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05x16 - In Plain View

Posted: 03/11/15 10:23
by bunniefuu
Woman on radio: If all the good folks in Boston are tucked into bed, what are you doing awake at this hour?

Tell me what keeps you up at night.

Is it love? Adventure?

[Engine sputtering]



Share your secrets with me, and maybe I'll share some of mine with you.

I'm waiting for you. I know you're out there.

Don't be shy.

[Static hisses, engine stalls]

[sighs deeply]

[Engine sputtering]

All my lines are open.

Call me... [static continues hissing]

Hello... the first call ... [click]

[Pops hood]

[Groans] What do we got?

[Exhales deeply]

Should've paid more attention in shop class.

[Vehicle approaches]

[Gears shift, engine turns off]


[Car door shuts]

Thanks for stoppin'.

I hope you know about engines, because I can't tell a gasket from...






[Knock on door]

Come in!

[Muffled voice] Really?


[Door closes]


That's my mine.

I would not put your mail in my mouth.

By the way, bad idea letting the mailbox overflow.

It tells a burglar that you're on vacation, even when you're not.

What's with the catalogues?

I don't know.

A few weeks ago, they started arriving in droves.

I was on one of those "no junk mail" lists, but apparently I have been dropped.

"A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to explore the ecosystem of the Galã¡pagos Islands."

Oh, the only island your father ever took me to was Castle Island, and that was for the submarine races.

Well, technically, Castle Island hasn't really been a Harbor Island since it was connected to Boston proper with landfill in the 1800s.

So I can't see you could watch submarine races.

That was the point.

[Makes kissing noises]

Gross, Ma.


Anyway, I would like to go to the Galã¡pagos islands.

Swim with the turtles and march with the penguins, whatever people do in the Galã¡pagos.

All right, Mom, you let us know how that works out for you...

Oh, my!


Angela: Wow.

Okay, those are beautiful. Where did they come from?

I don't know. And they're not in my size.

Chez Katia.

Chez Katia? That's strange. I haven't shopped there in ages.

Mn-mh. Sounds like a variation of the bait and switch ploy. You know?

Chez Katia is a very reputable boutique.

Yes, and Chez Katia sends you a beautiful pair of shoes in the wrong size. You love them, so you will go to Chez Katia and you will buy the right size.

But while you're there, mademoiselle... [Imitates French accent] maybe you could buy all ze shoes and give us all ze money.


Well, if it is a ploy, it's going to work, 'cause I'm gonna stop and exchange them on the way to the office.

[cell phone vibrates]


Rizzoli. [Whispering] You know what?

A couple of hours isn't gonna make a difference.

[Lowered voice] Yeah.

Besides, those shoes don't match your dress.

Good point.

[Cell phone vibrates, beeps]


5x16 - "In Plain View"

[Siren wailing]

Korsak: Can you get me a good shot of the cell phone relative to the body?

Ooh. What do we got?

Not exactly the convivial greeting I was expecting.

Well, a very good morning to you, Sergeant Korsak.

Yes, it is a good morning. Not so much for him.

Yeah. Good point. This is Todd Reynolds. 32.

Night shift freight manager at Rapid Courier.

Reported missing by his wife early this morning when she woke up and realized he didn't make it home from his shift.

[camera shutter clicking]

Did someone move him?

Not that I know of.

He was dead when the cops found him.

Road's pretty isolated. Is this on his way home?

Yeah. It's a straight shot from where he works.

No body damage to the car. No skid marks or brake marks.

Exterior's immaculate. There's no sign of an accident.

Well, it's parked pretty straight, telling us that he probably wasn't forced off the road.

Laptop and grocery bag in the front seat.

Well, that bag takes up the entire backseat, so he was alone.

Clothes are neatly folded, so nobody's rifled through it.

And there's 40 bucks in his wallet.

So it's not a robbery.

And keys are in the ignition.

[Engine starts]

[Turns off engine]


Well, everything seems to be in order. What made him stop?

Maybe he met someone.

Could be a sexual liaison gone awry.

Do you think so, Mr. Holmes?

Kiki suggested that I expand my vocabulary and not use cop talk all the time.


It's a nice isolated spot for a drug transaction.

Maybe he was flagged down and then beaten to death when he helped.

Maura, did you find anything?

Well, the time of death was approximately eight hours ago.

