

You know, we don't have to stop.

Yes, we do.

(cell phone ringing)

At this hour?

Come on.

The board meeting has been rescheduled.

What?! When?

An hour ago.

Why the hell didn't they tell me?

With NARVIK-C, we can finally arrive at our goal of making the planet a stable, sustainable concern.

(door opening)

(people whispering)

Dr. Walker... nice of you to join us.

I would have joined you sooner if I'd been informed of this meeting.

A scheduling error, I'm sure. As always, we value your input in these matters.

As I was saying, we at the Ilaria Corporation held out hope that nature would take care of itself, but overpopulation, diminishing resources, and drastic climate change have forced our hand.

We must take a more active role in the stewardship of the human race.

With 17 coordinated strikes, we can reduce world population by 75% within 3 months.

And we'd still have the ability to administer the cure created by Dr. Walker to any mortals deemed essential. We expect this to be a short list.

I had assurances Ilaria would suspend work on the NARVIK virus.

You were assured we would suspend human testing, nothing more.

You told me, in this room, I would have time to research and develop non-lethal alternatives.

And tell us, what have you delivered?

My crop-redistribution initiative is very promising.

How long?

Fifty to a hundred years.

NARVIK can accomplish that in fifty to a hundred days.

Pollution, famine, drought, it won't wait Dr. Walker.

This is about our very survival.

Call it what you want, it's genocide.

Must we hear this from someone who's barely lived a single lifetime?

We've been harassed, persecuted, and tortured on 7 continents.

You didn't have to see your loved ones burnt at the stake.

This isn't genocide, it's a cleansing moment of clarity.

(Julia sighs)

Let's put it to a vote.

Those in favour?


The motion carries.

Next item, executive compensation.

(birds singing)

She collapsed.

I did everything I could.

I tried to help her.

I tried.

Of course you did.

I mean, she didn't even... have any signs that she was ill.

It's better this way. She didn't suffer?

Just not ready to let her go.

She was ready.

But I wasn't. I wasn't.

This is not what I wanted. It's not how I wanted it to be.

Michael, listen to me, please.

She was my mother.

And my daughter!

I know. And I should be falling apart right now, but I'm not. Do you know why?

Because I'm with you, and I know you're going to take care of me and everyone else here, because no matter what, you prevail.

You understand?

You... prevail.

That is how we prevail.

Michael: She's taken her final path.

Yes, she has.

We will prevail.

We will.

Oh, thank you, Anne.

Thank you.

I know I can count on your strength.

Of all my daughters... you've always been my favourite.

(theme music)


(door opening)

Sarah! Thank God!


Where have you been? Can't get a straight answer out of anyone.

It's a long story. Why are you handcuffed?

Ah, you should ask your... your good friend, Dr. Sommer. If he is a doctor...

Texas Tech Med School in Lubbock.

That's the Harvard of the Panhandle. Are you OK?

I'm fine. Kyle, what the hell is going on?

You haven't figured it out? He's a mole.

Watch it, friend.

He's undercover. Apparently, I'm the CDC's most wanted.

And I am not your friend.

You've been investigating us this entire time?

Not you, him. This man's a wanted t*rror1st.

Multiple counts of m*rder and the bombing of the Ilaria corporate building in Paris.

I trust him, which is more than I can say for you now.

It's why you're not the doctor in charge of uncuffing people.

I've been watching you, you do not have the know-how to get us out of this.

You better start looking closer, Hot Zone, because I'm the guy who's doing it.

Where's Peter? Does he know about this?

Kyle: He's still AWOL.

Well, we should find him.

Believe me, I've tried. No one's seen him.

Maybe he knew something about you the rest of us didn't.

Last I checked, I was the one man here who didn't desert his post or get himself on a t*rror1st-suspect list.

So how about we start with what I have to say? I filtered the tainted honey and found pollen grains with 3 sizes and distinctive furrows.


Yeah, it should lead us back to the source.

Now, we just have to take samples and find a match.

And do you have any idea how many trees and flowering plants there are on this island? That could take months.


What's so funny?

M. Domestica.

Of course. How did we not see it?

What? What didn't we see?

It was right under your nose all along, "Doctor".

Three-sided pollen, distinctive furrows?

That's M. Domestica, otherwise known as the common apple.

Everybody's been eating the apples, why aren't they sick?

That's what you need to find out.

We need to take apple-pollen samples and we need to do it now.

