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04x09 - The Player's Choice

Posted: 03/04/15 08:05
by bunniefuu
By the way, that was slow and easy.

I don't think you should do it.

Most jocks are a bunch of narcissistic jerks.

I have been asked to be the interim head coach.


So, if my job doesn't look like yours, then it's not legitimate?

You can barely pay your rent.

I'm 20 years old. I don't need to think about my future.

This would make a good musical.

Why don't we work on this, together? You could be the composer?

I'm in.

You invited me for a booty call, I want more than that.

That's called a relationship.

I guess we just want different things.

Are you saying that you regret having sex with t*nk, or that it was not consensual?

If we're gonna get past this, I need you to know the truth and be okay with it.

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, whoa ♪
♪ oh, oh, oh, oh, whoa ♪
♪ the world is yours to shape ♪
♪ just possibilities ♪

11 wins in a row!

Suck it, artificial intelligence.

I didn't know you were back on house arrest?

Ha, that's funny.

I will have you know I have an excellent excuse for wasting so much time.

My "Everyday Hero" project is officially on hold.

I thought you just got the go-ahead to paint all those benches?

I did, but now they need to do background checks on everyone that I picked.

Including the 79-year-old woman who volunteers as a crossing guard.

Gotta make sure that she's not some drug kingpin.

Any word from Emmett?


Every day I wake up thinking today will be the day that he calls, and then total radio silence.

It's like t*rture.

Just give it time. He'll come around, honey.

John: Yeah. I got it, thanks.

That is ridiculous!

Haven't had my first cup of coffee and already I'm putting out fires.

What's wrong?

Another one of my assistants quit.

Everyone's jumping ship to follow Coach Walsh to his new team.

I'm sorry, honey.

Leaving me completely short-handed.

We have this huge game against the Badgers this week.

If we win, I'm going to ask the athletic director to call off the search for the new head coach and give me the job full time.


Where am I going to find help with such short notice?

Oh, you're kidding, right?

You said Al you're doing is playing the waiting game?

Honey, this would be great!

I would love you to work with me.

It'll keep your mind off Emmett.

All right.

Really? You're in?

Let's play ball!

So, uh, let me get your number?



Royce. I know that.

You know what? It's cool. I'm just gonna see you around.

Oh, hey.

Have I mentioned what a bad idea it is to get involved with someone who lives right down the hall?

Another m1ngo sighting?

He hooked up with some girl last night.

I have a great idea to take your mind off him.

We should join a sorority!

I'm not the sorority type.

Well, you know, party girls whose main talent is holding each other's hair back while they puke?

I'll give you a pass on that stereotyping because you have had a bad morning.

I hear it's a lot of fun.

And don't you want to leave college with a few good stories to tell?

I could stand to meet a few people.

Yes! (Giggling)

(Both giggling)

You know how I've been looking all over for a place to do my ukulele circle?

Well, I finally found one.

The Cracked Mug, Regina's new coffee house.

It's so nice of her.


Good game last week.

Who's that?

She signs. She must be in the deaf program?

Your stock is on the rise around here.

Hey, what's up?

So, T-money, we going out again, tonight?




Enjoy your night, "T-money."

(Accompanied by piano) ♪ I wanna find an up-and-comer ♪
♪ and make a little whoopee ♪
♪ it's fun without any strings ♪
♪ it's love without any rings ♪
♪ and that's why I wanna be ♪
♪ a baseball groupie ♪

I'll be waiting by the bus.

Yes! (Applauding)

Oh my god, I love it!

Really? You're not just being polite?

Well, you can count the number of Broadway shows I've seen on one hand, but if the rest of the songs are that good, you've got a massive hit on your hands.

Well, how do you feel about this massive hit having its world premiere at the cracked mug?

We need a place to put on a showcase.

Maybe stage a few numbers? Invite some potential investors?

Are you kidding?

Eric and I could stand to get some butts in the door.

How's next week?

I'll call him right now.

Well, that was easy.

Okay, I'm gonna put up fliers at UMKC, and we have to rehearse every night this week.

Yeah, uh, except Thursday.

I'm taking Lily to Vesuvius.

Whoa, fancy.

Yeah. I'm going to ask her to move in with me.

And I hope she reacts better than that.

I love Lily, but don't you think it's a little soon after Nikki to get so involved with someone?

One of the problems with me and Nikki was we never had the chance to live together before we got married.

And honestly, I wasn't asking for your opinion.

You're right. Forget I said anything.

I will. Can we get back to work?

Skye: So, how are you doing?