There's significant blunt force trauma
confined to the area of the head and the face.

Defensive injuries?

Can't be sure until after the autopsy.

But if no one moved him, the only explanation for that blood spatter is that the first blows didn't k*ll him.

And the small drops here indicate that the victim was low to the ground and moving forward.

Jane: He was crawling.

And they increase in size here.

He was trying to get to his feet.

Maura: Then the assailant struck him again.

That looks like blood.

Hey, can we get a picture of this?

[Camera shutter clicks]

It's unlikely that our victim reached for a handkerchief while he was being beaten to death.

Well... maybe we caught a break, and it belongs to our k*ller.

Wife's name is Florence.

Division detectives had already notified her when I arrived.

She say anything?

I haven't talked to her except to get permission to search the office.

They have a son.

How old?


All right, thanks.

Mrs. Reynolds?

My name is Detective Jane Rizzoli.

I'm so sorry for your loss.

I-I feel like if I...

[voice breaking] stay here and keep watching Logan, Todd will come home.


Who would want to hurt my husband?

I don't know, but I will do my best to find out.

Can I ask you a couple questions?


[Breathes deeply]

Um, what time did Todd normally get home from work?

Around 2:00. Sometimes a little later if he's hungry and he stops for something to eat.

Was he meeting someone after work?

Who would he be meeting?

I-I-I don't understand.


Do you know if Todd had a drug problem?


No, detective.

Todd didn't use dr*gs. He barely drank.

And no, he wasn't having an affair.

How do you know for sure?

I lost my job this year. The bills started to pile up.

Todd changed shifts for the extra hours,

but every free moment he had, he spent with us.

There wasn't room in his day for someone else.

What was his relationship like with your son?

They were in separable. Peas in a pod.

Do you mind if I ask him a couple questions?

[Whispers] Okay.


[Whispers] Thank you.

Hey, Logan.

My name is Jane Rizzoli. I'm a detective.

And I'm really sorry about what happened to your dad.

You ever seen one of those up close before?

You know why I have it?

- So people will know you're the police.

That's right.

And it also reminds me that I have a job to do, and that job is to help people when bad things happen to them.

You understand?


What helps me do my job is if people talk to me.

People like you.

Is there anything you wanna tell me?

I could really use your help, Logan.

A man came here two days ago.

Dad looked through the peephole and sent me to my room.

He say why you had to go to your room?

Dad wanted to talk in private.

Can you tell me what they said?

Will you tell my mother?

Not if I don't need to, no.

My dad didn't want her to know.

Think he'd want me to know?

The man came in and was yelling a lot.

Dad told him to be quiet because I was in the other room.

The man kept yelling.

And what did you do?

I got scared and put a pillow over my ears so I wouldn't hear the yelling anymore.

But... But the man got madder.

Dad said he was calling the police.

Did he call the police?


The man left.

I heard the door slam, then it was quiet.

You did a really good job remembering all that.

Thank you.

Is there a reason that your father didn't want your mother to know?

He said it would just make her worry.

Mm. Right.

Did you happen to get a look at the guy at the door?

No. I didn't.

But I'll never forget his voice.

[Door closes] Hi.

Todd's son might be able to identify his k*ller by his voice.

Mm. There's a recent study that shows that the ability to recognize a voice diminishes with time.

Almost 70% in less than 2 weeks.

Well, then we should find whoever did this quickly.

Please, no dawdling, doctor.

I don't know the meaning of the word.

Well, of course I know the meaning of the word.

I just meant that...

Yeah, I got it. Yeah. Mm-hmm.

What's up, Chang?

I have a preliminary toxicology report.

Uh, the initial toxicology screen was negative.

And my physical examination showed no evidence of any past substance abuse.

So he wasn't making a drug deal last night.

Sexual as*ault?

No indications of any recent sexual activity.

Hmm. Okay, what about the handkerchief?

Oh, we just started processing the victim's clothing for trace evidence. The handkerchief's up next.

Uh, what about the m*rder w*apon?

Well, the initial strike was to the front of the skull. Here.

Mnh. Yes. I'm thinking a piece of rebar.

He was struck again along the jawline near the neck, but as I expected, it was not fatal.

Which is what we saw at the crime scene.

So the k*ller thought he was done. Todd moved.

