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02x07 - Cross-Pollination

Posted: 02/28/15 10:35
by bunniefuu
Previously on Helix...

We can reduce world population by 75 per cent within three months.

Call it what you want, it's genocide.

You've been investigating us this entire time?

Not you, him. This man's a wanted t*rror1st.

You will do your duty like I did, and my mother...

All those portraits on the wall, all of them his lovers!

We need to restrain these people before they hurt themselves or others!

She has an immortal child?

She was pregnant when she became immortal.

The child might be the way to make the rest of us like Michael.

I have no idea how that got there!

How could you?

There is another renegade immortal, but he has been working on a project that might prevent Ilaria from ending the human race.

Cut the bonds and get them out of those beds.

We need to save our brothers and sisters!


(bells ringing)

Mlle. Durant: Once, there was a man who lived forever.

He fell in love with a peasant girl.

They were married.

But her heart belonged to another.

He gave her his title. She gave him a bastard.

(speaking French)

The pain was unbearable.

He vowed never to feel such pain again.

(flames crackling)

(woman screaming)

Jamais plus.

"Never again"?

He made a promise to himself on that terrible night, a promise he has kept for over 400 years.

And this is the immortal who can stop Ilaria? This m*rder*r?

Don't be obtuse. I have full faith in Michel's talent.

He's been working on a project with implications greater than even he realizes. What he's done is remarkable, genius, even.

What's the project?

A world where only one field yields a crop, while the rest lie barren.


That's right. Michel has perfected it.

Grafted it into apples.

One dose, no side effects.

Simple, elegant, guaranteed results.

And the best part? It only affects mortal men.

So no one else can father children except for him?

And any other mortal man, "jamais plus".

With that technology, Ilaria could control the spread of the mortal population.

Without resorting to genocide, yes!

It would solve their human problem once and for all.

Where do I find this Michael?

On an island on the far end of the New World.

Then that's where I need to go.

Search parties have been looking all night.

So far they've only found 4 of the infected.

The others are being hidden somewhere on the grounds.

Have you seen my budding knife?


I keep it in the second drawer and it's not there.

Maybe you put it in a different drawer.

I would never do that.

You know how you get when you're working.

I need to have things kept in their proper places.

Agnes always...

The lab needs to be kept organized.

I will have Landry prepare an inventory...

No, no, no.

Not Landry, you.

Without Agnes around, I need you on top of things.

Of course, Michael.

Do you want the search teams to keep looking?

Well, why wouldn't they?

I told you the sick are being kept hidden from us.

The healthy are getting scared.

People are talking about leaving the island.



Gather everyone in the dining hall. I'm going to make an announcement.

OH! Ah!



Who's there?

It's Anne, Dr. Farragut.


What are you doing here?

I was framed for something I didn't do.

Framed? By who?

I don't know.

But it won't be long before Michael realizes his mistake.

He doesn't seem like the type who makes mistakes.

This is just a detour from my path.

(scoffing) Yeah.

Nothing like a road trip through Ratville to build character.

Michael needs me.

When the time is right, he'll come.

You look like 10 miles of bad road.

Want to tell me where you were all night?

Had a wonderful night, myself.

The room-to-room search was a bust.

Turns out Olivia and her merry crew are better at stashing the sick than we expected.

(people moaning)

(theme music playing)

83 mycotics and we only found 4.

Alan: Looks like the sedative is wearing off.

That means this place is about to be turned upside down.

Have you seen Sarah?

Figured she was with you.

No. I checked her room but she wasn't there. I thought I'd check the lab next.

I'll come with you.

(congregation murmuring)

woman: Where are our families?


Friends. Friends, please.

(growing clamour)


(crowd falls silent)

We tried to isolate the sick and we failed.

But we must do what we can to protect the uninfected, which is all of you.

And I think the doctors from the CDC would agree that this dining hall is currently the safest place in the abbey? Good.

So we are all going to stay in this room, and no one will leave until this is over.

(angry commotion)

man: Some of us have family out there!

(crowd falls silent)

All of us have family out there, Malcolm.

And the healthy will be redirected back here.

And the sick? What about them?

We just leave them out there to die?



Unless we all want to die along with them.

It is in times of unimaginable loss that adherence to our own true path is most vital!

man: We trusted you!

Place guards at every entrance.

Lock it down, now.

Alan: Sarah!

You said you checked her room?

Alan? Hey! You OK?

I think I know where she is. There's a room...

In one of the outbuildings. I almost made it there once but I was ambushed before I could find proof.