I get it. Breakups are the worst.

Well, I'm here if you ever want to talk.

To make your own student film?

You realize they don't usually let freshman direct, right?

In fact, I'm pretty sure the list begins and ends with George Lucas.

You'd knock it out of the park.

I'd love to.


♪ ♪

♪ isn't it funny? ♪
♪ I like to dance when I'm on my own ♪
♪ whenever it's sunny ♪

Why does it feel like we've walked into a beauty contest?

♪ I fly in my dreams almost every night ♪

♪ ♪

Okay, maybe you were right?

Maybe this isn't for me?

No, that's ridiculous.

Any sorority here would be lucky to have you.

♪ Mind the gap, mind the girl ♪
♪ have another drink on me ♪
♪ grab a seat in the world ♪

I know that girl from my geology class.

♪ ♪

(Laughing) That's hilarious!

Go for it!

Come. I'll introduce you.

Um, do your thing.

I'll be here if you need me.

♪ Not everything's peachy, no ♪
♪ but let's keep a good attitude ♪
♪ my friends know I always run late on a plan ♪
♪ ♪

Hi, I'm Erin.

Theta. Theta Delta Pi.


I saw you signing. One of my study partners is in the deaf program.

Are you rushing?

I'm just here supporting a friend.

I'm pre-med. I don't think I'll have time.

Yeah. I said the same thing last year.

What do you mean?

I was drowning. But the senior Thetas helped me pick my schedule, they gave me advice on the best professors.

Look, I'm telling you, it's worth joining just for the test banks alone.

Tests from all the previous years?


And since Thetas tend to be over-achievers, the networking is pretty insane.

Wow. I thought it was just a bunch of dumb parties.

First of all, they aren't dumb, they're awesome.

And, like anything, you can find the clichés if you're looking for them.

You're right.

And hopefully, it's like finding your tribe.

When you know, you know.

So, you want to meet a few people?

Yeah, I do.

♪ ♪
♪ mind the gap, mind the girl ♪

I need you to make a very straight line from third base here, all the way there to home plate.

Okay? Very straight. Got that?

Yep. You're talking to an artist here.

Making lines is kind of my thing.

Okay, thank you, sweetie.

I'm checking in with Travis now.

(Phone buzzing)

Hey! Uh, hey?

Hey, hi, Emmett? What...


Oh, I am so glad that you called.

It's really good to see you.



So, how have you been?

That's great!

That's really great.

I got commissioned by the city to do an art project.

Look at us.

Still a power couple, right?

Oh, uh, sure.

Hey, I miss... you...


That's your third bouncer, today.

Okay, no, no, no. Whatever is going on, leave it in the locker room, okay?

When you're here, I need your head in the game.

You understand me?

Bay, where's Bay? Bay!

Get over here!

You got your phone?

Yeah, why?

Okay, I need you to video this young man so that I can show him everything that he's doing wrong today.


I'm gonna go work with the infielders. Good luck.

Someone needs a Xanax.

You okay?

All right, what did you do?

Because you're the guy and she is the nicest person on the planet.

Oh, apologize. Profusely and immediately.

No! No, no, no, no! This is not the end.

Do you still love her?

Then you have to keep talking to each other.

You two are meant to be together.

There is no way that I am letting you go down without a fight.

Hey, Red, wait up!

Whoa, hey, hey.

Hey, where is the fire?

I can't talk. I have way too much studying to do before pref day.

Whoa. You're rushing?

Yeah. Why?

Just did not strike me as the type.

What do you know about it?

A lot, actually.

You got the tri-ups. Those girls will drink you right under the table.

(With Southern accent) Rho Kappa Eps are your good old Southern girls.

Although they are a bit prissy for my tastes.

And then... you've got the Thetas.

My personal favorite.

Sounds like you have a lot of experience.

Um, you're mad at me about yesterday morning.

Not sure what you're talking about.

I just wanted to let you know that it wasn't like I was trying to rub your face in it or anything.

It was just bad timing.

It's fine.

You were honest with me about who you are.

Hook up with whoever you want.

Ugh, I'm sorry Travis got you involved.

I'm not. You two are my friends, and I'm just here to help. Talk to me.

I don't know.

It's that whole jock culture. It's the game. It changes them.

Well, right now, it's the other way around.

What do you mean?

He's miserable. He can't hit the broad side of a barn.

Maybe one of those Spirit Girls can help him out.

What are Spirit Girls?

Pocket-sized hotties that go to all the games.

Is that was this is about?