He hit him again... probably with an iron pipe.

This strike fractured the skull, resulting in death.

Yes, I hear you loud and clear.

The m*rder w*apon was long and fat and soft.

Fine. Fine. The w*apon was likely a metal rod, less than a half an inch thick.

[Exhales sharply] Yes, it could've been a tire iron or a piece of rebar or a steel pipe or about a thousand other metal instrumentalities.

Thank you. Defensive wounds?

No defensive wounds, Jane. This attack was unexpected.

So either he didn't see it coming, or he knew his k*ller and wasn't afraid of him.

Or her.

Do you think it was a jilted lover?

That's not what I said.

[quietly] You kind of did.

Thanks, Chang.

I-I said that. I didn't think you said that.

You said something totally different that implied something else.

Korsak: I spoke with Todd's coworkers.

He was, by all accounts, a decent guy.

Polite, considerate, and respectful.

We confirmed he left at the end of his shift at 2:00 A.M.

Then he went to the all day market.

He bought yogurt and a candy bar. Receipt says 2:20 A.M.

It's only a few minutes from the store to where we found his car and his body.

And there's no evidence yet of any... extramarital philandering.

Give it to me.

But it's a gift from Kiki.

And you can have it back when you're promoted to lieutenant.

Right now I need you to speak like a real cop.

As I was saying, if this guy was screwing around, it'd be difficult to hide it in this electronic age.

If there was an affair, it'll turn up.

I also put our M.O. into N.C.I.C. on the off chance that this was a thrill k*ll, somebody's done this before.

Oh, god, I hope not.

Some random, side of the road nutbag would really slow down our investigation.

If you use the thesaurus, you could come up with a nicer word than "nutbag."


Financials show their credit cards maxed out months ago.

All the charges look like household expenses.

So if he's having an affair, he's not charging it.

They took out a second mortgage six months ago.

That money's gone.

But there were two large cash deposits into their checking account a month ago.

Nobody's giving him a third mortgage.

Do we know where that money came from?

No place that files paperwork.

Well, every neighborhood has the guy you go to when the banks turn you down.

Can you check around for a loan shark?

- Mm-Hmm.

It's like you said.

It's hard to hide anything in this electronic day and age... like maybe someone who was incarcerated in a penal colony for usury.

Mmm. Delicious.

Thank you, Shauna. See you soon.

May I help you?

Yes. These shoes seem to have been sent to me by accident.

Oh, my goodness. I'm so sorry. These were for Dr. Isles.

I understand, expect I ...

I don't understand why these went out.

They were supposed to be held here with all her other selections.

All of her other selections?

Oh. Is that...

It is. Dr. Isles has incredible taste.

I like to think so. [chuckles]

Do you know her?

No, I don't.

But I look forward to meeting her.

Do you have this in my size?

We do.

Man: Come see me at 4:00. Don't make me come find you.

Loan-sharking has gotten a lot easier in the age of voice mail.

Yeah. No more chasing deadbeat clients down dark alleys.

Come on, guys.

Do I look like someone who chases people down dark alleys?

All right, in the interest of keeping a good relationship with the cops, I'll cooperate.

Todd owed me money. About $15,000.

What does that add up to with the vig, Chris?

It's not like that. I lend money to people the banks won't.

A gangster with a heart of gold.

You don't put money on the street without a collection plan.

That's true. It's very true.

But there's a big difference between scaring someone and k*lling them.

Dead people don't pay their debts.

Where were you last night?

At home with my wife.

[Knock on door]

Read it. Out loud.

In the interest of keeping a good relationship with the cops.

"No, I'm not going to shut up and I'm not forgiving anything."

Would you read the last line louder, please?

I'm not forgiving anything.

You recognize his voice, Logan?


We have to do this the right way. Okay?

We have to make sure it's the truth.


It's not him.

[Whispers] Okay.

And the saleswoman loves her and she has interesting taste.

I mean, take this dress, for instance.

I might never have chosen it because of the flare.

Well, I think you should cancel your credit cards and report this to the police, which should be easy given this building is full of them.

Not yet. [Sighs deeply]

You know, I have been interested in the imposter phenomenon since that paper by Clance and Imes.

It's fascinating how it manifests itself in high achieving women.

Well, I think the imposter has an interest in your high credit limit.

And more than likely, she is convinced that she is not worthy of her accomplishments.