Proof of what?

I came to this island for a reason, and I believe it's buried in this abbey.


(gulping in pain)

(bells ringing)

Yes, we've been here before, haven't we? Ha!

Blights, plagues, drought...

Parasites... There's so many ways to devastate an orchard.

We built this place up from nothing, persevered through unimaginable hardships.

But when a disease att*cks the roots, changes are necessary.


Do you remember when the Spanish found us?

Your sacrifice was... heroic.

And your daughter, sweet Annabelle.

You nurtured the seeds of a generation.

Alice... Without you, there'd be no fellowship. The old ways needed to be discarded so your new ideas could come to fruition.

Pruning a plant makes it grow.

Thinning a crop makes it strong.

Who are you talking to?

Amy! Do you have something to say to me?

Brother Malcolm, the one who att*cked you, Landry had him taken down to a contemplation cell.

No, no, no, I don't want that. I don't want him to be locked away. Let him stay with the others.

But he transgressed!

You're not concerned?

Quite the contrary.

Vigorous dissent is sometimes healthy.

But you always say how one bad apple...

Now I'm saying something different.

Is there a problem with that?

Of course not, but why...

Shh, shh, shh.

Do you see these women?

Your sisters.

Each and every one of them dedicated their lives to this fellowship.

They did everything that was asked of them without question, without complaint.

They lived happily in the service of my will. (choking)

No matter the demand, no matter the sacrifice.

That proud mantle is being passed to you.

Are you ready to receive it, Amy?

Are you?

(gasping for air)


Dr. Farragut, are you asleep?

Call me Peter.

I wanted to apologize on behalf of our fellowship for the way things turned out. You came here to help us, and I'm afraid we've been less than forthcoming.

"Less than forthcoming"?

Are you out of your god damn mind?

I just thought...

Michael dumped a barrel of rats on my head.

In what world do you think I would ever accept an apology from you?

Please don't yell at me.

I have been locked in a pit...

Please don't!

Tortured, starved half to death...


Do you have any idea how hard it is to be the sensible one all the time? I try to do what's right for our people, and this is how I am thanked!

I know exactly how you feel.

How could you?

Let's just say I face similar challenges in my line of work.

Try working with your family.

I have.

It's the worst.

The absolute pits.


(both laughing)

(door opening)


Are you down here?

Amy? What's wrong?

Is Michael coming?


I don't know what to do.

How about throwing down a rope?

Tell me.

I think Michael's going crazy.

He was talking to the portraits on the wall.

What was he saying?

Something about the crop? It didn't make any sense.

He doesn't always make sense, but it's your job to protect him now, to bow to his will.

Do you understand?

You sound exactly like him.

Look, maybe we could talk about this up top? There's got to be a rope somewhere.

I'm not leaving until Michael releases me.

Are you kidding me?

Amy, listen to me.

You will go to him and you will offer yourself.

NO! I don't have to listen to you, and I don't have to listen to him.

Amy, just throw down the god damn rope!

Or him, either!



I'm so sorry for this.

(loud crashing and banging)

(woman screaming frantically)

(thudding and grunting)

Oh, my God!

(whispering): You scared me.

Where are your parents?

Our dad got sick, then he hurt our mom.

Where's your dad now?

Lizzy? Luke?

Hey, where are you guys?

That's him.

Hey kids, come on out, we're going to play a little game.


It's going to be OK.

It's OK. It's OK.

Lizzy? Luke?

(thudding on door)

Come on, guys!

I know you're in there.


(loud hammering on door)

You're going to be in so much trouble unless you come out right now. OPEN THE GOD DAMN DOOR!

(loud thudding)

(woman screaming)

(thudding stops)

(rat squeaking)


OK, he's gone.

You guys stay right here and I'll be back.

No! Don't leave us!

I have to go and find help.

Take us with you!

I can't. It's not safe.

Please, don't leave us!

OK, stay close to me, and if you hear anything scary at all, you run as fast as you can, OK?

OK, come on.

Alan: How long does the psychosis last?

Kyle: Who knows? They're all dead within two days anyway.

Not a very efficient pathogen.

Seems to be doing a pretty fair job kicking our ass.

An infectious disease doesn't want to k*ll, it wants to pass on its DNA.

This one kills too quickly, doesn't give itself a chance to spread.

Yeah, I took cellular biology, you got a hypothesis to go along with that?


I think it had help, the human kind.

This is as far as I got last time.