Mary Beth, Travis would never cheat on you.

If he did, I'd k*ll him.

It's not just that. He used to be so sweet and considerate.

Now, it's like he barely knows I exist.

You just hit a bump in the road.

You two are good together. You have a history.

You don't just throw all of that away.

Talk to him tell him how you feel.

No, I'm not gonna nag him.

If he wants to talk, he can come to me.

(Sighs) Fine. I'll talk to him.

♪ ♪
♪ girls playing tonight ♪
♪ at terminal five ♪

Welcome to pref day.

I'm Stephanie. I'm your rush counselor.

Over the next few hours, you'll be interviewed by the five sororities on campus.

At the end, you'll rank your top three in order of preference.

If you match, you'll get a bid.

Ok, ladies. Let's get started.


(Both laughing)

Kathryn, hi!

What are you doing here?

I was just putting up fliers for our musical showcase.

Excellent! This is Julian Stanton.

He's one of our professors in the deaf program.

Pleasure to meet you.

Hi, I'm Kathryn Kennish.

Julian recently joined from Gallaudet.

It was a tough call, but Lily is quite the persuasive recruiter.

How do you two know each other?

Oh, Kathryn's my b... um...

You know Daphne Vasquez in our program?

Kathryn's her mum.

Oh, I see the resemblance.

(Nervous laughter)

Thank you.

Well, I have to run.

I'll see you at the staff meeting, later?

Yeah, I'll see you later.

All right.


Oh, gosh!

I'm late for a class visit.

Shall I take some of those and put them across the other side of campus?

Yeah, sure. Thank you.




So, tell me why you want to be a Theta?

Well, I want to be a part of the sisterhood.

You don't have to give me the canned answer. Just relax.

Right. Okay.


Well, Thetas put a big emphasis on academics.

That's something that's really important to me.

I got a 4.0 GPA all through high school.

I'm doing my best to continue the trend.

Well, we don't like to focus on ourselves all the time.

I worked at a free clinic in East Riverside last year.

That's really why I decided to go pre-med.

To help those less fortunate.


Uh, here's a fascinating thing about me, I was switched with another baby at the hospital.

I was raised by the wrong set of parents.

We didn't find out till I was 15.


And, it turns out that my biological father is John Kennish.

He played for the Royals.

Kind of a celebrity. Crazy, right?

I don't really follow sports.

Oh, he's also a state senator.

And my mom is Kathryn Kennish, the novelist.

She wrote a book about us. It was a bestseller.


I think you should meet some of the other Thetas.

Oh, that'd be great!

Here's our rush chair now.

Daphne, this is Royce.

Hi, nice to meet you.


You look so familiar to me.

Do we have a class together?

I don't think so.

Hmm. What's your major?


Ah, I'm Russian lit. Hmm.

What dorm do you live in?


I saw you yesterday morning.

Oh, you have nothing to be embarrassed about.

That guy m1ngo hooks up with everyone.


No, no! I mean, even me.

Well, just that one time.

We're not together or anything.

He doesn't want a relationship, so...

I'm gonna stop talking now.

Oh, it's fine, really.

So, you're pre-med?

Hi. I'm looking for lily Summers.

No. It's okay. Thank you.

Oh, hi, Kathryn, you're still here?


I was just gonna put some more musical fliers up here, but, um, I... I gotta go home.


You get close to people you work with, but I promise there's nothing going on between Julian and I.

It's really... it's none of my business.

No, I'm glad you came back so we could talk about it.

But, I promise, you have nothing to worry about.

Well, it's just that you introduced me as Daphne's mom, not Toby's.

I did?

I did.
Look, does Julian know you have a boyfriend?

Honey, I am not judging.

It's just that I know how Toby feels about you, and I don't want to see him get his heart broken again.


Okay. I want all of you here two hours before the game, tomorrow.


I was not asking for any opinions, okay?

Everybody needs a really good warmup.

3:00, no exceptions. That's it.

Bay, it's all yours.

All right. Well, now if you would all just stack your equipment right over here in some nice, neat piles.

That... would be amazing.

Or, you could do that. That works too.

Thank you. Thank you.


No, of course not.

But, think about it from her side.

You're on this whole new journey without her.

You have to show her that she is still the most important thing in your life.

Stephanie: Okay, it's time to write down your preferences.

Remember, the more sororities you list, the better your chances of getting a bid.

So, how did it go with Lambda?

I think it went well.

I liked all the girls, and they seemed to like me.

So, you're gonna put them down first?

Actually, I'm thinking about doing a su1c1de bid.