But I am not sure why she'd want to be me.

To steal your money.

Well, of course I know that, but I do have a chance to observe her up close.

Wait, what do you mean you have a chance to observe her up close?

You're not thinking of doing something crazy, are you?

Well, she made a reservation on my credit card for the Newbury for tomorrow.

Dr. Isles, I... [sighs]

I'm only going to observe her.

I'm gonna listen in on her conversations and see what makes her tick.

Now take a look at this.


There's blood spatter on the grille of Todd's car, but not on the hood.

Well, the void could be from the k*ller's body.

Did you tell Detective Rizzoli about this identify thief?

Oh. No, not yet. Because once I tell her, she's gonna get all detective-y... [sighs] and then I won't be able to observe the imposter in its natural habitat.

She's not a gorilla in the Congo.

I mean, that actually sounds safer than what you're talking about.

I promise not to make contact.

[Scoffs] Besides, I'm bringing backup.

Now let's go take a look at Todd's car.

Chris Alexander's wife said he was with her all night long.

I don't necessarily believe her, but I believe Logan Reynolds.

Sergeant Korsak?


A Detective Guthrie from Camden.


Yes, sir. Maine.

He called about your N.C.I.C. request.

What's he got for us?

All he said was he'll be traveling down here tomorrow, wants to come by.

I hope this isn't someone using a case to get some good Italian food in the big city.

I have traveled for less.

[Car engine idling]


There is blood spatter on the underside the hood.

Which means Todd was att*cked while he was checking the engine.

Why would he do that? The car started at the crime scene.

Yes, and when we found that all systems were in perfect working order, I developed a theory.

Are you going to share that theory?

In a moment. I'm waiting.

This is not the dress you wore to work this morning.

[Engine sputtering] That is an interesting story that I'm sure Dr. Isles ...

Would be very happy to share my theory with you.

This is my theory.

The suction from the fuel pump pulled the sock over the filter.

Which blocked the gas to the engine and stalled the car.


So Todd's car was sabotaged.

Well, it could've been put in his t*nk when he was at work or when he stopped at the store.

Either way, all the k*ller had to do was follow him home and wait for the car to stall out.

That's right.

I'm gonna have Nina pull up security videos from Todd's work and the store.

Maybe we can get a look at whoever did it.


We have any idea on motive?

No, nothing yet.

Oh. [Sighs]

Come on, the Black Bears haven't won a conference title since 2004.

Hey, they took B.C., B.U., and U.N.H. last season.

Their time is coming.

Yeah, but they still gotta get past Northeastern.

Detective Rizzoli, this is the detective from Camden, Maine.

Mike Guthrie.

Right. Yeah.

Thanks for coming. I'm Jane Rizzoli.

What do you got for us?

Who the hell gave you my evidence?

It's not. It's mine.

We're hunting the same k*ller.

My first case as a detective.

Ruth Simons, late 60s, was found beaten to death on the side of a pretty desolate road.

Aren't all roads in Maine desolate?

[Chuckles] Only the ones that go through the towns.


Looked like she pulled over, got out, and was att*cked.


No. We ruled it out at the crime scene.

Her pocketbook, money... hell, even her groceries weren't touched.

Where'd she do her shopping?

All day market.

That's the same chain that's in our case.

[Sighs deeply] Didn't make sense that she'd stop in such a remote place, so I kept looking...

Till I found this in the gas t*nk.

Random nutholder?


Our crime lab guys took a look at the sock and the handkerchief.

They came up empty on any D.N.A.

I know this might be asking a lot, but... your crime lab is way more advanced than ours. So...

Could you get them to retest this stuff?

Uh, yeah.

Frankie, can you take this stuff down to the crime lab?

Maybe they can get started on it?

Sure thing.

Thank you.

This is the most optimistic I've been in two years.

Before I head back to the hotel, I just wanted to say thank you.

Yeah. You're welcome. And thank you.

Did the handkerchief in your case have a "V" cut into one side?

I don't know. But our criminalists are the best.

If it's there, they'll find it.

[Yawns] Man, I've been driving like a madman for hours.

I need coffee.

[Elevator bell dings]

The Division One Café is on the first floor.

Coffee's not good, but it's cheap and it's hot.