I really thought one of these would work.
Stand back.


(firing g*n)

(lock dinging)

What the hell is this place?

Sarah was...

On this table, she was...

They were... performing some kind of procedure.

Who? What did they do to her?

There was so much... blood, I, I... I don't remember.

What the hell are we doing here? What are you not telling me?

Ilaria... are working on something big, an alternative to Narvik.

You're telling me Ilaria's responsible for Narvik?

And more. And it's not the pathogen you're chasing.

That's unreliable.

It's faulty. It kills too quickly.

That's insane!


Sarah's part of it. That must be why they took her.


Your eyes...



Must have been a residual tremor.

You're sure you don't remember anything from last night?

Just... flashes.

I've seen this before.

Those kids who att*cked me, they had the same eye movements and no memory of it. I think they were drugged.

Could have been an anticholinergic, like scopolamine.


Combined with morphine, it creates a somnambulant state, like sleep walking.

We need to find Sarah. We'll split up, cover more ground that way.

Sure that's a good idea?

No. But I'm... all out of good ideas.

When you two fight like this, does she ever come back, try to make it right?

Amy is follow...

No, no! Don't tell me she's following her damn path.

I know you mock us, but this fellowship has thrived for nearly 400 years.

Michael knows what he's doing.

I'm the one who's failed.

You gave your life to him.

Look what he's done to you.

If this is my final journey, I have no one to blame but myself.

Everyone you have ever known is in grave danger, not to mention my team.

Someone needs to talk to Michael, make him see reason.

Why would he listen to me?

Because you are the sensible one.

Sarah? You in here?

(sudden hiss)

(irrigation running)

(whistling approaching)

(traditional jazz music playing)

(muffled bang)

Luke: I miss my mommy!

Oh, Luke. Luke, Luke.

It's OK. It's OK.

No, when he gets scared, you have to tell him a story.

That's what our mom does...

I mean, did.

Um, OK.

6 months ago, I was in the Congo...

No, you have to say, "Once upon a time..."

Once upon a time, 6 months ago, I was in the Congo treating children who were just a little bit older than you.

There, I met this little boy named Arthur, and he was a very brave boy. He used to always have a blanket that he would tie around his shoulders like a cape. So I asked him one day, I said, "Arthur, why do you tie a blanket around your shoulders?"

And he said, "Because I'm Superman, and Superman can fly." And he'll never get sick "because he can fly away from any disease."

(making flying noises)

Did Arthur get better?

Yeah, he did. He got better.

Gosh, I sure did miss you guys.

Run. Run!


Hey, kids!

Have you found a new mommy already?

Guys, run!



Sarah, you OK?

Yeah. What did you give him?

Nothing, I didn't have a chance to inject him.

Rapid fungal overgrowth. It must be the final stage of the disease.

And only 36 hours after the memorial.

It kills faster than we thought.

We need to assess the mortality rate, figure out why the boy Soren went into remission, maybe something having to do with a prepubescent immune system...

Alan... He's their father.

Kids... You OK?

Why don't you come with us? We'll go to the dining hall.

They're gathering people there.

You'll be safe.

Alan, I have to go to the infirmary.

They have an ultrasound machine there.

(jazz playing)

(slamming door)

Michael? We need to talk.

I'm a grown woman, and I should be able to make my own choices.

Follow your own path, of course.

I don't want to be just another portrait on that wall.

Your fierce individuality has always been a source of great pride to me, Amy.

Let's cut the bullshit.

Very well.

You want to speak candidly.

The floor is yours.

I know what you are.

You're not a god, you're a freak of nature.

And just because you had Anne and Agnes fooled doesn't mean you get to steal my life, too.

My path does not lead to your side or your bed.

May I be candid as well?

I know what you are, too.

A chip off the old block. And I know what you had Landry do with the tainted honey.

I don't know what you're...

Oh, shh, shh, shh.

To quote my sweet daughter, "Let's cut the bullshit."

If you thought it was me, why did you put Anne in the pit?

Well, Anne is a sheep, and like so many of the others, she was born to follow, but you...

You, my dear, are... a genuine Machiavellian prodigy.

Do you think I wasn't aware of the adolescent fumblings between you and Landry?

He's not man enough for you, of course, but then again, none of them are. I made sure of that.

This crop is rotten.

It needs to be ploughed under.

And tonight, we shall finish what you and your lover started.

Thinning is a necessary part to what we do.


Monk's hood and opium poppy, 4 to 1 ratio.