Just them. No one else.

Are you sure?

Lambda is where I feel like I belong.

It's them or nobody for me.

Hey, I got your text. What's up?

Can't you reschedule?

First of all, I suck at pitching.

It's one of the reasons I'm a DP and not a director.

Second, my ASL is nowhere near good enough.

Hey, Tim! Uh, have you seen Travis?

Yeah, I saw him get into a car out front. Just a few minutes ago.


Okay, it's 3:00, everyone checked in?

I don't see Travis.

He was heading to the locker room to go get an ice pack for his shoulder.

I hope you mean a heat pack.

Yeah, that one.

Okay, when you see him, tell him I want him to do 12 pitches at 50 feet, and then 16 at 60.

I will definitely tell him that.

Here you go.

Iris Watkins?

I'm gonna wait for you.

Stop torturing yourself! Go ahead.


(Gasps and giggles)

I'm in! I'm gonna be a Lambda!

Yay! Oh!

(Both laughing)

Oh, congratulations!

Yes, yes, yes.

That's all of them.

Oh, but Daphne didn't get an envelope?

Oh, I'm sorry.

If there's no envelope, it means you didn't get a bid.

I don't understand.

I made a single bid for Theta.

I guess they didn't want me.

Well, then they're idiots.

It's fine.

I wasn't really that into it anyway.

Ok, here we go.

One, two, a-one-two-three-four.

(All playing ukulele)

For you.

And that's when our hero realizes... that he's broken the sound barrier...



So, it's the whole post-apocalyptic, dystopian Fritz Lang, thing?

But it's silent. You got that, right?

Epstein: Yeah, I got that.

It's just that everyone wants to do silent since The Artist won the Oscar.

So, it's a no?

Emmett, you're pitching me what you think I want to hear.

Next time, tell me a story that you want to watch.

Something personal.

Uh, Professor?

A love story.

About a deaf boy who falls in love for the very first time... with a hearing girl.

Epstein: That's interesting.

It certainly hasn't been done to death.

Keep talking.

Thank you. Yeah, I'll see you guys around.


Thank you for coming.

I wanna introduce you to everyone if you...

Oh, right. Well, let me drive you.

I wanna be there to watch you pitch, anyway.

Oh, well, you got a ride?

Anna drove you all the way over here just to wait in the car?

Why would she do that?

A fan? Can't you see how ridiculous that is?

No, you're right. It shouldn't, but it does.

I can't do this anymore.

I've worked really hard to be the kind of person who's not needy and insecure, but this relationship is turning me into someone I don't want to be.

You're a freshman in college.

You should be able to hang out with whoever you want.

Date whoever you want.

You're the first person I ever fell in love with.

The first person I ever thought about a future with.

I lost my virginity to you.

I learned a new language for you.

I will always love you.

But this relationship isn't right for me anymore.

Please, don't make it harder than it is for me to do this.

All right, all right, let's go!

Oh, hey. Athletic director just got here.

Is my star pitcher all warmed up?

Uh, not exactly.

Where is he?

Okay, don't freak out.

Um, I was covering for him.


I'm sorry, but he had something really important to do for Mary Beth.

He's blowing off a ball game for his girlfriend?

What the hell is he thinking?

You can't blame it all on Travis.

He was following my advice.

I didn't know that he would miss the game.

Bay, you're the one who is supposed to be on my side here.

Do you have any idea how important this game is to me?

Maybe too important?

What did you just say?

Travis is going through a really hard time, right now, but you don't care about that.

If it's not about baseball, it doesn't matter to you.

You're not pitching. You are benched.

Dad, please!

Those are the rules.

Please tell me that it went well with Mary Beth?

Uh, can I talk to you?

Sure. What's up?

I didn't get a bid from Theta.

I know. It was a competitive year, I'm sorry.

I think we both know why I didn't get in.

We do?

We hooked up with the same guy and you blackballed me.

Look, I'm not allowed to discuss the decision-making process.

Ugh, okay, fine.

I'm not even sure why I care, since it's catty, and shallow, and pretty much exactly what I expected from someone in a sorority before I started this whole stupid process.

The reason you didn't get a bid had nothing to do with m1ngo.

In fact, I voted for you.

Tara is the one who blackballed you.


The girl you interviewed with.

She said you were trying way too hard to impress her.

I'm sorry you didn't get in.

And, I'm even more sorry I hooked up with a guy that you are clearly obsessed with.

But, if you're looking for a catty and superficial girl, I think you should try looking in the mirror.