And I would be happy to do it, except that I am...

You sit tight.

I'm done trusting anybody with the last name of Farragut.

I suggest you do the same.

A stroke... is that what he said?

Anne: Yes.

Does our father even know what a stroke looks like?

Why are you questioning him?

Because you're blind.

Mind your tone with me.

Of course. I should never question, never doubt!

Just be Michael's humble servant.

Yes. As I am. As your grandmother was.

My grandmother...

You know, I saw her last night on her way to see Michael... to accuse him.

Didn't she tell you?

The girl from the CDC, Sarah... she has eyes just like him.

All this time, Michael told us he was the only one, and the moment Agnes finds another, she dies?! Of a stroke?!


And you'd better accept it before you step out of this room.

We owe that man everything.

Maybe we owe him too much.

Maybe it's time for him to pay.

Now, you listen to me.

Your 20th birthday is coming.

I won't do it.

You will do your duty like I did, and my mother, and her mother before her.

And on and on.

All those portraits on the wall... all of them his precious daughters... all of them his lovers!

I'm not ashamed of what I am.

Maybe you should be.

You and Agnes, every last one of us.

You made me what I am, but I didn't ask for it.

What you should be is grateful. This gift honours all of us.

And like me and everyone of us, you will bear Michael a daughter.

I won't let my father have me.

You will give me a granddaughter.

The line will remain unbroken.

(single knock)

Good morning, Peter.

Ah, it seems your brother's... flown the coop.

So why don't you step out into the light?

Come on now.

Step into the light.

Let me see your eyes, your real eyes.

You've already seen my eyes.

Yes, well... so many ways to hide: dyes, lenses, injections.

I have no idea what you're talking about...

Oh, come on, come on!

I'm gonna get answers one way or the other.

Are you one of them?

Did Ilaria send you?

What's Ilaria?

Oh, nice try, but the correct response would have been, "Who's Ilaria?"

I work for the CDC, I'm just a scientist.

Just a scientist?


So then, you should know the function of a catalyst, yes?

Of course.

Well, I'd like to introduce a catalyst... to jumpstart consideration... of my questions.

(Michael sighs.)

(rodents squeaking)

I wouldn't sleep if I were you.

(Peter screaming)

They haven't been fed in a few days.

(Peter screaming)

(rats squeaking)


They call it the planting ritual.

He did it to my mother... and my grandmother.

It's barbaric.

(woman sobbing)

He's a great man, you should be honoured.

He's my father.

I don't know what you want me to do.

Michael's made us all free.

Oh, you're free?

How nice for you.

I'll think of that when he's forcing himself on me.

Ah, don't talk like that.

Oh, you don't like having to hear something so unpleasant?

Stop. Just stop.

Do you know I pray ever since this horrible disease started?

I've prayed, not that things would get better, but they would get worse... that it would get so bad it would take away his power and I could run away.

I don't want him to be the father of my child.

I want it to be someone special.

If only someone would make sure he couldn't do these horrible things to me.

There is a moment in every life where the body can no longer follow the path prescribed by the mind.

Agnes has reached the end of her path and discarded the hollow shell, that we call the body. But in a time like this, we must ask ourselves: who better, who more deserving... to go... on so great a journey?

Agnes was the best of us.

A caring soul brimming with love.

A gifted scientist whose miraculous abilities gave us the sweetest of all of our garden's bounty.

Everything sweet on this island was made so by Agnes's creation.

The hybrid Chester blackberry... that, like the life she taught us to lead, survives the worst conditions.

So let us honour her and partake... of her greatest gift she created.

(people screaming in the distance)

(people screaming)

(bell tolling)

Why are you trying to k*ll me?!

man: I'm not!

Need some help here!



Anne, where did all these new infected come from?

I don't know.

The screams started 10 minutes ago. What do we do?

We need to get these people into quarantine.

Not enough room in infirmary.

Then find the biggest room and round up the sick in there.

They won't come willingly.

Then use physical force. Look, these people are having a psychotic break, they won't listen to reason. They're not your friends and family anymore. Divide in teams of two. Use ropes, belts, whatever you can find.

We need to restrain these people before they hurt themselves or others.

Now go! Quickly, everyone!
That's not the face of someone who got her way.

That's because I didn't.

But everything they promised...

Is now unpromised. The facilities are operational in 17 major cities. Shipments are moving.

They're making contingency plans to insure the nuclear power plants don't melt down. This is happening.