Oh, my god. I've heard of this place, but I never thought I'd actually eat here. [Chuckles]

This is so much better than going to the Galã¡pagos Islands.

Well, I'm not sure that's true, but I'm glad you're here.

Hello. Has Dr. Isles arrived yet?

Are you part of her group?

Aren't we lucky?

[Chuckles] Everyone's at the bar.


[Whispering] That's her.

Of course she's in couture.

Oh! No, no. I need you as my cover.

Oh. Okay.

I wanna document her on a video.

[Sighs deeply]

[Women laugh]

Well, I guess she's funny.

I'm funny.

Of course you are, Maura. Why don't we call Jane now?

No. No.

Then my observations of the imposter phenomenon would be incomplete. Just... let me get a little bit closer.

Okay, whoa, whoa. Whoa, whoa.

Didn't you say that the imposter phenomenon manifests itself in high-achieving women?



That is no high-achieving woman.

That's some con artist who happened to have your credit card number.

[Whispers] Sit.


[Exhales deeply]

[Exhales deeply]

This field trip is not just to observe the imposter phenomenon.


[Sighs deeply]

Well, what else is it?

When I saw her selections at the boutique, I-I reviewed my credit card statement.

She made a spa and yoga combo I never would've thought of.

She's here at the Newbury, a place I've always wanted to go and I never have.

She is living my life better than I am.

Maura, she's a paper doll.

She hung a beautiful dress on herself, she added a fabulous pair of shoes, but none of it makes her you.

She's not smarter or better than you, Maura.

You've earned the respect and the love from all the people in your life.

What's better than that? [Sighs]

Thank you. Thank you, Angela.


Help! Someone, please help me!

Woman: Oh, god!

[Guests murmuring]

Call 9-1-1. I'm a doctor.

Man: We need your help.

Okay, let's get him down to the ground. Move him gently.

It's the emergency medical service.

This is Dr. Maura isles.

I've got an adult male, approximately 65 years old, in sudden cardiac arrest. I'm initiating C.P.R.

[mouths word]

[cell phone beeps]

I understand why Guthrie's so desperate for help.

He's got nothing. Feels like we got nothing!

Well, we didn't get anything from the security video.

I'll check with all day market, see if any of their employees transferred from Maine to Boston.

Maybe the store is the common denominator.


Oh, hello. How was your field trip with my mother?

Are the gorillas all right?

Susie confessed to me that she told you about my identity theft.

Yes, she did.

What's this?

This is your incident report, ready for you to sign.

Maura, why didn't you tell me about this?

I just wanted to see who she was, maybe learn something about myself before you...

Got all detective-y?

I just knew you would not approve of my field trip.

I do not approve, and not just because I'm a cop, because I'm your friend.

What you did could've been dangerous.

I took your mother.

Which is dangerous in it's own way.

Did you get a look at this fake Dr. Isles?

No. I was too busy being the real Dr. Isles.

Aren't you concerned about cross contamination?

It's just they're both on the same table, and ...

Oh, no, I already swabbed both the handkerchiefs for D.N.A.

This is just the comparison examination.



So are they the same?

Uh, well, I can tell you that the Boston handkerchief does not have a notch cut in its side.

Even I can see that.

What about the material? Is that the same?

Well, the maine handkerchief is made up of 100% cotton fibers.


The same as ours.

Uh, the thread count is 160. It's a pretty low-end hanky.

But I don't see any evidence of organic materials or discoloration that would indicate the presence of blood.

Now that being said...

I've removed a small sample...

Yeah. to examine for the presence of saliva ...

[Fire alarm blaring, bell ringing]

Ohh. What the hell's going on?

[Sprinklers hiss]

Ah! Okay!

Oh, no! Frankie!

Got it! Yeah!

Oh, my god.

Oh, no.

[Blaring and ringing continues]


Susie: We did our best to try to protect the evidence, but there was just so much water.

Does water destroy D.N.A.?

No. Worse. It washes it away.

So you're telling me that everything the water touched is contaminated?

Even if there was D.N.A. on this, we wouldn't be able to prove that is didn't wash onto it from somewhere else.

I-I'd hate to be the one to tell Guthrie that two years of his work went down the drain ... literally.

Oh, wow.

Larry, what happened?

There was a fire in the men's room.

In the men's room?

Small trash can fire. Somebody sneaking a cigarette.