Do you want anything else?

No, no, I'm good.

Toby, this dinner was perfect, thank you.

Okay then.

Toby, if this is...

No! No, it's not a ring.

(Laughing nervously)

With my history, that's totally fair.


No, uh, please, just open it.


I want you to move in with me.

I want to wake up next to you every morning.

I want to go to sleep with you every night.

I want you to be 10 feet away when I'm flossing.

All of it.

That's so lovely. Thank you.

We can start moving your things in tonight.


I have feelings for someone else.


I didn't mean for it to happen, and nothing has happened.

It's just feelings.

And that doesn't mean that I don't still have them for you.

Who is it?

He's a colleague.

We've spent a lot of time together.

At work, I mean.

I'm sorry.

I really don't want us to break up.

I'm just confused.

Me too.

Daphne: You should have seen me in that interview.

I was overselling myself like I was in some bad infomercial.

Aww, honey.

And then, when I found out that I didn't get a bid, I got in this girl's face.

I swear, two more minutes and I would have been pulling out her hair.

I'm trying not to laugh. don't! It's mortifying!

I didn't even know you were rushing.

I don't know. I wasn't planning on it, but then you go through the process and you see everyone in their groups, and they all look so happy.

And they have each other, and then you start to think, I need to do this.

I need a group of overnight best friends.

That's completely human.

I never thought I'd be the kind of girl who got caught up in some outsider label of who's cool.

And yet, I'm sitting here feeling like a total loser because the Thetas didn't want me.

Sweetie, it doesn't make you pathetic that you want to find your people.

I just don't think they're Thetas.

Yeah, well, that's good because the Thetas don't think I'm their people, either.


You'll find them.


(Mugs clink)

(Playing ukulele)

(Knock at the door)


Hey. Come on in.

I can play almost anything, as long as it's in C.

You got any requests?

Yeah. I want you to give Travis another chance.

Bay, please.

Just listen.

I know that you think that he is way too caught up in baseball, but he was late to the game, and my dad benched him.

And our backup pitcher was a total disaster.

And we ended up losing the biggest game of the year by seven runs.

And Travis is persona non grata with the whole team.

I didn't want that.

I know. And...

I'm not trying to make you feel guilty.

I just want you to see what a priority you are to him.

Sometimes, things just don't work out.

I don't accept that.

Well, I think you're gonna have to, 'cause it's really over.

I'm sorry.


And just 'cause it's over for us, doesn't mean it's over for you and Emmett.

What are you talking about?

You're a good friend, and I know you care about me and Travis, but come on, that's the relationship you should be fighting for.


(Playing the piano)

Hey. What are you doing here?

I thought you were out with Lily?

Oh, we finished early.

Huh. How was dinner?

It was fine.

Um, whole moving in thing is not gonna happen, though.


You were right.

I decided it's just too soon.

Is there anything I can do to help?

I was thinking maybe we could get some work done.


You look beautiful.

I'm on my way to bid night.

I feel so bad.

I wish you were going to your own.

Go have a great time, then come back and tell me all their dirty little secrets.

Wow. Wow. Wow.

You are smoking.

Do you go here? I'm m1ngo, by the way.

Very funny.

So, uh, where's the fancy dress?

I thought tonight was the big signing ceremony?

Oh, um, I decided not to join a sorority.

Um, you know, actually... the truth is I didn't get a bid.

Oh. Well, that's their loss and my gain.

Why is that?

Sorority pledges have, like, no free time.

I wouldn't see you for the next two months.

Who says you're gonna see me?

What are you doing, tonight? You wanna come up to my room, and like...

Play darts?


You know what, actually, not tonight. I'm busy.

I'm hanging with my tribe.

♪ ♪

♪ Been right here all ♪
♪ along ♪

♪ ♪

Congratulations! You're making a movie!

Just let me be your DP.


(Woman vocalizing)

What's all this?

A new shipment of gloves came in.

I'm breaking in the leather.

Got an extra rag?

Uh, so, how did it go with the athletic director?

The search is still on.

Guess I'm not getting that job.

At least not yet.

You were right, Dad.

I should have been watching your back.

There will be other games.

You know, I'm tough on my guys because my coaches were tough on me, and that's what got me to the majors.

I know this game better than I know anything else.

This is what I'm supposed to be doing.

I know what you mean.

Hey, dad, do you think that you could find someone to fill in for me or a while?

Sure, sweetie.

Need to get back to that art project?


Uh, not exactly.

I'm going to L.A.

(Woman vocalizing)

♪ ♪