So, this really is the end of the world.

Not yet.

Still gonna be a week, give or take, before they can pull the trigger.


I'm sorry.

I've seen a lot of death in my time, hell, I've caused a fair share of it, but the scope of what they are planning is...

I'm gonna contact the CDC, blow the whistle on the whole thing.

Is that our best option?

It's not like the CDC has been able to contain the virus.

How long will it take for them to coordinate a global response?

It's our only option unless you have a better idea.

You know how Ilaria deals with traitors.

I'm not asking you to be part of this.

Guilt by association.

There are Ilaria's safehouses around the world.

Yeah, I'm sure I'd be safe in one of those.

What's this?

Little souvenir from Arctic BioSystems.

(unclasping suitcase)

Best served chilled.

The cure.

A single dose.

Keep it safe.

It's about to become the most valuable substance on Earth.

What happened? Did you get the samples?

We got a new outbreak. At least 30 victims, maybe more.

I got Anne putting together teams to get them in quarantine.

30 victims? How?

I don't know, but we've got to get this thing under control. It's a w*r zone.


Hey, hey, watch it, you'll pop your stitches.

He's right. You've got to sit this one out.

What? No, you cannot triage an entire abbey's worth of mentally unstable patients on your own. I'm coming with you.

For God sake, take me out of these cuffs, so I can help!

Uh-uh, no way.

Where am I gonna go? We're in the middle of the ocean!

I got my orders.

Then, they can recite them at your funeral. Because if you don't let me out of these cuffs, none of us are getting off this island alive!

Let me go! Grr!

(people screaming)

sick woman: Hey, keep them away from me!

(woman screaming)

I need those sedatives. What's the holdup?

I was just explaining. We only have 20 injectable doses of diazepam.

And I can't allow you to use it on our people.

You see what I'm dealing with?

We don't see western medicine as a positive step to being.

Anne, these people are suffering!

What you call suffering, we see as a difficult, but necessary path.

Lady, I don't give a blue damn what kind of kale smoothies you've been drinking, but in a few hours these people are gonna be pulling out of their restraints, and no amount of "being" is gonna keep them from ripping out your throat.

He's right, Anne. Hello, Jerome.

Glad your path brought you here where you can be the most help.

I know a few places my path is gonna take me when this is over.

Please, let's not let our unfinished business get in the way of caring for the sick. And don't let dogma prevent healing. It's the CDC's job to make sure our people get well.

Isn't that right?

The sedatives will provide a degree of comfort for the next 6 hours.

And what do we do after that?


It's a hybrid of valerian skullcap and motherwort.

Agnes was making it before she... she left us.

It's an excellent sedative.

Can be administered orally in a tea.


(door creaking)

(bell tolling)

Hello, Olivia.

I brought you something.

I thought everyone had forgotten about me.

Of course not. Things have gotten a little... crazy.

I heard screaming.

What's going on up there?

There are a lot more sick people now.

The CDC doctors are locking everyone in the refectory.


I just hope they don't do to them what they did to my Soren.

Truth is no one knows what they're doing.

You may be in the safest place in the whole abbey.

They had no right to punish me.

Doesn't Michael say that the true path is always righteous?

That, he does.

Then, I'm glad I stabbed that CDC woman.

I'd do it again.

Please, Olivia, don't say that.

I mean it.

No one was sick until they got here.

And now, Soren's gone.

They k*lled my son, who's gonna be punished for that?

I don't know.

I just wish someone would make them go away.


(door creaking)

This valerian-skullcap stuff, it's gonna work, right?

My mother was a brilliant chemist.

It's not what I asked. I need to know we're not gonna have a slaughterhouse on our hands when these injections wear off.

It will work.

How did 83 people get sick at exactly the same time?

They were all exposed to the pathogen simultaneously.

So what was the axis event?

Breakfast? Was this the same diet as every day?

Nothing was added to the menu.

Were all those people together somewhere?

Maybe the orchard or the council hall?

We were all at the memorial service for Agnes.

We all ate the berries, the hybrid she created.

All of these people?

We all ate them. Even me.

Well, if you were gonna be sick, you'd be sick already.

Still, eating those berries is the only thing all these infected have in common. That's where we start.