System extinguished it in 15 seconds. I'm so sorry, Dr. Isles.

I mean, what kinda idiot smokes a cigarette in the bathroom?

That's a really good question, Larry.

I can't believe some dumb-ass threw a lit cigarette in the trash can.

They didn't. Look at this. Nobody smoked this cigarette.

They just used it to start the fire.

There has been a development in the evidence.

You were able to find something?

Not exactly. Um...

I'm sure you've noticed all the commotion going on out there.

Yeah. I thought that was a fire alarm test.

Didn't seem to last 10 seconds.

15 seconds exactly.

Um, there was a small fire in the men's room downstairs.

Oh. I hope no one was hurt.

No. No, no one was hurt. Um... but the alarms did set off the sprinklers in the lab while we were testing both handkerchiefs.

[Sighs deeply]

The evidence is ruined. [Sighs deeply]

I can't believe this. Damn it.

This whole case has been one roadblock after another.

I am so sorry.

I guess it's time I went back to maine.

Maybe it's time to put this case behind me.

I understand, but ...

Ooh! What the hell?!

I-I-I am so sorry.

What's wrong with you?

What's wrong with your whole department?

I know.

I, um...please, at least let me pay to get those cleaned.

It ... It's the least I can do.

You think that's gonna make right what you've done?

It doesn't. It doesn't fix anything.

Please, at least let me pay to get those cleaned.

It ... it's the least I can do.

You think that's gonna make right what you've done?

It doesn't. It doesn't fix anything.

[Exhales deeply]

That's him.


Logan just I.D.ed Guthrie's voice as the guy he heard arguing with his father.

Now that's not enough to put him away, but...

Well, I just found the connection between Todd and Mike Guthrie.

They went to summer camp together 25 years ago.

So Todd shows up on his porch yelling and screaming 'cause he lost a badminton game 25 years ago?

There was a reunion two weeks ago.

I tracked down one of the campers who was there.

Apparently that summer, Guthrie was teased by his cabinmates.

Well, everybody gets teased at camp.

Yeah, but Guthrie was a bed wetter.

This guy said the teasing was pretty vicious.

Then let me guess ... Todd Reynolds was the leader of the pack.

You got it.

Guthrie was so miserable that he had to call his stepfather to come take him home.

When the stepfather got there, he decided to teach Guthrie a lesson.

He spanked the poor kid in front of the entire camp.


After something like that?

It's possible Guthrie reorganized his life so that he could never be humiliated again.

[Grunts] And you and I both know cops who got the badge just so nobody could push them around anymore.

[Blows air] More than a few.

So what? The ... The reunion set him off?

Maura said a guy like Guthrie, "someone who was humiliated and left powerless by an abusive stepfather would have repressed his anger."

Until the reunion triggers an expl*si*n.

So why not fight right there? Why wait two weeks?

Guthrie didn't go. But at the reunion, Todd told my guy that he felt guilty about the teasings, said he wanted to make things right.

Well, maybe he reached out to Guthrie, and that's what lit the fuse.

If that's so, we need to track down all these cabinmates.

If he's been repressing anger for 25 years, he may be just getting started.

I located Guthrie's other four cabin buddies from camp 25 years ago.

Braintree, Marshfield, Wareham, and New Bedford.

How about Frankie? Is he still trailing Guthrie?

As far as I know.

I'm tracking Frankie's cell phone G.P.S. signal.

That's him there. Going North of the city.

Yeah, you're right, and all the other cabin buddies live South of the city.

You think Guthrie's going back home to Maine?

Could be. Maybe all he wanted to do was destroy the evidence against him.

They're getting off the highway.

Get Frankie on the phone, would you?

No service. Must be in a dead zone.

Where the hell is he going?

You know, when I ran Todd's phone records, there was a phone call to a number North of Boston.

Who was it to?

Dana Slowey, 2012 Trent Avenue, Revere.

Any calls between Slowey and Guthrie?

Quite a few calls between them, mostly from Dana to Guthrie.

The last one was minutes after Todd called Dana.

Wow. 13 domestic as*ault and battery charges.

Three claims of child endangerment.

Lost his driver's license after his fifth drunk driving conviction.

This guy's a beauty.

Do you think we found the stepfather?

Given the story I heard about the stepfather showing up at camp and making the kid's life worse, I'm guessing that's Guthrie's stepfather.