Muscles are paralyzed, breathing stops, and death comes as a quick release.

You're going to k*ll them?

They're at the end of their path. I have no choice.

I'm thinking of a pure community this time.

Yes, no outsiders, just family.

I... I don't understand!

After the first purge, your sister Annabelle bore me 17 children.

Alice gave me 22 after the second one.

Oh, my dear, your life is about to be filled with glorious purpose.

My sweet girl, You're going to be the mother to a whole new generation.


I won't do it!

Oh, of course you will.

With or without your teeth.


NO! No, please, let me go! No, let go!

Let me go!


NO! Ugh...


Tempered glass-won't break.

I wouldn't move around too much, Amy. Even the slightest contact with some of those plants could be extremely dangerous.

Oh, Amy. I admire your fire.

Your refusal to give in.

But eventually you'll understand.

Just like the others.

Of all my daughters, you've always been my favourite.

This machine must be 40 years old. The CPU could be shot.

It seems to be working just fine.

(ultrasound machine humming)

Still, the foetus would be very small, you couldn't have been more than a few days pregnant when you were... you were made immortal.

The baby shouldn't arrest development until the foetal stages.

We should be able to see something.

Remember anything from last night? Anything at all?

I was in the lab and then I was att*cked.

It must have been a mycotic. And the next thing I know, I was in... I was in that horrible room, and there was blood everywhere.

There's nothing here.

There's no baby.


I don't think that was any mycotic attack last night.


I lost time, just like you.

I think I was... I was drugged with scopolamine so I would forget.

To make you forget what?

I've been remembering bits and pieces all day, but...

I think I was the one who att*cked you in the lab.

It was you?

If it was, I swear I had no idea what was happening.

You att*cked me? You took it? You took the baby?

Sarah, I swear on my life I didn't know what was happening.

Do you really hate immortals that much?


Is that it? Do I disgust you? Did this baby disgust you?

No, that's insane, this was...

No, just admit it! This is what you wanted all along!

You never wanted this baby in the first place!

That's not true!

Just get out, Alan! I don't want to look at you!


Get out!

Get out!

(needle skipping on end of record)

Kyle, let me out, please!

Michael's gone crazy! Stop the presses.

No, he's about to do something terrible, you have to believe me!

Actually, I don't. See, that's the beauty of me standing here and you being locked in there.

You want to find Dr. Jordan, right?

I can tell you where she is. What do you know about it?

Let me out and I'll tell you.

Tell me and I'll think about letting you out.

No, you know what? I like you better under glass.

What? No, Kyle!


OK, you ready to try again?

Get back on my shoulders.

(door opening)

Peter, is that you?

Oh, Kyle, thank God!

How in the world did you two end up down there?

Doctor, there should be a rope somewhere in the vicinity.

Copy that.

And we need a sit rep!

What's happening?

What isn't happening?

There was another outbreak, 83 infected.

Aw, Jesus...

Our quarantine was breached and most of them are still on the loose.

What about the uninfected?

Michael confined them to the dining hall.

Have you seen Michael? Is he alright?

He was in the botany lab, arguing with Amy and brewing up some kind of foul-smelling plant stew, got it!

Great, throw it down.

Alright, look out.

What kind of plant stew?

I don't know, long stems, big purple flowers?

Monk's hood, also known as aconitum.

That's a deadly paralytic.

Why would he...


It's a... thinning.

A what?

It was before my time, but I heard the stories from my great-grandmother.

When she was a young girl, a decision was made to thin the fellowship, to wipe the slate clean and start over.

Start over how?

She's talking about Jonestown.

Solar Temple, uh, Heaven's Gate. Mass su1c1de.

They're all going to k*ll themselves.


Friends, friends!

Wonderful news, wonderful news.

The good doctors from the CDC have developed a serum to combat the illness which has been plaguing our fellowship.


They're administering it right now to the sick outside, and they have even provided us with an oral vaccine so that we might never become affected, either.

Glorious, glorious news.

I want you to take your men. I need you outside on the perimeter.

When do we get the cure?

Now is not the time to ask me a question.

Malcolm: Is it safe?

I thought you might ask me that.

See? Totally painless.

This way, come on!

Parents, administer to your children.

Men, aid our women before helping yourselves.

If you see any elderly persons, offer them assistance.

More than enough to go around.

(women coughing)

(bodies collapsing)

(all coughing)


(objects clattering)



(muffled shouting and banging)

(choking, retching and clattering continue)

(all screaming and shouting)

(theme music playing)