(rats squeaking)

♪♪ Now, I'm locked in a room ♪
♪ And there aren't any windows ♪
♪ No way to get through and there's no place to hide ♪
♪ I'm done with the dark but I'm scared of the light ♪
♪ But I'll find my way tonight ♪
♪ Let me outside, let me outside ♪
♪ I know I'll find my way tonight ♪
♪ Now I've put up these walls ♪
♪ And they're not coming down ♪
♪ There's a way they could fall but I'm just terrified ♪
♪ Don't know if I can ever make it right ♪
♪ But I'll find my way tonight ♪
♪ Let me be free ♪

It's the black hole.

No light can escape.

(Peter panting)

Listen. I know you're in pain, but I can help. I'm a doctor.

Pain is fleeting.

It goes in the hole. Understand?

Once it's in there, it never escapes.

I understand.

Never. Never.

I-I-I-I just... Please. Please, just get me out of here.

The things they want gone go in the hole.

In the hole.

Look, look. Hey, listen, listen. Just... You pull up the grid, and I'll do the rest, OK?

Pain stays in the hole.

No, no, no.

It can't escape.

No, no, no, no!

No, no, no! Pain goes in the hole.

(Peter panting)

Pain goes in the hole!

(rats squeaking)


(inaudible talking)

(inaudible talking)


Here's the next batch.

Say, Sarah, you wouldn't happen to have some gum stashed somewhere, would you?

Oh, so now I'm Sarah now that you need something from me.

I didn't think we'd be here this long, I'm out.

You do know that too much xylitol can actually increase your blood-sugar levels, right?


I'll remember that when I go for my PhD in "gummology."

I've got something.

It's definitely a fungus.

It looks like the same one we found in Soren's blood.

Hmmm... Is it in all those samples?

No, only in vials 3 through 9,

15 through 21, and 43 through 48.

And those all came from the same batch.

So, only some of the berries are contaminated.

Well, that rules out accidental exposure.

What are you saying? You think somebody did this on purpose?

It's the only explanation.

Half the bowls were spiked, probably with contaminated honey.

The only question is who had access?

Hello, Peter. Are you ready to talk?

There's been a new outbreak, and I know you'd like to help your friends.

They're struggling without their leader.

Then let me out so I can help them.

In good time, provided you help me.

And how do I do that?

Your friend Sarah, she's very special.

And please don't pretend that you don't know about her or me.

But I'd like you to tell me how she got to be that way.

I don't know.

I wasn't there when it happened.

Oh, I get it. You like those rats.

You want to see how many more of them I can fit down there?

I mean, I was sick, out of my mind. I wasn't a part of it.

Oh. Well, maybe you just need a little more time to think about your answers.

I'll be back, say, in a year.

Or two.

No, no. Wait, wait.

I know the people who made her immortal.

If you let me out, I can get the information.

If you give me something I can use, I will contemplate your release.

I don't know what made Sarah immortal, but I know about her baby! It's immortal too.

At least, she thinks it is.

Her... her baby?

She has an immortal child?

She was pregnant when she became immortal.

You're sure about this?

Yeah, of course, I'm sure.

Thank you, Peter.

I think we're going to be great friends.

Then, let me out of here!

Please invite Dr. Jordan to my office and bring the restraints.






(door locking)

An immortal child.

Not just that.

The child might be the way to make the rest of us like Michael.

Are you sure that's all he said?

Isn't that enough?

Enough to make you bring Dr. Jordan to me instead of him?

But I... Michael told me...

I know what he told you, but don't you understand?

The moment I was born without the eyes, I've been good for only one thing: to bear him another daughter.

And he'll keep doing it to every one of his daughters.

Do you know why?

Because every time he does, the mortal part gets weaker, and the immortal part gets stronger.

That's why it has to be his daughters.

He thinks one day he'll have a child like himself.


Oh, dammit, Amy.

What did you just say?

You heard me.

I've done a lot of things, bad things.

I've done them for you.

And you've received nothing in return?

I didn't say that, but Michael has Anne asking questions about how people got sick.

She won't find out.

She's not just gonna let you do whatever you want.

If I get caught...

You think I'd let you suffer.

Little you think of me.

Of us.

You keep telling me there is no "us."

There's either you and me or you and Michael.

You can't have both.

When you make a decision, that's when you'll know if there is an us.

(vehicle honking)


Is someone there?

Guess I don't have to ask how you got in.

We do own the place.

Please, sit.

I don't have time for games.

More's the pity. I spent the balance of a hundred years learning how to make the perfect coq au vin.