I guess Guthrie finally realized k*lling the other campers wasn't gonna solve his real problem.

I'm gonna call Jane and have her meet me at the car.

If you get through to Frankie, bring him up to speed, would you?

[Cell phone rings]

It's Frankie. Yeah?

He's been sitting here for 45 minutes.

- Any idea why he's waiting?

Jane: No, but keep your eyes peeled.

The stepfather lives two blocks away.

Shouldn't we take him down now, then?

All right, you got three kids coming through.

You wait till they get past to make a move.

I can't believe we didn't check this guy's story.

It wouldn't have done much good.

I mean, Guthrie just added a few phony details to one of his own cases.

Besides, when's the last time someone checked on us when we went into another jurisdiction?


If that much.

He's moving across the street.

Shit. He was waiting on the bus. Let's go and take him.

[Tires peal]


[Brakes screech]

Put it down, Mike!

Hey, you know what? Don't worry about it.

He hasn't got the balls to sh**t me. Kid's always been a p*ssy.

I am not a p*ssy. I'm a cop!

You're a cop? [Chuckles] In Maine.

Who's gonna hurt you there, huh? A big moose?

Shut up!

Oh, please don't sh**t me, Mikey.

You think I'm scared of you?

Go ahead. sh**t him, Mike.

Hey, come on. You friggin' crazy?

Yeah. sh**t him.

He deserves it.

[Holsters g*n]

You were just mad at Todd.

But this guy? This guy deserves it. sh**t him.

Korsak, Frankie ... they won't say a thing.

Not me.

Dana: Hey, come on.

Knock it off.

He did nothing but bully and hurt you your entire life.

Anybody would understand if you did it. Okay?

I'd understand.

[Voice breaks] Why couldn't I k*ll him?

[Handcuffs click]

What'd I tell ya?

He's a p*ssy. You let a girl take a g*n from you?

Man, shut up or I'll sh**t you myself!

Frankie: Let's go.

You wouldn't say anything, right?

Not a word.

It was right after I told him that you caught the man who... k*lled Todd.

He said he had a question for you. He won't tell em what it is.

He ... He said it was personal.

It's okay.

Thank you, by the way, for...

You're welcome.

[Sighs deeply]

Hey, bud.

Your mom said you have a question for me.

Is this yours?

No. It belonged to a friend of mine.

Does he play with it?

Not anymore.


If I'd told my mom about the man coming to our house, would my dad be alive today?

Listen to me.

Nothing you did caused your father's death. Okay?

And there is nothing you could've done that would've stopped it.

But you did help us find the man who did it.

And I know that your father would be very...

[Whispers] very proud of you for that.

[Singsongy] Hello?


[Door closes]


What's this?

This is the paperwork on the phony Dr. Isles.

She was arrested earlier this evening.

Oh, where was she? At the spa?

No, don't tell me. She was at La Manage.

She was actually, uh, trying to pass a stolen credit card at Darlene's Wig shop.

Um, believe it or not, she has a lengthy record of scams and stolen I.D.s. so...

I'm so sorry that I romanticized her and probably cost some other unfortunate person more misery.

But how did you even know who she was?

I never saw her face.

Well, actually, uh... taking my mother as backup was a really good idea.

You know that she wasn't gonna let this woman get away with it scot-free. So...

I actually can't believe that she figured out how to use the camera on her phone.

[Chuckles] Your mother is very resourceful.

Yes, she is. And that picture made the case.

The detectives were able to charge her with a much more serious felony.

Well, what's more serious than identity theft? [Sets down papers]

Making the chief medical examiner question her life's work?

Well, I think it's just a shame that this woman can't use her powers for good.

What, her powers to steal other people's lives?

No, not that.

You know, her gift for accessorizing, for juxtaposition.

That spa and yoga combo was brilliant.

It was brilliant.

You could be brilliant, too, if you'd just become a ne'er-do-well con woman.

What's that?

My imposter ordered some fine French wine that she never picked up.

Well, wasn't she either gift that keeps on giving? {*}

Yay. Alright, but I would like to chef's depose this wine with a pizza.

Well actually, it'd be more accurate to accessorize.

Stop crackin' me. Eat the pizza! [laughs]

Here... what if I'll give you the pizza-earrings?