Turns out the secret is in skimming the impurities from the source.

Much like what Ilaria is trying to accomplish.

Why are you here?

Hmm, why is any of us here?

You ask that a lot when you spend so much time around people with agendas, like our colleagues at Ilaria.

You still haven't answered my question.

Your plan to inform the CDC will fail.

Ballaseros told you.

Oh, please.

I heard your protest, I saw the files you've pulled from the databanks, the rest was arithmetic. Don't b*at yourself up.

We've been doing this a very long time.

What is that?

Our last chance.

Turns out I don't relish the idea of spending eternity in the company of the same silver-eyed dullards any more than you do.

No more than I like the idea of exterminating humanity.

And I'm not the only one who feels that way.

Mademoiselle Durant?

She'll be at the Jardin de la jeune lune tomorrow at 9 sharp.

Don't be late.

I do hope you're not vegan.

(door opening and closing)

Oh, damn, that is good!

Everyone, please stay. Please.

I'd like you all to see this.

Is something wrong?

I don't know, Amy. Is something wrong?

I'd like to know.

Is there anything that you need to say to me?


What's wrong?

You're scaring us.

Landry, would you be so kind as to search that locker, please?

(people whispering)

Whose coat is this?

It's mine.

(people whispering)

Oh, Anne, how could you?

I have no idea how that got there.

Of course you don't.

Bring her.

This is ridiculous.

Step aside.

There's no way she brought that into this abbey.

Oh, you mean the source of the disease, the reason why we're all cowering in fear? You made them all sick.

No. Why would I?

I don't know, but I'm gonna find out.

No. Michael, I'd never do that. I'd never do that!

Please! Michael!

Mademoiselle Durant?

Oh, je parle pas anglais, moi, hein?

After 500 years, really?

Je m'appelle Julia Walker.

Mme Wallenberg m'a donné cette carte.

Ah, laissez-moi tranquille.

with French accent: That was very rude of her.

I'm sorry.

No need to be sorry.

Madame Walker, I presume?

I am Mademoiselle Durant.

I never could get used to the contact lenses.

Don't be so surprised.

You know, we come in all sizes.


I hear you met that little sh*t who calls himself the Scythe.

I did.

It's because of people like him that there are people like me and Madame Wallenberg.

What kind of people are you?

The kind who know damn well you cannot change the system from within.

A young person's mistake.


But there's hope for you yet.

I need more than hope right now.

We need you too.

There is another renegade immortal.

Not one of us, but he's been working on something very promising, a project that might prevent our friends at Ilaria from ending the human race.

Well, tell me.

There's much for you to learn, and it begins here.

(person coughing)

Cut the bonds and get them out of those beds!

We need to save our brothers and sisters!

Hey! Hey, what are you people doing?

You've got to put them back into beds. Whoa, hey, when these people come to, they're gonna be extremely violent. Don't you understand?

Olivia, what is happening?

What does it look like?

We're taking care of our own.

Whoa! Olivia, you know me. I've lived here.

You lived among us, but you were never one of us.

But you have to let us help these people!

I took your help and I lost my son.

Now is our time to show these sowers of disease and discord that they can't bully us.

We stand together! Let's go!

Woman: Come on!

Let's go!

(indistinct talking)

We're not gonna win this one.

Kyle: So, we just let them the sick away?

For now. I've seen this before.

Frightened people blaming their doctors for their disease, hurting, even k*lling. Get to the lab.

Protect Sarah. Go! Now, now!

(Farragut moaning)

He knows what he's doing.

I hope so. These people were ready to k*ll.

They'd have turned on us in a moment, no problem.

(Sarah sighs)

That's ironic coming from you.

Hey, I'm just doing a job, like you.

Not exactly like me.

This doesn't make any sense.

What doesn't?

No, something must be wrong with the SPECT.

Seeing as how it probably shares a birthday with my daddy, what's it saying?

The apple-pollen samples you gathered tested positive for the fungus.

Great. Now, we how the honey got infected.

Except there are no traces of mycotoxin in the apples, only in the honey. So the honey makes you mycotic and kills you, but the apples don't.

Alan: Kyle, Sarah...

Alan, great, we need fresh eyes on this. Come here.

Kyle, we're conducting a room-by-room search for the mycotics, we could use your help.

You're calling the sh*ts now?

Just conveying information.

Alright, alright, I'm coming.

(door opening)

(door closing)

(Sarah gasping)